Sperry Cerebral Organization

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CURRENT PROBLEMS IN RESEARCH tal sphere or cognitive system-that is,

its own independent perceptual, learn-

ing, memory, and other mental proc-
Cerebral Organization esses. It is as if each of the separated
hemispheres is unaware of what is ex-
perienced in the other, as if neither
and Behavior has any direct memory of anything that
has gone on in the other subsequent
to the midline surgery. In these respects
The split brain behaves in many respects like two it is as if the animals had two separate
separate brains, providing new research possibilities.

R. W. Sperry
Functions of the Corpus callosum
Although there were indications in
the earlier literature on the corpus cal-

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losum that this might be the case-indi-
The control centers of the brain, in- of the brain lesion method and related cations that now can be picked out, in
cluding the cortical areas, come in techniques. The following is a general- retrospect-the first convincing demon-
matched pairs, right and left mirror ized survey of some of these develop- stration came from the experiments of
mates, with a complete set to each ments. Ronald Myers on the role of the corpus
side. Normally, right and left brain The animal studies from the begin- callosum in interocular transfer in the
halves are in direct communication ning have confirmed the earlier clinical cat (1, 2). In brief, he found that with
through a series of commissures, which observations that complete section of both the 4pticchiasm and the corpus
are defined as fiber systems that cross the corpus callosum produces surpris- callosum sectioned (see Fig. 2), a cat
the midline to form reciprocal cross- ingly little disturbance of ordinary be- is unable to perform with one eye
connections between corresponding havior. Callosum-sectioned cats and visual pattern discriminations learned
structures on the right and left sides. monkeys are virtually indistinguishable with the other eye. When obliged to use
The largest of these is the great com- from their normal cagemates under the second eye such a cat behaved
missure of the cerebral hemispheres, most testing and training conditions. normally except that it appeared to
the corpus callosum, the general pro- This tends to be the case also with fur- have a complete amnesia for the visual
portions of which are indicated in Fig. ther midline sections added, even to training experienced with the first eye.
1, with reference to the rhesus monkey, the extent of including all the struc- It learned to respond, with the second
its relative size in man being somewhat tures labeled in Fig. 1, plus the cere- eye, to a given stimulus in a manner
larger. bellum. exactly the reverse of that in which it
The corpus callosum is the most Except for causing partial loss of had been trained to respond with the
massive by far of any single fiber tract vision, these midline cuts leave nearly first eye, and learned the two responses
in the brain. It was, therefore, cause all the sensory inflow, motor outflow, with equal ease.
for some concern that complete surgical and other brain-stem relations intact, In controls in which only the chiasm
section of the corpus callosum in hu- and they leave most of the internal is cut and the callosum is left intact,
man patients failed to produce any organization of each hemisphere un- discriminations learned with the first
clear-cut functional impairments detect- disturbed. Aside from manifesting an eye are readily performed with the
able even with extensive neurological initial tremor and unsteadiness when second. If the corpus callosum is not
and psychological testing. The dis- the cerebellum is bisected, monkeys re- cut until after training with the first
crepancy between the large size, stra- covered from such midline surgery eye is completed, the learning again
tegic position, and apparent importance show no disabling paralysis, ataxia, or transfers, and thereafter the learned
of the corpus callosum on the one spasticity. There is no forced circling, discrimination can be performed with
hand, and the lack of functional dis- nor are there other asymmetries. The either eye (2). If, after training with
turbance after its section on the other, animals are not overly hyperactive or the corpus callosum intact, the cortex
posed for many years one of the more lethargic. Visceral and other homeo- on the directly trained side is ablated,
intriguing and challenging enigmas of static functions continue as before. The one still gets transfer of the habit to
brain function. monkeys remain alert and curious and the second eye (3). In other words,
During the past seven years or so retain fair-to-good muscular coordina- the corpus callosum is shown to be in-
the old "riddle of the corpus callosum" tion. They perceive, learn, and remem- strumental in laying down a second set
has been largely resolved, in animal ber much as normal animals do. of memory traces, or engrams, in the
studies in which it has been possible However, if one studies such a "split- contralateral hemisphere-a mirror-
at last to demonstrate definite high-level brain" monkey more carefully, under image duplicate or weak carbon copy
integrating functions for this structure. special training and testing conditions of the engram on the directly trained
More important, perhaps, the results where the inflow of sensory informa- side, perhaps, to judge from the sym-
have also opened some promising new tion to the divided hemispheres can be metry of reciprocal cross-connections
approaches to the study of cerebral separately restricted and controlled, one in the callosal fiber pattern. These ex-
organization, significantly extending the finds that each of the divided hemi- The author is Hixon professor of psychobiology,
general scope and analytic possibilities spheres now has its independent men- California Institute of Technology, Pasadena.
2 JUNE 1961 1749
hippoc. commissure periments were carried out in apparatus
1 haben. commissure of the type shown in Fig. 3, developed
earlier for testing and quantifying re-
fined pattern discrimination in the cat.
Because the memory trace or engram
has always been extremely elusive and
difficult to pin down or localize by the
brain-lesion method, this evidence that
it could be confined to one hemisphere
by cutting the corpus callosum was not
to be accepted without question. Might
it merely be, for example, that with
chiasm and callosum both sectioned,
the hemisphere on the seeing side is
more dominant than usual and drains
the attention and learning processes off
to that side? In partial answer, we find

