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basic education Se. @ Department @ Basic Education REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA |ATIONAL i Ce) eae tO MARKS: 100 \ TIME: 2 hours ‘This question paper consists of 7 pages. teil: stl Poe Copyright reserved Mathematies/P1 2 DBE/November 2017 CAPS ~ Grade 10 INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION Read the following instructions carefully before answering the questions, 2. 3 This question paper consists of 7 questions. Answer ALL the questions, Clearly show ALL calculations, diagrams, graphs, et cetera that you have used to determine the answers. Answers only will NOT necessarily be awarded full marks. You must use an approved scientific calculator (non-programmable and non- graphical), unless stated otherwise. Round off answers to TWO decimal places, unless stated otherwise. Diagrams are NOT necessarily drawn to scale. Number the answers correctly according to the numbering system used in this question paper. Write neatly and legibly. Bees COMA TS AA A Please ar over Mathematies/P 1 3 CAPS ~ Grade 10 DBE/November 2017 QUESTION 1 Li Given: g=Vb? —4ae LLL Determine the value of g if a=2, 6=~-1 and e=-4 Leave your answer in simplest surd form, 1.1.2 State whether q_ is rational or irrational. 1.1.3 Between which TWO consecutive integers does q lie? 1.2 Factorise the following expressions fully: 121 Pe-s)-rts x+l 20 1.3. Simplify the following completely: 13.1 Q2y+3\(7y? ~6y-8) 13.2 133 QUESTION 2 24 Given: 4-2x <16 where xeR 21.1 Solve the inequality, 2.12 Hence, represent your answer to QUESTION 2.1.1 on a number line. 22 Solve simultaneously for xand y: ~2x~y=10 and 3x~4y=~4 2.3 Solve for x: xx-5 23.1 oe -1=0 2.32 c=Va+2x 24 Tabelo is currently four times as old as his daughter, Linda. Six years from now, Tabelo will be three times as old as Linda. Calculate Linde's age currently. Copyright served NAAT AR AT Please tuin over @ a) (ay @) (2) @ @) G) 07) @) a @ @) 2 @) [i6) Mathematies/P 1 4 DBE/November 2017 CAPS ~ Grade 10 QUESTION 3 3A Consider the linear sequence: 55851153175. 3.1.1 Write down the value of , 3.1.2 Determine the n” term of the sequence, 3.13 Calculate the value of the 15" term of the sequence. 3.1.4 Which term in the sequence is equal to 83? 32 coi the number pattern below created by using the numbers of the sequence 5145185. 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 3.24 Calculate the sum of the numbers in the 8" row. 3.2.2 Determine the mean of the numbers in the 20" row, QUESTION 4 4 Seven years ago, Mrs Grey decided to invest R18 000 in a bank account that paid simple interest at 4,5% p.a. 4.1.1 Calculate how much interest Mrs Grey has earned over the 7 years. 4.1.2 Mrs Grey wants to buy a television set that costs R27 660,00 now. If the average rate of inflation over the last 5 years was 6,7% p.a., calculate the cost of the television set 5 years ago. 4.13 At what rate of simple interest should Mrs Grey have invested her money 7 years ago if she intends buying the television set now using only her original investment of R18 000 and the interest eared over the last 7 years? 