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Reference Filter

Hanneman - Harris
Cape Line Colour Filter


Yellow Synthetic
Sapphire Filter

Hanneman Chromium
Fluorescence Filter

Red Filter for Crossed
Filter Test and
Birefingence Readings

Copper Sulphate
Selenium Glass

Olive Oil

Permanganate Solution

Crookes Glass

Hanneman Alexandrite
and Colour Shift Fiter

Hanneman Alexandrite
and Colour Shift Fiter
Hanneman Standard
Reference Colour Filter

Eyepiece Filter
for Refractometer

Fibre Optic Filter
for Refractometer

LED Lamp for


Fibre Optic Filter for

Vapour Lamp

400nm Spectrum 700nm


absorption line at 415nm. in diamond. The intense transmission in diamond at wave lengths above 540nm. is suppres
transmits down to 410nm. in the deep violet. Although a weak narrow transmission may be seen in the red from 655 t
intensity light source it does not distract from the view in the violet. As a high intensity tungsten lamp is the most sui
is best placed between the stone and the spectroscope.

HANNEMAN YELLOW SYNTHETIC SAPPHIRE FILTER This is used as a complementary filter with
the yellow transmission in yellow stones. It provides better contrast between areas of unequal areas of colour distrib
synthetic stones such as yellow sapphire. The main features in the filter's spectrum which result in the particular sha
narrow absorption at 580nm. with a very faint one at 595nm. plus a broader band of about 30nm. centred at 640nm. A
remainder of the spectrum gives sufficient light to resolve any uneven colour banding through an immersion microsc

HANNEMAN CHROMIUM FLUORESCENCE FILTER Transmission shown here in this fluorescen

from deep blue to green between 440nm. And 540nm. All yellow, orange or red light is absorbed and it can be used to
fluorescence in some gemstones containing chromium. The increase in wavelength to that of red light can be enhanc
contrasting red filter. This is the principal of the "Cossed Filter" or "Contrasting Colour Filters" Test.

HANNEMAN RED FILTER FOR CROSSED FILTER TEST As a dual purpose filter this can first of all be used
Fluorescence Filter" to detect fluorescence as described above. The main transmission band stretches from 600nm.
help to enhance the bright emission lines seen in the spectra of ruby and red spinel. A little green light passes as two
and 570nm. but does not affect performance. It's other function is when using the refractometer in white light if sodi
Because of it's longer wave length the R. I. readings will be about .005 higher. However, birefringence readings will b
resolution of the shadow edges. Instructions for use in this context are printed on the reverse of the filter.

COPPER SULPHATE (Cu.SO4) colour due to copper. Although superseded by more modern glas
solution of copper sulphate can still be used as an fluorescence exciter filter. Transmission from 420nm. to 560nm. is
it a useful blue filter for the Contrasting Colour Filters Test to detect fluorescence. In an intense tungsten light sourc
570nm. down to 410nm. which can help to resolve the 415 nm. line in diamond as there is no transmission above 560
here illustrates this increase in transmission using a 150watt tungsten halogen fibre optic lamp. The solution acts as
condensing lens when in a round flask with less risk of heat damage to stone or filter.
SELENIUM GLASS Colour due to selenium. The selenium content will control the width o
seen here from 600nm. into the deep red. A lower selenium content produces an orangy red filter gradually reducing t
absorption centred in the green. A higher content results in a brownish red glass absorbing up to 660nm. with a narro
This is produced as a photographic correction filter and may be used with a copper sulphate solution in detecting red

OLIVE OIL - Cold pressed As in amorphous solids the absorption lines s

sharply defined as in crystalline materials. The spectrum of olive oil provides three lines which, although fairly broad
which can be used as an aid in calibration of lines seen in other spectra and for forming a calibration scale. The lines
680nm. are best seen through oil of approximately 10mm to 15mm. thicknes. If less the absorption lines are too weak
liquid becomes too dark and it is difficult to resolve the lines in the blue area.

POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE - (KMn.O4) Colour due to manganese. Absorption bands seen in this liq
504nm., 524nm., 546nm., and 571nm. Three of these are found to be in close proximity to those seen in almandine gar
confirmation when a scale is not present, as both can be viewed simultaneously using a comparison spectroscope. A
of the light path through the liquid mast be regulated in order to get the best resolution of the absorption bands.

CROOKES GLASS - Colour due to neodymium. Often referred to as "Furnace glass" the hi
depicted by the strong absorption band in the yellow area which subdued the intense glare and protected the eyes of
pattern of absorption lines is typical of neodymium except that, unlike those seen in a crystalline structure, in a glass
defined and appear vague and fuzzy in the amorphous structure.

HANNEMAN ALEXANDRITE AND COLOUR SHIFT FILTER #1 This is the pale orange straw coloured fi
two fairly strong absorption bands in the violet - blue area centred at 435nm. and 460nm. followed by a pair of very we
515/525nm. and a broader faint band at 550nm . This is used as a colour correction filter to convert daylight to standa

HANNEMAN ALEXANDRITE AND COLOUR SHIFT FILTER #2 This is the pale blue filter spectrum in wh
bands in the green are very faint as in the pale orange filter #1 but the two bands in the violet blue area are absent. T
correction filter to convert tungsten light to standard photographic daylight at 5500'K. The centre component of the "
Filter" is described below and used together with #1 and #2 in the observation of the overall body colour of gemston
colour shift or colour change in certain species.
HANNEMAN STANDARD REFERENCE COLOUR FILTER What at first appears to be a translucent c
unexpected spectrum. It consists of two overlapping filters, the pale orange straw coloured one and the pale blue on
and #2. The combined spectrum of these two filters is shown here in which all the absorption bands described in both
present but wider and stronger.The resulting transmission is stated by the manufacturer to be equal to that of "Photo
standardized colour temperature of 5500∙K. This filter also forms the centre section in the "Alexandrite and Colour Sh
blue components overlap. Further details on it's use accompanies the filter.

RAYNER EYEPIECE FILTER FOR REFRACTOMETER This eyepiece filter was supplied with the ea
in the 1960s as a conversion filter for use with tungsten light as a substitute for a sodium lamp. It 's transmission ban
although not monochromatic was sufficient to give an improved shadow edge without the necessity for calculating an
the transmission peak was so close to that of sodium. The low transparency of the filter required a strong tungsten li
the shadow edge was weak.

RAYNER FIBRE OPTIC FILTER FOR REFRACTOMETER This is a tubular cap which fits on to the en
arm of a tungsten halogen lighting unit which was made by The Rayner Optical company in the 1980s It was supplied
simulate sodium light to improve readings on the refractometer. Although more transparent than the above eyepiece
from 565nm. to 665nm. gives a weaker contrast at the shadow edge and an error factor must be allowed for readings
sodium standard . Birefringence readings will remain unaffected.

LED LAMP FOR REFRACTOMETER Although not a filter the yellow LED refracto
more recent years and still in use is an improvement on the intensity of the transmission the previous two filters. It is
show it's emission spectrum here for comparison. The shadow edge is brighter with an emission band between 550n
weak contrast. However it is more convenient than a filter and any error factor is so little that readings of reasonable
without alteration.

HANNEMAN FIBRE OPTIC FILTER FOR REFRACTOMETER A tubular filter again designed to fit on to
bright reading on the refractometer with good contrast at the shadow edge. As we see here in it's transmission spect
between 590nm. and 600nm. makes it an ideal substitute for a sodium lamp with no need for a correction calculation.
produced by Dr. W. Hanneman but proved to be too expensive to fit in to his product line of filters for his "Affordable

SODIUM VAPOUR LAMP To complete the picture here is the emission

vapour lamp showing the monochromatic sodium doublet centred at 589nm. The reason for being able to achieve ac
refractometer readings to with in three decimal places using this illumination is explained by this spectrum.
© John Harris Gemlab UK

700nm Spectrum 400nm

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