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that very large cortical ablations, such
as that shown in Fig. 4, that markedly
depress pattern vision on the same
side, still do not force into the contra-
lateral hemisphere the learning and
memory of pattern discriminations per-
formed through the homolateral eye
(4, 5). Also, when we compared the
learning curves for the first and second
eye on a statistical basis, there was no
evidence that learning with the second
eye was benefited by the previous ex-
perience with the first (6).
In a pedal-pressing apparatus, de-
veloped largely by Stamm (see Fig. 5),
we were able to demonstrate that the
same kind of functional independence
prevails in the separated hemispheres
with respect to somesthetic learning and
memory involving touch and pressure
on the surface of the forepaw (7).
Not only sensory discriminations of
the kind illustrated in Fig. 5 but also
the simple motor patterns acquired in
learning to operate the pedals smoothly
were transferred to the second paw in
normal cats but were not transferred
in the callosum-sectioned subjects.
Again, statistical comparison of the
learning curves for the first and second
paws indicated complete absence of
any transfer of learning from one to
the other hemisphere. Learning a re-
verse response with the second paw
proceeded as easily in these subjects as
relearning the original response. Fur-
ther, the learning of reversed or dia-
metrically opposed discriminations by
right and left paws was carried out

Fig. 1 (top). Midline structures divided in

surgical bisection of mammalian brain.
Fig. 2 (bottom). Effect of sectioning crossed
fibers in optic chiasm. Half-field overlap
from contralateral eye is eliminated; this
restricts visual inflow to the homolateral
\ L-hemisphere--R / hemisphere.
1750 SCIENCE, VOL. 133
simultaneously by the split-brain cats a few to the left, and so on. If this is
when right and left limbs were alter- done while the monkey is learning re-
nated every few trials during the train- versed discriminations with the separate
ing, and still with no apparent inter- eyes, one can show that while one
ference between the conflicting habits hemisphere is in the process of learn-
(8). ing, for example, to avoid crosses and
The findings with respect to visual select circles, the other hemisphere can
learning and memory have been con- be learning to do exactly the reverse.
firmed in the main for the monkey as The learning curves for the two con-
well, with extension to discrimination flicting habits then rise concurrently in
of colored and three-dimensional ob- parallel in the two hemispheres with
jects (9-11). Because the monkey is no apparent interference. The normal
much less inclined than the cat to be brain does not of course operate in this
cooperative about wearing an eye way-nor does that of controls with
patch, a training box was devised like only the optic chiasm cut, nor even
that sketched roughly in Fig. 6, which that of controls with section of chiasm
has one viewing slot accessible only plus anterior commissure plus the an-

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to the left eye and another accessible terior half of the corpus callosum.
only to the right eye, each of which Without going further into studies Fig. 4. Extent of the extravisual cortex
ablated from the seeing hemisphere of a
can be opened or closed from trial to dealing with the properties of the cal- split-brain cat (4).
trial. A sliding arm panel controls the losum, it may be said that several dif-
use of the arms and permits the pair- ferent functions for this structure are
ing of either eye with either hand from two hemispheres for those new organi-
now recognized. First, and perhaps
trial to trial. zational properties added through
most significant, is that of the laying
This has the advantage over the use down of duplicate engrams in the con- learning. It can also be shown that
of an eye patch for monocular testing where learning has been deliberately
tralateral hemisphere, as outlined above.
and training in that one can easily In this the callosum serves to keep
restricted by experimental procedure
switch from one eye to the other, giv- to one hemisphere, with the corpus
each hemisphere up to date on what's
ing a few trials to the right eye, then new in the other; it tends to equate the
callosum left intact, the callosum can
then be utilized by the uneducated
hemisphere to tap the engram systems
of the trained side (3). The callosum
also aids in certain types of bilateral
sensory-sensory and sensory-motor in-
tegration, as for example in visual use
of either hand across the vertical mid-
line of the visual field (8, 12, 13). A
general excitatory tonic effect can also
be demonstrated in the unilateral blind-
ness of one or two weeks' duration pro-
duced by section of the callosum in
animals with a surgically isolated visual
cortex (8). Qualifications of the above
properties and special problems relate
to the development of language and its
lateralized dominance in the human
brain, about which little can be said
at present. With further analysis it may
prove that some of these diverse func-
tions derive from basically the same

