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In the dimly lit dungeon, amidst the eerie silence, the floor was littered with the remains of

human skulls, their empty eye sockets seemingly observing the scene. Emerging from one of
the skulls, a snake slithered out, adding to the unsettling atmosphere. Meanwhile, in another
corner, goblins whispered about an impending human sacrifice, their voices filled with
anticipation. Suddenly, a scratching sound reverberated through the chamber, causing the
goblins to tense up in anticipation of foolish adventurers. The door crumbled, creating a
gaping hole, from which a hand emerged, tightly clutching a scroll. As the scroll ignited,
releasing a poisonous cloud that swiftly engulfed the dungeon, the goblins writhed in agony,
realizing they were under attack from a potent curse.
The goblins Coughed and struggled for breath when they recognized the lethal potency of the
magical poison, its effects spreading rapidly. Desperate to escape, they turned their attention
to the intruder responsible for their suffering. However, the enigmatic man, wielding
formidable magic, sealed the door against their assault, leaving the goblins pounding on it
with sledgehammers.
After a few tense moments, the man cautiously opened the door, stepping past the
incapacitated goblins. Accidentally crushing one underfoot, he justified his action,
understanding that it was necessary for his survival. Venturing further into the dungeon, he
came across a horrifying sight – human corpses strewn across an altar, some impaled on the
Desperate, the goblin begged for mercy, offering a trove of treasure and the release of all the
kidnapped women in exchange for his life. Ignoring the plea with disdain, the man persisted
in his search, unwavering and resolute. Suddenly, an arrow sliced through the air, finding its
target in the goblin's eye, courtesy of the precise aim of an elf.
Seizing the opportunity, the man rummaged through the goblin's belongings, obtaining a set
of keys before motioning for the bewildered women to follow him.
In a nearby cell, the captive women watched in astonishment as the man swung the door
open, granting them freedom. Unaffected by their expressions of gratitude, he pressed
forward, consumed by his mission. He remained distant, his focus fixed on a mysterious book,
frustration evident in his demeanor. He grumbled in exasperation, unable to find the answers
he sought within its pages. His name was Yukito.
Yukito emerged from the dungeon and entered the forest, feeling the wind on his face. Lost
in his thoughts, he envisioned the mystical world of sword and magic known as Everworld.
Determined to conquer this harsh yet enchanting realm, he reflected on his recent
reincarnation. Yukito recalled when he engaged in a game with his sister Sana. When Sana
expressed hunger, Yukito eagerly prepared a meal for her, which she found delicious. As they
ate together, they discussed the thrill of playing games with limitations, finding the
experience even more captivating due to their sibling bond. Yukito admired Sana's dedication
to her studies, sports, and leadership roles, vowing always to protect her. Impressed by her
commitment to studying even on holidays, Yukito planned to surprise her with pancakes
topped with extra cream and fruits.
Sana, with a gentle smile, assured Yukito that she'd join him once she finished studying,
eliciting a nod of agreement from her brother. Yukito, ever the strategist, suggested adding
item restrictions to their next game, eagerly anticipating their future playtime together.
Expressing her gratitude for having Yukito as her big brother, Sana admired his unwavering
support and counsel. Yukito reciprocated, acknowledging the joy and love Sana brings into his
life, tenderly calling her his precious little sister.
Suddenly, the scene took a dark turn as the room grew ominously dark. Confusion gripped
the siblings as they realized the time outside did not match the darkness that had suddenly
crept in. Yukito's shock intensified when a monstrous beast appeared at their window, its
menacing presence sending shock waves down their spines.
Yukito refused to succumb to panic and urged Sana to hide as he attempted to fend off the
beast and protect his sister. However, his efforts were in vain as the creature viciously
slashed his back, plunging Yukito into darkness as his consciousness faded. In the haze of
unconsciousness, Yukito sensed a faint glimmer of light, accompanied by a voice lamenting
his unfortunate demise. The voice echoed, expressing pity for Yukito’s short life cut by an
unreasonable accident. The voice then assured Yukito of one more chance to be reborn and
live a new life. As he struggled to make sense of his surroundings, Yukito's journey took a
dangerous turn, leaving him to ponder the mysteries of his fate.
Yukito found himself in an unfamiliar setting, shrouded in mystery and intrigue. In front of
him sat a glamorous woman, exuding regal poise and commanding attention. By her side, a
goblin dressed oddly in a suit diligently took notes. Nephilia, revealed as the deity of
Everworld, enlightened Yukito about their current reality—a realm filled with magic and
mythical beings overseen by deities. Yukito struggled to comprehend the vastness of this
revelation, his mind racing to grasp the truth of his new existence. Worried about his sister
Sana, Yukito sought reassurance about her safety. With a comforting smile, Nephilia assured
him of Sana's well-being. In an attempt to soften the blow, Nephilia gently broke the news of
his unfortunate passing. Shock gripped him, disbelief coursing through his veins. Unable to
come to terms with the harsh reality, Yukito's legs gave way as he crumbled in despair at
Nephilia's feet. Upon raising her hands, Nephilia triggered a brilliant light that radiated from a
tome above them, enveloping their surroundings in a divine aura. With a sense of solemnity,
she imparted the importance of the World Book, a text that held the secrets of Everworld
from the highest peaks to the deepest depths. It contained the wisdom of sages and the
desires of fools.
Yukito's eyes widened in amazement as he saw his reflection within the pages of the mystical
book, a sign of his rebirth as a resident of this enchanted realm. Nephilia then pointed to the
book, indicating its crucial role in shaping Yukito's fate in Everworld. Encouraging him to let
destiny unfold as written in the book, she left Yukito feeling perplexed. As Nephilia
manipulated the mystical dice, Yukito gazed in wonder as it landed on the number seventeen,
representing intelligence. The goblin, dressed impeccably in a suit, meticulously recorded this
attribute on a piece of paper while the corresponding number radiated within the World
Book. Yukito comprehended that whatever the goblin wrote down would be mirrored in the
book, shaping his destiny in Everworld. Impressed by Yukito's swift grasp of the situation,
Nephilia commended his exceptional intellect from his previous life, foreseeing a promising
future for him in Everworld. With a spin of the dice, the number thirteen, symbolizing agility,
illuminated the book's pages. However, Nephilia detected a discrepancy in the final attribute,
endurance, prompting Yukito to inquire. Nevertheless, Nephilia dismissed his concerns,
declaring his predetermined fate. Afterward, she granted him a divine blessing.
As the pages of the World Book fluttered, revealing potent artifacts of immense power,
Yukito was faced with a pivotal choice that would shape his journey in Everworld. Perplexed
by the generosity of the offerings, Yukito pondered, carefully considering the potential
advantages of each artifact. Nephilia assured him that all options were formidable and
capable of assisting him on his quest. With uncertainty clouding his mind, Yukito
contemplated his decision, guided by his inclination towards magic. Ultimately, Yukito
resolved to select the magical staff, recognizing its alignment with his preferred playstyle as a
spell caster. The goblin, entrusted with recording his choice, dutifully inscribed it into the
pages of the World Book, sealing Yukito's destiny in Everworld. As Nephilia ascended, bathed
in a radiant light, Yukito's disbelief intensified as he witnessed her rise, his eyes widening in
astonishment. Sensing a powerful force pulling at him, Yukito stumbled backward and lost his
balance. As Nephilia began to channel her magic, Yukito felt a magical wind swirling around
him, further fueling his sense of wonder and apprehension. Her command to wait unsettled
him, causing him to ponder his next move.

Shifting his focus to the World Book, Yukito's frustration grew as he realized he could not
decipher its contents. Doubt seeped into his mind as he questioned the reality of his
reincarnation. He feared a world without Sana. Suddenly, the book emitted a blinding light,
its pages flipping in a mysterious display. Rubbing his eyes in disbelief, Yukito reached out to
touch the book, seeking answers to the unfolding enigma. In a moment of desperation,
Yukito clutched Nephilia's hand, pleading for clarity. However, her slap stung him, leaving
him bewildered and frustrated by her cryptic actions. He had discovered a shocking
revelation of Sana's presence within its pages. Anger ignited within Yukito as he confronted
Nephilia, demanding answers about Sana's fate. Nephilia's attempts to deflect only
intensified his frustration, compelling him to confront the truth concealed within the World
Book. In a burst of fury, Yukito's emotions triggered a seismic upheaval, causing the ground to
crumble beneath him. As he plummeted into the abyss, his determination to uncover the
truth about Sana's fate propelled him forward. With unwavering resolve, Yukito jumped,
clutching at the falling book with determination. His declaration reverberated through the
chamber, a vow to overcome any obstacles that lay ahead in his quest to find his beloved
sister, Sana.

Yukito plummeted through the sky, his senses overwhelmed by disbelief and confusion.
Suddenly, he collided with the soft bushes below, his heart racing with adrenaline. Gasping
for air, he struggled to his feet, relief washing over him as he surveyed his surroundings. He
sighed, leaning against a sturdy tree trunk. His eyes scanned the landscape, taking in the
towering trees and lush meadows. Despite the unfamiliarity of this new world, Yukito's mind
raced to make sense of his predicament. The tranquil scenery around him appeared almost
too perfect, like a serene park. However, as Yukito looked up, he noticed the three moons
hanging in the sky, casting an ethereal glow over the land. At that moment, he
comprehended the gravity of his situation. Realizing that Sana might have also been
reincarnated, Yukito's thoughts turned to her, prompting him to reach for the World Book in
search of answers. Finding confirmation of Sana's presence within its pages, Yukito's heart
swelled with relief.
Yukito continued to delve deeper into the enigmatic book, his gaze skimming over the
intricate details of the newly discovered world within its pages. The sudden realization of his
dangerously low HP ignited a surge of frustration within him, causing him to question his
value in this unfamiliar domain. Despite his irritation, a sense of relief washed over him as he
acknowledged his fortunate survival from the fall with minimal harm. Contemplating the
implications of his limited HP and the imminent threats looming ahead, Yukito's mind
wandered to Sana, whose strength starkly contrasted with his weaknesses. He couldn't help
but feel a pang of jealousy towards her superior attributes, yet found comfort in knowing
that she possessed the healing abilities of a cleric, a beam of hope in their uncertain journey.
While he was aware of Sana's whereabouts, much of the information in the book remained
shrouded in mystery. Despite his impatience, Yukito understood the necessity of exercising
caution, recognizing that hasty decisions could lead to catastrophe in this unforgiving terrain.
Spending the night in the forest would be equally dangerous.
He utilized the book as a guide, discovering new knowledge after perusing its contents. The
book, known as The World Book, possessed a remarkable ability. Whenever he desired to
learn more about a particular subject, the book would automatically open to the relevant
page. Intrigued, he stumbled upon a section about edible fruits in the bushes. He decided to
pluck and taste them. Surprisingly, they resembled apples in appearance but had the flavor of
oranges. Continuing his exploration, he also encountered various herbs and collected them
for his journey. Suddenly, his attention was captured by a group of snow rabbits approaching
him. To determine which ones were dangerous, he consulted the book. It indeed was a
magnificent magical item. He pondered the possibility that the book's language had been
translated to Japanese, allowing him to comprehend its contents, a trait befitting a Deity's
book. As he reached out towards one of the rabbits, he imagined Sana's delight upon seeing
it. However, the rabbit recoiled as he neared. Realizing the potential consequences, he swiftly
fled. After a while, he halted, feeling a sense of relief.
Thoughts of Sana consumed his mind, and he wondered if she was frightened or injured. Yet,
he had believed in her intelligence and ability to navigate through challenges since she was a
He wondered whether Sana truly understood her position and status. These inquiries raced
through his mind as he leisurely walked through the forest, engrossed in the world book.
The book only contained general knowledge, leaving personal details obscure. This hindered
his ability to utilize the book's potential fully. Uncertain of how far he could travel on foot
alone, he pondered Sana's whereabouts in the capital city. Suddenly, peculiar creatures
approached him, armed with blades and swords. Curious about their identity, the creatures
recognized him as a human. He was surprised by their ability to communicate. One creature
prompted the other to inspect him closely. They encircled him, some inquiring about his well-
being while others offered sympathy. Yukito hoped they would be willing to share
information. However, one creature abruptly pushed his face to the ground, causing the book
to slip from his grasp.
The creatures burst into laughter, with one of them even stepping on Yukito's back as they
taunted him for being a foolish human. Yukito felt a surge of anger as he realized their
malicious intentions from the beginning. His focus shifted to the book lying open on the
ground, revealing the true identity of the creatures as goblins - tiny humanoid beings known
for their twisted, evil nature. The goblins began chanting, urging each other to kill the human
despite their inferior strength compared to humans. Yukito shuddered as sweat dripped
down his face, feeling a sense of fear creeping in. Just as the goblins intensified their chants, a
new presence approached, ready to defend the weak and defeat evil. It was Duke Brownia,
the daughter of Charlotte R. Brownia, who could not stand by while violence unfolded in their
territory. The goblins growled in recognition as Charlotte addressed Yukito as a traveler,
handing him his book and inquiring about any injuries he may have sustained.
Charlotte bravely faced the goblins, determination evident on her face, causing Yukito's fear
to intensify as beads of sweat revealed his anxiety. With a heavy heart, he observed
Charlotte's valiant efforts waver, her sword slipping from her grip under its weight. The
goblins, sensing her vulnerability, closed in around her as she knelt, her apology quivering on
her lips. Yukito, unable to remain passive, scrutinized Charlotte's stats, his disappointment
growing as he noticed her negative-two strength bonus. Despite her courageous facade, her
swordsmanship proved lacking, a reality he couldn't overlook. As the goblins launched their
fierce attacks on Charlotte, Yukito's desperation increased, and his pleas for them to stop fell
on deaf ears. Charlotte, though battered and bruised, insisted she was alright, urging Yukito
to flee while he still had the chance. However, Yukito refused, steadfast in his belief that
Charlotte's safety outweighed their escape. Amidst the chaos, he pondered his next move,
aware that without his intervention, her fate would be grim.
