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Authored by: Year 6 Team

Dear BCI Parents, Guardians and Students,

Welcome back to a new and exciting term! We hope you had a restful and enjoyable holiday season. As we
embark on Term Two of the 2023/2024 Academic Year, we want to extend our warmest greetings from the BCI team.
At Beacon College International, we are committed to fostering a dynamic learning environment where every learner
can thrive academically, socially and emotionally. We believe that the collaboration between home and school is
crucial to the success of our learners and we appreciate your continued support in their educational journey.

We ask that you guide and support your child’s learning by ensuring that he/she:
1. Attends school daily and arrives on time, ready for the day’s learning experience
2. Completes all homework assignments given by teachers
3. Share school experiences with you so that you are aware of his/her school life
4. Informs you if he/she needs additional support in any area or subject
5. Knows that you expect him/her to succeed in school and go on to college

I want to thank you for all your contributions to BCI thus far. Each of you makes this place the unique and thriving
community it is, and I feel privileged to be on this journey with you. I look forward to working with you in the coming

In this publication you will find the following:

• Guiding Statements
• A summary of the course content for Term 2
• Homework schedule
• Academic calendar
• Important information
• Exam Timetable

For further clarifications on any other issues or to discuss matters relating to your ward, please call the numbers below
or book an appointment with the Acting Principal.

Best wishes,

Year 6 Blossom Class Teacher Year 6 Tulip Class Teacher

Mr. Emmanuel Tetteh Ms Rosemond Mensah/ Mr Isaac Amamo
(Mathematics Teacher) (English Teacher)

Guiding Statements

Children in the Upper Primary are encouraged to become more proactive and resourceful learners. Our students will
learn to reflect on their progress, as they grow in confidence and self-knowledge.

Learning in Upper Primary

Our approach to learning is informed by our core values and philosophy of learning. Our commitment to BCI
characteristics and High-Performance Learning are key elements, which place a focus on our vision, mission and

BCI’s Vision:

We are dedicated to providing a firm foundation and inspiration for a challenging, demanding and fulfilling life in
which each individual can discover and develop their gifts, find their inner balance, make true friends and be enabled
to contribute to and act for their common good.

BCI’s Mission:

We have high expectations of ourselves and of others with regard to behaviour, learning, achievement, personal
development and wellbeing.

BCI’s Objective:

To deliver a broad curriculum in a stimulating and rigorous manner and uphold high academic standards and
encourage the creativity and excellence necessary for success in life.

In addition to our strong core values in our vision, mission and objective, we also take seriously the Cambridge
Assessment International Education (CAIE) learner attributes in teaching and learning which are stated below:

Confident Responsible Reflective

Innovative Engaged

All students of BCI are encouraged to have neat and simple hairstyles. Girls: They can have short hair, corn roles and
simple braids. Wigs, heavy long extensions and coloured hair are not allowed in school. Accessories must be minimum
and in white, blue and black.

Girls: must make sure that their hair does not fall below their eyes for it hinders in their reading and writing activities.
Boys: They are encouraged to have short and neat hairstyles. Colouring of hair is not allowed.
Uniform and PE Kits
Uniform material, School crest and the PE Kits can be purchased from the Admin Offices. Children must have the
school crest stitched on the top left pocket of their dress/shirt.

Students must wear black leather shoes and white socks on all days of the school week. On P.E and games days,
children must bring their trainers in a string bag.

On all school days Lessons begin at 8:00 am prompt and students must endeavour to be in school latest by 7:45 am.
Children who are late even by a few minutes miss the introduction and starter. These are integral components of a
lesson and aid in the understanding of the topic under discussion.

Closing time
Upper Primary closes at 3:30 pm sharp. Teacher supervision ends at 3:45 pm. We appeal to you to drop and pick your
children on time in order that our Beacon Stars enjoy our robust curriculum to the fullest.

