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Essentials of Landscape Ecology 1st

Edition Kimberly A. With

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Essentials of Landscape Ecology


Essentials of
Landscape Ecology

Kimberly A. With


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Writing a textbook is rather like being enrolled in a of the material. Some students require an introduction
multi-year course on the subject, in which the roles of to basic ecological concepts and principles, whereas
student and teacher are essentially interchangeable. others are looking for synthesis, critical review, and a
Since we are all really students at heart, my approach deeper treatment of the analytical, methodological, or
to writing this textbook has been from the standpoint modeling approaches they are hoping to implement in
of a student, starting with myself. I know what difficul- their own research.
ties I have faced in understanding certain topics and The principal challenge in writing this textbook, as
analytical approaches, and after teaching landscape in the classroom, has thus been to develop a curricu-
ecology for more than 20 years, I know what difficul- lum that serves the needs of a diverse audience. To that
ties many of my students encounter when first exposed end, I have tried to provide a mix of basic concepts,
to particular concepts or methods. This textbook is examples, and case studies, as well as a more advanced
thus for the student of landscape ecology, whatever treatment of certain topics. The examples and case
your academic standing, professional rank, or title. studies were selected to emphasize a range of organ-
Welcome to our shared course on landscape ecology. isms, systems, and geographic locations to the extent
The scientific domain encompassed by landscape possible, although this was often influenced by the
ecology is incredibly vast and wide-ranging. Landscape idiosyncratic nature of scientific research as well as by
ecology is built upon contributions from various fields my idiosyncratic research into that literature. I therefore
in the natural and social sciences, and in turn contrib- offer advance apologies if I appear to have overlooked
utes to both basic and applied problems in each of an important paper or study, perhaps even one of your
its constituent fields. No single textbook—including own contributions to the field. I fear this is inevitable,
this one—can possibly do it justice. My focus in this given the vastness of the literature, the sheer size of the
textbook is thus on the ecology of landscape ecology. task at hand, and the limited space available to address
I am an ecologist by training, and besides landscape each topic.
ecology, much of my research has been in the areas In terms of the book itself, I thank Sharon Collinge,
of behavioral, population, and community ecology. Henri Décamps, Kevin McGarigal, Jean Paul Metzger,
In addition, I have long been interested in conservation John Wiens, and Jingle Wu for their suggestions, sup-
and the applications of landscape ecology for conser- port, and enthusiasm for the initial book proposal. I am
vation biology. Thus, my perspective herein is inevitably also indebted to the following colleagues who took the
that of an ecologist, with an eye toward applications time to review and provide comment on various sec-
of landscape ecology for conservation and natural tions or chapters of the book (and sometimes, on more
resource management. than one): John Briggs, Thomas Crist, Lenore Fahrig,
Despite this—or maybe even because of this—it is Olivier François, Janet Franklin, Marie-Josée Fortin,
my hope that this book will be of interest to students Doug Goodin, Eric Gustafson, Colleen Hatfield, Nancy
and professionals in other areas of landscape ecology, McIntyre, Jean Paul Metzger, Emily Minor, Rick Ostfeld,
such as geographers and landscape planners, who Luciana Signorelli, Mark Ungerer, Helene Wagner,
might desire an ecological overview to complement Lisette Waits, Jingle Wu, and Patrick Zollner. I would
their training or design perspective. Judging from the also like to thank the graduate students who have par-
composition of my own landscape ecology course over ticipated in my landscape ecology course at Kansas
the years, I envision an audience that is likely to be quite State University, and who provided input on many
diverse regardless. In the past, this course has attracted of the initial chapter drafts and offered suggestions
students from all over campus and from fields as for improvement, including other examples or topics
diverse as ecology, environmental science, entomology, I had overlooked. Special thanks in this regard are
geography, agronomy, range sciences, forestry, conser- due to Rachel Pigg, Jay Guarani, Mark Herse, Sean
vation biology, fisheries, and wildlife management. Hitchman, Nate Cathcart, Reid Plumb, Emily Williams,
The academic background, training, and expectations and E. J. Raynor.
of these students are all very different, which demands Of course, this book would never have seen the light
a varied and diversified approach in the presentation of day without a publisher. I very much appreciate

vi Preface

the care and oversight provided by Ian Sherman and McIntyre, for uncovering many of the images con-
Bethany Kershaw, senior and assistant commissioning tained within these chapters. The end result is a text-
editors, respectively, for biology at Oxford University book that is as attractive as I hope it is informative.
Press, and Ioan Marc Jones, senior production editor Last, but certainly not least, I thank my husband,
for academic texts at OUP, for managing the book’s Gray Woods, for his unremitting support and encour-
transition through to its final production phase. Paul agement throughout the many years it has taken me to
Beverley had the unenviable task of copy-editing the complete this project. I dedicate this book to our son,
entire text, but the book is better for his efforts. This Johnathan, who I fear no longer remembers a time
project started out under the auspices of Sinauer when his mother wasn’t working on this book, becom-
Associates (now an imprint of OUP), and I therefore ing a sort of bibliographic sibling. Wise beyond his
owe a large debt of gratitude to Andy Sinauer for the years, he had asked me at the start, “How do you know
opportunity and for his support (and patience) during what to write?” I don’t recall my answer then, but I
this long process; production editors, Kathaleen have one for him now: figuring out what to write is
Emerson and Stephanie Bonner, as well as art director easy when one has access to such great material; it’s
and production manager, Chris Small, for their guid- figuring out when to stop that is hard. For, as I now
ance, design aesthetic, and attention to detail; Jan realize, the book will never truly be finished, but hope-
Troutt, for her beautiful artwork; Johannah Walkowicz fully, this is a good and worthwhile start.
and Michele Bekta for their efforts behind the scenes in
obtaining permissions; copy editor Carol Wigg for Kimberly A. With
comments and suggestions on the first set of chapters; Division of Biology
and photo researchers, Mark Siddall and David Kansas State University


Chapter 1 An Introduction to Landscape Ecology: Foundations

and Core Concepts 1

Why Study Landscape Ecology? 2

Birth of a Discipline 4
Regional Perspectives on Landscape Ecology 5
European Perspective 5
North American Perspective 7
Globalization of Landscape Ecology 8
Core Concepts of Landscape Ecology 9
Organization of this Book 11
Chapter Summary Points 12
Discussion Questions 13

Chapter 2 Scaling Issues in Landscape Ecology 14

Why is Scale so Important in Ecology? 14

Uses (and Misuses) of Scale in Ecology 16
Ecological Scale 16
Relationship between Grain and Extent 16
Effect of Changing Grain and Extent 18
Choosing the ‘Right’ Scale of Study 21
Hierarchy Theory and Landscape Ecology 24
Hierarchical Organization of Biological Systems 27
Structure of a Hierarchical System 28
Landscape Scale or Landscape Level? 29
Implications of Hierarchy Theory for Landscape Ecology 32
Extrapolating Across Scales 33
Extrapolating Within Domains of Scale 34
Extrapolating Across Domains of Scale 34
Uncertainty, Predictability, and Ecological Forecasting 36
Future Directions 39
Chapter Summary Points 40
Discussion Questions 41

Chapter 3 Landscape Heterogeneity and Dynamics 42

Heterogeneity and Disturbance Dynamics as Core Concepts in Landscape Ecology 42

Emergence of Heterogeneity and Dynamical Concepts in Ecology 44
Heterogeneity at Broad Geographic Scales: Biogeography and Life Zones 44
Dynamics of Plant Community Assembly: Climax State or Independent Assembly? 45
Patch Dynamics: A Paradigm Shift in Ecology 47
Toward a Non-Equilibrium View of Ecology 48
Homogeneity: The Frictionless Plane of Ecological Theory 49

viii Contents

Patch-Based Theory in Ecology 50

Toward a Landscape-Mosaic View of Environmental Heterogeneity 52
How is Heterogeneity Defined? 54
Spatial Heterogeneity 54
Temporal Heterogeneity 55
How are Disturbances Defined? 56
The Disturbance Regime 56
The Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis 58
Large Infrequent Disturbances 59
Implications of the Disturbance Regime for Landscape Dynamics 61
Formation and Evolution of Landscapes: Geomorphological Processes 63
Formation of Montane Landscapes 63
Formation of River Networks 68
Formation and Diversity of Soils 69
Landscape Dynamics: Abiotic Disturbances 73
Volcanic Eruptions 73
Landsliding 76
Flooding and the Natural Flow Regime 78
Windstorms, Hurricanes, and Storm Surges 85
Drought 89
Fire 94
Landscape Dynamics: Biotic Agents of Landscape Formation and Disturbance 101
Organisms as Geomorphic Agents 102
Organisms as Ecosystem Engineers 102
The Keystone Role of Species 105
Relative Impact of Species on Landscapes 107
Humans as the Primary Driver of Landscape Change 107
Stages of Anthropogenic Landscape Transformation 108
Types of Human Land Use 110
Land-Use Legacy Effects 120
Future Directions 122
Chapter Summary Points 123
Discussion Questions 125

Chapter 4 Landscape Pattern Analysis 127

On the Importance of Landscape Pattern Analysis in Landscape Ecology 127

Sources of Landscape Data 128
Historical Land Surveys 129
Remote Sensing 131
From Landscape Data to Landscape Data Analysis 153
Geographical Information Systems 156
Data Input Subsystem 157
Data Processing and Database Management Subsystem 158
Data Manipulation and Analysis Subsystem 159
Data Output Subsystem 165
Landscape Metrics 165
Measures of Landscape Composition 167
Measures of Landscape Configuration 168
Effects of Pattern and Scale on Landscape Metrics 178
Use and Misuse of Landscape Metrics 184
Spatial Analysis 186
A Primer to Spatial Statistics 186
Spatial Statistics 189

Contents ix

Future Directions (and Some Caveats) 202

Chapter Summary Points 203
Discussion Questions 205

Chapter 5 Landscape Connectivity 206

What is Landscape Connectivity and Why is it Important? 206

Elements of Landscape Connectivity 208
Structural versus Functional Connectivity 209
Patch Connectivity versus Landscape Connectivity 210
Patch-Based Connectivity Measures 210
Which Patch-Connectivity Measure to Use and When? 212
From Patches to Landscapes 213
Methods for Assessing Landscape Connectivity 214
Neutral Landscape Models 214
Graph-Theoretic Approaches 221
Assessing Connectivity in Heterogeneous Landscapes 227
Assessing Connectivity in River Networks 232
Which Landscape Connectivity Approach to Use and When? 235
Beyond Landscape Connectivity 236
Should Landscape Connectivity be a Dependent or Independent
Variable? 236
Future Directions 237
Chapter Summary Points 237
Discussion Questions 238

Chapter 6 Landscape Effects on Individual Movement and Dispersal:

Behavioral Landscape Ecology 239

Why are Movement and Dispersal Important from a Landscape Ecological

Perspective? 240
Scales of Movement 241
Movement Responses to Hierarchical Patch Structure 242
Allometric Scaling of Movement 245
Movement Responses to Patch Structure 245
Movement out of Patches (Emigration) 246
Movement Between Patches 256
Movement into Patches (Immigration) 260
Analysis of Movement Pathways 264
Tracking Animal Movements 265
Scaling Issues in Tracking Animal Movements 268
Measuring Movement Pathways 269
Models of Animal Movement 272
Mathematical Models of Animal Movement 272
Spatially Explicit Models of Animal Movement 277
Space Use and Home-Range Analysis 280
Methods of Home-Range Estimation 280
Measuring Plant Dispersal 284
Future Directions 286
Chapter Summary Points 287
Discussion Questions 289

x Contents

Chapter 7 Landscape Effects on Population Distributions and Dynamics 291

Why Should Landscape Ecologists Study Population Distributions and Dynamics? 292
Overview: Effects of Habitat Loss and Fragmentation on Populations 292
Habitat Loss versus Fragmentation 293
Patch Area and Isolation Effects 294
Fragmentation and Edge Effects 294
Species Distribution Patterns 299
Spatial Pattern Analysis of Species Distributions 300
Patch versus Landscape Effects on Species Distributions 302
Species Distribution Models 303
Resource-Selection Functions 303
Ecological Niche Models 306
Climate Envelope Models 308
Summary 309
A Primer to Population Models 310
Basic Population Growth Model 310
Matrix Population Models 310
Source–Sink Population Dynamics 312
How Best to Identify Population Sources and Sinks? 313
Are Habitat Sinks a Drain on Habitat Sources? 314
Metapopulation Dynamics 315
Classical Metapopulation Models 316
Incidence Function Model 318
Source–Sink Metapopulations 319
Metapopulation Viability and Extinction Thresholds 321
Spatially Explicit Population Simulation Models 329
Which Population Model to Use and When? 332
Future Directions 334
Chapter Summary Points 334
Discussion Questions 335

Chapter 8 Landscape Effects on Population Spatial Spread: Range

Shifts, Biological Invasions, and Landscape Epidemiology 337

Spatial Spread: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly 337
Landscape Effects on Species’ Range Shifts 339
Modeling Species Distributions in Response to Climate Change 340
Range Shifts in Fragmented Landscapes 343
Landscape Effects on Invasive Spread 344
Landscape Ecology of Invasive Spread 344
Spatial Models of Invasive Spread 349
Landscape Connectivity and the Potential for Invasive Spread 353
Source–Sink Metapopulation Dynamics and Invasive Spread 355
Species Distribution Models of Invasive Spread 356
Landscape Epidemiology 357
Landscape Ecology of Disease Spread 358
Spatial Models of Disease Spread 362
Metapopulation Models of Disease Spread 364
Landscape Connectivity and the Potential for Disease Spread 366
Disease Risk Mapping 370
Evolutionary Landscape Epidemiology 371

Contents xi

Future Directions 373

Chapter Summary Points 374
Discussion Questions 375

Chapter 9 Landscape Genetics: Landscape Effects on Gene Flow

and Population Genetic Structure 377

What is Landscape Genetics? 378

A Primer to Population Genetics 380
Types of Genetic Markers 380
Estimating Genetic Variation and Divergence 383
Measuring Gene Flow and Population Connectivity 390
From Population Genetics to Landscape Genetics 393
Bayesian Genetic Clustering 393
Multivariate Ordination Techniques 396
Landscape Genetics 398
Landscape Correlates of Population Genetic Structure 399
Functional Connectivity 399
Identification of Movement Corridors and Barriers to Gene Flow 404
Habitat Area versus Fragmentation Effects 409
Source–Sink Population Dynamics 411
Current versus Historical Landscape Effects on Population Genetic Structure 413
Evolutionary Landscape Genetics 415
Beyond Strong Selection: Other Mechanisms of Microgeographic Divergence 416
Toward a Landscape-Genomic Approach to the Study of Adaptive Genetic Variation 421
Adaptive Responses to Future Climate and Landscape Changes 425
Future Directions 429
Chapter Summary Points 431
Discussion Questions 432

Chapter 10 Landscape Effects on Community Structure and Dynamics 434

A Landscape Perspective on the Structure and Dynamics of

Communities 435
Measures of Community Structure 436
Species Richness 437
Species Diversity 437
Spatial Partitioning of Diversity 439
Patterns of Species Diversity 446
Latitudinal Gradients in Species Richness 447
Elevational Gradients in Species Richness 451
Species–Area Relationships 455
Island Biogeography and the Habitat Fragmentation Paradigm 467
Effects of Habitat Loss and Fragmentation on Species Diversity 474
Habitat-Amount Hypothesis 475
Interdependence of Habitat Loss and Fragmentation 477
Landscape Effects on Species Interactions 478
Competitive Coexistence 478
Predator–Prey Dynamics 484
Parasite–Host and Host–Parasitoid Dynamics 489
Plant–Pollinator Interactions 495

xii Contents

Metacommunity Structure and Dynamics 502

Future Directions 505
Chapter Summary Points 507
Discussion Questions 511

Chapter 11 Landscape Effects on Ecosystem Structure and Function 512

Why is a Landscape Ecology of Ecosystems Needed? 512

Ecosystem Processes in a Landscape Context 514
Topographic and Land-Management Effects on Nutrient Availability and
Ecosystem Productivity 516
Effects of Land-Cover Change on Nutrient Dynamics 521
The Metaecosystem: Interacting Ecosystems in a Landscape Context 524
Spatial Subsidies 525
Mobile-Link Species 527
Source–Sink Metaecosystem Dynamics 529
From Ecosystem Function to Landscape Function 530
Landscape Function and ‘Dysfunctional’ Landscapes 530
Assessing and Monitoring Landscape Function 532
Managing for Landscape Multifunctionality and Sustainability 539
Future Directions 541
Chapter Summary Points 542
Discussion Questions 545

Glossary 547
References 573
Index 623

An Introduction to
Landscape Ecology
Foundations and Core Concepts

At first glance, this image (Figure 1.1) evokes a pastoral landscape, with cultivated
fields of row crops and perhaps some lavender growing in the distance. Fields are
neatly arrayed and delineated, some apparently fallow or newly plowed, others
bearing regular furrows or bisected by roadways and irrigation canals. The land-
scape bears the strong imprint of human land use, with all of its lines and orderli-
ness. Upon closer inspection, however, we come to realize that this is not an actual
photograph, but an abstraction, a quilted landscape created using colored
swatches of silk crepe. Nevertheless, the quilt does depict an actual landscape—
the ‘fields of salt’ in a region of the San Francisco Bay Area where natural wetlands
have been converted to salt ponds for industrial use. As with our earlier impression
of an agricultural landscape, this image similarly calls to mind the dramatic effects
humans can have on landscapes through the alteration of their structure and
function. A quilt is thus an apt metaphor for the landscape: as patchworks of

Figure 1.1 Fields of Salt, art quilt. © Linda Gass 2007.

Essentials of Landscape Ecology. Kimberly A. With, Oxford University Press (2019).