The Holy Armor passed down from the Brownian family, provided defense against various
assaults but proved challenging to wield for individuals with low strength and lacking
proficiency in heavy armor.
Yukito observed with sadness as Charlotte got attacked. He had no means of defense and
only had one HP remaining. Yukito contemplated following Charlotte's suggestion to escape,
but the thought of being caught and suffering the same fate terrified him. He clenched his
clothes and gasped for breath. His attention then shifted to the world book, where he saw
Sana and remembered he needed to find her quickly. Suddenly, one of the goblins launched
an attack on him, labeling him as a human who deserved to die. With no other choice, Yukito
made his escape. The goblins laughed as he fled, while others insulted him for his perceived
weakness. Their focus then turned to Charlotte, and they deliberated on what to do with her.
One suggested making her a slave, while another admired her impressive armor. Suddenly,
Yukito returned on a horse, leaving the goblins in disbelief.
Yukito admitted that he initially wanted to escape, but he couldn't bear the thought of
Charlotte dying either. He struggled to catch his breath. Charlotte was shocked by his actions.
Soon after, the goblins caught up to them, chanting their desire to kill the humans and the
horse. They launched an attack known as the Short Club. The horse stomped its feet and let
out a loud neigh. Yukito stared in astonishment. Suddenly, a ringing sound filled the air,
causing the goblins, Charlotte, and Yukito to cover their ears. The horse leaped above the
goblins and unleashed powerful kicks upon them. The goblins grew furious and were
determined to kill the horse.
After the dust settled and the goblins retreated, Yukito found himself in awe of the
magnificent horse standing before him. The horse's strength and bravery had saved them
from certain doom, leaving Yukito feeling a mix of gratitude and wonder. Charlotte, with a
radiant smile of relief and gratitude, approached the horse. Yukito, observing from a
distance, couldn't help but be intrigued by the peculiar connection between Charlotte and the
horse known as Rosinante. This sparked his curiosity about the mysteries surrounding her
and the equipment she carried. As Yukito turned his attention back to the world book, his
confusion deepened as he examined Charlotte's attributes. Despite her title as a holy knight,
she appeared ill-prepared for battle, needing more skill with a sword. He couldn't help but
wonder why she would venture into danger with seemingly useless equipment.
Meanwhile, Rosinante, as Yukito now knew her, stood regally, commanding respect with her
presence. Despite her stoic demeanor, there was a sense of loyalty and understanding in her
gaze as Yukito approached and expressed his gratitude. As Yukito introduced himself and
shared his appreciation, the bond between man and horse seemed to grow stronger. With
the threat of the goblins now defeated, they stood together, united in their shared triumph
and newfound companionship.
Charlotte apologized for spending too much time with the majestic white horse, explaining
that she felt a connection with her. Charlotte's gentle touch calmed Rosinante. Yukito's mind
was preoccupied with thoughts of survival in the dangerous world.
Yukito's eyes shifted nervously between Charlotte and the pages of the book, which detailed
the strengths and weaknesses of their companions. Rosinante was described as a level three
beauty with immense strength, while Charlotte was considered a mere level one with fragile
stats in comparison. Charlotte poured herself a cup of tea, and she inquired about Yukito's
identity, to which he responded. Despite feeling overshadowed by the horse's strength,
Yukito possessed charm and judgment that set him apart. Yukito felt a surge of panic as
Charlotte leaned in closer, her curiosity evident. Beads of sweat formed on his brow as she
began the conversation, her sharp eyes adding to the tension. Yukito struggled to divert the
discussion, wary of revealing too much about his mysterious past.
Charlotte's questions heightened the unease in the room, reminding Yukito of the dangers
lurking outside their refuge. His vulnerability weighed heavily on his mind, overshadowing
any sense of hope. As he clutched his tea, his trembling hands mirrored his fragility in the
face of uncertainty. Each turn of the book's pages only intensified his search for guidance and
reassurance in this dangerous world.
Yukito's heart raced as he gazed at Sana's picture, feeling his desperation grow with each
passing moment. He carefully considered his limited options, contemplating the
repercussions of seeking Charlotte's help. Frustrated, he realized he had no other alternative.
With determination and trembling hands, Yukito approached Charlotte, his voice shaking as
he inquired about her identity as a holy knight. Kneeling before her, he poured out his heart,
detailing his dire circumstances and pleading for her aid in locating his missing sister.
Charlotte's initial disbelief transformed into compassion as she listened to Yukito's urgent
pleas. Despite the heaviness in her heart, she agreed to assist him, recognizing the
seriousness of his situation. Extending her hand with resolve, she assured him of her
dedication to aiding those in need. Grateful yet still uncertain, Yukito thanked Charlotte,
acknowledging her as his savior. As they strategized their next moves, Yukito felt a glimmer
of hope emerging within him, reassured by the fact that he had a companion in his search for
his sister. With a gentle smile, Charlotte motivated Yukito, affirming their shared
determination and divine guidance. Overcoming his initial doubts, Yukito found himself
placing his trust in Charlotte's kindness and the strength of their newfound alliance, prepared
to confront any obstacles that came their way.
In the woods, Yukito was perched on a boulder, engrossed in a book, while Charlotte caressed
the horse. Yukito pondered over the fact that the curse of the evil deity Nephilia was
associated with chaos and brutality, despite her being the deity of justice. As they journeyed
through the forest, Charlotte rode the horse while Yukito walked beside them, absorbed in
his reading. Flipping through the pages, he realized that ever since arriving in that realm, he
had unearthed numerous facts unique to that world. By consulting the book, one could view
others' statuses and comprehend the laws of the land. Yet, certain aspects remained hidden.
Yukito briefly mused about Sana's whereabouts and activities. He also questioned whether
further study was necessary to unlock more knowledge in the world book. His occupation
was that of a wizard or a magician. At the same time, Charlotte, with her advanced healing
abilities, was a holy knight, and their trusty steed, Rosinante, was a formidable warhorse.
The quantity of magic one could wield was contingent upon the spell's level. Spells of the
first tier could only be cast thrice daily, and with each night's rest, one could store a single
spell in their mind. The magic would reset after that. Yukito couldn't help but wonder why he
couldn't employ abilities akin to those in a Portable Computer game. As they traversed the
forest, a rustling in the nearby foliage caught their attention. Before long, goblins emerged
before them, leaving them stunned. Yukito, taken aback, questioned why the goblins were
once again attacking, pondering if the forest served as their natural habitat. The goblins,
meanwhile, closed in on them, chanting "human" as they aimed to eliminate them.
Yukito was taken aback by the sudden chaos unfolding in front of him, admiring the horse's
strength and resilience. He was intrigued as he quietly repeated bump, bump, bump, bump,
pondering the source of the horse's power. In the face of peril, Charlotte's swift response
saved them from the goblins' assault, her mastery of Rosinante proving to be invaluable.
Concerned about the goblins lurking nearby, he was startled when another one emerged
from the bushes armed with a bow and arrow, preparing to launch a surprise attack. Seizing
the opportunity to test his magical abilities, Yukito raised his hands, causing a blinding light to
envelop them. Everyone shielded their eyes from the intense brightness. Yukito realized that
activating the spell required precise memorization, focused concentration, accurate gestures,
and flawless chanting. With determination, he carefully performed the necessary steps and
cast the spell, unleashing a magic bolt toward the goblin. The spell successfully countered the
arrow and dealt damage to the target, leaving Yukito in awe of his newfound abilities.
Charlotte, impressed by Yukito's wizardry, touched his shoulder in amazement. Yukito, still
processing the reality of using magic, discovered the potential for gaining experience points
through such actions. As he collected the dropped money from the defeated goblins, he felt a
twinge of guilt but knew it was necessary for survival and his quest to find Sana.
Upon reaching the imposing gates of the fortress city of Obeda, Yukito, and Charlotte were
met with cautious scrutiny from the guards. The guards were initially suspicious of their
presence, but they quickly changed their demeanor upon seeing Charlotte's knight medallion,
which bore the prestigious Brownian family crest. Apologizing for their earlier rudeness, the
guards offered to escort the duo to the station, saluting Charlotte in acknowledgment of her
noble status. Amidst the bustling activity of the castle, Yukito found himself adorned in new
attire, his appearance now befitting the grandeur of their surroundings. As Charlotte
cunningly suggested that he change his clothes and await her in the castle, Yukito felt a sense
of anticipation mingled with curiosity about their next steps.

The castle itself was a marvel to behold, a sprawling fantasy town teeming with life and
activity. Yukito's senses were overwhelmed as he wandered through the labyrinthine
corridors, absorbing the sights and sounds of this unfamiliar world. Every turn revealed new
wonders, from exotic shops to unfamiliar faces, each one showcasing the stark contrasts
between his previous life and this enchanting realm. However, Yukito's sense of awe was
abruptly shattered by a startling discovery within the pages of the world book. Despite his
desperate search, he found no trace of Sana's whereabouts, causing panic and confusion to
surge through him. Was it a flaw in the book's design, or was there a more sinister force at
play? Charlotte's approach took him aback, her concern evident as she inquired about his
distress. With a look of shock etched upon his face, Yukito struggled to find the words to
convey the magnitude of his revelation, uncertain of where their journey would lead them

Charlotte approached with a shy smile, having changed her clothes. Yukito, completely taken
aback, admired Charlotte's beauty. He inquired about Rosinante and the armor, to which
Charlotte revealed that they were being taken care of in her father's friend's barracks. Yukito
still glanced at Charlotte, impressed by her charm and youthfulness. He couldn't help but
compare her to the other girls in his school, finding her to be the cutest. Charlotte then
brought up the map, wondering if it held any clues about Sana's whereabouts. While walking
through the castle corridors, Yukito asked Charlotte if she was of noble birth. Curious about
why she was alone in the forest, Yukito listened as Charlotte explained her family's history of
dragon slaying and her desire to become a holy knight. She believed that meeting Yukito was
part of a divine plan orchestrated by the deity Runia.
Yukito believed that having ambition was commendable, but he chose to ignore Charlotte's
conversations and instead focused on flipping through the pages of the world book. He
couldn't help but feel that wearing heavy armor was a waste of skill. Curious, Yukito inquired
if Charlotte had brought the sword. Charlotte could not be separated from it, as the Grand
Saint Sword was a cherished heirloom of the Brownian family, known for slaying a dragon.
She had a deep attachment to it. Yukito, still engrossed in his thoughts while gazing at the
book, concluded that, based on his knowledge, it was just an ordinary magical long sword.
Unfortunately, Charlotte lacked the physical strength to wield it effectively. Before long, they
arrived at the Adventurer's Guild, an esteemed organization responsible for registering and
managing adventurers in the castle town. Charlotte eagerly expressed her excitement about
their arrival, as she knew it was a place Yukito had always wanted to visit. As they entered,
they were greeted by a diverse group of individuals from various races seated at round
tables. Yukito had heard that this guild was the prime location for gathering information. He
observed the presence of different races, including elves and dwarves. He believed that this
would be an excellent opportunity to learn about Sana's whereabouts and discover a way to
return to their original world. It was also the most efficient means of obtaining information.
Additionally, if they were to increase their fame as adventurers, Sana might take notice of
As they neared the bar attenders table, a lovely lady inquired how she could assist them. She
admired Yukito's charm, calling him a cute customer. Yukito then expressed their desire to
become adventurers. The lady was taken aback, with her mouth agape and eyes wide open,
exclaiming in shock at their aspiration. Laughter erupted from the guild members, with some
dismissing them as mere brats and others questioning their abilities. Yukito, feeling
embarrassed, pondered why the guild members laughed at them and if he had said
something strange. Charlotte, incensed by the derogatory remarks, questioned their attitude.
A dwarf in the guild interrupted with a hiccup, easing the tension. He questioned Charlotte
about her dress, teasing her about her perceived intentions of seeking a playmate. Enraged
by his words, Charlotte drew her sword. In an attempt to strike, she stumbled and fell.
Confusion arose among the onlookers as Charlotte questioned her weapon skills. The dwarf
picked up Charlotte's sword and ominously took a sip of his beer, questioning her actions.
Charlotte retorted, stating that she drew her sword because of his inappropriate behavior.
Yukito stepped in, urging Charlotte to remain calm.
The dwarf then grabbed Charlotte's hand and hoisted her up, playfully mentioning that he
just wanted to share a drink with a lady, inviting Charlotte to be his drinking companion.
Charlotte, in a fit of anger, demanded to be released. Yukito, in a desperate plea, asked the
dwarf to let Charlotte be. The dwarf, in a rage, struck Yukito in the face, ordering him to step
back and calling him a brat. Concerned for Yukito, Charlotte called out his name in panic and
distress. Yukito then found himself in the arms of the female bartender. As she held Yukito's
hair, she admired its softness, inquiring about his well-being and offering an apology. She
mentioned that the dwarf tended to act up when he had too much to drink. The bartender
then asked Yukito if he wanted to go somewhere else to play, promising him extra special
treatment due to his cuteness. Disgusted, Yukito questioned the woman's actions. She then
provocatively pressed Yukito's face against her chest. The bartender, an ordinary human
woman with expertise in sexual matters, was met with Yukito's angry rejection as he pushed
her away. Yukito lost his footing, stumbled, and fell. The onlookers in the guild continued to
laugh, commenting on their lack of strength. Charlotte's face displayed a mix of anger and
disgust. Some questioned whether they were genuinely prepared to embark on adventures.
Yukito felt embarrassed.
