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MANSONIA VECTOR CONTROL: For ease of discussion, control

PROBLEMS AND POSSIBILITIES approaches against the immature and

adult stages are subdivided into five
sections: insecticides,biological control,
environmental modifications, personal
protection and physical measures. A
H.H. Yap, Chow-Yang, Lee and N . L. summary is presented in Table 1.Future
Chong Vector Control Research Unit prospects for t h e integration of
School of Biological Sciences Mansonia vector control in the overall
Universiti Sains Malaysia approach to the control of Brugian
1 1 800 Penang Malaysia filariasis are also discussed.

Several aspects in the biology of

Ii" LAEUASIS is a dreaded disease

of mankind in the tropical and
subtropical regions of Africa, Asia
and America (Yap 1985). In t h e
Southeast Asia region, Mansonia
Mansonia mosquitoes have contributed
to difficulties and possibilities in
Mansonia control. These aspects
include: (1) The attachment of
Mansonia immatures to the roots of
mosquitoes are t h e main vectors diverse species of aquatic plants
involved in the transmission of (Wharton 1962) in habitats of high
lymphatic fllariasis which is caused by organic pollution associated with
Brugia malayi. In 1991, Brugian vegetation cover. This condition would
make the larvae less accessible to
filariasis accounted for 92%of the total larvicides. However, a b e h a v i d study
filariasis cases (871) detected in conducted in Florida on Mansonia dyari
Malaysia (Marzhuki et al. 1993). and Mansonia titillans indicated that
there was a daily periodic detachment
The biology of Mansonia mosquitoes of the larvae from its aquatic host
in relation to the transmission of (Bailey 1984). Sucli a phenomenon in
filariasis has been well-reviewed by Mansonia vectors such as Mansonia
Wharton (1962). More recently, further uniformis, Mansonia bonneae and
studies on the ecological aspects and Mansonia dives in this region have yet
bionomics of Mansonia have also been to be studied. Information on this
reported (Chiang 1987, 1993; Chiang phenomenon in local vectors will
et al. 1984,1988).In comparison with facilitate the proper usage of larvicides
other common genera of mosquitoes of for Mansonia vector control map 1985).
public health importance, information (2)The exophilic and exophagic feeding
on the control of Mansonia has been habits of most Mansonia adults (Gass
ecanty and scattered. This is reflected et al. 1982,Chiang et al. 1984).Because
in the two reviews on Mansonia biology of such a behaviour, residual insecticide-
and control by Yap (1985) and Sucharit
(1993). wall spraying in endemic areas would
be less effective. (3) The long flight
This paper is a review of all the ranges of Mansonia adults of up to
literature pertaining to the control of several kilometers (Wharton 1962;Gass
Mansonia vector mosquitoes and e t al. 1983, Chiang e t al. 1988,
problems faced in control approaches, MacDonald et al. 1990).This tends to
especially in the Southeast Asia region. increase exposure of humans over a
wider area and also decrease t h e A novel method of controlling
effectiveness of localized space spray Mansonia larvae was recently suggested
with adulticides due to the migration by Lee & Inder Singh (1992) and Lee
of infected mosquitoes, and (4) The & Chiang (1995). When chemical
relatively long development period of insecticides were introduced onto the
Mansonia immatures of around 25 - 30 leaves of water hyacinth, they were
days (Wharton 1962, Foo 1985, Chiang shown to be absorbed and transported
1987) may be advantageous when using by the leaves to the roots where they
larvicide. killed Mansonia l a ~ a eHowever,
. this
method of larval control has yet been
proven in the field and the use of the
CONTROL APPROACHES chemical compounds is limited only to
FOR MANSONIA VECTOR those with low to,xicity to non-target
Earlier work on the control of adult
Generally, insecticides used for the Mansonia through the use of residual
control of Mansonia vectors can be spraying of organochlorine insecticides
subdivided into larvicides and such as DDT, dieldrin and BHC had
adulticides. Studies on the use of been reported in the 1950s (Wharton
larvicides for Mansonia control began 1955, Reid & Wharton 1956, Wharton
when Chapman (1955) conducted a & Santa Maria 1958, Wharton et al.
laboratory test on 15 insecticides 1958). However, the use of the above
against field collected Mansonia chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides
d u b i t a n s . From t h i s study, two is considered to be environmentally
organophosphates insecticides, ie unacceptable a t present. Following a
parathion and EPN were found to be lapse of about two decades, Chang
most effective. However, the above (1980) reported a preliminary field
insecticides are not environmentally study on malathion thermal fogging for
acceptable at present when sprayed in
the control of Mansonia bonneae and
an open aquatic ecosystem due to their
high toxicity to non-target organisms. Mansonia dives as a short-term control
Further laboratory bioassay using field measure. However, Lee & Salleh (1990)
collected immatures indicated that were not able to reduce the Mansonia
temephos (AbateR) and chlorpyrifos adult population in an open swamp area
(DursbanR)were found to provide good by thermal fogging using lambda-
results against Mansonia pertubans map cyhalothrin. The laboratory efficacy of