© Kimberly A. With 2019. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198838388.001.0001

2 Essentials of Landscape Ecology

different land covers and land uses, landscapes are to tackle the complex ecological and societal conse-
similarly shaped by humans and, like quilts, they are quences of human land use.
sometimes in need of restoration and conservation. The human modification of landscapes is hardly a
recent phenomenon, however. Landscapes bear the
imprint of past human land uses that in some cases
Why Study Landscape Ecology? date back centuries or even millennia. We humans
We are living in a transformative era. Since the start of have a long history of altering the landscapes around
the Industrial Revolution, humans have issued in a us, whether it be for quarrying stone, felling forests,
new geological period—the Anthropocene—a ‘geology plowing grasslands, draining wetlands, or damming
of mankind’ (Crutzen 2002). There are few places on and diverting rivers. For example, the indigenous people
Earth that have not been touched, either directly or of the Mississippian culture, which flourished more
indirectly, by humans (Vitousek et al. 1997; Figure 1.2). than a thousand years ago throughout the river valleys
A burgeoning global population has increased both of the midwestern and southeastern United States,
our need for land and the mass consumption of transformed these floodplain landscapes through the
resources provided by that land. Modern technologies creation of huge earthen mounds. One cannot help but
have made it more efficient and economical for us to marvel at the industry of the people who created these
exploit the land and its resources, while global trans- earthen pyramids, the largest of which stands 30 meters
portation networks and the globalization of economies tall and covers 6 hectares, solely by packing mud and
have increased not only the interconnections among clay by hand. The largest Mississippian site is Cahokia,
diverse regions of the globe, but also the extent of our located just east of modern-day Saint Louis, Missouri
impact on those regions. With landscapes worldwide (Figure 1.3). During its heyday (around 1100), Cahokia
being transformed at a rate and scale that rivals even was one of the world’s great cities, with a population
the largest of natural forces, it should come as no sur- exceeding that of many European cities of the time,
prise that a new and comprehensive science is needed including London. The inhabitants of Cahokia were

Minimal impact
Low impact
Moderate impact 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000
High impact
Very high impact km

Figure 1.2 Anthropic landscapes. Humans have a pervasive influence on landscapes. Worldwide, few areas have not been
affected—either directly or indirectly—by our activities. This global anthropic landscape map was generated from the overlay
of a global human population density map with a global land-quality map to illustrate the distribution of anthropic tension zones
where humans are having the greatest impact, particularly on soil resources.
Source: USDA-NRCS (2000).

An Introduction to Landscape Ecology 3



Figure 1.3 Cahokia. Cahokia was a cultural mecca in its day (1050–1250), a bustling urban center at the heart of what was then
one of the largest cities in the world. (A) Aerial view of Cahokia today, with Monks Mound in the distance. (B) Artist’s rendition of
what the Central Plaza with Monks Mound might have looked like during Cahokia’s heyday (~1100).
Source: (A) © National Geographic Creative/Alamy Stock Photo. (B) Courtesy of Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site, painting by L. K. Townsend.

early landscape architects, having carefully designed and The effect of human land use on landscapes—past,
engineered these mounds, which evidently required present, and future—is a major focus of landscape
a great deal of technical expertise (Dalan et al. 2003). ecology. As humans alter the landscape, they also
The largest mounds were likely built for ceremonial invariably alter its ecology, including the ecological
and religious purposes, and may have been topped flows and myriad ecological interactions that occur
by large buildings where the elites or rulers lived within the landscape. All landscapes are heterogeneous
(Figure 1.3B). Although the stonemasonry involved in in that they are made up of a variety of landforms, eco-
the construction of the better-known pyramids of ancient systems, vegetation communities (habitat types), and
Egypt and Mesoamerica is also a marvel of engineering, land uses, reflecting the different processes—physical,
these earthen mounds, which persist today as small biological, and anthropogenic—that have shaped
hills dotting the landscape (Figure 1.3A), are a testa- them. In turn, the structure of the landscape—its com-
ment to the ability of even pre-industrial humans to position and configuration of habitat types or land
physically shape the landscape. uses—influences the biological and physical processes

4 Essentials of Landscape Ecology

that give the landscape its form. The flows of materials, The largest of the IALE regional chapters is the
nutrients, and organisms across the landscape are all United States chapter (US-IALE).1 Its inaugural meet-
important for the maintenance of critical ecological ing was held in January 1986 in Athens, Georgia (USA),
functions that contribute to the structure and diversity just a few years after the establishment of the inter-
(i.e. heterogeneity) of the landscape in the first place. national governing body, reflecting an early interest in
Landscape ecology, then, is the study of the reciprocal the field by a number of American ecologists. Indeed,
effects of pattern on process: how landscape patterns several American ecologists had been among the
influence ecological processes, and how those ecological attendees at the landscape ecology symposia in Europe.
processes in turn modify landscape patterns (Risser In April 1983, 25 ecologists and geographers were
et al. 1984; Turner 1989; Pickett & Cadenasso 1995; invited to a three-day workshop in Allerton Park,
Turner et al. 2001). From this standpoint, humans are Illinois (USA) to discuss opportunities for developing
but one of the many forces that shape landscapes, landscape ecology in North America (Risser et al. 1984;
albeit an important one. Risser 1995). The Allerton Park workshop represents a
In this introductory chapter, we place the emer- pivotal moment, not just for landscape ecology in
gence of landscape ecology as a relatively new scien- North America, but for the discipline as a whole. The
tific discipline within its historical context by discussing workshop is widely credited with establishing a new
the contributions from its elemental disciplines to its paradigm for landscape ecology, one that continues to
development, as well as the different schools of thought guide it today—a focus on the reciprocal effects of
that have subsequently shaped its science and practice. landscape pattern and ecological process (Wiens 2008;
Next, we highlight the core principles and major Wu 2013).
research themes in landscape ecology, which will be
addressed more fully throughout the remainder of this
textbook. We conclude with an overview of the book At the outset, the idea of landscape ecology sounded appeal-
itself to help guide our study of landscape ecology. ing. . . . Urgency and a sense of responsibility for the quality of
landscapes motivated us . . . and we realized that the integra-
tion of ecology and human activities was not only necessary
Birth of a Discipline but could bring new insights to the study of landscapes.
In comparison to many other established fields in the Forman & Godron (1986)
natural and social sciences, or even to other areas of
ecology, landscape ecology is a relatively new science.
If we mark the birth of a scientific discipline by the At around this same time, the publication of two sem-
establishment of a professional society and/or a schol- inal textbooks (one by Zev Naveh and Arthur Lieberman
arly journal dedicated to its study, then landscape ecol- [1984], and the second by Richard Forman and Michel
ogy emerged only about 35 years ago. Since it is rare to Godron [1986]) further helped to elevate and establish
witness the birth of a discipline, a brief overview of its landscape ecology as a new discipline. The discipline’s
development is warranted, especially since this pro- flagship journal, Landscape Ecology, published its first
vides insight into the different perspectives on the issue in 1987, with American ecologist Frank Golley at
study and practice of landscape ecology today. its helm (Golley 1987). The journal has since developed
The International Association for Landscape Ecology into one of the top-ranking journals in the fields of
(IALE) was officially founded in October 1982 at an geography and ecology (Wu 2007a). Not surprisingly,
international symposium held in the spa town of these early scholars and leading figures in landscape
Pieštʼany, in what is now western Slovakia. Its con- ecology were all participants in the initial European
ception, however, occurred some 18 months earlier, in symposia, the Allerton Park workshop, or both.
April 1981, at the first international congress for land- The mid-1980s thus represented a watershed period
scape ecology at Veldhoven in the Netherlands (Antrop for landscape ecology. The rise of landscape ecology
2007). The formation of IALE thus represented the cul- at that time can be attributed to a number of factors
mination of a long gestation among European ecolo- related to theoretical and conceptual developments in
gists and geographers, who as far back as the late 1960s ecology, technological advances, and increasing concern
and early 1970s had perceived the need for a broader, over human impacts on the environment. In the field
multidisciplinary science concerned with the manage- of ecology, several developments had particular rele-
ment, planning, and design of landscapes (Naveh 2007; vance for landscape ecology: (1) island biogeography
Wu 2007a). The IALE now consists of more than two and metapopulation theory provided a new paradigm
dozen regional chapters from all over the world, repre- 1
The United States regional chapter voted in April 2019 to become
senting individual countries as well as collectives of IALE-North America, so as to better reflect its multi-national
nations (e.g. Africa-IALE and IALE-Europe). constituency.

An Introduction to Landscape Ecology 5

for studying the effects of habitat patchiness on eco- to study elevational vegetation gradients. As one of the
logical systems; (2) there was a growing recognition of first landscape ecologists, Troll deftly blended the spa-
the importance of spatial scaling in the design and tial approach of the geographer with the functional
interpretation of ecological research; and (3) there was approach of the ecologist, a combination that has come
a shift from viewing ecological systems as closed (iso- to epitomize landscape ecology today (Turner et al.
lated) and driven toward an equilibrium state to view- 2001).
ing them instead as open (connected) and dynamic
systems. In addition, technological advances in remote
sensing, geographic information systems (GIS), and
Regional Perspectives on
computer processing were making it possible to Landscape Ecology
collect, store, analyze, and display unprecedented Early contributions by European geographers and ecolo-
amounts of geospatial data over vast spatial extents, gists to the nascent field of landscape ecology helped
allowing for the first time a true study of landscapes at define—as well as gave name to—a new discipline. The
broad spatial scales. Finally, the growing concern over European perspective pervades the science and practice
human modification of the environment, especially of landscape ecology in many parts of the world today,
in the heavily industrialized nations where landscape although the subsequent establishment of landscape
ecology originated, was a motivating force in the ecology in North America followed a very different tra-
development of the discipline in the mid-1980s. The jectory during its development. In this section, we con-
cumulative effects of human land use were clearly sider how these different regional perspectives have
responsible for the loss and fragmentation of habitats contributed to the development of landscape ecology.
that in turn were contributing to a global extinction cri-
sis (e.g. Wilcove et al. 1998). Indeed, it is no coincidence
that conservation biology also emerged as a scientific European Perspective
discipline during the 1980s (Soulé 1985). European landscape ecology has a long tradition that
Although landscape ecology may not have emerged has greatly influenced its subsequent development
as a scientific discipline until the 1980s, its antecedents and character. Europeans recognized early on that
can be traced back decades and even centuries. Well society was placing increasing demands on landscapes
before there was a journal or a society of landscape and that the environmental problems created by those
ecology, there were societies and journals devoted to demands were far too complex to be solved individu-
human ecology, land-use planning, and design (i.e. land- ally by existing disciplines, but instead required a new
scape architecture). Journals such as Landscape Planning multidisciplinary perspective to address them (Antrop
and Urban Ecology (which have since been merged into et al. 2009). From its earliest beginnings, then, European
a single journal, Landscape and Urban Planning) were landscape ecology has been marked by a strong holis-
first published in the mid-1970s, more than a decade tic and human-centered perspective (Wu & Hobbs 2007;
before Landscape Ecology. Journals and professional Figure 1.4A).
organizations concerned with the management of eco-
nomically important landscapes such as forests and
rangelands date from the first half of the 20th century. In densely populated Europe, the main concern is on cultural
Ecologists and geographers can trace their academic landscapes and the natural and cultural heritage related to
roots back even farther, to the many professional soci- these. Most traditional landscapes lose rapidly their ecological
eties and their journals that appeared in the late 19th and heritage values, which are considered as “natural and
and early 20th centuries. Indeed, a German geographer, cultural capital.” There is a growing need to plan future land-
Carl Troll, is widely credited with coining the term scapes in an increasingly urbanized society and polarised
‘landscape ecology’ (landschaftsökologie) in 1939 (Troll environment in the perspective of sustainable development
1939). Over the ensuing decades, Troll continued to and participatory planning. Antrop et al. (2009)
refine his view of landscape ecology, which he defined
as ‘the study of the main complex causal relationships
between the life communities and their environment’ The concept of holism, as applied to the landscape,
that ‘are expressed regionally in a definite distribution implies that its functioning cannot be understood sim-
pattern (landscape mosaic, landscape pattern)’ (Troll ply by studying some aspect of it in isolation. The
1971). Troll’s training in geography, coupled with his Dutch landscape ecologist Isaak Zonneveld, for example,
early interest in botany, contributed to his unique was a proponent of the land-unit concept (Zonneveld
understanding of interactions between geomorphology 1989). The land-unit concept was first proposed by the
and vegetation patterns, particularly in the mountainous Australian land surveyor and mapper Clifford Stuart
regions of the world, where he used aerial photographs Christian, who advocated for a systems approach to

6 Essentials of Landscape Ecology

(A) European perspective mapping, planning, design, and management of land-

scapes for human land use (e.g. Zonneveld 1972;
Human Naveh & Lieberman 1984; Schreiber 1990).
ecology In many respects, the European view of landscapes,
and thus of landscape ecology, is a reflection of the
political and economic integration of Europe itself.
With the integration of the European Communities in
Landscape 1967 and the subsequent formation of the European
Union in 1993, the rapidly changing face of the
European landscape is now being shaped largely by
Planning &
common policies, such as the Common Agricultural
Land-use Political Resource Policy. Although the EU does not have a common
Sociology landscape
policy science economics
architecture landscape policy, there has been some progress at the
political level in recognizing the broad value of land-
(B) North American perspective scapes beyond the economic or resource benefits they
provide. In 1995, the EU’s European Environmental
European Ecology Spatial Agency published its Dobříš Assessment, a report on
landscape (patch pattern
ecology dynamics) analysis the state of the European environment, which includes
a chapter devoted to landscapes and their importance
to the future of the European environment (Stanners &
Bourdeau 1995). Most notably, the chapter emphasizes
Landscape the importance of preserving the unique character and
ecology diversity of landscapes as part of the natural and cul-
tural heritage of Europe. The Dobříš Assessment is
thus credited with helping to draw the attention of
Resource policymakers to the various pressures that are leading
GIS Modeling
to a decline in the diversity, distinctiveness, and value
Figure 1.4 Regional perspectives on landscape ecology. of landscapes throughout Europe (Antrop et al. 2009).
The development of landscape ecology in the 1980s followed The Dobříš Assessment was influential in the Council
different trajectories in (A) Europe and (B) North America. of Europe’s development of the European Landscape
Source: After Wiens 1997. Convention, which went into force in 2004. The conven-
tion is an international treaty for the comprehensive
the study of landscapes as ‘hierarchical wholes.’ In his protection, management, and planning of landscapes
view, a landscape is a system of interacting land units, throughout Europe, including all natural, rural, and
defined as ‘parts of the land surface . . . having a similar urban landscapes as well as inland waters and coastal
genesis and [that] can be described similarly in terms marine areas, regardless of their condition (it includes
of the major inherent features of consequence to land ‘everyday, outstanding and degraded landscapes’).
use—namely, topography, soils, vegetation and cli-
mate’ (Christian 1958, p. 76). We’ll return to this idea of
The landscape has an important public interest role in the
landscapes as hierarchical systems in Chapter 2. For
cultural, ecological, environmental and social fields, and con-
now, it is worth noting that the land-unit approach was
stitutes a resource favourable to economic activity and whose
ultimately an effort to develop a more systematic way
of defining, mapping, and integrating multiple attributes protection, management and planning can contribute to job
of landscapes (e.g. landforms, soils, vegetation, or land creation;
uses) that had traditionally been studied individually . . . The landscape contributes to the formation of local
by different types of scientists. Beyond providing a cultures and . . . is a basic component of the European natural
more holistic approach to the study of landscapes and cultural heritage, contributing to human well-being and
as integrated wholes, however, the land-unit approach consolidation of the European identity;
was also presented as a more efficient and cost-effec- . . . The landscape is an important part of the quality of life
tive land survey method and mapping tool that could for people everywhere;
aid in ‘the evaluation of the suitability of landscape . . . The landscape is a key element of individual and social
for any kind of land use’ (Zonneveld 1989, p. 68). This well-being and . . . its protection, management and planning
approach thus epitomizes the practical and human- entail rights and responsibilities for everyone.
centered applications of European landscape ecology, Preamble to the European Landscape Convention
whose primary aim has been to facilitate the evaluation,