As tensions escalated within the guild, Yukito's desperation became more pronounced. The
disapproving glares and cutting remarks from fellow members felt like sharp blades, each one
emphasizing the harsh truth of their predicament. With limited options, Yukito's mind raced
to find a solution. In a final attempt to salvage the situation, he pleaded for assistance,
stressing that their mission was not just for themselves but also for his dear sister, Sana.
Unfortunately, his appeals were ignored, drowned out by the collective disdain of the guild.
The dwarf's threatening gesture with the sword sent a chill down Yukito's spine, intensifying
his fear. Charlotte's concerned expression heightened his sense of urgency, reminding him of
the high stakes involved. The dwarf's firm order to depart reverberated in the air, leaving
Yukito with a bitter taste of defeat. His hope shattered, leaving behind only resignation and
frustration. With a heavy heart, he realized he had no choice but to withdraw, his aspirations
of finding Sana shattered by the harsh reality. Despite the adversity, Yukito remained
steadfast in his commitment to Charlotte.
Yukito pondered over his magical abilities, unsure of what course of action to take. Despite
his doubts, he knew he had to give it a shot. With a simple chant, he summoned the mage
hand - a magical appendage controlled by his voice, lasting for one minute per casting,
reaching a distance of twenty-five feet, and bypassing any resistance. This spell allowed him
to manipulate objects weighing up to two pounds with ease. A fellow guild member gaped in
astonishment as a beer glass levitated in mid-air, only to splash onto the dwarf's face. The
dwarf, clearly irritated, demanded an explanation for the sudden loss of his drink. As tensions
rose, Yukito observed from afar, satisfied with the chaos unfolding, before swiftly grabbing
Charlotte's hand and making their escape.
He then flashed a smirk before stepping outside. Once they entered a safe spot, they paused
to catch their breath, assuring each other that they should be all right from that point on.
Reflecting on his fortunate escape, he recalled how he stumbled upon the Guild's client list by
accident. Unfortunately, the dwarf they encountered was only a level three warrior, making
him an unsuitable partner for the time being. According to the World Book, the dwarf had an
unparalleled love for alcohol. Yukito deduced that the key to winning him over was to show
disdain for those who treated alcohol carelessly. Once again, Yukito found salvation in the
information provided by the world book. Turning to Charlotte, he inquired about her well-
being. Charlotte, clenching her fists tightly, expressed her anger and frustration at being
insulted. Determined to make him regret provoking her rage, she resolved to become
stronger by taking on numerous requests.
Suddenly, their conversation was interrupted by someone. The newcomer wore a broad smile
and stood tall, with a bald head and warrior's attire. Introducing himself as Lang, a cleric, he
expressed his desire to form a party with them if they were interested. Charlotte recognized
the request form as an extermination mission targeting kobolds. Yukito, appearing
uninterested, questioned Lang's motive for joining forces with them. With a gleeful
expression, Lang hinted that Yukito had done the magical incident involving the mug, praising
it as a brilliant and quick-witted move.
He proceeded to explain, wearing a smile, that he was in need of more manpower. He
identified himself as a cleric, while Charlotte was a knight and Yukito was a wizard,
emphasizing that their combination would create a harmonious balance. Charlotte, with a
smile on her face, expressed her agreement without any objections. Yukito, on the other
hand, appeared both excited and bored simultaneously. Lang then humbly smiled, clasping
his hands together. Upon examining his attributes, Yukito concluded that he was favorable
due to his alignment with lawfulness and goodness. He was a level three cleric devoted to
Osmor, the deity of justice and fairness. Yukito believed that all adventurers shared similar
qualities. Closing the book, he realized that his worries were unfounded. Lang expressed his
gratitude to Yukito, who reciprocated the gesture and expressed his hope for a good
relationship between them.
Yukito chuckled at the thought that there were still kind-hearted individuals. With smiles on
their faces, they ventured into the first dungeon, where water dripped from the walls and
splashed beneath their feet as they walked.
Charlotte took the lead, with Yukito following closely behind her, holding a light stick. Lang
trailed behind them, ensuring their safety. Despite the humidity, Yukito noticed that the
temperatures remained the same as outside. Lang then warned both Yukito and Charlotte to
be cautious with their steps. As they delved deeper into the dungeons, they could hear the
squeaking of bats. Yukito spotted one and realized that the cave was an ideal habitat for
them. Lang reassured Yukito that they were making progress in their mission to save Sana.
As Yukito flipped through the world book, he pondered the nature of kobolds and what kind
of monsters they indeed were. He was determined to end them. Kobolds were small reptilian
humanoid creatures. They formed groups that aligned themselves closely with evil dragons
and worshipped them in a cult.
When Lang inquired about Yukito's prepared spell for the day, he responded that his main
attack was the sleep spell. Brother Lang found this to be a reliable choice. As always, a smile
adorned his face. Yukito pondered what Lang's reaction would be if he knew he only had one
HP. Charlotte then raised the question of whether they should be cautious of traps. Brother
Lang affirmed this and mentioned that neither of them possessed the skills to detect and
disable traps. However, he reassured them that kobolds were not very intelligent, so
proceeding with caution should suffice. Lang also recounted his experience of almost being
killed by goblins upon transmigration.
Charlotte urged them to be careful as she sensed something lurking in the shadows. It was
the kobolds. Charlotte defended while asking Yukito to conjure a spell.
Thus, he cast a short, peaceful sleep upon the humanoid creatures. The spell induced a
magical slumber. It affected the creatures with the lowest HP in the vicinity, then moved on
to those with the next lowest HP.
After the kobolds fell into a deep sleep, there was a loud thud. One Kobold, who seemed to
have survived, attempted to attack Yukito from behind with a knife. Lang then used Osmar's
Judgment, a unique ability to counter the kobold. Just as Lang was about to launch his attack,
Yukito asked him to wait and stated that he needed to become stronger. He then clenched
his fists and requested Lang's permission to kill the kobold himself in order to gain
experience. Lang, puzzled, agreed.
In this world, accumulating experience points and increasing levels signified growth,
something Yukito knew from the world book he possessed. He raised his blade and remarked
that the residents of Everworld seemed unaware of the laws of their world. Apologizing to
the sleeping kobold, he declared it would be his food and stabbed it to death, causing blood
to splatter on his face and the blade.
Charlotte, concerned, pointed out that there was blood on Yukito's clothes, but he seemed
not to care. Lang appeared unimpressed by the entire situation. The extermination of the
kobolds proceeded favorably with Lang's offensive ability and Charlotte's armor defense.
Yukito then realized he had accumulated enough experience to level up. He rubbed his hands
in anticipation, realizing he only needed five more points to reach the next level.
Lang appeared enraged as he noticed a large number of goblin corpses. It seemed like the
neighborhood residents and travelers had attacked and stolen from them. Charlotte prayed
for their souls.
Suddenly, Lang glared at Charlotte and struck her face with his staff. Charlotte fell to the
ground with a loud thud. Yukito shouted in desperation, questioning Lang San's actions. Lang
San, infuriated, spoke vaguely, asserting that overconfident rookies often met their demise in
goblin dens.
Yukito, still angry, wondered whether it was a trap, recalling that the world book deemed
Lang as good. Yukito yelled, asking Lang why, as a cleric, he served the deity of justice, Osmar.
Lang gritted his teeth, declaring he wouldn't allow an evil deity's follower like Yukito to use
the name of his great deity. He revealed that Yukito emitted the aura of an evil deity. Yukito's
anger turned to fear. Lang admitted he had been waiting for an opportunity to send Yukito to
Narak since spotting him at the bar. Yukito questioned why Lang saw him as a believer of
Nephilia. The pages of the book began to turn, revealing Lang’s unique attribute, Osmar’s
faith bonus. It enabled Osmar’s believers to sense the evil gods’ believers.
Yukito's expression turned to one of fear and determination as he tried to comprehend this
unfolding situation. Lang’s mission was to eliminate followers of the evil deity and eradicate
their influence from the world. Meanwhile, Charlotte regained consciousness after her fall,
only to be met with Lang's aggression. He stomped on her back as he chuckled menacingly.
However, Yukito intervened, urging Lang to reconsider his actions because Charlotte had not
wronged him. Lang, however, insisted that she was equally guilty for associating with an evil
deity's follower. In his mind, Lang fantasized about using Charlotte's sword to eliminate
Yukito, believing it would enable him to perform more virtuous acts. With a cunning smile,
Yukito insulted Lang and labeled him as the epitome of wickedness. He made it clear that in
his world, actions such as attacking humans and stealing were undeniably evil. Lang's
confusion grew as he stared back at Yukito, questioning his allegiance and contemplating the
righteousness of eliminating evil believers and utilizing their weapons for good. He boldly
declared that he not only condemned Yukito's deeds but also supported Osmar's cause,
vowing to prevent individuals like him from further polluting the world. In that moment, Lang
saw himself as a guardian against evil, even if it meant going against a deity. Yukito, now
filled with fear, interpreted the intense gaze from Lang as a clear threat.
With Charlotte's sword in his grasp, he ordered Yukito to remain in place. Using his weapon,
he forcefully struck the ground, declaring that he would not allow someone like Yukito to
escape unscathed. He proceeded to launch a series of relentless attacks on Yukito. Despite
Yukito's attempts to explain that he was not a follower of Nephilia, Lang remained
unconvinced. He dismissed any further argument and continued his onslaught against Yukito.
In a desperate attempt to find a solution, Yukito leaped towards the book and quickly flipped
through its pages, searching for a way to retaliate. He needed to strike back at Lang, who was
determined to kill him. Gathering his courage, Yukito swiftly moved and unleashed a
powerful magical bolt. The tense standoff persisted as Yukito frantically sought safety. The
dungeon echoed with the sounds of heavy thuds while Yukito remained fixated on the world
book. He hastily sought refuge behind a nearby rock, hoping to evade Lang's relentless
Lang approached swiftly, his disbelief evident on his face. He expressed his surprise at
Yukito's hidden spell, calling him a dirty brat. With a smirk, he questioned Yukito's wizardry
skills, declaring it the end for him. Yukito, with a loud voice, hinted at Charlotte, leaving Lang
puzzled. As sweat trickled down his face, Lang was caught off guard when Yukito snuck
behind him, found a gap in his armor, and attacked him. The sneak attack left Lang writhing
in pain on the ground. Lang, in disbelief, questioned Yukito's agility, which Yukito revealed as
a thief's technique. Despite Lang's anger, Yukito succeeded in his plan. Lang, realizing that
Yukito aimed the magic bolt at a bat behind him, understood Yukito's strategy to level up. By
defeating the bat, Yukito saved up experience points to level up and end the situation
The class oversight ability was a rogue exclusive skill that allowed the attacker to identify the
opponent's vulnerabilities. Lang accused Yukito of being a follower of the evil deity but then
admitted his weakness and lack of strength to continue fighting. He questioned if Yukito had
exhausted all his resources and suggested calling the match a draw to move past their losses
despite serving different gods. Yukito, puzzled, turned away as Lang, now frustrated,
orchestrated another plan. He attempted to heal himself with speed recovery to defeat
Yukito but realized he couldn't cast spells without his missing medallion, which Yukito had
already stolen.
Lang was taken aback and clenched his teeth in frustration. The Classic Kill Suri, a renowned
technique, allowed one to steal small belongings from others discreetly. Lang's anger grew,
and he desired to seek revenge against Yukito. However, Yukito swiftly covered Lang's mouth
and forced him to the ground. Yukito then revealed that he wasn't as kind-hearted as he
initially seemed, tightening his grip on Lang's mouth. He unleashed a spell, ‘create water’ to
quench Lang's thirst and heal his soul, purging any misfortunes.
After the intense confrontation, Yukito and Charlotte retreated to their room. Charlotte
expressed her gratitude to Yukito for saving her and offering her the healing potion. Yukito
responded with relief, assuring her that she was now safe.
He proceeded to inform Charlotte that he had handed Lang over to a palace guard.
Furthermore, he mentioned that he had sold Lang's equipment at a weapon shop in order to
obtain money, as they would require funds for their upcoming endeavors. Additionally, he
revealed that he had also stolen Lange's healing potion. Subsequently, he expressed regret
over his naivety. He acknowledged that had he even slightly delayed in collecting experience
points, they would have perished. He admitted that he was ill-prepared and had forsaken
rational thinking, blindly accepting the information provided in the world book. However, his
gaze then transformed into one of determination as he declared that in order to survive in
that world, he could not be a coward, and he had to rescue Sana.
Returning to the dungeon, some people appeared to be worshippers. A mosaic on the walls
featured a sinister skull, with human bodies laid on the altar for sacrifice. It depicted the
goddess of destiny and prophecy. Suddenly, a black dragon emerged and proclaimed that
they should apprehend those who had taken the world book.
Shifting back to Yukito and Charlotte, the latter pledged to follow Yukito's instructions. The
following morning, Yukito sat on his bed reading the world book, with Charlotte still asleep
beside him. He then examined his page.
He had achieved a higher level and obtained the bandit class, which combined the abilities of
both a wizard and a thief. The rogue class possessed numerous skills, such as detecting
people, picking locks, knowledge of dungeons, hiding, searching, and many others. The skill of
gathering information would also aid him in finding Sana. Those who possessed multiple
classes had the advantage of being able to do more, but their proficiency in each class
decreased as their levels increased. Charlotte mentioned that adventurers with multiple
professions were rare, which made him wonder how he had acquired the thief skill by
chance. Initially, he thought it would be better to level up so that he could potentially locate
Sana in detail, but he was still stuck at one HP. This infuriated him, and frustration was
evident on his face. According to the world book, his HP was supposed to increase every time
he leveled up. He wondered if it was a bug or a result of his reincarnation. He blamed
As he continued reading his book, he came across the god of fate, Nephilia’s curse. He
pondered the meaning of favor, considering that Nephilia was an evil deity. The religious
bonus of Nephilia's favor also intrigued him. His face lit up with curiosity as he delved further
and discovered that Nephilia was related to Zanadua, the goddess of light. Nephilia’s
attributes were chaos and savagery. She was known as the dark queen of the evil world, the
mother of the dead, the wicked thief, the user of evil soul assassination techniques, and the
evil dragon.
