Skripsi Rizqika Amalia - 11190140000021

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Submitted at the Fulfillment to Accomplish Bachelor Degree

At the Faculty of Educational Sciences

Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta

Rizqika Amalia










Rizqika Amalia. NIM 11190140000021. Students’ Perception of The Use of English

Podcasts in Listening Skills. A Skripsi of the English Education Department, the
Faculty of Educational Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University
Jakarta, 2023.
Advisor 1: Kustiwan, S.Ag., M.A., Ph.D.

Advisor 2: Viviana Lisma Lestari, M.Pd.

This study aims to see how students use podcasts, as well as to describe their
perceptions about using podcasts, the strengths and weaknesses of podcasts, their
obstacles in using podcasts and how to deal with them in listening skills. This study
used a qualitative method and a case study design with open-ended questionnaires
and interviews as instruments. This study involved 30 students as a sample in IPA
6 Cambridge students. The data obtained were analysed using thematic analysis in
which the researcher identified or found themes through the data collected by the
researcher regarding student perceptions. The findings of this study indicate that
podcasts help students learn in class that use two languages and from the results of
interviews the material in class is quite related to the podcasts heard which are
useful for them in terms of capturing the main idea in an audio. Most students give
positive perceptions about using podcasts. But podcasts have many advantages and
disadvantages. The advantages are that podcasts have broad and interesting themes,
flexible and can be played back. While the weaknesses are the absence of transcripts,
long duration, and visuals. This finding also found several obstacles faced by
students when listening to podcasts, such as they felt bored and inconsistent, so they
could not focus on listening and understanding the main points of the conversation.
Keywords: Listening skill, podcast, students’ perception


Rizqika Amalia. NIM 11190140000021. Persepsi Siswa tentang

Penggunaan Podcast Bahasa Inggris dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan
Menyimak Skripsi Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu
Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta,
Pembimbing 1: Kustiwan, S.Ag., M.A., Ph.D.

Pembimbing 2: Viviana Lisma Lestari, M.Pd.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana siswa memanfaatkan

podcast, juga untuk mendeskripsikan persepsi mereka tentang penggunaan
podcast, kelebihan dan kelemahan podcast, kendala mereka dalam
menggunakan podcast serta bagaimana cara menghadapinya dalam
keterampilan menyimak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan
desain studi kasus dengan instrument kuesioner terbuka dan wawancara.
Penelitian ini melibatkan 30 siswa sebagai sampel pada kelas IPA 6
Cambridge. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan tematik
analisis dimana peneliti mengidentifikasi atau untuk menemukan tema
melalui data yang telah dikumpulkan oleh peneliti tentang persepsi siswa.
Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa podcast membantu siswa dalam
pembelajarannya di sekolah yang menggunakan dua Bahasa dan dari hasil
interview materi di kelas cukup relate dengan podcast yang didengar yang
berguna bagi mereka dalam hal menangkap main idea dalam sebuah audio.
Sebagian besar siswa memberikan persepsi positif tentang penggunaan
podcast. Namun podcast memiliki banyak kelebihan dan kekurangan.
Kelebihannya adalah podcast memiliki tema yang luas dan menarik, fleksibel
dan dapat diputar ulang. Sedangkan kelemahannya adalah tidak adanya
transkrip, durasi yang lama, dan visual. Temuan ini juga menemukan beberapa
hambatan yang dihadapi siswa saat mendengarkan podcast, seperti mereka
merasa bosan dan tidak konsisten, sehingga tidak bisa fokus untuk
mendengarkan dan memahami inti pembicaraan.
Kata kunci: Keterampilan menyimak, podcast, persepsi siswa


‫الر ِحي ِْم‬

َّ ‫الرحْ مٰ ِن‬
َّ ِ‫بِس ِْم للا‬

Alhamdulillah, all praise be to Allah, the Almighty of the world, who gave
the researcher blessing, guidance, strength, and love, so she could complete this
skripsi with the title “Students’ Perception of The Use of English Podcasts in
Listening Skills.” Blessing and salvation be upon the beloved Prophet Muhammad
SAW, his family, companions, and followers.

The researcher would like to express her profound gratitude to everyone

who encouraged and assisted her throughout her research process. Therefore, she
would like to express deep gratitude to her loving family, particularly her parents,
and brothers, for their unwavering love, encouragement, and prayers. She would
also like to extend her gratitude and appreciation to everyone who assisted her in
completing this study, especially to:

1. Siti Nurul Azkiyah, M.Sc., Ph.D. as the Dean of the Faculty of Educational
Sciences UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.
2. Ummi Kultsum, M.Pd. as the Head of the English Education Department.
3. Kustiwan, S.Ag., M.A., Ph.D., and Viviana Lisma Lestari, M.Pd. as the
advisor who always gave the researcher their time, help, motivation,
suggestions, and valuable guidance while finishing skripsi.
4. Dr. Fahriany, M.Pd. and Desi Nahartini, M.Ed. as an examiner in “sidang
munaqasyah”. Thank you very much for the time spent and all the advice
given for the development of this research. Hopefully all the advice and
knowledge provided can be useful for researchers.
5. All Lectures in the Department of English Education for all the knowledge
taught during her study.
6. Her beloved family, her mother Rivalena, her father Ali Amran and her
brother M. Setya Pratama, Raedi Ardian and M. Shafiyuddin who always

pray, give support, and the phone call every week to remind her to keep
going and never give up.
7. All the participants of IPA 6 Cambridge class who have given their time to
be the sample of the research, and also special thanks to Ikrimah, who has
coordinated the class group.
8. All of the teachers and staff of MAN 3 Palembang, especially ma’am
Roihanah and ma’am Umayah who have helped to make this research
9. Her beloved friends, Arief Rachman, Fadhila, Nabiela, Iin, Denissa, Rima,
Agnes, Tata, Isna, Mute, Cece has accompanied her from the beginning of
college until now. Thank you for the support so far and for being her friends
and family here.
10. Her best classmate from A class has shared many wonderful experiences
and some of the most memorable moments of her life.
11. Everyone who has helped and contributed to finishing this skripsi and whose
names cannot be mentioned individually.
12. Last but not least, I want to thank me, I want to thank me for believing in
me, I want to thank me for doing all this hard work, I want to thank me for
having no days off, I want to thank me for never quitting, for just being me
at all times.

Perhaps the researcher will never be able to express enough how fortunate
she feels to have such early advisors and supporters. She hopes she can return their
generosity someday and prays that their health stays steady under the current

Jakarta, 31 July 2023

Rizqika Amalia


APPROVAL SHEET ........................................................................................................ ii

ENDORSEMENT SHEET .............................................................................................. iii
STATEMENT OF AUTHENTICITY ............................................................................ iv
ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................... v
ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................................ vi
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ................................................................................................ vii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................ ix
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................... xi
LIST OF DIAGRAMS .................................................................................................... xii
LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................... xiii
CHAPTER I .................................................................................................................... 14
INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................... 14
A. Background of The Research ............................................................................. 14
B. Problem Statement.............................................................................................. 17
C. Formulation of The Problem ............................................................................. 17
D. Scope of The Research ........................................................................................ 17
E. The objective of The Research ........................................................................... 17
F. Significance of The Research ............................................................................. 18
CHAPTER II ................................................................................................................... 19
THEORETICAL REVIEW ........................................................................................... 19
A. Theoretical Framework ...................................................................................... 19
1. Listening Skill .................................................................................................. 19
a. Definition of Listening ................................................................................ 19
b. Types of Listening ....................................................................................... 20
c. The Process of Listening ............................................................................. 21
d. Learners' difficulties in Listening .............................................................. 22
e. Teaching Listening in Senior High Schools .............................................. 24
2. Media in Teaching English ............................................................................. 26
a. Definition of Media ..................................................................................... 26
b. Function of Media ....................................................................................... 26
c. Learning Media in Education .................................................................... 26
3. Podcast ............................................................................................................. 27

a. Definition of Podcast ................................................................................... 27
b. The Advantages of Podcast ........................................................................ 28
c. The Weaknesses of Podcast ........................................................................ 29
d. Podcast in Teaching English ...................................................................... 29
e. The Popularity of Podcasts in Indonesia ................................................... 30
4. Perception ........................................................................................................ 30
a. Definition of Perception .............................................................................. 30
b. Types of Perception..................................................................................... 31
B. Previous Research ............................................................................................... 31
C. Conceptual Framework ...................................................................................... 33
CHAPTER III ................................................................................................................. 34
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .................................................................................. 34
A. Research Methodology & Design....................................................................... 34
B. Place & Time of the Research ............................................................................ 35
C. Population & Sample of the Research............................................................... 35
D. Research Instrument........................................................................................... 35
E. Data Collection Technique ................................................................................. 37
F. Data Analysis Technique .................................................................................... 38
CHAPTER IV.................................................................................................................. 39
FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION .................................................................................... 39
A. Findings................................................................................................................ 39
1) Data Description.............................................................................................. 39
2) Analysis of the Data ........................................................................................ 42
B. Discussion............................................................................................................. 56
CHAPTER V ................................................................................................................... 61
CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .......................................................................... 61
A. Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 61
B. Suggestion ............................................................................................................ 62
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................ 63
APPENDICES ................................................................................................................. 69

Table 2. 1 Listening Type..................................................................................... 20
Table 3. 1 Instrument............................................................................................ 36
Table 3. 2 Blueprint Questionnaire ...................................................................... 36
Table 3. 3 Blueprint Interview ............................................................................. 36
Table 4. 1 Research Sample for Distribution of Questionnaire Data ................... 39
Table 4. 2 Interview Result .................................................................................. 49
Table 4. 3 Interview Result .................................................................................. 50
Table 4. 4 Interview Result .................................................................................. 51
Table 4. 5 Interview Result .................................................................................. 52
Table 4. 6 Interview Result .................................................................................. 53
Table 4. 7 Interview Result .................................................................................. 54
Table 4. 8 Interview Result .................................................................................. 55
Table 4. 9 Interview Result .................................................................................. 55


Diagram 4. 1 First Questionnaire Result .............................................................. 42

Diagram 4. 2 Second Questionnaire Result ......................................................... 42
Diagram 4. 3 Third Questionnaire Result ............................................................ 43
Diagram 4. 4 Fourth Questionnaire Result .......................................................... 44
Diagram 4. 5 Fifth Questionnaire Result ............................................................. 44
Diagram 4. 6 Sixth Questionnaire Result............................................................. 45
Diagram 4. 7 Seventh Questionnaire Result ........................................................ 45
Diagram 4. 8 Eighth Questionnaire Result .......................................................... 46
Diagram 4. 9 Ninth Questionnaire Result ............................................................ 47
Diagram 4. 10 Tenth Questionnaire Result .......................................................... 48


Figure 2. 1 Process of Listening ........................................................................... 21

Figure 2. 2 Popularity of Podcast in Indonesia .................................................... 30



A. Background of The Research

Students are taught English as a foreign language from elementary to junior
high, high school, and college. Even if they have studied for years, it is typical for
students or graduates to struggle to grasp English. Due to the necessity for listeners'
focus and concentration, listening is one of the English skills students in Indonesia
work to master. It occurs due to their poor comprehension of the English material
being read aloud in class (Camelia et al., 2021).

In a natural context, it turns out that learning listening skills is far from
expectations. Listening is considered difficult for students because it is difficult for
them to grasp the meaning and purpose of the sound of the Podcast. Several things
make students difficulty in listening skills. First, English is rarely used by students
in everyday life. Second, the listening materials also have different accents and
unusual vocabulary. Third, students are accustomed to listening to non-native
speakers in class (Indahsari, 2020). Fourth, listeners do not influence how speakers
speak, the speed of speech and conversation becomes an important consideration.
Fifth, lack of time to learn English in the classroom, in which most English sessions
at school mainly focus on textbooks and exercises, and teachers seldom employ the
four fundamental English skills to apply in the classroom. And sixth, the teacher's
lack of innovation in choosing engaging learning media for students' listening skills.
Currently, most students in Indonesia lack confidence in listening to English. That
means students in Indonesia still have a low level of confidence in listening to
English, so the students’ listening comprehension scores will decrease (Romadhon,

Creating fun learning is a challenge for teachers. Technology has enormous

potential to transform current education techniques. When students learn with

technology, they develop higher-order cognitive skills (Syahabuddin & Rizqa,
2021). Learning media becomes significant in this environment. Because when
used effectively and imaginatively, media can be an excellent tool for waking all
the senses in learning. Teachers can use various multimedia forms to improve
educational quality and the efficacy of English instruction. Teachers must master
learning media to enhance student motivation, minimize boredom in engaging in a
learning process and develop students' knowledge in a real-world environment.
Teachers may utilize multimedia software to extend class content and give multiple
contexts in the learning process by combining voice, video, and images (Suhardiana,
2019). Teacher competence will increase through a good understanding of the
media, mastery of appropriate selection strategies, and creative use in various
packaging actions.

The free availability of the internet impacts both students and teachers in the
sphere of education—for instance, modern students like the internet to research
information, news, or homework. Like students, most teachers still use the internet
to find resources and study aids. It is also envisaged that the internet would
contribute to raising learning results in educational settings when teachers, mainly
English subject teachers, use it to enhance English language abilities, especially
listening skills (Elmayantie, 2018).

Many audio media have been created to give versatile learning tools (Sari,
2021). There are many media that teachers can use to support Listening and learning
in class, namely Podcasts. Podcasting is one of the most exciting technologies to
emerge in recent history. Podcasting is exciting because anybody can get involved,
express themselves, exchange ideas, or pitch their products. Whatever interests
people have, podcasting has a place for them (Geoghegan & Klass, 2007). There
are several podcasts, some of which are merely audio, while others include video.
Some students may be able to understand Podcasts through audio only without
pictures. Some students, however, can grasp the content of the Podcast if images or
videos support it. Podcasts benefit students and teachers by providing up-to-date

contexts (Fatika & Rahayu, 2021). With podcasts, students get many advantages,
such as information and entertainment.

Furthermore, podcasts may be downloaded and shared instantaneously,

giving learners more significant control over their competency and ownership of
their learning (Ramli & Kurniawan, 2018). Recently, there has been a substantial
development in podcasts that may be utilized for educational purposes. It can be
entertaining and one-of-a-kind educational activities (Camelia et al., 2021). By
combining the words "podcast" and "iPod," the term "podcast" is created to describe
a format in which several audio or video files are made accessible for free online
access. A podcast is regularly updated online content, including an MP3 file and
occasionally a spoken script. The majority of podcasts are free. The range of topics
and speaking rates improve it. As a result, listeners of all skill levels may access
this content (Sukmawati, 2021).

This research was conducted at MAN 3, namely a religion-based school that has
bilingual classes. In this study, researchers conducted research on Cambridge
Science class 6. This class is a class with a special program, namely the use of two
languages (Indonesian and English) as the language of instruction for learning
activities, especially for English and Science subjects. Cambridge class students are
accustomed to using English in class with the teacher. In addition, this Cambridge
class student has a special book for learning English, namely Cambridge Prepare’s
book level 5 which provides a more complete discussion of English skills such as
speaking, listening, vocabulary and grammar. “Prepare” is an English language
program that comes with comprehensive Cambridge English for School test
preparation according to Curriculum 13. Its unique approach builds on the latest
research results from the English Vocabulary Profile and the Cambridge Learner

Practice English listening skills anytime and whenever in the current day. The
accessibility of podcasts, digital music, Spotify, online video streaming, and other
works by worldwide artists is one of the contributing factors. In contrast, they are
improving their listening skills in English. They can select one Podcast to help them

learn English and listen to it as they advance their education. However, not every
student will comprehend the material the same way as another student. When
listening to a podcast, one can understand only half of the complete information or
none. The researcher's topic of discussion in this skripsi is "Students’ Perception
of The Use of English Podcasts in Listening Skills."

B. Problem Statement
Lack of time and media in learning listening can affect students. Teachers
usually only rely on books to provide material. Various media can be used to
support the continuity of learning in English classes, especially listening skills.
However, the teacher's lack of understanding of what media is used in learning
listening to English can make it difficult for students to understand the context of
the listening material provided. Therefore, to overcome this, teachers can use
Podcast media as a supporting tool in listening and learning.

C. Formulation of The Problem

Based on the study background discussed above to fill these research gaps, some
questions should be addressed:

What are the students' perceptions of English podcasts as a medium in listening


D. Scope of The Research

This study focuses on listening instruction in High School students. This study
focuses on students’ perception of using English podcasts to their listening skills.
This relates to the power of the students to recapitulate and explain the podcasts
they have listened to. The English Podcast Application is used in this investigation.

E. The objective of The Research

To find out students' perceptions of using the English podcast application in
listening skills.

F. Significance of The Research
This study's findings are intended to have theoretical and practical
implications. The following are the specifics of the significance:

1. Theoretically

The goal of this research is to determine students' perceptions of listening

skills through the use of podcasts. Students will listen to English podcasts and use
them to improve their listening skills.

2. Practically

1. This study offers researchers information or insight on how to develop

students' listening skills through podcast media.
2. For students, employing stimulating and interactive media like podcasts
may be a productive attempt to develop students' listening skills.
3. This study can give readers new information about how podcasts can assist
students in developing their listening skills, and teachers pick the proper
media in the classroom.



A. Theoretical Framework
1. Listening Skill
a. Definition of Listening
Listening is one of the areas studied in language studies and discourse. As one
of the crucial components of spoken language processing – there is no spoken
language without listening – listening is also an area that is interconnected with
numerous areas of inquiry and development (Rost, 2004). When speaking with
people, your capacity to listen contributes to your ability to receive information
properly. These abilities are essential for job connection. Strong listening skills may
help you hear news more clearly, analyse messages more accurately, and optimize
your discussions and communications for efficiency.

Listening is a critical skill because it allows the speaker and listener to interact
so that the audience can respond to the speaker without failing to understand either.
If the listener closely listens to the speaker's utterance, then the speaker and listener
connect. Communication cannot be split between listeners and speakers; they are
inextricably linked (Siahaan, 2020).

Based on the explanation above, listening ability is defined as the ability to

comprehend the meaning of spoken words. When people listen, they recognize the
sound or utterances of what the speaker says, and they apply prior knowledge to
make perfect sense of what they are hearing, and eventually their understanding
takes form through the listening process. Most individuals listen to confirm their
expectations or to obtain information, whether detailed or particular.

However, in order to build a knowledge of the spoken language, listeners must

overcome various challenges or obstacles whether internal or external. The internal
difficulty may be referred to as the listener's past knowledge, whilst the external

problem can be referred to as the circumstance of the listening process. To deal with
the issues, the listener should practice listening more frequently, acquire as much
exposure to spoken English as possible, such as through English movies, songs,
podcasts, foreign news, and so on, and get more familiar with the English language

b. Types of Listening
There are six types of listening practice, with task types and activities for each
(Rost, 2004). The six types of listening discussed are:

Table 2. 1 Listening Type

Listening Type Learning Focus Activity Focus

Intensive Focus on Learner pays close attention to what is
phonology, syntax, said. Teacher feedback on the
and lexis. accuracy
Selective Focus on main Learner attempts to extract essential
ideas, and pre-set information and construct or utilize
tasks. data meaningfully. Teacher
intervention during tasks and
feedback on task completion
Interactive Focus on becoming In collaborative tasks, the learner
active as a listener; interacts verbally with others to
attempt to clarify discover information or negotiate
meaning or form solutions. Teacher feedback on the
state and outcome of the interaction
Extensive Focus on listening Learner listens to longer extracts and
continuously, performs meaning-oriented tasks.
managing large Teacher direct instruction on
amounts of listening comprehension strategies; global
input feedback from the teacher

Responsive Focus on learner Learner seeks opportunities to
response to input respond and convey their own
opinions and ideas. Teacher ‘pushes
output’ from learner
Autonomous Focus on learner The learner selects their extracts and
management of tasks, monitors their progress, and
progress, navigation decides on their patterns of interaction
of 'Help’ options with others. Global feedback from
teachers on the learning path

c. The Process of Listening


ng (Learning)

g (Recalling)



Figure 2. 1 Process of Listening

According to De Vito, the listening process involves five stages, namely, receiving,
understanding, remembering, evaluating, and responding (De Vito, 2007):

1. Receive

Listening begins with receiving messages the sender sends, both verbal and
nonverbal; it consists of words, gestures, facial expressions, and volume and speed
variations. Considering that each stage must have deviations, for example, the
listener receives part of the message at the receiving stage. As a result of
interference, the message fails to be adequately obtained due to one's inability to
share the intent or understanding of another precisely, failing to understand other

2. Understanding

Understanding is hearing what the messenger or speaker says while holding

on to your thoughts and emotions.