Simultaneous Learning Processes

After it had been found that the

split-brain monkey is able to learn re-
verse discriminations concurrently with
the separated hemispheres (10, 11),
the question arose as to whether the
Fig. 3. Visual training apparatus. The cat, placed in the darkened box, obtains a food two hemispheres could learn their re-
reward by pushing on the correct one of two translucent patterns interchanged in doors verse tasks simultaneously. Instead of
at the end of the box. Inset shows enlargement of the cat wearing the eye patch devised alternating between right and left eye
by Myers. Made of rubber, it is simply turned inside out to cover the other eye. during the training, what happens if
2 JUNE 1961 1751
two separate volitional systems inside
the same skull, each wanting its own
way and each, by training, wanting
the opposite of the other, does each
of these thinking entities try to decide
for itself?
When such a test is run-by rotat-
ing one of the eye filters 900 for ex-
ample-one sees little evidence of in-
Fig. 5. Simplified dia-
ternal conflict, apart from, perhaps,
gram of the pedal- a little hesitance (14). By and large,
pressing apparatus for the monkey starts selecting circles con-
training in tactile dis- sistently or crosses consistently, and it
crimination. Pairs of
interchangeable pedal
may shift from one to a series of the
mountings are shown other, thereby telling us which hemi-
s :- at bottom (7, 15). sphere is being used at the moment.
These shifts are controllable in part by

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forcing the use of one or the other
hand, which then tends to bring into
play the contralateral hemisphere,
though this latter correlation is not
fixed or rigorous. Apparently when a
hemisphere once gains the ascendancy,
the lower centers tend to throw their
full allegiance to this side. Anything
coming down from the other hemi-
sphere that is incompatible or out of
both eyes are left open and each trial in both hemispheres, and to what de- line with the going activity of the
feeds conflicting information back gree. dominant control is automatically in-
through the two eyes at the same time? Although the results vary, as ex- hibited. This is just another example
In other words, does the split-brain pected, Trevarthen finds that during the of the general rule that the pattern-
animal, in order to learn, have to at- time required for the dominant hemi- ing of excitation in the central nervous
tend to the information entering one sphere to learn its problem, the other system is an either-or kind of thing.
hemisphere at a time? Or does it have also, in the majority of cases, has been Either one unified pattern or another
two separate attention processes, both learning its own reverse problem in prevails; seldom is there a confused
able to operate simultaneously, han- part or in full. In some instances, both mixture.
dling the diverse sets of information hemispheres fully learn their separate The split-brain cat or monkey is
and filing them in two separate memory problems simultaneously. In other thus in many respects an animal with
systems capable of independent recall? words, in approximately the length of two separate brains that may be used
The question has been answered in time and number of trials required by either together or in alternation. With
part by Trevarthen (13), with an ap- an ordinary-brained monkey to learn all pairs of major suprasegmental con-
paratus incorporating polarized light one discrimination problem, these al- trols bisected, there is no way for the
filters to make the two stimulus objects tered, twin-brain monkeys are able to higher-level integration of one hemi-
to be discriminated appear simultane- master two such problems. This raises sphere to reach and influence that of
ously different to the two eyes. As ex- some questions with regard to learning the other except indirectly through the
plained in Fig. 7, what looks to one theory and the role in learning of at- lower brain stem outflow (Fig. 8). By
hemisphere, for example, to be a circle tention, motivation, mental and motor the time the data processing has reached
on the left and a cross on the right is set, and the like. Are all such compo- this stage it already is in such form
made to look the reverse to the other nents of the learning mechanism that any recurrent feedback into the
hemisphere. While one hemisphere ob- doubled in these brains, or are some opposite hemisphere carries little- of
serves that the pushing of circles but perhaps bifurcate in form, with a com- the original content.
not crosses is rewarded, the other eye mon brain-stem element and qualita-
and brain discover, by the same proc- tively different cerebral prongs? The
ess, the converse-that is, that the push- implications are intriguing and suggest Bilateral Hegemony
ing of crosses is rewarded and not further variations on the initial experi-
circles. Any kind of projectable two- ment. Each of the twin half brains with its
dimensional figure, design, or picture The question of mental conflict is full complement of control centers has
may be used, with or without color. frequently raised in this connection: much bilateral hegemony over the
Learning is allowed to proceed with What happens when one hemisphere brain stem and spinal cord and is thus
both eyes open until the learning curve has been trained to do one thing and capable, to a large extent, of taking
reaches the 90-percent level. The eyes the other trained to do just the oppo- over and governing the total behavior
are then tested individually to find out site, and the animal is given a free of the body. The cat especially, but
if the learning has occurred in one or choice to perform either both? With or also the monkey and even man, with
1752 SCIENCE, VOL. 133
one hemisphere gone manages to get
along fairly well, and most central
nervous functions are retained. With
both hemispheres present, in the split
condition, even though one be strongly
dominant or in exclusive control of the
going higher-level activities, the other
presumably continues to contribute
much to generalized, background func-
tion. Under most ordinary conditions
the higher activities also are bound
to have much in common. Only in
special training and testing circum-
stances does the double mental control
become apparent. The simultaneous Fig. 6. Profile and front-view outline sketches of a training box for controlling eye-use
use of the two divided hemispheres and eye-hand associations in a monkey.
presents little problem so long as there