An Introduction to Landscape Ecology 7

Remarkably, the establishment of the European Land- backgrounds and research interests of this small gath-
scape Convention was principally motivated not by ering of ecologists and geographers. This is immedi-
economic concerns over the provisioning services pro- ately apparent from the definition of landscape ecology
vided by landscapes (although they are seen as one of given in the report of that workshop, as the study of
its benefits), but rather by a concern for societal well- ‘the relationship between spatial pattern and ecological
being and the quality of life for European citizens; that processes [that] is not restricted to a particular scale’
is, by the public good. Landscapes are perceived to (Risser et al. 1984, p. 255). In contrast to the European
have strong cultural as well as natural values and, as perspective, this definition is clearly more ecological
such, become part of a country’s identity and cultural and explicitly spatial; it also allows for the possibility
heritage. Because the landscape plays such an important that landscapes—and thus landscape ecology—need
role in the well-being of individuals and society not be concerned solely with broad spatial scales, an
at large, the Convention argues, all Europeans are issue we’ll return to later.
adversely affected by a deterioration in the quality of At the Allerton Park workshop, participants were
their surroundings. The public should thus have some asked to consider how landscape ecology might con-
say, as participating stakeholders, in how landscapes tribute to four major areas of inquiry (Risser et al. 1984):
are managed, rather than leaving these sorts of decisions
solely to those with specialized or economic interests. 1. How heterogeneity influences the flux of organ-
By agreeing to the terms of the European Landscape isms, materials, and energy across the landscape.
Convention, participating nations have acknowledged 2. The formative processes, both past and present,
their collective duty to make provision for the protec- that give rise to landscape patterns.
tion, management, and planning of landscapes to ful- 3. How heterogeneity affects the spread of
fill these sociocultural values, especially at the local or disturbances, such as fire, across the landscape.
regional level. As of February 2019, the convention had 4. How natural resource management might be
been ratified by 39 of the 47 member states in the enhanced by adopting a landscape ecological
Council of Europe. approach.
In response to these developments, IALE-Europe
was formed in 2009 as a new supranational chapter of Thus, the workshop put forward many of the now-
the International Association for Landscape Ecology recognizable themes of landscape ecology—the import-
(Antrop et al. 2009). IALE-Europe aims to promote col- ance of heterogeneity, scale, and disturbance dynamics
laboration among members of Europe’s diverse aca- for understanding the reciprocal effects of spatial pat-
demic community of landscape ecologists and to make tern and ecological process (Wu 2013). In retrospect, this
their collective expertise available to institutional and is not surprising, given that many of the participants
societal stakeholders as well as the policymakers had also been active in the International Biological
involved in decisions about landscape management Program (1964–1974), whose ambitions included the
and planning at the European level. development of complete systems models to predict the
effects of anthropogenic and environmental change on
North American Perspective entire ecosystems (e.g. on total productivity), in addition
The emergence of landscape ecology in North America to the more general application of ecosystem science to
was clearly influenced by its success in Europe, which natural resource management (Boffey 1976). Thus, many
had excited the interest of a number of ecologists in of the Allerton Park participants were already, to quote
both the United States and Canada (Figure 1.4B). As one of them, ‘primed . . . for thinking about landscapes in
mentioned previously, the landscape ecology move- terms of flows and fluxes, energy and materials, and
ment in North America can be traced to the workshop management implications’ (Wiens 2008, p. 127).
held in 1983 at Allerton Park, a former estate now over- Given the ecological and systems modeling back-
seen by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign grounds of many of the Allerton Park participants,
near Monticello, Illinois. Most of the 25 invited partici- it was perhaps inevitable that landscape ecology in
pants were from the United States, although individual North America would take on a more quantitative and
attendees from Canada and France were also present spatial modeling character than that of its European
(Wiens 2008). This small group, most of whom were congener (Figure 1.4). The Allerton Park workshop
systems ecologists, formed the nucleus of what became occurred at a time when microcomputers and GIS were
a new movement in landscape ecology (Wu 2013). both in their infancy, but already several participants
The specific developmental pathway that landscape were keen to exploit the opportunities these new
ecology took in North America might thus be attrib- technologies afforded landscape ecology, especially for
uted to a strong founder effect (Wiens 1997), as it devi- analyzing broad-scale patterns of landscape change
ated from its European roots as a result of the particular (Iverson 2007). The need to quantify and compare the

8 Essentials of Landscape Ecology

spatial attributes of landscapes spurred the develop- many European landscape ecologists who study the
ment of new landscape metrics (O’Neill et al. 1988a) as relationship between landscape pattern and ecological
well as spatial modeling approaches to permit the process. Thus, to quote Wu & Hobbs (2007, p. 277):
statistical comparison of landscape data with known
distributions (i.e. neutral landscape models; Gardner It is evident that the European and North American
approaches to landscape ecology have differed
et al. 1987). Patch-based ecological theory, such as the
historically. On the one hand, the European approach
theory of island biogeography, metapopulation theory,
is characterized by a holistic and society-centered view
and patch dynamics theory, provided a quantitative
of landscapes . . . On the other hand, the North
and predictive framework that helped inform initial
American approach is dominated by an analytical and
landscape ecological research into how patch structure biological ecology-centered view of landscapes . . .This
could influence the structure and dynamics of ecological dichotomy, of course, is an oversimplification of the
systems (MacArthur and Wilson 1967; Levins 1970; reality because neither of the two approaches is
Pickett & White 1985). internally homogeneous in perspectives and because
The early focus on natural resource management is both have been changing as an inevitable consequence
also quite telling. Whereas Europeans were principally of increasing communications and collaborations
concerned with the management of cultural land- among landscape ecologists worldwide.
scapes, North Americans were more focused on natural
or managed landscapes, of which vast tracts still These two traditional landscape perspectives have been
remain. Many of these lands are owned and managed variously adopted—and adapted—in other areas of
by the federal government. For example, the federal the world, such as Australia, Latin America, and China.
government owns more than a quarter of the land in Australian landscape ecologist Richard Hobbs has
the United States (28%), amounting to about 2.6 mil- characterized the Australian approach as taking ‘a
lion km2 (Gorte et al. 2012). For comparison, this is an pragmatic middle road which combines both aspects’
area roughly two-thirds the size of the entire European (Hobbs & Wu 2007, p. 7). Landscape ecology in Latin
Union. Most federal lands are located in the western America, whose emergence led to the formation of
half of the United States, where 42% of the land area is three IALE chapters (Argentina and Brazil in 2005,
federally owned, and in Alaska, where 62% of the land and Chile in 2016) likewise appears to have embraced
area is federally owned. Federal lands are held in the both perspectives. For example, the first bulletin for
public trust, and most (96%) are managed for a variety the IALE-Chile chapter (published May 2018) defines
of competing purposes (timber, grazing, mining, recre- landscape ecology as ‘an interdisciplinary science that
ation, wildlife, conservation) by four different govern- studies the spatial variation of landscapes [across] a
ment agencies: Forest Service, National Park Service, wide range of scales,’ but also emphasizes the chap-
Bureau of Land Management, and Fish and Wildlife ter’s commitment to applying landscape ecology to the
Service. The US National Forest System, for example, sustainable use of natural resources and ‘to work and
encompasses 780,000 km2, which is about the size of collaborate on public policies on management issues
the total land area of Germany, UK, Slovakia, Denmark, related to landscape ecology, such as territorial plan-
and the Netherlands combined. In Canada, forest covers ning, ecosystem services and the effects of global change’
about 4 million km2 (equivalent to the size of the ( The development of
EU), and 93% of this forested land is publicly owned landscape ecology in China was similarly influenced
(crown land) and managed under the purview of either by the North American perspective at the outset, but
the provincial (77%) or federal (16%) crown (Annual now appears to be embracing the more holistic
Report, The State of Canada’s Forests 2011). Little won- European perspective that places greater emphasis on
der then that forest and natural resource management landscape planning, design, and environmental man-
should play such a major role in the subsequent devel- agement (Fu & Lu 2006, pp. 239–240):
opment and application of landscape ecology in North China is a developing country with [a] large human
America (Boutin & Hebert 2002; Liu & Taylor 2002; population and diversified environmental conditions.
Bissonette & Storch 2003; Perera et al. 2007). The drive for socioeconomic development is very
strong, and at the same time environmental quality,
Globalization of Landscape Ecology resource usability and ecological security are also
Although interesting from a historical standpoint, these important concerns for the sake of regional sustainable
different regional perspectives should not be taken too development. Therefore, it is crucial to harmonize the
literally, at least in terms of how landscape ecology is relationships between human population growth,
currently practiced. There are many North American regional economic development and environmental
landscape ecologists who are concerned with land-use conservation. Consequently, future landscape ecological
planning and management issues, just as there are research in China should take the responsibility of

An Introduction to Landscape Ecology 9

Social Sciences
Political science
Law (policy)
Architecture and design

Human geography Human ecology

Economic geography Resource management
Regional/urban planning Conservation biology
Transportation Sustainable
planning development


Geography Ecology/Evolution
Physical geography Movement ecology
Regional geography Zoogeomorphology Population ecology
Cartography Paleobiology Population genetics
GIS science Biogeography Invasion ecology
Remote sensing Ecological modeling Disease ecology
Geostatistics (spatially explicit) Community ecology
Systems ecology
Spatial ecology

Figure 1.5 Domain of landscape ecology. Landscape ecology is a multidisciplinary science that occurs at the intersection of
fields in ecology/evolution, geography, and the social sciences.

exploring the complex interactions between human traditional boundaries between science and practice
activities and landscape dynamics under a holistic by promoting the integration of interdisciplinary
landscape framework, in which humans are treated as research with stakeholder concerns about the environ-
landscape ingredients equivalent to other biotic and mental and societal consequences of human land use
abiotic components of the landscapes . . . Many aspects, (Wu 2006).
including ecological, economic and cultural, should be
integrated. The holistic approach is effective in
studying the multifunctionality of Chinese landscapes. Core Concepts of Landscape Ecology
Today, the apparent difference in perspectives on land- From the start, landscape ecologists have emphasized
scape ecology is perhaps less a ‘European versus the structure and function of landscapes and how
North American’ distinction than an ‘applied science landscapes change over time (Forman & Godron 1986).
versus basic science’ dichotomy found in many fields Three attributes are characteristic of all landscapes and
in the ecological, biological, and physical sciences. provide the basis for quantifying and comparing them:
Although this dichotomy is a false one in any science,
1. Landscape structure pertains to the diversity and
it is especially so in landscape ecology. The relation-
spatial arrangement of landscape elements (e.g.
ship between science and practice is reciprocal (Wiens
habitat patches).
2005). The two perspectives are in fact complementary,
and both are ultimately necessary to the science and 2. Landscape function refers to the interaction among
practice of landscape ecology (Hobbs & Wu 2007). these spatial elements (e.g. the flow of energy,
Landscape ecology is a vibrant, cross-disciplinary sci- nutrients, species, or genes among habitat patches).
ence that not only integrates research across the natural 3. Landscape change refers to how landscape
and social sciences (Figure 1.5), but also transcends the structure and function vary over time.

10 Essentials of Landscape Ecology

Research in landscape ecology is motivated by sev- scale-dependent acknowledges that patchiness (i.e. het-
eral guiding principles or core concepts (Wiens 1997, erogeneity) may exist simultaneously across a range of
2005) that are variously related to these three land- scales. Multiscale patch structure may reflect the differ-
scape characteristics. ent scales at which various processes or disturbances
that shape the landscape operate. Such a view also
Landscapes are heterogeneous. By definition, landscapes broadens the definition of ‘landscape,’ and thus the
are mosaics of different landforms, ecosystems, habitat domain of landscape ecology. From this viewpoint, any
types, or land uses (Forman & Godron 1986; Forman type of spatial distribution at any scale could constitute
1995b). While landscapes are often viewed as comprising a landscape. This perspective is important, for it recog-
discrete elements (e.g. habitat patches, corridors, roads, nizes that landscape ecology is not simply ‘regional
water bodies), heterogeneity can also vary continu- ecology’ or ‘broad-scale ecology,’ but a research para-
ously over the landscape, as it does along an ecocline digm for investigating the effect of spatial pattern on
or ecological gradient. Different formative processes ecological processes at any scale. We will discuss this
give rise to different landscape structures, a topic that perspective more fully in Chapters 2 and 3.
we will explore further in Chapter 3. One consequence
of heterogeneity, however, is that elements of the land- Landscapes are dynamic. As the biochemist and science
scape mosaic—the collection of land covers and land- fiction writer Isaac Asimov once famously observed,
use types—are likely to vary in quality or suitability ‘the only constant is change.’ All ecological systems are
for different species. This will be a recurring theme dynamic, and landscapes are no exception. Distur-
in the later chapters of this book, where we deal with bances across a wide range of scales, from those occur-
the ecological consequences of landscape structure. ring over minutes within a few square centimeters
to those operating over tens of millennia across thou-
Landscapes are diverse in form and function. We can sands of square kilometers, have all contributed to the
characterize landscapes based on a diverse array of landscapes we see around us today. Landscapes are
features related to their geomorphology (e.g. moun- thus better viewed as ‘shifting mosaics’ than as static
tainscapes), primary land cover or land use (e.g. forest systems in some sort of equilibrium (Wu & Loucks
landscape), a specific ecological or biological function 1995). Understanding how anthropogenic landscape
(e.g. landscape of fear; Laundré et al. 2001; sound- change compares to the natural disturbance regime,
scapes, Pijanowski et al. 2011), the amenities or com- and whether it fits within the range of historical variation
modities they provide (e.g. agricultural landscape), or for a particular landscape, is important for evaluating
in relation to human occupation and values (urban the potential impacts of human activities on the struc-
landscape; cultural landscape). Landscapes need not ture and function of landscapes. We will discuss this
be landlocked, however. If heterogeneity is a defining topic more fully in Chapter 3. Furthermore, the rate at
characteristic of landscapes, then marine and freshwater which landscapes change may be just as important
systems would similarly qualify, for they also exhibit as—if not more important than—the resulting structural
heterogeneity in the distribution of substrates, habi- changes (e.g. in the amount or configuration of habitat)
tats, resources, and environmental conditions. Thus, for certain ecological responses or landscape functions.
we can define riverine landscapes (Wiens 2002) and For example, species may exhibit a lagged response
marine landscapes or ‘seascapes’ (Pittman et al. 2011). to rapid habitat loss or fragmentation, such that an
These are all ‘landscapes’ in that they comprise spa- assessment of a population’s responses to landscape
tially heterogeneous areas, whose study might there- change might underestimate its actual risk of extinc-
fore benefit from a landscape ecological perspective. tion (Schrott et al. 2005). We will consider the effects of
landscape dynamics on a variety of ecological responses
Landscapes are scale-dependent. Although landscapes
throughout this book.
have traditionally been viewed on human terms, as
areas of broad spatial extent, there has been a persistent Spatial context is important. Given that landscapes are
movement within landscape ecology to define a land- heterogeneous, we can expect that ecological dynam-
scape simply as a spatially heterogeneous area (Turner ics will vary spatially. For example, if habitats vary in
1989) that is scaled relative to the process or organism their suitability for a particular species, then population
of interest (Wiens & Milne 1989). Two species that occur growth rates of that species will likewise vary among
within the same habitat, such as grasshoppers and habitat types. High-quality habitats should support
bison (Bison bison) on the tallgrass prairies of North viable populations, whereas low-quality habitats can-
America, are likely to have very different perceptions of not (Pulliam 1988). Our understanding of the popula-
the landscape in terms of the distribution and availabil- tion dynamics within patches thus requires information
ity of their preferred forage, given the different scales at on habitat quality (in other words, population dynam-
which they each operate. The idea that landscapes are ics are habitat-dependent). However, habitat quality

An Introduction to Landscape Ecology 11

may also be spatially dependent, such that two sites structural sense (e.g. via habitat corridors). Connectivity
within the same habitat might vary in quality depend- can be considered an emergent property of landscapes;
ing on their specific location (i.e. their spatial context). it emerges as a consequence of the interaction between
For example, reproductive success for forest-breeding ecological flows and the landscape pattern (Taylor et al.
songbirds might be higher for individuals that nest in 1993; With et al. 1997). It could thus be argued that much
the center of a habitat patch than at its margins (where of landscape ecology is ultimately concerned with the
nest predation rates tend to be higher), or in a forest measurement and study of connectivity. Connectivity
patch surrounded by second-growth forest than in one is important for understanding the propagation of
surrounded by agricultural fields (where again, nest disturbances across the landscape; the movement and
predation rates are expected to be higher), or in a land- redistribution of organisms, materials, and nutrients;
scape that is still predominantly forested than in one the resulting structure and dynamics of populations;
that has very little forest cover remaining (where nest gene flow and population genetic structure; the spread
predation rates are uniformly greater; Donovan et al. of invasive species and diseases; community patterns
1997). Thus, spatial context may well be important for and dynamics; and ecosystem structure and function
understanding what goes on within individual patches (Chapters 6–11). Thus, connectivity will be a pervasive
(or landscapes), and will definitely be important for theme throughout this book, and an entire chapter
understanding what goes on between patches. (Chapter 5) is devoted to this important concept.
Ecological flows are important. Because spatial context Landscapes are multifunctional. Humans are the princi-
is important, we should anticipate that the nature of pal driver of landscape change worldwide, as land-
the patch boundary and the intervening matrix—the scapes are increasingly being transformed and used for
mosaic of land-cover or land-use types that occurs a variety of ecological, societal, and economic functions
between habitat patches—can influence the magnitude (Ojima et al. 1994b; Vitousek et al. 1997; Figure 1.2).
of ecological flows among patches. Patch boundaries Landscapes are thus multifunctional in that they pro-
may be porous to the movement of certain organisms vide humanity with an array of goods and services.
but impermeable to others, depending on how differ- Therefore, landscape management requires a means of
ent organisms perceive and respond to the structure identifying and resolving the conflicts that inevitably
of the habitat edge, which occurs at the juxtaposition arise in response to competing interests and valuation
of different vegetation communities. The transition systems (Mander et al. 2007). Sustainability is a key
between vegetation types may be abrupt, creating what concept in landscape ecology (Wu 2006) and is the
is known as a ‘hard edge,’ especially if organisms are basis for sound ecosystem and natural resource man-
unwilling or unable to cross that boundary, or may be agement (Liu & Taylor 2002; Bissonette & Storch 2003).
a more gradual transition from one habitat type to the Recall that landscape ecology arose in response to the
next, creating a ‘soft edge.’ Flows may also occur perceived need to manage resources more holistically
between ecosystems, such as across the land-water and at a broader landscape scale. Although we will
interface. Agricultural or stormwater runoff from the consider the management implications of landscape
surrounding landscape is a familiar source of non- ecology throughout this book, the final chapter
point-source pollution in marine and freshwater sys- (Chapter 11) examines in greater detail how principles
tems. However, these flows do not occur in just one derived from landscape ecology can be used to meet
direction, from land to water, but may also occur in the the environmental and societal challenges that stem
opposite direction, from water to land, as in the case of from human land use (i.e. landscape sustainability).
marine subsidies along coastal areas or desert islands
(Polis & Hurd 1996). Asymmetrical flows across patch
or system boundaries can have profound effects on the Organization of this Book
dynamics within, as well as between, patches or sys-
The demands of time and your personal interests will
tems on the landscape. This will be a recurring theme
necessarily dictate how you use this text. Because many
in many of the later chapters of this book, where we
diverse fields contribute to landscape ecology, readers
consider the effects of asymmetrical flows (individual
of this book are also likely to be quite diverse. Thus,
movement and dispersal, gene flow, and nutrient flows;
although the book’s organization represents a natural
Chapters 6, 9, and 11) on various ecological processes.
ordering of topics (at least from the author’s perspec-
Connectivity is important. The notion that organisms, tive), your individual interests and needs will obviously
materials, or nutrients flow to varying degrees among dictate which topics are emphasized, and in what order.
patches or systems on the landscape implies that some The first five chapters cover not only the discipline
areas of the landscape are connected, at least function- of landscape ecology (introduced in this chapter), but
ally, even if they are not obviously connected in a also its major research themes, including issues of spatial

12 Essentials of Landscape Ecology

and temporal scale (Chapter 2), landscape heterogeneity of the basic concepts should focus on the introductory
and dynamics (Chapter 3), landscape pattern analysis sections of the chapter and the chapter summary points
(Chapter 4), and landscape connectivity (Chapter 5). at its end. More advanced students and research scien-
These chapters provide many of the core concepts that tists are likely to benefit most from the more in-depth
will be emphasized repeatedly throughout the remain- coverage of methodologies, analyses, and modeling
der of the book. Chapter 5, on landscape connectivity, considerations featured in most chapters. However,
could be considered a bridge chapter, given that it spans this book is not an instruction manual. Although issues
the domains encompassed by landscape pattern analysis involved in the collection, analysis, and modeling of
in the chapter that precedes it and ecological responses spatial data are discussed, the primary objective is to
to landscape pattern in the chapters that follow. give you the necessary information with which to
Chapters 6–11 consider the ecological consequences evaluate these concerns from the standpoint of your
of spatial pattern for a wide range of processes and own interests, research, or management needs. The
phenomena involving individual movement and dis- intent is to provide an overview of available tools and
persal (Chapter 6), population distributions and dynam- methods, along with some general guidance as to their
ics (Chapter 7), population spatial spread (Chapter 8), use, and then direct interested readers to additional
gene flow and population genetic structure (Chapter 9), resources where they can obtain more detailed infor-
community structure and dynamics (Chapter 10), and mation on the topic.
ecosystem structure and function (Chapter 11). Although Finally, as a pedagogical tool, this book has been
readers should feel free to focus on chapters that are of organized around the way in which these topics are
particular interest, the chapters have been developed presented in my own course on landscape ecology. It is
and arranged in a hierarchical fashion, such that hoped that the discussion questions at the end of each
material in later chapters builds on concepts and chapter will challenge the reader to think more deeply
approaches presented in earlier chapters. or broadly about the topics presented within the chap-
Each chapter provides a mix of basic concepts, ter. These questions can also help facilitate discussion
examples, and case studies along with more advanced within a classroom or seminar setting. Some of these
topics related to the theoretical foundation, quantita- questions can be used for class assignments or as essay
tive methods, or modeling applications relevant to a questions on examinations, and thus might prove
particular area of research. The beginning student, especially useful in that regard for instructors—and
practitioner, or casual reader wishing for an overview students—of landscape ecology.

