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Sexual Transmission of AIDS

Of the various ways in which HIV can lumnar cells, is richly vascularized, and
be transmitted, sexual contact is respon- contains abundant unencapsulated
sible for the greatest proportion of infec- lymphoid tissue. The epithelium is often
tions. It was initially believed that homo- damaged during rectal penetration, per-
sexual males were the only group at risk, mitting contact between HIV and the
but cases of AIDS were soon described in cells that have specific receptors on their
men and women who had become in- membranes (CD4 surface marker).
fected via heterosexual contact.
Sexual transmission of HIV is associ- Vaginal intercourse. HIV transmission
ated with transfer of bodily products; ac- appears to be less efficient via vaginal coi-
cording to the type of sexual contact, vag- tus owing to the anatomic and physio-
inal secretions, saliva, urine, semen, logic characteristics of the vaginal mu-
rectal mucus, feces, and blood may be cosa, which consists of a flat, stratified,
transferred. Although HIV has been iso- unkeratinized epithelium that provides
lated from all these substances, the mere more resistance to solutions in contact
presence of the v@s-for example, in with it.
saliva-does not necessarily imply that a Although HIV may be present in the
substance is an important vehicle for female genital tract throughout the entire
transmission; up to now only blood and menstrual cycle, the risk of infection for
semen are known for certain to play that both the woman and her male partner
role. Vaginal secretions have been impli- probably increases during the menstrual
cated in sexual transmission of HIV but period. Hormonal changes that affect the
confirmation is still lacking (2). vaginal mucosa permit easier access of
the virus to the bloodstream, increasing
PORTALS OF ENTRY the possibility of infection for the
woman, and contact with blood would
Several studies have sought to deter- pose a potential threat to the male (3).
mine the differences in transmission effi- Some studies indicate a higher risk of
ciency of different sexual practices and transmission from an infected male to a
the portals of entry of the virus. Trans- female rather than the reverse (I), which
mission has been found to occur from could be due to the higher concentration
male to male, male to female, and female of virus in semen as opposed to vaginal
to male, with the frequency of transmis- secretions. Also, it is likely that sexual
sion varying for each combination. relations in which there is contact with
the oral mucosa (oral-penile, oral-
Anal intercourse. Sexual contact in- vaginal, and oral-anal) favor transmis-
volving penetration of the penis into the sion of HIV, although the importance of
rectum carries the greatest risk of trans- this route has not been confirmed.
mission of HIV (2). This fact is explained
primarily by the nature of the rectal epi- CONTRIBUTING FACTORS
thelium, which is a layer of simple co-
An association has been observed be-
tween transmission of HIV and some
Source: Dire&k General de Epidemiologia, Se-
cretaria de Salud, Mexico. Transmisih sexual. Bol other microorganisms, among which are
Mens SlDA 2(1-2):231-241,1988. cytomegalovirus, herpesvirus, Epstein-

174 PAHO Bulletin 23(1-2), 1989

Barr virus, hepatitis B virus, and the bac- but one prospective study of spouses of
terial agents of other sexually transmitted AIDS victims found seroconversion in
diseases (STDs) such as gonorrhea, syph- 42% of the men and 38% of the women
ilis, and venereal lymphogranuloma. The within one to three years, which may in-
interaction of these cofactors may be due dicate that the efficiency of transmission
to the fact that the virus multiplies more is similar in either direction (6).
actively when the immune system is
stimulated, as occurs when there are PREVENTIVE MEASURES
multiple infections, or to the genital le-
sions produced by these infections, Prevention of the sexual transmission
which facilitate entry of HIV of AIDS presents more problems than
In addition, a history of infection with prevention of any other type of transmis-
microorganisms that cause other sexually sion, since it involves one of the most
transmitted infections may be a sign of intimate and sensitive aspects of human
risk-generating behaviors, since it indi- behavior. As the means of transmission
cates greater exposure to such agents, in- that is associated with the greatest num-
cluding HIV In a study by Handsfield et ber of cases, it is the one which must re-
al. (4), there was a relationship between ceive the most attention. Since there is
the presence of anti-HIV antibodies and not yet any effective vaccine or treatment
genital ulcers even after adjustment for available for AIDS, education and the
the number of sexual partners, which modification of certain risky sexual be-
suggests that some STDs are in them- haviors constitute the only methods for
selves risk factors for infection with HIV. preventing and controlling the disease.
Information and education campaigns
EXPOSURE TO HIV and prevention programs must promote
safer sexual practices, particularly among
The number of exposures necessary for those persons who engage in high-risk or
sexual transmission of HIV to occur is potentially risky behaviors. In this re-
still unknown. Cases attributable to just gard, it has been demonstrated that the
one exposure have been recorded, and it risk of transmitting or acquiring HlV in-
is known that the risk increases in direct fection is substantially reduced by obser-
proportion to the number of sexual con- vation of the following general recom-
tacts with one or more infected persons mendations: a) limit sexual relations to
(2). The problems that arise in trying to only one partner or reduce the number of
determine precisely the relationship that partners; b) avoid casual sexual relations;
exists between exposures and risk of in- c) use a condom. The last of these recom-
fection are due to the multiple variables mendations has been widely publicized
that must be taken into account, such as in educational campaigns the world over
type of sexual practice, number of expo- as an effective way to reduce the risk of
sures, number of sexual partners, phase the sexual transmission of AIDS. In addi-
of the infection, and other risk factors. tion, the use of certain spermicides, such
In one study of male-to-female hetero- as nonoxynol-9, has been suggested,
sexual transmission, based on the dura- since laboratory studies have shown that
tion and frequency of sexual relations, these substances inactivate not only HIV
the risk of acquiring the virus was esti- but also lymphocytes that contain it.
mated to be one in 1,000 (5). It has been Finally, because evidence suggests that
more difficult to determine the risk of STDs facilitate transmission of HN, it
transmission of HIV from female to male, may be highly useful to incorporate pro-