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is unity in the lower centers. Given
lower-level harmony, it doesn't matter, on innate organization to studies on organization implanted up to the time
as seen above, whether the higher cen- the long-term effects of early experi- of splitting. The control hemisphere is
ters function similarly or in direct ence on adult behavior. These controls fairly well balanced for additions there-
contradiction. are not only of the homozygous, iden- after, also, except for performances
There is much yet to be learned in tical-twin, type but are equated also that have been deliberately lateralized.
following up studies, like the forego- for almost all experientially derived These contralateral cerebral controls
ing, that deal directly with the func-
tional properties of the bisected brain,
split to different levels and with
various incomplete patterns and com- Adjustable Spectacles with Adjustable
binations of commissurotomy. The Head Restraints Light Filters and Occluders
split brain may also be used to advan-
tage as a basic preparation for attack-
ing other kinds of questions not di-
I L | Microswitch
rectly related to problems of commis-
sure function. With the brain bisected,
it becomes possible to direct one's
ablations, tests, and other analytic pro-
cedures to a single one of the hemi-
spheres, leaving the "spare" hemi-
sphere for the use of the animal. In
addition to the obvious benefit to the
animal over the usual bilateral invasion,
there are a number of significant tech-
nical advantages in working on the
half brain instead of the whole brain.
It is important to remember in this
connection that the half brain is, in a
sense, pretty much a whole brain in
that it contains a complete set of
cerebral integrating centers and all
their interrelations. That is, practically
the entire pattern and most of the
problems of cerebral organization are
there for the unraveling within the
half brain.

Advantages for Experimentation

One obvious advantage of the split-
brain preparation lies in the factor of
built-in controls within the spare hemi-
sphere, controls for all sorts of experi- Fig. 7. Profile and schematic diagram of apparatus for testing perceptual conflict in a
ments ranging from short-term studies split-brain monkey (13).
2 JUNE 1961 1753
Fig. 8 (left). Schematic diagram to aid in visualizing
hegemony of the hemispheres of the split brain over

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lower centers. Fig. 9 (above). Surgical isolation of
central visual cortex in test hemisphere: extravisual
cortex removed in three successive operations, A, B,
and C, to determine separate functional contributions