3. Remember

Recording messages is as important as recording the communicator's,

speaker's, or speaker's remarks in a meeting to make this listening process efficient.
According to De Vito, memory is crucial because memory is a reconstruction or re-
creation of a reality that has occurred.

4. Evaluate

Criticism of the messages conveyed defines evaluation. In this case, people

could evaluate the speaker or communicator by emphasizing the speaker's or
communicator's intent or purpose. This is crucial in listening because the
communicant typically overlooks or ignores it.

5. Respond

Response in terms of listening occurs in two phases:

● The response you make when the speaker or communicator speaks and
● The response you make after the speaker or communicator has stopped

d. Learners' difficulties in Listening

Within a few years, students pushed to comprehend and respond to the meaning
of the text in the form of interpersonal, interactional, unique, and functional
(Kemendiknas, 2016). Usually, the students in the 10th grade learned to grasp the
descriptive, recount, narrative announcement, and song. In the grade of 11th, they
practiced recognizing the analytic exposition, explanation, invitation, personal
letter, cause and effect, and song lyrics. Especially in the grade of 12th, listening
became more complicated because students were faced with the procedure, news

item, caption, pictures, photos, suggestion, offer, and idea. That text mentions
instructing in the dialogue, and the monologue is spoken in English.

However, in the actual context, the implementation of the teaching of listening

is still far behind the expectation and has even become a nightmare for both teachers
and learners. It is unknown if many unexpected and inevitable problems happened
in almost the rural and urban school listening classrooms. The core problems with
it were the issue of costly, inappropriate, unreliable, and unavailability of the
listening material. Ur, (1996), in her preliminary work in this particular field, found
that when listening, learners often find several troubles, such as; trouble with sound,
having to understand every word, natural native speech, and need to hear things
more than once, find it challenging to keep up and get tired.

1) Trouble with sound

Since most listeners rely mostly on context for comprehension, they are often
unaware of inaccurate sound perception.

2) Have to understand every word

This is a prevalent issue, which is sometimes subconsciously exacerbated by

teachers and listening comprehension resources that lead the student to feel that
everything stated has (equally) relevant information. The attempt to comprehend
everything frequently leads to poor comprehension as well as emotions of
exhaustion and failure. We may need to practice selective ignoring of auditory
information, which learners do naturally in their home tongue. Teachers should
explain this to students and assign exercises requiring them to scan a rather long
text for one or two limited information pieces.

3) Cannot understand fast, natural native speech

Learners frequently request that you slow down and speak clearly, which means
that you pronounce each word as it would sound in isolation, and the temptation is
to comply. If you do, though, you are not assisting them in learning to cope with
ordinary casual conversation. They should be exposed to as much spontaneous

informal conversation as they can comprehend as soon as feasible; explaining why
is important. One advantage of teacher-produced conversation is that teacher may
present students with this type of discourse at the appropriate level as their listening
abilities improve.

4) Need to hear things more than once

There may be compelling educational reasons to expose students to text more

than once. However, students will frequently have to deal with 'one-off' listening;
if teacher can increase their skills, teacher can undoubtedly make an important
contribution to their learning. For example, aim to choose texts with ‘redundant'
portions in which the main information is provided more than once and not too
intensively and allow learners to request clarification or repeat while listening.

5) Find it challenging to keep up

Again, the learner is feeling overburdened with new knowledge. The solution
is not (so much) to slow down the conversation but rather to urge them to relax,
stop trying to grasp everything, learn to pick out what is important, and dismiss the

6) Get tired

This is one reason why listening comprehension passages should not be too long
overall and should be broken up into little 'chunks' by pause, listener reaction, or
speaker change.

e. Teaching Listening in Senior High Schools

There are certain critical factors that determine whether or not a teaching plan
is successful. They consist of a curriculum, teachers, students, materials, and
methods of instruction. A curriculum is a set of plans and guidelines about the aim,
content, and teaching material, as well as a method to be utilized as a guideline for
implementation in learning activities in order to attain specified educational goals.
Meanwhile, the Standard of Competency and Basic Competency is an operational

curriculum that is organized and carried out by each educational unit, the structure
and curriculum of the Standard of Competency and Basic Competency, the
academic calendar, and the syllabus.

English, as indicated in the content standard (PERMENDIKNAS No 22, 2006),

is learned at least two hours a week at junior and senior high schools four hours a
week except for a language program in SMA – five hours a week. There is a
declaration in the government regulation No.19/2005 about the National Education
Standard regarding the standard of content, which includes the material and the
competency level, or what students should know and be able to accomplish in a
specific type and degree of education. Furthermore, it consists of the fundamental
concepts and structures of the curriculum, the standard of competency, and the basic
competency of each subject in each semester in every kind and degree of basic and
secondary education.

There is formulation of Basic Competence and Standard of Competence for

English Subject in Senior High Schools in Technical Guidelines of Syllabus
Development and SMA/ MA Syllabus Model Description for the English Subject.
These Basic Competence and Standard of Competence are what Senior High School
students must obtain as a result of learning English. There are three formulations
for "Listening Skill Competence" in connection to the listening skill:

1) Understanding senses in transactional and interpersonal contexts in daily

2) Understanding senses of brief functional text and simple monologue text in
daily life situations such as recount, narrative, procedural, descriptive, news
item, report, analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation,
discussion, and review.

Thus, the researcher believes that the teaching of English for Senior High
School, in this case listening skill, should be based on those rules and guidelines,
because at the end of the lessons, the students are expected to master daily lives

contexts' ideas of transactional and interpersonal dialogue, as well as simple short
functional and monologue texts.

2. Media in Teaching English

a. Definition of Media
The plural version of the Latin word "medium," which means "intermediate or
introduction," is media. The broadest definition is anything transporting
information from its source to its intended recipient. In communication, the term
"media" is widely used. Learning media is used in the classroom because the
teaching and learning process is essentially a communication activity.

It is possible to conclude that the media is a conduit between the source of

information or messages and the recipient. As a result, people frequently encounter
media in their daily lives, such as newspapers, online articles, movies, television,
and many others.

b. Function of Media
Media is critical in helping students in their communication learning process. It
will be more directed toward the desired goals via learning media. However, one of
the goals of media in learning activities is to help students know, understand, and
skilfully learn the material being studied, so more effective and efficient media are
required. Furthermore, the new learning media will make it easier to achieve
learning objectives by creating a more exciting and active learning environment.

c. Learning Media in Education

There will undoubtedly be communication between students and teachers in
education, commonly referred to as learning media. Communication between
teachers and students will be more harmonic when learning media is used in
teaching and learning activities. They will be able to comprehend one other with
any information presented. As a result, teachers should select learning media that
are well-suited to the characteristics of their students.

Media utilization in the classroom learning process is connected to the degree

of psychological growth and the level of skills of students who follow the learning

process. It is adapted to students' preferences and competencies, which can increase
student motivation to study. When teaching, every teacher employs a learning
media. Learning media is an educational component that encompasses materials
and equipment. As a result of the incorporation of many ideas and technologies,
learning media continues to experience and exist in diverse forms (Mumtahabah,

Media use in high school English learning should encourage students to

participate in additional learning and other activities such as observing, doing, and
demonstrating. High school English teaching aims to prepare students for oral and
textual communication. Understanding and expressing information, ideas, and
emotion and developing science, technology, and culture are all part of
communicating. As a result, high school English lessons emphasize developing
listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills so that graduates can converse and
talk in English.

3. Podcast
a. Definition of Podcast
The development of the term podcast marked the year 2004. Ben Hammersley
cites "podcasting" in his essay about audio blogs and online radio on For about seven months, the term "podcasting" seemed to
fade until it was ultimately used as a name when registering a domain, as Dannie
Gregoire did when registering the domain.

According to another remark, audio podcasts have grown since 2005, when
Apple added limited podcast content to iTunes. Podcast content has evolved and
expanded over time. Packaging options include a play/drama, dialogue/talk show,
monologue, and feature/documentary. The topics include history, science, politics,
economics, philosophy, etc. According to, few podcast programs
can compete with the popularity of television drama series (Fadilah et al., 2017).

Lately, podcasts also refer to material in video form. So, the notion of podcasts
can refer to audio or video podcasts. Apple defines podcasts as audio and video

broadcasts available online for playback on portable devices or computers, such as
an iPad, iPod, or Mac. To make a long story short, a podcast is described as online
audio or video content that may be downloaded immediately to a computer or
mobile media device for free or through a subscription.

There are now three categories of podcasts (Wiyanah, 2015).

● An essential podcast is the simplest to create and listen to because it only

comprises audio.
● A better podcast combines audio and slides (like a narrated PowerPoint
presentation on the Web).
● A vodcast (or visual Podcast) is the most challenging to create and watch
since it combines video and audio.

b. The Advantages of Podcast

● Podcasts are in terms of portability, ease of access to materials, and
flexibility (Romadhon, 2019). This means that students can listen to
podcasts wherever and whenever they want. Students can download this
Podcast for study because it can be connected to internet data. Podcasts are
portable, allowing students to practice listening anywhere and anytime.
● Podcasts cover a wide range of information and knowledge subjects.
Podcasts are more prevalent in the United States because they provide a
wide range of information. Politics, sciences, works of fiction, psychology,
parenting, and popular cultures like music and movies are all covered. As a
result, students can select their materials based on their level of
● Applying a podcast on listening comprehension can make students quickly
learn English without disturbing their classmates (Yoestara & Putri, 2019).
By using podcasts, students can improve their skills, particularly in listening
comprehension, without fear of being judged and disturbing their peers.
● Stimulants, many educational websites recommend that students listen to
podcasts on related subject matters regularly. This is a nod to the 'brain gym.'
Due to the lack of pictures in podcasts, our brains rely more on our sense of

hearing to acquire information. Furthermore, the Podcast's conversation is
cantered on the art of thinking, often known as brain criticism.
● Podcasts can assist students in improving their reading and listening
abilities. To improve reading accuracy, primary school-aged students are
studied by listening to podcasts while reading transcripts. This is because
this practice boosts the brain's ability to decode, which is necessary for
reading and listening. Meanwhile, listening to podcasts in junior high and
high school can encourage students to attend engagement and vocabulary
(Mulyati, 2022).

c. The Weaknesses of Podcast

● Listeners with a solid grasp of English can understand audio media, which
uses more sound and verbal vocabulary. As a result, the teacher must be able
to choose the best type of Podcast for High School students.
● Unlike YouTube, podcasts can be accessed by installing specific software
for the device in question. There is also software that provides new rates
that can be used completely.
● Using podcasts necessitates an internet connection, so ensure you have
enough quota. However, to save money, you can get around this by saving
or downloading content to listen to later (Nurmala Hendrawaty, 2019).

d. Podcast in Teaching English

Podcasts can be used to deliver extra linguistic input to interested students.
Podcasts can help students improve their listening skills because they are
participatory media (Rafique, 2021). If you want to utilize them in class, select
relevant ones and then construct objectives and activities to assist your students
through the listening experience. Pre-listening exercises, while-listening activities,
and post-listening activities are commonly used to engage students' prior
understanding of the podcasts' topic matter. While listening exercises may contain
some true-false questions for students to answer to help them focus on the topic.
After listening, you can concentrate on specific vocabulary terms and, if accessible,
disseminate the transcript. The vast majority of podcasts continue to be offered in

English. As a result, many people utilize podcasts to enhance their listening abilities
in English.

e. The Popularity of Podcasts in Indonesia

The presence of podcasts in Indonesia is growing quite rapidly. The starting
point for podcasts entering Indonesia began in 2018 with the emergence of a
podcast channel on the Spotify application. In the two years to May 2020, the
development of podcasts in Indonesia has begun to emerge because Indonesia has
the largest number of listeners in Southeast Asia (Imarshan, 2021).

Figure 2. 2 Popularity of Podcast in Indonesia

The popularity of podcasts continues to grow, rivaling video and text-based
content widely circulating online. This has also encouraged more and more internet
users to listen to podcasts in their daily activities. Based on the “We Are Social”
report, 20.4% of internet users worldwide listen to podcasts as of January 2022. Of
that number, the highest percentage of weekly podcast listeners is in Brazil, namely
37%. Indonesia is in second place, with 35.6% of internet users listening to podcasts
every week.

4. Perception
a. Definition of Perception
Perception is an impression formed by a person's five senses. These impressions
will then be investigated, grouped, interpreted, and assessed in the future. The
individual will then understand. Perception requires something called experience.
Interaction with the environment can teach us this.

Perception is a process that is preceded by a sensing process, which is the
process of receiving a stimulus by an individual through the senses or also called a
sensory process. (Saleh, 2018).

According to the above explanation, perception is the process of capturing the

meaning of events that a person experiences in our environment and direct
awareness of an object, which is an individual's internal and external factors,
including the existence of objects, events, and other people through assigning value
to objects.

b. Types of Perception
According to Handayani (2020), perceptions are divided into two categories:
those that come from interactions between people and objects. They are as follows:

1) Excellent perception, namely an excellent view or opinion of an object

2) Good perception, namely a good view or opinion of an object.
3) Adequate perception, namely a sufficient view or opinion of an object.
4) Perceptions are not good, namely views or opinions lacking in an object.

B. Previous Research
There has been some study done on podcasts in the listening class. The first
research was "Using Podcast to Improve Students' EFL Listening Skill at Senior
High School 5 Bulukumba" by Muliasari (2020). The study's goals were to find the
impact of using podcasts in enhancing students' listening abilities and to analyze
students' views of using podcasts in increasing students' listening skills in EFL
classes. The population consisted of 11th-grade students from Senior High School
5 Bulukumba. This study included the following instruments: a test and a
questionnaire. The study employed a questionnaire with 34 items to examine the
students' perspectives. The results show that using podcasts significantly improves
EFL students' listening abilities, and the students have a favorable response,
meaning that they would use podcasts as an alternative way to study English and
improve their skills, mainly listening skills.

Previous research has been conducted by Abdulrahman et al. (2018). In the
academic year 2018, Universitas Islam As-Safi'iyah studied "The Impact of Podcast
on EFL Students’ Listening Comprehension." This research uses podcasts in an
EFL classroom to assess students' listening comprehension. This study included 60
Indonesian high school students, 30 from the experimental and 30 from the control
group. The samples were obtained by random cluster sampling. This study
employed a quasi-experimental design with a post-test-only control group. In
addition, the experimental group was given a survey questionnaire to learn about
their perspectives on using podcast training to teach listening. The findings indicate
a substantial difference in post-test scores between the two groups, with the
experimental group outperforming the control group. Questionnaire responses
suggest students had a positive attitude toward using podcasts in the classroom. So,
this study yields findings regarding the effect of podcasts on students' listening
comprehension in EFL teaching and learning that podcasts can improve students'
listening comprehension. The learned results have served the main hypothesis:
podcasts in EFL classes will improve students' listening comprehension skills. To
integrate podcasts in EFL teaching and learning in schools, the following
recommendations need to be considered; time allocation, availability of electronic
devices in schools, and teachers with technological competence.

Subsequent research has been carried out by Syahabuddin & Rizqa, (2021).
During the 2021 academic year, Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh State Islamic University
conducted an "Improving Students' Listening Skills Using Podcasts" study. This
research aims to discover how podcasts might help students improve their listening
skills. In this inquiry, the quantitative approach was applied. This study included
15 fourth-semester students from Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh's
Department of English Language Education. A purposive sample of sixth-semester
students from the Department of English Language Education at Universitas Islam
Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh and students who had passed Basic Listening,
Intermediate Listening, and Advanced Listening courses was utilized to choose the
sample. Podcasts, according to the study, can assist young people to improve their
listening abilities. It was demonstrated by increased students' mean pre-test and

post-test scores (36.3 to 63.3). This study indicates that using Podcasts to improve
English listening abilities might be beneficial.

C. Conceptual Framework
The ability to listen is one factor that influences being a good speaker and writer.
Because a person hears more often daily, the ability to hear is critical. It is
recommended that English beginners frequently practice listening to become
acclimated to hearing English, which can affect other skills. The capacity to
understand what the speaker is saying and respond appropriately is referred to as
listening skills.

Given the importance of listening skills, teachers must be able to devise

methods for keeping students interested and motivated to learn, as well as making
learning enjoyable and not monotonous. The researchers discovered several issues
in High School students in this study. First, students only listen to the material
taught in school and do not practice their listening skills at home, resulting in a lack
of listening skills. Second, they lack vocabulary mastery, making capturing the
meaning and messages conveyed by the teacher's media difficult.

Based on this condition, the researcher used the English Podcast Application as
the learning material, improving students' listening comprehension. The researcher
is curious about how students comprehend the Podcast and interact with the English
Podcast App. English Podcast Application plays a role in students' interest in
listening to podcast conversations. With the interesting conversation and the script,
if the students require it, they can grasp the Podcast more easily. The teacher then
serves as the controller, assisting the students.



A. Research Methodology & Design

The qualitative research method is employed in this study, with a case study as
its design. A case study is a research strategy in which the researcher carefully
investigates an event, activity, process, or group of individuals. Cases are limited
by time and activity, and researchers collect complete information using various
data collection procedures based on a predetermined time. A case study is an
empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon (the “case”) in
depth and within its real-world context, especially when the boundaries between
phenomenon and context may not be evident (Yin, 2018).

According to Creswell (2017), this qualitative research method entails

significant efforts such as asking questions and processes, gathering particular
participant data, inductively analysing data from specific themes to broader themes,
and interpreting data meaning. The qualitative technique comprehends people's
beliefs, experiences, attitudes, behaviour, and interactions. As a humanistic or
idealistic method, qualitative research focuses on understanding a study question
(Babu et al., 2013).

According to the experts' descriptions above, qualitative research is a technique

that prioritizes descriptive words above data, with the researchers serving as the
research instrument. This qualitative research is used to understand the actions of
the subject and object under study using qualitative research techniques such as
questionnaires and interviews to obtain results from an in-depth survey of students'
perceptions of using English Podcast audio in listening skills.

B. Place & Time of the Research
The research was carried out at MAN 3 Palembang, located on Jl. Inspektur
Marzuki No.1, Siring Agung, Kec. Ilir Bar. I, Kota Palembang, Sumatera Selatan

The research was carried out in the second semester of the 2022/2023 academic
year. The study was held from April until May 2023.

C. Population & Sample of the Research

The population of this study was students of MAN 3 Palembang, which
consisted of 8 classes for 11 sciences. IPA 1-4 consists of 36 students, IPA 5
consists of 35 students, Cambridge class consists of 31 students, SKS class consists
of 30 students, and IPA 8 consists of 35 students.

This study's sample is 11 Cambridge classes, including 31 students from MAN

3 Palembang, during the 2022/2023 academic year. Purposive sampling was
utilized as a sample selection approach. According to Creswell (2017), Purposive
sampling is a sampling strategy in which researchers purposefully pick individuals
or locations to study or comprehend a central phenomenon to acquire thorough
knowledge. Creswell (2017) also noted that the purposeful sampling approach
considers certain factors. As a result, researchers evaluate various factors while
selecting multiple students as samples for this study. First, the students had previous
experience listening to English audio. Second, students want to be part of the
research being carried out by researchers. Third, students make use of podcasts to
improve their listening comprehension.