et al. 1968) and Mansonia uniformis cyfluthrin against Mansonia and other
map & Hanapi 1976). Field studies mosquitoes of public health importance
further confirmed t h e efficacy of thorough the use of WHO standard
temephos against Mansonia larvae adult residual test had also been
(Gass et a l . 1985). I n addition, reported (Vythilingam et al. 1992). More
laboratory and field evaluation of recently, Chang et al. (1993) reported
fenthion and cyfluthrin also showed that the incorporation of malathion ULV
adequate efficacy against Mansonia spray and pirimiphos-methyl residual
uniformis (Yap et a l . 1994). More spray against mosquitoes in an
recently, etofenprox, a relatively new integrated control program which
insecticide with exceedingly low included drug treatment of patients
mammalian toxicity was found to with diethylcarbamazine citrate
possess good larvicidal effect in the resulted in partial interruption of
laboratory (Yap et al. 1995). Brugia malayi transmission.
Biological control In India, in the Shertallai part of
Kerala State, aquatic plant species in
A review concerning the use of microbial t h e genera Eichhornia, P i s t i a and
agents (microbial insecticides) for Salvinia were periodically removed Gom
Mansonia vector control has been ponds and canals, and used as manure
published recently (Foo 1994). The
potential of using microbial agents such for coconut trees. In addition, an
as Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 (B t H- incentive in the form of composite fish
14) against Mansonia lamae in both culture was given to the people who
laboratory and field conditions was first remove these plants from their ponds.
reported by Foo & Yap (1982, 1983). This further reduced the host plants
Subsequently, Chang et a l . (1990a, for t h e breeding of Mansonia
1990b) also conducted field studies (Rajagopalan et al. 1990).
using different formulations of Bacillus
thuringiensis H-14 against larvae of In addition, Hoedojo & Oemijati
Mansonia bonneae. In addition to
Bacillus thuringiensis H-14, Bacillus (1972) reported the absence of Brugian
sphaericus have been reported to give filariasis and its main vector, Mansonia
good larvicidal effect under laboratory indiana in West Java and attributed this
condition (Cheong & Yap 1985, Lee to urbanization and environmental
1988, Yap et al. 1988). Field studies changes resulting from land use.
further confirmed t h e larvicidal
properties of Bacillus sphaericus (Foo
1985, Pradeep Kumar et a l . 1988, Personal protection
Chang et al. 1990a, Yap et al. 1991).
Besides bacteria, the fungus Tolypo- Repellent soap formulated with DEET
cladium cylindrosporum was also found
to have potential as a biological control (N, N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide)and
agent against Mansonia lamae (Serit permethrin has been reported to give
& Yap 1984). Studies on turbellarian satisfactorypersonal protection against
worms (Dugesia sp. and Mesostoma sp.) Mansonia bites in the field for up to
and fish as predators for Mansonia eight hours (Yap 1986, Abu Hassan &
larvae have also been conducted Narayanan 1992). In addition, repellent
(Burton 1960, Ridzuan 1988, Loh et al. bars ( ~ o s b a rand
~ ) DEET impregnated
1992, Lounibos et al. 1992, Yap et al. anklets and wristbands have also been
1993). Laboratory efficacy of mermithid reported to confer good protection in
nematodes (Romanomermis culicivorax
and Romanomermis iyengari) against the field (Chiang et al. 1990, Chiang
Mansonia immatures has also been & Eng 1991). Besides repellents,
reported (Daim 1988). mosquito coils had also been shown to
give adequate protection against adult
Mansonia mosquitoes in the laboratory
Environmental modification (Yap & Chung 1987). More recently, a
field study conducted in Penaga, Penang
With the knowledge that Mansonia using cattle bait W h e r confirmed the
lamae attach themselves to the roots potential of mosquito coils for protection
of aquatic plants for respiration, the against Mansonia mosquitoes (H H Yap,
killing of host plants by the use of
herbicides has been attempted with unpublished). Other household
satisfactory results in control of the insecticide products (eg aerosol,
vectors (Chow 1953, Chow et al. 1955). mosquito mats and electric liquid
However, the negative environmental vaporizers) have also been shown to give
impact from the use of herbicides in good control against Mansonia
an open aquatic ecosystem precludes mosquitoes in the laboratory (H H Yap,
the acceptance of this approach. unpublished data).
Physical measures In conclusion, a coordinated and
intensified effort in t h e research
The use of acoustical traps against activities on Mansonia vector control
Mansonia adult male mosquitoes was utilizing various control approaches
studied by Kanda and a group of
scientists from the Institute for Medical (chemical and bio-control agents,
Research, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in reduction of man-vector contact source
the late 1980s. Kanda et al. (1987, reduction) should be conducted. The
1988) reported that sound frequency ultimate aim is to incorporate Mansonia
of 330 and 350 Hz together with dry vector control as a viable and important
ice and a hamster attracted and trapped component of the overall strategy for
large numbers of Mansonia in two Brugian filariasis control.
experimental areas in Malaysia.