are thus of a quality almost impossible tex of the cat in this way (see Fig. 9) background and lower-level activity, it
to obtain by using different animals. and found that the primary visual cor- becomes feasible, in the experimental
More important is the possibility of tex, without aid from other cortical hemisphere, to undertake almost com-
extending the surgical analysis within areas, is incapable of sustaining visual plete surgical dissection and analysis as
the experimental hemisphere of the functions beyond a bare minimum. A far as function is concerned. About the
split brain far beyond what was pos- next step is to go back and restore only limitations that remain are those
sible when the lesions had to be made in other animals different portions of imposed by surgical technique, partic-
bilaterally. It has been a long-standing the cortex removed in these subjects to ularly that relating to the preservation
rule in brain-lesion studies of learning determine the respective contributions of circulation.
and memory that the cortical lesions of each portion to visual learning and To further assure, in these studies
must be made on both sides to obtain memory. of somesthetic discrimination habits,
a genuine loss. Unilateral removals are A very different result followed that the habits were not being learned
not critical, ordinarily because the similar surgical isolation of the frontal and mediated by the contralateral so-
functions involved can be handled by cortex that includes the somatic sensory matic cortex, a complementary re-
the remaining integrating center on the and motor areas. In this case the iso- moval of the corresponding area was
opposite side. lated remnant was found to be capable made on the opposite side. The feasi-
With the split-brain approach it be- of mediating excellent learning and bility of thus adding complementary
comes possible to investigate structures memory of new somesthetic discrimina- lesion patterns in the intact hemisphere
like the caudate nucleus, the primary tion habits performed in the pedal- of the split brain offers further pos-
motor cortex, and others,. the bilateral pressing apparatus shown in Fig. 5 sibilities for the analysis of functional
ablation of which produces incapacitat- (15). The ever-elusive engrams or relationships-possibilities not avail-
ing or other secondary undesirable ef- memory traces for these new habits able, of course, where the removals
fects that act to obscure or confuse would seem to have been at least cor- have to be made bilaterally.
possible contributions in other activi- nered within the local cortical area il- There are other promising angles in
ties. Each brain center tends to be in- lustrated in Fig. 10. It should be pos- investigations of this "somatic island
volved in a whole spectrum of different sible to further localize the engram by preparation." For example, it is pos-
functions. In many cases only the basic paring away additional parts of the sible to test the proven pedal-pressing
impairments can be inferred after bi- remaining cortical remnant and also learning capacity of this cortical area
lateral removals, the others being hid- by adding deep, electrolytic lesions to with visual or auditory instead of
den or untestable in the presence of test the functional contributions of tactile stimuli-in other words, to
the former. various subcortical centers that remain answer the questions: Could such a cat
For the same reasons, with the split- undegenerated. This somatic island learn to press a pedal that activates the
brain approach much larger cortical preparation thus furnishes a promising correct one of two different tone pat-
ablations can be made, even to the ex- means of determining the critical mini- terns, or the correct one of two differ-
treme of removing most of the cortex mum cerebral apparatus essential for ent visual patterns? If not, could it then
and saving only isolated functional discrimination learning and memory in do so if an isolated patch of auditory
remnants-the converse of the usual the mammalian brain. With one hemi- or visual cortex were left on the same
procedure. We isolated the visual cor- sphere preserved intact to maintain side as the somatic island? If not,
1754 SCIENCE, VOL. 133
again, what kind of inter- and intra-
hemispheric bridges and connections
are needed to satisfy the learning and
memory requirements?

Visuomotor Coordination

Figure 11 illustrates a type of com-

plementary lesion preparation we have
been using, with a number of variations,
to determine the neural pathways used
in visuomotor coordination. The ex-
perimental question here was: Can
visual information that is processed in
one hemisphere serve as a guide for