D. Research Instrument
The information is gathered in the form of qualitative data. The qualitative data
were gathered using a questionnaire and interview. The guidelines established by
researchers will do interviews. The data collecting instrument used by researchers
to get the information in the table below:

Table 3. 1 Instrument

No Technique Instrument
1 Questionnaire Questionnaire’s Guideline
2 Interview Interview’s Guideline

Table 3. 2 Blueprint Questionnaire

Q1 What types of English podcasts do you often listen to?

Q2 What application do you often use to listen to English podcasts as a
learning medium for learning listening comprehension?
Q3 Mention the English podcast channel that you often listen to.
Q4 Do you use transcription When listening to English podcasts?
Q5 What are your impressions while listening to podcasts to learn listening
Q6 In your opinion, what effect does regular listening to podcasts have on
your listening comprehension skills?
Q7 Give examples of changes in your listening comprehension skills in class
after listening to English podcasts regularly.
Q8 What obstacles or problems did you face when listening to podcasts as a
medium for learning listening comprehension?
Q9 In your opinion, what are the advantages of podcasts compared to other
media for learning listening comprehension?
Q10 In your opinion, what are the shortcomings of podcasts as a medium for
learning listening comprehension?

Table 3. 3 Blueprint Interview

Aspect Indicator Question Code

Students’ Impressions 1) How do you feel after listening
Perception of The after using to the Podcast?
Use of English Podcasts

Podcasts in 2) Is there any change in your
Listening Skills listening after using Podcast as
Supporting 1) What application do you usually
media in use to listen to Podcasts?
the use of 2) Why did you choose this
Podcasts application as a medium for
listening to Podcasts?
3) Do you have any criteria for
selecting Podcast channels?
Obstacles 1) Are there any problems while
listening to the Podcast?
2) Do you use subtitles when
listening to Podcasts?
3) What did you do to overcome
these obstacles?

E. Data Collection Technique

Researchers gather qualitative research data. Researchers collect data through
questionnaires and interviews.

1. Questionnaire

The researcher collected data using open-ended questionnaires to determine the

students' experience with podcasts, their opinions of using podcasts to increase
listening comprehension abilities, and their difficulty with podcasts.

The researcher employed open-ended questionnaires to learn about the students'

podcast listening habits. The students were given 10 open-ended questions through
Google Forms. The questionnaire uses open-ended questions to find problems more
openly; participants are asked for their opinions and ideas.

2. Interview

The interview aims to clarify and enhance the data based on the questionnaire.
The researcher conducts one-on-one interviews. The researcher conducted the
interviews offline and in person—a semi-structured interview used by the
researcher. According to Paltridge and Phakiti (2018), the researcher might vary the
interview technique in a semi-structured interview to learn more about how the
participants respond. The interview acquired more specific information regarding
the students' perspectives on the usage of podcasts in listening skills and the
challenges the students faced when listening to podcasts that the questionnaire
results did not provide.

F. Data Analysis Technique

The researcher analyses the data after it has been collected. During the research,
qualitative data will be examined from questionnaires and interviews. A
questionnaire will analyse students' perceptions of podcasts in listening skills. For
data, results from open-ended-questionnaire and interviews will use a thematic
analysis. Thematic analysis is a method for identifying, analysing, and reporting
patterns (themes) within data (Braun & Clarke, 2006). The formula that the writer
used in the table of percentage was:

P= x 100%

P = Percentage

F = Frequency of the answer

N = Number of samples



A. Findings
1) Data Description
This research was conducted using two instruments, namely open-ended
questionnaires and interviews. This research explored students’ perceptions of
using English podcasts in listening skills. This research was conducted in the class
of IPA 6 Cambridge of MAN 3 Palembang in the academic year of 2022/2023,
which consists of 30 students as participants for the questionnaire and five students
for a follow-up interview respondent.

As mentioned above, this research was conducted to answer the following

questions: What are the students' perceptions of English podcasts in listening skills?
Below is the questionnaire data obtained from respondents through the
questionnaire instrument. From the 30 respondents, the data distribution can be seen
as follows:

Table 4. 1 Research Sample for Distribution of Questionnaire Data

No Description Total
1. Deployed Questionnaire 30
2. Number of the returning questionnaire 30
3. Number of returning and incomplete questionnaire 0
Respondents rate = 30/30x100 100%
Data obtained 30

The Research sample data is shown in table 4.1. above indicate that the number
of questionnaires distributed to respondents was as many as 30. All the
questionnaires were returned completely, so the percentage of questionnaire
completion rate was 100%.

Table 4. 2 Questionnaire Result

Question Answer F P%
What types of English podcasts do you Story telling 16 53%
often listen to?
What application do you often use to listen Spotify 14 47%
to English podcasts as a learning medium
for learning listening comprehension?
Mention the English podcast channel that Ted talks daily 7 23%
you often listen to.
Do you use transcription When listening to No 12 40%
English podcasts?
What are your impressions while listening Helpful enough 23 77%
to podcasts to learn listening
In your opinion, what effect does regular Develop listening 11 37%
listening to podcasts have on your listening skills
comprehension skills?
Give examples of changes in your listening Facilitate 12 40%
comprehension skills in class after listening lessons
listening to English podcasts regularly.
Obstacles Less familiar 10 33%
In your opinion, what are the advantages Lighter 12 40%
of podcasts compared to other media for
learning listening comprehension?
In your opinion, what are the shortcomings Accent 10 33%
of podcasts as a medium for learning
listening comprehension?

Table 4. 3 First Indicator Interview Result

Students' impressions of the use of English podcasts in improving listening

How do students feel about the use of Hard to Listen.
English podcasts in listening skills? Interesting.
Happy because they fill their free
time during covid.
According to students, are there any changes Improve Pronunciation.
in their listening skills after using podcasts as Vocabulary has increased.
learning media?

Table 4. 4 Second Indicator Interview Result

Supporting media in the use of Podcasts

According to students, what YouTube.
application do they usually Spotify.
use to listen to podcasts?
According to students, why It has more recommendations about the podcast.
did they choose this Don’t know about others apps yet.
application as a medium for Motivation from the closest person (sister).
listening to podcasts? Open Daily.
According to students, are Storytelling.
there criteria for a podcast Speech.
channel to listen to? Looking for an easy title.
Pick a fun theme.
About motivation.

Table 4. 5 Third Indicator Interview Result

Obstacles in the use of podcast

According to students, are there any Accents.
problems while listening to the Speakers speaks too fast.
podcast? Lack of vocabulary.
Difficult to understand.
Lack of consistency.
Unfamiliar words.
According to students, do they use Yes.
subtitles when listening to podcasts? No.
According to students, what did they Take note.
do to overcome these obstacles? Try to understand the previous sentences.
Recorded on the cell phone and look up
the meaning on Google Translate.

2) Analysis of the Data

a) Questionnaire Data
After the questionnaire was distributed to students, the researcher was able to
find students' perception of using English podcast listening skills as follow:

1) What types of English podcasts do you often listen to?

20 60%
10 30%
0 0%
Story Discussion Speech Public issue Interview Stoic mind Etc

Frequency Percentage

Diagram 4. 1 First Questionnaire Result

The table above shows that the type of English podcast most students listen
to is storytelling. It was shown that 50% of students chose storytelling, 30% chose
discussion, 7% chose interview, 3% chose speech, 3% chose public issue, 3% chose
stoic mind, and 3% chose etc. That means that 15 out of 30 students chose
storytelling as a channel they often listen to.

2) What application do you often use to listen to English podcasts as a

learning medium for learning listening comprehension?

15 60%

10 40%

5 20%

0 0%
Spotify YouTube TikTok Instagram

Frequency Percentage

Diagram 4. 2 Second Questionnaire Result

The results of the table above show that the application most used by students
to listen to English podcasts is the Spotify platform. It was shown that 47% of
students chose Spotify, 43% chose YouTube, 7% chose TikTok, and 3% chose
Instagram. That means as many as 14 out of 30 students prefer Spotify as the
application used to listen to English-language podcasts. The Spotify application is
an application that is used more by students, and it is open almost every day.
According to data released on the site, the number of paid users from
Spotify reached 60 million in July 2017, with active users reaching 140 million
music lovers spread worldwide. According to an infographic released by AdWeek,
around 72% of Spotify users are millennials (Netti & Irwansyah, 2018).

3) Mention the English podcast channel that you often listen to

8 25%
6 20%
5 15%
3 10%
2 5%
0 0%

Frequency Percentage

Diagram 4. 3 Third Questionnaire Result

The table above shows that the type of English podcast channel most
students listen to is ted talks Daily. It was shown that 23% of students chose ted
talks daily, 10% of students chose Ef Surabaya, 10% of students chose 6 minutes
English, 10% of students chose random, 7% of students chose BBC learning
English, and 3% of student chose Urband legends, 3% student chose English
solution, 3% of student chose Luke’s English podcast, 3% of student chose starry
night podcast, 3% of student chose Sigma mindset, 3% of student chose American
podcast by Shana, 3% of student chose Mr Bob kampung Inggris, 3% of student
chose Teenage thought, 3% of student chose Listening time, 3% of student chose

The English we speak podcast by BBC and 3% of student chose Speak English
with Vanessa. That means 7 out of 30 students chose ted talk daily as a channel
they often listen to.

4) Do you use transcription When listening to English podcasts?

15 60%
10 40%
5 20%
0 0%
Yes No Sometimes

Frequency Percentage

Diagram 4. 4 Fourth Questionnaire Result

The table above shows that students chose not to use subtitles while
listening to podcasts. It was shown that 40% of students chose No, 37% of students
chose Yes, and 23% of students chose Sometimes. That means that there are 12 out
of 30 students chose not to use subtitles while listening to podcasts.

5) What are your impressions while listening to podcasts to learn listening

30 100%
0 0%
Helpful enough Quite difficult Boring

Frequency Percentage

Diagram 4. 5 Fifth Questionnaire Result

The results of the table above show that as many as 77% of students said
listening to English podcasts was enough to help them improve their listening skills,
10% indicated students thought that listening to English podcasts was quite difficult
to understand, and 13% of students said listening to English podcasts was boring.
That means 23 out of 30 students prove that listening to English podcasts is enough
to help them improve their listening skills. Podcasts can be categorized as audio

media, which is an alternative to radio, which develops quickly because audiences
easily accept it. Podcasts also have various topics, allowing listeners to have a wide
choice of topics to listen to (Imarshan, 2021).

6) In your opinion, what effect does regular listening to podcasts have on

your listening comprehension skills?

15 40%
0 0%
Enrich Develop Improve More confident Nothing
vocabulary listening skills pronunciation

Frequency Percentage

Diagram 4. 6 Sixth Questionnaire Result

The result of the table above shows that the effect of listening to podcasts
regularly is developing listening skills. It shows that 37% of students experience
develop in listening skills, 23% of students experience improve pronunciation, 17%
of students experience an increase in vocabulary, 17% of students experience more
confident, and 7% of students experience nothing. That is, 11 out of 30 students
experienced developing in listening skills in terms of capturing the main idea of an
audio given by the teacher in class.

7) Give examples of changes in your listening comprehension skills in class

after listening to English podcasts regularly

15 50%
10 30%
5 20%
0 0%
Facilitate Understanding Better in Better control Nothing
listening native pronunciation of vocabulary
lessons speakers

Frequency Percentage

Diagram 4. 7 Seventh Questionnaire Result

The table above shows that students experience changes in their listening
skills in class, making it easier for them in listening lessons. It was shown that 40%
of students experienced ease in listening lessons, 20% of students experienced an
increase in pronunciation, 20% of students experienced an increase in vocabulary,
17% of students better understood native speakers, and 3% of students did not
experience a change. That means that there are 12 out of 30 students prove that
listening to podcasts can make it easier for them in listening lessons, especially
those in two language classes.

8) Obstacles

12 35%
10 30%
8 25%
4 10%
2 5%
0 0%
Less The The Lazy Long Boring Accent Network Nothing
familiar sound is speaker Duration
word not clear is too

Frequency Percentage

Diagram 4. 8 Eighth Questionnaire Result

The results of the table above show that the students' obstacle in using English
podcasts as a medium to improve listening skills is a lack of understanding of
English vocabulary so that students hear a lot of new vocabulary. This is evident
from 33% of students experiencing problems with less familiar words, 17% of
students having no problems listening to podcasts, 13% of students saying that
listening to podcasts is boring, 10% of students are constrained by the network
making it difficult to listen to podcasts smoothly, 7% of students are constrained by
the sound that is not clear from the podcast, 7% of students are constrained by
speakers who speak too fast, 7% of students are constrained by the accent used by
speakers in the podcast, 3% of students are constrained by the duration of the
podcast that is too long and 3% of students are constrained because of laziness. It

means that 10 out of 30 students are constrained by the lack of familiar words
making it difficult to understand what is in the podcast. The obstacle experienced
by the students was due to not consistently listening to English podcasts or other
English-language videos, making it difficult to acquire new vocabulary. Difficulty
is closely related to motivation because the meaning of difficulty can become a
challenge if one's motivation is greater than the obstacles encountered. Motivation
is a driving factor or encouragement that can trigger a sense of enthusiasm and can
also change human or individual behavior to lead to better things for students (Lubis,
2017). And the solution that students do is to take note of unfamiliar vocabulary
and look it up in the dictionary or google translate.

9) In your opinion, what are the advantages of podcasts compared to other

media for learning listening comprehension?

14 50%
12 40%
8 30%
6 20%
2 10%
0 0%
Focus on Interesting Lighter The audio is Flexible Simple
one topic speaker clear

Frequency Percentage

Diagram 4. 9 Ninth Questionnaire Result

The result of the table above shows that the advantage of podcast applications
compared to other media is that podcasts are lighter for students. This was shown
by 40% of students saying podcasts were lighter, 20% of students saying podcasts
were flexible, 17% of students saying the speakers in podcasts were interesting, 10%
of students said podcasts focused on one topic, 10% of students said podcasts were
simple, and 3% of students said Podcast audio is clearer. That means that 12 out of
30 students prove that podcasts are easier to listen to.

10) In your opinion, what are the shortcomings of podcasts as a medium
for learning listening comprehension?

15 40%
10 30%
5 10%
0 0%
The Signal No visuals Accent Nothing
duration is
too long

Frequency Percentage

Diagram 4. 10 Tenth Questionnaire Result

The result of the table above shows that, according to students, the shortcomings
of the podcast are the absence of various visuals and accents. This was shown by
33% of students saying there were no visuals, so students got bored. 33% of
students said the accents varied, making it difficult to understand. 20% of students
said there were no deficiencies so far, 10% of students said the duration was too
long, and 3% of students said signal constraints. That means there are 20 out of 30
students think that podcasts are less interesting because there are no visuals, and it
is difficult to understand the contents of the podcast because of the accent.

b) Interview Data
The interviews are conducted with eleventh-grade of IPA 6 Cambridge students
as samples with voice recorded using a handphone. The findings from
questionnaires are supported and clarified by using oral interviews. In this section,
the discussion of the data was about students perceive the use of English podcasts
in listening skills. Based on the interview, most of the students positively perceived
to support listening skills.

The researchers interviewed to get more information about student perceptions

of using English podcasts in listening skills. Based on the framework that has been
made by researchers in conducting interviews listed in table 3.3, it consists of 3
indicators, namely: 1) Impressions after using English podcasts, 2) Supporting

media in the use of English podcasts 3) Obstacles in use of English podcast. This is
revealed results of the interviews below:

Students' impressions after using English podcasts
A) How do students feel about the use of English podcasts in listening skills?

Table 4. 6 Interview Result

Code Statement
NRS “The first impression of the podcast is that it is hard to listen to, then it is
hard when they talk to each-other, it is hard to hear it. So, Nyimas listens
to it using subtitles first, the second is repeated again using subtitles.”

ND “Initially, I listened to it from you, 6 minutes English. Well, it was really

hard to catch it at first. Neisya usually listens to the ones at the lower
levels, so when I listen to the ones from my sister, I am surprised,
especially when the one "do you get jealousy" is talking by several people,
so it is a little hard to catch it because I am confused about who said it. It
is really hard to catch it."

KCPS "The impression is interesting, especially the theme. Then, we can further
develop our skills from the podcast, especially listening. But there are also
obstacles, especially those with different accents."

FA "First, I am happy because I really want to listen to it because I have free

time because of Covid. At first, I was confused and listened to the

SN “The impression for the first time is normal. But if you have listened to it
twice, you're starting to understand a little."

The result of the interview above is that the use of English podcasts to improve
students' listening skills, on average, attracts students' attention because English
podcasts have many themes, so they can choose the theme they like, and podcasts

can broaden their horizons and improve their listening skills. Podcast listeners have
different journeys and have to choose what they want to hear, making podcast
listeners more active in choosing content and platforms. They have the freedom and
involvement in choosing the content to be heard (Imarshan, 2021).

B) According to students, are there any changes in their listening skills

after using podcasts as learning media?

Table 4. 7 Interview Result

Code Statement
NRS “There is. Before, I didn't know how to pronounce a word and looked
at the dictionary. Now in the dictionary, sometimes I don't know the
pronunciation, and, on the Podcast, there are pronunciations, and
there is a practice as well.”

ND “There is. But what if you say those words. For example, incredible,
disgusting, because I've never heard of it.”
KCPS “Yes. For example, in podcasts, there are many words that we are not
used to hear, right? If we do it every day, it's just a daily conversion,
right? There are a lot of podcasts, so if I study with a teacher, it's a bit
difficult. There is a video, so it's easier. Oh, this means that it's easier
if you've listened to it; you can get better listening skills.”

FA “There is a change. So, I know how to pronounce the word.”

SN “There is. Vocabulary increased for sure. Then, the pronunciation is

also quite improved.”

Based on the interviews above, the researcher found that students’ changes
in the use of English podcasts as follows:

a. Improved pronunciation

Based on the students' answers above, it can be concluded that English
podcasts can help them pronounce a word in English. Students may detect their
pronunciation problems, assess their intelligibility, and recognize their sound
pattern development. It also demonstrates that students who use Podcasts have good
attitudes toward them: students feel that Podcasts help them reduce anxiety, boost
their confidence, enhance their oral performance and pronunciation, and broaden
their vocabulary (Oanh & Anh, 2022).

b. Enriched vocabulary

Based on the students' answers above, it can be concluded that English

podcasts can increase their vocabulary knowledge. As a result of technical
advancement, podcasts are an information-rich program that is one of the most
beneficial supportive media to employ in education. The files in the form of audio
and video that students may enjoy online or offline are particularly appealing as a
solution to the problem of a shortage of vocabulary among English students (Hajar
et al., 2020).

Supporting media in the use of Podcasts
C) According to students, what application do they usually use to listen to

Table 4. 8 Interview Result

Code Statement
NRS “Only Spotify and YouTube. But those who are more frequent go to
YouTube. Because YouTube has more recommendations about the
podcast. There are also lessons about Grammar, vocabulary, and

ND “Spotify”
KCPS “Spotify application and sometimes on Instagram.”
FA “Spotify”
SN “Spotify”

The results of the interview above regarding the applications that students often
use to listen to English podcasts are Spotify, YouTube, and Instagram. Many choose
podcasts because, according to students, Podcasts are opened more often than the
YouTube application. Both the Spotify and YouTube applications have advantages
and disadvantages in providing content. However, students often listen to podcasts
on Spotify because it's better to hear them, which are only audio.

D) According to students, why did they choose this application as a

medium for listening to podcasts?