The success of mass drug treatment for The authors would like to thank: (1)
the control of Brugianfilariasis in many The Dean, School of Biological Sciences
areas may have contributed to the lack and the Coordinator, Vector Control
of interest and impetus in research Research Unit, Universiti Sains
activities in the control of Mansonia Malaysia for providing the necessary
vector (Mak & Yong 1986;World Health support for the preparation of t h e
Organization 1992) when compared to manuscript, (2) The Malaysian
those for the control of other vector
mosquitoes including Aedes, Anopheles Government IRPA Research
and Culex species. Nevertheless, the Programme, and (3) Miss C L Tang and
information accumulated thus far on Norhayati Ismail for administrative
Mansonia vector control points to the assistance.
feasibility of including the vector control
component into the overall integrated
approach of using both drug treatment REFERENCES
and vector control for Brugianfilariasis
control. This approach is obviously Abu Hassan A and Narayanan V. (1992)
suitable for locations with Brugian
filariasis transmission which have large Effectiveness of a soap repellent against
numbers of animal reservoirs and Mansonia mosquitoes in a fresh water
Mansonia vectors, and where swamp forest in north western
chemotherapeutic control alone has Peninsular Malaysia. Bulletin of
been proven ineffective (Lim & !Iak Society for Vector Ecology 17: 83-84.
Bailey D I,. (1984). Comparison of
The biology of t h e Mansonia
mosquitoes further indicates t h a t diurnal and nocturnal Mansonia larval
larvicidin may be a better approaches population on water lettuce plants.
because o their longer immature stage.
The use of adulticide (residual and
Mosquito News 44: 548-552.

space sprays) should only be considered Burton G J. (1960). Studies on the

in epidemic situation where rapid bionomics of mosquito vectors which
reduction of the infective mosquito transmit filariasis in Indian IV.
population is required. Moreover,
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vector control program. Malariology 14: 93-118.
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Petra Jaya, Kuching. World Health Journal of Tropical Medicine & Public
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Table 1:Summary of literatures concerning the control of Mansonia mosquitoes.

Control Method References


a. Insecticides Immature stage

Laboratory bioassay and field evaluation Chapman (1955)

(15 insecticides)
Laboratory bioassay (several insecticides
including DDT, temophos & chlorpyrifos) Yap et al. (1968)
Laboratory bioassay (several insecticides
including DDT, temophos & chlorpyrifos) Yap & Hanapi (1976)
Field evaluation (temophos) Gass et al. (1985)
Laboratory bioassay (fenthion & cyfluthrin) Yap et al. (1994)
Laboratory bioassay (etofenprox) Yap et al. (1995)

Adult stage

Laboratory evaluation (chlorinated Wharton (1955)

Field evaluation (chlorinated hydrocarbon) Reid & Wharton (1956)
Field evaluation (chlorinated hydrocarbon) Wharton & Santa Maria (1958)
Field evaluation-space spray Wharton et al. (1958)
(chlorinated hydrocarbon) Chang (1980)
Field thermal fogging (malathion)
Laboratory evaluation (DDT, decamethrin Lee et al. (1986)
& chlorpyrifos)
Field thermal fogging (lambdacy holothrin) Lee & Salleh (1990)
Laboratory evaluation (cyfluthrin) Vythilingam et al. (1992)
Filed ULV (malathion) & residual Chang et al(1993)
spray (pirimiphos-methyl)
b. Biological
i. Microbial Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 (laboratory Foo 8 Yap (1982)
agents evaluation)
Bacillus thuringiensis (field evaluation) Foo 8 Yap (1983)
Bacillus sphaericus strain 1593 (laboratory Cheong & Yap (1985)
Bacillus sphaericus (laboratory evaluation) Lee (1988)
Bacillus sphaericus (field evaluation) Pradeep Kumar et al. (1988)
Bacillus sphaericus strain 1593, 2297 and Yap et al. (1988)
2362 (laboratory evaluation)
Bacillus sphaericus (review paper) Yap (1990)
Bacillus sphaericus strain 2362 (field Yap et al. (1991)
Bacillus thuringiensis and Bacillus Chang et al. (1990a)
sphaericus (simulated field)
Bacillus t huringiensis (H-14) (field studies) Chmg et al. (1990b)
Clostridium bifermentans (laboratory Lee 8 Seleena (1990)
Bacillus thuringiensis and Bacillus
sphaericus (Review paper)

ii. Fungi Tolypocladium cylindrosporum Serit & Yap (1984)