Chapter Summary Points

1. Landscape ecology studies the reciprocal effects of concern over human impacts on the environment,
spatial pattern (heterogeneity) and ecological especially in the heavily industrialized nations
processes. It emphasizes the structure, function, where landscape ecology first originated;
and change in landscapes over time. (ii) technological advances in remote sensing,
2. The ways in which human land-use activities geographic information systems, and computer
modify landscape structure and function are a processing, which made the collection, analysis,
major research focus in landscape ecology, which and modeling of geospatial data over broad
provides a scientific basis for understanding and regional areas not only feasible, but efficient; and
managing landscapes as well as the goods and (iii) conceptual and theoretical developments
services they provide. within the field of ecology, especially patch-based
theory, a growing recognition of the importance
3. Landscape ecology is a relatively new scientific
of spatial scale for the design and interpretation
discipline, having become established some 35
of ecological research, and a shift away from
years ago in Europe before spreading to North
equilibrium theories to dynamic views of
America, Australia, and elsewhere. Its historical
ecological systems such as landscapes.
roots can be traced back much earlier, however.
The German geographer Carl Troll first coined the 5. Different regional perspectives influenced the
term ‘landscape ecology’ (landschaftsökologie) in early development of landscape ecology as a
1939 in reference to his study of the interaction science. In Europe, the focus was more on
between geomorphology and vegetation patterns land-use planning and the management of
along elevational gradients. cultural landscapes; the focus was thus squarely
human-centered. In North America, the
4. The rise of landscape ecology in the mid-1980s
development of the discipline was more heavily
may be attributed to three factors: (i) an increasing

An Introduction to Landscape Ecology 13

influenced by ecological theory and spatial wide range of scales, and thus landscape ecology
modeling applications, and thus the focus was is not restricted simply to the study of broad
more on the study and management of ecological spatial extents; (iv) landscapes are dynamic, such
landscapes. Landscape ecology has benefitted that the rate of landscape change can be just as
from these diverse perspectives and has matured important as the magnitude of change for
into a cross-disciplinary science that integrates the understanding and predicting its consequences;
natural and social sciences and transcends the (v) spatial context is important for understanding
traditional boundaries between science and the distribution and dynamics of ecological
practice. systems; (vi) ecological flows are important to
6. Research in landscape ecology is motivated by many ecological phenomena and are influenced
eight core concepts: (i) landscapes are by the differential permeability of landscape
heterogeneous, and this heterogeneity is important elements and the nature of patch boundaries;
for understanding spatial processes across the (vii) connectivity is important and emerges as a
landscape; (ii) landscapes are diverse and are consequence of the interaction between landscape
found in aquatic and marine systems as well as pattern and ecological process; (viii) landscapes
terrestrial ones; (iii) landscapes are scale- are multifunctional, which requires that resources
dependent, in that heterogeneity exists across a and land uses be managed sustainably.

Discussion Questions
1. In what ways might regional differences in how organism or process of interest has since emerged
landscape ecology is defined and practiced (e.g. within the field of landscape ecology. Discuss how
the European versus North American perspec- this more general definition of ‘landscape’ affects
tives) contribute positively to the growth and the science and practice of landscape
development of the field? In what ways might ecology.
such regional differences be detrimental? 3. Which of the core concepts in landscape ecology
2. Although landscapes are traditionally viewed as could be applied to the system in which you are
encompassing broad areas of land, a different currently working? How might a landscape
view of landscapes as simply ‘spatially ecological perspective thus prove useful to the
heterogeneous areas’ defined relative to the study or management of this system?

Scaling Issues
in Landscape Ecology

Impressionistic landscape painters of the 19th century were not only masters of
light, they were masters of scale. Up close, the painting in Figure 2.1 is nothing
more than daubs of paint that create mosaic-like patches of color. When viewed at
a distance, however, the colors come together to create the illusion of shadows,
reflections, movement, and the impression of dappled light on shimmering water.
Our ability to perceive the overall landscape is influenced by the scale, or distance,
at which the painting is viewed. The mastery of impressionist painters lies in their
ability to render these visual effects, based on an understanding of how a fine-scale
mosaic of color will ‘scale up’ to create the overall impression of a landscape. Scale
is thus important for creating (and appreciating) impressionistic landscape paint-
ings, but how might scale be important for understanding patterns in actual

Why is Scale so Important in Ecology?

The evolutionary biologist Theodosius Dobzhansky famously said that ‘Nothing in
biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.’ We can just as easily assert that
‘Nothing in ecology makes sense except in the light of scale.’ Patterns are ubiquitous
in nature, and ecological systems naturally exhibit patchiness across a wide range of
spatial and temporal scales. As a consequence, there is no single ‘best’ or ‘natural’
scale at which ecological phenomena should be studied—a fact that is reflected in
the wide range of disciplines that have emerged in ecology, focusing on different
levels of organization across a range of scales, from the behavioral ecology of indi-
viduals to the dynamics of ecosystems. By definition, landscapes are inherently
patchy or heterogeneous, at least across some range of scale. Our perception of
patchiness (and thus of the landscape), as well as our ability to assign the correct
mechanisms to observed patterns, is critically dependent on scale. Landscape ecol-
ogy, perhaps more than any other field of ecology, is expressly concerned with
understanding how scale affects the measurement of heterogeneity and the scale(s)
at which spatial patterns are important for ecological phenomena. This dependence
of pattern on the scale of observation has been called ‘the central problem in ecol-
ogy’ (Levin 1992).

It is argued that the problem of pattern and scale is the central problem in ecology, unifying
population biology and ecosystems science, and marrying basic and applied ecology.
Levin (1992)

Essentials of Landscape Ecology. Kimberly A. With, Oxford University Press (2019).

© Kimberly A. With 2019. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198838388.001.0001

Scaling Issues in Landscape Ecology 15

Figure 2.1 Impressionistic landscape painting. Mill at Limetz by Claude Monet (1888), on display at the Nelson-Atkins
Museum of Art, Kansas City, Missouri (USA).
Source: Art credited in the caption. Photo by Kimberly A. With.

Consider that many pressing environmental problems requires an understanding of how patterns change with
are related to human land use, which occurs at broad spatial and temporal scale, as well as the development
spatial scales and can transform entire ecosystems of methods for extrapolating information across scales.
fairly quickly, with far-reaching consequences. How- In this chapter, we begin with a discussion of
ever, most ecological research is short-term and con- how scale is defined and used in different disciplines
ducted at much finer scales than the regional scale of that contribute to landscape ecology. We next discuss
human land use, producing a scaling mismatch between elements of scale and how different dimensions of scale
the scale of the study relative to the scale of the prob- influence our ability to detect patterns. This then leads to
lem. The patterns and processes we measure at fine spa- a consideration of how we go about defining the appro-
tial scales and over short time periods are unlikely to priate scale for study, and the various factors that
behave similarly at broader scales and extended time ultimately constrain our choice of scale. Because select-
periods. Clearly, our ability to predict the consequences ing the appropriate scale for study might be easier if
of human impacts on the environment requires that we better understood how the system was structured
we be able to extrapolate information across scales of or organized, we briefly consider the applications of
both space and time. An understanding of pattern- hierarchy theory for landscape ecology, including the
process linkages—the study of landscape ecology—thus question of whether the landscape is in fact a level of

16 Essentials of Landscape Ecology

organization in the traditional biological hierarchy. • The grain of the observation set is the finest scale
Finally, we turn our attention to issues involving the at which data are measured or obtained; it is the
extrapolation of information across scales and levels resolution of the dataset, and it applies both to
of organization, and how this ultimately affects our the spatial grain and the temporal grain of the
ability to scale up and make predictions about future study. An example of the spatial grain of an
system behavior (i.e. ecological forecasting). ecological study might be the size of the sam-
pling frame used to measure vegetation, the size
of a net or sieve used to sample organisms in the
Uses (and Misuses) of Scale in Ecology water or soil, or the pixel size of remotely sensed
To geographers, cartographers, and most other people, imagery. The temporal grain of study refers to
scale is the resolution or degree of reduction of a map. the frequency or minimum interval over which
In other words, map scale is the ratio of the distance data are collected (e.g. whether on an hourly,
on a map to the corresponding distance on the real daily, monthly, or annual basis).
landscape. For example, if 1 cm on a map is the • The extent of the observation set refers to over
equivalent of 100 m (10,000 cm) in the real world, then how large an area or how long a time period the
the map scale is 1/10,000 or 1:10,000. If 1 cm on a study is conducted. As with grain, we can
map is the equivalent of 10 km (1,000,000 cm) on the specify the spatial and temporal extent of the
ground, then the map scale is 1/1,000,000 or 1:1,000,000. study. Examples of spatial extent include the
Because the degree of reduction is 100 times greater in size of the study plot (ha) or transect (km) over
the second map, objects will appear much smaller than which data are collected, the regional extent of
on the first map. Thus, maps with a high degree of the study (encompassing the sum total of study
reduction (e.g. a map of North America) are considered plots), or the area of coverage in a satellite
small scale (1/1,000,000 = 0.000001). Conversely, maps image. Temporal extent pertains to the duration
that are large scale (e.g. a street map of New York of a study, in terms of over how long a time
City’s Greenwich Village) present much more detail period the data were collected (e.g. whether over
because the degree of reduction is less (1/10,000 = a single season or several years).
0.0001). Obviously, the total area of coverage will be
less for large-scale than for small-scale maps. There is
thus a trade-off between map scale—the resolution or Relationship between Grain and Extent
amount of detail presented in a map—and the area of Studies involving small spatial extents usually require
coverage. Nevertheless, the distinction between large sampling at a finer grain in both space and time than
versus small scale is somewhat arbitrary; in practice, those conducted at broader scales. Partly this is due to
maps having a scale 1:75,000 or greater (e.g. 1:25,000 or the fact that processes that operate at finer spatial
1:10,000) are considered to be small scale. scales also operate at faster rates, thus necessitating
The cartographer’s definition of scale, however, more frequent sampling. This is a consequence of
is the opposite of how ecologists define scale. To an hierarchical system organization, which is discussed later
ecologist, ‘large scale’ implies an area of large spatial in this chapter.
extent (e.g. an entire mountain range), whereas ‘small The relationship between the spatial and temporal
scale’ refers to an area of smaller extent (e.g. a meadow scaling of ecological phenomena can be depicted as
on one peak in the range). Thus, large scale to a cartog- a space-time diagram. Space-time diagrams were
rapher is small scale to an ecologist. Since landscape first developed by the physical oceanographer Henry
ecology is a multidisciplinary field, made up of both Stommel to highlight scales bounding important bio-
geographers and ecologists, it is best to avoid confu- logical and physical phenomena within oceanic sys-
sion in the use of these terms and reserve large and tems (Stommel 1963), and space-time diagrams are
small scale for map scale (i.e. the scale or ratio of spa- sometimes referred to as Stommel diagrams in his
tial reduction), and instead use the terms broad scale honor (Vance & Doel 2010). To illustrate the processes
and fine scale when referring to landscapes or other involved in the formation of vegetation patterns at dif-
ecological phenomena. This is the convention used ferent scales, Delcourt and her colleagues (1983) adapted
throughout this textbook. the space-time diagram to include different types of
environmental disturbances, each of which operates
Ecological Scale within a particular domain of scale (e.g. the range of
Ecological scale refers to the measurements that bound scales encompassing a particular type of disturbance;
the observation (data) set, which is defined in terms of see Table 2.1), as well as the scale of biotic responses to
grain and extent (Table 2.1). those disturbances. Vegetation patterns thus manifest

Scaling Issues in Landscape Ecology 17

TABLE 2.1 Some scale-related terms and definitions

Term Definition Examples
Grain Finest scale of the observation or dataset; applies to Size of sampling frame; resolution (pixel size)
both spatial and temporal dimensions of the study of remotely sensed imagery; frequency of
(spatial grain; temporal grain) sampling; minimum length of observation
Extent Broadest scale that encompasses the observation Size of the study area (plot size) or total area
or dataset; applies to both spatial and temporal surveyed; duration of study (number of
dimensions of the study (spatial extent; temporal seasons or years)
Scale In ecology, the units of measurement that define the A fine-scale study has a limited spatial extent,
grain and extent of the study system or observation whereas a broad-scale study encompasses a
(data) set; the scale of observation larger spatial extent
Domain of scale Range of scales (grain and extent) that bound a Power-law relationships
particular ecological phenomenon; a scaling
relationship that is linear or constant across a
particular range of scales
Level A system of interacting components in a hierarchically The cell represents a level of biological
organized system; a level of biological or ecological organization, in that cells are made up of
organization organelles, but are also the building blocks
that give rise to specific types of tissues or
Hierarchical In a nested hierarchy, each level or scale contains, and Landscapes may exhibit hierarchical patch
structure is made up of, lower levels or scales structure, in which smaller patches are
nested within larger patches (Figure 2.8)

Hierarchical System of interacting systems in which hierarchical Populations may exhibit hierarchical
organization structure emerges, shaped by the relative strength organization, in that they are made up of
and frequency of interactions among components, individuals, whose interactions lead to the
both within and between system levels emergence of social systems and other
group behaviors; populations also interact
with each other to give rise to source–sink
metapopulation dynamics, which influence
the likelihood that the species will persist in a
given landscape
Scaling up Extrapolation of data or model predictions obtained at Studies of insect movements within
(upscaling) fine scales to infer patterns or system behavior at microlandscapes are assumed to have
broader scales in space or time relevance for understanding the movement
responses and dispersal success of larger
animals in fragmented landscapes
Downscaling Extrapolation of data or model predictions from broad Coarse-scale data on species distributions
scales to infer patterns or system behavior at finer may be used to predict the local occupancy
scales of a species using occupancy-area

across a wide range of spatial scales, from the fine scale types of disturbances responsible for shaping a boreal
of individual plants or populations all the way up to forest landscape (Peterson et al. 1998; Figure 2.3).
the physiographic provinces and vegetation forma- Disturbances in this system include physical ones, such
tions at continental scales, and across corresponding as fire and climatic cycles, as well as biotic disturbances
timescales that range from seasons or years to glacial– resulting from spruce budworm outbreaks and her-
interglacial cycles (Figure 2.2). bivory. In the case of herbivores, the magnitude of the
To illustrate how this can be applied to real sys- effect is very much dependent on the spatial range
tems, consider the space-time diagram for various encompassing scales of movement, from short-range

18 Essentials of Landscape Ecology

Environmental disturbance regimes Biotic responses Vegetational patterns

Global terrestrial vegetation
Plate Evolution Formation zone
tectonics of the biota
Temporal scale (years)

Glacial-interglacial Ecosystem change Formation
climatic cycles Speciation
Soil development Extinction
Species migration Type
Climatic fluctuations Subtype
103 Secondary Stand
Human activities succession
Gap-phase T
Fire regime S
Pathogen outbreak
100 0 *Disturbance events H
10 104 108 1012 100 104 108 1012 100 104 108 1012
Spatial scale (m2) Spatial scale (m2) Spatial scale (m2)

Figure 2.2 Space-time diagram. The spatial and temporal scales bounding different disturbance regimes, biotic responses,
and associated vegetation patterns are represented here by a series of space-time diagrams. Disturbance events include wild-
fires, wind damage, clearcuts, floods, and earthquakes. In the rightmost graph, abbreviations are H, herbs; S, shrubs; T, trees.
Source: After Delcourt & Delcourt (1988).

foraging decisions to infrequent long-distance disper- amounts of data still remains a daunting and time-
sal events, which in turn is a function of body size. consuming task, however.
We’ll discuss the effect of different types of biotic and
abiotic disturbances—and the scales at which they Effect of Changing Grain and Extent
occur—on the formation of landscape patterns more Two locations on a landscape will tend to become less
fully in Chapter 3. similar the farther apart they are in space (and probably
From a research standpoint, most studies are time as well). This is the basis for Tobler’s first law of
conducted at finer scales or are of shorter duration geography, which states that ‘everything is related to
than the ecological phenomena they seek to explain. everything else, but near things are more related than
Inevitably, there is a trade-off between grain and extent distant things’ (Tobler 1970). This is also integral to the
in terms of logistics and sampling feasibility. Studies concept of spatial autocorrelation in geostatistics,
conducted at a broad spatial extent, including many which measures the degree of correlation between two
landscape studies, may preclude fine-scale sampling samples taken at different distances apart, and which
owing to the inordinate demands this would place on will be covered in more detail in Chapter 4. For now,
time, personnel, and funding. For example, it is a prac- we will assume on the basis of Tobler’s law that spatial
tical impossibility (and likely unnecessary, in any case) variance increases with increasing distance (i.e. scale).
to sample a 100 km2 landscape using a 1 m2 sampling In other words, the variability among our samples is
frame on a daily basis. Sampling even a 1 ha plot at this expected to increase, the larger the area and the more
spatial resolution would result in 10,000 data points, distant the locations we sample.
which would be overwhelming, especially if attempted How, then, does changing the grain and extent
on a daily basis. Technology is rapidly closing the gap, affect spatial variance? If we hold grain size constant
however, making the collection of enormous amounts (e.g. we use a single sampling frame of a given size),
of information over large areas at a fine spatial then sampling over a larger area (increasing spatial
resolution not only possible, but even cost-effective. extent; Figure 2.4A) will generally increase the variabil-
For example, Landsat satellite imagery has a resolution ity contained within the dataset because of an increase
of 15 m (panchromatic) or 30 m (multispectral) for the in the number of habitat types or other landscape fea-
entire planet, with a return interval of 16 days, and is tures encountered (i.e. spatial heterogeneity increases).
freely available. The latest high-resolution commercial Thus, the between-sample variation (spatial variance)
satellite imagery provides a ground resolution of 1 m is expected to increase with an increase in spatial extent
or less, but is not freely available. Processing such large (Wiens 1989a; Figure 2.5B).