Table 4. 9 Interview Result

Code Statement
NRS “Because YouTube has more recommendations about the podcast. There
are also lessons about Grammar, vocabulary, and formulas.”

ND “Because the other media do not know yet. And my sister at home also
listens to Spotify and likes to listen and tell me. When I was in middle
school, I also liked listening to it, but it was still below that. So, listen to
it on Spotify from my sister.”

KCPS “On Spotify, it's specifically like podcasts and songs, so it's more
detailed, and there are lots of references too. I'm just happy because
Spotify is also open every day, and on Instagram, it is not a podcast, but
rather songs that are cut in Instagram stories.”

FA “Because it is better, it is easier to close. But you cannot close it on

YouTube because you have to go premium first.”

SN “Because Spotify is not like YouTube where there are videos, and on
Spotify, it is just sound, and when I fall asleep, it is better.”

The results of the interview above regarding the reasons students chose the
application to be used as a medium for listening to English podcasts are that
YouTube has many podcast references, and Spotify, which is considered to be more

detailed and has many references and is also opened more often every day by
students. As a learning medium, YouTube can present interesting pictures and
visuals. YouTube also provides hundreds of thousands of videos with various topics
that can be integrated into learning (Arifin et al., 2017). Spotify is an application
that provides services for millions of music and podcasts domestically and abroad,
and the Spotify Platform offers various conveniences for listening to digital audio
and can be accessed free of charge or paid (Amanda, 2023).

E) According to students, are there criteria for a podcast channel to listen


Table 4. 10 Interview Result

Code Statement
NRS “Like story-telling, speech or games, for example guessing pictures,
spelling bees, then guessing pictures of objects.”

ND “I prefer the scary one earlier. However, the title is easier to

KCPS “As for me, the most important thing is that it is fun.”

FA “I really like about motivation or what is being experienced. If story

telling is rare.”

SN “First, if there are sentences that other people do not understand, it is

better to explain them in the podcast so that easier for listeners to
understand. And the topic is more to everyday life.”

The results of the interview above show that students have different criteria
in choosing the channel they want to listen to, namely podcasts with the theme of
the speech, story-telling, horror stories, and the most important thing is that they
are fun and include games in them. Podcast media products are made to attract
students' interest by using appropriate sound effects, dubbing narrators, announcers,
and theme songs (Abidin & Widodo, 2014). Students choose those topics because

they are lighter, easier to understand, and pleasant to hear as an exercise to practice
their listening skills. And also, more fun for students because several podcasts
include games in it.

Obstacles in the use of podcast
F) According to students, are there any problems while listening to the

Table 4. 11 Interview Result

Code Statement
NRS “The signal, sometimes it goes down, sometimes it goes up, and
sometimes from the accent, the speaker speaks too fast, so I use subtitles.
So, if I don't know what the podcast means, then memorize it and test it at
ND “The problem is hard to understand, so I must first ask my sister what it

KCPS “Yes, the accent and the meaning.”

FA “The problem is laziest. Even though I want to consistently listen to it

every day.”

SN “There is. First, the unfamiliar words. Second, usually, the speaker is too

The results of the interview above found that students had their obstacles when
they listened to English podcasts, namely network problems that made it difficult
for them to listen to podcasts smoothly, it was difficult to understand what the
speakers were talking about due to lack of vocabulary, students rarely heard the
accents used by speakers, and finally, the feeling of being lazy to listen to podcasts
consistently. According to research, interacting with friends continues to expand
their vocabulary, driven by the random topics they talk about. In addition, other

students said that listening to friends talk helped a lot in increasing their vocabulary
knowledge (Holidazia & Rodliyah, 2020).

G) According to students, do they use subtitles when listening to podcasts?

Table 4. 12 Interview Result

Code Statement
NRS “Sometimes, the speaker speaks too fast from the accent, so I use
ND “I asked my sister at home, I was asked if there were words, and it
turned out to be "follow," I listened to it together with my sister, so she
also supported it.”

KCPS “No, I prefer easy and light podcasts, so I know a little of the language
and the story's main plot.”

FA “No, I do not use subtitles. So, just listen because I want to be able to
train my hearing.”

SN “So far, not. So far, I have only listened to it and understood it myself.”

The interview results above in using English podcasts show that 3 out of 5
students choose not to use subtitles because they aim to listen and familiarize their
hearing in vocabulary and word pronunciation. And 2 out of 5 students chose to use
subtitles because they thought the speaker was too fast in conveying the material.

H) According to students, what did they do to overcome these obstacles?

Table 4. 13 Interview Result

Code Statement
NRS “So, if I don't know what the podcast means, then memorize it and test it
at home. Because my father told me too.”
ND “Yes, recorded it on the cell phone, then searched on Google Translate.”

KCPS “I immediately opened google translate.”

FA “I try to listen to it every day consistently.”
SN “If there are words that I do not know, I look at the previous word and
try to understand it myself and also take a note.”

The results of the interview above in dealing with the obstacles they face in
using English podcasts are to make notes to write down unknown vocabulary and
will look up the meaning in the dictionary or Google translate. Taking notes is also
very useful for reviewing the information obtained so that someone can easily
remember what he has read from a source (Yuniarti & Trisnawati, 2018).

B. Discussion
This chapter discusses research findings related to the research objectives
presented in the first chapter, as well as how students perceive the use of podcasts
in listening skills at MAN 3 Palembang, and it examines the benefits and drawbacks
of using podcasts to learn listening according to the students. The questionnaire
respondents were 30 students, while the interview respondents were five students.
The researcher gathered data through questionnaires and interviews. The data
gathered are voice recordings made by students utilizing handphones and
questionnaire findings. Because this was a descriptive qualitative study, the solution
to the issue formulation was also provided as an analysis. Further, the finding
discussed with relevant reference was discussed with relevant references from
experts to justify research findings on students’ perception of using podcasts in
listening skills.

The research question was the students’ perception of using English

podcasts in listening skills. Based on the findings above, the results prove that there
is an influence in the use of podcasts in listening skills of students of IPA 6
Cambridge MAN 3 Palembang class. This can be seen from the results of the
questionnaires and interviews given, where students experienced an increase in
their listening skills. Students experience increased vocabulary, learn how to
pronounce a word, understand various existing accents, make it easier to listen to

lessons that use two languages, and are more confident pronouncing words in
English. This is supported by Chan and Lee's (2005) study which stated that
podcasts also reduce students’ anxiety and create a sense of belonging to a learning

The podcast helps IPA 6 Cambridge students improve their listening skills
in terms of capturing the main idea in the audio given by the teacher in class. It
focuses on students' selective listening where learning focuses on main ideas, and
predetermined tasks. Learning listening in IPA 6 Cambridge students in class,
namely the teacher giving a learning video, interviewing someone about sports,
work, nature, knowledge about the world, countries, animals and so on. Then
students are asked to write down the main ideas from the learning video that has
been given on a worksheet.

The use of media in the continuity of learning is very important. This is in

line with the learning process, which is a communication process and takes place
in one system, so learning media occupies an important position as one of the
components of the learning system. Without media, communication will not occur,
and the learning process as a communication process will also not be able to take
place optimally (Ekayani, 2017). This has proven to make it easier for Cambridge
IPA 6 class students who especially use two languages in class, and they make this
podcast media an additional medium in learning so as to improve their listening

As for the advantages of Podcasts that have been explained previously,

students feel the advantages of podcasts are that podcasts provide a lot of additional
information with many choices of themes and topics that they can choose from so
that they can choose topics according to their listening comprehension abilities. In
addition, the existence of a podcast for IPA 6 Cambridge students who use two
languages in learning is greatly helped because in learning other than English, they
are required to use English. This is in line with the opinion which says that
"Podcasts offer language teachers and students a wide range of possibilities for
extra listening both inside and outside of the classroom" (Ismail & Oktasari, 2016).

From the results of interviews with Cambridge Science 6 students, they
stated that podcasts help them improve their listening skills in terms of capturing
information from audio. And for the material taught in classroom with the podcasts
they listen to, there are some themes that are related to the themes of the podcasts
they listen to, such as podcasts that discuss English tips and grammar from the EF
Surabaya channel, about work, technology, natural knowledge from the TED
channel and so on with material in books and in class, namely discussions about
grammar, learning videos about natural knowledge, the environment, education and

Students give positive and negative perceptions of using this podcast. The
negative perceptions are that students feel they do not understand the accent used,
the speaker is too fast, the voice is not clear, and they lack understanding and
mastery of vocabulary. This is in line with research conducted by Pratiwi, (2022)
there were eight students with difficulties in listening to the conversation through
Podcast media that were found in analysing students' difficulties based on the
triangulation method: unfamiliar words, lexical density, speakers' pronunciation
and accent, and the duration of the speakers in making conversation, not interested
or bored, lose concentration, background noise, and defective equipment.

From the questionnaire result, there are 13% of students who feel that using
podcast media is boring. This happens because they feel bored because they lack
understanding of English vocabulary and the lack of choosing the right theme to
listen to. This is supported by research conducted by Apriliani (2022), which found
eight strengths and four weaknesses of podcasts based on students’ perceptions.
The eight strengths of podcasts are that podcasts are efficient and flexible to use,
more focused on listening, feature attractive speakers, expose listeners to daily
conversation, give a variety of topics, are challenging, have a longer duration, and
are replay able. On the other hand, podcasts have weaknesses like not having a
transcript, visuals, and answer keys. They can also be boring because of their length
and topics that are not interesting.

Meanwhile, students also experience several challenges while listening to
podcasts related to accents 7% of students, speaker rates 7% of students, and clarity
of voice 7% of students. This finding is in line with the research conducted by
Rachmaniputri et al., (2021), which stated that students experienced problems with
the spoken features in podcasts, such as accents, speech rate, and clarity of voice,
affected students in recognizing words and interpreting the message delivered in
the podcasts. In addition, students' proficiency level also contributes to processing
the information delivered from the podcasts, including their vocabularies and
overall English proficiency.

Students believe that utilizing podcasts is more entertaining, easier to grasp,

provides new vocabulary, is beneficial to listening skills, is more engaging to study,
and provides more variety in learning. This result is in line with the results of the
study by Rahman et al., (2018), which showed that podcasts forced students to
manage their minds to focus on the task, recognize the new vocabulary, memorize
the sound of the spoken word, and to boost their linguistic competence in order to
be a more effective listener. The podcast helps them know and understand the
pronunciation of English and the correct use of English grammar (Saragih et al.,

The difference between the researcher's research and previous studies is that
the current study was carried out at MAN 3, a religion-based school with bilingual
educational settings. Researchers did research on IPA 6 Cambridge class in this
study. This is a unique program class in which two languages (Indonesian and
English) are used as the language of instruction for learning activities, particularly
for English and Science courses. This Cambridge class student also receives a
specific book for learning English, namely Cambridge Prepare's book, which gives
a more comprehensive study of English abilities such as speaking, listening,
vocabulary, and grammar.

Lastly, it is worth noting that most of the previous studies mentioned earlier
sampled junior high school students or university students, while this study chose
Islamic high school students in Palembang as the sample of this study. This is

particularly relevant because eleventh-grade high school students are already
familiar with podcasts, especially since the samples taken are bilingual classes.
Therefore, the researcher wanted to know the perceptions of IPA 6 Cambridge
students regarding English podcasts. In short, even though the previous studies have
some differences from this study, they are considered to support this study. Thus,
through these studies, which prove that the technique of using podcasts in teaching
listening affects students' listening skills, all teachers can know and try to use these
techniques in teaching listening to create easy, creative, and up-to-date teaching.



This chapter discusses the study's conclusion and suggestions. The conclusion
highlights the study findings based on the research challenge. As a result, this
chapter summarizes students' perspectives on utilizing English podcasts in listening
skills at MAN 3 Palembang.

A. Conclusion
This research has attempted to answer the research question as follows: What are
the students' perceptions of English podcasts in listening skills? The results of this
study can be concluded based on three indicators, including 1) Impressions after
using Podcasts, 2) Supporting media in using Podcasts, and 3) Obstacles to using
• For the first indicator, namely impressions after using podcasts, it was found
that 77% of students thought using English podcasts was enough to help
students improve their listening skills because podcasts have many themes
that students can choose according to their wishes. That means 23 out of 30
students prove that using podcasts helps improve listening skills.
• For the second indicator, namely supporting media in the use of podcasts, it
was found that 47% of students chose the Spotify platform as a supporting
application for using English podcasts because Spotify has more podcast
references and is also open almost every day. That means that 14 out of 30
students proved that Spotify is the application most often opened and used
to listen to English podcasts.
• For the third indicator, namely obstacles in using podcasts, it was found that
33% of students had problems with a lack of familiar vocabulary due to a
lack of consistency in using English podcasts. And the solution that students
do is to take note of unknown vocabulary and look it up in the dictionary or

Google translate. That means 10 out of 30 students experience problems
with a lack of familiar vocabulary.

B. Suggestion
Based on the study's conclusion, some suggestions will be directed toward the
English teachers, the students of MAN 3 Palembang, and other researchers.

• To English Teachers

English teachers must better understand how their students learn because the
success or failure of the teacher in teaching depends on students' understanding.
Therefore, teachers must know how students are in class. And teachers must be able
to use media in the classroom, such as films and music, that are commonly seen and
heard every day and are also liked by all groups. So, with this media, learning
English will be more fun and easier to understand.

• To the Students of MAN 3 Palembang

Many students are still constrained by their lack of understanding and lack of
familiar vocabulary when listening to English podcasts. There is a feeling of
laziness in consistently listening to English podcasts. To overcome this problem,
students must be even more active in utilizing learning technology such as podcasts
so that in the future, they can become more accustomed to listening to English
conversations. Students must set targets to be consistent in doing something so that
everything runs smoothly according to the target.

• To the Other Researchers

This study aims to explain students' perceptions of using English podcasts in

listening skills of MAN 3 Palembang class XI IPA 6 Cambridge students. The other
researchers may follow this study in a different context in order to find more actions
to improve the students’ listening skills. This study might be one of the materials
utilized before the researchers conducted action research on increasing students'
listening abilities.


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Questionnaire Filling Instructions

1. Please fill in the respondent's identity column with a real identity

2. Please write an honest and objective answer to each question
3. For filled-in questions, answer the questions by filling in the blanks in the
available columns.

Respondent Identity

Name :
Gender :
Class :

Questionnaire List
Q1 What types of English podcasts do you often listen to?
Jenis podcast berbahasa Inggris apa yang sering Anda dengarkan?
Q2 What application do you often use to listen to English podcasts as a
learning medium for learning listening comprehension?
Aplikasi apa yang sering Anda gunakan untuk mendengarkan podcast
berbahasa Inggris sebagai media pembelajaran untuk belajar listening
Q3 Mention the English podcast channel that you often listen to.
Sebutkan channel podcast berbahasa Inggris yang sering Anda
Q4 Do you use transcription When listening to English podcasts?
Apakah Anda menggunakan transkripsi Ketika mendengarkan podcast
berbahasa Inggris?

Q5 What are your impressions while listening to podcasts as a medium for
learning listening comprehension?
Apa kesan Anda selama mendengarkan podcast sebagai media untuk
belajar listening comprehension?
Q6 In your opinion, what effect does regular listening to podcasts have on
your listening comprehension skills?
Menurut Anda, apa pengaruh mendengarkan podcast secara rutin
terhadap kemampuan listening comprehension Anda?
Q7 Give examples of changes in your listening comprehension skills in
class after listening to English podcasts regularly.
Berikan contoh perubahan kemampuan listening comprehension Anda di
kelas setelah rutin mendengarkan podcast berbahasa Inggris?
Q8 What obstacles or problems did you face when listening to podcasts as
a medium for learning listening comprehension?
Apa kendala atau masalah yang Anda hadapi saat mendengarkan podcast
sebagai media untuk belajar listening comprehension?
Q9 In your opinion, what are the advantages of podcasts compared to
other media for learning listening comprehension?
Menurut Anda, apa kelebihan dari podcast dibandingkan media lain untuk
belajar listening comprehension?
Q10 In your opinion, what are the shortcomings of podcasts as a medium
for learning listening comprehension?
Menurut Anda, apa kekurangan dari podcast sebagai media untuk belajar
listening comprehension?





Subject Q1. What types of English podcasts do you often listen to?
Jenis podcast berbahasa Inggris apa yang sering Anda dengarkan?

ZNA story telling tentang sebuah kasus yang blm di pecahkan

NRS Asking and answering some questions, storytelling
MHRA story telling
TAN story telling
AFA Discussion
ND Storytelling, speech
APS discussion abt life or some random story
MDAP Story' telling
MASZ story telling
MM Etc
MRR Publik issue
KCPS story telling
FA Discussion,saya senang mendengarkan podcast tentang
kehidupan,percintaan,motivasi,dan edukasi.
MZR Podcast Multi-host
NH Story' telling
DD Discussion
RFSF Story-telling and history
MADA Stoic mind
SN Story-telling, a story about daily activities, education, and
ASHK Interview, or talkshow
RAKNF story telling
MPT Discussion
IZM Story telling

AK Discussion
AAL story telling
RNA story telling
MA Story telling
NA Speech
MAD Discussion
MGW Discussion

Q2. What application do you often use to listen to English

podcasts as a learning medium for learning listening
Subject comprehension?
Aplikasi apa yang sering Anda gunakan untuk mendengarkan
podcast berbahasa Inggris sebagai media pembelajaran untuk
belajar listening comprehension?
ZNA Spotify
NRS Spotify, YouTube
MHRA YouTube
TAN YouTube and Spotify
AFA YouTube
ND Spotify
APS YouTube
MDAP Spotify
MASZ Spotify
MM YouTube
MRR YouTube
KCPS biasanya lebih ke podcast yg ada di Spotify, tapi juga kadang" di
instagram melalui satu akun dimana akun tersebut biasa melatih
listening skill di Instagram story nya mulai dari potongan lagu dll

FA Spotify! i like it so much! saya banyak menemukan berbagai macam
judul yang dibahas agar saya dapat memilih mana yang sesuai
dengan kebutuhan saya.
MZR Spotify
NH Tidak ada
DD YouTube atau cuplikan podcast yg lewat di tiktok, serta Spotify
RFSF YouTube
MADA Tiktok
SN Spotify
ASHK YouTube
RAKNF Video animation on Tiktok, Instagram reels, YouTube when
listening to English music(?)
MPT Spotify
IZM YouTube
AK YouTube
AAL YouTube
RNA YouTube
MA Spotify
NA Spotify podcast
MAD Spotify
MGW Spotify

Q3. Mention the English podcast channel that you often listen?
Subject Sebutkan channel podcast berbahasa Inggris yang sering Anda
ZNA Urban legends& creepypasta
NRS Ef Surabaya
MHRA sebenarnya saja jarang mendengar podcast Inggris maybe hanya 1
atau 2 kali, tapi berikut channel yang pernah saya dengarkan,
YouTube : English solution

TAN BBC learning English
AFA Luke's English podcast
ND Starry Nights Podcast
APS random
MDAP Ted Talks Daily
MASZ Rintiksedu
MM English solution podcast
MRR Ted talks daily
KCPS TED talks daily
FA teenage thoughts, just teenage things, sleep-tight stories, and this
teenage life
MZR TED talks Daily
NH Tidak ada
DD English solution on YouTube, BBC Earth podcast on Spotify
RFSF Random
MADA Sigma mindset
SN Listening time (sonoro)
ASHK The English we speak podcast by BBC.
RAKNF I don't remember it
MPT 6-minute English
IZM Speak English with Vanessa, English solution, speak English with
AK belum pernah
AAL American Podcaat by Shana
RNA mr bob kampung inggris
MA Ted talks daily
NA ted talks daily
MAD podcast
MGW Sleeping podcaster