We allow children to celebrate their birthdays in school. However, we plead with you to keep the school parties
extremely simple and brief. We have a very packed timetable with lessons back-to-back and we can only do extra
activities like birthdays just before the close of the day. From our observations we know that children find it very
difficult to concentrate in their lessons when they are hyper excited about any celebrations.

Tuesday 9th January 2024 Reopening of School

Friday, 9th February 2024 Parents Evening

Wednesday 14th February 2024 Science Fair (STEM FAIR)

Thursday, 15th & Friday 16th Feb. 2024 Mid-term Break

Monday, 19th February 2024 School resumes

Mon., 4th to Friday 8th March 2024 Revision Week

Tuesday, 5th March 2024 Ghana Day Celebration Assembly

Wednesday, 6th March 2024 Independence Day – Public Holiday

Monday, 11th to Wed., 13th 2024 Examination Week

Monday, 25th March 2024 Parents, Teachers, and Student

Thursday, 28th March 2024 Sports Day (Details to follow)

Thursday, March 2024 Vacation Day

Monday, 15th April 2024 Beginning of Term Three

English – Ms. Rosemond Mensah & Mr. Isaac Amamo
The Environment
Word Level
Identify words with the –ough spelling rule
1 Spell useful connectives correctly
Explore word origin: Word borrowed from languages in different parts of the world.
2 Sentence Level
Use the conventions of standard English appropriately in writing, including for different
3 types of texts, e.g. verb forms,
Use a range of connectives to link paragraphs and sections clearly and cohesively, e.g. use
of however and on the other hand to introduce counter-arguments in a balanced argument.
4 Explore and discuss language features of balanced written arguments in a range of texts, e.g.
impersonal language
Text Level
Identify, discuss and compare the purposes and features of different non-fiction text types,
including balanced written arguments.
Write balanced arguments, developing points logically and convincingly.
Science Fiction
Word Level
5 Spell familiar homophones, homonyms and commonly confused words correctly, e.g.
aloud, allowed; past, passed; advice, advise; desert, dessert.

6 MIDTERM BREAK Thursday & Friday (15th & 16th February)
Sentence Level
Explore and discuss grammatical features in a range of texts, e.g. verb forms, present tense
Distinguish between fact and opinion in a range of texts in a range of texts.
Distinguish between formal and informal language and structure in a range of texts.

Text Level
Develop writing for a purpose using language and features appropriate for a range of text
types – story, science fiction

Word Level
Use effective strategies to spell a wide range of words correctly.
Explore Year 6 expected high frequency words
Explore tricky words
Sentence Level
Explore and recognise the key features of text structure in a range of different fiction and
non-fiction texts,
Use relative pronouns to introduce additional detail

Text Level
Explore and recognise the key features of text structure in a range of different fiction and
non-fiction texts, including adverts

8 Begin to make choices about the most appropriate media for a particular presentation

Develop writing of a range of text types for a specified audience, using appropriate content
and language.
Explore in texts, and understand, the uses of colons, semicolons, ellipses, parenthetic
commas, dashes and brackets.

11 Review:
Explanatory/Explanation Text
Informative Text
Non-chronological Report

12 PTSC/Sport Day/Vacation

Mathematics – Mr Emmanuel Tetteh

Week Topic Objectives

• Understand the relationship between two quantities when they are in direct proportion.
Ratio and • Use knowledge of equivalence to understand and use equivalent ratios.
1 Proportion

• Use knowledge of factors and multiples to understand tests of divisibility by 3, 6 and 9.