Scaling Issues in Landscape Ecology 19

1 10 100 1 10 1001,000
cm m m m km km km km

104 10,000 years

103 1,000 years
102 Budworm century
Patch Stand Climate
101 Dispersal & change decade
Crown migration
Temporal scale (years)

El Niño year
Needle Fire
10–1 month
Home waves
range Fronts day

Food choice


10–6 10–4 10–2 100 102 104
Spatial scale (km)
Moose Vegetation
Beaver Disturbance processes
Deer mouse Atmospheric processes
Herbivourous mammals

Figure 2.3 Space-time diagram of the boreal forest. A variety of disturbances, both abiotic and biotic, shape the structure
of the boreal forest landscape. Herbivores such as the moose (Alces alces), beaver (Castor canadensis), and deer mouse
(Peromyscus maniculatus) operate across a range of scales on the landscape, from daily foraging movements to annual disper-
sal events. The impact of these herbivores will thus depend on their scale of space use, which in turn is a function of body size.
Source: After Peterson, Allen, & Holling (1998). Photos: Moose by Ray Dumas and Deer Mouse by Gregory “Slobirdr” Smith (CC BY-SA 2.0 License).
Boreal landscape by Carol M. Highsmith. Beaver photo © Jody Ann/

If we instead hold extent constant, we can increase (a 1 × 1 pixel or window size), the landscape contains
the grain size of our observation set by increasing the numerous patches, both large and small, and appears
‘sampling window’ or ‘box size’ of our analysis using to have a river running along the lower portion of
some type of data aggregation procedure (e.g. averaging the map. As we increase the grain or window size of
data over a larger area to achieve a coarser resolution the analysis, a majority rule is used to assign the value
in the dataset; Figure 2.4B). Increasing the grain of of the most-common cover type within each window
observation or measurement (i.e. a decrease in the spa- to that larger pixel; thus, if 60% of the pixels within a
tial resolution of the dataset) generally results in a 10 × 10 window are agriculture, the entire 10 × 10 pixel
decrease in spatial variance (Figure 2.5A). As grain size would be classified as agriculture. Thus, as we increase
increases, more of the spatial variability inherent in the the grain size of our analysis, patches take on a more
system is contained within each sample (Figure 2.5B). blocky appearance and the smaller scattered patches
As a consequence, samples become more similar to each disappear altogether. At the coarsest resolution (60 × 60),
other as the grain size approaches the spatial extent of we still have the overall impression of the original
the observation set. Thus, between-sample variation landscape, in which the dominant cover types and
decreases with an increase in grain size (Wiens 1989a; largest patches persist. Note, however, that we have
Figure 2.5B). lost some features—the river no longer spans the land-
To illustrate, consider a heterogeneous landscape con- scape but has been reduced to a few ‘pixel puddles,’
sisting of different land-use/land-cover types (Figure 2.6). which disappear entirely if we increase grain size fur-
At the finest scale, corresponding to our data resolution ther (i.e. to 80 × 80 or 100 × 100) (Wu et al. 2002). Thus,

20 Essentials of Landscape Ecology

(A) Changing extent, holding grain constant (A)

Spatial variance (log)



Grain size

(B) Changing grain size, holding extent constant


Spatial variance (log)

in extent
Figure 2.4 Relationship between spatial grain and extent.
Changing the spatial grain and extent of an ecological inves-
tigation can reveal how patterns change as a function of Grain size
scale. For instance, we can expand the scope of our study
simply by increasing the spatial extent, while maintaining the Figure 2.5 Effect of increasing grain size (scale) on spatial
same sampling grain (A). Alternatively, multiscale analyses of variance. (A) Spatial variance tends to decline with increas-
spatial pattern (heterogeneity) typically increase grain size ing grain size. The relationship is expected to be linear when
while holding extent constant (B). the distribution is uniform or homogeneous, but may be
Source: Wu et al. (2002). curvilinear or strongly non-linear depending upon the distri-
bution and scale of patchiness in heterogeneous landscapes
(see variance staircase, Figure 2.7). (B) The effect of changing
increasing the grain size of the analysis leads to a loss of grain size on heterogeneity within versus between samples
information—a decrease in heterogeneity—owing to (grain). The difference between samples decreases with
increasing grain size because more of the heterogeneity
the loss of cover types that were already uncommon on
inherent to the system is contained within the individual
the landscape. In particular, these rare cover types are samples. The degree of heterogeneity (spatial variance)
more likely to be lost when they occur as small scat- within samples therefore increases with increasing grain
tered patches versus as a clumped distribution; if the size. However, changing the spatial extent of the study will
distribution is clumped, patch sizes are larger, which likely lead to an overall increase in heterogeneity, and thus
increases the likelihood that the rare cover type is in the the relationship between spatial variance and scale is shifted
majority at a particular location (Turner et al. 1989b). upward for the between-grain comparison among samples.
We will discuss the effects of scale on the analysis of Source: After Wiens (1989a).
landscape pattern more fully in Chapter 4.
Given that increasing grain size may result in a loss within even larger patches (Figure 2.8). Nested patch
of information, why would we ever wish to do this? structure is expected to exhibit abrupt changes in
Systematically increasing grain size is critical to the spatial variance with scale, perhaps reflecting different
analysis of how pattern changes with scale. In hetero- processes that operate within each domain of scale.
geneous or patchy landscapes, spatial variance does The transitions between these domains are the ‘risers’
not scale monotonically with increasing grain size, but between the ‘steps’ (domains of scale), which produces
instead may exhibit abrupt shifts or transition zones. the variance staircase that characterizes the scales of
These domains of scale may correspond to different nested patch structure in the landscape (Figure 2.7).
pattern-process relationships within each domain or to Understanding how spatial variance scales is ultimately
changes in process constraints that give rise to differ- important for evaluating the extent to which we can
ent relationships as to how spatial variance scales hope to extrapolate information across scales, as from
with increasing distance or grain size (Figure 2.7). For finer scales to broader scales. Patterns that exhibit this
example, patch structure may be hierarchically nested, sort of variance staircase function have a more
in which patches occur within larger patches embedded complicated scaling relationship than those that scale

Scaling Issues in Landscape Ecology 21

1×1 10 × 10 30 × 30 60 × 60

Figure 2.6 Effect of increasing grain size on landscape heterogeneity. As the grain (window size) of the analysis is increased,
spatial information is aggregated to produce a map of coarser resolution. Inevitably, this results in the loss of small, scattered patches
and a reduction in overall landscape heterogeneity (i.e. the number of land-use/land-cover types). The map shown here is a Landsat
image of the central metropolitan area of Phoenix, Arizona (USA).
Source: Wu et al. (2002).

monotonically (e.g. linearly). We’ll return to issues involv- domain of scale. A careless or blind choice of scale
ing the extrapolation of information across scales later in could also undermine efforts to compare results among
the chapter. studies that end up being conducted at different scales,
thus frustrating synthesis and the development of gen-
Choosing the ‘Right’ Scale of Study eral principles in ecology.
Choosing a scale appropriate to the question or phe- To illustrate the problem, consider that much of the
nomenon to be studied is crucial to the success of a controversy surrounding the importance of competi-
study, and thus deserves careful consideration prior to tion in structuring ecological communities in the mid-
embarking on any ecological (or other scientific) inves- 1980s was as much a result of studies being conducted at
tigation. As we shall see in Chapters 3 and 4, the choice different scales as it was due to ideological differences
of scale affects our ability to detect patterns (if that is among the protagonists in this debate, as well as the
the goal of the study), or whether environmental het- fact that other processes, such as predation, also play a
erogeneity is likely to be a ‘nuisance’ variable in our role in structuring communities. For example, two spe-
analysis (if pattern detection isn’t the goal), or even if cies may exhibit a negative association at fine spatial
the data are likely to be spatially correlated and thus scales (e.g. at the scale of individual territories, ha)
violate the assumption of independence that underlies because of competitive interactions, but exhibit a posi-
parametric statistics. An inappropriate choice of scale tive association at broader spatial scales (km2) because
can obscure the relationship between pattern and pro- they have the same general habitat association (Wiens
cess, leading to interpretations or conclusions that are 1989a). Thus, evidence consistent with competition as an
meaningless or erroneous if, for example, the wrong organizing force in structuring communities is evident
process is attributed to a particular pattern, when the in the first study (a negative association between two
process doesn’t even operate within that particular species), but not in the second (the association between
the two species is positive). It is therefore pointless to
argue whether competition is or is not important for
structuring communities without first ensuring that
Domain we are conducting our investigations at the scale(s)
Spatial variance

of scale over which competitive interactions actually occur.

Transition zone So how do we go about deciding on the ‘right’ scale
of study? In planning our study, we obviously need to
decide where we are going to conduct our investiga-
tion, which leads to the first of many scale-related deci-
sions regarding how large our study area should be,
since this will bound the spatial extent of our data or
Grain size observation set. If we desire replication among study
sites, we will need to decide not only how large the
Figure 2.7 Variance staircase. Domains of scale, where individual study sites should be (i.e. plot size), but also
the relationship between spatial variance and scale is linear
or monotonic, are separated by transition zones. Transition
how far apart they should be and thus how large an
zones are abrupt thresholds, which may signify a change in area we will ultimately need in order for the sites to be
the underlying process responsible for the pattern. This par- spatially independent and yet still be similar enough
ticular staircase thus has three domains of scale. to serve as replicates.

22 Essentials of Landscape Ecology

Kansas City
Geographic range
St. Louis


Cluster of glades


of individuals

16km 3.2 km 0.8 km 91 m 9.1 m

Figure 2.8 Hierarchically nested patch structure. The distribution of Fremont’s leather flower (Clematis fremontii) exhibits
hierarchically nested patch structure across a range of scales in eastern Missouri (USA).
Source: After Erikson (1945).

Once that decision has been made, we next need to distribution of the habitat types, land uses, or
decide how we are going to sample within those plots, patch sizes that occur within a given landscape
in terms of the number of sampling points and the or region, or because sites are simply inaccessible
distances between them (if sampling at fixed distance owing to distance, terrain, or land ownership
intervals, such as along a transect). Then we have to issues that prevent access. Time, personnel, and
decide on the spatial grain of sampling, in terms of funding constraints are ever-present realities
what size sampling frame we should use, or within that limit the scope of research, both in time and
what radius (neighborhood) of our sampling points space. We might like to conduct a decades-long
we should survey. Finally, we need to decide on the study of land-use change in a particular region,
temporal grain, in terms of how often we are going to but the funding needed to support our research
sample or make observations, and on the temporal proposal is generally of far shorter duration
extent or duration of our study. Can we perform daily (<5 years) and cannot be guaranteed. Finally, the
surveys, or will once a week suffice? Is this study being availability of equipment or data may also
performed over the course of a single season, or will it impose constraints beyond investigator control.
be conducted over multiple years? For example, satellite imagery might be
Clearly, the answers to these sorts of questions will available, but only at a particular resolution. If a
depend on a number of factors related to the type of finer resolution is needed, it would be nice to
system or organism being studied, the type of data obtain high-resolution images of our study site,
required to address the question of interest, the research but perhaps we do not have the means available
conventions and established sampling protocols, and to purchase them or to acquire these data
various constraints involving time, funding, person- ourselves. We all work with what we have or
nel, and the type of sampling equipment and research can reasonably do within such constraints.
sites available. In practice, the choice of scale often • Research conventions and sampling protocols. Science
boils down to the following: involves the observation and quantification of
• External constraints. These are constraints that natural phenomena. Entire monographs have
dictate the scale of study, both in terms of grain been written about how to sample or measure
and extent, but which lie outside the control of particular phenomena. For example, there are
the investigator. For example, study sites may be books and many scholarly articles written on the
limited in availability, either in terms of the proper sampling techniques, census, or survey

Scaling Issues in Landscape Ecology 23

methods to be used for vegetation, birds, fish, or extent as well as the frequency of sampling and
insects. Because our observations are very much the duration of the study.
influenced by our choice of sampling method, • Arbitrary selection. Sometimes, it must be
this is not a trivial issue. It does underscore, acknowledged, the choice of scale is completely
however, that the sampling protocols or arbitrary. We may have given little thought to
techniques we adopt will also have a large effect the particular scale at which we sample, either
on the scale of our investigation, particularly because we are following established sampling
with regard to the grain of our observation set. protocols (which may have been established
We are obliged to adopt certain sampling without regard for how the scale of sampling
protocols that have been advanced in the might affect our ability to detect specific patterns),
literature as ‘best’ for avoiding known sampling or because we are simply unaware of the
pitfalls—such as sampling error related to importance of scale to our observations (which
insufficient replication, a lack of independence obviously will not apply to the readers of this
among samples, or detection bias. In other cases, chapter). More often than not, the choice of scale
we are bound by tradition in our choice of is informed less by design or an understanding of
sampling scale. For example, the Daubenmire scaling relationships and pattern-process linkages
frame (a 20 × 50-cm quadrat) is frequently used than by our own perception of scale. For example,
to survey ground vegetation cover or a study of population- or community-level
composition along a transect. By setting a lower responses to landscape pattern will likely require
limit to our observations, these frame a broader scale of study than that detailing the
dimensions could influence our ability to detect responses of individuals, although the organisms
patterns or compositional changes in vegetation we choose to study for a behavioral, population-,
that occur at finer scales. On the other hand, the or community-based study will often depend on
widespread adoption of such sampling whether or not the scales at which those
conventions does promote standardization, thus individuals or populations range is convenient to
enhancing our ability to make meaningful our own (Hoekstra et al. 1991). This has
comparisons among studies that are conducted implications for ecology as a discipline, as such
at the same scale. Unfortunately, however, preferences can lead to entire areas of study being
standardization does not guarantee that research dominated by research performed at a particular
has been conducted at a scale that is appropriate scale, or equivalently, on particular types of
to our question or system. organisms or systems (Hoekstra et al. 1991). For
example, most experimental research in
• Personal experience or expert opinion. In the
community ecology has historically been
absence of well-established sampling guidelines,
conducted at fine spatial scales (<1 m to 10 m;
we must rely on our own experience or the
Kareiva & Anderson 1988), which means that
experience of others to decide how best—and at
much of it has been on small organisms, such as
what scale—to sample and acquire the
herbaceous plants, insects, or mollusks (Kareiva
information needed to address our research
& Anderson 1988; Hoekstra et al. 1991).
questions. For example, if we have experience
working with birds in grasslands, we would Sometimes it just isn’t all that obvious what scale we
establish larger study plots than if we were should be sampling. We have to start somewhere, how-
working with birds in forests, because we know ever, and thus we have two options: (1) we choose a scale
that grassland birds have larger territories than that seems reasonable for addressing our questions (i.e.
forest birds and we want to ensure that we will our choice is informed to some degree by experience)
have a sufficient density of birds (or their nests) and that we can feasibly sample (because of logistical,
for study. If we are inexperienced with the funding, or time constraints); (2) we conduct a multi-
system or there is insufficient information to scale investigation that explicitly considers how the
guide us, we might consult with others as to ecological relationships we seek to uncover change as a
how best to proceed. For example, graduate function of scale. The first option need not be detrimen-
student advisory committees and peer reviewers tal to the success of our project—we might get lucky and
of research proposals routinely provide input on chance on the ‘right’ scale. Interesting patterns abound
study design and sampling methods, and this in nature, and it is not difficult to find them at whatever
could easily extend to a discussion of the scale we might choose to look. This underscores the
appropriateness of the investigator’s choice of point that there really is ‘no single correct scale’ at
scale, in terms of both the spatial grain and which to study an ecological system (Levin 1992).