Nephilia's judgment and comprehension of the undead's will were unmatched. However,
there were no increases in HP and revivals, and the deity did not allow religious weapons or
discussions. Yukito, feeling frustrated, questioned why these restrictions were considered
bonuses rather than a curse. He clenched his fist and hit the wall in frustration. Having
accidentally woken Charlotte up, he apologized for disturbing her. As Charlotte greeted him
with a yawn, Yukito blushed and covered his face uncomfortably. She commented on the nice
weather and suggested having breakfast before heading to the guild. Yukito, still flustered,
couldn't hide his embarrassment. Charlotte was always cheerful. Yukito pondered how she
could be so carefree and why they were sharing a room.
After breakfast, they went to the guild, where the bartender welcomed them as adventurers
and directed them to the job requests on the bulletin board.
They proceeded to the community board and perused the array of job listings and tasks
available. Among them, there was an opportunity to investigate the town's sewage system
for sixty gold coins, a chance to exterminate a black dragon residing in the area for six
thousand gold coins, and an option to conduct research on ancient civilization remnants for
two hundred gold coins, among others. Yukito contemplated slaying the dragon. However, he
deemed it unattainable for Charlotte as she had not yet mastered the sword. Eager to
advance his adventurer's rank swiftly to uncover information about Sana, Yukito thought of
undertaking numerous simple quests. He, however, felt that it would take too long to rank
up. He was also at risk of remaining at one HP. Just as he was pondering on this issue, an
older man entered the guild seeking urgent assistance, offering a meager sum of thirty coins.
He implored any willing adventurers to aid him, drawing the attention of those present at the
He was discouraged by the negative comments, as the guild members told him that no matter
how many times he visited, nothing would change. The members implied that his request
was unprofitable and below market price, making it unlikely to be accepted. Charlotte,
feeling angered by the derogatory remarks, intervened with passion. She emphasized that it
was not about money, and she would not allow them to mistreat the man in such a cruel
manner. The man defended himself, stating that adventurers had the right to choose their
requests and that if someone could not pay the appropriate amount, they would not be able
to hire help. Yukito, assessing the situation, agreed with the adventurers that the reward for
the request needed to be increased compared to others on the bulletin board. He concurred
that it was best not to accept the request. The older man, feeling dejected, compared his plea
for assistance to more lucrative subjugation and investigation requests. Yukito, recognizing
Charlotte's kind nature, knew he had to locate his sister soon.
Subsequently, he rejected the offer. Witnessing the onslaught of a group of black wolves on
his town and home, the elderly man began pleading with him. The village, known as Ida
Town, was on the verge of destruction. Intrigued by the familiarity of the name, Yukito
searched for it in the book. To his astonishment, he discovered that Sana's location was
marked there. Charlotte, sensing his distress, inquired about the cause. The older adult held
the position of village head in Ida Town, an Order Neutral. Yukito then realized the older
adult had a genuine desire to save the village despite specific unseen parameters, similar to
Lang's situation. He speculated that the mark could provide a clue about Sana or potentially
something else. Regardless, he closed the book, recognizing its danger and its value as a clue
in locating Sana. Consequently, he agreed to the request and informed the older adult that he
would assist, requesting the older adult's patience until the following day at the castle gate.
Mounting on his horse, the older adult departed.
Charlotte appeared delighted as he blushed. He appeared convinced that Yukito was a good
person, although Yukito himself was not entirely sure. When he returned to his room, he read
about the black wolf beasts. Yukito believed they could handle a single wolf, but for a pack,
they would only succeed through adequate preparation. He considered acquiring a bow to
use projectiles with the thief class. However, after realizing the cost of the Thief armor set
and Enchanted Magic Armor piece, along with the need for additional equipment and healing
potions for Charlotte, he felt hopeless with only forty coins. In desperation, he searched the
book for any means to earn more money and stumbled upon an intriguing discovery.
Charlotte's expression was one of deep sadness as she vehemently rejected the idea of selling
Rosinante, whom she considered a part of her family. Yukito clarified that they were not
selling the horse but merely pawning it temporarily. He assured her that they would
repurchase Rosinante as soon as possible. The reason behind this decision was that she was a
well-trained war horse and could fetch a high price of six hundred gold pieces. By pawning it,
they could immediately receive three hundred gold pieces, which would be enough to equip
themselves for a week-long journey. With the earnings from a few quests, they could repay
the borrowed money. It was the only viable option at the moment. Yukito then remembered
that Charlotte was from a noble family and she should have a lot of money. However,
Charlotte revealed that she only had thirteen gold pieces to contribute. Yukito realized that
Charlotte's financial situation was dire due to her decision to leave her noble family and rely
solely on her resources during her travels.
Yukito pondered over Charlotte's kindness and generosity. Despite this, Charlotte suggested
bringing Rosinante along on their journey due to her strength. However, Yukito disagreed
with the idea. He explained to Charlotte that while warhorses were indeed mighty in many
situations, their current mission required them to protect several villages while fighting. The
wolves they would encounter were not only faster than Rosinante but also more numerous.
It was impossible to rely solely on the horse to handle the wolves while they protected the
villagers. In a lighthearted manner, Yukito jokingly assigned Charlotte the task of frontline
fighting, surprising her with his statement. He assured her that he had been contemplating
strategies to win the battle without getting injured. He also had a plan to retrieve Rosinante
safely. Yukito then humbly requested Charlotte's permission to pawn Rosinante, emphasizing
that it was for the greater good of saving the village.
He was aware that Rosinante would comprehend. He proceeded to cast a spell, the Speak
with Animal spell, which allows the thoughts of an animal to be expressed in human
language, thus enabling understanding. Rosinante then began to communicate, addressing
Charlotte affectionately and assuring her that everything would be fine, urging her to have
faith in Yukito. Rosinante continued, expressing that when she was with Charlotte, she could
not suppress the desire to fight, and she also asked for forgiveness. Charlotte, surprised by
Rosinante's confession, pondered why and how she held such high regard for her.
Pawning Rosinante was part of Yukito's plan as an adventurer, wanting to obtain equipment
that he couldn't purchase. As a traveling companion, he sought advice and was hesitant to
take action, but considering Rosinante's feelings, he thought it might be a good idea.
Charlotte felt remorseful for not comprehending Rosinante and Yukito's feelings at all, feeling
like a failure as a paladin. However, Yukito thought that he should have informed them
earlier. As they bid farewell, Rosinante shed tears of sorrow. Charlotte embraced her,
promising that they would only undertake a few quests before returning for her.
After obtaining the gold coins, they made their way to the market, where Yukito purchased a
bow and a healing potion for Charlotte. They then boarded a caravan and headed towards Ida
Yukito utilized the levitate spell, a first-level spell, to survey the entire area from above. Upon
descending, Charlotte inquired about his findings. Yukito proceeded to remove the village
map. The first wolf came from a rear cliff, and the second one was a result of a break in the
fence. However, Yukito sensed that something was amiss. He gestured towards the map,
specifically pointing to the food storage, and questioned why it was located within the
Additionally, he pondered why the guards at the food storage were unusually strict as if they
were anticipating external attacks. This indicated that the villagers were concealing
something from them, possibly due to their difficulties. Yukito speculated that the black
wolves might be related to the situation. Regardless, he knew that the wolves would
inevitably appear soon. The connection between the black wolves, the villagers' secret, and
the seal on the world book eluded Yukito. He had at least discovered his first lead on Sana.
Even the tiniest clue would suffice, and he was determined to locate Sana. To achieve that, he
was willing to do whatever it took.
Several of the villagers exchanged words, commenting on the unusual silence. The onset of
wolf howls caught their attention. One of the villagers warned the others not to let their
guard down just because there were adventurers present to assist them. The guards, as
usual, remained stationed near the food storage. Before long, the wolves made their
appearance. The black wolves began to howl, signaling the start of the battle. Yukito, with a
determined look in his eyes, realized that his prediction had come true, and Charlotte
acknowledged that everything had unfolded precisely as Yukito had foreseen.

Yukito then addressed the villagers, urging them to stick to the plan. Their attention swiftly
shifted to the approaching wolves as one of the villagers shouted that the wolves had come.
It was a pack of black wolves, formidable creatures, and after defeating them, the
adventurers would earn thirty-five experience points.
Yukito and Charlotte closed in on their targets, signaling the others to advance their attacks.
Charlotte wielded the Holy Weapon, known as the Divine Favor, while Yukito utilized the
Bear's Strength, Lesser Resistance, and Magic Protection spells. As the wolves closed in,
Charlotte launched her attacks, utilizing her new weapon, the spiked chain, to trip them,
while Yukito observed that everything was going according to plan.
He signaled the villagers to launch their assault. They proceeded to shoot arrows at the
wolves, rendering them immobile. The villagers were delighted, believing that their strategy
could indeed succeed. The spiked chain utilized centrifugal force as a weapon and could be
used using basic combat training. Along with Yukito’s enhancing strength magic, Charlotte
could manage to survive. The spiked chain's primary advantage was its capability to trip
adversaries from a distance. If the wolves ventured into a specific area, they would be
attacked and tripped. By bottlenecking them at the entrance, they could seize the upper
hand. When one of the wolves Lunged at Charlotte and injured her, a villager panicked.
However, Yukito intervened, reassuring them that everything was under control. It was
evident that evading the advancing wolf's attacks was crucial. He stressed that by combining
magic armor and spells, one could gain formidable defenses, ensuring minimal damage even
from a wolf's bite.
With Charlotte keeping the wolves at bay, the villagers were able to shift their focus to
launching attacks with bows. The combination of a narrow entrance and an unyielding
Vanguard equipped with multiple long-range attacks proved to be a formidable strategy. The
wolves appeared intimidated as Yukito initially thought they might retreat, only to realize
they were merely maintaining their distance and regrouping. They then began to howl using
the ghost sound attributes. This spell allowed them to create various sounds, limited to
languages they knew, and adjust the volume from that of an insect wing to that of a person
screaming. Yukito then recalled observing black wolves hunting in a pack, utilizing barks to
communicate. Upon further reflection, he discovered that black wolves hunting in packs also
used barks to coordinate attacks. By mimicking the sounds the wolves made during their
attacks, Yukito believed he could disrupt their regrouping efforts. Although hastily devised,
he was confident in the effectiveness of this strategy. Additionally, the number of wolves was
gradually decreasing.
Their attention shifted to an imminent danger. A wolf leaped over the roof, crashing onto the
ground, startling some of the villagers. Other villagers aimed their arrows at the airborne
woman figure. The wolf snarled at one of the villagers. Yukito urged the villagers not to
abandon their posts, questioning how something could effortlessly jump over the fence.
Panic spread among the villagers, with some seeking help and others shouting in fear. Yukito
did not expect a human command, fearing that their defenses would crumble if it continued.
The woman figure dashed away. Yukito seemed to recognize them, suggesting that they had
survived against his beliefs. He announced that he would go after her and instructed
everyone to assist Charlotte. He then followed the woman figure, who headed straight to the
pantry and tried to open its doors frantically. Yukito observed from a distance before
deciding to cast a sleeping spell.
But the female figure noticed it and launched an assault. She soared into the air and fired
multiple arrows towards Yukito. Yukito then cast a protective spell using a windshield. The
spell allowed him to deflect projectile attacks on himself for up to ten minutes per level,
excluding siege weapons like blasts. Yukito was relieved that he had prepared the spell for
stray arrows. He then touched down and inquired why she and the black wolves were
attacking the village, as well as what was in the pantry. She pondered where and what was in
the pantry. The woman revealed that her companions were being held captive inside. Yukito
was taken aback. Shortly after, Charlotte appeared, relieved to see Yukito. The woman, now
unmasked, decided to eliminate Yukito because he was obstructing her path. She revealed
that they had taken everything dear to her from her village. She branded them shameless and
vowed never to forgive them. Yukito was puzzled by her words and then noticed that she had
the ears of an elf.
The elf aimed her bow at Yukito, disclosing that the villagers had abducted her younger sister,
Lumila. Charlotte, gearing up for an attack, was halted by Yukito, who noticed the book
flipping. Utilizing the Ranger class, neutral alignment, and professional skill, the elf charmed
animals. Yukito suspected there was more to the wolf attacks. Upon receiving the village
chief's request, he made the right decision not to bring Rosinante. If Rosinante had been
charmed, it would have been disastrous. The symbol found was a clue to Sana's location,
matching the one on the map. This likely indicated a connection between the elf and Sana,
which was the reason Yukito came to the village in the first place.
If it hadn't been an opportunity to search for her, Yukito wouldn't have even considered the
request. The elf, still equipped with her bow and arrow, gazed thoughtfully at Yukito. She
then raised his voice and questioned why Yukito was so silent. He remembered that the
purpose of his visit to Ida Village was to locate his sister. However, he was still determining
whether to take the elf route or the villager route, which offered a bonus of fifty gold coins.
He believed that he might gather more information about Sana by choosing either route.
Regardless of the path he ultimately chose, given the circumstances, he opted for the elf
route. He then expressed to the elf that he understood the pain of having a family member
taken away. He asked the elf if she would allow them to assist in searching the pantry. The
elf, displaying disbelief, inquired about his fellow villagers. Yukito reassured her, explaining
that he was also on a quest to find his missing younger sister. The elf was astonished. He
continued by acknowledging that their circumstances might be slightly different, but he
couldn't leave someone in the same situation as him to fend for themselves. The elf, who still
held his bow and arrow, decided to lower it. They both expressed their understanding.
