Gemstone Spectra Comparison BL3 LAVENDER and INDIGO BLUE GEMS

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Reference Gem Image


AH B-V195

Cubic Zirconia

Verneuil synthetic

Verneuil synthetic
(ω ray)
Verneuil synthetic
(ε ray)

Verneuil synthetic (In
scattered tungsten
light) BLFcc0278


(In scattered
tungsten light)

Diffused Colour

(α ray)

(β ray)

(γ ray)


Cubic Zirconia

400nm Spectrum 700nm
Comparison Notes
SPINEL. Colour due to iron. The
spectrum of this almost colourless spinel with the slightest tint of lavender blue yields little to help identity.
However on careful inspection a very fine line can be seen at 460nm. in the blue. The two faint bands centred at
570nm. and 590nm. create a delicate balance which enables a slight colour shift to a lilac pink in tungsten light.

GARNET. Colour due to vanadium. A pale

shade of lavender blue garnet from the pyrope - spessartine series with few features in the spectrum. However he
faint absorption band in the yellow and the extensive transmission in the red is sufficient to create a colour change
to brownish pink in tungsten light. Lines often seen in the blue due to iron and manganese are obscured by the
absorption which extends up to 460nm.

CUBIC ZIRCONIA. Colour possibly due to rare earths.

This rather pale lavender blue CZ did not produce the expected strong rare earth spectrum seen in
others of a similar colour. On close inspection apart from the moderate absorption from 560nm. to 600nm.other
weak lines are seen in the deep blue, green and orange which appear to form a pattern similar to that seen in the
deeper coloured indigo bluer CZ BLF1013 shown below, but in a very much weaker form.

SAPPHIRE, VERNEUIL SYNTHETIC (Unpolarised) Colour due to vanadium. Chromium may also be present.
This is the colour change corundum
marketed as a stimulant to alexandrite. In daylight. It is distinguishable by it's lavender blue colour which changes
to a bright purplish red in tungsten light. The mechanism for this change in colour can be seen in the spectrum
where the broad absorption band centred at 570nm. controls the balance between blue and red. Short wave
transmission here starts at about 465 nm. and alongside this at 475nm. can be seen the sharp narrow line
diagnostic for this material.


Dichroism in this stone is strong and when the o-ray is isolated using a polarising filter this is evident in
the colour of the stone and the spectrum. In daylight the stone is more blue and the broad absorption band in the
centre of the spectrum widens and sifts more towards the long wave side.
Rotating the polarising filer through 90º will locate the e-ray and the stone becomes more green in daylight. The
spectrum reacts accordingly and the centre absorption band becomes narrower and weaker, shifting back to the
short wave side centring about 560nm. There is also a little more transmission on the short wave side of the line at

SAPPHIRE, VERNEUIL SYNTHETIC (In scattered tungsten light) The

image of the stone illustrates the dramatic colour change of this material in unpolarised tungsten light. When a
strong narrow beam is scattered from within the stone fluorescence is activated when chromium is present. so now
as well as the unpolarised spectrum as shown above we now have the bright chromium fluorescing doublet at
693/694nm. in the deep red.

SAPPHIRE. Colour due to iron and chromium. Compare

the spectrum of this natural colour change sapphire to that of the synthetic above. At first glance it appears quite
similar with the central absorption band placed strategically to trigger a colour shift according to the energy source.
The iron content here is very low with no sign of the usual absorption features in the blue area. Here there is
however faint indications of the lines due to chromium at 468nm. and 475/476nm. and with scrutiny a faint
fluorescence line can be detected at 693/ the deep red. In tungsten light the stone appears a purplish red
and a dull red through a Chelsea filter.

SAPPHIRE,. (In scattered tungsten light)

Using the same technique as for the synthetic sapphire above reveals the full extent of the fluorescence. The main
doublet at 693/694nm. is much stronger and the two other weaker fluorescence lines can be seen at 659nm. and
668nm. Absorption is considerably diminished.

SAPPHIRE - DIFFUSED. Colour due to chemical diffusion. The

diffusion process is often attributed to addition of iron and titanium. A narrow faint line is seen at 450nm. and a
broad band centred at 570nm. These and the strong absorption beyond 650nm. are due to the transfer charge
between the two elements. Cobalt has also been used and evidence of this can be seen here with faint bands
present at 550nm., 590n.and 630nm. Seen through a Chelsea filter the stone appears a weak purplish red.

IOLITE. (Unpolarised) Colour mainly due to due to Fe2 - Fe3 Inter- valence transfer charge.
Small and pale specimens of iolite yield very little of interest in
their spectra and in larger stones of deeper colour the strong pleochroism makes it difficult in observing any lines
present. The main feature in the spectrum is a central absorption with two close bands which merge to centre about
570nm. The strength of this absorption varies in the three main optical directions contributing to the distinct
pleochroism. Another narrower band is present at 492nm. When properly orientated during cutting the most
desirable violet-blue colour in unpolarised light is achieved via the table and crown facets as shown here.
IOLITE. (alpha ray)
Light transmitted through iolite which vibrates parallel to the "a" crystal axis appears a pale brownish yellow colour
when isolated using a polarising filter. Transmission in the red is extended and the central absorption band is
weaker with a little transmission in the yellow between the two individual bands mentioned above. The band in the
blue-green area at 492nm. is also present and a vague narrow band is seen at 456nm. Because of the orientation in
cutting this stone has to be viewed from the pavilion side to observe this spectrum.

IOLITE. ( beta ray)

This is the dark violet-blue ray vibrating parallel to the "b" axis. In this direction transmission is poor from about
550nm. to the long wave limit. A faint transmission at 600nm. indicates the position of the central absorption at
570nm. and in lighter stones a band may be detected at 645nm. which here is obscured by intense absorption. As
transmission in the blue and violet has improved several other vague narrow absorption lines are now seen in the
violet , blue and green. at 423nm. 435nm. and at 535nm.

IOLITE. (gamma ray)

This paler blue ray combined with the violet beta ray produces the fine colour seen via the crown of the cut
gemstone when properly orientated. Absorption is greater than in the alpha ray in the higher wavelengths but not so
great as in the beta ray. Transmission is greater in the violet-blue, consequently the pattern of absorption bands as
described above is more readily resolved. These different rays can be isolated and observed by the use of a
polarising filter.

Tanzanite. Colour due to vanadium. A

large tanzanite of fine deep colour provided this unpolarised spectrum . The main feature is the intense broad
absorption band from 560nm to 630nm. (compare this to the paler stone BLF0355 in BL2 ) A moderate band is also
seen centred at 520nm. and a weak narrow line at 450nm. Very little variation was seen between the blue and violet
rays other than a weaker absorption in the blue ray.

CUBIC ZIRCONIA. Colour due to erbium and neodymium.

Often used as a tanzanite simulant this colour in CZ is derived by a combination of two rare earth elements. The
main absorption lines due to erbium can be seen at 485/490nm; 520/525nm. and a vague group centred at 650nm.
The wide group of lines appearing as a diffused band between 570nm. and 605nm. in the yellow area is due to
neodymium. Several other lines may be seen in the violet- blue area which may be due to either of these rare earths.
Lack of pleochroism and the rare earth spectrum reveals it's true nature

GLASS. Colour due to possibly rare earths. Anther

material simulating tanzanite is glass of this colour. The spectrum is not unlike that of the paler tanzanite BLF0355
in BL2 but again it's single refraction and lack of pleochroism is sufficient to distinguish it form tanzanite.
© John Harris Gemlab UK
700nm Spectrum 400nm

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