Q4. Do you use transcription When listening to English
Subject podcasts?
Apakah Anda menggunakan transkripsi Ketika mendengarkan
podcast berbahasa Inggris?
ZNA Klo bahasany ada yg asing, iya
NRS Sometimes use and sometimes do no't use
MHRA ya terkadang, saya melakukannya untuk melatih listening saya dan
menambah vocab baru
AFA Ya, kadang kadang
ND Kadang-kadang jika menurut saya tidak terlalu jelas.
APS tidak
MDAP Mungkin
MASZ kadang-kadang
MM Iya
MRR Tidak
KCPS terkadang
FA sampai saat ini belum pernah,saya mendengarkan ketika saya ingin
NH Tidak ada
DD tidak
RFSF Iya agar lebih mudah memahaminya
SN Sometimes
ASHK Kadang-kadang, jika pembahasan yg dibahas pada podcast itu agak
berat maka saya akan menggunakan transkrips
RAKNF not really, just some words I don't understand
MPT tidak
IZM jarang²

AK Iya
MA Iya
NA tidak
MAD tidak
MGW Tidak

Q5. What are your impressions while listening to podcasts as a

Subject medium for learning listening comprehension?
Apa kesan Anda selama mendengarkan podcast sebagai media untuk
belajar listening comprehension?
ZNA Sangat membantu untuk meningkatkan listening skill
NRS Posdcast ini dapat menambah wawasan dalam belajar bahasa Inggris,
dan menurut saya sangat bagus untuk orang yg mau meningkatkan
listening skill dan sangat menarik
MHRA saya senang dengan ada nya podcast tersebut karena dapat membantu
saya dalam meningkatkan listening skill khususnya dibidang bahasa
TAN Menyenangkan
AFA Kesannya membosankan mendengarkan orang berbicara
menggunakan bahasa inggris dalam jangka waktu yang panjang, tapi
jika podcast yang di dengar arah pembahasan sesuai keinginan maka
akan sangat menarik mendengarkan podcast tsb sampai selesai
ND Awalnya saya kesulitan menangkap kata per kata, namur setelah
mendengar berkali-kali saya menjadi paham, walaupun tidak paham
seluruhnya tapi saya mengerti intinya.
APS bagus sekali dengan mendengarkan English podcast dpt menambah
skill dlm listening sya

MDAP Mungkin saat mendengarkan podcast kita harus bisa menyimak apa
yang diucapkan orang tersebut
MASZ dengan mendengarkan poscast bahasa inggris dapat membuat saya
lebih mudah dalam listening
MM Keren
MRR Sangat baik karena podcast itu menggunakan 2 Indra pelihat dan
pendengar tapi kebanyakan pakai yang pendengar jadi susah pasti
dengan mendengarkan podcast Indra pendengaran yang juga
merupakan listening skill bakal jadi bagus
KCPS menyenangkan dan belajar nya tidak monoton, jadi lebih enjoy and
FA saya perlahan mudah memahami apa yang orang lain sampaikan dan
berusaha untuk mengerti
MZR Menurut saya, Mendengarkan podcast dapat membantu pendengar
mengasah keterampilan mendengarkan mereka dengan suara dan
aksen yang berbeda. Karena banyak podcast memiliki pembawa
acara atau tamu dari berbagai latar belakang budaya, pendengar
dapat terbiasa dengan berbagai jenis aksen dan cara berbicara,
sehingga meningkatkan kemampuan mereka untuk memahami
bahasa dalam konteks yang lebih luas.
NH Mantap
DD selain bisa dapat mengerti pronounce dari kata tersebut, juga
membuat saya terbiasa mendengar kata"nya
RFSF Selain bisa meningkatkan skill listening, kita juga terhibur dan
mendapatkan wawasan dengan konten konten dibawakan oleh para
MADA B aja
SN Awalnya agak susah dimengerti karena ada beberapa kata atau
kalimat yang saya tidak tahu artinya sehingga ketika mendengarkan
terkadang tidak bisa meresapi atau mendalami apa yang dibicarakan.

Namun mendengarkan podcast cukup seru untuk meningkatkan
listening skill karena ada beberapa chanel yang menggunakan bahasa
dengan accent yang mudah dipahami
ASHK Sangat menyenangkan
RAKNF merasa ingin terus mengasah karena beranggapan bahwa masih
kurang menguasi skill tersebut.
MPT Melalui podcast tak hanya melatih kemampuan listening saja tapi
sekaligus melatih kemampuan pronunciation serta menambah
pengetahuan dan vocabulary
IZM sangat senanggg sekali, karena mendengar kan podcast bisa nge
improve my speaking skill
AK kesan nya sangat menyenangkan
AAL Senang, karena saya jadi lebih mudah dalam belajar bahasa inggris
RNA sedikit bosan jika podcast tersebut tidak menarik
MA Seru
NA senang karena bisa meningkatkan skill
MAD menyenangkan dan tidak membosankan
MGW Untuk saya kurang cocok karna cukup membosankan

Q6. In your opinion, what effect does regular listening to

podcasts have on your listening comprehension skills?
Subject Menurut Anda, apa pengaruh mendengarkan podcast secara rutin
terhadap kemampuan listening comprehension Anda?
ZNA Iya, karena kita bisa mengetahui berbagai kosakata baru dan kita jg
bisa tau bagaimana cara menyebutkan kosakata itu
NRS menambah vocab baru dari podcast, dan melatih agar paham ttg isi
dari podcast tersebut
MHRA secara bertahap akan memperoleh perkembangan dalam kemampuan
listening dan memberikan dampak positif
TAN mampu mengucapkan kata dengan benar

AFA Sangat berpengaruh karena perbedaan pengucapan beberapa kata
antara aksen indonesia dan aksen orang sana
ND Pengaruhnya tentu sangat besar, jika kita sering mendengarkan
podcast tentunya dapat membuat telinga kita terbiasa dan membuat
otak kita cepat menangkap apa yang disampaikan didalam podcast
baru yang kita dengarkan. Terlebih sangat berguna apabila kita
mengikuti tes-tes toefl, ielts, dan lainnya dapat mempermudah kita
dan bahkan kita bisa meperoleh nilai yang tinggi dalam tes listening
karena sering mendengarkan podcast.
APS bagus sekali dengan yg awalny tdk dpt mendengar kata" dlm
listening, sekarang sya dpt mendengarnya dgn fasih
MDAP Saya lebih fokus
MASZ saya jadi terbiasa mendengarkan orang” berbicara bahasa inggris,
story telling dan lain nya
MM Meningkatkan kemampuan listening
MRR Dengan mendengarkan podcast kita dapat melatih listening skill dan
juga pemahaman
KCPS pengaruhnya positif nya sangat banyak terutama apabila ada sesuatu
tes yg melibatkan listening test, saya lebih mudah memahami nya,
dan juga berpengaruh ke pada speaking skill, dengan selalu melatih
listening skill saya akan terbiasa dengan kata kata nya dan bisa di
terapkan di kehidupan sehari hari
FA pengaruh bagi saya membuat saya lebih percaya diri,terbiasa untuk
berbicara bahasa inggris sendirian,dan mudah menangkap maksud
dari cerita yang disampaikan
MZR ya
NH Meningkatkan skill b ing
DD telinga jadi terbiasa dengan pronounce nya, memudahkan kita untuk
berkomunikasi dengan orang lain juga
RFSF Cukup lumayan berpengaruh

SN Pengaruhnya lumayan besar, karena di dalam podcast saya bisa
melatih listening skill saya terhadap orang-orang yang berbicara
menggunakan bahasa Inggris terutama dalam memahami berbicara
dengan accent yang gunakan
ASHK Mengasah skill untuk listening maupun diaplikasikan ke speaking
RAKNF ya tentu saja, dengan itu kita akan terbiasa dengan kata2 yang sering
diucapkan dalam podcast untuk kehidupan sehari hari
MPT Melalui podcast tak hanya melatih kemampuan listening saja tapi
sekaligus melatih kemampuan pronunciation serta menambah
pengetahuan dan vocabulary
IZM bisa melatih speaking kita karena sudah terbiasa mendengar dari
podcast, dan menambah vocab
AK lebih mudah dalam penyembutan b inggris
AAL Membuat saya jadi lebih mudah dalam belajar bahasa inggris
RNA selain meningkatkan listening skill dapat juga memperbaiki speaking
MA Mampu membuat kita lebih bisa berbahasa Inggris dan menambah
kosa kata baru
NA bisa lebih tahu cara mengucapkan yang benar
MAD menambah vocabulary
MGW Meningkatkan pendengaran kita terhadap bahasa Inggris dan
memperluas wawasan kita dlm bentuk bahasa Inggris

Q7. Give examples of changes in your listening comprehension

skills in class after listening to English podcasts regularly.
Subject Berikan contoh perubahan kemampuan listening comprehension
Anda di kelas setelah rutin mendengarkan podcast berbahasa

NRS Ketika ada pelajaran listening atau ujian listening dapat lebih
MHRA sedikit banyaknya saya mendapatkan vocab baru yang dapat
membantu saya dalam pembelajaran dan memudahkan saya
memahami native speaker
TAN mampu mengucapkan kata dengan benar
AFA Mampu berbicara menggunakan bahasa inggris lebih baik dari
sebelumnya, dan mengerti beberapa kosakata baru yang jarang
ND Meningkatkan kemampuan listening skill saya, jika ada tugas
listening yang diberikan di sekolah mungkin sekarang hanya perlu
pengulangan 2 kali. Yang biasanya dulu perlu hingga 5 atau 6 kali
pengulangan, yang membuat saya kesulitan bahkan guru juga turut
sedih karena siswanya membutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk
menjawab soal listening.
APS bisa mengerti apa yg org katakan dlm bhasa inggris sekali pun itu
tidak jelas
MDAP Saat ada latihan listening saya merasa bahwa saya lebih bisa
menyimak apa yang diucapkan oleh audio tersebut
MASZ mendengarkan guru mengajar dalam bahasa inggris dalam mapel
kimia, fisika atau yg lain nya dapat saya pahami
MM Sedikit lebih mengerti dari sebelumnya
MRR Dari yang semula tidak bisa tau apa yang di ucapkan sang pembicara
sampai tau dan jelas apa yang di katakan sang pembicara
KCPS saat pelajaran lebih mudah untuk memahami, terutama apabila ada
aksen yg berbeda
FA contohnya: ada beberapa kata yang sulit untuk didengar/dimengerti
tetapi ketika saya mencoba memutar ulang di memori otak saya,saya
kembali teringat ternyata saya tau dan pernah mendengar ini

MZR saya dapat memahami apa yang diucapkan oleh mereka sedikit demi
sedikit, walau masih menggunakan tramskrip untuk beberapa yg
tidak saya mengerti
NH Skill b ing akan bertambah
DD saat listening di dalam kelas, saya sering kali mendapatkan
kesusahan dalam mengerti apa yg di bicarakan, tapi setelah saya
sering mendengar kan podcast, membuat pendengar an saya terbiasa
dan menjadi lebih mudah, terlebih lagi aksen yg berbeda-beda
RFSF Membuka kosakata baru yang jarang kita dengar dan terlihat
MADA G ada
SN Dalam pengucapan kata yang mirip, awalnya bingung bagaimana
cara mengucapkannya, namun karena di dalam podcast sering
mendengarkan kata itu, ketika di dalam kelas mulai terbiasa
ASHK Jadi lebih berani dalam ulangan b.inggris berbentuk speaking
didepan kelas, kosa kata semakin meningkat dan bertambah
RAKNF Dari yang merasa asing dengan kata2 bahasa inggring akan lebih
mudah mengucapkan bahasa2 inggris
MPT lebih mudah mengerti jika guru menjelaskan dikelas
IZM ketika saya berbicara dgn guru yg mengharuskan saya memakai
bahasa Inggris, saya tidak terbata bata² lagi buat ngomong dan tidak
takut lagi
AK lebih mudah mengerti artinya
AAL Saya jadi lebih mudah membahami apa yang sedang dibicarakan
orang yang berbicara bahasa inggrus
RNA pada saat mendengarkan listening saya sangat familiar dgn kata
tersebut sehingga saya tdk kebingungan ap yg sedang

MA Saya mulai mudahhh mengartikan apa yg lagi di bicara kan guru jika
guru itu berbicaralah bahasa Inggris
NA bisa mengerti cara pengucapan
MAD mampu menjawab dgn b.inggris
MGW Bisa berbicara bahasa Inggris secara spontan
Karena mendengar kata" Yang sama ber ulang"

Q8. What obstacles or problems did you face when listening to

podcasts as a medium for learning listening comprehension?
Subject Apa kendala atau masalah yang Anda hadapi saat mendengarkan
podcast sebagai media untuk belajar listening comprehension?
ZNA Kadang lebih suka dengerin musik daripada podcast
NRS Pertama kali mendengar podcast saya terkadang bingung dengan apa
yg diucapkan, tetapi lama kelamaan menjadi terbiasa dengan
mendengar podcast
MHRA terkadang saya merasa bosan dan ada beberapa kosakata yang tidak
saya ketahui yang membuat saya sedikit sulit untuk memahami
TAN kata yang mirip" sehingga sedikit susah untuk dibedakan
AFA Pada awalnya karena ini bahasa asing maka masih membutuhkan
ND Kendalanya tentunya pada saat bertemu dengan unfamiliar word
yang membuat saya juga bingung jika mencari di google translate,
kata kuncinya saja tidak tahu.
APS kendalanya ada pda perbedaan accent mrk
MDAP Rasa bosan yg tiba-tiba menyerang
MASZ waktu
MM Ada beberapa kata, kalimat atau ucapannya yang tidak mengerti

MRR Enakan pakai tws atau headset biar fokus tapi kalo keseringan pakai
telinga bisa rusak
KCPS sejauh ini tidak ada kak hehehee
FA kendala nya terkadang saya masih malas untuk memulai dan juga
banyak kegiatan diluar yang membuat lupa untuk mendengar lagi
MZR overall bagus
DD kendala yg saya dapati ketika mendengarkan podcast tidak banyak,
salah satunya yaitu sering terdapat kata yg asing, jadi saya sulit untuk
mengartikan nya
RFSF Memahami kosakata yang baru kita dengar
MADA Ga tau
SN Mungkin didalam beberapa podcast pembawaannya lumayan cepat
sehingga kesusahan mencerna apa kata-kata atau kalimat yang
ASHK Seperti nya tidak ada kendala
RAKNF Suara dalam podcast kurang jernih/jelas, dan tidak ada translate bagi
para pemula / seseorang yang belum menguasai bahasa inggris
MPT kadang kadang suka tidak terdengar apa yg dibicarakan
IZM sering bosan kalo materi nya terlalu banyak, dan juga kalo suaranya
terlalu lembut bisa² saya ketiduran
AK mungkin dalam pengucapan
AAL Jaringan/sinyal
RNA tidak ada
MA Banyak nya kosakata baru yg tidak saya ketahui
NA susah memahami aksennya
MAD sinyal
MGW Bosan dan kurang paham beberapa kata karena tidak ada subtitlenya

Q9. In your opinion, what are the advantages of podcasts
compared to other media for learning listening comprehension?
Subject Menurut Anda, apa kelebihan dari podcast dibandingkan media lain
untuk belajar listening comprehension?
ZNA Karena podcast mengarah ke satu topik dan cara menyampaikanny
tidak terlalu cepat seperti media lain
NRS Kelebihannya dapat mempelajari hal baru dari suatu hal
MHRA pembicaranya menarik dan podcast sangat populer dikalang remaja,
podcast juga bisa 2 layar tidak seperti YouTube yang saat keluar dari
halaman nya akan otomatis berhenti, kalau dipodcast kita bisa
membuat apk lain dan kelebihan lainnya episodenya tersusun rapi
jadi kita bisa lanjut ke episode lainnya
TAN podcast sedikit lebih 'ringan'
AFA Jika podcast tersebut berkonsep discussion maka penonton akan
merasakan feeling seperti di ajak berbicara oleh sang konten kreator
ND Podcast itu suaranya lebih jernih dan juga pengaksesannya juga
mudah didapat.
APS dengan cara mendengarkan org lain bercerita dgn menggunakan
bhasa inggris
MDAP Terkadang kita bisa mendapatkan lebih banyak pelajaran di podcast
MASZ kelebihan dalam mendengarkan podcast untuk listening adalah saya
bisa belajar di manapun dan kapan pun melalui hp
MM Dengan mendengar podcast siswa akan terbiasa mendengar dan lebih
efektif dalam meningkatkan listening skill
MRR Podcast lebih ke Indra pendengaran dari pada media lain yang
condong ke pelihat dan skill membaca
KCPS kelebihannya bisa belajar dimana saja dan kapan saja, tidak harus
terfokus pada satu waktu dan ke suatu tempat. kita juga bisa lebih
memilih banyak referensi yang berbeda, dan juga tidak monoton,
dengan podcast kita para pendengar lebih enjoy

FA kelebihannya karena topik pembicaraan dan orang yang
menyampaikan seperti hal nya kita mengobrol santai dengan teman
atau kerabat yang maksud diceritakan mudah untuk dipahami.
MZR karena terdapat media komunikasi antara 2 org atau lebih, dan
membagi pengalaman mereka itu jauh lebih menarik dari mendengar
yang lain
NH Bisa menambah skill
DD di podcast, sering kali terdapat subtitle nya, jadi membuat kita mudah
dalam mendengarkan
RFSF Bahasanya yang mudah di pahami
MADA Simple
SN Podcast itu enak didengar seperti sedang santai-santai dan mau tidur
dan pembahasannya pun tentang terkadang tentang kehidupan atau
cerita yang kita alami sendiri sehingga lebih menarik
ASHK Sebener ny, zaman skrg bnyk sekali orang yg suka mendengar kan
podcast baik itu bahasa indo maupun bing buatt saya sendiri podcast
bing bisa saya manfaatkan untuk belajar bing. Tidak ada perbedaan
yg sgt signifikan
RAKNF Kata kata yang dipakai adalah kata kata sehari hari dan mudah untuk
MPT bisa diakses kapan pun dan di mana pun, di dalam podcast juga bisa
mengatur topik yang ingin kamu dengarkan, mulai dari obrolan
sehari-hari, pendidikan, politik, dan berbagai topik lainnya.
IZM Pendengar bisa belajar dari informasi-informasi yang didapatkan
selama mendengarkan sebuah konten podcast.
AK kelebihannya memudahkan kita dalam memahami
AAL Saya tidak cepat bosan, karena yang dibicarakan menarik bagi saya
RNA mendapatkan bnyk kosa kata
MA Karna podcast seruu dan menarik
NA listening lebih mengasah skill dlm berbahasa

MAD lebih mudah
MGW Kelebihanya adalah membuat kita lebih paham cara bicara orang
barat yg menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa sehari hari

Q10. In your opinion, what are the shortcomings of podcasts as a

medium for learning listening comprehension?
Subject Menurut Anda, apa kekurangan dari podcast sebagai media untuk
belajar listening comprehension?
ZNA Durasinya terlalu lama
NRS Terkadang sinyal jelek untuk mendengarkan posdcast
MHRA hanya suara, tidak ada objek visual dan itu membuat saya bosan,
karena sesungguhnya saya lebih suka gambar/vidio dibanding suara
dan itu membuat saya cepat bosan
TAN sedikit membosankan
AFA Karena,podcast begitu2 saja membuat penonton cepat bosan.
ND Kekurangan dari podcast menurut saya apabila terlalu lama itu akan
membuat bosan dan jika kita mendengarkan di Spotify harus
menggunakan kuota.
APS mungkin pada jaringan internet setiap org krn jaringan internet tidak
mungkin selalu bagus dan lanca krn utk mendengar kan podcast
online perlu menggunakan internet
MDAP Agak membosankan
MM Banyaknya ucapan yang tidak dimengerti
MRR Kuranganya peminat jadi kurangnya teman untuk berdiskusi tentang
KCPS kekurangannya adalah kita menghadap kepada gadget berlebihan,
dan juga kita tidak bisa mengetahui jelas siapa org di balik podcast
tersebut, banyak aksen aksen inggris yg berbeda sehingga kita harus
mencari tahu sendiri dan tidak bisa bertanya kepada org yg berbicara

FA saya belum tahu,tapi sejauh saya mendengar di aplikasi Spotify itu
tidak ada translate.mungkin itu kekurangan bagi saya.
MZR kurang menarik dari segi tema
NH Tidak ada
DD pembahasan yg terlalu luas
RFSF Durasinya yang panjang
MADA G ada
SN Mungkin kekurangannya ada pada kata-kata gaul yang biasa
digunakan oleh pembawanya namun tidak bisa dimengerti oleh
ASHK Sudah cukup menurut saya
RAKNF Podcaster menggunakan bahasa yang terlalu asing & berbelit belit
sehungga sulit dimengerti para audiens(pendengar)
MPT hanya mengandalkan suara
IZM (1) hanya mengandalkan suara
(2) orang² sedikit akan menjadi bosan jika hanya mendengarkan
suara dan tidak ditambahi dengan sedikit musik
(3) media audio berbasis podcast sebaiknya tidak digunakan untuk
materi yang terlalu panjang.
AK blum ada
AAL Masih banyak orang yang belum tahu dan menganggap hal tersebut
RNA kurang tau
MA Sedikit bosan jika hanya mendengarkan suara jika tidak di tambahi
NA hanya mengandalkan suara
MAD di mix(dicampur dgn b.indonesia) agar yg semua bisa mengerti isi
MGW Bosan dan kurang paham beberapa kata karena tidak ada subtitlenya



Aspect Indicator Question Code

Students’ Impressions 1) How do you feel after
Perception of The after Using listening to the Podcast?
Use of English Podcasts 2) Is there any change in your
Podcasts in listening after using
Listening Skills Podcast as media?
Supporting 1) What application do you
media in the use usually use to listen to
of Podcasts Podcasts?
2) Why did you choose this
application as a medium
for listening to Podcasts?
3) Do you have any criteria
for selecting Podcast
Obstacles 1) Are there any problems
while listening to the
2) Do you use subtitles when
listening to Podcasts?
3) What did you do to
overcome these obstacles?