Yukito and Charlotte then introduced themselves, while the elf introduced herself as Serena.
The pantry had a lock of level twenty, which seemed excessive for just a pantry. Yukito didn't
have the unlocking spell ready, so he attempted to use his lock-picking skill, which fell under
the thief's tools attribute. Despite multiple tries, he failed and acknowledged his inability.
Serena intervened and confidently stated that she would handle it. She instructed Yukito to
step back, then forcefully opened the door, causing it to crumble. After dusting her hands,
she informed Yukito and Charlotte that it was time to proceed. With a powerful strike, she
unlocked the door and called out for Lamila, her sister. Eager to charge in, Yukito held Serena
back, warning her of potential traps inside and advising them to remain composed. Yukito
then cast a spell that generated light, illuminating a fifteen-foot diameter around them. They
discovered stairs leading to a lower floor, where they found Lumilia hanging by ropes. Serena
rushed to free her sister, expressing her disappointment in human selfishness.
Lamelia was in a dire state and urgently needed treatment. She collapsed to the ground,
appearing unconscious. Yukito then questioned Serena about the situation, suspecting that
she was withholding information. Lamelia then lightly clenched her fists. The villagers
approached and explained that the ritual sacrifice was necessary to appease the black
wolves’ dragon and protect the village. Shocked by their response, Yukito demanded to know
if such extreme measures were vital and criticized them for their actions. One of the villagers
defended the decision, claiming they had no other choice. Yukito, enraged, gritted his teeth.
Serena, furious, expressed her disappointment in the villagers for betraying the trust of the
elves. Despite a villager looking at her with sorrow, the others prepared to attack,
surrounding Yukito and his companions. They regretfully informed them that, due to
witnessing their plans, they could not allow them to leave alive.
Yukito sprang into action with great agility, utilizing the shimmering dust, a spell of the first
level. Its effect encompassed all creatures within its range, showering them with a fine mist
of dust. If a creature failed to resist its effects, it would be blinded for the duration of the
spell. The men of the village clutched their eyes in agony as they sought water for relief
Meanwhile, Yukito and his comrades made their escape. Yukito's original plan, which
involved choosing between the elf route and the village route, had automatically veered
towards the elf route due to his betrayal of the villagers. He remarked that those who had
harmed Lumilia did not deserve any better treatment. They had to act swiftly, as the blinding
effect only lasted for a limited time. Eventually, the villagers regained their sight, but by then,
Yukito and his comrades had already made their way out of the pantry. Charlotte inquired
about their next course of action, to which Yukito replied that they must first attend to
Lumilia and asked Serena if there was a secure hiding place in the forest.
Serena, with a sense of urgency, responded affirmatively and declared that she would lead
the way. Yukito, who was carrying Lumilia, encouraged her to hold on. Suddenly, the
atmosphere shifted, causing Serena to freeze in her tracks with a foreboding feeling. She kept
looking back, sensing an approaching presence. Without hesitation, she sprinted towards
Yukito and the others, warning them that someone was coming. They all wondered who or
what was approaching, and to their astonishment, the black dragon emerged. Everyone stood
frozen, recognizing it as Gazomoug. Perched on the rooftop of the pantry, Gazomoug
observed Yukito and his comrades from a distance. His gaze sent shivers down Yukito's spine,
making him realize that they were no match for such a formidable opponent. They were like
insignificant bugs beneath his feet. Realizing the need to escape, Yukito found himself unable
to move his legs.
The black dragon seemed to be searching for a sacrifice, one meant for the great Nephilia. In
a state of panic, Yukito watched with his mouth agape. He wondered if the black dragon was
a follower of Nephilia, the deity of evil. In an attempt to defend themselves, Serena shot an
arrow at the dragon and took a defensive stance, urging Yukito and Charlotte to take her
sister. Yukito, however, tried to reason with Serena, knowing that fighting Gazomoug was not
a battle he could win. He pleaded with her to run away, but Gazomoug, filled with anger,
mocked them as foolish and questioned their belief that they could escape. Yukito and his
comrades stood in suspense, contemplating their next move as Gazomoug prepared to launch
his attacks.
As the confrontation dragged on, the dragon let out a furious roar. Yukito and Charlotte, their
eyes filled with determination, prepared to launch an assault. However, the dragon beat its
wings, sending them flying backward as they struggled to keep their balance. Concerned,
Charlotte asked Yukito if he was alright. But Yukito's attention was on Serena, who was still
fighting the dragon. Suddenly, a loud thud echoed through the air - it was Serena. Yukito's
heart raced as he called out her name. Thankfully, Serena was alive, but Yukito knew they
had to help her. Urging Charlotte to assist, they hesitated as the ground beneath them began
to melt, emitting a foul odor. The dragon descended from the pantry roof, slamming into the
ground. As it drew closer to Yukito, the wind from its wings made them shiver in fear. They
realized that fighting such a powerful creature was beyond their capabilities. Despite their
fear, they couldn't leave Serena behind. The dragon taunted them as mere humans. Angered,
Charlotte led Yukito, who still held Lumilia, away from the dragon.
The dragon pondered why and how they dared to stand before him. The dragon then
mentioned the eleven sacrifices and slashed Serena’s back. Charlotte, displaying exceptional
agility and determination, decided to launch an attack. She vowed to defeat the evil dragon.
The dragon identified her as the paladin. Yukito attempted to persuade Charlotte against it,
stating that it was futile, but Charlotte remained resolute. Shortly after, she observed the
ground melting, and as she sprinted toward the dragon, there were splashes beneath her
feet. This was due to the dragon using black dragon's breath, which contained a potent acid
capable of corroding metal, including standard metal armor, causing it to weaken. Charlotte
then leaped into the air as the dragon observed, timing her strikes. She then wielded her
sword, attempting to strike the dragon using the smite evil technique. A paladin could utilize
the Smite evil technique once per day. The attack rolls received a bonus based on the
paladin's Charisma modifier, and the damage rolls were to receive a bonus of one per paladin
level. If the target of the attacks had a good or neutral alignment, the bonus damage was
disregarded. Charlotte, now airborne, aimed to smite the dragon with all her strength.
However, the dragon, who had anticipated Charlotte's move, retaliated by striking her with
his tail.
Charlotte descended to the ground with a resounding thud, causing Yukito to freeze in fear.
He was overwhelmed with worry and panic as he saw Charlotte barely conscious but still
alive. Yukito, filled with anger, stood watching the dragon Gazomoug face to face. At that
moment, Yukito contemplated his mortality. Briefly, he thought about Sana, and just as
Gazomoug was about to attack him, he paused and mentioned an unclean male, invoking
Nephilia's cursed blessing. Yukito, still puzzled by the mention of Nephilia, remembered that
she was the evil deity who brought him to this world. Determined to buy some time, he told
Gazomoug that Nephilia instructed him to prepare a sacrifice, and he was just about to offer
one up to her. Surprisingly, Gazomoug seemed interested and listened to Yukito's persuasion.
Suddenly, Gazomoug flapped his wings and approached Yukito. With a sudden twist, the
black wolves reappeared, seeking to save them. Gazomoug rushed past Yukito, who was still
holding Lumilia in her hands. Yukito was shocked to see any survivors from the previous
attacks on the village.
Gazomoug recognized the black wolves and hordes as beastly creatures and unleashed the
black dragon's breath, a powerful attack that could cause six points of damage to all creatures
within a thirty-foot range. However, if a beast succeeded in its saving throw, the damage
would be halved. Realizing that this was their only chance to escape, Serena instructed Yukito
and Charlotte to take her sister and flee. Yukito entered into his bag and retrieved a smoke
ball, which he promptly threw onto the ground. The smoke ball created a curtain of smoke
within a fifteen-foot radius, heavily obscuring the creatures inside from those outside.
Gazumoug pondered about Yukito's true identity, considering the fact that he bore Nephilia's
curse blessing. The villagers then approached Gazumoug, treating him as their great leader.
Gazomoug marched towards them, and they apologized for the situation. Despite holding
Serena beneath her claws, Gazomoug was angered and glared at them, instilling fear. They all
went down on their knees, seeking sympathy, mentioning that Yukito and his comrades
couldn't have gone far and everyone was searching for them. The leader trembled as he
pleaded with Gazomoug for more time, but Gazomoug, in anger, ignored their plea, stating
that they had violated the terms of their contract and would have to pay with blood.
Meanwhile, Yukito, Charlotte, and Lumilia traversed through the forest, with Yukito carrying
Lumilia on his back. They acknowledged that they were able to escape thanks to Serena,
pondering Gazomoug's identity and monstrous nature. Despite this, they knew they had to
focus on escaping, aware that Gazomoug and the villagers might be pursuing them. Yukito
also thought about Serena and the red sky.
Soon after, he stood at a distance, his eyes filled with disbelief as he witnessed the village
engulfed in flames. Yukito and his companions were stationed in a camp in the middle of the
forest, with Lumilia now fully conscious. Curious about the identities of Yukito and Charlotte,
Lumilia inquired about who had informed them. At that moment, Lumilia recalled her sister
and swiftly rose to her feet. However, Charlotte advised her against making any sudden
movements, emphasizing the need for rest. Yukito then sliced a fruit and offered it to Lumilia,
urging her to eat and nourish herself. Recognizing the importance of replenishing her energy,
Lumilia held the fruit with both hands, her face etched with worry as she sat down. Seizing
the opportunity, Yukito asked Lumilia to recount the events that had transpired between the
elves and the Ida village. As Lumilia consumed the fruits, she began explaining that their town
was located further north, nestled amidst the mountains, and surrounded by abundant
greenery and fruitful plants on all sides. To the left, there was a natural spring, and the fertile
land provided them with sustenance and quenched their thirst. It was a place where one
would never feel alone, as it exuded a serene beauty. However, their peaceful existence was
shattered when the Black Dragon and the followers of the Temple of Evil attacked their
village. The Black Dragon instilled panic and chaos, forcing the surviving elves to seek refuge
in Ida Village, with whom they had established trade relations. The villagers generously
offered their assistance, hiding the elves in their pantry, ensuring their safety. Soon after, the
followers of the Temple of Evil arrived at the village, demanding to meet the chief of Ida
The adherents of the temple of evil arrived and inquired about the whereabouts of the chief
of Ida village and the surviving elves he had concealed. The villagers, who had endeavored to
safeguard the elves, generously provided them with sustenance from the pantry and ensured
their safety. However, the chief, perceiving his village to be in peril, decided to betray the
elves and apprehend them immediately. When questioned about his betrayal, he explained
that the black dragon had demanded an offering of eleven lives, and failure to comply would
result in the village's doom. Consequently, he led the followers of the evil temple to the
elves, who were subsequently captured. He then paused, stating that the elves attempted to
resist but were no match for the vicious followers of the evil temple.
Yukito discerned that the chief's alignment was neutral good. As stated in the book, an
individual with a good alignment strives to be as benevolent as possible towards those in
need. In this case, the chief's goodness was directed towards protecting the townspeople of
Ida village. This was also true for Lang, but the alignment described in the book does not
encompass the entirety of a person's character. It serves merely as a point of reference.
Lumilia, now filled with concern, inquired about the whereabouts of her sister.
Charlotte's worried expression only heightened Lumilia's anxiety. Lumilia stood there, her
eyes fixed on Yukito and Charlotte, her face etched with concern. Yukito then delivered the
devastating news that the black dragon had destroyed Ida village and Serena had been
captured. He expressed his regret for not being able to save her, explaining that all he could
do was flee. Lumilia desperately inquired about the fate of her older sister, to which Yukito
reassured her that she should still be alive. He explained that the temple of evil would
perform the sacrifice on the ninth day of the calamity when all the moons aligned. As he
turned the pages of the book, he couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity. Suddenly, he
remembered that the world would face a calamity in three moons' time, causing him to
contemplate the significance of the so-called calamity moon and whether it would occur
eighteen days from that very moment. Overwhelmed by the weight of the information,
Lumilia's head began to spin, causing her to collapse to the ground. The others rushed to her
side, their faces filled with concern.
Yukito then insisted to Charlotte that they must go and rescue Serena, as a paladin could
never overlook such wickedness. Yukito hesitated for a moment, realizing that they were not
prepared to face Gazomoug. Despite his reluctance to engage in another confrontation, he
recalled that Serena bore the same symbol as the one representing Sana's whereabouts. This
unique symbol indicated a connection between the two quests, making it imperative to save
Serena. The urgency of the situation outweighed any other tasks they could have pursued at
that moment. Upon noticing the newly revealed label for the Temple of Evil on the map,
Yukito understood that visiting the temple would provide crucial information about Sana.
However, they needed to level up and gather intelligence before venturing into such a
dangerous place, especially considering their previous encounter with the dragon.
However, if the symbol represented Sana, there was a possibility that she could be held
captive by the followers of the Temple of Evil. These thoughts caused dizziness in his head. In
a state of panic, he dropped the book, and Charlotte approached him, panting, to ask if he
was alright. Lumilia then stated that he had to leave and save her sister while the others
pleaded with her to stop. She didn't want to lose anyone else. Yukito observed her with pity.
With determination, Charlotte informed the comrades that they should confront Gazomoug.
However, in order to do so, they needed to plan and prepare carefully. Yukito realized that he
could share his thoughts with them and suddenly came to an exciting realization that they
could defeat him with the Munchkin play.
Lumilia was a level one ranger with seven HP. The ranger class was skilled in navigating boats
and could befriend any forest creature. They also could tap into the magic deeply rooted in
nature. Yukito believed that Charlotte should have leveled up after defeating all the black
wolves. She had accumulated over two thousand experience points, but her level remained
at one. Yukito expressed his concern and asked Charlotte why she was unable to level up.
