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‫دولة الكويت‬

‫ صفحات‬5 ‫األسئلة في‬ ‫وزارة التربية‬

‫اإلدارة العامة لمنطقة األحمدي التعليمية‬
‫التوجيه الفني للغة االنجليزية‬
2023 - 2022 ‫العام الدراسي‬/ ‫ نهاية الفترة الدراسية الثانية‬- ‫امتحان تجريبي الصف الثامن‬
‫ ساعتان‬:‫الزمن‬ ‫ اللغة اإلنجليزية‬:‫المجال الدراسي‬
‫المفردات –االستيعاب المقروء – القواعد – التعبير الكتابي‬
Total Mark (60 Marks)
I-Reading (30 Marks)
A. Vocabulary (14 Marks)

A. From a, b, c and d, choose the most suitable word that best completes each of the
following sentences: (4 x 2 = 8 Marks)

1. The wind was very strong, so the fire ………………very quickly.

a. banned b. involved c. spread d. delivered

2. To be a successful computer programmer, you need to be very talented and …………….. .

a. unrealistic b. skillful c. cruel d. electrical

3. You must be connected to the Internet to download the ……….……. .

a. expert b. bracelet c. pot d. application

4. Kuwait , ……………… known as Qurain, was founded in 1756.

a. previously b. necessarily c. generally d. mainly

B. Fill in the spaces with the most suitable words from the list below:(4 x 1½ = 6 Marks)

( exchange – products – ladders – departments – vote )

5. Dairy ……………… are a good source of calcium, protein and vitamins.

6. The teacher asked his students to work in groups to ……………… on the best project.

7. In the past, people used to carve and paint pictures on stones to ……………… ideas.

8. All the ……………… of the company should work together to be able to succeed.
‫ الصفحة الثانية‬- 2023 - 2022 ‫ الفترة الدراسية الثانية – العام الدراسي‬/ ‫امتحان تجريبي الصف الثامن‬

B) Reading Comprehension (16 Marks)

Read the following passage carefully, then answer the questions below:
Ahmed looked out the window of the school bus. Normally, he liked to count the
trees he saw on the way to school. They always looked so stunning, especially in spring. But
today was different. Ahmed had a competition.
Ahmed had never taken part in competitions before. His teacher held a spelling
competition for the fifth-grade classes. She explained that to do well in the competition, the
students would have to memorise their spelling words and rewrite them without any mistakes.
This made Ahmed feel very nervous. What would happen if he made mistakes? He was pretty
good at spelling, but sometimes words sound different from what they look on paper. Last
night, he tried to spell each word five times. He hoped this would be enough.
When Ahmed got to school, he didn't feel well. His stomach hurt. Ahmed went
straight to the nurse's office, but the nurse told him that he wasn't sick. He went back to class.
The teacher said to him that she was happy to see him as they were about to start the spelling
competition. The teacher gave the students the lists of words. Ahmed won the competition
because he could spell all the words on time with no mistakes.
a) From a, b, c and d, choose the best answer. (6x 2= 12 Marks)
9- The best title for this passage is:
a. The Lazy Students
b. The Spelling Competition
c. The Angry Teacher
d. The Difficult Words

10- 24. The underlined word " stunning " in paragraph (1) means:
a. angry
b. strict
c. beautiful
d. proud

‫ الصفحة الثالثة‬-2023 - 2022 ‫ الفترة الدراسية الثانية – العام الدراسي‬/ ‫امتحان تجريبي الصف الثامن‬

11- The pronoun "they" in paragraph (2) refers to:

a. mistakes
b. words
c. students
d. classes

12- According to paragraph (3), how did Ahmed feel?

a. He felt well.
b. He was happy.
c. His stomach hurt.
d. He felt nervous.

13- According to paragraph (2), all the following statements are FALSE except:
a. Ahmed had never taken part in competitions before.
b. Students would have to only memorise their spelling words.
c. Ahmad tried to spell each word three times.
d. The teacher held a sports competition.

14- The writer’s purpose in writing this passage is to:

a. persuade the reader to plant more trees.
b. inform the reader about competitions.
c. give advice about being healthy.
d. entertain the reader with a success story.

B) Answer the following questions: (2x2 = 4 Marks)

15- What did Ahmed like to do on his way to school?


16- Why did Ahmed win the competition?


‫ الصفحة الرابعة‬-2023 - 2022 ‫ الفترة الدراسية الثانية – العام الدراسي‬/ ‫امتحان تجريبي الصف الثامن‬

II -Writing (30 Marks)

A) Grammar (14 Marks)
a) From a, b, c and d, choose the correct answer: (4×2=8 Marks)

17. The grandmother used to look …………….. her grandson when he was a baby.

a. out b. in c. after d. up

18. …………….. the team played badly, they won the match yesterday.

a. Although b. However c. Both d. But

19. I felt great after I …………….. the National Museum last week.

a. will visit b. am visiting c. visit d. had visited

20. My father saves …………….. money every month to buy a new house.

a. few b. a little c. a few d. many

b) Do as shown between brackets (3 x 2= 6 Marks):

21. The girl is beautiful. The girl is smart. (Join using “both…and” )


22. If you read more books, you get more information. (Begin with “The more”)


23. “Don’t waste your money.” (Change into reported speech )


‫ الصفحة الخامسة‬-2023 - 2022 ‫ الفترة الدراسية الثانية – العام الدراسي‬/ ‫امتحان تجريبي الصف الثامن‬

A)Writing: ( 16 Marks)

“Modern technology has positively changed the way we communicate.”

Plan and write a report of two paragraphs (in not less than 10 sentences) showing how
communication in the past is different from communication in the present.

• Your paragraphs should include a topic sentence, supporting details, and a


Write your plan here ( 2 Marks)

…………………………. …………………………..

…………………………. …………………………..

…………………………. …………………………..

…………………………. …………………………..

Write your topic here (14 Marks)

‫انتهت األسئلة‬

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