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limb responses for which the cortical
centers lie in the opposite hemisphere
and are surgically separated from the Fig. 10. Top and front views of somatic island preparation with a small complementary
visual inflow? ablation in the control hemisphere. Engrams for tactile-discrimination learning appear
Cats, so prepared, and also mon- to be localized within the cortical remnant of the right hemisphere (15).
keys that have undergone similar sur-
gery, are able to use vision to direct
the homolateral forelimb and to aim as those obtainable in the training ap- ing light signal has been found to sur-
it with near-normal accuracy at both paratus described above (Figs. 6 and vive the following: section of left optic
stationary and moving objects (16). 7), where the monkey is able to use tract; ablation of left occipital (visual)
Presumably the speed and accuracy either arm with either eye. This arm cortex; near-total removal of neocortex
might be shown to be somewhat below preference is easily overcome, however, from the right hemisphere; midline sec-
that in control animals using the other in a matter of hours in most cases, and tion of corpus callosum plus the an-
limb, governed from the same hemi- may be lacking from the start in terior, posterior, hippocampal, and
sphere, if sufficiently delicate tests animals in which the homolateral arm habenular commissures; and midline
were available. However, the per- is strongly dominant, either naturally section of the massa intermedia and
formance is still there and not markedly or as a result of experience in a given the quadrigeminal plate-produced
impaired. Where the visuomotor guid- testing situation. Trevarthen (13) de- stepwise in the same animal.
ance depends on unilaterally learned scribes distinct differences in the learn- Another application of the split-brain
visual discriminations in split-brain cats ing curves obtained in pairing the approach is indicated in Fig. 12. The
and monkeys, either forelimb can still homolateral and contralateral arms with behavior under analysis in this case is
be used without difficulty both during a given eye that indicate basic differ- a kind of sensory-sensory association
learning and in retention tests (11, ences in the neural mechanisms for the in which the monkey is trained to per-
17). The neural pathways for these two combinations. With the homolat- form a discrimination problem that re-
volitional eye-hand coordinations have eral arm, the reaction time tends to quires in each trial an association of
yet to be determined. be longer, and the learning slower and visual plus tactile stimuli. By control-
Somewhat in contradiction to the more erratic and unstable. The effect ling the hand and the eye used, and
observations that the split-brain mon- is enhanced in monkeys with deeper thereby the cortical receptor centers
key or cat readily pairs either eye splits that include the cerebellum. involved, it is possible to test intra- and
with either "hand" is a more recent Surgical preparations similar to that interhemispheric integration with and
report (12) that visuomotor coordina- illustrated in Fig. 11 have been used without different parts of the corpus
tion is markedly disrupted under these for study of the old and still puzzling callosum and then with various types
conditions, to the extent even that problem of the neural pathways involved of separating cuts and ablations, to
prolonged relearning is required, much in the conditioned response. In this analyze the kind of neural mechanism
like that demanded after unilateral re- case a visual signal is used as the con- and associations that mediate this type
moval of the precentral motor cortex. ditioning stimulus to establish a con- of perceptual integration.
This observation, though yet unex- ditioned flexion of the forelimb, the It was something of a surprise to
plained, may be a reflection of partic- cortical centers for which have been find that the split-brain monkey was
ular testing conditions that unduly left in the opposite hemisphere. Efforts still able to perform the visuotactile
facilitate the use of the visuomotor are now under way to eliniinate suc- integration with the tactile stimuli pre-
system for the contralateral limb. cessively the remaining undegenerated sumably restricted to the hemisphere
In any case, the expected preference thalamic, midbrain, and other subcorti- opposite that of the visual inflow. In
l or the favored arm-that is, for the cal centers until the critical associations addition to making the animal use the
arm governed from the hemisphere and pathways for the conditioned re- proper hand, the sonmesthetic cortex was
that receives the visual inflow-is flex are delineated (18). At the present ablated on the side of the visual inflow.
found and can be demonstrated in stage of this program the conditioned We first used color-plus-weight (largely
nmore delicate testing conditions such forelimb flexion in response to a flash- proprioceptive) discriminations (10,
2 J UNE 1961 1755
after additional midline sections have
been made (see Fig. 12) that include
the habenular and posterior commis-
sures, the massa intermedia, and the
quadrigeminal plate, in addition to the
corpus callosum and the anterior and
hippocampal commissures. The removal
of the arm area of the tactile cortex on
the side of the visual input (Fig. 12)
abolishes performance with the affected
hand for several weeks but fails to dis-
rupt performance with the hand gov-
erned from the opposite hemisphere.
This puzzling result is under further
investigation, along with similar cross-
integration effects that have appeared
recently in studies of visuo-visual con-

