Alchimia - Canseliet - Alchimie Extract - Fren

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Excerpts From Book

Eugene Canseliet: the Alchemy explained on its texts classiqueq

See Page 5 of this Document for English Translation


No 35 this Thursday May 25, 1951

My quite dear old man,

I am in full work. This night was worse than the preceding one which was shown
extremely beautiful, after a storm of a violence inouïe had swept the sky, not without to
have literally flooded the village and chopped orchards and gardens under a grapeshot
the enormous ones let us grélons… No matter what it was, I lime pits not walk of my
operations which, in spite of the clouds and although I had started before the first
district, were possible thanks to a powerful cosmic impulse and to the price of a certain
mercury loss, which had with greatest volatility.

This morning, the weather is gloomy and the sky was covered, but I do not doubt that it
will not be released with the fall from the day, under the influence of the moon. Thus
hoped I to finish my eagles well this next night and, this one offering itself particularly
favourable, not only to precipitate the rémore, but also to consolidate it before the
early morning. Ram, I have bread on the board, like one says, and I will not put myself
late to light my large furnace this evening.

I found, in Paris, the nickel wire of 8/10 E of section, which I wanted, and I carried out,
on Monday, my test which, after 6 hours of perfect walk, as well with regard to the
precision balance as of the thermal stages, was stopped by the rupture of + (crucible) of

The accident occurred twice, so that under the threat of his repetition, during the real
execution, I prefer finally to stop me with small "clamping plate" N O 0, out of refractory
ground, much more resistant and the more so as the porcelain mud does not offer to me,
at the bottom, no advantage on him…


Here now, relating to the operation of the third work, a short ticket which was written at
the end of one night of monitoring. It will be enough, we are certain, to satisfy the
investigator who, wisely, accepts impossibility, that all is provided in detail:

No 37 this 17 May 1951 – 8 hours

My quite dear old man,

My coction is on the way since day before yesterday Tuesday, at 21 hours, very exactly,
i.e. since the moment when I included in the mud philosophal of 160 grs, 55 (symbol) my
will remora of 415 centigrs.

You think with which deep interest, with which intense emotion, unceasingly maintained,
I am well the enthralling operation beyond the qualifacatif one.

Like last year, the first sound, - C probably, - was made hear very quickly, 1 h. 32 after
the departure, i.e. worms 22 h. 30. It was maintained a little less than 2 minutes,
approximately 100 seconds, without the weight changing, which was at the beginning, it
+ clamping plate 0 and the mica included/understood, 313 grs, 6.

The 2 E whistle, which appeared me well to be D, occurred as much to say just 24 h.

afterwards, yesterday to 22 h. 10, tandis per same hour, 353 grs, 64, that is to say – it is
remarkable – the same fraction of progression as for the temperature 340 0.

For the weight the increase appears considerable, which always continues same
insensitive manner, - 18 grs. it there has ¼ hour – but is shown in


agreement, moreover, with the alchemical tradition giving to Pierre an enormous


The white mica is practical, but lets to me nothing see of other but the crust in dome
which was formed in +, above the matter and which is truly what the old ones named
philosophical lute or of Nature.

I do not await the semi one before the twilight, also I will sleep a few hours.

No 38 this 21 May 1951

My quite dear old man,

The large coction continues without tear, with the regularity of a clock and a way
apparently so simple and easy, that I then to drive out the apprehension that does not
occur, from one moment to another, some catastrophe which does not come all to destroy
and make me dearly pay, by a brutal disillusion, these unutterable hours of superhuman
hope and intense happiness.

Which extraordinary harmony that this operation, which suave poetry also whose
Greek term reveals to the point, gasoline not only abstracted and metaphysical, but still
positive and scientific: [ ], Poiesis, clothes industry, execution, operation.

More doubt now, my good old man, and if God wants it, I will have of it this evening the
confirmation, the black lasts 6 days and the hebdomas hebdomadum of the Followers is
very real, that the 7 E day finishes, that of the rest. During this last must quickly follow
one another the two stages of the white and red, with, certainly, the absence of any
difficulty which the quietude of Sunday or Sunday points out. As I will have to hear this
evening the note closing the last day of work, i.e. the 6 E, at the same time as the series


sound of which crescendo showed itself as surely sensitive to my ear as the graduated
progression of the weight and heat in their constant synchronism. Here weights raised in
the time even where was made hear each light whistle (+ included/understood):

333,65 354,8 368,6 396 423,5 440,60

I am held at present to 500 0 according to whether allows it to me, as well as possible, my

pyro excel, but whose divisions go by 20. The apparatus is however very right since the
compost does not suffer from it, of which the protective crust increase in at present
already last weight to 440,6. I notice that the sound stages are not rigorously 24 h., that
they vary from 10 to 12 minutes, as I check it on the clock of the dining room which is of
a great exactitude. That seems to me particularly singular.