• Estimate and multiply numbers with one or two decimal places by 1-digit and 2-digit whole
2 numbers.
• Estimate and multiply numbers with one or two decimal places by 1-digit and 2-digit whole

• Understand that the mode, median, mean and range are ways to describe and summarize data
3 Data Handling sets.
• Find and interpret the mode (including bimodal data), median, mean and range, and consider
their appropriateness for the context.
Record, organize and represent categorical, discrete and continuous data. Choose and explain which
representation to use in a given situation:

4 Data handling - Venn and Carroll diagrams
- tally charts and frequency tables
- bar charts
waffle diagrams and pie charts
- frequency diagrams for continuous data
5 Data handling - line graphs
- scatter graphs
- Dot plots.
• Identify when two events can happen at the same time and when they cannot, and know that
the latter are called 'mutually exclusive'.
6 • Conduct chance experiments or simulations, using small and large numbers of trials. Predict,
analyze and describe the frequency of outcomes using the language of probability
• Convert between time intervals expressed as a decimal and in mixed units.
Time • Identify rotational symmetry in familiar shapes, patterns or images with maximum order 4.
7 Geometry Describe rotational symmetry as ‘order
• Understand the difference between capacity and volume.
• Understand the relationship between area of 2D shapes and surface area of 3D shapes.
8 • Classify different polygons and understand whether a 2D shape is a polygon or not
• Visualize and describe the properties of 3D shapes, e.g. faces, edges and vertices
• Identify and describe properties of quadrilaterals (including the parallelogram, rhombus and
• And classify using parallel sides, equal sides, and equal angles.
• Recognize and make 2D representations of 3D shapes including nets.

Science – Mr Thomas Sanaki
Week Topic Objectives and Activities
1 Unit 6.3 Materials, including rocks, - Know that rocks can be classified as metamorphic, igneous and
and physical change
sedimentary and describe the identifying features of each type of
- Describe the way fossils can form in sedimentary rocks.
2 Unit 6.3 Materials, including rocks, - Describe the rock cycle and the formation of metamorphic,
and physical change
igneous and sedimentary rocks, in terms of solidification, erosion,
sedimentation, burial, metamorphism and melting.
3 Unit 6.3 Materials, including rocks, - Know that there are different types of soils and they can be
and physical change
classified based on their clay, sand and organic content.
4 Unit 6.4 Electricity, -Describe how a ray of light changes direction when it is reflected
conductors and light from a plane mirror.
- Describe how a ray of light changes direction when it travels
through different mediums and know that this is called refraction.
5 Unit 6.4 Electricity, conductors and -Observe and describe the changes in the appearance of the Moon
over its monthly cycle.
6 Unit 6.7 Puberty -Name the parts of the human reproductive system.
-Describe the physical changes that take place during puberty in
7 Unit 6.2 Human health and disease -Know that some diseases can be caused by infection with viruses,
(Diseases and their bacteria, parasites or fungi that can be passed from one host to
prevention) another.

8 Unit 6.2 Human health and disease - Describe how good hygiene can control the spread of diseases transmitted in
water, food and body fluids and describe ways to avoid being bitten by insect
Explain that the most important factor in stopping the spread of disease is hygiene
such as handwashing, avoiding insect bites and not sneezing in an open place.
9 Science in Context -Fair Testing, Dependent variable and independent variable, control and
Scientific enquiry: purpose and reliability of tests.
10 Assessment
11 Exam papers Review
12 End of Term Procedures

Geography – Mr. Francis Egoeh
1 • Investigate what culture means.
Culture • Identify what constitutes a culture of a particular place.

• Identify some major tribes in Ghana.

Culture • Investigate the culture of some major tribes in Ghana.
(Project work)

• Explore the culture of some major tribes in Ghana.

3 Culture
(Project work presentation)
4 Culture • Explore the culture of some major tribes in Ghana.
(Project work presentation)
• Explain the process of the water cycle.
5 Rivers • Explore the sources of water.
Investigate the types of water bodies.
• Explore the course of a typical river.
6 Rivers • Investigate the names of rivers around the world.

Rivers • Identify some major rivers in Ghana and their location.


8 • Identify some major rivers in Ghana and their location.


