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Reference Gem Image




(α ray dominant)

(γ ray dominant)



AH B195

Verneuil Synthetic

Verneuil Synthetic

(ω ray)
Verneuil Synthetic
(ε ray)



Quartz Doublet

Verneuil Synthetic

Verneuil Synthetic
(ω ray)
Verneuil Synthetic
(ε ray)

Verneuil Synthetic
(In scattered
tungsten light)


(In scattered
tungsten light)

Yttrium Aluminium


Garnet Top Doublet


Cubic Zirconia

Cubic Zirconia

400nm Spectrum 700nm
Comparison Notes
SPINEL. Colour mainly due to iron and partly to cobalt.
This dark spinel required strong illumination to transmit through
the intense body colour. The yellow is absorbed with other faint bands seen in the orange and in the green due to a
low cobalt content. The main feature is a strong absorption in the deep blue due to iron centred about 460nm. in this
case, relatively broad. Transmission here fades out below 430 and in the orange above 670nm. The resultant colour
is a dark brownish violet.

TAAFFITE (o-ray) Colour rmainly due to iron.

The spectrum here is very similar to that of the spinel shown above. The slight
variation is not enough to distinguish between the two and other tests must be applied such as the detection of
double refraction in taaffite. The thick absorption band in the blue centred at 460nm. appears very close to that in
spinel but on close examination a faint line is also present at 435nm. Also the faint absorption at 550nm. is followed
by a little transmission in the yellow unlike the broad absorption in the spinel. The use of a polarising filter will help
to strengthen the features when observing the o-ray as seen here.

ALEXANDRITE - HYDROTHERMAL SYNTHETIC. (Unploarised) Colour due to chromium.

A dark saturated colour which is difficult to describe due to the strong pleochroism. In daylight it is violet
with flashes of purplish red and blue. In tungsten light there is a colour change to deep purplish red. The
unpolarised spectrum shown here is as seen in tungsten light where the position of the broad absorption band
centred about 570nm., allows more transmission of red rather than green-blue resulting in the colour change. A
strong doublet is seen in the red at 678/680nm. with two diffused lines at 655nm.and 645nm. Due to the high
chromium content short wave transmission is only from about 475nm. to 505nm. masking the chromium line at


Using a polarising filter to transmit only the faster alpha ray the central absorption has now become narrower and
allows more transmission in the red. This is the cause of the distinct pleochroism in alexandrite as in daylight the
stone now appears purple. Because of the optical orientation of this stone in relation to the table facet maximum
variation in pleochroism is best observed through the pavilion. In the spectrum the lines in the red are weaker but
the narrow absorption line seen in chromium rich alexandrite at 472nm. is more easily resolved with a little more
transmission on it's short wave side. In tungsten light the colour is more a purplish red.


As we rotate the polarising filter 90' the stone now appears a bluish green as the slower gamma ray
dominates the colour in daylight. The tungsten light spectrum now shows the broad central absorption extended
well into the red up to 670nm. and the doublet at 678/680nm. has intensified considerably. The 472nm. line now
appears as a cut off. but transmission in the green moves up to near 520nm. In tungsten light this stone is now a
greyish purple under the polarising filter in this direction. Observation of the spectrum in scattered tungsten light
did not reveal any sign of fluorescence of lines in the red in this stone.
ZIRCON. (Unpolarised) Colour due to uranium, radiation damage and traces of rare earths plus heat treatment.
The original colour of this zircon was an olive green which, after low temperature heat
treatment, became this violet colour.When viewed in In tungsten light it undergoes a an unusual "Reverse
alexandrite colour change" to a brownish green. Before treatment the spectrum was reported to be sharp and
strong and as seen here has retained this striking absorption spectrum in which some of the lines have merged to
form broad areas around the typical pattern seen in many high type zircons from Mogok. Note the two lines at
615nm. and 621nm. are visible here which ae often only detected in the e-ray.

ZIRCON. (o-ray)
When observing the o-ray in daylight very little change is seen. The stone appears a more greyish violet colour and
the two lines at 615nm and 621nm. now become very faint. It unusual that they should be seen at all in the o-ray.

ZIRCON. (e-ray)
The contrast in colour in the e-ray is striking as it now appears a dark green. A considerable change is also seen in
the spectrum where some bands have split to become two and the line at 575nm. is very faint. The most noticeable
change is the strength and width of the 615nm, and the 621nm. lines which have now merged as one band. In the
spectra of these heat treated zircons the strength and positions of the absorption lines in the violet to blue area, due
to traces of rare earth elements, may account for the colour change in tungsten light as described above.