(laboratory evaluation)

iii. Predators Fish (laboratory evaluation) Ridzuan (1988)

Fish (simulated field evaluation) Lounibos (1992)
Turbellarian Dugesia sp. Loh et al. (1992)
Turbellarian Mesostoma sp. Yap et al. (1993)
General predators Parsons & Wilson
Control Method References

c. Environmental Herbicides against host plant Chow (1953)

modifications Herbicides against host plant Chow et al. (1955)
Urbanization & land use Hoedojo &Oemijati (1972)
Manual removal of host plants Rajagopalan et al. (1989)

d. Personal Repellent soap containing DEET & Yao (1986)

Protection permethrin (field evaluation)
Repellent soap containing DEET & Abu Hassan &
permethrin (field evaluation) Narayanan (1992)
Repellent bar & DEET impregnated Chiang et al. (1990,
anklets & head bands 1991)
Mosquito coil (laboratory evaluation) Yap & Chung (1987)

e. Physical Acoustical trap (sound trapping) Kanda et al. (1987, 1988)

Vythilingam I, Chiang G I,,Amatachaya Yap H H. (1986). Effectiveness of soap
C. (1992). Adulticidal effect of formulations containing DEET and
cyfluthrin against mosquitoes of public permethrin a s personal protection
h e a l t h importance in Malaysia. against outdoor mosquitoes in Malaysia.
Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Journal of the American Mosquito
Medicine & Public Health 23: 111-115. Control Association 2: 63-67.
Wharton R H. (1955). The susceptibility
Yap H H. (1990). Field trials of Bacillus
of various species of mosquitoes to DDT,
sphaericus for mosquito control. In:
Dieldrin and BHC. Bulletin of
Entomological Research 46: 301-309. "Bacterial Larvicides for Control of
Mosquitoes and Black Flies", (H de
Wharton R H. (1962). The biology of Barjac & D J Sutherland, Eds). Rutgers
Mansonia mosquitoes in relation to the University Press, New Jersey, USA. 307-
transmission of filariasis in Malaya. 32%~-
Bulletin No 11, Institute for Medical
Research, Kuala Lumpur. 114pp. Yap H H, Cutkomp I, K & Buzicky A W.
(1968). Insecticidal t e s t s against
Wharton R H & Santa Maria F L. (1958). Mansonia perturbans (Walker).
Studies on filariasis in Malaya: The Mosquito News 28: 504-506.
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Annals of Tropical Medicine & insecticide susceptibility tests against
Parasitology 52: 93-102.
Mansonia larvae. Southeast A s i a n
Wharton R H, Edeson J F B, Wilson T Journal of Tropical Medicine & Public
& Reid J A. (1958). Studies on filariasis Health 7: 575-580.
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control of filariasis due to Wuchereria Yap H H & Chung K K. (1987).
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Tropical Medicine & Parasitology 52: formulations against mosquitoes of
191-205. public health importance in Malaysia.
Tropical Biomedicine 4: 13-18.
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No 821, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland. h e a l t h importance in Malaysia.
7 1 ~ ~ . Malaysian Applied Biology 17: 9-13.
Yap H H. (1985). Review on control of
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Proceeding of t h e WHO Regional, Small-scale field trials of Bacillus
Seminar on Brugian Filariasis, Kuala sphaericus (Strain 2362) formulations
Lumpur, Malaysia, 1-5July 1985, pp. against Mansonia mosquitoes in
131-135.World Health Organization, Malaysia. Journal of the American
Geneva, Switzerland. Mosquito Control Association 7: 24-29.
Yap H H, P Y Loh, N L Chong, S C Ho, fenthion and cyfluthrin as larvicides
Ridzuan Ismail, W L Tan and L B Teh. against Mansonia uniformis. Southeast
(1993). Laboratory studies on t h e Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public
predation of a turbellarian worm Health: (In press).
(Mesostoma spp.) on Aedes aegypti,
Anopheles sinensis, Culex
quinquefasciatus and Mansonia Yap H H, S K Lim & C Y Lee. (1995).
uniformis. Tropical Biomedicine Vol10: Laboratory larvicidal efficacy of
111-115. Trebon @ against four species of
mosquitoes o f , public health
Yap H H, Foo A E S and N L Chong. importance. International Pest Control:
(1994). Laboratory and field trials of (In press).

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