Pengertian Dan Lingkup Manajemen Perkotaan

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Oleh :

DR. Ir. Firmansyah, MT.

Jurusan Teknik Planologi

Fakultas Teknik
Universitas Pasundan Bandung
Management is a distinct process consisting of Planning, organizing,
actuating, and controlling, performed to determine and accomplish
stated objectives by the use of human beings and other resources

Men and women


The 6 M’S The Process of Management End Results
 The root of municipal management lie in the traditions of PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION
Urban Administration (Green) : a system of public organizational interactions, focusing on a
single urban area, that results in the performance of essential/important services and/or

 Urban Management (Sazanami) :

the mobilization of human and financial resources through government and non-government
organization to achieve societal goals

 Devas & Rakodi

“urban planning” & “Urban management” in tandem
Urban Planning → is concerned primarily with the anticipating with the spatial and land use
dimensions of urban development
Urban Management → concerned more with the immediate operations of a range of public
services, and with a wide variety of public interventions which affect urban conditions as a

 Public Policy Making

Policy Making → the process by which decisions are made about the objectives to be
pursued and the actions to be taken in order to realise those objectives.

The task of management is to implement those policies and actions

The emphasis (of UM) is on managing the development process
(putting a plan in practice/implementasi) and not on the planning
processes itself. (Van Dijk, 2006: 7)
Meine Pieter van Dijk (2006)
Managing Cities in Developing Countries :
The Theory and Practice of urban management
Ch.4 : What is urban management ?

Davidson & Nientied (1991) :

→ taking an active role in developing, managing and coordinating resources to achieve a
town’s urban development objectives
Tribillon (1995) :
→ putting planning into practice
Stren (1993) :
→ urban management is an integrating concept
→ this requires an understanding of the transition from “physical planning” to urban
→ urban management implies an integrated approach of the major issues of cities in
emerging economies
Peter van Dijk :
→ urban management started at the end of 1980`s in developing countries (Devas &
Rakudi, 1993 & Cheema 1993)
→ Urban management : the effort to coordinate and integrate public as well as private
actions to tackle the major issues the inhabitants of cities facing, to make a more
competitive, equitable and sustainable city (Van Dijk, 2006:7)
3 Hal :
1. One need to take into account in emerging economies the interest
of a large number of actors. The private sector is important
(commercial & non-commercial).
2. We cannot neglect environmental problems created by cities, they
often influence a much larger area. (urban environmental problems
have become more & more serious, urban-rural linkages)
3. Urban management require more than the traditional master plan

Klink & Bramezza (1995)

Modern urban management : the process of developing,
implementing, coordinating and evaluating integrated strategies
with the help of urban actors, taking into account the objectives of
the private sector and the interests of citizens, in the framework of
a policy defined at a higher level of government to achieve the
potential of sustainable economic development
Sivaramakrisnan & Leslie Green
Metropolitan Management : The Asian Experience (1986)
(Ch. 2 : Tasks of metropolitan management, p.23-33)

The principal task of metropolitan management :

To identify and attack the critical metropolitan issues
Management should emphasize
❖ the economic aspects of urban development
❖ the spatial, social or organizational aspects
❖ the creation of new assets and services as opposed to the improving of
existing ones
Central task of metropolitan management :
→ coping with growth, change and uncertainty
→ improve its ability to understand & resolve the many problems posed by rapid
urbanization, massive population increase, and radical social & economic
Task of Metropolitan Management

1. Provisions of Services
→ deliver essential services

2. Programming of projects
→ public investment : location, quantity

3. Economic Development
❖ the role of metropolitan management → promoting employment & improving
❖ metropolitan management should be able to identify a city’s economic ills,
research its economic advantages and opportunities, and formulate relevant
action programs

4. Spatial Planning
❖ Intersectoral & interagency activities
5. Overcoming Contraints
5 categories of administration problems :

a.Inability of tradition-bound bureacracies to cope with continuously shifting

demographic, social and economic factors of life in large cities
b.Inability to augment (memperbesar) public expenditure, particularly capital
expenditure (belanja) → need for public investment
c.Inadequate skill & manpower to deal with the increasingly technical &
complex job of managing a large & rapidly growing city
d.Organizational arragement
e.Inadequate skill & perspectives in urban planning, budgeting, financing and
decision making

6. Developing Managerial Processes

a.Estabihment, maintenance & updating of information & updating of
information system → for the formulation, monitoring and evaluation of
single-sector projects
b.Mobilization, planning, and control of scarce resource of land, finance,
manpower and meterials

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