GARNET. Colour mainly due to vanadium and partly to chromium.

This deep violet variety of garnet from Madagascar is part of the Pyrope - Spessartine series with an R. I. of
1.750 and displays anomalous birefringence in the polariscope.. The main feature in the spectrum is the central
absorption band which can vary slightly in position and strength according to the amount of vanadium and
chromium present. Here it lies centred about 575nm. and is of sufficient strength to result in a colour shift from
violet in daylight to a reddish purple in tungsten light. Two other faint narrow bands are barely visible about 490nm.
and 505nm. due to small amounts of manganese and iron respectively. Transmission ceases below 450nm.

SAPPHIRE - VERNEUIL SYNTHETIC (Unpolarised) Colour due to vanadium.

This violet variety of synthetic corundum has a distinct colour shift to reddish purple in tungsten light. This
is due to the broad absorption band which, shown here in the unpolarised tungsten spectrum, is centred about
570nm. and transmits light in the red from 600 to 700nm. In daylight the greater transmission would be in the blue
and green areas producing the violet colour shown in the gem image. This band and the narrow line in the blue at
475nm are due to vanadium. A similar variety of synthetic corundum is produced containing chromium which
enhances the colour change effect but there is no evidence of that in this stone.


Dichroism is distinct and in this stone is best detected through the side of the crown facets. The
ordinary ray is pale blue in daylight and purple in tungsten light. This is due to the centre absorption band which is
now centred at 580nm. having extended on the long wave side up to 630nm. The line at 475nm. is now a little
In daylight the extraordinary ray is pale green which in tungsten light is a brownish pink.
The central absorption has now narrowed with more transmission on each side . Transmission in the green stronger
and now extends to about 550nm. to produce the contrast to the blue ordinary ray. The line at 475nm. is barely

IOLITE. Colour mainly due to due to Fe2 - Fe3 Inter- valence transfer charge.
Pleochroism in this pale violet colour of iolite is weak and compared to the more saturated stone BLF0946 in BL3.
very little distinguishing features are present in it's spectrum. The unpolarised version here shows the usual
absorption band centred about 576nm. with several faint narrower bands throughout the blue and green but these
are too vague to calibrate with any accuracy.

GARNET. Colour mainly due to vanadium and partly to chromium.

Another garnet of the Pyrope - Spessartine series, this one from Sri - Lanka, with an R. I. of 1.762. but with a
slightly different hue to the violet one above (AHB195) The main absorption here is centred about 570nm. and is of
moderate width and strength which results in a slight colour shift from pale violet in daylight to purplish pink in
tungsten light. No other absorption lines were detected and transmission ceases below 465nm.

QUARTZ DOUBLET Colour due to dye in adhesive

In this unusual type of composite gemstone both crown and pavilion consist of colourless quartz so the R.I. is
similar to that for amethyst. The purple dye in the adhesive joining the two parts together is then responsible for the
colour which floods the stone to provide a very convincing imitation. There is a broad absorption from 560nm. to
595nm. with narrower weak bands in the green. Faint narrow bands may also be seen in the deep blue - violet region
possibly due to manganese in the dye. This stone appears a more reddish purple in tungsten light.

SAPPHIRE - VERNEUIL SYNTHETIC. (Unpolarised) Colour due to combination of chromium and iron - titanium pairs.
This purple synthetic sapphire has a typical chromium spectrum showing
a fairly moderate absorption band centred at 550nm. with vague narrow lines in the deep blue. and absorption in the
short wave up to 440nm. However due to the iron - titanium inter-valence transfer red is absorbed down to about
640nm. thus providing the purple colour.


Dichroism here, although distinct, is simply two shades of the same colour. The central absorption strengthens and
widens and absorption is stronger in the red with little transmission beyond 625nm. As a result the stone now
appears a deeper purple.
As we locate the extraordinary ray the centre absorption band becomes weaker and narrower giving more
transmission throughout the rest of the spectrum. The result now is for the stone to become a much paler shade of
purple The lines in the blue area are now difficult to define.

SAPPHIRE - VERNEUIL SYNTHETIC - (In scattered tungsten light.)