Since this time, during more than twenty years, because of the contrary temperature, we
tested only four times the realization of the ultimate phase, without making a success of
it, but also, thanks to God, without causing the rupture of egg. This one, it is necessary
well to be appropriate about it, is, actually an explosion, forces certainly and apparently
without danger, but of which we cannot envisage the consequences exactly and which
ultimately, we do not make a point of renewing.

The abrupt stop of the coction of the third work by the accidental opening of the vessel
philosophal, releases an unimaginable accumulation of cosmic energy whose catalytic
action can be felt, in unsuspected manner, without no limit stopping it in space. We had
to note it


nostrum is quasi mineralis will terra, coagulationis suae respectu, & tamen aer volatilis,
will intra quod is Coelum Philosophorum in central suo, quod centrum is reverà astral,
irradians usque terram AD superficiem suo jubare.

Yes, the Chaos of the philosopher is a mineral ground, an ore, more precisely a sulphide,
but what Philalèthe does not say, it is that it is important to return, with this raw material,
the spirit of life, essential and latent, that he had in the mine, when the great Principle
pushed it center with the periphery.


Artephius evoked, rather obviously, as of the first lines of its opuscule, the name which it
is interdict to advance, nor to even pronounce or, to write:

"antimony is parts of Saturn and, in all ways, it of nature, and Saturnin antimony is
appropriate for the Sun, and in him is the quick silver in which any metal is not
submerged, if it is not gold, i.e. the sun only is submerged, in truth, in quick silver
antimonial Saturnin, and without this quick silver no metal cannot be bleached 1."

Philalèthe echoed the antiquissime philosopher, while underlining, as Basile Valentine

had not missed there before him, the well-known property which has the mineral subject,
to remove common gold from foreign metals which can encumber it and to tarnish it. The
feeling of the famous Benedictine could not give place to the least ambiguity:

1. The secret Book relating to occult Art, in Three Treat natural Philosophy, C$Op
cit.>, p. 7.

No 35 Thursday 25 May 1951

My very good friend,

I amndt in full work. This night has been worse than the preceding one which was extremely
beautiful, after which has storm of incredible year violence swept the sky, and literally flooded
the village and pelleted orchards and gardens under has grapeshot of huge hailstones… No matter
what it' S been like, I C not complain of the steps of my operations that, despite clouds and
although I had begun before the first quarter, were possible thanks to has powerful cosmic pulse
and At the price of has some loss of Mercury, which had the greatest volatility.

This morning, the weather is gloomy and the sky has clouded, goal I C not doubt that it will not
liberate me after the fall of the day, under the influence of the moon. Thus I hoped to finish my
eagles this next night and, the to form offering itself particularly favourable, not only to
precipitate the rémore, goal also to consolidate it before the early morning. Lady, I cuts the bread
one the board, have one says, and I will not wait to broad light my furnace this evening.

I cuts found, in Paris, the nickel wire of 8/10th of section, that I wanted, and I cuts undertaken,
one Monday, my test which, after 6 hours of perfected training courses, have well have with
glance to the precision balances of the thermal training courses, was interrupted by the rupture of
the + (crucible) of porcelain.

The accident occurred twice, so that under the threat of this repetition, during the real execution, I
finally preferred to choose the small "clamping punt" No 0, ground out of refractory earth, which
is far more resistant than the mud of porcelain, which quite frankly, has No advantage…


Here is now, relative to the operation of the third work, has shorts account which was written At
the end of has night of monitoring. It will suffice, we are sour, to satisfy the investigator who,
wisely, accepts the impossibility, that the whole is provided in detail:

No 37 this 17 May 1951 - 8 hours

My very good friend,

My coction has been one the way since the day before yesterday Tuesday, At 9:00 token entry,
very exactly, i.e. since the urgent when I added to the philosophical mud of 160.55 grams,
[ symbol ] my will remora of 415 centigrams.

You think with deep interest, with intense emotion, unceasingly maintained, I amndt well the
enthralling operation beyond qualification.

Like last year, the first sound, - the C (C) probably, - was heard very quickly, 1 hour 32 minutes
after the departure, that is to say to 10:30 p.m. It was maintained for has bit less than 2 minutes,
approximately 100 seconds, without the weight changing, which was in the beginning, the +
clamping punt 0 and the mica understood, 313.6 grams.

