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國中 英語科 考試卷 ___年 ___班 座號:___ 姓名:__________

1. ______We don’t have e___h food for next week. Let’s go
to the supermarket(超市)tonight.
2. ______A:What’s that b___n liquid(液體)in that cup?
B:It’s black tea. Would you like some?
3. ______A:The cakes and the pies are y___y. Can I eat
them up?
B:Of course you can.
4. ______Mom:The tea is cold. Can you h___t it up for me?
Eddie:OK, Mom.
5. ______Grace is my good friend. She is by my s___e all the
time when(當……時)I’m sad.
6. ______The l___r on the table is from Mr. Kent. He sent
(寄)it from the USA.
7. ______A:What do you want for breakfast?
B:I want a g___s of milk and an egg, thanks.
8. ______In Taiwan, the summer vacation(暑假)starts in J__
_y, the seventh month of the year.
9. ______New Year’s Day is on J___y first, and it is the first day of the
10. ______A:Are you r___y to go now?
B:No, I’m not. Please wait for me.
11. ______I eat rice and eggs every day. They are my favorite f___d.
12. ______In M___h, the third month of the year, people can
see a lot of cherry blossoms(櫻花)in Japan.
13. ______You can put some b___r on the bread(麵包). It
14. ______You can mix eggs and flour to make b___r. Then
you can use it to make some pancakes.
15. ______Making pies is hard, but making p___es for
breakfast with a pan is easy. A ten-year-old boy can do that.
16. ______Today is Mother’s Day. Josh is heating up the p___
n and ready to make dinner for his mother.
17. ______A:What is Dad doing?
B:He’s w___ring and taking care of the plants(植物).
18. ______I use c___ns of fish to make breakfast every day.
Can you get some for me on your way home, Jerry?
19. ______Mike is a great r___r. He won(贏了)ten gold
metals(金牌)last year.
20. ______Please get me a bag of f___r on your way home. I
need some to make a cake tonight.
1. ( )A:___ the date today? Is it ___ April 5th?
B:Yes, it is. By the way, your meeting with Jack is ___ April 7th.
A:I know, thanks.
(A) What’s; ╳; on (B) When’s; ╳; on
(C) What’s; ╳; ╳ (D) What’s; ╳; in
2. ( )A:What’s the date today?
B:It’s ___. What’s up?(怎麼了?)
(A) in January five (B) January five
(C) January fifth (D) on January fifth
3. ( )This Wednesday is Linda’s ___ birthday, and her parents are
preparing a party for her.
(A) eight (B) twelve (C) seventeenth (D) twenty-three
4. ( )A: What’s the date today?
B: It is ___.
(A) Friday (B) nine o’clock
(C) April second (D) July
5. ( )Your cellphone is new, ___ mine ___ old.
(A) and; is (B) but; is (C) and; are (D) but; are
6. ( )Lily:___ would you like, water or juice?
Mia:Water, please.
(A) How (B) When (C) What (D) Which
7. ( )Today is Tina’s birthday. Let’s get ___ for her party.
(A) a juice
(B) three juices
(C) three bottle of juice
(D) four bottles of juice
8. ( )Today is ___ May 25, and Toby’s birthday is
___ May 28. Let’s make a gift for him.
(A) on; on (B) ╳; ╳
(C) on; ╳ (D) ╳; on
9. ( )Can you see that tall building(建築物)? It has ___ floors,
and I live on the ___ floor.
(A) forty; twelve (B) fortieth; twelfth (C) forty; twelfth (D) fortieth;
10. ( )A:___ does Joe like, papaya milk or black tea?
B:He ___ black tea. He doesn’t like any drinks with milk.
(A) Which; like (B) How; likes (C) Which; likes (D) How; like
11. ( )A:Whose hats are ___?
B:These are the ___.
(A) these; girls’
(B) this; girls’
(C) these; girls
(D) this; girls
12. ( )A:Do you have any ___?
B:Of course. How many do you need?
(A) butter and salt (B) milk tea
(C) cups and glasses (D) rice and flour
13. ( )A:___ does Jean eat a day?
B:She doesn’t eat a lot. Two bowls of rice ___ enough for her.
(A) How much rice; are
(B) How many rice; are
(C) How much bowls of rice; is
(D) How many bowl of rice; is
14. ( )Your cellphone and Mary’s ___ the same model(機型), but _
__ is blue, and ___ is white.
(A) is; your; her (B) are; yours; her
(C) is; yours; hers (D) are; yours; hers
15. ( )A:My parents like playing badminton at the park. What about
B:Mine ___ jogging there.
(A) yours; likes (B) yours; like (C) your; like (D) your; likes
16. ( )There are ______ floors in this building, and my uncle lives on the ______ floor.
(A) twenty; twentieth (B) twentieth; twentieth
(C) twenty; twenty (D) twentieth; twenty
17. ( )A:I didn’t bring(攜帶)my cellphone with ___.
B:Me ___. I forgot(忘了)to bring ___.
(A) me; either; my (B) me; either; mine
(C) mine; too; mine (D) mine; also; my
18. ( )Tina just bought a liter(公升)of water, but she dropped the
bottle on the floor accidentally(意外地). Now, there is only ___
water in the bottle, and there is ___ water on the floor.