Charlotte, appearing puzzled, questioned the meaning of leveling up. Yukito emphasized that
it was the ability to learn new skills and make better use of the knowledge and experiences
she had gained.
Charlotte comprehended the process now. As she underwent growth and gained experience,
she mentioned that growth took place in the temple of her faith's Deity, which she believed
in the holy forest. Once she felt she had entered a sufficient level of growth, she needed to
perform a growth ritual by spending an entire day in prayer at the temple. Adventurers who
had grown would receive a variety of powers bestowed upon them by their deity. Yukito
pondered whether the deity determined the abilities, values, and skills a person could
acquire or if one could choose a specific bonus, such as enhancing swordsmanship or learning
a new spell. Charlotte, however, stated that it was solely based on the Deity's will. Yukito was
bored by the notion of random skill acquisition and found it unnecessary. He let out a sigh of
disappointment as he continued reading his book. Eventually, he decided to experiment by
directly leveling up Charlotte's level. To his amazement, the book emitted a glow, revealing
Charlotte's new level. It proved to be successful as her armor gleamed, and she felt a sudden
surge of power within her.
Yukito soon recognized that despite having accumulated enough experience points to level
up, she remained at level one, indicating that some form of action was necessary to progress
to the next level. In Charlotte's situation, completing her prayer ritual was essential. Failure
to take action would result in remaining at the same level indefinitely. However, by writing
directly into the book, Yukito could freely select skills and allocate ability points as desired.
Mastering the book's usage could determine success or failure, enabling him to enhance the
leveling techniques of other party members. This realization sparked a glimmer of hope,
prompting Yukito to explore the possibilities of a paladin reaching level two. At this level, the
number of spells increased, including divine smite and an enhanced version of smite evil,
along with another spell that he found challenging to understand. Despite this, he resolved to
investigate further later. Yukito then summoned Charlotte, reminding her of their agreement
to retrieve Rosinante, whom they had pawned elsewhere.
Rosinante stood quietly in the stable as a worker diligently swept and cleaned her
surroundings. The worker's expression seemed to convey sympathy towards Rosinante,
understanding the challenges she must have faced being separated from her master. In an
attempt to reassure the horse, the worker offered words of comfort, assuring her that
everything would eventually be alright. Suddenly, Rosinante began to emit a radiant shine, a
bright light that was so intense it forced the worker to shield his eyes. Blinking in disbelief, he
watched as Rosinante vanished from the stable and reappeared in front of Lumilia, Yukito,
and Charlotte in the forest. Yukito had cast a spell that teleported Rosinante to their location.
Confused, Rosinante looked around while Charlotte, unable to contain her excitement,
rushed forward to embrace her, expressing how much she had missed her. Overwhelmed
with emotion, Rosinante let out a joyful neigh and shed tears of happiness.

The level two paladins were granted access to the holy mountain, with the creature that had
the strongest bond to the paladin being chosen. Rosinante was the chosen one and received
the sacred attributes in addition to her already impressive strength. Furthermore, due to her
altered appearance, they could claim she was a different horse, even if the pawnbroker
spotted her. Charlotte expressed concern about not paying, but he reassured her that they
would settle the debt later, as they had already dealt with the dragon. Yukito then outlined
the plan to Charlotte and Lumilia, emphasizing the importance of rescuing Serena, to which
Charlotte agreed. He then greeted Rosinante warmly despite her apparent displeasure at
being pawned. Lumilia, with her expertise in Animal Handling, managed to calm Rosinante
down and earn her trust. Charlotte was amazed by Lumilia's ability to connect with
Rosinante, noting that the horse usually didn't warm up to anyone else. This observation
upset Yukito, who was reminded of a past incident and felt a sense of impending doom.
Lumilia swiftly drew a dagger, whispering to herself that it wouldn't be much longer. She
proceeded to cut her hair, her eyes filled with determination as she prepared to save her
older sister. Yukito and Charlotte observed in disbelief while Lumilia geared up for battle.
They later made their way to Orbeda City Public Bathhouse for a relaxing bath. As they
soaked, Charlotte offered to scrub Lumilia's back, triggering memories of her sister cutting her
hair. Charlotte paused, feeling a strange sensation from their time in the forest. She
wondered if she had grown stronger as an adventurer without performing the growth ritual.
Lumilia speculated that the deity Luria may have granted her newfound power to defeat evil.
As they discussed saving Serena, Charlotte reassured Lumilia of their support as she prepared
to lead the way. Meanwhile, Yukito was busy preparing for their upcoming battle, prompting
Charlotte to inquire about any issues he may have encountered.
Yukito then, upon realizing that Lumilia and Charlotte were unfamiliar with currency, decided
to enlighten them on the subject. Flipping through his book, he elaborated on the existence
of three types of currencies commonly used in cities. The first type was the gold piece,
followed by the silver piece, and lastly, the copper piece. The value of each currency
increased tenfold in succession, from copper to silver to gold. For instance, a gold piece was
equivalent to ten silver pieces, while a silver piece was worth ten copper pieces. Notably, in
Yukito's world, a gold piece was approximately ten thousand yen. Skilled artisans could earn
a gold piece per day, whereas commoners frequently utilized silver pieces in their daily
transactions. A silver piece symbolized half a day's wage for a common laborer, and copper
pieces held the most negligible value, typically used for purchasing bread and other essential
items. Charlotte was amazed to learn about the existence of silver and copper pieces,
previously unbeknownst to her. Furthermore, the healing potion that Charlotte utilized could
restore one to ten HP each time, with a cost of fifty gold pieces per potion.
In simpler terms, the cost of the protection from the acid potion, which was necessary to
defend against the black dragon's breath, was around three hundred gold. This was quite
expensive, especially considering that Yukito desired to have some. Additionally, the magic
items were even pricier, as Yukito only had one HP and was eager to acquire one. Specifically,
he sought an amulet that would shield him from the magic bolt. Although the magic bolt
wasn't particularly potent, it posed a certain level of guaranteed harm. Without any
safeguards against it, Yukito's life would be at risk.
And that single item alone was priced at a thousand gold coins. They not only required a
substantial amount of money but also needed to gather information about the temple. They
needed to know the interior and dimensions of the building before attempting to enter. With
only eighteen days left, Yukito had to spend some days gathering information, two days
preparing for their attack, two days traveling there, and also finding time to increase their
levels. They considered taking a quest near Orbeda city as a last-minute opportunity to level
up. Upon looking at the book, they noticed the Goblin King quest, which was recommended
for level three. They believed that completing the quest would bring Yukito and Charlotte to
level three while Lumilia would reach level two. Yukito then shared the book with Finality
and requested to take on the quest. Charlotte then asked about the finances.
Yukito acknowledged the importance of money as the primary concern and the urgency to
accumulate a significant sum quickly. He mentioned that he had found a way to address this
by selling something. Charlotte, feeling a bit let down, inquired if he was referring to
Rosinante once more. Yukito, sporting a sly grin, assured her that it was not the case, as he
could no longer pawn Rosinante. Lumilia, who had been eavesdropping on their
conversation, gazed at them with distress. When asked what was troubling her, she
expressed her concern that they were going too far to assist her. She felt remorseful for
involving them and believed it was an issue for the elves. She made it clear that she did not
wish to burden them any further. Yukito, appearing worried, reassured her not to be troubled
as they also had their motives for confronting Gazomoug.
Charlotte, positioned behind Yukito, proclaimed in a resounding voice that a paladin could
never pardon such despicable wickedness. Meanwhile, Yukito asserted that they required
strength to overcome their adversary. At that moment, Charlotte tenderly embraced Lumilia,
assuring her that they would undoubtedly rescue her unfortunate older sister and triumph
over the evil black dragon. Yukito's thoughts and plans were not entirely focused on Serena;
he was merely exploiting Lumilia and seeking vengeance as a means to uncover information
about Serena. Subsequently, under cover of night, Yukito stealthily departed while Charlotte,
Lumilia, and Rosinante were sound asleep. He then expressed his remorse to Rosinante
before committing a grave act. Afterward, he made his way to the bustling marketplace,
where vendors were scattered everywhere and navigated through various paths until he
arrived at a rather dubious location.
Upon arrival, a towering man confronted him, demanding to know his identity and
questioning his purpose for being there. The man's suspicion was evident, but eventually, he
relented and allowed him entry, causing the door to emit a creaking sound. Stepping inside,
he realized it was not a pub as he initially thought, but rather a shop. The sound of taps
echoed throughout the place, creating an eerie atmosphere. Suddenly, a slithering noise
caught his attention, and he found himself face-to-face with Volzak. Volzak inquired if this
was his first encounter with him and how he had managed to discover this hidden place. As
the owner of Volzark's shop, a notorious black wolves market store, Volzak's alignment was
chaotic and evil, and he held the title of a level six merchant assassin. Yukito, also embracing
his evil nature, suggested that asking questions went against their rules. Agreeing, Volzak
inquired about Yukito's merchandise. In response, Yukito skillfully flipped a small cloth he
had dropped, revealing a unicorn's horn.
Volzak observed thoughtfully as the horn was placed on the table, emitting a clunky sound.
He pondered how Yukito managed to obtain such a valuable item, speculating on the
unicorn's demise and Yukito's involvement. Impatient, Yukito inquired about the horn's
value, prompting Volzak to examine its size, shape, and flawless condition carefully. After
expressing his willingness to pay five hundred gold coins for the piece, Yukito accepted the
offer and departed. Yukito felt the tense atmosphere of the location, grateful for consulting
the wild book entry that led him there. Despite the sketchy nature of the place and the shady
characters present, he knew the horn's significance - akin to a unicorn's horn - and its healing
properties. The Celestial Charger War Horse's horn could restore one to three HP twice a day,
with the ability to regenerate fully with the application of a healing potion. While
theoretically, one could take as much as one wanted, it would raise suspicions and potentially
lead to dire consequences.
That is why he couldn't engage in such actions frequently. The deity of mercy, Luria, would
unleash his wrath in the form of a silence curse lasting for one to three days, which was
essentially a death sentence for any magic user. However, he was fortunate enough to
possess the blessing of a deity, granting him immunity to all curses. Consequently, he had no
desire to make any more enemies in the Pantheon. They had adopted a more balanced
approach, and thanks to Rosinante, they currently had sufficient funds. They possessed a
costly bag worth two thousand gold and were also considering purchasing an eleven-foot
The following morning, Charlotte opened the window and was greeted by the chirping and
fluttering of birds. A resounding "no" echoed in the vicinity, indicating a disagreement
between Charlotte and Yukito. Yukito attempted to persuade her, suggesting that it would
only be for a short period and she could view it as a free trial. However, Charlotte remained
defiant, adamantly refusing and stating that it was not an option, neither now nor ever.
Despite Yukito's pleas, insisting that all she had to do was comply temporarily, Charlotte
turned away, crossed her arms, and firmly declined.
Charlotte stated that she was unable to change her deity of worship, emphasizing the long-
standing tradition of the Temple of Brownia serving the deity of mercy, Luria. Yukito
acknowledged the formidable nature of their upcoming battle against a black dragon and the
temple's followers. Yukito proposed switching to a stronger and more benevolent deity to
gain strategic advantages. While Charlotte saw some merit in this suggestion, she remained
doubtful, indicating her reluctance to embrace the idea.
The deity known as Luria, revered as the deity of mercy and a divine warrior, possesses a
faith bonus of plus two for healing abilities and a two bonus on persuasion checks against
good and aligned creatures. Additionally, there is a one to six bonus to healing good and
aligned creatures, along with a double-attack bonus against those who are greedy. Luria's
chosen weapon was the long sword, and the guiding precept for followers was never to
abandon those in need if they held Luria in their hearts. Luria, the deity of mercy, upholds
justice and fairness in the realm, with an alignment of lawful and good. Mercy was granted to
the just, while the wicked received the mercy of swift deaths. Paladins, priests, and clerics
who worship Luria hold him in high esteem. Despite the perceived limitations of Luria's faith
bonus, Yukito finds the healing ability to be somewhat lacking in combat situations. While
healing on hands is a convenient way to address minor injuries, the effectiveness is limited
when only one HP is restored. Yukito wishes he could make adjustments to the faith bonus,
similar to how he can allocate stats and skills in the world book. However, changing one's
faith is a decision that must be made by the individual, such as Charlotte.
Charlotte firmly held onto her belief in the greatness of Luria, the deity of mercy. Yukito,
trying to sway her, pointed out the challenges they would encounter in harnessing Luria's
power for their mission. Initially, Charlotte mentioned her possession of the Grand Saint
Sword of the House of Brownia. However, Yukito knew that Charlotte lacked the strength to
wield it effectively. This realization left Yukito feeling disheartened. Undeterred, Charlotte
boldly stated her unwavering loyalty to Luria, the Deity of Mercy, and insisted that Gazomaug
could not shake her devotion. Recognizing Charlotte's stubbornness, Yukito appealed to her
emotions and pleaded for her cooperation as a last resort.
Charlotte hesitated, but Yukito persisted, stressing that their actions were meant to help
someone in need and assuring her that it would only be temporary. In a desperate move,
Yukito tried to win her over with a charming demeanor, momentarily leaving Charlotte
speechless. However, she stood firm, stating that she could not simply abandon her faith. She
also sought support from Lumilia. Despite Yukito's appeals, Charlotte defiantly turned away
and blocked her ears. Understanding the gravity of the situation, Yukito acknowledged the
challenge of asking someone to change their beliefs and realized that such conditions were
not easy to navigate.