42 On a certain day the exchange rate between the US dollar and South African rand is $1 = R12,91. At the same time the exchange rate between the British pound and the South African rand is £1 = R16,52. Calculate the exchange rate between the British pound and US dollar on that day. onvacerst INTL Q) @) @ 3) 2) (13) at @) @) @) (10) | ! Mathematies/P 1 5 CAPS ~ Grade 10 QUESTION 5 ‘The diagram shows the graphs of g(x)=ax"+q and f(x)=mx+c. R and S(2;0) are the x-intercepts of g and T(0 ; 8) is the y-intercept of g. Graph f passes through R and T. 5.1 Write down the range of g. 5.2 Write down the x -coordinate of R. 5.3 Caloulate the values of a and g. 54 Determine the equation of /: (/) 5.5 Use the graphs to determine the value(s) of x for which: 551 LS) =a) 55.2<0 5.6 ‘The graph h is obtained when g is reflected along the line y=0. Write down the equation of in the form A(x) = px? +k, oo COATT EA TT DBE/November 2017 Please twin over a a @) @) Q) @) @) [15] Mathematics/P1 DBE/November 2017 6 CAPS ~ Grade 10 QUESTION 6 6.1 The function p(x) =k" +q_ is described by the following properties: © k>0;k#l © x-intercept at (2 ; 0) © The horizontal asymptote is y =—9 6.1.1 Write down the range of p. @ 6.1.2 Determine the equation of p. Q) 6.13 Sketch the graph of p. Show clearly the intercepts with the axes and the asymptote. @) 62 ‘The sketch below shows the graphs of f(x)="4w and g(s)=—x-1, x The graph g isan axis of symmetry of f. The graphs f and g intersect at P and Q 6.2.1 Write down the value of w. am 6.2.2 The point (-2; 7) lies on f Calculate the value of &. @ 6.2.3 Calculate the x-coordinates of P and Q. @) 624 — Write down the values of x forwhich “18x, a x [16] Copyriahe reserved CIMACT A ee Mathematies/P 1 1 DBE/November 2017 CAPS ~Grade 10 QUESTION 7 7.1 Two events, A and B, are complementary and make up the entire sample space. Also, P(A’) = 0,35. 7.1.1 Complete the statement: P(A)+P(B) =.. 7.1.2 Write down the value of P(A and B) 7.1.3 Write down the value of P(B). 7.2 A survey was conducted among 150 leamers in Grade 10 at a certain school to establish how many of them owned the following devices: smartphone (S) or tablet (). The results were as follows: 8 learners did not own either a smartphone or a tablet. 20 leamers owned both a smartphone and a tablet, 48 leamers owned a tablet. x leamers owned a smartphone. 7.2.1 Represent the information above in a Venn diagram. 7.2.2. How many learners owned only a smartphone? 7.2.3. Calculate the probability that « leamer selected at random from this group: (2) Owned only a smartphone (6) Owned at most one type of device TOTAL: Copyright reserved CROMER AA A a) qa) aw @) @3) (a) (2) (13) 100 basic education Department; Basic Education REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA NATIONAL GRADE/GRAAD 10 (OUT TSH ease eee eee eee BR nawwwneeay . * MATHEMATICS PLU/WISKUNDE V1 A NOVEMBER 2017 7 MARKING GUIDELINES/NASTENRIGLYNE : x 7 eee eEE LT LITT Ter errr i MARKS/PUNTE: 100 SESSSEUS See ; e@- a per Sea or wamS & A PRIVATE BAG ¥e0a, PRETORIA SOIT mene a 2ai7 -1t- 06 | Suvaal APPROVED HARKING GUIDELINE at EU sosue menmmeaee These marking guidelines consist of 12 pages. Hierdie nasienrighyne bestaan uit 12 mie by aw Mape IG Swhy fee 3h u |v ph, Bg Please turn over/Blaai om rac] oO 2) Mathematics PL iskunde 1 CAPS/KABY— Grade/Graad 10 NOTE: ‘If.a candidate answered a question TWIC! 2 DBENovember 2017)" ‘Marking Guidelines