ERA Guidelines

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Environmental Risk Assessment


1. This Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) is a concluding assessment for the topics we
have discussed in Second Exam topics.
2. ERA will help in the assessment of the things students have learned in the whole duration
of the 5-week discussion.
3. This Summative Assessment is done by group where you can choose your own members,
minimum of 3 and maximum of 4.
4. You can choose on the following industries/projects to work on for the ERA you will be
a. Petroleum Industry
i. Oil Extraction Projects (Off-shore)
ii. Oil Refining Projects
b. Mining Industry
i. i. Gold Mining Projects
ii. Iron Ore Mining Projects
iii. Nickel Mining Projects
iv. Mining of other essential minerals and metals.
c. Manufacturing Industry
i. Cement Making Process
ii. Meat-Processing Plants
d. Coal-fired Powerplants
e. Large-scale Livestock farming and meat processing plants
f. Major Construction Projects
i. Dams
ii. Bridges
iii. Roads and Highways
iv. High-density Residential Projects
v. Low-cost housing projects (High-density)
5. Follow the template and the rubrics.
6. Do not hesitate to contact me if ever you have any questions or clarifications regarding
this assessment.

 Content quality is the most important part of ERA. Make sure that information is
comprehensive so that the quality of the contents will not be compromised with the amount
of information present. Content quality is a major part of the assessment.
 The contents of each section shall also answer the guide statement coherently. Do not
just answer the guide statements but make sure that your contents for each section are
organized. The organization and the thought process of your ERA will also be assessed.
 Make sure each section of the ERA has an introductory and concluding part as it is part
of the rubrics.
 References will be separately in the Submission Text portion in APA Format or IEEE
Format. Make sure to use in-text citation in the sections of the ERA.
 Relevance is also an important aspect and make sure to not steer away from your
discussion and the industry/project being the focus. That is why part of the Problem
Formulation is Scope of the ERA.
 You can use your own template or lay-out design for the ERA but make sure to follow the
contents of the ERA as this will be the basis of your grade.
 Submit all your work on time to avoid grade delays.

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