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Participant 1

The role of reflective micro-teaching, especially in teaching preparation, is very helpful,

because it makes me realize that teaching cannot be careless, there must be preparation in
advance such as making lesson plans. It was very helpful, so I know that if we are going to
teach, we have to consider; what strategy should we use, what should be the objective of
the students, and what will the students be able to do after the course. I just found out
about how to make a lesson plan after enrolling reflective micro-teaching course, so I am
very happy with that.

The learning strategies or methods that I know from learning reflective micro-teaching
course are problem based learning, task based learning and the most popular one is
communicative language teaching, and that's what I personally use the most because it's
quite easy to make learning activities. It can emphasize the interaction between students
and teachers or fellow students.

The role of reflective micro-teaching regarding how to react to students' responses here is
actually more to the role of the lecturer who teaches, because it comes from her feedback
who also reminds us that later in the teaching process, we as a teacher must be active. For
example, there are students who are quiet, we must actively ask questions so that there will
be engagement with them.

Reflective micro-teaching taught us that we have to dress approppriately, means polite and
neat because as student teachers we will be the center of attention. If we wear clothes that
make us comfortable, we will also be free to make a move. For men wear pants made of
cloth, not jeans. Wear a shirt or batik, then wear shoes and hair must be neat. For women
can wear long skirts, shirts, batik too. For Muslims wear a headscarf and for non-Muslims
the hair may be tied so it doesn't interfere with activities that cover the eyes.

In my opinion, reflective micro-teaching course has taught me how to get students'

engagement. The first is of course, learning should be fun and not burden students. So it
must be as if they are not learning even though they are learning. In addition to fun learning,
of course, we must provide more activities that involve a lot of interaction with students, so
it is not always the teacher who explains, but we also have to involve students in delivering
the material. To make it more interesting, you can give gifts that are not too big, such as
candy, students will also be happy. It can also make other students become interested in

Participant 2
In this reflective micro-teaching course I was greatly helped, for example in terms of
preparation before teaching, we were taught to make lesson plans, look for materials that
match our student level, then how the method should be taught, it was explained clearly by
the lecturer. I also feel very happy and helped, because besides that there are also practical
activities, how to be a good teacher it should be like what.
I have learnt so many methods in reflective micro-teaching course, but the one that I
remembered it well is the task based learning method. I personally think I choose this
method because the knowledge we gain by ourselves will be easier to understand than the
explanations of others.

Reflective micro-teaching taught me as a student teacher to have a lot of backup plans. All I
can say that we as student teachers have to be more active and think creatively, don't just
waiting for things get better then stuck in one situation, we must be able to improve our
thinking and prepared many plans so we can handle every single of student responses in the

Reflective micro-teaching course has also taught us to dress neatly and politely. So in terms
of appearance, for a Muslim, the clothes must be neat, wear a polite skirt, don't wear the
skirt like when hanging out, so it must be adjusted as well. For a man, the hair must be neat,
don't wear jeans, and wear formal shoes.

In order to attract students' attention when the material will be taught, I still remembered
that in reflective micro-teaching course, we have to stimulate students' response first. We
give games or questions that will lead to the material that we are going to teach.

Participant 3
The existence of reflective micro-teaching course is very useful for me because I also learned
how to make lesson plans although not comprehensive but at least I know the basics.

In reflective micro-teaching course there were so many methods that have been taught to
me, but personally, I prefer audio-visual media because I think it's very interesting, especially
for elementary school children. So students can learn while singing, watching videos and
listening to music, I think it is such a simple thing but can be the interesting one.

After doing reflective micro-teaching, I realized that we as student teachers are required to
study the material as well as possible to handle all the responses from our students.

As Mrs. Metty once said in the reflective micro-teaching course class, the teacher is a model
in the classroom. This means that we as teachers must dress neatly and politely. The
teacher's clothes must also adjust to the level of the students, for example for kindergarten
children, usually the teacher's clothes are colorful, the robes and veils are bright.

As I learned in reflective micro-teaching course, to get students' engagement especially for

teachers, make learning materials and activities funnier, and easy to learn. Then the teacher
must also study the material more deeply and in detail.
Participant 4
Honestly, I am personally very grateful when I was able to contract the course because it
was very helpful as a form of preparation for teaching practice at school. In these courses we
are taught many things, especially related to teaching, starting from preparing what kind of
lesson, so that the objectives of the learning can be achieved. Preparing the materials,
objectives, approaches, methods, strategies, and also the media, all of which must be
prepared in advance. That's what I found in the reflective micro-teaching course.

One of the methods I remembered from reflective micro-teaching course is the problem
based learning method if I'm not mistaken. I chose this method because I don't want to be
limited to just doing lectures in delivering the material, I want to take a student-centered
approach so that students can be more active, especially because this is in the language

The role of reflective micro-teaching course in dealing directly with student responses is with
the reflection form, namely the DICR form. Describing, informing, confronting and
reconstructing. By being equipped with this form, at the end of the lesson we can try to
reflect on what we feel when facing teaching practice. That is the role of the reflective
micro-teaching course with the DICR reflection form to be better at dealing with each
student's response.

In my opinion, from this reflective micro-teaching course, the lecturer who teaches is trying
to be a model for us, so I learned that the teacher is not only delivering material in class but
also as a model for the students. Appearance is also not only limited to what is attached to
the body, but also includes our style and gestures when teaching, as well as facial
expressions. That is what the reflective micro-teaching course teaches either directly or
indirectly by the lecturer.

Reflective micro-teaching taught me how to engage students, which must be from a teacher
first who engages the students in the class. The teacher must stimulate students by giving
rewards to the active students and it can be in the form of prizes, or scores, and so on.

Participant 5
For preparation during teaching, it's like making lesson plans, I also get that from reflective
micro-teaching course, being able to make a lesson plan it makes me happy because it is
really important for my teaching.

One of the methods that I got from reflective micro-teaching is collaborative learning. Why
do I like this method, because it is very suitable for learning materials that use game media,
such as guessing pictures, guessing words, which is using English language between them.
Since words are something that means a lot, try to choose the suitable diction if they are
doing wrong, so it won't hurt the student's feelings. That's what I got from the reflective
micro-teaching course in dealing with one of the student responses.

I also remember that Mrs. metty once taught us in reflective micro-teaching course that
dressing must be neat because it could interfere with the learning process.

Reflective micro-teaching taught us on how to make students engage in learning process.

The first thing we have to do is use an approach, which can be by direct chat. We can also
approach it by giving prizes, or more points to people who can answer, so that it can
motivate students to answer when there are questions.

Participant 6
There are so many benefits of reflective micro-teaching courses, especially among those of
us who are expected to become teachers, in terms of preparation before teaching, of course
the most impact that I feel is being able to make a lesson plan.

When talking about methods that I have learnt in reflective micro-teaching course, I prefer
to use the discussion method, because with this method the interaction between students
and teachers is formed, so that learning will not be monotonous.

In my opinion, the role of reflective micro-teaching course in dealing with students'

responses is not really supportive. In my opinion, this course only provides a few examples
when we face student responses, because they are different, not real students like in class.

In my opinion, the reflective micro-teaching course is also good because it has given an
example of how we look like, the lecturer who teaches the course has indirectly given an
example of how to dress properly in front of the class.

In the reflective micro-teaching course, learning media are also offered so we can present a
compilation of funny videos on the sidelines of learning so that it will stimulate students'

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