Naslenriglyne mark only the FIRST attempt. ‘¢ Hfacandidate erossed out an answer and did not redo it, mark the crossed-out answer. ‘+ Consistent accuracy applies fo ALL aspects of the marking guidelines, © Assuming values/answers in order to solve a problem is unacceptable, LET WEL: + As in kandidadt 'n vraag TWEE keer beantwoord het, sien slegs dle BERSTE poging na. © Asn kandidaat 'n antwoord deurgehaal en nie oorgedoen het nie, sien die deurgehaalde antwoord na, © Volgehoue akkuraatheid is op ALLE aspekte van die nasienriglyme van toepassing. © Ditis onaanvaarbaar dat yaardes/antwoorde veronderstel word om 'n probleem op te Las. QUESTION/VRAAG 1 LET s v | | Vorrectsubstlkorrek very. Yahswlantw : @), T12" | Inrational/rrasionaal ‘answ/antw cA ©, TAS | Sanden 6 | Vanswlantw 7A om - : = A ® TA F¢-j—rse y, 7 4 ‘common factor/gemene faktor =P 28) -¢-9) ber | strane =(r=s)(? =D), Ste ¥ diffrence of two squares! =r-se-eH1) verskil vai twee kwadrate A @ pS | factors of numer GED? = x40, [¥+)) tes Votoxe) A ted 2 Copyright reservediKoplereg voorbehou DEPARTMENT OF BAS: EDUCATION ‘PRIVATE BAG xea6, PRETORIA G00? 2017 -Ht- 06 193 APPROVED NARKING GUIDELINE, PUBLIC EXAMINATION Please ten over/Blaal am asseblief C) oO ‘Mathematios P1/Wistunde VE 3 (CAPSIKABY ~ GradelGraad 10 ~ Marking GuidlinesNaslerigine DBEMovember 2017 TBE] Gye a7 ey = My? ~12y* ~16y-421y? -18y— 24 =14y? +9y* ~34y 24 A ¥ multiplying brackets/vermenigvuldig hakkies Yanswlantw 132 2 ea Oe 3 2 Gera G-aP 3-3) #20443) ~G=3) G43) 389 FIG © 343) yer “G3 Gas) . @ vicpixew A 3-342 43) og Yanswlantw (4%, 3) 133 Ansty roy PUL tke | Vinctorsfakiore A (Num < Dey) | Y simplivereen of | Yanswlany — CA} @) __ 07 ‘Copyright reserved/Koplereg voorbehon DEPARTMENT OF BASIC EDUCATION PRIVATE GAG xt06, PRETORIA OUGT APPROVED MARKING GUIDELINE 2017 -11- 06 Please turn over/Biaal om assebliey Ed me ‘Mathematios P1/Wiskunde VI 4 DBEMNovember 2017 (CAPS/KABV — Grade/Graad 10 ~ Marking Guidelines Nasienrighyne QUESTIONVRAAG2 ap 211 [4-2x<16 4-2x<16 oa 24) ub =2x<12 OR/OF — ~12<2x simpL/vereenv eh BP-6 ft ~6 A246 = 3x46) A L t sedgeits Yequinghor, «© X46 3 (yore x12 x aly, Linda's age/Linda se ouderdomis 12-yearsiiaar | v answlantw7 L U Pd tbe (a) ( 4 PoTiVE fig} VAWE ) Please tm over/Blaal om arsebliey BEF ng Sut No ‘Mathematios PViFiskunde V1 6 DBEANovennber 2017 ‘CAPS/KABY ~ GradelGraad 10 ~ Marking Galdelies!¥asienriglyne - QUESTION VRAAG3 | " 3.7 J constant difference =3 ‘constant ditikovisante [baad verskil = 3 } Y answlantw /\ Q). B.S |The sequence is lincar/Mierdie ry is lineér: T, = pn+4q. T,=3n+q Seo poles vin CA } 2 oH a cS ® 33") | Y substJverv. Of ¥ ainswlantw Cf | | a | xi g ob ; v1,=3 A Amit 4 ‘ 5 ae oA Y answlant (nel ow A Bi | Stim of the terms in Fows!Som van terme in rye 25.163 54; 128 Row/Ry 1:2x 1=2 Rowiky: Row/Ry | Row/ky 4: st Y gen Jalg. term Row/Rya ¥ subst/verv. Rowlky 8= 2(8)' = 1024 ¥ aaswiantw (3) eon on/or Pattern for the first terms in rows/Patroon van die eerste | terme inrye:2; 6; 143263 .. | 25 A032 AU QVI2 5 AO) MQPHM)HE 5 oe Ca TSA 24344454647) +2 | sud | ‘Sum of the terms in row 8/Som van terme inry8 |} sum of terms in row/som = 114 +118 +122 4136-41304 1344138 +142 |] van terme in ry 8 Sey 1} ¥ answlanew ~ @) i mu alc ole 23 i Bo Bi i212 © Bal oS Sle Bee = Ele Copia reserved Kopireg vorbeon At Tg $} ris wn ovratomarsy Fa: S aly Pe sla = a EB I a O Mathematies PY IVIskamde V1 7 BNovember2017 CAPSIKABY ~GradlGraad 19 Marking Guideinesasiewighne FI2 ne 209° 7 substIverv, Mean in sowGomidela nr 20 = 220) 599 Para ce @Q) OR/OF wor onvor. First term of rowers term in ry 20: T, 404243444... 