9 Rivers • Explore the location, features and settlements along the river Amazon.
• Explore the location, features and settlements along the river Nile.
10 Examination Week

11 • Identify the importance of rivers.

• Learn about what causes water pollution and how to be environmentally

Histroy – Mr. Hope Agbanyo
Week Ending Topic Objectives
1 09/01/2023 The location of Ghana To identify the location of Ghana and its neighbouring
To identify the regions and capitals of Ghana.

2 16/01/2023 Ethnic groups in Ghana To describe and identify the different Ethnic groups in
3 23/01/2023 Ethnic groups in Ghana Examine where the ethnic groups migrated from and
where they settled.
4 30/01/2023 Festivals Discuss the different festivals celebrated in Ghana.
5 06/02/2023 Language Identify the diverse languages spoken by the people of
6 13/02/2023 Food Recognise the diverse foods eaten across the country.
7 20/02/2023 Etiquettes and Manners Examine the acceptable norms and etiquette accepted
in Ghanaian society.
8 27/02/2023 Independence Discuss the independence of Ghana
9 05/03/2023 Revision Week
10 12/03/2023 Assessment Week
11 19/03/2023 Corrections
12 26/03/2023 Parent Teacher Student Conferences

French – Ms Bertille Apedo

weeks Topics Objectives
1&2 Dẻcrire quelqu’un Learn how to describe a person
3&4 -Décrire la famille et les liens familiaux - Identify the members of the family (Revision)
-les adjectifs possessifs. -learn and identify the French possessive adjectives.

5&6 -Exprimer ses goȗts et ses preferences (Dire -To talk about likes by using the verbs “aimer, préférer,
ce que l’on aime et ce que l’on n’aime pas). adorer”.
- to talk about dislikes by using verb like “détester” and
the negation form “ne…pas”
7&8 -Les verbes reguliers (Les verbes en ER -To be able to form proper sentences while identifying
Les verbes en IR) the personal pronouns with their appropriate conjugated
-les verbes irreguliers (Les verbes en ER, verbs.
RE, OIR) -Introduction to irregular verbs and their conjugations.

Art and Design – Mr Robert Tetteh

Week Unit Topic Objective

1-4 Unit 6.1 Art and Learners will:
Painting: Science • Through painting, explore perspective in images and
Observational artworks.
Art Observational • be able to experiment with various elements and
Drawing principles of Art techniques.
• To understand shapes, lines, shades and perspective
and use it in a piece of art.
5-8 Unit 6.1 Seurat and Learners will come to
Element of Art: Pointillism • find out who Georges Seurat was and explore his
Dots style of art.
• To explore how to create art in the style of pointillism.
Colour • To explore how Seurat used colours in his artwork.
• To explore Seurat’s paintings and how he created
effects and shading.
• To explore the work of other Pointillist artists.
• To be able to create a piece of pointillism artwork.
9, 10 Unit 6.1 • Students will
Painting: Controlled and • Learn skills that will improve their psychomotor skills
Marbling uncontrolled and their creative thinking when experimenting with
Marbling different resources.
• be creative and learn about design, patternmaking,
dimension and composition.
• gain concentration skills.
12 Exhibition Criticism and Students will:
Appreciation • be exposed to responding to, interpreting meaning,
and making critical judgments about specific works
of art.
• help learners perceive, interpret, and judge artworks.
• tend to focus more on modern and contemporary art
from cultures close to their own.

ICT – Mr Edward Owusu
Week Topic Objectives
Searching with Multiple Understand the importance of using a variety of different search
sources strategies.

Describe how the internet has changed how people shop and how
Living with the
3-4 online streaming has changed how people access media and
Changes in Modern .
5 Technology Understand how digital technology has changed over time.
Understand that any device connected to the internet is
Safety and Wellbeing
Device Vulnerabilities vulnerable to attack from malware.

Know that a range of digital content is stored on servers, including

9-10 Network connections
streaming and messaging services
Networks and digital Explain that digital devices can transfer data wirelessly using radio
11-12 communication
The Internet waves, including Wi-Fi and cellular networks.