24 Essentials of Landscape Ecology

within our system will require either a systematic

That there is no single correct scale or level at which to de- investigation into how pattern varies as a function of
scribe a system does not mean that all scales serve equally scale (our second option above), or a better science
well or that there are not scaling laws. Levin (1992) of scaling (i.e. the formulation of scaling laws and
other methods for extrapolating across scales). Scaling
Some scales are clearly better than others, however. As laws are featured in Box 2.1, and we will discuss issues
the debate over the role of competition in structuring pertaining to the extrapolation of information across
communities has taught us, it is possible to find contra- scales later in the chapter. For now, however, we will
dictory evidence even within the same system, depend- turn our attention to how hierarchy theory might be
ing on the scale of observation. Competition may be used to provide a better understanding of system
important at some scales but not others, and other pro- structure and organization, based on the scale(s) at
cesses can also give rise to patterns of species-avoidance which system components interact.
that have nothing to do with competitive interactions.
For example, apparent competition occurs when a Hierarchy Theory and
predator preferentially preys on one of two competing
species, giving the appearance that one of the prey spe-
Landscape Ecology
cies is competitively dominant over the other, when it Hierarchy theory is a theory of system organization
is predation rather than competition that is actually that addresses how complex systems arise and how they
responsible for the negative correlation in the density function. Hierarchy theory asserts that interactions
of the two species (Holt 1977). among system components can be ordered based on
Perhaps if we better understood the nature of the frequency and strength of those interactions, and
heterogeneity or spatial variability in our system—the the ordering of these system dynamics gives rise to
scales over which processes operate and patterns different levels of hierarchical organization (Allen
emerge—it would be easier to evaluate which scale is & Starr 1982; O’Neill et al. 1986). Lower levels are
‘best’ for addressing our particular question of interest. characterized by high-frequency dynamics and strong
Achieving a better understanding of heterogeneity interactions. Higher levels are made of lower-level

BOX 2.1 Scaling Laws and Fractals

Ecology has occasionally been accused of suffering disturbance will occur that impacts much of the landscape.
from ‘physics envy’ in its quest for universal laws and For example, natural disasters such as a 100-year flood,
fundamental principles similar to those that govern physical a 200-year fire, a tornado or hurricane, a tsunami, or a
systems. (Of course, the laws of physics also govern volcanic eruption do not happen very often, fortunately. If
biological and ecological systems!) Even in physics, we plot the number or frequency of events as a function of
however, universal laws are not truly universal. Although their size or magnitude, the resulting power-law distribution
Newton’s laws of motion are useful approximations at reveals that small event sizes occur with much greater
the scales and speeds at which most of us operate frequency than large ones (Figure 2.13A). Power laws have
in everyday life, they do not apply at extremely small the general form
scales, at extremely high speeds, or in extremely strong y = αx k . Equation 2.1
gravitational fields; those conditions require the application
of more sophisticated theory, such as general relativity and where x (commonly called the base) and y are two related
quantum mechanics. The mathematical physicist Mitchell measures, and α and k are constants. The constant k is
Feigenbaum has been quoted as saying, ‘The only things referred to as the scaling exponent and indicates how
that can be universal, in a sense, are scaling things.’ Ecology rapidly the relationship increases (if k > 0; Figure 2.13D)
may have few laws (just many rules and generalities), but the or decreases (if k < 0; Figure 2.13A). Power laws are
scaling laws that underpin allometric relationships between ubiquitous in nature, which is probably just as well,
body size and other traits and species–area relationships, since it might be difficult to survive in a world where
are among the few that are generally acknowledged to large disturbances occurred with the same frequency as
be nearly universal. It is therefore worth exploring the small ones.
implications of such scaling laws for ecology.
Fractals: The Geometry of Nature
Power-Law Scaling Fractals are basically a type of power law, in which
Most disturbances that occur frequently on a landscape measured quantities vary as a power of the resolution
are relatively small, but on rare occasions, a very large (scale) at which measurements are made. For example, we

Scaling Issues in Landscape Ecology 25

Figure 1 Fractal landscape patterns. Summer landscapes along the North Slope of Alaska (USA) show various fractal structures,
from the pools and ponds that form atop the melting permafrost (top right) to the dendritic network of braided streams (middle right),
to the rugged topography of the snow-capped Brooks Range mountains (bottom right).
Source: NASA image created by Jesse Allen, Earth Observatory, using data of the University of Maryland’s Global Land Cover Facility.

are all familiar with the fact that the surface area (SA) of an some fractional or fractal dimension between 1 and 2
object increases as the square, and volume (V) increases (e.g. D = 1.6).
as the cube, of length (l). Thus, SA = l2 and V = l3, which Fractals are the ‘geometry of nature’ (Mandelbrot 1983),
we now recognize as the form of a power law. The scaling which is readily apparent not only in the movement path-
exponents here are the familiar Euclidian dimensions that ways of organisms, but also in the complexity of coastlines,
describe basic geometric shapes: D = 0 is a point, D = 1 is the architecture of plants, the rugged terrain of mountain
a straight line, D = 2 is a plane, and D = 3 is a volume. ranges, and in the branching of river networks (Figure 1).
Most properties in nature do not scale as whole It is also apparent in the way that populations increase (or
numbers, however. For example, trees are not perfect decrease), how species diversity changes as a function of
cones, and animals do not move in perfectly straight area (species–area relationships), and in how the structural
lines. An animal’s wanderings are likely bounded in and functional traits of organisms scale as a function of
space (such as by a territory or home-range boundary), body size (allometric relationships). In other words, power
but probably do not fully saturate the entire area so as laws that describe many ecological and biological relation-
to fill the two-dimensional plane. Thus, the pattern of ships are fractal, in that they have a fractal-like design or
movements lies somewhere between a straight line dynamics and are described with a fractional exponent (i.e.
(D = 1) and a plane (D = 2); in other words, it occupies non-integer exponents, such as ¼ = 0.25).
(Continued )

26 Essentials of Landscape Ecology

BOX 2.1 Continued

Fractals also have the characteristic of self-similarity For example, an ecosystem is made up of interacting
over an extended range of scales. That is, the properties species, which may go extinct locally within a patch for any
of the system appear similar regardless of the scale at number of reasons (competition, predation, disease, or
which they are measured or observed; they exhibit scale some environmental catastrophe). Local extinctions happen
invariance. For example, the branching structure of a tree episodically throughout the landscape, but are balanced
or river is fractal to some degree: branches give rise to by recolonization. The addition of a new species to the
branches, which in turn give rise to smaller branches, and system, such as through speciation or the introduction of
so forth. Thus, a branch held upright has approximately a non-native (exotic) species, is a type of local perturbation
the same overall appearance of the larger tree. This that may cause a reshuffling of species at the point of
hierarchical structure is further reflected in the stream-order introduction, but generally has little effect on the ecosystem
system of river networks, which measures the relative size as a whole. As the number of species added to the system
of waterways and also provides a measure of branching increases, however, there may exist a critical point (the
complexity (e.g. two first-order streams come together to critical biodiversity threshold) at which the introduction of a
form a second-order stream, two second-order streams new species has cascading effects across the entire system,
come together to form a third-order stream, and so forth). such as when a superior competitor evolves or an invasive
Rivers and trees do not continue to branch indefinitely, species spreads throughout the landscape, triggering a wave
however, and thus exhibit fractal structure (or approximately of species extinctions (Kaufman et al. 1998). The structure
fractal structure) only across a range of scales. of such systems can be defined by a power law near the
Fractals thus provide a useful analytical framework for critical threshold. For example, the frequency distribution
describing complex patterns and system behavior, and may of extinction events of various sizes is a power law: most
also facilitate the search for general or universal principles extinction events are small (e.g. only 1–2 species go extinct
that govern the structure and dynamics of complex across the landscape) but a few are very large (mass
ecological systems (Brown et al. 2002). extinction events). The system lacks a characteristic scale
in the vicinity of the critical threshold; extinction events of
The Universality of Power Laws and Fractals any size may occur in this domain. At the critical biodiversity
Some power laws, such as the species–area relationship, threshold, however, the system may be particularly
appear to be nearly universal, occurring in virtually all taxa vulnerable to mass extinction and suffer a system collapse
and in all types of environments, which suggests that these (a transition from one system state to another).
may share a common underlying mechanism (Brown et al. To what extent are landscapes self-organized critical
2002). At least three mechanisms have been proposed systems? Many disturbances that shape landscapes, from
to explain the ubiquity of power-law scaling and fractals: the gap-size dynamics of tropical rainforests (Solé & Manru-
(1) the economy of design in resource-distribution networks; bia 1995; Manrubia & Solé 1997) to the size distribution of
(2) self-organized criticality; (3) stochastic processes. landslides (Restrepo et al. 2009) and forest fires (Malamud
Design of resource-distribution networks: Relationships et al. 1998; Ricotta et al. 1999), exhibit power-law scaling
that exhibit power-law scaling may result from certain design that may reflect a process of self-organization. However,
constraints on resource-distribution networks. Resource- forest fires in western North America may conform to a
distribution networks tend to exhibit a hierarchical branching power-law distribution only across a finite range of scales
pattern ending in fine structures of a given size (e.g. capillar- (i.e. they do not exhibit scale invariance), and even then,
ies). The hierarchical branching structure of the network helps only within some regions (Figure 2.13A; Reed & McKelvey
to optimize flows and increase the efficiency of resource 2002).
distribution throughout the network (West et al. 1997; 1999). Regardless of whether ecological systems self-organize
Self-organized criticality: Power laws (and thus to a critical state, it is the opposing nature of key processes
fractals) are considered the ‘fingerprint of self-organized (births and deaths, speciation and extinction, extinction and
systems’ (Solé 2007), where localized interactions among recolonization) that is postulated to give rise to power-law
system components spontaneously give rise to higher- or fractal scaling in the structure and dynamics of these
order patterns and system behavior (i.e. self-organized systems (Schneider 2001).
criticality; Bak et al. 1988). Hierarchy theory is a subset Stochastic processes: Power laws may also result
of complex systems theory. Intriguingly, complex systems from a kind of central limit theorem for multiplicative growth
theory posits that although interactions occur locally, there processes. Many different kinds of stochastic processes,
exists a critical point at which these local interactions can with no connection to critical phenomena, have power-law
propagate to affect the behavior of the entire system (i.e. correlations, for example. If stochastic processes with
they have a cascading or ‘domino’ effect). In this critical exponential growth are stopped (extinguished) at random,
domain, power-law relationships are produced between the then the distribution of that state will likely exhibit power-law
frequency and size distribution of events. behavior (Reed & Hughes 2002).

Scaling Issues in Landscape Ecology 27

systems, but the interaction among these systems is The organism, in turn, may interact with other
weaker and occurs less frequently. individuals of its kind to fulfill certain needs or func-
tions (resource acquisition or reproduction), giving
rise to higher-order group behavior (societies, cultures,
Hierarchical Organization of politics, economies, religions) that in turn may have
Biological Systems broader implications for the type and magnitude of
The biological hierarchy is a familiar example of a hier- effects that a species has on other species or levels
archically organized system (Figure 2.9). Cells are nested of organization within the biological hierarchy. Such
within tissues, different types of tissues make up organs, effects typically involve negative feedbacks that help
and organs are organized into systems that interact and to stabilize these systems, such as when a predator spe-
perform various functions that ultimately contribute cies keeps the population growth of its prey in check,
to the structure and vital functions of the organism. which may have important implications for commu-
Individual cells within a given tissue type interact with nity or ecosystem function as a whole. For example,
each other much more frequently and intimately than the presence of a top predator in a system can help to
they do with cells in other types of tissues, which is not maintain herbivore populations, contributing to higher
to say that cells in different tissues do not interact at all. diversity and productivity of the entire ecosystem.
Hormones produced by one type of cell in a given tis- The importance of these sorts of negative feedbacks
sue or organ (e.g. the pituitary gland) can affect other on system stability and function is illustrated by the
organs (such as the thyroid gland) that in turn may reintroduction of gray wolves (Canis lupus) during the
secrete additional hormones that regulate cell func- mid-1990s to Yellowstone National Park (USA), from
tions elsewhere in the body. Many of these types of sys- which they had been extirpated some 70 years earlier.
tems operate through negative feedback mechanisms During that time, elk (Cervus elaphus) populations in the
that help maintain homeostasis and thus the function- park soared, contributing to overbrowsing of woody
ing of the higher-level system, which is the organism in vegetation, particularly aspens (Populus tremuloides),
this case. cottonwoods (Populus spp.), and willows (Salix spp.).


Leopard frog






Figure 2.9 Traditional biological hierarchy. In the traditional biological hierarchy, landscapes are a level of organization
beyond ecosystems but below the level of the biome or biosphere.
Source: After Sadava et al. (2012).

28 Essentials of Landscape Ecology

The reintroduction of wolves led to the discovery of species to new areas across the globe, these sorts
a trophic cascade between wolves, elk, and woody of positive feedbacks are often symptomatic of
vegetation; in the years since wolves have been reintro- anthropogenic disturbance or ecosystem degradation.
duced, elk populations have declined and woody For example, the combined introduction of the inva-
vegetation, especially cottonwoods and willows, has sive yellow crazy ant (Anoplolepis gracilipes) and a hon-
increased (Ripple & Beschta 2012). The restoration of a eydew-secreting scale insect (Coccus spp.) to Christmas
top predator to the Yellowstone ecosystem has benefit- Island in the Indian Ocean resulted in positive feed-
ted other species as well, including the beaver (Castor back between the two that allowed the formation of
canadensis), an important ecosystem engineer whose high-density ant ‘supercolonies’ (O’Dowd et al. 2003).
numbers have likewise increased since the reintroduc- These supercolonies now threaten the native red land
tion of wolves, probably as a result of the increase in crabs (Gecarcoidea natalis), which the ants are able to
riparian habitat (i.e. cottonwoods and willows). Wolves overwhelm and kill. A reduction in the land crab popu-
thus have a number of direct and indirect effects on the lation has facilitated the invasion of native rainforests
diversity and productivity of the Yellowstone ecosystem. by the giant African land snail (Achatina fulica), which
In other cases, however, positive feedbacks may benefits from increased resources (native seedlings
occur among species, which can lead to the amplifica- and leaf litter) as well as the now predator-free space
tion of system dynamics, causing destabilization that (Green et al. 2011). Thus, a mutualistic interaction
may lead to altered system structure and function, or between two invasive species has contributed to an
even to system state changes, as when overgrazing invasional meltdown by indirectly facilitating the
causes the desertification of grasslands. Similarly, the invasion of African land snails that in turn may be
spread of an invasive species or disease pathogen may having an impact on the diversity and structure of
occur quite suddenly once a suitable vector has been the tropical rainforests on Christmas Island. We will
introduced, a type of positive feedback in which explore the role of positive feedbacks and catastrophic
one introduced species facilitates the establishment or state changes in ecosystems more fully in Chapter 11.
spread of another introduced species. If this process of
species facilitation continues, whereby each new species Structure of a Hierarchical System
introduced makes it that much easier for the next spe- As a consequence of the interactions and feedbacks that
cies to invade, then the end result may be an invasional occur among system components, the system may spon-
meltdown (Simberloff & Van Holle 1999). Invasional taneously self-organize and generate more complex
meltdowns are the result of multiple positive feedbacks structures and behaviors that are considered emergent,
among introduced species that lead to further increases in that they are not simply an additive or constitutive
in the rate at which other introduced species become property of the system (more on that in a bit). For
established, as well as the growing impacts these example, a hierarchically organized system is made up of
introduced species have on community structure and at least three levels—a system of systems embedded in a
ecosystem function (Simberloff 2006, 2011). larger system (i.e. a triadic system; Figure 2.10). We might
Because humans have been responsible, whether thus consider the implications of triadic system organiza-
intentionally or accidentally, for moving and introducing tion in terms of how we go about studying the system.

Level L Level L
Level L–1

Level L
Level L–1 Level L + 1

Figure 2.10 Organization of a hierarchical system. A hierarchically organized system is composed of at least three nested
levels (triadic structure).
Source: After King (1997).