419) 42 } =702 Summ of terms in row/Som van terme in ry 20 = 762+ 766 + 770+...+ 838. 6000 v Pr ~-Mean/Gemidaeld = 590° 509 ea Y answlantw Cf 2) =a L [13] | Copyright reserved:Koplereg voarbefiow DEPARTMENT OF BASIC EDUGATI WATE BAG KU0s, PRIFTORIA GUT 2017 -It- 06 APPROVED MARKING GUIDELINE PUBLIC EXAWIMATION Please tum over/Blaat om asseblief F toy, 7) Matherates Pu/Wiskunde V2 DBEMNovenber 207 CapSIKABY ~GradelGrad 0 Marking Gulsines Namie QUESTION/VRAAG 4 4i0 . “A= P(l+in) ¥ ™~ = 18000(1+0,045%7) vrosen fk = R23670 : | Interest/Rente = 23670-18000 A ( = R5670 YRS 670 @ | owor OROF fe] } ste Pt ¥ substivery, AL 100 4 8000x 4,5 x7 By \. 700 IE | ¥ answ/anow CAN + R5670,00 ABS @ 1s a A=P(+i)" aren s | '¥ correct subst./korrek very. 27660 = RY +.0,067) i in cortect formula/ korrekie 27660 : ‘Vormuie a0,067)" | making P the'subject/maak = | 2 onderwerp van focmule a Yanswlantw Cp) wo ~ — @ bai3 A= POTN va 18000( +ix7) AED ‘subst /korrek very. * él p: 4 'N € | inottectformula/in ovrekt 74 = 21800 5 )) | formule 78000 ply sek” Ve in Vale! | ¥ making ithe subjecvmaak Simgleintcrost rate shoul have been! Eenvoudige rente moes wees 7.57% onderwerp van formule a Fyn Pound Pond ~ RI6,52, 3) 42 | Pound/Pond | Ri6,52 ||“ propanion/verhowdiig ~~ Dollar RI2,91 i nfl S1y28 Guasizsd A a See nates ® __ Dollar __ R291 ‘OnOr E)> Fines pundins ¥ proportion/verhouding: ro Z "Gap aa plore tant ot ‘Fiease ttn over/ Baal one daseblief- Gry Mes Mathematics PUWiskeinde V1 DBEWNovember 2017 CAPS/KABY— GradelGraad 10 — acing CuldlnedNasenigbne e=8 CA QUESTION/IVRAAG 5 Sa Range of/Waardeversameling van g 7 y <8 Yanswianiw J OR/OF a) oRor ye (05 8] Yanswiantw fA a ‘The x-coordinate of Ris —3 / ( Do ¥ answ/antw A a) q=8 ve @;0 A Ya=2 Ble A ® @/2) | oror ald Bal vans A | g ‘ pe @;0) A S| al @, : a 5 2 7 bE Pane) Yneg Cf (non7 BE) Fourth V equation / vergelyking €f\ a [He 7 oH LB) @) S52 Te wh 7 Tan ) (op May 1 -28xS0 of x22 CA CA CA oe 6) oRor owor ¥6[-2;0] or xe[2;<0) YM -2; 0) ¥ ja) [ Ma) = C2? +8 VI) =—(ee) ies ute MAIC a Be be HE X\. BWinte anf) 2) 15) Spa fn uf pro; ko Aad = Copyright rservedopiereg voorbehow = pe +e | Va Please tom over/Blaa! om atsebteg Bis Ms Matineatis PY/Wiskunde 7 10 DBENovenber2017 CAPSIKABY — Grade/Graad 10 ~ Marking Guidelines Pastenrigtyne QUESTION/VRAAG 6 Gil | The range/Waardeversameling y > -9 ob onior oe a 66952) eer {ee rianen A ite @). ois wi | 2G a= { vada. (259) Fea Baibofomdatc> 0 = 3sitce/omdat k> pa)=3 9 cA i 5 Vk=3 i 3) 6.13 ~ 9, ; ! Yasymptote/asimptoot A mas ca (Sih 7 aa aes)" ast | Copyright reserved/Kopiereg voorbehow ENT oF Please turn over/Blan! om asseblef Pit © eo 5 i : : § ‘a 3 s Fa i if i a oO oO Mathematics PL/Wskunde VE 1 DBEANovember 2017 CAPSIKABY —GradelGraad 10 ~ Marking Guidelines Navtariglyne 620 ¥ answlaniw nh 622 (in ¥ answ/anny Y substisern, PY (623 (-M(r44)=0 =4 or xp=-4 Vx=-4 at/by P Yx=4atQ Vequatingiverg, Cif Y simplivereeny ¢ 2) 6.24 -4

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