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Fig. 11. Basic complementary lesion pat-
ditional discriminations. The surgical
tern used with variations for analyzing analysis promises to be easier in the
conditioned response learning and visuo- latter because the input pathways for
motor coordination. vision are less diffuse and more easily Fig. 13. A split brain, as prepared for a
confined than are those for touch. study of prefrontal lobe syndrome (18).
11) and are now repeating the study
with black-and-white patterns and cu- Application to Old Problems unilateral ablation in split preparations
taneous rough-smooth stimuli. In the (21-23), and the results bring addi-
latter study the monkey is required to A simple application of the split- tional insight regarding the underly-
pull the rougher of two levers when brain approach to an old problem is ing neural mechanism. Similarly, a
they are presented behind one visual illustrated in Fig. 13. It has been known great many of the older brain-lesion
pattern, and the smoother of the two for many years that bilateral but not studies can be repeated to advantage
when they are similarly presented in unilateral removal of the prefrontal in the bisected brain, with a gain in
back of another visual pattern, the two lobes impairs the performance of de- information and the possibility of ad-
visual patterns being black and white layed response in the rhesus monkey. vancing the analysis.
and equated for brightness. This latter Whether this impairment is indicative
performance ability is retained even of a genuine function of this portion
of the brain has been uncertain, in part Transfer across the Midplane
because the bilateral removals tend to
produce also hypermotility and dis- With the growing application of
tractibility. It has been found that the brain bisection to a wide variety of
1, -
I impairment, unaccompanied by hyper- problems, it becomes increasingly im-
activity and distractibility is produced portant to have background informa-
by unilateral lesion in the split-brain ani- tion about the functional properties of
mal (5, 19). The unilateral approach the split brain in all its various forms-
thus yields new information regarding that is, with the midline sections car-
the nature of the syndrome and its ried to different levels and with dif-
intrahemispheric involvement; also it ferent patterns of commissurotomy and
permits further analysis through partial ablation. Particularly critical are ques-
removals of the corpus callosum in tions relating to the leakage or trans-
combination with complementary le- fer of various functions across the
sion patterns-procedures not feasible midplane. In this connection, obser-
with bilateral ablation. vations bearing on the intermanual
The split-brain approach has been transfer of learning (10, 24) have not
applied also to the classic Kliiver-Bucy been entirely consistent in primates.
temporal lobe syndrome and some of In our own experience, section of the
its subsequent fractionations (20). Bi- cerebral commissures may lead to fail-
lateral ablation of the temporal lobes ure of intermanual transfer, but this
in monkeys produces impairments in is not true in all cases nor under all
visual perception, a change in tempera- conditions. We have seen intermanual
Fig. 12 Stylized representation of monkey- ment in the direction of tameness, transfer of tactile discriminations in
brain hemispheres and underlying midline hypersexuality, and certain oral and
structures, split through the quadrigeminal chiasm-callosum-sectioned monkeys that
plate to the level of the trochlear nerve "stimulus bound" tendencies. Observa- were already experienced in using
(11), as prepared for a study of visuo- tions to date show that most features of either hand with either eye and had
tactile integration. the syndrome are demonstrable after been trained with pairs of objects that
1756 SCIENCE, VOL. 133
were left in sight becaufe they were fearful, or ferocious when using the potentialities of the chronically im-
distinguishable only by touch, not by eye connected to the intact hemisphere, planted electrode for recording, stimu-
vision, the one being harder or heavier but promptly become more tame, lating, and self-stimulating in free-
or looser than its mate, and this being placid, and generally less "touchy" moving, unanesthetized animals, plus
discernible only upon palpation. Also, when the lesion hemisphere is made the new automated training and pro-
we find that an ablation of the somato- dominant by switching the visual oc- gramming techniques, along with other
sensory arm -cortex roughly like that cluder to the other eye. The placement technological advances, and those of
shown in Fig. 12 will induce transfer in of complementary lesions in right and us working in brain research find our-
split-brain monkeys that had failed to left hemispheres that produce opposed selves today, as never before, sur-
exhibit transfer prior to the cortical emotional effects has yet to be explored. rounded by seemingly endless possibili-
ablation (25). The interpretation of ties just waiting to be explored (28).
this latter finding is complicated at
present by the fact that when the mon- Experimental Possibilities References and Notes
keys are trained to reverse the discrimi- 1. R. E. Myers, J. Comp. and Physiol. Psychol.
nation response with the second hand, By the use of positive and negative 48, 470 (1955); , Brain 79, 358 (1956);
and R. W. Sperry, Anat. Record 115,
this reversal training consistently fails reinforcement through implanted elec- 351 (1953).
to transfer back again to the first hand. trodes under remote control, the de- 2. R. E. Myers, "CIOMS Conference on Brain
Mechanisms and Learning," in press.