Scaling Issues in Landscape Ecology 29

The focal level (L) is the level of primary interest to the this patchiness is sometimes hierarchically nested, in
investigator. It embodies the range of scales (both spatial which small patches are nested within larger patches
and temporal) that bound the particular phenomenon or that in turn are nested within even larger patches (Kot-
question we are studying. However, the patterns or liar & Wiens 1990; Figure 2.8). Nested patch structure
dynamics of the focal level that we observe come about comes about either because of changes in the types of
because of interactions that occur among subsystems at processes that give rise to patchiness within each do-
a lower level (L − 1), and are ultimately bounded by con- main of scale (different processes, different domains),
straints imposed by a higher level (L + 1). The lower level or because of changes in constraints on a particular
(L − 1) contributes the mechanistic explanations for the process at different scales (same process, different con-
patterns and dynamics we observe within our focal straints). Adjacent levels in a patch hierarchy are more
level, while the upper level (L + 1) provides broader con- likely to interact and to have a greater influence on each
text and gives significance to the phenomenon under other than those that are separated by intervening levels
study. For example, the significance of reproduction can- of patchiness.
not be understood simply by studying the individual Examples of nested patch structure in ecological
organism, but becomes apparent only within the context systems abound. Streams and rivers are the canonical
of population dynamics at the next higher level. example of a hierarchically structured system (Frissell
To illustrate hierarchical organization more fully, et al. 1986; Figure 2.11). Microhabitats are nested within
consider that a metapopulation is a population of larger pools and riffles that in turn make up a stream
interacting populations, and could itself be embedded reach. Reaches are nested within stream segments, and
within a larger system of interacting metapopulations all of the segments together make up the stream sys-
to give rise to regional source–sink dynamics for a given tem. Different processes operate at each scale and have
species. The extinction risk for a given metapopulation different consequences for the structure and dynamics
(L) depends on the balance of recolonization and extinc- of stream habitats and their biota over time (Figure 2.11).
tion dynamics among individual populations (L – 1). Another example is given by the hierarchical struc-
Some populations occur in high-quality habitat patches ture of East African savannas, in which vegetation
that are capable of producing a surplus of individuals; dynamics can be understood by organizing processes
these patches are population sources. Surplus individ- that influence tree density into five nested scales (Gillson
uals might then recolonize population sinks, patches 2004; Figure 2.12). At the microscale, tree density is
where populations have died out, such as within lower- influenced by competitive interactions (e.g. between
quality habitats that are incapable of supporting popu- trees and grasses), fine-scale disturbances such as
lations by themselves. The relative proportion and selective browsing and trampling, and microclimatic
configuration of source and sink habitat on the landscape factors that affect the availability of germination sites.
will dictate the interplay between extinction and recolon- The interaction among these processes in turn gives
ization, and thus whether the metapopulation is likely to rise to local-scale patterns in tree density that are deter-
persist. Different landscapes within a region or within mined by more extensive disturbances, such as fire and
the range of the species (L + 1) will have different propor- browsing damage by elephants, which influence tree
tions of good- and poor-quality habitats, and thus meta- recruitment. Differential recruitment in turn contributes
populations with different probabilities of extinction to patch dynamics at the landscape scale, in which asyn-
risk. The relative proportion of source versus sink land- chronous transitions between grasslands and wood-
scapes, and the degree to which metapopulations inter- lands occur over time to give rise to the mix of trees and
act through long-range dispersal, determine whether the grass that is the savanna landscape. Geomorphic and
species is viable at a region-wide scale (With et al. 2006). climatic factors, including topography, geology, hydrol-
ogy, and rainfall, also influence the distribution of
Landscape Scale or Landscape Level? habitat types across the savanna. This hierarchy can
The terms ‘landscape level’ and ‘landscape scale’ are be extended to the regional scale, where broad-scale
often used interchangeably. To what extent is the land- changes in herbivore abundance due to massive mor-
scape a level in the traditional biological hierarchy, how- tality from disease (e.g. rhinderpest) or hunting (e.g.
ever, and why might this distinction be important for for ivory) can have a profound effect on the regional
the science and practice of landscape ecology? The dynamics of savanna landscapes. Ultimately, the
answer is that this distinction ultimately relates to how savanna biome is limited in extent at a global scale by
landscapes are defined and thus what qualifies as the climatic factors (i.e. the macroscale; Figure 2.12). Thus,
appropriate domain for the study of landscape ecology. by linking patterns and processes across a wide range
of scales, a hierarchical framework provided a useful
HIERARCHICAL PATCH STRUCTURE Landscapes fre- way of thinking about vegetation patterns—and the
quently exhibit patchiness across a range of scales, and processes that shape them—in this system.

30 Essentials of Landscape Ecology

Leaf and
stick detritus
in margin
cascade Sand-silt
over cobbles

bar over

Moss on

Debris Fine gravel

dam patch
Stream system Segment Reach Microhabitat


103 m 102 m 101 m 100 m 10–1 m

105–106 years 103–104 years 101–102 years 100–101 years 10–1–100 years

Tectonic uplift Minor glaciation Landslides Inputs of wood and Sedimentation
Major volcanic eruptions Earthquakes, volcanic Debris torrents and boulders (debris dams) Organic matter transport
Sea-level changes eruptions log inputs Small bank failures Scouring of substrates
Glaciation Large landslides Channel shifts and cutoffs Scouring and deposition Seasonal growth
Climatic cycles Alluvial or colluvial Channelization, diversion, of macrophytes
and dams by humans Human activities
Large dams, diversions,
levees, mining,
groundwater depletion

Ecological consequences

Biogeographic and Shifts in community types Scale of popuation Changes in the structure Fine-scale structure
evolutionary patterns Basin-wide responses processes and distributional and dynamics of fish and dynamics of stream
of stream organisms to changes in aquatic patterns of fish communities communities
and communities communities from Changes in community Behavioral ecology
Cumulative effects management and other composition
of management activities human activities Medium and long-term invertebrates
and human impacts effects of human
activities on streams

Figure 2.11 Hierarchical stream structure. Streams exhibit hierarchical structure in habitats, associated processes, and
ecological consequences across a range of spatial and temporal scales.
Source: After Frissell et al. (1986).

HIERARCHICAL STRUCTURE VS HIERARCHICAL since not all hierarchical systems are nested. For
ORGANIZATION If a landscape exhibits hierarchical example, a food chain is hierarchical, but is not nested.
patch structure, might we then conclude that it is Predators are not actually made up of prey.
also a hierarchically organized system? Unfortunate- The critical distinction here, in terms of assessing
ly, evidence that the landscape exhibits nested patch whether the system is hierarchically organized or just
structure is not sufficient to conclude that it is also hierarchically structured, is to consider whether the
hierarchically organized, although it might be. Recall behavior of the system could be predicted simply as
that levels in a hierarchically organized system come some function of its constituent parts (e.g. as an addi-
about because of interactions that occur at the level tive function). For example, could we predict higher-
below; the level is itself an emergent property of these order system behavior, such as the kind of social or
lower-level interactions. Higher levels are thus not mating system of a species, simply by studying isolated
simply a collection of their constituent parts (i.e. the individuals (as in a lab or zoo), or going further, from
whole is greater than the sum of its parts), especially its skeleton or fossilized remains? The behavior of

Scaling Issues in Landscape Ecology 31

Soil, geology, topography climatic

Temporal scale (years)


Plant–plant Small-scale Severe
interaction, topographic fires,
disturbance variation, fires, elephants, Hydrology,
herbivory other disease,
101 herbivores regional

Annual and seasonal rainfall

10–1 101 102 103

Micro Local Landscape Regional Macro
Desert Savanna Spatial scale (km2)

The limits of the savanna biome are defined by broad-scale
climatic patterms. Climate change, fire, and arboriculture
can all modify the extent of the savanna biome.

Regional scale
Within the savanna biome, regional changes in herbivore
abundance (e.g. because of Rinderpest or hunting for ivory)
can affect tree density.

Landscape scale
Within a savanna region, the type of savanna depends on
topography, hydrology, geology, and rainfall.

Local scale
Within savanna landscapes, patchiness is determined by
local variations in soil, hydrology, and disturbance
(e.g. fire, herbivores).

Within patches, tree density depends on microclimate,
selective herbivory, and microdisturbance. Plant–plant interactions
(e.g. competition and facilitation) also occur at this scale
(plant–plant interactions are represented by double-pointed arrows).

Figure 2.12 Scaling and hierarchical structure of an East African savanna. The distribution of trees is influenced by a com-
bination of geology, topography, and soils; biotic and abiotic disturbances; and weather-related and climatic factors, as
depicted in the space-time diagram. These factors all contribute to the hierarchically nested patch structure of trees across a
range of scales, from micro to macro scales.
Source: After Gillson (2004). Photo by Charles J. Sharp and published under the CC BY-SA 3.0 License.

individuals is more than just the sum of their individ- DISTINCTION BETWEEN SCALE AND LEVEL Although
ual systems and cannot be predicted simply by under- higher levels of system organization necessarily occur
standing the mechanics of how those systems function. at broader scales in space and time, scale is not syn-
Behavior is thus an emergent property of the integrated onymous with level (King 1997). Scale pertains to the
and interacting system of systems, which can best be under- physical or temporal dimensions of the object being
stood in the context of the population and its environment. measured (e.g. m2, yr−1), and is synonymous with the

32 Essentials of Landscape Ecology

scale of observation (i.e. grain and extent). Scale thus as scale is perhaps best explained by King (1997,
has units of measurement. In contrast, level refers to p. 204–205):
level of organization in a hierarchical system; it is an
Reference to the landscape level implies that the
entity or system of interacting components in its own
landscape exists or behaves as a consequence of
right (Table 2.1). Although a level may be character-
interactions among components at the next lower level
ized by a temporal or spatial scale, the level itself has and that it interacts with other landscapes as part of a
no units of measurement. For example, a cell is a level system at the next higher level . . . A landscape is often
of biological organization (Figure 2.9). A cell may be conceptualized as an assemblage of patches. Do these
characterized by its small size and rapid rate of bio- patches interact to form the landscape? Do the holistic
chemical processes (i.e. by the scale at which it oper- or aggregate properties or behaviors of the landscape
ates), but is ultimately defined by its functions (e.g. the (the larger extent) change if the pattern of patches is
type of hormone it secretes) and its relative position altered but the composition remains the same? . . . If
(level) within the biological hierarchy. Cells are made they do, then it may be appropriate to refer to the level
up of organelles, but cells are themselves building of the landscape. . . . Otherwise, if the landscape is
blocks that are able to interact with one another in simply the collection or set of patches, it is probably
ways that give rise to different types of tissues (e.g. more appropriate to simply refer to the (appropriately
nervous tissue). qualified) scale of the landscape.
Given the definition in this textbook of landscape as a
spatially heterogeneous area, we will follow King’s
advice and refer to ‘landscape scale’ rather than ‘land-
‘landscape level’ implies that landscapes represent a
scape level’ throughout this book.
level of ecological organization. Landscapes are generally
placed above ecosystems in the traditional biological
hierarchy, and were defined early on in the seminal [G]ood landscape ecology can be practiced without refer-
landscape ecology text by Forman and Godron (1986, ence to hierarchy theory as a theory of system organization. It
p. 11) as ‘a heterogeneous land area composed of a probably cannot be done without a theory of scale, especially
cluster of interacting ecosystems’ (emphasis added).
spatial scale. King (1997)
If landscapes are made up of interacting ecosystems,
then we might reasonably argue that the landscape
represents a true level of organization in the traditional
biological or ecological hierarchy (Figure 2.9). This rein-
forces the notion that landscapes are ‘large scale,’ which Implications of Hierarchy Theory for
is certainly the conventional perception. Landscape Ecology
If, however, landscapes are defined as a ‘spatially Whether or not landscapes represent a true level of
heterogeneous area’ (Turner 1989), then a landscape organization in the traditional biological hierarchy is
can be defined at any scale relevant to the question, admittedly less important to the study and practice of
process, or organism under investigation. This does landscape ecology than the discipline’s focus on spa-
not imply anything about how landscapes are formed tial patterns and processes. As we have seen, pattern is
or organized, or where they exist (if at all) in the scale-dependent and may exist at many different,
traditional biological hierarchy. From this viewpoint, possibly nested, scales on a landscape. Regardless of
the landscape is scale-dependent and is defined in whether landscapes or other ecological systems are or
terms of its spatial (and temporal) grain and extent. In are not hierarchically organized, hierarchy theory pro-
other words, the landscape it is not necessarily bigger vides a useful framework for thinking about the inter-
than a community or ecosystem, but is instead the action between patterns and processes, and about the
stage on which ecological interactions and processes spatial and temporal scales at which these operate.
play out. ‘Landscape scale’ is thus shorthand for the Hierarchy theory also has heuristic value in scaling up
scale of landscape observation. Landscape in this context information from fine to broad scales, as described in
provides a ‘criterion for observation’ (Allen & Hoekstra the next section. Extrapolating information across spa-
1992), and is a matter of perspective or a methodo- tial scales often involves translating across levels of
logical approach that underlies our scientific inquiry, organization, such as translating measurements on leaf
involving the explicit recognition and incorporation of stomatal conductance to estimate canopy conductance
spatial pattern (i.e. the landscape perspective). of an entire forest stand (Urban et al. 1987). Such trans-
Thus, we should not assume a priori that land- lations may benefit from an explicit consideration of
scapes represent a level of system organization. The the hierarchical organization of the system (King 1997),
distinction between landscape as level versus landscape as it may not be possible to simply extrapolate across
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John's flushed face turned very pale; this was the only
sign of emotion which he gave. He let not a word escape
that might betray his secret to Dick, who, having told his
tale, soon afterwards took his leave.

When Widow Carey came home, full of thankful joy,

with the money, she only thought her son unusually silent
and grave—she believed that this was because he was
weary, but she did wonder not a little that his appetite
should have so suddenly left him.

When Mrs. Carey heard afterwards from the baker of

Dick's engagement to Dinah, the mother guessed what it
had been that had cast a gloom over her son. She never
mentioned the girl's name to John, and it never once
passed his lips. The young man felt that his prayer for
guidance had been answered in wisdom and goodness, but
he could not feel thankful then for the blighting of earthly

But a time was coming when John Carey could not only
submit, but rejoice that he had been kept from the path
that he had wished to pursue; when he could be grateful
from the bottom of his heart for the blows which had nearly
cost him his life, for the sickness which had wasted his
strength, the disappointment which had wounded his heart.

This was when, about a year afterwards, he brought a

bright, happy young bride to his home, and saw his
mother's eyes beaming with pleasure almost as great as his
own; for Jane was the girl of all others whom the pious
widow would have chosen to dwell with her as the wife of
her son.

"You'll give us your blessing, mother, won't you?" asked

The widow took the strong hand which was held out to
her, joined it to Jane's, and pressed both to her happy

"Oh! My children," she cried, "may God—your father's

God—give you both grace to go on as you have begun,
walking hand in hand, as pilgrims to a better home—
cheering each other, and helping each other on the way!
Never forget that all earth can give is nothing without God's
blessing; that blessing gives peace and hope in this life, to
be followed by perfect bliss with Him in whose presence is
fulness of joy, and in whose right hand are pleasures for



The Lonely Cot.

LONELY was the little cottage in which dwelt Silas

Mytton, the hewer and chopper of firewood. It stood in a
corner of a heath, with not another house near it, and all
the winds could sweep over it unchecked from every
quarter. It was a small patched-up place, with one little
window at the side of the door, and above it another
peeping from under the low thatched roof. The cottage had
been scarcely large enough to hold Silas, his wife, and their
five children; but now Mrs. Mytton was dead, and the eldest
boy had gone to sea.

The common looked pleasant enough in the summer,

when the blossoms on the flags showed like white feathers
round the patches of water, and the heather purpled the
ground, and yellow furze dotted it with gold, and geese fed
there, and donkeys browsed, and butterflies fluttered over
the honied wild-flowers.

But a very dreary place looked the common in winter,

when the heath was brown, and the blossoms dead, and the
patches of water grew broader and larger, and all around
them was swamp, till sharp frost turned the water into ice,
and the north wind rushed wildly across the waste, and
covered it with snow. Mytton's cottage was then a dreary
abode indeed, for seldom did any one care to go near it,
and the wind not only swept over but through it, at least so
it seemed to the dwellers therein.

There was a little thatched out-house or shed in front of

the cottage, and from thence, hour after hour, as long as
daylight lasted, might be heard the sound of chopping up
wood. It was by this, that Mytton gained his living; for,
except in harvest-time, and then rarely, he never worked as
a day-labourer for any of the farmers around. Wood-
chopping seemed to come as natural to the Mytton family
as flying does to birds, or swimming to fishes. Mrs. Mytton
had been chopping in the shed but the day before she died,
and on the evening after the poor woman's funeral, when
her sorrowing family returned from the churchyard, they set
to chopping again. Mytton might be seen constantly at
work, with his shirt-sleeves rolled up to his elbows, showing
his hairy freckled arms as he steadily plied the hatchet.

He was a hard-featured, stern-looking man, with rough

grizzled chin, and cheeks shaven but once a month, and his
appearance was that of one who had had a long struggle
with want and care. Mytton's trials, however, had rather
soured than subdued him; he was a prouder man in his
cottage than Sir Marmaduke in his castle. The wood-
chopper was wont to tell his children on winter evenings
how his grandfather's grandfather had been a gentleman,
and a mighty rich one too, who had owned more acres of
land in Shropshire than there were sedges round the pool;
who had kept twenty hunters in his stables, and had gone
up to London once every year in a family coach drawn by
six fine grey horses.

The little Myttons, shivering in their cold cottage, used

to listen to their father's accounts of such grandeur in
bygone days, much as they would have listened to fairy
stories. They knew that they neither fared better, nor
worked the less hard, because they bore the name of some
grand squire who had lived at a time which seemed to them
as far back as that of the Deluge. The fine family coach was
to the young wood-choppers much the same kind of thing
as that which Cinderella's fairy in the story made out of a
pumpkin. When the tale had been told, the cottage children
went to their beds, and thought very little more about the
grandeur of olden times.

All but Amy, the eldest girl, a shy and thoughtful child,
with large forehead and earnest brown eyes, which seemed
never to rest on the objects near her, but to be looking for
something beyond. As Amy's eyes, so was her mind; in her
secluded cottage home, the girl was living in a little world of
her own.

When scrubbing the tile-floor, or mending the linen, or

chopping wood (for girls as well as boys passed most of
their time at this work), Amy's thoughts were full of fancies
suggested by her father's winter tales. She was imagining
the grand times come again—her father living in a turreted
castle ten times as large as Sir Marmaduke's dwelling, and
her brothers—Silas, Ned, and Joe—each mounted on a
prancing white horse with trappings of gold; and her dear
mother dressed out in satin and gems, giving out loaves
every Sunday to hundreds and hundreds of the poor. These
were but foolish fancies, and Amy would have been
ashamed to have told them to any one but little May, her
youngest sister, who would open wide her blue eyes and
think how delightful it would be to ride in a carriage, and
eat roast meat every day in the week!

Amy's foolish day-dreams only lasted till the time when,

at a lady's request to her parents, she attended a village
school, which was nearly two miles from her home. Then
every day the little pale girl, with her bag on her arm, might
be seen crossing the common. Amy was the quickest and
most willing of scholars, her lessons were always well
learned, she was ever ready with her answers, and the
teacher regarded as her best pupil, the thin, stunted, sickly
child, who seemed to take in the meaning of everything
with her eyes.

These were very happy times for poor Amy, though the
walk to and from the school was almost too much for her
strength, and wearily she dragged her limbs along before
she reached her father's cottage. Amy was ill-clad and ill-
fed, her frame had never been hardy; with her nothing
seemed to grow but her mind. At the age of twelve, which
was hers when my story opens, Amy was little taller, and
scarcely as heavy, as her sister May, who was but half that

Amy's happy school-days had not lasted for long. After

the sudden death of her mother, the eldest girl of Mytton
could no longer be spared from home. She must, young and
fragile as she was, do the cleaning and cooking, the
washing and mending, and help with the chopping besides.