As Lumilia, Yukito, and Charlotte deliberated on which deities to choose, their hearts
trembled with uncertainty. Lumilia inquired about the best deity for her to worship,
prompting shocked exclamations of her name from Yukito and Charlotte. Yukito delved into
his book, searching for a suitable match for Lumilia, eventually coming across the deity of the
forest, Eunice. However, he suggested the deity of thieves, Shada, due to the significant
bonuses she provides to archery. Worshiping Shada granted access to a unique advanced
class and a variety of skills that were beneficial for adventuring. Shada, the deity of thieves,
rules over all thieves and those who lurk in the shadows. Her alignment was chaotic neutral,
with few temples dedicated to her, but many thieves’ guilds had shrines in her honor. Rogue
bards and rangers often paid homage to Shada, as her faith bonus was highly regarded.
Her expertise was a crucial step in the beginning of the battle. You have the option to move
up to five feet. Her preferred weapons of faith were a dagger, sword, bow, or crossbow.
Surprisingly, she quickly agreed to devote her faith to the forest deity, much to Yukito's
surprise. Charlotte, who was amazed by Lumilia's immediate response and cooperation,
stood in awe. Approaching Lumilia, Yukito asked her if she was sure about choosing the forest
deity. Adding to the conversation, Charlotte suggested that Lumilia should reconsider her
decision. Suddenly, a bird perched on Lumilia's shoulder, causing her to flinch and get
scratched. It then flew away, flapping its wings. However, Lumilia had already made up her
mind and believed that second thoughts were unnecessary. She had chosen Eunice, the deity
of the forest. Unfortunately, Eunice did not save the elves, which led Lumilia to switch her
allegiance to Shada, the Deity of Thieves. This decision aligned with her desires and her goal
of gaining enough power to defeat Gazomaug on her own. Yukito appeared slightly panicked
while Charlotte struggled to find the right words. Eventually, Charlotte agreed with Lumilia's
choice and justified it by stating that she would act in the name of justice, hoping for
forgiveness from the divine Luria. Yukito was overjoyed, exclaiming that his plan was finally
falling into place. Observing Lumilia's change of allegiance, Charlotte also considered
following suit. Yukito's joy was evident as he loudly expressed his happiness. Charlotte,
influenced by Lumilia's conversion, changed her mind as well.
Charlotte mentioned that it would only be temporary, and Yukito agreed, stating that it
would last until they defeated Gazomaug. Charlotte then inquired about the best deity for
her to worship. Yukito, quickly turning the pages of her book, came across one and eagerly
showed Charlotte. It was Malifice, the vicious and cruel deity of evil. Originating from the
boundless depths of the abyss, Malifice ruled over demons and those with malicious
intentions. Her alignment was chaotic evil, and she took pleasure in bloodshed, violence,
tyranny, deceit, chaos, and destruction.
The wickedness that plagued the world was embodied in her twisted evil, second only to the
corruption that emanates from the vile deity Nephilia. Her devoted paladins, fighters, and
barbarians worship Malifice, organized as members of her dark cult. Her skills include Evil
Aura and Summon Evil Servant. The blessing of Malifice manifested as a sprouting of demonic
arms equal to the character's level, up to a maximum of six, with the faith weapon being the
Charlotte was in disbelief, her eyes wide and her mouth agape as she held her face. She spoke
firmly, rejecting the idea of evil deities and questioning why anyone would suggest such a
thing to a holy paladin like herself. Yukito, taken aback by her reaction, urged her to calm
down and listen to his explanation. He pointed out the powerful bonuses that came with
Malefice's faith and the usefulness of the summoned servants. He also mentioned the
potential for Charlotte to unlock her advanced class, the Fallen Paladin, which would make
her even stronger. With determination in his voice, Yukito explained how Rosinante could
also benefit from this transformation, gaining the Undead attribute and access to the Unholy
Mount at level five.
Malefice could grant the creature with the strongest bond to the Paladin, the permanent dark
aura, undead attribute providing immunity to poison and diseases, instant death effects, and
significant damage resistance against slashing and piercing attacks. However, it will also
become vulnerable to fire, radiance, and genuine blood damage. Charlotte was in disbelief
and exclaimed loudly before defiantly closing Yukito's world book, declaring that there was
no way she would accept it. She then called Yukito a fool and expressed her lack of care for
him, turning away from him on the bed. Feeling remorseful, Yukito apologized to Charlotte
and offered an alternative. Charlotte, now feeling sorrowful, gazed at Yukito.
Flogas, the deity of fury and force, was the second option available. Known as the dwarfen
deity, Flogas was revered by warriors who possessed courageous spirits. His alignment was
chaotic and good. Flogas's right arm symbolized immense power, and the hammer he wielded
with it was renowned for its ability to obliterate any form of evil. His followers primarily
consisted of fighters, barbarians, and individuals who relish a good brawl. His skill, known as
fury's might, bestowed a temporary strength increase of plus two for one to four turns,
although spellcasting was prohibited during this period. As for his faith weapon, Flogas's
followers could choose between the hammer sword or the spiked chain.
Yukito, now filled with excitement upon this realization, turned towards Charlotte and
expressed that it would make her stronger, enabling him to wield the sword effectively and
also enhance her resilience against enemy attacks. Additionally, one of the faith weapons
happened to be a mighty spiked chain. Uncertain of Charlotte's response, Yukito anxiously
asked for her thoughts, emphasizing the added strength bonus and the opportunity for her to
utilize the grand saint's sword. He employed this statement as an attempt to win Charlotte
over to his side. After taking a glance, Charlotte clenched her teeth and reluctantly agreed,
but only for the time being. Yukito's happiness was evident as he exclaimed loudly. However,
he inwardly regretted his manipulative tactic of using the door-in-the-face technique, which
exploited human psychology by making excessive demands followed by smaller ones,
increasing the likelihood of the target granting the latter. Although associated with con
artists, this technique guaranteed a plus bonus to Yukito's persuasion ability check. At least
for Charlotte, it marked a step forward. Now curious, she asked Yukito about his allegiance.
With a smile, Yukito stated that his allegiance lay with the divine, specifically with Amara, the
tears of the Deity of virtue, as their blessings proved helpful in his spells.
While engrossed in the book, he suddenly realized that his alignment had shifted to neutral
and evil. Without hesitation, they made their way to the Adventurer's Guild. After expressing
their intention to undertake the Goblin King's quest, they eagerly tore open the quest scroll
and began reading its contents. The abandoned keep located just south of Orbeda city had
become a haven for goblins who were rumored to be kidnapping young girls for a sinister
ritual. Despite two separate groups of adventurers accepting the task, none had returned.
Determined, Yukito and his companions journeyed through the mountains and valleys
towards Ida village. Upon reaching the bustling town, they were greeted by the lively chatter
of its residents and the presence of numerous guards due to the nearby abandoned keep.
Upon analyzing the situation, Lumilia drew parallels between the current events and those of
her hometown, Ida. Yukito concurred, attributing the circumstances to the Black Dragon's
influence and suspecting the involvement of the evil temple. Charlotte chimed in, suggesting
that the symbols appearing in the world book when receiving requests were akin to those
associated with quest markers. If the quest pertained to Gazomaug, Sana might also be
present. Frustrated by the unfolding events, Charlotte unsheathed her sword, determined to
prevent the ritual from taking place. However, upon declaring her loyalty to Luria as a
paladin, she realized her allegiance had shifted to Flogas, the deity of fury and forge. This
revelation cast a shadow over her countenance as she sat down in contemplation.
Upon analyzing the situation, Yukito informed them that he had a previous unpleasant
encounter with the goblins when he first arrived in this world. He mentioned that despite
being monsters, the goblins displayed a relatively high level of intelligence, and some even
possessed magical abilities. These goblins were small humanoid creatures of a neutral evil
nature. However, Yukito assured them that he had changed since then and would now take a
more offensive approach. Nevertheless, dealing with a large group of goblins would prove to
be challenging.
Curious about their plan of attack, Charlotte inquired about their strategy. Lumilia then
suggested the use of fire, which Yukito acknowledged as a valid idea. However, he pointed
out that burning down a wooden keep, let alone one with stone walls would present
significant difficulties. He proposed the idea of smoking the goblins out, but they were
reluctant to face them all at once.
They considered the option of using water, but unfortunately, there were no large rivers
nearby to flood the keep. Additionally, they lacked the necessary spell power to execute such
a plan. Poisoning the goblins' water supply seemed like a possibility to eliminate a
considerable number of them simultaneously, but it would also put them on high alert.
Yukito emphasized the importance of surveying to gather specific information about the
interior layout of the keep.
When Charlotte asked if they were planning to sneak in, Yukito responded negatively. At the
Goblin's Nest, the goblins stood guard and patrolled the area. Suddenly, they heard a loud
It was a bag that dropped right in front of them. They pondered about its contents, while
some exclaimed in surprise. Attempting to prod it, they eventually opened it to find a stash of
coins. Their excitement grew as they eagerly brought it indoors. Meanwhile, Yukito was
charting with a ruler and a sheet of paper. Using the locate object spell, he traced the bag's
movements. After moving forty feet to the right, he realized their pantry was forty feet above
that spot. The bag then ascended sixty-five feet, moved forty feet to the right, another forty
feet upwards, and thirty-five feet to the left. The contents were the focus of the locate object
spell. Its effect allowed the caster to sense the location of the targeted object, including its
direction and distance of travel if in motion. However, the spell couldn't detect objects
obstructed by lead. Yukito realized that their bread was in the pantry, gold in the vault, and
weapons in the armory. Typically used for locating items, Yukito envisioned the object and
transferred it onto paper.
The dungeon map was now in Yukito's possession, revealing the paths taken by the goblins.
The map was free of traps, making it easier for him to navigate. With the final piece of the
puzzle in hand, Yukito prepared to confront their leader. As the goblins passed by, Yukito
observed with a sly grin, knowing he had uncovered the location of the Goblin King. Unaware
of the danger lurking, the goblins continued to frolic and laugh. Suddenly, the sound of
clanking metal filled the air, followed by a loud thud that silenced their merriment. A figure in
armor and wielding a sword emerged, striking down one of the goblins. In a panic, the goblins
turned their weapons on the mysterious intruder, questioning his identity.
The individual proceeded to slay another goblin, intensifying the panic and anger among the
already frightened goblins. One of the goblins, holding a staff, leaned back. Suddenly, the
other goblin noticed a magical hand above his head holding a knife, causing it to panic. It
turned out to be a distraction created by the Yukito and his companions. The mage hand was
a basic spell. This spell allowed the caster to manipulate a spectral hand made of energy to
lift and move objects weighing up to two pounds.
Yukito quickly grabbed the map as Charlotte urged them to move swiftly, knowing the
distraction wouldn't last long. Inside the suit of armor was a result of the Create Laser
Undead spell, a low-grade zombie created through necromancy and an evil alignment. This
spell could only be cast at night, allowing the caster to animate up to three humanoid corpses
as zombies under their control. While the zombie knights distracted the goblins at the front,
they entered through the back of the dungeon using an entryway on their map.
The weak zombie posed little threat, but with Charlotte's top-of-the-line armored suit, he
became a formidable adversary. The Saint's armor was an exceptional piece, boasting a plus-
one bonus and a remarkable armor class of nine. It was valued at two thousand five hundred
gold coins and a treasured heirloom in Charlotte's family. Charlotte was reluctant to soil the
precious armor with a decaying corpse, but Yukito managed to persuade Charlotte to accept
this, knowing it would provide the necessary protection.
As they ventured through the goblin-infested dungeon, a peculiar sensation caught their
attention. Walking down the corridor, they couldn't shake the feeling that something was
awry, prompting them to pause momentarily. They stumbled upon an uncharted path,
indicating that the goblins rarely traversed this area. Utilizing the ‘bag of holding’ and a pole,
they cautiously explored the dungeon, meticulously checking for traps and hidden
mechanisms along the way.
After thorough exploration, they eventually discovered a path that seemed promising.
However, upon further investigation, they realized it was a dead end. Yukito speculated that
there must be a concealed switch behind one of the nearby doors, prompting them to search
diligently for a way forward.
Yukito hastily consumed the potion of intelligence, lasting only a minute, granting him a one
to four bonus to his intelligence. He quickly downed the entire bottle, causing Charlotte to
panic and question his actions. As the effects of the potion took hold, Yukito began
hallucinating, with saliva dripping from his mouth and his eyes turning red and wide. His
balance faltered, prompting Charlotte and Lumilia to support him as he searched for a hidden
lock by tapping on the wall. Concerned, Charlotte asked if he was alright, but Yukito's
frustration grew evident as he struggled to locate the hidden mechanism. His gaze turned
fierce, causing Charlotte to worry even more. Eventually, they discovered a concealed space
between the bricks and managed to open the door with the rogue skill, which could detect
hidden doors within ten feet. The difficulty class for hidden doors varied, with non-magical
ones being harder to find. Still in disbelief, Charlotte questioned how they were able to open
the door. Peering inside, Yukito remarked on the intense experience of the intelligence boost,
feeling like he was in a different world. As they entered, there was a foul odor, and a
gruesome sight of human skull remains and screeching rats. Suddenly, a goblin charged
towards them.
The goblin, upon recognizing them as humans, immediately aimed to eliminate them. This led
to a tense standoff, with Lumilia skillfully shooting arrows from her bow. As Lumilia
continued to launch arrows at the goblins, more of them joined the battle, declaring the
humans as enemies and urging their demise. They swiftly charged toward Yukito and his
companions. He quickly signaled Charlotte to charge as well, which she did with the prowess
of a seasoned warrior. Meanwhile, Yukito attacked from a lower position using a crossbow.
Now that Charlotte had the faith of Florgas, the deity of fury and forge, she temporarily lost
some of her paladin class features and abilities, such as smite evil. However, her
determination shone through as she aimed to defeat her adversaries. In the divine name of
Florgas, she finally wielded her longsword with proficiency, donning lightweight armor that
maximized her agility. She achieved a similar level of protection as when she wore full plate
Her agility was completely wasted while wearing that heavy armor. The fact that Rosinante
would go berserk for only eight days as a penalty conversion was genuinely frustrating.