Downloaded from https://www.science.org at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi on August 31, 2023
Certain types of visual discrimination velopment of different or opposed pref- 3. and R. W. Sperry, A.M.A. Arch.
learning also have been found to be erences in right and left brain could Neurol. Psychiat. 80, 298 (1958).
4. R. W. Sperry, R. E. Myers, A. M. Schrier,
subject to interocular transfer after presumably be extended to animate Quart. J. Exptl. Psychiat. 12, 65 (1960).
section of all forebrain commissures 5. R. W. Sperry, in Biological and Biochemical
objects and social relationships, with Bases of Behavior, H. R. Harlow and C.
plus the optic chiasm. This has been some interesting consequences. The so- N. Woolsey, Eds. (Univ. of Wisconsin Press,
Madison, 1958).
shown for obvious brightness discrimi- called encephale isoMe and cerveau 6. R. W. Sperry, J. S. Stamm, N. Miner, J.
nations in cats, whereas the more diffi- isole preparations of Bremer and others Comp. and Physiol. Psychol. 49, 529 (1956).
7. J. S. Stamm and R. W. Sperry, ibid. 50, 138
cult near-threshold discriminations fail (27) have found considerable use in (1957).
to transfer (26). Interocul r transfer of physiology, and it should not be too 8. R. W. Sperry, unpublished.
9. J. L. C. Downer, Federation Proc. 17, 37
easy color and brightness discrimina- difficult to go further and, by adding (1958).
tions and possibility of very simple pat- hemisections of the brain stem to the 10. R. W. Sperry, Anat. Record 131, 297 (1958).
11. , Transactions of the Macy Confer-
tern discriminations occurs similarly midline surgery, pre-pare isolated half ence on Central Nervous System and Be-
in the monkey, according to Trevar- brains of different forms and with dif- hav'ior (1958).
12. J. L. C. Downer, Brain 82, 251 (1959).
then (14). All of these transferable ferent kinds and degrees of isolation 13. C. B. Trevarthen, Am. Psychologist 15, 485
aspects of visual learning may be ele- that would offer significant advantages (1960).
14. , unpublished.
ments of visual inflow or learning that over the separated whole brain. The 15. R. W. Sperry, J. Neurophysiol. 22, 78 (1959).
cross at the midbrain level. Extension isolated half brain could be studied 16. R. E. Myers, R. W. Sperry, N. Miner, J.
Comp. and Physiol. Psyclol. 48, 50 (1955).
of the tests for color, brightss, and over a long period in the animal in 17. A. M. Schrier and R. W. Sperry, Science
simple pattern to several monkeys hav- vivo, in the brain's natural habitat, 129, 1275 (1959).
18. T. Voneida, unpublished.
ing deeper midline sections that include under normal biochemical conditions, 19. M. Glickstein, H. Arora, R. W. Sperry,
the posterior commissure and rostral and after recovery from the prolonged Physiologist 3, 66 (1960).
20. H. Kliiver, in Ciba Foundation Symposium
half of the quadrigeminal plate (see depression of surgical cerebral shock. on the Neurological Basis of Behavior (1958),
Fig. 1), plus the cerebellum in one To what extent might such long-iso- p. 175.
21. J. L. C Downer, unpublished.
case, show so far a lack of memory lated (or partially isolated) half brains 22. G. Ettlinger, Brain 82, 232 (1959); M. Mish-
transfer for all except simple intensity regain wake-sleep states and conscious- kin, Am. Psychologist 13, 414 (1958).
23. J. Steiner and J. S. Bossom, unpublished.
discriminations. ness and be capable of learning, re- 24. F. Ebner and R. E. Myers, Federation Proc.
Evidence is still sketchy regarding membering, feeling emotion, and the 19, 292 (1960); M. Glickstein and R. W.
Sperry, Am. Psychologist 14, 385 (1959);
the extent to which the divided hemi- like? Where behavioral output is ex- R. E. Myers, Federation Proc. 19, 289
spheres can function independently cluded, electrophysiological indications (1960); M. Glickstein and R. W. Sperry, J.
Comp. and Physiol. Psychol. 53, 322 (1960).
with respect to emotion. Incidental ob- of some of these capabilities could be 25. M. Glickstein and R. W. Sperry, Am. Psy-
servations made in the course of train- obtained with implanted electrodes and chologist 15, 485 (1960).
26. T. Meikle, Jr., and J. A. Sechzer, Science
ing and testing suggest that milder conditioning techniques. 132, 734 (1960); T. Meikle, Jr., ibid. 132,
aspects of emotional attitude and tem- By combining various ablations and 1496 (1960).
27. F. Bremer, J. Brihaye, G. Andr6-Balisaux,
perament, like stubbornness and sulki- transections like those described above Arch. suisses neurol. et psychiat. 78, 31
ness, can be confined to one side (10, with more localized lesions produced (1956).
28. This article is based on a talk given at the
11). By employing deliberate proce- in subcortical nuclei with the stereo- Federation Meetings in Chicago for the C. J.
dures for inducing experimental neu- taxic apparatus, it is possible today, Herrick symposium on the physiology of
learning, 19 April 1960. A more specialized
rosis, it might thus be possible to make with methods now available, to attain version is being published in Federation Pro-
one of the separated hemispheres "neu- ceedings. Original work discussed has been
a fairly extensive surgical dissection of supported by the National Science Founda-
rotic" and leave the other normal. The the mammalian brain and to set up a tion, the National Institutes of Health, and
the F. P. Hixon Fund of the California In-
"taming effect" of unilateral deep tem- large variety of combinations and per- stitute of Technology. Special acknowledge-
poral lobe ablation is much enhanced mutations of cerebral centers and con- ment is made to Harbans Arora, who has
performed nearly all our monkey-brain sur-
and lateralized in the split-brain mon- necting pathways in animal subjects for gery during the past 18 months, and to Lois
key, according to Downer (21) and long-term functional testing and anal- MacBird who has carried the major respon-
sibility for training, medication, and general
others (23). Such animals act normally ysis. Combine with this the analytic laboratory assistance.

2 JUNE 1961 1757

Cerebral Organization and Behavior
R. W. Sperry

Science, 133 (3466), .

DOI: 10.1126/science.133.3466.1749

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