Music - Mr Elie Kuyo

1-2-3-4 African Musical instruments
5-6-7-8 How to Play “G, A, B” on the Recorder
9-10 Classification of African Musical Instruments
11-12 Playing songs with “G, A, B”

Physical Education - Mr Alfred Anfoh

WK Strand Topic/Skill Objective

1 Moving well Sprint start To start a sprint correctly.

2 Understanding Sprint start To start a sprint correctly.

3 Understanding 50m sprint To sprint 50m using the correct techniques.
4 Understanding 50m sprint To sprint 50m using the correct techniques.
5 Moving well 3-lap race (170m race) To jog around a demarcated area with a consistent
6 Taking 3-lap race (170m race) To jog around a demarcated area with a consistent
responsibility pace.
7 Taking Med ball put To put a med ball using the correct techniques.
8 Taking Med ball put To put a med ball using the correct techniques.
9 Taking 4×70m relay race To sprint 70m and hand over baton for a teammate
responsibility to continue.
11 Taking 4×70m relay race To sprint 70m and hand over baton for teammates
responsibility to continue.
12 Moving creatively Sack race To run in a sack for a 50m distance.

Global Perspectives – Mr Francis Egoeh


1-4 12/01/2024 Introductory - Explore the techniques for conducting research.

- Understand how to write reports.

09/02/2024 The world as a global - Investigate the meaning of ‘global village’.

village. - Identify what makes the world a global village.

01/03/2024 The world as a global - Investigate the merits and demerits of the world
village. becoming a global village.

10-11 The world as a global - Reflect on how the concept of global village
15/03/2024 village. affects you.
12 29/03/2024

PSHE - Mr Hope Agbanyo

Week Topic Objectives

1 Preparing a simple budget Preparing a simple by identifying your income and your expenses
Preparing a budget by making a list based on your scale of preference

Saving money Discuss the concept of savings

2 Discuss the importance of saving money
Social-Awareness Encourage students to reflect on the perspective of others
3 Help students to think about social strengths
Provide specific feedback on social skills
Model positive social awareness through
metacognition activities
Model and promote respecting differences
Relationship skills Model and promote active listening
4 Help students develop communication skills
Demonstrate value for a diversity of opinions
5 Friendship What constitutes a positive healthy friendship (e.g. mutual respect,
trust, truthfulness, loyalty, kindness, generosity, sharing interests and
experiences, support with problems and difficulties); that the same
principles apply to online friendships as to face-to-face relationships.

6 Learning styles, study skills and Identify their skills and strengths as a learner and preferred learning
teamwork. styles.

Career Aspiration To recognise that there is a broad range of different jobs/careers that
7 people can have; that people often have more than one career/type of
job during their life
Career Aspiration Identify some of the skills that will help them in their future careers
8 e.g. teamwork, communication and negotiation

Useful Websites
trait-writing       
ort/PartneringWithYourTeen.pdf  
grade-6  

End of Term Two Assessment Timetable
ACADEMIC YEAR: 2023/2024
Monday 11th to Wednesday 13th March 2024
CLASS: Year 6

8:30 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 12:00 am 12:30 pm 1:30 pm

Day/Time - - - - - -
9:30 am 10:30 am 12:00 pm 12:30 pm 1:30 pm 3:00 pm
English English Revision
MONDAY (Paper 1) (Paper 2) Spelling Test
11th March

TUESDAY Mathematics (Paper 1) Mathematics R Revision

12th March (Paper 2) E
WEDNESDAY Science N Science I U
13th March (Paper 1) A (Paper 2) S N School closes
C I C @ 2:30 pm
14th March Lessons Lessons
& Lessons & Corrections of &
FRIDAY Corrections of Assessment Papers Corrections of
15th November Assessment Papers Assessment


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