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1)(a)Define exam cheating.

(b) Outline the reasons for the rampant exam cheating in Kenya.
(c)Propose the solutions to the factors in (b) above.
1.Cheating occurs when a student obtains or attempts to obtain some advantage or extra marks
by any dishonest or deceptive means. This can include lying; copying from another’s test or
examination; interacting with other students during assessments and taking any unauthorised
material into an examination venue

Peer Pressure

Peer pressure is the prime mover of cheating. If peers in their peer group are choosing academic
dishonesty, then they are more likely to do the same. Adolescents are influenced by what their peers do
and they form their peer groups around similar interests. Peer influence is at its highest at this point in
their lives.

Home Environment,

which refers to the conditions where people live, is another factor in cheating. The old saying “The most
important work you do takes place within the walls of your home”. It is noticeable that children learn
many things at home not only in academics but also in values like honesty in particular. Academic
dishonesty is more likely to occur with parental pressure to get good grades .

Learners’ Learning Styles.

Some students are naturalistic while others are visual and auditory. Learning styles like cognitive,
affective and physiological behaviour serve as relatively stable indicators of how learners perceive,
interact with and respond to the learning environment.

There is a school environment where academic cheating takes place.

There are many reasons why an adolescent may choose academic cheating over academic integrity.

Adolescents compete against each other for class rank and promotion.

Class rank helps them edge their way into competitive institutions and colleges. Teachers have some
influence on how to set up their classrooms, as well as goals set and attained throughout the academic
school year. Teachers can have mastery goal structure or performance goal structure in their classroom.
Mastery goals focus on learning and improvement, whereas performance goals are based on grades and
what one can do to be at the top. By this form of grading there is induced competition leading to

Educational anxiety is the combination of anxiety and academic anxiety. Students have many anxieties
related to education as pressure by parents and schools to achieve top scores has created stress levels
among students. The students know cheating is wrong but they feel like the most important thing they
do is get grades. In fact, much of the research on academic cheating has been cantered on elucidating
possible psychological reasons why students engage in cheating behaviour.

Workloads And Time Pressures,

their desire to achieve good grades, and unclear instructions from teachers about what constitutes
academic misconduct. Too much work load for students will hinder their time management in studies .

Situational factors

also contribute to the students’ tendency to cheat. For instance, some students find their work
challenging or boring, fear of failure therefore makes them cheat.

Teacher pressure

Will generate the need for students to cheat academically. Classrooms that stresses high grades and test
scores may lead the learners to cheat.

Societal and technological factors

In modern times, cheating involves the possession, communication or use of information, materials,
notes, study aids or other devices not authorized by the instructor in an academic exercise, or
communication with another person during such an exercise.

carelessness and lack of punishment from instructors.

The most common methods of cheating were found to be copying from other test studies and talking to
neighbours during the exam, besides using certain gestures to get answers from others. If they are not
punished when caught the behaviour becomes persistent.

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