No. Wawancara 1
Narasumber Nyimas Raffah Salsabila (NRS)
Penanya Rizqika Amalia (RA)
Tipe Wawancara Semi-Structured
Hari/Tanggal Rabu/ 3 Mei 2023
Waktu 08.20 WIB

Initial Transcript Ide pokok

RA Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabaraktuh
NRS Waalaikumussalam Warahmatullahi
RA Hello, let's meet first. My name is Rizqika
Amalia. What's your name?
Halo, kita kenalan dulu yah. Nama aku Rizqika
Amalia. Nama kamu siapa?
NRS Nyimas Raffah Salsabila
RA Ok, Nyimas. Thank you in advance for taking
the time to be interviewed for my research
Oke, Nyimas. Makasih sebelumnya udah
ngeluangin waktu yah buat di interview untuk
kebutuhan penelitian aku.
NRS Iya sama sama kak
RA Here I ask Nyimas to just answer as is, just
answer honestly according to what Nyimas has

Disini aku minta Nyimas untuk jawab apa
adanya saja, jawab juju raja sesuai yang Nyimas
alamin saja.
NRS Iya kak
RA Okay, let's get on with it. I want to know what
Nyimas' first impression was after listening to
the podcast?
Oke, kita langsung saja. Aku mau tau nih first
impression/kesan Nyimas setelah dengerin Students’
podcast tuh gimana? impression about
NRS The first impression of the podcast feels like listening to
it's hard to listen to, then it's hard if they talk podcasts: it's hard
to each other. It's hard to hear it. So, Nyimas to hear because it's
listened to it using subtitles first, and the confusing. To
second time he repeated it using subtitles. overcome this,
First impression nya untuk podcast terasa seperti students use
susah saat mendengarkannya, terus susah jika subtitles.
mereka saling ngobrol, susah untuk
mendengarnya. Jadi, Nyimas mendengarkannya
memakai subtitle dulu, yang kedua diulang lagi
menggunakan subtitle.
RA But does Nyimas enjoy listening to podcasts? Students feel about
Tapi Nyimas menikmati mendengar podcast gak? listening to
NRS Enjoy, because there are jokes, games and podcasts: enjoy
stories too because there are
Menikmati kak, soalnya ada candaan, permainan games inside the
dan cerita-cerita juga podcast.
RA So, in the questionnaire, Nyimas answered
Nyimas using the Spotify and YouTube

applications. Apart from that, are there other
applications for using podcasts?
Nah, di kuesioner Nyimas menjawab Nyimas
menggunakan aplikasi Spotify dan YouTube.
Selain itu ada aplikasi lain tidak untuk
menggunakan podcast?
NRS Only Spotify and YouTube. But those who are
more frequent go to YouTube. Because The selection of
YouTube has more recommendations about the most
the podcast. There are also lessons about frequently used
Grammar, vocabulary, and formulas. application is
Cuma Spotify dan YouTube. Tapi, yang lebih YouTube.
sering lebih ke YouTube. Karena YouTube lebih
banyak rekomendasi tentang podcast nya. ada
juga pelajaran tetang Grammar, tentang
vocabulary dan rumus rumus.
RA Is that what Nyimas often hears from the EF
Surabaya channel? May I know where did
Nyimas know the channel from?
Itu yang sering Nyimas dengar dari channel EF
Surabaya? Kalua boleh tau Nyimas tau channel
itu dari mana?
NRS From Tiktok. Initially, TikTok broadcast
podcasts, then Nyimas searched for the EF
Surabaya channel.
Dari Tiktok kak. Awalnya tiktok menyiarkan
tentang podcast, lalu Nyimas cari ternyata
tentang channel EF Surabaya
RA Oke, awalnya lewat dari tiktok?
NRS Iya kak, lewat beranda.

RA If I may ask, what does EF Surabaya's
channel contain besides grammar lessons,
which Nyimas usually listens to?
Kalau boleh tau channel EF Surabaya ini isinya
apa saja selain pelajaran-pelajaran grammar,
yang biasa Nyimas dengerin?
NRS For grammar, for sure, people's experiences
continue to tell about their daily activities, and
there are also those who learn about what
happened in the past with grammar formulas.
Grammar pastinya kak, experiences orang orang
terus ada juga yang menceritakan tentang
kegiatannya sehari hari dan juga ada yang
mempelajari tentang apa yang terjadi di masa
lalu dengan rumus rumus grammar nya.
RA For Nyimas, are there criteria for a podcast
channel to listen to? For example, what should
the title be, or what should the podcast be
Kalau Nyimas ada gak kriteria channel podcast Podcast channel
untuk didengar? Misalnya judulnya seperti apa criteria strongly
atau podcastnya harus seperti apa? support interest in
NRS Like story-telling, speech, or like games, for listening to
example, guessing pictures, spelling bees, then podcasts.
guessing pictures of objects.
Seperti story-telling, speech atau seperti
permainan, misalnya tebak gambar, spelling bee,
lalu tebak gambar benda.
RA So, Nyimas prefers podcasts with games, The podcast
right? interspersed with

Jadi, Nyimas lebih suka yang ada permainan ya? the game is just
NRS Yes, it was so much fun. plain fun.
Iya kak, seru.
RA Well, the podcast itself is diverse. There are
British and American accents. What accent do
EF Surabaya use?
Nah, kalua podcast sendiri kan beragam yah ada
yang accent nya british dan amerika. Kalau EF
Surabaya itu pakai accent apa?
NRS Sometimes the accent is British, and
sometimes it's American.
Kadang accent British kadang Amerika kak
RA Does it continue to have an effect on Nyimas?
Terus berpengaruh tidak untuk Nyimas?
NRS British is quite difficult. But I choose
Australian accents. They say British and The effect of
Australian are the same, but it turns out that accent when
after I heard it was more difficult for British listening to
than Australian Podcasts.
British lumayan susah kak. Tapi, aku ambil
Australian accent kak. Katanya British dan
Australian itu sama tapi ternyata setelah aku
dengar lebih susah British daripada Australian
RA From the pronunciation?
Dari pengucapannya ya?
NRS Yes, sometimes it sounds like you're using R Difficulty
and sometimes not understanding
Iya kak kadang terdengar memakai R dan British accent.
terkadang tidak

RA So, in terms of duration, it also varies. Does
that matter? And usually, how many minutes
does Nyimas prefer a podcast?
Nah, untuk soal durasi juga beragam ya, apakah
itu berpengaruh? Dan biasanya Nyimas lebih
memilih podcast yang berapa menit?
NRS When it comes to grammar, I prefer 30
minutes because there will definitely be
practice. But, when it comes to stories, I prefer
the 10-minute duration.
Kalau untuk tentang grammar lebih memilih 30
menitan karena pasti ada Latihan. Tapi, kalau
tentang cerita-cerita lebih memilih yang
berdurasi 10 menitan
RA Are there other media used besides podcasts?
For example, music and movies
Apakah ada media lain yang digunakan selain
podcast? Misalnya music dan film
NRS I used to watch harry potter in the movies.
The problem was about the pronunciation of The use of
the British accent. Sometimes the songs are alternative media
from the American Accent, sometimes from other than
the Australian Accent. There are a lot of Podcasts, namely
recommendations on YouTube. music and films.
Kalau film dulu sering nonton harry potter,
soalnya ada tentang pengucapan British accent.
Kalau lagu kadang dari America Accent kadang
dari Australian Accent. Kalau di YouTube
banyak rekomendasi kak.

RA May I know when did Nyimas listen to the
Kalau boleh tau Nyimas mendengarkan podcast
itu saat apa?
NRS Relaxing before going to sleep, before there is
an English lesson tomorrow
Lagi santai-santai, saat sebelum tidur kaka tau
sebelum ada pelajaran bahas Inggris besok hari
RA Nyimas tau podcast dari kapan?
NRS As for the podcast, when I was in grade 9, I
just listened to it and got interested in grade
10. Previously, I only learned about grammar
and tenses on YouTube The initial interest
Kalau podcast sih saat kelas 9 baru coba-coba in listening to
denger saja dan tertariknya saat kelas 10. Podcasts.
Sebelumnya Cuma belajar tentang grammar dan
tenses dari YouTube
RA Is there any change after listening to the
podcast itself?
Ada gak perubahan setelah dengerin podcast itu
NRS There is, before I didn't know how to Progress while
pronounce a word and looked at the listening to the
dictionary, now in the dictionary, sometimes I English Podcast.
don't know the pronunciation, and on the
podcast, there are pronunciations, and there is
a practice as well.
Ada kak, sebelumnya tidak tau cara pengucapan
sebuah kata dan melihat kamus, nah di kamus itu

kadang tidak tahu pengucapannya dan di podcast
ada pengucapannya dan ada practice juga
RA So, according to Nyimas, is podcast effective
or not to be used as a medium to improve Suggestions for
listening? using other media
Jadi, menurut Nyimas podcast itu efektif tidak besides Podcasts
untuk dijadikan media untuk meningkatkan so that listening
listening? skills are more
NRS It's effective. But there must be additional effective.
channels specifically for listening. And you
have to be consistent, not just once in a while
Efektif sih kak. Tapi, harus ada tambahan
channel khusus untuk listening. Dan harus
konsisten jangan cuma sekali-kali
RA So, what do you learn in class? Is there any
use of media from the teacher to improve
Nah, kalau di kelas sendiri belajar apa saja sih?
Ada tidak penggunakan media dari guru untuk
meningkatkan listening?
NRS There is from the teacher, and the teacher The use of media
always brings a projector and speakers. in the classroom
Because our class book is different from other by English
classes. We use a "prepare" book so it teachers.
contains grammar, vocabulary, and listening.
Ada dari guru kak, guru selalu membawa
proyektor dan speaker. Soalnya buku kelas kami
berbeda dengan kelas lain. Kami memakai buku
“prepare” jadi didalamnya tertera ada
grammar, vocabulary dan listening

RA What about listening?
Kalau listening nya belajar apa saja?
NRS Listening is sometimes a story, or we fill in the
answers from the audio given by the teacher.
Sometimes the teacher also assigns to make Learning media is
stories from the subjects studied and told to provided by the
come forward. teacher, especially
Listening nya kadang cerita atau kita mengisi in listening
jawaban dari audio yang diberikan oleh guru. learning.
Terkadang guru juga menugaskan membuat
cerita dari mata pelajaran yang dipelajari dan
disuruh maju kedepan.
RA Apart from that, is there any, for example,
playing music or movies?
Selain itu ada tidak, misalnya diputerin music
atau film?
NRS There's a movie, but I forgot because it's been
a long time.
Ada sih kak film tapi lupa soalnya sudah lama
RA Is the practice in class more individual, or is it
done in a group?
Kalau Latihan di kelas lebih ke individua tau
make a group?
NRS For practice individually. And group for
making a presentation, make a video.
Kalau Latihan si individual sih kak, kalau make a
group itu kalau presentasi membuat video.
RA What video?
Video apa waktu itu?

NRS At that time, there were several themes in the
video, sis, about the environment and
technology. So, we got about the environment,
and 1 group contained six people. Some were
cameramen, some explained about the
environment, and some gave examples and
Video waktu itu ada beberapa tema kak, ada
tentang lingkungan, teknologi. Nah kami dapat
tentang lingkungan dan 1 group berisi 6 orang.
Ada yang menjadi cameramen, ada yang
menjelaskan tentang lingkungan, ada yang
contoh dan peragaan
RA Does Nyimas prefer studying individually or
in a group?
Kalau Nyimas lebih suka belajar individual atau
make a group?
NRS It depends, if the lesson is more suitable for a How to learn to
group, it's better for a group. But when it adapt to the
comes to memorizing and making up stories, conditions and
it's better to study individually. form of the task.
Tergantung sih kak, kalau pelajarannya lebih
cocok group lebih enak group. Kalau menghafal
atau buat cerita lebih individual
RA OK, did Nyimas face any problems while
listening to the podcast?
Oke, ada gak kendala yang dialamin Nyimas
selama mendengarkan podcast?
NRS The signal is sis, sometimes it goes down
sometimes it goes up

Sinyal sih kak, kadang turun kadang naik
RA Apart from that, is there anything? From the
podcast itself? Difficulty while
Selain itu ada gak? Dari podcast nya sendiri? listening to
NRS Sometimes from the accent, the speaker Podcasts in
speaks too fast, so I use subtitles. So, if I don't English.
know what the podcast means, then memorize
it and test it at home.
Kadang dari accent nya sih kak bicaranya terlalu
cepat, jadi pakai subtitle kak. Jadi, kalau tidak
tau dari podcast itu ditulis artinya apa, nanti
baru dihafalin dan di tes dirumah
RA Okay, so Nyimas will take note of how to
overcome these obstacles, right?
Oke, berarti cara mengatasi kendala tersebut The solution for
Nyimas akan take a note ya? overcoming
NRS Yes, because my father told me to. My father difficulties while
studied English like that listening to
Iya soalnya disuruh Ayah. Ayah belajar Bahasa English Podcasts.
Inggris dulu seperti itu
RA Oh okay. Nyimas, do you have any
recommendations on what kind of podcasts to
listen to? For example, for beginners? Recommendations
Oh oke. Nyimas ada tidak rekomendasi podcast for beginners who
seperti apa yang harus didengarkan? Misalnya want to listen to
untuk pemula? Podcasts.
NRS For beginner, it's about the story
Untuk pemula sih tentang cerita sih kak
RA Any others?
Ada lagi?

NRS Done
Udah sih kak
RA Okay, last. What is the podcast rate for
Nyimas 1-10?
Oke, terakhir. Rate podcast bagi Nyimas 1-10
NRS For podcasts 8.5/10. The remaining channels
are specifically for learning to listen.
Kalau podcast 8,5/10. Sisanya channel khusus
belajar listening.
RA Ok, thanks a lot Nyimas
NRS You're welcome

No. Wawancara 2
Narasumber Neisya Dzulaikha
Penanya Rizqika Amalia (RA)
Tipe Wawancara Semi-Structured
Hari/Tanggal Rabu/ 3 Mei 2023
Waktu 08.35 WIB

Initial Transcript Ide pokok

RA Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi
ND Waalaikumussalam Warahmatullahi
RA Hello, let's introduce ourselves first. My
name is Rizqika Amalia. What's your

Halo, kita kenalan dulu yah. Nama aku Rizqika
Amalia. Nama kamu siapa?
ND Nama aku Neisya Dzulaikha
RA Neisya, thank you in advance for taking the
time to be interviewed for my research.
Here I ask Neisya to answer as it is, just
answer honestly what Neisya experienced
while listening to the podcast.
Neisya makasih sebelumnya yah sudah
meluangkan waktu buat di interview buat
penelitian aku. Disini aku minta Neisya jawab
apa adanya saja jawab jujur saja apa yang
Neisya alami selama dengerin podcast
ND Iya kak
RA OK, first question here. What's Neisya's
first impression after listening to the
Oke, pertanyaan pertama nih. First impression
Neisya setelah dengerin podcast gimana sih?
ND At first, I listened to it from the channel that
you give, 6 minutes English. Well, it was
really hard to catch the meaning at first.
Neisya usually listens to the ones at the
lower levels, so when I listen to the ones
from the channel, I’m shocked, especially
when the one "do you get jealousy" is saying Students' impressions
several people, so it's a little hard to catch about listening to the
the word because I'm confused about who podcast: initially
was delivering the message. It's really hard experienced
to catch it. difficulties in

Awalnya tuh dengerin dari yang kakak kasih understanding the
itu, 6 minutes English. Nah, itu awalnya susah meaning
banget nangkep nya. Neisya biasanya dengerin
yang di level bawah gitu kak, jadi dengerin
yang dari kakak itu wah kaget ka, apalagi yang
“do you get jealousy” itu kan beberapa orang
yang ngomong, jadi agak susah nangkep nya
karena bingung siapa yang ngomong. Susah
sih sebenernya nangkep nya sih
RA Does that mean Neisya recently listened to
the podcast?
Berarti Neisya baru baru ini yah dengerin
ND Yes
Iya kak baru
RA Well, here I see that Nesya often listens to it
on Spotify.
Nah, disini aku liat Neisya sering dengerin di
ND Iya di Spotify
RA Why Spotify?
Kenapa lebih milih Spotify?
ND Because the other media don't know yet,
and my sister at home also listens to Spotify,
she also likes to listen and tell me. When I The convenience of
was in middle school, I also liked listening to choosing the Spotify
it, but it was still below that. So, listen to it application and the
on Spotify from my sister. influence of the
Karena kalau media lain belum tahu sih. Dan closest person
kakak dirumah juga dengerin Spotify juga suka

dengerin dan kasih tau. Pas SMP juga suka
dengerin sih tapi masih dibawah gitu. Jadi
denger di Spotify itu dari kakak
RA But if on Spotify there are no transcripts,
how about you?
Tapi, kalau di Spotify kan jarang ada transkrip
yah, itu gimana kamu?
ND I asked my sister at home, I was asked if Motivation from the
there were words, and it turned out to be closest person in
"follow" I listened to it together with my learning
sister, so she also supported it.
Nanya sama kakak dirumah, ditanya misalnya
ada kata kata ternyata itu “follow”,
dengerinnya barengan sama kakak gitu dia
juga ngedukung
RA Okay. So, here are you listening to the
“Starry Night Podcast” channel, the channel
on Spotify, right? Where do you know this
channel from?
Oke. Nah, disini kamu dengerin channel
“Starry Night Podcast” itu channel di Spotift
ya? Kamu tau dari mana channel itu?
ND Itu tau dari kakak channelnya.
RA What content does the channel contain
besides story telling?
Di channel nya isi apa saja selain story
ND Disney kak
RA As for Neisya, besides story-telling, are
there other themes that you like to listen to?