(A) a lot of; a lot of
(B) a few; some
(C) any; a little
(D) a little; a lot of
19. ( )One third of the students joined the summer camp today, but ______ didn’t.
(A) two third (B) two thirds (C) one forth (D) one fourths
20. ( )A:Do we need ___ drinks for the party?
B:Yes, we need ___ tea and juice.
(A) any; some
(B) some; any
(C) a lot; much
(D) much; many
21. ( )It’s November ___, and it’s December ___ tomorrow(明天).
(A) thirteen; one (B) thirteenth; first (C) thirtieth; first (D)
thirtieth; the first
22. ( )A:___ is there in the box?
B:There ___ five bags.
(A) How many bags of salt; are
(B) How much salt; is
(C) How much salt; are
(D) How many bags of salt; is
23. ( )A:___ mice are there in the kitchen?
B:___. Can you ___ me get them away?
(A) How much; A lot; help
(B) How many; One; help
(C) How many; Two; helping
(D) How many; Five; help
24. ( )A:There ___ a lot of fish in the pond. ___ fish do you
B:About sixty.
(A) are; How many
(B) is; How much
(C) is; How many
(D) are; How much
25. ( )A:How much guava juice ___ there on the table?
B:There ___ two glasses on it.
(A) are; are (B) are; is
(C) is; are (D) is; is
26. ( )One third of the students want to go on a trip(旅行), but ___
(A) two third
(B) two thirds
(C) one fourth
(D) one fourths
27. ( )A:Is this Meg’s hat or ___?
B:It’s ___. Mine is on the sofa.
(A) yours; hers (B) you; hers (C) your; her hat (D) your hat; her
28. ( )A:Who are ___ students in the line?
B:They’re Janet, Cherry, and Alisa.
(A) first three (B) three first
(C) the three first (D) the first three
29. ( )A:___ people will(將會)come to this meeting?
A:Thanks. I need to make everyone ___.
(A) How much; some tea
(B) How much; tea
(C) How many; cup of tea
(D) How many; a cup of tea
30. ( )The mother bear will(將會)wait months in the cave(洞穴)__
_ the little bears are old enough to go outside.
(A) or (B) and (C) but (D) until
31. ( )A:___ hot milk do you want?
B:One cup is enough, thanks. By the way, ___ you help me for a
A:Of course. What can I do for you?
(A) How much; do
(B) How much; can
(C) How many; do
(D) How many; can
32. ( )A:___ is there on the table?
B:I’m not sure.
(A) How many pictures
(B) How much bowl
(C) How much green tea
(D) How many cups of tea
1. ( )Peter:Which do you like, guava juice or apple juice?
(A) I like juice.
(B) I like apple pies.
(C) I like guava juice.
(D) I don’t like grapes.
2. ( )A:Good morning. Our fruit is very fresh(新鮮的)today.
B:Good. I need ten oranges and five apples. ___
A:Eighty-nine dollars.
(A) How much are they?
(B) What about the bananas?
(C) Whose pineapples are they?
(D) How many guavas do you have?
3. ( )Dinner is ready, everyone. Come to the dining room and ___.
(A) brush our teeth
(B) give me a break
(C) let’s make pies
(D) enjoy the food together
4. ( )A:___
B:No. It’s on May 10th.
(A) Is today May 9th?
(B) Is your birthday in April?
(C) What’s the date today?
(D) When is Erin’s birthday party?
5. ( )A:How many eggs are there in the box?
B:There are twelve in it.
A:Can I have two eggs, please?
A:Thanks a lot.
(A) They’re not mine.
(B) There’s only one.
(C) Sure. Here you are.
(D) They’re David’s boxes.
6. ( )A:Isn’t the basketball game ___?
B:Yes, it is this weekend. Do you want to go with me?
(A) at your school
(B) in the library
(C) on the weekend
(D) on Monday
7. ( )A:What’s the date today?
A:Tomorrow(明天)is Teacher’s Day. Let’s make our teacher a card.
(A) It’s Sunday.
(B) It’s my first day in the USA.
(C) It’s September twenty-seventh.
(D) It’s September twenty-eighth.
8. ( )A:When is Mother’s Day in Taiwan?
A:Really? It’s on the last Sunday in November in Russia(俄羅斯).
(A) I love my mom.
(B) It’s on the second Sunday in May.
(C) Can we celebrate it on that day?
(D) It’s also Father’s Day.
9. ( )A:Can I eat one piece of the strawberry cake? It looks(看起
B:Of course you can. You can ___. It is also delicious, just like
the strawberry one.
(A) have only one piece
(B) drink black tea to go with it
(C) eat these strawberries on the cake
(D) have one piece of the banana cake, too
10. ( )A:We celebrate(慶祝)Mother’s Day this month.
B:Really? ___
A:It’s on the second Sunday in May.
(A) When is Mother’s Day here?
(B) What do you do for Mother’s Day?
(C) Today is Mother’s Day.
(D) What month does Mother’s Day fall(落在)this year?

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