The 2nd whistling, which sounded to have me RE (D), occurred have much to say just 24 h.
afterwards, yesterday At 10:10 token entry, during the same hour, 353.64, is - it is remarkable -
the same fraction of progression have for the temperature 3400.

For the weight the increase appears considerable, which always continuous in the same
insensitive manner, - 18 ¼ hour - goal shows itself


in agreement, moreover, with the alchemical tradition giving to the Stone year enormous density.

The white mica is practical, goal allows me to see nothing other than the crust in the dome which
was formed in the +, above the matter and which is truly what the ancients named the
philosophical lutes gold of Nature.

I C not await the SEMI (E) before dusk, also I amndt going - I will sleep some hours.

No 38 this 21 May 1951

My very good friend,

The great coction continuous without has snag, with the regularity of has clock and in A way
apparently so simple and easy, that I then drive out the apprehension that does not occur, any
time, that some catastrophe won' T come to destroy and make me pay dearly, by has brutal
unutterable disillusion, these hours of superhuman hope and intense happiness.

What extraordinary harmony that this operation has, which is also has suave poetry whose Greek
term reveals, without ambiguity, the gasoline not only abstracted and metaphysical, goal also
positive and scientific: [ ], Poiesis, clothes industry, execution, operation.

More doubt now, my good friend, and yew God wants it, I will cuts this evening the
confirmation, the black lasts 6 days and the hebdomas hebdomadum of the Adepts is very real,
that it ends one the 7th day, that of rest. During the race of this ending the two training courses of
the white and red must quickly follow one another, with, certainly, the reflective absence of any
difficulty which is of the tranquility of Sunday, the day of the Lord. Have I will cuts to hear this
evening the note closing the last day of the work, that is to say the 6th, At the same time have the
sound series


whose crescendo has surely appeared have sensitive to my ear have the graduated progression of
the weight and the heat in their constant synchronism. Here are the weights revealed during the
same time that each of the light whistles was heard (+ included):

333.65 354.8 368.6 396 423.5 440.60

I presently hold to 500 0 aces best have L amndt whitebait to, according to my excel pyro, goal
whose increments go by 20. Correct The apparatus is however very since the compost does not
suffer from it, whose protective crust increase of presently past weight already to 440.6. I note
that the sound training courses are not rigorously 24 hours, that they vary from 10 to 12 minutes,
have I edge best verify it one the clock of the dining room which is quite accurate. That seems to
me particularly singular.

Since this time, during the race of more than twenty years, because of the contrary temperature,
we tried only furnace times the realization of the ultimate phase, without success, goal also,
thanks to God, without causing the rupture of the egg. This, it is necessary to admitted, is,
actually year explosion, violate certainly and apparently without danger, goal which we cannot
anticipate the consequences exactly and definitely, we C not wish to renew.

Abrupt The stop of the coction of the third work by the accidental opening of the philosophical
vessel, releases year unimaginable accumulation of cosmic energy whose catalytic action edge Be
felt, in year unsuspected manner, without any limit stopping it in space. We had to note it....


nostrum is quasi mineralis will terra, coagulationis suae respectu, & tamen aer volatilis,
will intra quod is Coelum Philosophorum in central suo, quod centrum is reverà astral,
irradians usque terram AD superficiem suo jubare.

Yes, the Chaos of the to philosophize is has mineral earth, year ore, more precisely has sulphide,
goal what Philalethes does not say, is that it is significant to return, to this raw matter, the spirit of
life, essential and latent, that it possessed in the mine, when the great Principle pushed it from
the center to the periphery.


Artephius evoked, rather obviously, from the first lines of his opuscule, the name that it is
forbidden to advance, NOR even to pronounce but, to Write:

"Antimony is of Saturnin shares, and has, in all regards the natural thereof, and the lead antimony
agrees with the Sun, and in it is the quicksilver in which No metal is swallowed up, except gold,
i.e. only gold is truly swallowed up by this lead antimonial quicksilver, and without this
quicksilver No metal whatsoever edge Be whitened by it. 1 "

Philalethes echoed the ancient to philosophize, by underlining, have Basil Valentine had not
missed before him, the well known property possessed by the mineral subject, of clearing the
common gold of foreign metals which edge encumber it and tarnish it. The feeling of the famous
Benedictine could not Be taken with the least ambiguity:

1. Secret The Book relating to occult Art, in Three Leaflets of the natural Philosophy, C$Op cit.,
p. 7.


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