In tungsten light the colour of the stone shifts very slightly to a more reddish purple which in my opinion should not
be regarded as a colour change in terms of the "Alexandrite effect". When this light is scattered by internal specular
reflections the chromium fluorescence lines, hitherto unseen in the previous spectra, appear in the deep red at
595nm., 686nm. and a bright doublet at 693/694nm.

SAPPHIRE. Colour mainly due to chromium.

A natural purple sapphire which is less transparent than the above synthetic due to the silk like inclusions. The
central absorption here is weak with very little difference seen in the ordinary and extraordinary rays. Consequently
dichroism in this stone is weak with little difference between the two shades of purple. Viewing the unpolarised
spectrum in the normal manner by internally reflected light the doublet at 693/694nm. is immediately evident as a
bright fluorescent line. This plus considerable transmission in the red up to about 685nm., indicates that very little
iron is present. The lines in the blue are visible and there is considerable transmission in the blue-green.

SAPPHIRE. In scattered tungsten light.

Due to the position of the central absorption band there is a moderate colour shift to a brighter reddish purple in
tungsten light. This is also enhanced by the chromium fluorescence and the low iron content which, if higher, would
have subdued this effect. Upon slightly changing the orientation of the stone while observing the spectrum the
scattering of the tungsten light reveals the other fluorescence lines at 595nm. and 686nm.

YTTRIUM ALUMINIUM GARNET Colour due to neodymium.

As can be seen here the colour saturation is not always dependant on the amount of rare earth elements present
in the composition. The neodymium spectrum is often sharp well defined (see pink YAG PKF0618 in PK1) In this
spectrum the absorption lines are very faint and difficult to resolve. The group of lines in the yellow are but a weak
diffuse band as are others throughout the spectrum. The only obvious lines are the narrow one seen at 530nm. and
a diffuse broader one at 655nm. When viewed in a triphosphor fluorescent lamp this stone appears a pale blue.

GLASS. Colour due to neodymium.

As with all glass the rare earth elements do not adopt the same integration into the atomic structure as they do in
a crystalline material. As a result the absorption lines, although often strong, are not sharp and when close, tend to
merge to form wide dark bands. (See also PKFcc0936 in PK3) When viewed in a triphosphor fluorescent lamp this
stone appears a deep greyish blue.
GARNET, Colour due to iron. (Fe2+)
Both colour and RI (1.780) of this garnet indicate it as being part of the pyrope -almandine series often
referred to in the gem trade as "Rhodolite". The spectrum is typically moderate in strength for this type of garnet.
The three main absorption bands are clearly seen at 505nm.(the strongest and most persistent iron band) 527nm.
and 576nm. Only a faint trace of the absorption at 617nm. in the orange and at 462nm. in the deep blue can be
detected to complete the pattern seen in most garnets of this series.

GARNET TOP DOUBLET. Colour mainly due to glass pavilion

In this case the resultant spectrum is due to a combination of absorption
by the purple glass pavilion of the stone and the slice of red garnet on the crown. The purple glass is of pale
saturation and would have an almost continuous transmission apart from a weak absorption in the yellow and
green. However add to this the almandine garnet iron bands at 505nm. and 527nm. with other vague lines in the
deep blue and violet and the colour of the stone is a fine deep purple colour.

CUBIC ZIRCONIA. Colour due to rare earth neodymium.

As with all purple gemstones the spectrum shows some degree of absorption in the yellow - green area. Here it is
strong and extends from about 540nm. to 590nm. with a weaker narrow band also visible at 500nm. Faint narrow
lines are visible in the violet at 430nm. and 450nm. Transmission in this area is good which combined with the
remainder of the spectrum provides a good saturated purple colour.

CUBIC ZIRCONIA. Colour due to rare earths - neodymium and erbium.

Another CZ of similar colour to the one above with slightly more saturation. Comparing this spectrum to that of the
CZ above the broad central absorption has widened but now we have three strong lines at 490nm., 518nm. and
524nm. indicating the presence of erbium.

SPINEL. Colour due to iron and partly to cobalt.

This spinel is of a lighter reddish purple colour than the darker violet spinel above (VTF0658) In this
stone the absorption due to iron in the blue about 460nm. is much weaker as is also the faint cobalt absorption in
the green and yellow. This is due to lower concentrations of both iron and cobalt resulting in a more pleasant
© John Harris Gemlab UK
700nm Spectrum 400nm

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