DS Model - QP - S2

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B.E/B.Tech Degree Examinations –NOV/DEC2022


UNIT-I Date:
Year & Sem: II /III Time : 3.00 hrs
Branch: CSE
Total Marks : 100 Marks
PART A [Answer All Question] (10×2=20)
1. Compare calloc and malloc functions and mention its applications in linked list.
2. Analyze and write the array representation of a polynomial. P(x)=4x3+6x2+7x=9.
3. Define Double Ended Queue.
4. Classify the different types of Queue.
5. List the applications of trees?
6. Show the result of various traversal of the binary search tree in given figure2.
7. Define Euler circuits.
8. Find out the in-degree and out-degree of each node in the graph figure3.
9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of separate chaining and linear probing.
10. State the principle of Topological sorting.

PART B [Answer All Question] (2×13=26)

11. (a)List an algorithm to perform the following operations in a doubly linked list.
i. Insert a node at the end of the list. (7)
ii. Delete the last node in the list. (6)(OR)
(b) Describe the various operations of the list ADT with examples. (13)
12. (a) What are the Circular queue write the procedure to insert an element to circular queue and
delete an element from a circular queue using array implementation (13)(OR)
(b) Explain the following with necessary routine.
(i) Array implementation of Stack. (6)
(ii) Linked list implementation of Queue (7)
13. (a) (i) Write a routine for AVL tree insertion. Insert the elements in the empty tree and how do you
balance the tree after each element insertion? Elements: 2,5,4,6,7,9,8,3,1,10. (8)
(ii) Explain the construction of expression tree with example. (5) (OR)
(b) Consider the binary search tree given below
ii. Find the result of in-oder, pre-order, post-order traversals.
iii. Show the result of deletion of Root node.
iv. Insert 11,22,33,44,55,66, and 77 in the tree.

14. (a) Explain about topological sorting with example (13)

(b) Create a B Tree of order 5 by inserting the following elements:
3,14,7,1,8,5,11,17,13,6,23,12,20,26,4,16,18,24,25, and 19. (13)
15. (a) Explain about Bubble sort with example by Routine program. (13)
(b) (i) Interpret the result of inserting the keys 2,3,5,7,11,13,15,6,4 into an initially empty extendible
hashing data structure with M=3. (9)
(ii) Discuss Divide and Conquer algorithm with example. (4)

PART C (1×15=15)
16. Construct the AVL tree for following after rotation (OR)


(b) Find Create an algorithm to add and subtract two polynomials using linked list.

Prepared by Verified by Approved by

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