Kalau Neisya sendiri selain story telling ada
gak tema lain yang suka didengerin?
ND So far, not. However, yesterday I wanted to The desire to try
try listening to a horror podcast. Because listening to podcasts
Indonesian podcasts are fun, especially if, with themes that are
for example, we already understand English outside my comfort
Sejauh ini belum sih kak. Tapi, kemarin pengen zone
coba dengerin yang horror podcast gitu. ➢ Horror
Soalnya yang podcast Indonesia saja seru podcast
apalagi kan kalau misalnya kita sudah
mengerti Bahasa Inggris
RA Okay, if Neisya, are there any channel
criteria you want to listen to? For example,
the topic should be like this, or the title Criteria for choosing
should be like this. a podcast channel
Oke, kalau Neisya ada gak kriteria channel ➢ Looking for
yang mau di dengar? Misalnya topiknya harus an easy title
begini atau judulnya harus begini
ND If Neisya prefers the scary one earlier.
However, the title is easier to understand.
Kalau Neisya lebih suka yang scary tadi kak.
Tapi, judulnya itu yang lebih mudah
RA That means it has to be light and easy to
understand, right?
Berarti harus yang ringan dan mudah
dimengerti yah?
ND Yes, because a lot of schoolkids listen to The assumption is
horror stories. If people are already that many school
working, what should they listen to like

that? It's better for them to watch cooking kids prefer horror-
videos. themed podcasts.
Iya soalnya cerita horror gitu yang banyak
dengerin anak sekolah kan kak, kalau orang
udah kerja ngapain dengerin kayak gitu,
mending yang masak masak gitu
RA Okay. As for podcasts, there are a variety of The effect of accent
them, some with a British accent, some with when listening to
an American accent. Does that have any English podcasts
effect on you? ➢ It is difficult
Oke. Kalau podcast kan beragam yah ada to catch what
yang pake accent British ada yang pake accent is being said
Amerika. Itu berpengaruh gak buat kamu? if you use a
ND Yes, if the British like to speak less. It's hard British accent
to catch, so I choose American. If I listen to ➢ Discomfort
the British for a while, I change right away using a
because I can't catch them yet. British accent
Berpengaruh kak, kalau British itu suka when
dikurang kurangin kan ngomongnya. Susah listening to
ditangkep kak, jadi lebih ke American sih kak English
kalau British dengerin sebentar langsung ganti podcasts
soalnya belum bisa nangkep
RA Okay, that means Neisya is more of an
American accent.
Oke berarti Neisya lebih ke American accent
ND Yes
Iya kak

RA Okay, is there a problem with the duration
or not? How many minutes does Neisya
prefer to listen?
Oke, kalau soal durasi bermasalah gak? Kalau
Neisya lebih suka dengerin yang berapa
ND 15 minutes or 6-15 minutes
15 an kak, 6-15 menit
RA Okay, apart from podcast media, are there
other applications?
Oke, kalau selain media podcast ada gak Other media used in
aplikasi lain? improving listening
ND Movie skills
Film kak, harry potter. ➢ Movies
ND But still using Indonesian subtitles. Then ➢ Music has no
“Onward” used English subtitles because effect
my sister told me that cartoon films should because
only be used with English subtitles because listening to
it's easier; harry potter is heavy. music is more
Tapi masih pakai subtitle Indonesia. Terus aimed at
onward itu pake subtitle Inggris soalnya enjoying the
disuruh kakak katanya kalau film kartun song
diusahain pake subtitle Inggris saja karena
lebih mudah, kalau harry potter kan berat.
ND People say from listening to songs if Neisya
says no because the song makes you enjoy
the song more and just listen to it.
Kalau denger lagu kata orang dari denger
lagu, kalau kata Neisya engga sih kak soalnya
lagu itu kita lebih nikmatin dan dengerin saja.

RA Does that mean Neisya rarely listens to
Berarti Neisya jarang dengerin lagu yah?
ND Often but I don't catch word for word
because I enjoy it more.
Sering tapi gak catch word by word gitu kak
karena lebih nikmatin
RA Okay, if I may know, when did Neisya listen
to the podcast?
Oke, kalau boleh tau Neisya dengerin podcast
itu saat apa?
ND Before going to sleep
Malem sih kak waktu mau tidur.
RA So, are there any changes that Neisya has
experienced after listening to the podcast?
For example, the vocab increases, or this Developments
word actually doesn't know yet, it becomes experienced while
known. listening to English
Nah, ada gak perubahan yang Neisya alamin podcasts
setelah dengerin podcast? Misalnya vocab nya ➢ Increased
bertambah atau kata ini sebenernya belum understanding
tahu jadi tahu of vocabulary
ND There is. But what if you say those words.
For example, incredible and disgusting,
because I've never heard of it.
Ada sih kak. Tapi apa yah kalau kata kata tuh.
Misalnya, incredible, disgusting itu soalnya
belum pernah denger.
RA Okay, so the vocabulary has increased.
Oke, jadi vocabulary nya bertambah yah

ND Yes
Iya kak
RA According to Nesya, is podcast effective or
not used as a medium to practice listening?
Menurut Neisya podcast efektif gak dijadiin
media untuk ngelatih listening?
ND It's effective, but if the person is bored, I
don't think you can handle it. So Neisya Opinions and
prefers to watch because besides being suggestions on the
immersed in the story, we can also follow it effectiveness of
like Harry Potter. using English
Efektif sih, tapi kalau orangnya bosenan podcasts
kayaknya gak sanggup kak. Jadi Neisya lebih
milih nonton saja soalnya kan selain terhanyut
dalam ceritanya kita juga bisa ngikutin kayak
ngikutin harry potter nya ngomong
RA Yes, there are already a lot of them now.
Harry Potter is learning about his
Iya, sekarang juga udah banyak yah sekarang
harry potter belajar tentang vocabulary nya
ND Yes, there's a harry potter podcast on
YouTube for 8 hours
Iya kak, kan ada podcast harry potter di
YouTube 8 jam kak
RA Okay, for example, what about English
lessons in Cambridge class? Is there any use
of media to practice listening?

Oke, kalau misalnya pelajaran Bahasa Inggris
di kelas Cambrige itu gimana sih? Ada gak
penggunaan media untuk ngelatih listening?
ND Yes, listening to watching someone's
interview like that. Interview about sports,
work like that. But for the use of a media The use of media in
projector in the class, the sound is low, so the classroom given
use additional speakers. But, in the video, by the teacher
it's more difficult to understand if the ➢ Watching
person says what the teacher gives, but if it someone's
is listening normally, it's easier, maybe interview
because the speaker is too low.
Ada kak, listening sama nonton interview
somone gitu kak. Interview tentang olahraga,
kerjaan gitu kak. Nah, kalau penggunaan
media proyektor yang dikelas itu kecil
suaranya jadi pakai speaker tambahan. Tapi,
kalau di video lebih susah dimengerti kalau
orangnya ngomong yang diberikan gurunya,
tapi kalau listening biasa lebih mudah,
mungkin karena speaker nya kecil kak
RA So, it's not clear. How about the sound in
class? Apart from that, is there any music to
listen to?
Jadi kurang jelas gitu yah suaranya kalau
dikelas? Selain itu ada gak didengerin music?
ND Yes, there is
Ada kak
RA How about film? Student suggestions
Kalau film? for learning

ND Not yet. The film should have been put on so ➢ The film
that the students don't get bored studying, should be
that's all. shown so that
Belum kak. Harusnya sih di puterin film kak ya learning
biar anaknya gak bosen belajarnya itu itu saja. becomes
and not
RA Does that mean you learn from books?
Berarti belajarnya dari buku terus ya?
ND Yes. Later the teacher will bring a speaker
Iya kak. Nanti gurunya bawa speaker kak
RA Is there a separate audio in the book?
Kalau di bukunya ada audio tersendiri gak?
ND No, the book has an audio barcode written
on it, but if you want the barcode, there isn't
one. So, there are different teacher and
student books.
Gak ada kak, bukunya ada tulisan barcode
audionya nya, tapi kalau mau barcode nya gak
ada. Jadi ada buku teacher dan student kak
RA Then learning in class more individually or
making a group?
Terus pembelajarannya dikelas lebih
individual apa make a group?
ND 50-50. Often also speaking in front of the
class. If listening is individual
50-50 sih kak. Sering juga speaking in front of
the class. Kalau listening itu individual

RA If Neisya prefers to study individually or
make a group?
Kalau Neisya sendiri lebih suka belajar
individual atau make a group? Adjustment of
ND Individually because if I study in a group, learning methods
my friends don't catch on. Especially if
there are friends who are noisy and
Individual kak, karena kalau make a group itu
temen-temennya suka kurang nangkep. Apalagi
kalau ada temen yang ribut jadi terganggu
RA Ok, It's more individual.
Lebih ke individual yah
ND Yes. If we did a project, we made a
technology video, and it's better as a group.
Iya kak kalau listening. Kalau make a project
kemarin kita bikin video teknologi gitu lebih
enak group
RA Okay, according to Neisya, are there any
problems while listening to the podcast?
Oke, menurut Neisya ada gak kendala selama Difficulty listening to
dengeirn podcast? English podcasts
ND The problem is hard to understand, so I ➢ Difficult to
have to ask my sister what it means first. understand
Kendalanya susah dimengerti sih kak, jadi
harus tanya dulu sama kakak artinya
RA Then how does Neisya overcome these The solution to
obstacles? overcome these
Terus gimana cara Neisya ngatasin kendala difficulties

ND Yes, recorded it on the cellphone and then ➢ Record the
searched on Google translate. word on your
Iya kak, dicatet di hp lalu dicari di google cellphone and
translate look up the
meaning on
RA Does Neisya have any recommendations for
podcast channels that should be listened to?
Oke, kalau Neisya ada gak rekomendasi Podcast channel
channel podcast yang gimana harus recommendations
didengerin? ➢ Light topic
ND If the topic is looking for something light ➢ Topics that
that is experienced every day. For example, exist in
teenage love, horror stories, etc everyday life
Kalau topiknya cari yang ringan yang
dialamin sehari hari. Misalnya cinta-cinta
remaja, cerita horror gitu kak
RA Okay, finally, I'm asking how much is
Neisya's rate for the podcast application, 1-
Oke, terakhir nih aku minta rate Neisya
aplikasi podcast itu 1-10 berapa?
ND 8 out of 10
RA Okay, thank you, Neisya.
ND You’re welcome

No. Wawancara 3
Narasumber Keisya Calista Putri Siva
Penanya Rizqika Amalia (RA)
Tipe Wawancara Semi-Structured
Hari/Tanggal Rabu/ 3 Mei 2023
Waktu 08.55 WIB

Initial Transcript Ide pokok

RA Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabaraktuh
KCPS Waalaikumussalam Warahmatullahi Wabaraktuh
RA Hello, let's introduce ourselves first. My name
is Rizqika Amalia. What's your name?
Halo, kita kenalan dulu yah. Nama aku Rizqika
Amalia. Nama kamu siapa?
KCPS Keisya Calista Putri Siva kak
RA Okay, thanks in advance, Keisya, for taking
the time for my research needs. So, I asked
Keisya to answer as it is and, to be honest,
according to what Keisya has experienced.
Oke, makasih sebelumnya Keisya udah
ngeluangin waktu untuk kebutuhan penelitian aku.
Jadi, aku minta Keisya jawab apa adanya dan
sejujur-jujurnya sesuai apa yang Keisya alamin
Siap kak
RA Okay, first here. I want to know how Keisya
feels after listening to the podcast.
Oke, pertama nih. Aku mau tau kesan Keisya
setelah dengerin podcast gimana sih?

KCPS The impression is interesting, especially the
theme. Then, I can further develop our skills Students'
from the podcast, especially listening. But there impressions about
are also obstacles, especially those with listening to
different accents. podcasts: can
Kesannya menarik kak apalagi temanya yang kita improve listening
suka. Terus dari podcast itu kita bisa lebih skills
ngembangin skill kita terutama listening kak. Tapi
ada kendala juga sih apalagi yang accent-accent As for the
nya beda gitu difficulty in
RA But does Keisya enjoy listening to podcasts?
Tapi, Keisya menikmati gak denger podcast?
Iya kak menikmati
RA OK, in the questionnaire, Keisya chose the
Spotify application and sometimes Instagram,
right? Why do you prefer Spotify?
Oke, di kuesioner Keisya memilih aplikasi Spotify Tendency to
dan kadang-kadang di Instagram ya? Kenapa choose the Spotify
lebih memilih Spotify? app to listen to
KCPS On Spotify, it's specifically like podcasts and English podcasts
songs, so it's more detailed, and there are lots ➢ Multiple
of references too. I'm just happy because references
Spotify is also open every day. ➢ Open daily
Kalau di Spotify dia terkhusus gitu kak podcast
dan lagu-lagu, jadi lebih terperinci gitu kak dan
banyak referensi juga. Seneng saja gitu karena
Spotify juga setiap hari dibuka

RA Okay, if it is on Instagram, is it a channel or
Oke, kalau di Instagram itu dia channel atau apa?
KCPS No, it is like an account. On Instagram, it is not
a podcast but rather songs that are cut in
Instagram stories. Other applications
Bukan kak, dia kayak akun. Kalau di Instagram
bukan podcast kak tapi lebih ke lagu-lagu
dipotong di story Instagram gitu
RA Okay. So, on Spotify, there are rarely subtitles,
right? Well, Keisya, how about you? Does
Keisya use subtitles when listening to podcasts?
Oke. Nah kalau di Spotify kan jarang ada subtitle The strategy for
kan. Nah Keisya gimana tuh? Keisya pakai choosing the type
subtitle gak kalau denger podcast? of podcast to
KCPS No, I prefer podcasts that are easy and light, so listen to so that it
I know a little bit of the language and know the uses minimal
main plot of the story. subtitles
Enggak sih kak lebih milih podcast yang mudah ➢ Easy and
saja dan ringan jadi bahasanya tau sedikit sedikit light
dan tau alur inti ceritanya
RA Okay. So Keisya often listens to Ted Talks,
right? Where do you know this channel from?
Oke. Nah Keisya sering dengerin TedTalks yah?
Kamu tau channel ini dari mana?
KCPS It's from the Instagram homepage.
Itu lewat dari beranda Instagram kak
RA In Ted Talks, there are lots of topics. If Keisya,
what kind of theme do you like to hear?

Kalau di TedTalks kan banyak yah topiknya. Lack of
Kalau Keisya sendiri tema seperti apa yang suka motivation from
didenger? the school
KCPS Nowadays, it's rare, isn't it like before when I environment
was in junior high school in a bilingual class.
So, every Saturday, there are listening to
podcasts for each student so they are better
prepared by the teacher.
Kalau sekarang sih jarang kak gak kaya dulu pas
SMP dikelas bilingual. Jadi, setiap sabtu ada
dengerin podcast setiap siswanya jadi lebih di
prepare-in sama gurunya
RA Okay, so now it's rare, right? More often in
middle school?
Oke, jadi sekarang sudah jarang ya? Lebih sering
pas SMP?
Iya kak
RA What about your favorite theme of the
Kalau Keisya sendiri suka tema podcast seperti Pick a fun theme.
apa? ➢ Horror
KCPS For podcasts, it is horror because it is more theme
exciting, especially when the source is like that.
Kalau podcast lebih ke horror sih kak karena
lebih seru apalagi pembawaan narasumbernya
RA What are the podcast criteria for listening?
Kalo kriteria podcast yang gimana sih yang harus

KCPS As for Keisya personally, the most important Pick a fun theme.
thing is that it is fun
Kalo Keisya pribadi sih yang penting asik ajasih
RA Okay. So, what about the accent itself from the
Oke. Nah kalau accentnya sendiri gimana dari
podcast tersebut?
KCPS At first, it was problematic because the British Difficulty
division was a bit difficult. But because I've understanding
done it quite often, I understand quite a bit. accent
Awalnya sih bermasalah ya kak yang dibagian
British kak karena agak sulit. Tapi, karena udah
lumayan sering jadi lumayan ngerti
RA But what accent does Keisya prefer?
Tapi, kalo Keisya sendiri lebih memilih accent
KCPS American
America sih kak
RA So, how about the duration? How long does
Keisya prefer to listen to a podcast?
Nah, kalau buat durasinya gimana? Keisya lebih
suka dengerin podcast yang berdurasi berapa
KCPS Under 30 minutes
Under 30 menit sih kak
RA Apart from podcasts, is there any other media
that Keisya uses?
Selain podcast ada gak media lain yang Keisya Other supporting
gunakan? media

KCPS Movie, maybe
Film mungkin kak
RA What is it?
Contohnya film apa tuh?
KCPS Disney
Film Disney gitu kak
RA Do you watch Disney movies with Indonesian
or English subtitles?
Kalau nonton film Disney pakai subtitle Indonesia
atau Inggris?
KCPS English
Inggris kak
RA What about music?
Kalau music gimana?
KCPS If it's music, it's rare.
Kalau music jarang sih kak
RA When did you listen to the podcast?
Keisya dengerin podcast di waktu apa?
KCPS When I have to do nothing after doing my
assignments at night or on holidays
Kalau dengerin podcast itu kak kalau lagi gabut
abis ngerjain tugas malam-malam atau hari libur
RA In Keisya's opinion, are there any changes
after listening to the podcast?
Kalau menurut Keisya ada perubahan gak setelah Progress while
dengerin podcast? listening to
KCPS Yes. For example, in podcasts, there are many English podcasts
words that we are not used to hear, right? If we ➢ Increase
do it every day, it's just a daily conversion, vocabulary
right? There are a lot of podcasts, so if I study

with Mrs Umayyah, it's a bit difficult. There's ➢ Podcasts
a video, so it's easier. Oh, this means that if help hone
you've listened to it, it's easier; you can get listening
better listening skills. skills apart
Ada kak banyak. Kalau misalnya di podcast from
banyak kata-kata yang gak biasa kita denger gitu lessons at
kan kak. Kalo kita sehari hari ini cuma daily school
conversiation saja kan. Kalau di podcast kan
banyak ya kak jadi kalau belajar sama mam
Umayyah tuh agak sulit yakan ada video nah jadi
lebih mudah oh ini artinya ini jadi pernah denger
jadi lebih mudah, listening skill nya lebih dapet
gitu kak
RA Okay, so the vocabulary is increasing, right?
Oke jadi vocabulary bertambah yah
Iya kak
RA According to Keisya, are podcasts effective as a
medium for practicing listening skills?
Kalau podcast menurut Keisya efektif gak sebagai
media untuk ngelatih listening skill?
KCPS It's not very effective, according to Keisya,
especially since you don't have a chaperone. The notion that
And actually, if you look at the subtitles, you you need a
can do it, but the podcast is a bit heavy on the companion when
language and also the topics, and I'm afraid listening to
people who are not used to it would not be as podcasts to make
effective. it more effective
Kurang efektif sih kak menurut Keisya, apalagi
gak ada pendampingnya gitu kan. Terus juga

sebenernya kalau liat subtitle bisa sih, tapi kan
podcast itu sedikit berat bahasanya terus juga
topik-topiknya dan takutnya orang yang belum
terbiasa gitu kurang efektif gitu
RA Okay, so according to Keisya, it is not that
effective. So, in Cambridge class, how do you
learn English? Are there any additional media
from the teacher?
Oke, jadi menurut Keisya kurang efektif ya. Nah
kalau di kelas Cambridge gimana sih belajar
Bahasa Inggris nya? Ada media tambahan gak The use of media
dari gurunya? in the classroom
KCPS It's just listening, so it is just the sound, but given by the
usually, there is also a video. So, from the teacher
video, the students are asked to draw ➢ Audio
conclusions like that, and also, if the students listening
listen to the book and already have the vocab ➢ Learning
and put it together. videos
Cuma listening sih kak jadi suaranya saja kak
tapi biasanya juga ada videonya. Jadi dari video
tersebut kita diminta menarik kesimpulan gitu kak
terus juga kalau listening dari bukunya dan udah
ada vocab nya dan disatuin
RA What kind of videos are given by the teacher in
Video seperti apa yang diberikan oleh guru di
KCPS Learning videos, for example, "National
Park," so that is all in English, right? The

students would be asked to fill in whatever
blank forms I got from the video earlier.
Video pembelajaran sih kak kayak misalnya
“national park” gitu, nah itu kan Bahasa Inggris
semua kan kak, nanti disuruh di isi di form kosong
apa saja yang didapat dari video tadi
RA Is there special audio for the book itself?
Kalau bukunya sendiri ada audio khusus gak?
KCPS Yes, there is a special track. There is also a
barcode for the video
Ada kak, ada track khususnya. Ada juga barcode
buat videonya
RA Then if the lessons are more individual or
make a group?
Terus kalau pelajarannya lebih ke individual atau
make a group?
KCPS Individuals, if make a group only once
Individual kak, kalau make a group cuma sekali
RA If Keisya prefers to study individually or make
a group?
Kalau Keisya lebih suka belajar Individual atau
make a group?
KCPS Individually. Because it is like I am not
comfortable studying in groups, especially
when I really have to understand the language, The tendency to
and if the group is not cohesive, it is a bit learn individually
difficult. ➢ It is not
Individual sih kak. Karena kayak kurang nyaman cohesive.
belajar group, apalagi kalau Bahasa tuh harus

dimengerti banget gitu kan, terus juga kalau
group tuh kurang kompak jadi agak susah
RA Ok, so it is more individual. Does Keisya
herself have any problems while listening to the
podcast? Difficulty
Oke, jadi lebih ke individual yah. Kalau Keisya listening to
sendiri ada gak kendala selama dengerin English podcasts
podcast? ➢ Accents
KCPS Yes, the accent and what that means
Iya kak accent nya dan artinya kak
RA Then how do you solve it? The solution to
Terus gimana caranya kamu ngatasin itu? these difficulties
KCPS I immediately opened Google Translate. ➢ Open
Aku langsung buka google translate kak google
RA Okay. So, Keisya, do you have any channel
recommendations that are enjoyable to listen Fun podcast
to? suggestions
Oke. Nah, Keisya ada gak rekomendasi channel
yang gimana sih yang enak didengerin?
KCPS TedTalks are good because they're also daily
conversions, so they are easier to understand
TedTalks juga bagus sih kak karena itu juga daily
conversiation juga jadi lebih mudah dimengerti
RA Ok, last one. What is the rate for podcast
media from 1-10, according to Keisya?
Oke, yang terakhir. Rate media podcast 1-10
menurut Keisya berapa?