Amy never complained, and seldom cried except at

night when every one else was sleeping, but she felt her
mother's loss keenly. She felt also her own weak health, for
her strength was ebbing away day by day. Still the poor
child went on with her labour as long as her small thin
fingers could work; till one day she almost fainted in the
shed, and never more was the chopper to be lifted by Amy
Mytton. She did what she could in the cottage, but that little
grew less and less; a terrible cough racked her frame; her
head drooped as if its weight were too much for her
strength to support, her appetite totally failed her, and Amy
could never keep herself warm.

Mytton did not appear to see the change in his

daughter, or, if he did, it aroused his impatience, not his
tenderness; indeed there was little of tenderness in the
nature of Silas Mytton.

"I wish that you would get rid of that trick of barking,
child!" would be the almost angry exclamation of the father,
when disturbed by the cough which had broken Amy's rest
half through the night.

If, when he drove his bundles of wood in a donkey-cart

to the town, any one who knew poor Amy inquired after her
health, "Oh! she's well enough," he would say. Or, if he
could not say that, Mytton's answer would be, "The child's a
bit pinched with the cold, but she'll be all right in the

But spring came, and Amy was not all right: the March
winds seemed to chill her slight frame, even more than the
hard frosts of winter. With a bitter spirit Mytton saw his
pale, patient little girl gradually fading away.

"If she'd common comforts, she would do well enough,"

he would mutter. "If she had a rich man for her father, she'd
not live in a cottage which lets the wind in like a sieve,
she'd be wrapped up in velvets and shawls, and have a
score of doctors, and they'd soon get the little one round."

Mytton fell into the common mistake of thinking that

money could do everything, and this had the effect of filling
his soul with malice and envy towards those better off in
the world than himself, as if what the rich possessed were
something taken from the poor.

Mytton had the savage feelings of a man who thinks

that he has been pushed out of a place which is his by right,
and Amy learned to dread anything recalling to her parent
what his grandfather's grandfather had been in the past, for
it always put him out of humour with everything in the
present. Mytton would growl at his hard fare, abuse every
one above him in social position, or, if he were in a silent
mood, hack savagely at his wood, looking as if it were by no
means the only thing which he would willingly chop into

Amy's brothers and little sister were so much

accustomed to hear her cough, and see her feeble and
sickly, that it never entered their minds that her illness
might end in death. They had never known Amy strong, and
the change in her was so gradual, that the children who
were with her day after day scarcely noticed it at all.

One March morning, however, little flaxen-haired May

came to her sister with a perplexed and rather troubled
expression on her round, chubby face.

"Amy," she said, laying her thick sun-browned fingers

on the wasted hand of her sister, "when Mrs. Gapp was here
about the wood, what do you think I heard her a-saying to
her husband 'bout you?"

"What was it, dear?" asked Amy.

"She looked at you sad-like and said, (she didn't know I

was a-hearing,) 'She's not long for this world,' says she,
and Gapp, he answered nothing, but he nodded his head so
gravely. Amy, what did she mean?"

A light delicate flush rose on the pale cheek of Amy, and

a strange brightness came into her eyes. She raised them
for a moment towards the blue sky, and then turned them
earnestly, not sadly, on her young sister.

"Did she say that?" asked Amy, softly.

"What did it mean?" repeated May.

"That I may soon go—where dear another has gone,"

murmured Amy, folding her thin little hands, and again
glancing up at the sky.

May, child as she was, was startled at the words and the
look; for the first time it flashed across her mind that her
sister must be very ill.
"You must not go—you shall not go—we can't spare you
—we can't do without you!" cried May, throwing her arms
around her sister, as though to imprison her in their tight,
loving embrace.

One thought possessed the mind of the little rustic for

all the rest of that day, how could she make Amy well? The
child was chidden by her father for being hours absent from
the wood-shed, "after some mischief," as he said, when
poor May had only been employing her clumsy fingers in
stitching up her own pinafore into a pillow-case, and tearing
up paper to stuff it, so that Amy's languid head—that head
which so often was aching—might have a cushion to rest
on. It was with great triumph that May carried her pillow to
Amy in the evening; to have made it all by herself was a
feat, to have invented it was an effort of genius, and the
child thought that her cushion must work a wonderful
charm on her suffering sister.

"Is it not nice—does it not make you feel so comfy?"

asked May, as she placed her somewhat flat and limp paper
cushion over the back of the wooden chair upon which Amy
was seated.

"It is very nice, very comfy, I shall prize it so dearly, for

it is stuffed with love," replied the sick girl, with a faint but
pleasant smile.

Treasure Found.
ON a bright sunny morning in the beginning of April,
Silas Mytton harnessed his donkey to the cart, and led it to
the shed, where he and his two younger sons loaded the
cart with the bundles of wood on the sale of which their
livelihood depended. The air was mild; Amy's chair was
dragged by May to the doorway, where the sunbeams came
streaming in; and there the little invalid sat watching her
father and her brothers, Joe, the elder of the two boys,
standing in the cart to receive the bundles that were tossed
up to him, and pile the firewood in something like order. It
was always with goodwill that the boys helped to load the
wood-cart, for on the days when it went to the town, the
noise of chopping was silenced, and the axe and knife might
lie still on the block in the shed.

"Hard work they've cost us, and little enough they'll

bring us!" muttered Mytton, as the last bundle was put on
the top of the rest. He gave a blow with his stick to the
patient donkey to make it move on, and slowly the wood-
cart creaked along the rough road across the common, Silas
Mytton walking beside it.

May followed it awhile with her eyes, and then ran up to

her sister.

"Amy, you're better, much better!" cried the affectionate

child. "I know you'll soon be quite well."

"What makes you think so?" asked Amy.

"Oh your eyes are so bright, and you look so happy—

happier than you ever have looked since mother died, and
Silas went off to sea."
"I am happy, I was having such pleasant thoughts," said

"I daresay you was telling yourself a nice story, such as

you used to tell me," observed May, "about our being very
rich and grand, and wearing—oh I such fine clothes! Very
different from this old thing!" added the child, laughing, as
she touched her father's fustian jacket, which lay across
Amy's knee.

The sick girl had been attempting to put a patch on one

of the sleeves, but the weight even of an old garment
wearied her wasted arms, and she had put it down on her

"I was thinking of royal robes—white and shining, like

those beautiful clouds up yonder," said Amy, softly, "and
crowns all glittering like the dew on the grass, when the sun
is shining upon it."

"For us to wear?" asked May.

"Yes, for us to wear," replied Amy; and again that

expression of peace and joy which, had struck her little
sister before, lighted up the sick girl's sunken features.

"Oh! Amy, I want you to tell me a story, like as you

used to do," cried May, with eager pleasure. "There's father
gone away with the cart, Joe and Davy are off to see if they
can't find a bird's nest in some hedge-row, there's no one
here but you and me, and won't we be cosy together! I'm
going to make another pillow, for that one's got a bit flat;"
(rather flat it had been from the first, notwithstanding being
often beaten up by the thick little fingers that had made it.)

"Look, I'll bring the three-legged stool and sit at your

feet," continued the child; "but first I'll run and get some
paper to tear up into bits—I know where I can find some,
quite enough for a tiny pillow."

Away ran the little cottager, cheerful and blithe as the

bee that was humming over the common on that sweet
morning in early spring. Her fears for her sister had quite
passed away—childhood is seldom long burdened with
cares. And the discovery of an old bag which might, with
very little trouble, be turned into a tiny pillow-case had
sufficed to make May quite happy.

The child soon returned to Amy, holding up with one

hand her print dress, so as to enable her to early in it a
supply of loose pieces of paper, which she intended to tear
into fragments for stuffing, while with the other hand she
dragged the three-legged stool which was to serve as her

"I must take care that the wind does not blow all my
paper away!" cried May, as the breeze which she met at the
cottage door sent some fragments fluttering behind her. "I'll
sit with my back to it—just here; or, stay—please hold my
papers for me, Amy, while I run for the bag to put the little
bits into as fast as I tear them up, or they'll be blown all
over the common."

When May returned with the bag, she found Amy

eagerly looking over the papers which had been left in her

"Oh! May, darling, where did you find these?" exclaimed

Amy, without raising her eyes from her occupation, as soon
as she heard the step of her little sister.

"In the boys' room," replied May; "them papers was all
turned out of the old box that Joe made into the hen-roost;
it was full of dirty old papers that warn't no use to nobody."
"No use!" exclaimed Amy, with unwonted energy. "Oh!
May, look—look—here are leaves from a Bible, from God's
own Word! I am so happy, so thankful to get them!" And
the sick girl pressed a fragment, yellow with age, to her

"I thought you'd a whole Bible of your own—what you

got at the school as a prize," said May, who did not share,
nor understand the pleasure of her sister on finding a few
torn leaves.

"I gave it to Silas, 'twas my parting present, and oh!

How I've longed for a sight of a Bible since!" exclaimed
Amy, whose affection for her brother had led her to make
what had been to her a sacrifice indeed. "And now God
sends me these precious papers! Let's gather out every
piece, May, that has any of the Word printed upon it."

"Not such a little scrap as this surely," said May, picking

up a small fragment that had fallen on the ground.

"Let us see what that little scrap holds," said Amy, and
taking it from May she read aloud, "'an inheritance
undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven
for'—" *

Here the paper was torn, it contained but a part of a

verse. But the gaze of Amy rested on it with joy as she
cried, "May, May, these few words describe what we look
for, long for, the Home prepared up above!"

* 1 Peter i. 4.

"I don't know what they mean," said May; "what is that
long word ''heritance?'"
"It has something to do with coming into property, I
think," replied Amy. "Don't you remember what father said
yesterday evening about the great inheritance in Shropshire
which some one of our name had a long long time ago?"

"Oh! That meant the great house, with all the hundreds
and thousands of acres about it that we hear about, but
never see!" laughed May.

"But we believe—we believe that there is such place,"

said Amy.

"I don't care much about it, for I know I shall never
have it!" cried May.

"But if you believed that you might have it, that you
certainly would have it one day, that it had been bought and
was reserved—that means kept for you, would you care
then?" asked Amy, with an eagerness which brought on a
violent fit of coughing.

It was some time before she had recovered her

breathing sufficiently to enable her to go on with the
conversation. As soon, however, as Amy could speak, she
continued, but in a fainter tone, "Now, May, this is just what
I believe about the inheritance in Heaven, undefiled, and
that fadeth not away. I believe that there is a bright, happy,
glorious Home which the Lord Jesus bought for us, for me,
for you, with His own precious blood, and which He is
keeping for us, until He has made us ready to enter in, and
dwell there for ever."

"You mean when we die?" said May very gravely,

looking full into the pallid face of her sister; the fear which
she had dismissed was rising up again in the mind of the
"Oh! What is dying to a Christian! It is going home—
getting possession," cried Amy, faintly but joyfully. "His
treasure is in Heaven, and he is going to enjoy it! You
should have heard, May, how our teacher used to speak of
the beautiful land above!

"'There fairer bowers than Eden bloom,

Nor sin nor sorrow see—'"

Again the cough interrupted the words of the young

invalid. Amy, after the fit was over, leaned back on her
pillow in a state of exhaustion.

May ran and brought her some water; Amy drank it,
and smiled.

"You must not speak, it makes you cough so," said May.

"I mayn't have much time left for speaking, darling,"

faltered Amy; "and I wish so much to tell you things that
may make you happy, as I am, when God has taken me up
to my Home. May, what does it matter now to that Mytton
who lived so long long ago that he was so rich and so great,
had servants and horses in plenty, and all else that money
could get! He had his inheritance, but he could not keep it,
he could not take anything with him into his grave."

"But he may have been a good man," observed May,

"some rich people are good, you know."

"If he was a real, true Christian, as I hope he was," said

Amy, "then he left his earthly inheritance for one ten million
times better! See, May, see, here is another description of it
in this leaf torn from the Bible; listen how beautiful it is:

"'The street of the city was pure gold, as it

were transparent glass. And I saw no temple
therein, for the Lord God Almighty and the
Lamb are the temple of it. And the city had no
need of the sun, neither of the moon to shine in
it; for the glory of God did lighten it, and the
Lamb is the light thereof.'" *

* Rev. xxi. 21, 22, 23.

"Who is the Lamb?" asked May, who had listened with a

kind of wondering awe.

"The Lord Jesus Christ," replied Amy, pronouncing the

sacred Name with reverence. "He is called the Lamb,
because as a lamb was killed by the Jews in the old-old
times as a sacrifice for sin, so the Blessed Saviour was
killed as a Sacrifice for the sins of all mankind. He is 'the
Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world.' † That
is the wonderful history which I used to read in my Bible.
May, the Lord suffered, willingly suffered all the pain that
cruel men could inflict, that He might wash away our sins,
and make us the heirs of Heaven. Was not that wonderful
love! He lay, as a Babe, in a manger, and died, as a Man, on
a cross, that we might dwell in glorious mansions and live
for ever and ever. Was not that love—oh! Such love!"

† John i. 29.
Amy closed her eyes, and May, glancing up at her sister,
could see that their lashes were moist with tears.

The little child laid her hand upon Amy's. "We will love
the Lord too," said she.

Amy opened her eyes, and, smiling on May, softly

murmured, "'We love Him because He first loved us.' * It is
so sweet to love the Lord Jesus, and rest on His love; to
serve Him now, and then see Him, as I hope to do—very

* 1 John iv. 19.

There was nothing more said on the subject at that

time. May busied herself in carefully separating every
fragment of the torn Bible from the rest of the papers which
she had brought, putting "the holy words," as she called
them, into her bag.

Amy intended to stitch them all carefully together, to

keep as a treasure, when she should have strength to sort
and arrange them. In the meantime, the few verses which
she had read to May were as manna for her soul to feed on.

In her coarse, faded black print dress, seated at the

door of her humble home, with deadly sickness upon her,
the cottager's child felt happy and rich; was she not,
through redeeming love, an heir of the kingdom of light and
glory? Yea, far firmer than the mountains stands the
promise of Christ to the lowly believer, "Blessed are the
poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." †

† Matt. v. 3.
A Search.

"HOW late father is of coming back," cried Joe, as he

entered the cottage, flushed and heated, after a long
ramble with his brother. Sunburned little peasants were
they, clad in coarse garments which, with their rough wear,
gave plenty of work to Amy's thin fingers.

"You've been a-clamberin' and scrambling about,"

observed little May. "Joe, your smock is torn right down the
side, and, David, the brim is nigh off your straw hat—a bit
o' yer hair is sticking through."

"You'll give a stitch or two, and make the old thing hold
together!" cried David, tossing the hat to Amy. "It ain't fit
for a scarecrow. That rich old Mytton, as father talks on,
he'd ha' stared could he ha' seen what his grand-grand-
children would ha' come to!"

"Oh! That old Mytton, I think he was the man in the

moon!" laughed Joe. "I don't believe a word about that big
carriage and six grey horses. But I say, what's become of
father, I thought he'd ha' been back afore now."

"I hope father's sold the wood, or won't he be in a way,

and won't we catch it!" cried May.
"He was going not only to sell but to buy at the town,"
observed Amy. "Father promised to get a nice new bit of
print for you, May, for I told him I'd mended and patched
that frock of yours as long as I could, but that now it's all
coming to pieces, let me do what I will, it's so old."

"I don't think as how it ever was new!" cried Joe. "You
wore it at first yourself as long back as I can remember,

"Ah! There's father coming! I can see him over the

common!" exclaimed May eagerly, for the purchase of a
new frock was a great event to the child.

"And there's no wood left in the cart, I'm glad of that,"

observed David. "But sure Dobbin must be lame, he's a-
going so slow. There's father a-whacking him well; but he
don't go much the faster."

The sound of Mytton's blows on the back of the patient,

plodding creature always gave pain to Amy's kindly heart.
She would never have willingly inflicted pain on any of
God's creatures, least of all upon one that had long and
faithfully served her.

The children went out to meet their father, all but Amy,
who was so feeble that to rise unaided from the chair upon
which she was seated was an effort almost beyond her
strength. The poor girl could tell from the tone of Mytton's
voice before he entered the cottage that he was out of
temper, and inclined to quarrel with all the world.

"Take the beast out of the cart, boys; he's not worth the
thistles that he crops! I don't believe I could get five
shillings for the lazy brute if I sold him to-morrow. And
there was Sir Marmaduke, with his two spanking bays,"
continued Mytton, as he crossed the threshold of his humble
little dwelling, "whirling along the highway, covering me
with his dust, and nigh driving over cart, donkey, and all; a
fellow whose grandfather was a manufacturer, and spun all
his money out of sheep's wool!" Mytton threw himself down
on a seat, pulled off his felt cap, and wiped his heated brow
with his hand; a handkerchief was a thing of which he did
not boast the possession.

"Did you buy the print for me, father?" cried May, who
had followed Mytton into the cottage.

"No," the man answered sharply.

"Oh! You forgot it!" exclaimed May, in a tone of


"I didn't forget it, I was in the shop, the fellow behind
the counter was just going to serve me, when a fine open
carriage pulls up at the door, and Sir Marmaduke flings the
horses' reins to his liveried lackey and gets out. Of course, I
had to stand back to let the fine gentleman pass, I whose
ancestor kept a coach-and-six, when he, maybe, was a-
running barefoot behind it!" Mytton looked unutterable
scorn as he spoke. "He'd come to ask after the yellow satin
he'd ordered for his drawing-room curtains; yellow satin,
forsooth! Every yard of it costing as much as I'd earn in a
week by my labour! I didn't choose to stand there waiting
till a sneak of a shopman had done bowing and fawning and
smiling to the great man, whose fortune had sprung up like
a mushroom, so I turned on my heel and went out. I'm as
good a man as Sir Marmaduke any day, for all his
swaggering pride!"

Any one who had seen the sneer on the lip of the
peasant might have guessed, and would have guessed truly,
that there was more of pride under his blue smock, than

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