Sumber Belajar PKN - Id.en

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The Nature of Learning Resources

In general, learning resources is a term that describes everything that can be used,
everything that can be used in students' learning activities or in learning activities in learning
environments in education, training, industry and other non-formal settings. These sources
can usually be in the form of written materials, audio-visuals, technology-based materials,
objects, events and people that can be used to support and assist the teaching and learning
process. Learning resources can help information processing because they can arouse
students' interest in learning, attract and maintain students' attention to learning material
(Yuniarsih and Kamaludin, 2021).
Several experts expressed opinions regarding the meaning of learning resources in
Karosekali (2021), namely:
 According to Yusufhadi Miarso, learning resources are anything that includes
messages, people, materials, tools, techniques and the environment, whether
individually or in combination can enable learning to occur.
 Edgar Dale stated that learning resources are anything that can be used to facilitate
someone's learning.
 According to Rohani, learning resources are all kinds of sources that exist outside a
person (student) and which enable (facilitate) the learning process.
 Association for Educational Communication and Technology (AECT), which states
that learning resources are all sources in the form of data, people and certain forms that
students can use in learning, either separately or in combination, making it easier for
students to achieve learning goals.

From several opinions expressed by several experts, it can be concluded that learning
resources are all sources in the form of data, people and certain forms that can be used by
students in learning, either separately or in combination, making it easier for students to
achieve their goals. learn or achieve certain competencies.

Learning resources are anything in the form of objects and people that can support
learning activities. Learning resources can be divided into two categories, namely: (a)
learning resources for learning (resources for learning) and (b) learning resources as a
means of learning (resources as learning), namely materials or tools used for learning
activities, for example wooden sticks for carving. , paper for drawing, so, learning
resources include all possible sources that can be used by students to occur learning
behavior (Chabibah, et al., 2022).

Learning resources are a set of learning materials or situations that are intentionally or
unintentionally created so that students individually and/or collectively can learn. So,
learning resources are everything from which someone learns something.
B. Types of Learning Resources
C. Learning Resources Designed and Utilized
D. Learning Resource Function
Learning resources have a very important role not only in the learning process, but also in
everyday life (Wibowo, et al., 2022). In order for existing learning resources to function in
learning, they must be utilized as well as possible. The function of learning resources is as
 Increasing learning productivity, namely by (1) speeding up the pace of learning and
helping students use time better, (2) reducing the burden on teachers/lecturers in
presenting information, so that they can foster and develop students' enthusiasm for
learning more.
 Providing the possibility of more individualized learning by (1) reducing the rigid and
traditional control of teachers/lecturers, (2) providing opportunities for students to
learn according to their abilities.
 Providing a more scientific basis for learning by: (1) planning learning programs
more systematically, (2) developing learning materials based on research.
 Improve learning by: (1) improving human abilities in using communication media,
(2) presenting data and information more concretely.
 It allows instant learning, because: (1) reduces the gap between verbal and abstract
lessons and concrete reality, (2) provides direct knowledge.
 Enables a broader presentation of learning, especially with mass media, by: (1)
making wider use of rare resources or events, (2) presenting information that can
penetrate geographically.
 It is possible to discover hidden talents in a person that have not been visible until
now. Not only during school, but development continues throughout life, allowing for
broadening of horizons and hopes.
 By using learning resources, it is possible for learning to take place continuously and
learning to be easily absorbed and more readily applied. Skills and knowledge
increase simultaneously.
 A person can learn at their own pace, according to their own time and work time,
without fear of competition or other people supervising them.
E. Learning Resources for PPKn Material for Class 3 Elementary School

No. Material Learning Resources

1. Chapter I (The Meaning Learning resources that might be suitable to use:
of the Youth Pledge) 1. Human-based learning resources, namely
teachers as learning resources as well as
facilitators in the learning process.
2. Print-based learning resources such as teacher
books, student books, worksheets, biographical
books about heroes involved in the Youth
3. Visual-based learning resources such as
pictures of heroes, implementation of the
youth oath support the material content of the
meaning of the youth oath.
4. Audio-visual based learning resources can use
videos in presenting material, to convey the
implementation of the meaning of the Youth
Pledge or videos regarding case studies related
to the material presented.
5. Using computer-based learning resources such
as e-books.
6. Using the library as a learning resource to
collect various information, take the essence,
organize information, analyze and use
information related to material on the meaning
of the Youth Pledge,


Chabibah, N., Taryana, T., Yusuf, R. N., & Fahmi, A. I. (2022). Pemanfaatan Media Surat Kabar
Sebagai Sumber Pembelajaran Untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Siswa Terhadap
Pembelajaran PKN. Jurnal Tahsinia, 3(1), 20-28.

Karosekali, E. (2021). Analisis media dan sumber belajar dalam pembelajaran Pkn untuk tingkat
SD. SKYLANDSEA PROFESIONAL Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Teknologi, 1(2), 135-

Wibowo, A., Rahman, A., Ishaq, M., Yus, A., & Simaremare, A. (2022). Analisis Efektifitas
Media Pembelajaran Pkn Terhadap Gaya Belajar Kelas III SD. Journal of Educational
Analytics, 1(1), 1-8.

Yuniarsih, R., & Kamaludin, K. (2021). Pengaruh Gaya Belajar dan Pemanfaatan Sumber Belajar
terhadap Hasil Belajar PPKn Siswa. Journal of Education and Instruction (JOEAI), 4(2),

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