RA Okay, done. Thank you so much, Keisya
KCPS You’re welcome

No. Wawancara 4
Narasumber Fahira Azzahra
Penanya Rizqika Amalia (RA)
Tipe Wawancara Semi-Structured
Hari/Tanggal Rabu/ 3 Mei 2023
Waktu 09.15 WIB

Initial Transcript Ide pokok

RA Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
FA Waalaikumussalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
RA Hello, let’s Introduce first. My name is Rizqika
Amalia. What's your name?
Halo, kita kenalan dulu yah. Nama aku Rizqika
Amalia. Nama kamu siapa?
FA Fahira Azzahra
RA Ok, Fahira. First of all, thank you very much for
taking the time to interview me. I'm here asking
Fahira to answer as it is according to what you
are experiencing.
Oke, Fahira. Sebelumnya makasih banyak karena
udah ngeluangin waktu untuk aku interview yah.
Aku disini minta Fahira jawab apa adanya sesuai
yang kamu alamin ya
FA Yes
Iya kak

RA OK, let us start. I want to know how Fahira feels
after listening to the podcast.
Oke, kita mulai ya. Aku mau tau dong kesan Fahira
setelah dengerin podcast gimana sih? Students'
FA First of all, I am happy because I really want to impressions about
listen to it because I have free time because of listening to
Covid. At first, I was confused and listened to podcasts: feel
the podcast. happy because she
Pertama tuh seneng kak karena emang lagi pengen fills her free time
dengerin kak soalnya waktunya luang kak karena
covid. Awalnya gabut terus dengerin podcast kak
RA Ok, so it is been quite a while
Oke, berarti udah lumayan lama yah
FA Yes
Iya kak
RA Okay, in the questionnaire, Fahira chose the
Spotify application. Why Spotify?
Oke, di kuesioner Fahira memilih aplikasi Spotify.
Kenapa Spotify?
FA Because it is better, it is easier to close. But on Choose an
YouTube, you cannot close it because you have application that is
to go premium first. not complicated.
Karena lebih enak lebih mudah bisa di close kak,
kalau di Yotube gak bisa di close harus premium
dulu kak.
RA Okay. If Spotify does not have subtitles, does
Fahira use subtitles or not?
Oke. Kalau Spotify kan ga ada subtitle ya, Fahira
pakai subtitle atau enggak?

FA No, I do not use subtitles. So, just listen because Motivate herself
I want to be able to train my listening. not to use subtitles
Enggak kak ga pakai subtitle. Jadi cuma denger with the aim of
saja soalnya pengen bisa ngelatih pendengaran kak practicing listening
RA Okay. Here in the questionnaire, Fahira likes to
listen to the “teenage thought” channel. Do you
know where this channel originally came from?
Oke. Disini aku liat Fahira suka dengerin channel
“teenage thought” tau darimana channel itu
FA Spotify. At first, searching continued to find the
Tau dari Spotify kak. Awalnya searching terus
nemu channel itu
RA Okay, on that channel, what themes does Fahira
usually listen to?
Oke, di channel itu tema apa saja yang biasa
Fahira dengerin? Selection of
FA About teenage life, teens growth, what teens do podcast themes
(teenage life) according to age
Tentang kehidupan remaja kak, pertumbuhan and times
remaja, apa yang dilakukan remaja kak (teenage
RA Ok, are there any criteria for a podcast channel
that Fahira wants to listen to?
Oke, kalau Fahira ada gak kriteria channel podcast Criteria for
yang mau Fahira dengerin? selecting podcasts
FA I really like motivation or what is being ➢ About
experienced. If storytelling is rare Motivation

Kalau Fahira senengnya tetang motivasi atau yang ➢ Experience
sedang dialamin. Kalau story telling jarang sih kak s
RA Okay. So, in a podcast, there is a different
accent. Does that affect Fahira or not?
Oke. Nah, di podcast kan ada accent yang berbeda The influence of
ya. Itu berpengaruh gak bagi Fahira? accents in listening
FA Yes, it has an effect. But if Fahira prefers to podcasts
American accent
Iya sih berpengaruh. Tapi kalau Fahira lebih suka
American accent
RA Okay. What about the duration? Fahira prefers
to listen to a podcast; which is how long?
Oke. Kalau durasi gimana nih? Fahira lebih suka
dengerin podcast yang berapa menit?
FA 6 until 7 minutes
6-7 menit kak seringnya
RA Apart from podcast media, is there any other
media used?
Selain media podcast ada gak media yang Use of other media
digunakan? ➢ Film
FA Film and music ➢ Music
Film, music kak
RA May I know when did you listen to the podcast?
Kalau boleh tau Fahira dengerin podcast di waktu
FA In my spare time or when I am cleaning the
room, so I can hear it
Di waktu luang sih kak atau pas lagi beres-beres
kamar biar ada pendengaran gitu kak

RA Okay. So, is there any influence or change after Changes during
listening to the podcast? podcast listening
Oke. Nah ada gak pengaruh atau perubahan ➢ Better
setelah dengerin podcast? know how
FA There is a change. So, you know how to read to
more. pronounce
Ada perubahan kak. Jadi lebih tau cara bacanya a word.
RA Okay, according to Keisya, are podcasts
effective as a medium for practicing listening?
Oke, menurut Keisya podcast efektif gak untuk
dijadikan media melatih listening?
FA 50-50, sis. The problem is that it is not enough There must be
just from the podcast. other supporting
50-50 sih kak soalnya gak cukup Cuma dari media.
RA So, in class, what media is given by the teacher?
Nah, kalau di kelas media apa yang diberikan oleh
FA Yes, there is a video about knowledge shown
about the whole world, countries, and animals.
Now learning about "Animals as a symbol,"
later the students are asked to write on paper
what I got from the video. Or in the paper, there
are several parts 1, 2, 3, and continue to 4, for Use of media in
example, if there is a slight difference between the classroom
the video and the words on the paper. So, all of ➢ Learning
us have to do is add the words mentioned videos
written on the paper. ➢ Worksheets

Iya kak, ditampilin video tentang knowledge,
tentang seluruh dunia, negara, hewan. Sekarang
lagi belajar tentang “Animals as a symbol” nanti
kita disuruh tulis di paper tentang apa yang kita
dapet dari video tersebut. Atau di paper tersebut
ada beberapa part 1,2,3 terus yang ke 4 misalnya
sambung kata apakah ada perbedaan sedikit antara
video dan kata kata yang ada di paper. Jadi kita
tinggal tambahin kata-kata yang disebutin itu
ditulis di paper
RA How about the book? Is there a special audio in
the book?
Kalau bukunya gimana? Ada audio khusus gak
FA There is. The exercises are right in the book
Ada kak. Latihannya langsung di buku
RA If the learning individual or make a group?
Kalau pembelajarannya individual atau make a
FA Individual
Individual sih kak
RA If Fahira prefers to be an individual or make a
Kalau Fahira sendiri lebih suka individual atau
make a group?
FA Both
Dua-duanya sih kak
RA Okay. Well, Fahira has been listening to
podcasts quite a bit. Is there a problem or not?

Oke. Nah, Fahira kan udah lumayan dengerin Trouble listening
podcast. Ada gak kendala nya? to the podcast
FA The problem is laziest. Even though I want to ➢ Laziness
consistently listen to it every day ➢ Lack of
Kendalanya paling males kak. Padahal pengen consistency
konsisten dengerin setiap hari
RA Okay. Does Fahira have any recommendations
for what kind of podcast channel to listen to?
Oke. Kalau Fahira ada gak rekomendasi channel
podcast yang kayak gimana sih yang harus
FA According to Fahira, the easy one. For example, Suggestions for the
if you want to study British or American, Fahira types of podcasts
wants American, so look for American, and the to listen to
pronunciation is easy to listen to ➢ Easy one
Menurut Fahira yang easy saja. Misalnya pengen ➢ Looking for
yang belajar British atau American, kalau Fahira the
pengennya yang American jadi carinya yang comfortabl
America dan pronounciationnya yang easy to e accent
RA Okay, finally, what is the podcast rate of 1-10,
according to Fahira?
Oke terakhir rate podcast 1-10 berapa menurut
FA 9,5 out of 10
RA Okay, thank you so much
FA You’re welcome

No. Wawancara 5
Narasumber Syarifatun Nuzul

Penanya Rizqika Amalia (RA)
Tipe Wawancara Semi-Structured
Hari/Tanggal Rabu/ 3 Mei 2023
Waktu 09.30 WIB

Initial Transcript Theme/Idea

RA Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi
SN Waalaikumussalam Warahmatullahi
RA Hello, let's introduce ourselves first. My
name is Rizqika Amalia. What's your name?
Halo, kita kenalan dulu yah. Nama aku Rizqika
Amalia. Nama kamu siapa?
SN Syarifatun Nuzul
RA Ok, Reva. First of all, thank you very much
for taking the time to interview me. I'm here
asking Fahira to answer as it is according to
what you are experiencing.
Oke, Fahira. Sebelumnya makasih banyak
karena udah ngeluangin waktu untuk aku
interview yah. Aku disini minta Fahira jawab
apa adanya sesuai yang kamu alamin ya
SN Iya kak
RA Ok, let us start. I want to know how Reva
feels after listening to the podcast.
Oke, kita mulai ya. Aku mau tau dong kesan Students' impression
Fahira setelah dengerin podcast gimana sih? about listening to

SN The impression for the first time was podcasts: casual and
ordinary. But if I have listened to it twice, I start to understand
am starting to understand a little after listening more
Kesannya untuk pertama kali biasa saja. Tapi than once
kalau sudah dua kali mendengarkan sudah
mulai paham sedikit
RA Okay. In the questionnaire, Reva answered
the application used, namely Spotify. Why
are you choose Spotify? The reason for
Oke. Di kuesioner Reva menjawab aplikasi choosing Spotify to
yang digunakan yaitu Spotify. Kenapa memilih listen to podcasts:
Spotify? The Spotify app is
SN Because Spotify is not like YouTube, where easier to use
there are videos, and on Spotify, it is just
sound, and when I fall asleep, it is better.
Karena Spotify itu tidak seperti di YouTube
yang ada videonya, dan di Spotify itu hanya
suara saja dan kalau saya ketiduran lebih enak
RA Okay. If on Spotify there are no subtitles, do
you use subtitles or not?
Oke. Kalau di Spotify kan tidak ada subtitle, Desire and self-
kamu sendiri menggunakan subtitle atau tidak? motivation to better
SN So far not. so far, I have only listened to it understand the
and understood it myself meaning of podcast
Sejauh ini belum, sejauh ini cuma dengerin content
saja dan memahami sendiri
RA Okay. In the Questionnaire, you said that
the channel you were listening to was

"listening time." How do you know this
Oke. Di Kuesioner kamu bilang bahwa channel
yang kamu dengarkan yaitu “listening time”.
Tahu darimana kamu channel tersebut?
SN Actually, the channel knows from you. Feel fit with the
Previously I only listened to Indonesian podcast channel that
podcasts but used English. So, after you is heard
recommended this channel, I immediately ➢ Easier to
listened to it and felt that this channel was understand
suitable because it was easy to understand
Sebenernya channel itu tahu dari kamu.
Sebelumnya saya hanya mendengarkan
podcast orang Indonesia tetapi memakai
Bahasa Inggris. Jadi, setelah kamu
merekomendasikan channel ini langsung saya
dengarkan dan merasa cocok dengan channel
ini karena mudah dipahami
RA What do you prefer about the podcast
Kalau kamu sendiri lebih menyukai tema Selection of podcast
podcast seperti apa? themes that are often
SN Themes such as daily life, experiences, and heard
fairy tales ➢ Daily life
Tema seperti kehidupan sehari-hari, ➢ Fairy tales
pengalaman, dan cerita-cerita dongeng
RA What are the criteria for your podcast
channel? Criteria in the
Kalau kriteria channel podcast kamu itu selection of podcast
seperti apa?

SN First, if there are sentences that other people channels and
do not understand, it is better to explain suggestions
them in the podcast so that easier for ➢ Choose a
listeners to understand. And the topic is topic that is
more to everyday life. in everyday
Pertama, kalau ada kalimat yang tidak life
dipahami oleh orang lain lebih baik dijelaskan
di podcast tersebut agar lebih mudah dipahami Suggestion
bagi pendengar. Dan topik lebih ke kehidupan ➢ The contents
sehari-hari of the
explain slang
words that
are not
known to
many people
RA For different accent problems, does it affect
hearing? What kind of accent do you
Untuk masalah accent yang berbeda beda
apakah itu memengaruhi pendengaranmu?
Kamu lebih memilih accent seperti apa? The influence of the
SN American because it is easier to understand, accent while
while the British accent is still difficult to listening to a podcast
American karena lebih mudah dipahami
sedangkan British accent masih sulit untuk

RA Okay. For the duration of the podcast, how
many minutes do you prefer a podcast?
Oke. Untuk durasi podcast kamu lebih memilih
podcast yang berdurasi berapa menit?
SN Different maybe. Sometimes to fall asleep
maybe 20 minutes
Berbeda-beda mungkin. Terkadang sampai
ketiduran mungkin 20 menitan
RA Okay. Apart from podcasts, are there any
other media used? Other supporting
Oke. Selain podcast adakah media lain yang media
digunakan? ➢ Film
SN Movies and music. If fantasy films like harry ➢ Music
Film dan music kak. Kalau film fantasy seperti
harry potter.
RA What time do you prefer to listen to
Kamu lebih suka mendengarkan podcast
diwaktu apa?
SN While relaxing during the day
Disaat bersantai di siang hari
RA Have you experienced any changes after
listening to the podcast? Progress while
Adakah perubahan yang kamu alami setelah listening to English
mendengarkan podcast? podcasts
SN There is. Vocabulary increased for sure. ➢ Vocabulary
Then, the pronunciation is also quite increases
improved. ➢ Better

Ada. Menambah vocabulary yang pastinya.
Lalu, pengucapan juga lumayan meningkat
RA Do you think podcasts are effective or not
for practicing listening skills?
Menurut kamu podcast efektif atau tidak untuk
melatih listening skill?
SN I do not think it is very effective because the Lots of slang words
language sometimes uses different slang in the podcast
used at school.
Menurut saya tidak terlalu efektif karena
Bahasa nya terkadang menggunakan Bahasa
gaul yang berbeda digunakan di sekolah
RA Do teachers use media in class, such as
podcasts or other media?
Apakah guru menggunakan media di dalam The use of other
kelas seperti podcast atau media lain? media in the
SN The teacher displays videos from books such classroom
as knowledge videos, for example, "Animals ➢ Audio from
in Australia," and later is asked to write books
down what they hear on the answer sheet ➢ Learning
that has been given. videos
Guru menampilan video dari buku seperti ➢ Worksheets
video pengetahuan misalnya “hewan hewan di
Australia” dan nanti diminta untuk menuliskan
dari apa yang di dengar di lembar jawaban
yang telah diberikan
RA Okay. How about learning in class? Is it an
individual or make a group?
Oke. Untuk pembelajarannya lebih ke
individual atau make a group?

SN Individual
RA Do you prefer studying individually or in a
group? And why?
Kamu sendiri lebih suka belajar individual
atau make a group? Dan kenapa?
SN Individually because it is more comfortable
Individual karena lebih nyaman
RA Okay. Are there any problems while Difficulty listening
listening to the podcast? to English podcasts
Oke. Adakah kendala selama mendengarkan ➢ Unfamiliar
podcast? words
SN There is. First, the unfamiliar words. ➢ The speaker
Second, usually, the speaker is too fast. is too fast
Ada. Pertama, kata kata yang tidak saya
ketahui. Kedua, biasanya pembicaranya terlalu
RA How do you overcome this?
Bagaimana kamu mengatasi hal tersebut? The solution to these
SN If there are words that I do not know, I look difficulties
at the previous word and try to understand ➢ Try to
it myself and also take a note. understand
Jika ada kata kata yang tidak saya ketahui, the previous
saya melihat kosakata sebelumnya dan sentence
berusaha memahami sendiri dan juga take a ➢ Notes
RA Okay. Any recommendations on what kind
of podcast channel to listen to?
Oke. Adakah rekomendasi channel podcast
seperti apa yang bisa didengar?

SN Look for easy topics or lessons from school Suggested must-
and also easy accents. And for beginners, it listen podcast
is better to listen to Indonesian podcasts that channels
use English so they can get used to it. ➢ Easy topics
Carilah topik yang mudah atau pelajaran dari ➢ Accents that
sekolah dan juga accent yang mudah. Dan are
untuk pemula lebih baik dengarkan podcast understood
orang Indonesia yang memakai Bahasa Inggris ➢ Starting from
agar bisa terbiasa Indonesian
RA Okay. Lastly, what do you think about the
podcast rating 1-10?
Oke. Terakhir rate podcast 1-10 menurut kamu
SN 8,9 out of 10
RA Okay. Thank you so much
SN You’re welcome










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