Abstracts and Reports 175

grams of diagnosis and treatment of Paper presented at the III International
these infections into AIDS prevention Conference on AIDS, Washington, D.C.,
l-5 June 1987. Book of Abstracts, Abstract
programs. F.1.6.
5. Padian, N., J. Wiley, and W. Winkelstein.
REFERENCES Male-to-female transmission of human im-
munodeficiency virus (HIV): Current
Friedland, G. H., and R. S. Klein. Trans- results, infectivity rates, and San Francisco
mission of the human immunodeficiency population seroprevalence estimates. Pa-
virus. N Eng J Med 317:1125-1135,1987. per presented at the III International Con-
Winkelstein, W., D. M. Lyman, N. Padian ference on AIDS, Washington, D.C., l-5
et al. Sexual practices and risk of infection June 1987. Book of Abstracts, Abstract
by the human immunodeficiency virus: THP.48.
The San Francisco Men’s Health Study. 6. Fisehl, M. A., G. M. Dickinson, G. B. Scott
JAMA 257:321-325,1987. et al. Evaluation of heterosexual partners,
Vogt, M. W., D. J. Witt, D. E. Craven et al. children, and household contacts of adults
Isolation patterns of the human immuno- with AIDS. JAMA 257:640-644,1987.
deficiency virus from cervical secretions 7. Feldblum, I? J., and M. J. Rosenberg. Sper-
during the menstrual cycle of women at micides and sexually transmitted diseases:
risk for the acquired immunodeficiency New perspectives. NC Med J 47:569-572,
syndrome. Ann Intern Med 106:380-382, 1986.
1987. 8. Hicks, D. R., L. S. Martin, J. I? Getchell et
4. Handsfield, H. H., R. L. Ashley, A. M. al. Inactivation of HTLV-IIIlLAV-infected
Rompalo et al. Association of anogenital cultures of normal human lymphocytes by
ulcer disease with human immunodefi- nonoxynol-9 in vitro (letter). Lancet 2:1422-
ciency virus infection in homosexual men. l423,1985.

Criteria for HIV Screening Programs

Screening1 for infection or disease indi- both when it has been used to detect
cators has undoubtedly benefited many treatable diseases which are otherwise
public health programs, screened indi- difficult to recognize and also when it has
viduals, and the community at large- been used to detect conditions for which
there is no therapy. It is not surprising,
Source:World Health Organization. Report of the then, that proposals for screening often
WHO Meeting on Criteria for HIV-Screening Pro- arise in the context of the AIDS epidemic
grams, Geneva, 20-21 May 1987. Document WHO/
.SPA/GL0/87.2. Geneva, 1987. and of public health efforts to control its
‘For the purpose of this report, HlV testing and causative agents, human immunodefi-
screening are defined as follows: Testing is a sero- ciency virus (HIV) and related retro-
logic procedure for identifying HlV antibodies or viruses.
antigens in an individual, whether recommended
by a health care provider or requested by the indi- Without question, the pandemic
vidual. Screening is the systematic application of spread of HIV infection warrants close
HlV testing, whether voluntary or mandatory, to monitoring and public health planning.
any or all of the following: entire population; se-
lected target populations; donors of blood or blood However, any HIV screening program
products and cells, tissues, and organs. raises delicate and difficult logistical, le-

176 PAHO Bulletin 23(1-2), 1989

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