However, it wasn't a significant issue because bringing her along on stealth missions would
have been difficult due to her lack of suitability. Lumilia persistently shot arrows at the
goblins, benefiting from the six percent critical bonus bestowed upon her by the Deity of
Thieves, Shada. This bonus greatly enhanced her already powerful bow, making her an
excellent ranger. Yukito couldn't help but feel sorry for the divine Luria and Eunice, but he
knew that changing faith was ultimately the best decision. As the standoff continued, the
sounds of battle cries and groans echoed throughout the area. If they continued to work
together in this manner, they would undoubtedly defeat the goblins.
The entire purpose of their journey was to level up. Charlotte seemed to be leveling up from
level two to level three, while Lumilia had leveled up from level one to level two. If they were
able to defeat these two challenges, their power would receive a significant boost. On the
other hand, no matter how hard Yukito tried to level up, he could never escape his measly
one HP level and would never stand a chance in battle without Lumilia and Charlotte. It was
undeniably a dire situation. However, this was Yukito's winning strategy in the game. As the
battle drew to a close, the trio stood firm, armed with their respective weapons - Yukito with
a crossbow, Lumilia with a bow and arrow, and Charlotte with her massive sword. Yukito
then inquired about the well-being of his comrades, who assured him that they were fine.
Realizing that there might be more goblins on the way, Yukito urged them to forge ahead as
the goblin king's throne room was close.
After successfully defeating the goblins, they proceeded towards the Goblin King's chamber.
While walking through the corridor, they suddenly heard a loud explosion, prompting Yukito
to warn his companions to take cover. One of the attackers launched an attack just above
Charlotte, but Yukito quickly alerted her to the imminent danger. Charlotte swiftly defended
herself by using her sword as a shield as two towering figures emerged with a loud crunching
and grinding sound. It was an ogre and a troll. Ogres were known for their short temper and
their tendency to become enraged over even the most trivial matters.
They often established alliances with trolls and different goblin tribes. Ogres possessed
insatiable appetites and would consume anything or anyone in their path, yet they preferred
dwarfs, elves, and Halflings. Their massive frames were incredibly resilient, while their
intellect was notably lacking.
They struggled with even the simplest tasks, like counting on their fingers correctly. The
trolls, on the other hand, were known for their insatiable hunger, devouring anything within
reach. Often serving giants, goblins, and other trolls, they possessed remarkable regenerative
abilities, able to continue moving even after losing a limb. As Yukito and his companions
faced the ogre and troll, they contemplated their next steps, never anticipating the presence
of such formidable foes. During their exploration, they stumbled upon a room filled with
large quantities of meat, separate from the pantry.
They speculated that perhaps the goblins were harboring large creatures. However, the royal
guards were the ones entitled to receive some form of compensation or service as the
protectors of the grand dungeon.
The giants were formidable adversaries, far superior to any goblin. Without warning, they
initiated their assault, and the trio shifted into battle mode. Charlotte, resolute, launched a
sword strike at the troll, causing it to cry out in agony as its limb suffered. The troll's arm then
miraculously reattached itself, leaving Yukito, Lumilia, and Charlotte bewildered. Yukito
pondered about the troll's remarkable regeneration ability, realizing that it would be
challenging to defeat it with mere cuts. Lumilia readied her bow and arrow, preparing to
counter the troll’s impending attacks. The troll wielded a massive sledgehammer, unleashing
destruction in its wake and forcing Yukito and his companions to retreat. After regrouping,
they strategized new methods to confront the troll. The troll viewed them as mere prey and
chanted for their demise. Yukito contemplated an intriguing revelation and decided it was
time to utilize it.
Lumilia considered the idea of acquiring a new animal companion with a unique ability that is
only accessible to druids and rangers who harness the power of nature. Yukito informed
Lumilia that she could have an animal companion as long as it didn't surpass her in power.
The bond between rangers and their animal companions was akin to that of a family. These
loyal companions willingly dedicated themselves to their masters. Lumilia reminisced about
her previous black wolf companion, who had always been by her side since her days in the
village. Yukito attentively listened as Lumilia shared her memories. Unfortunately, there
wasn't much information about the specific animal companion in Lumilia's character book. It
was a pity that Gazomaug had killed the black wolf. However, Lumilia could acquire a new
animal companion if she ventured to the forest's edge to hunt. Yukito was determined to find
a new partner for Lumilia, even if it meant teaming up with a level one ranger. They wanted
to choose the strongest animal companion possible. Among the candidates that Yukito
considered, the black wolf bear stood out due to its high strength and ability to launch
multiple attacks with its powerful claws. On the other hand, the constrictor snake had lower
attack power but excelled at restraining its opponents' movements.
The grapple attacks proved to be highly effective against magic casters. Additionally, the dire
wolf was a formidable ally, as its successful attacks could knock enemies prone. Apart from
these creatures, there were also helpful utilities such as scouting provided by the Hawk or
digging holes facilitated by a Badger. The Dire Rat could not be overlooked either, as its
successful attacks could inflict diseases. However, it was evident that Rosinante was a
powerful animal. The larger wild animals were even more powerful than the monsters they
encountered. Yukito appeared distressed and began contemplating the Weasel. Charlotte
found the Weasel cute, but Yukito believed its stats were too weak to be their animal
companion. Charlotte then apologized, while Lumilia seemed to have found a potential
solution. She suggested that if they were able to obtain the Tyrannosaurus Rex, an enormous
giant wild beast, they might have a chance at defeating the black dragon. However, Yukito
disagreed, acknowledging that handling an animal was already challenging enough, and they
couldn't choose the Tyrannosaurus Rex unless they were at a high enough level.
Yukito found himself in a dilemma, with Charlotte and Lumilia appearing despondent and
sighing. While browsing through a remarkable catalog, he stumbled upon a creature that had
impressive specifications but, unfortunately, couldn't enter the dungeons. As he examined
the book with curiosity, Charlotte and Lumilia observed from a distance. Startled yet
intrigued, he seemed to have discovered the perfect animal companion. That was the one.
However, if that was the case, they needed to acquire it. He appeared to have finally located
it - the top munchkin animal companion. The tense standoff between Yukito and his
companions, the troll and the ogre, persisted. The troll and the ogre threatened to devour
them, with the ogre shouting threats. It was time for Yukito to take action. As the trio stood
resolute, Yukito armed himself with his mysterious book while Charlotte and Lumilia stood by
his side. Suddenly, the troll grabbed a massive rock, signaling trouble. It hurled the rock
towards the group, prompting Yukito and his comrades to scramble for safety.
Yukito utilized a level-two spider climb transmission speed to ascend the wall. Charlotte
expressed concern. The spell allowed individuals to move at half their average speed on
ceilings and vertical walls, enabling them to pull targets off the wall. Yukito narrowly avoided
being hit, realizing that even a single fragment could be fatal. Considering the situation,
Yukito contemplated attacking the ogre first but anticipated that the Troll would aid the ogre.
As a result, he urged Lumelia to utilize her animal companion. Lumelia summoned an
Yukito then utilized the level two enlarge transmission spell to increase the size of the
octopus. Yukito then entrusted Lumilia with the task of controlling it. Lumilia encouraged
Managmar to advance and attack the giants. Charlotte was impressed by the turn of events.
Despite being a sea creature, the octopus could move on land for one to ten minutes, albeit
at a slow pace. Its tentacles had a reach of ten feet, approximately a few meters.
Additionally, many animals could not breathe once placed inside the bag. If the octopus was
placed in a pot filled with seawater, it could be transported for several hours. The octopus
employed the blind technique to launch multiple attacks on the troll and the ogre.
Creatures deprived of sight moved at half speed, rounded down, and suffered a total penalty
to attack rolls while losing their dexterity bonus to ARMOR CLASS. Lumilia found herself face-
to-face with the troll. As the tense standoff persisted, the troll set its sights on devouring
Charlotte, who firmly declared that she would not allow it. The troll let out a roar,
proclaiming its desire to feast on elves and humans alike. Wielding a massive sledgehammer,
it launched relentless attacks at Yukito and his allies. Yukito recognized the peril of fighting an
enraged ogre alone and urged Charlotte to hold her ground until they could defeat the troll.
He then motioned towards the octopus and tossed it some swords. The octopus grasped the
swords with its tentacles and utilized the weapon proficiency dagger technique in combat.
Although wild animals typically could not retain combat skills, Yukito discovered a loophole in
the world book that allowed the octopus to learn and apply the technique. Contemplating
granting it proficiency with a spike chain for an extended reach, Yukito ultimately decided
that the dagger was the optimal weapon choice due to the octopus's size and abilities. With
satisfaction, Yukito observed as the octopus engaged the troll in combat. The octopus
executed an all-out assault, striking up to eight times—a remarkable feat for an animal
companion of its own.
The troll made a desperate attempt to break free from the octopus's grasp. In a bid to defeat
the octopus, the troll lifted a massive rock, but instead, he stumbled and fell to the ground.
His nose hit the floor, leaving him incapacitated. Lumilia was shocked as Yukito identified it as
a paralysis poison. Poison was a more cost-effective option compared to magical items.
Moreover, all the daggers they were using were coated with a different type of poison.
Although the octopus didn't possess highly damaging attacks, it had eight chances to resist
the poison, making it challenging to succumb. The most advantageous strategy to exploit the
octopus's multiple appendages was to use poisoned daggers.
Lumilia then stood beside her animal companion, the octopus, which had shrunk in size.
Yukito advised Lumilia to return the octopus to its pot, as continuing the fight on land would
be challenging for it. Lumilia tenderly and gently requested Managmar to enter the pot. She
looked at the octopus with sadness and affectionately patted its head, praising its bravery.
As the standoff persisted, Lumilia, Charlotte, and Yukito found themselves in a precarious
situation. The ogre then joined the fray, scratching the walls with his massive hands and
claws while chanting to kill humans and the elf. Lumilia, Yukito, and Charlotte stood firm,
their determination shining in their eyes as they braced themselves for the ogre's attacks. The
ogre was determined to eliminate them all.
Charlotte then instructed her companions to retreat. Yukito inquired if Charlotte would be
fine if they entrusted the vanguard to her. Charlotte bravely charged forward with
determination and confidence. The ogre unleashed a powerful blast on the nearby wall,
causing it to crumble completely. Unfortunately, Charlotte was struck and fell beside the
ogre. The elf, filled with anger, decided to launch an attack against the ogre, who once again
unleashed a devastating strike on Rumelia. Rumelia found herself at the mercies of the Ogre,
who grunted in a displeased voice. Yukito, still clinging to the wall like a spider, watched in
despair. Contemplating his next move, Yukito witnessed the Ogre approaching Rumelia, who
knelt before him. Yukito decided to cast a level-one sleep spell. The ogre subsequently
slipped and descended into a profound slumber. Yukito then implored Lumilia to seize this
opportunity and capture Charlotte. Lumilia agreed to the plan. However, the ogre appeared
to resist the spell, possibly due to Yukito's low level as a multiclass rogue. Yukito needed to
deliver the potion to Charlotte. Once Charlotte and Lumilia were ready, they unleashed the
Hunter's Mark.
Lumilia armed herself with her bow and arrow while the ogre laughed mockingly. The ogre
charged forward, wielding his massive sledgehammer, much to Rumelia's astonishment.
Sensing that Rumelia was in danger of being crushed, Yukito leaped to her rescue. He then
cast the Greece level one spell.
The ogre became trapped within the greased area, allowing Yukito and Rumelia to launch
multiple attacks. Eventually, the ogre fell to its knees, facedown. Yukito then checked on
Charlotte's well-being, followed by Rumelia. While they were focused on Charlotte, who lay
helpless on the ground, the ogre regained its footing and smashed the wall where Yukito had
been hanging with a colossal rod. It then proceeded to crush the ground with its bare,
gigantic hands, leaving Yukito and Lumilia in a state of panic.
Yukito and Lumilia successfully delivered the potion to Charlotte, who was lying defenseless
on the ground. Turning their attention to the ogre, who continued to launch fierce attacks at
them, they retaliated with a series of strikes. Lumilia soared into the sky, shooting arrows at
the ogre, while Yukito warned her about the ogre's exceptional strength. The ogre, wielding a
large stone, menacingly chanted threats towards them. Charlotte, determined to help,
struggled to her feet and armed herself with her sword and potion. As the ogre approached
with a massive brick, Yukito clung to the wall like a spider, observing Charlotte's awakening
with relief. Standing tall, Charlotte unleashed the powerful Skull Fury's might, granted by the
Deity of Fury once a day. The ogre, bewildered by Charlotte's strength, charged towards her,
destroying everything in its path. Undaunted, Charlotte invoked the Divine Favor spell,
fighting the ogre head-on in a battle of wills.
Charlotte raised her sword, positioning the blade in front of her face, covering her nose and
mouth. She etched her blade on the ground before charging at the ogre. The sword glowed
red-hot and burst into flames. With a mighty swing, she struck the ogre, engulfing its body in
fire. The ogre howled in pain, hurling insults at Charlotte and calling her a foolish human.
Meanwhile, Lumilia continued shooting arrows at the ogre while Yukito observed silently.
The ogre writhed in agony, desperately reaching out to Charlotte for help. Eventually, the
ogre collapsed to the ground, as Charlotte proudly declared that no one should
underestimate a paladin.
A messenger hurriedly approached the Goblin King, delivering news of an invasion by
adventurers. Enraged, the Goblin King ordered his minions to arm themselves and eliminate
the intruders. As the Goblin King returned to his throne, he pondered how the humans had
returned to disrupt the sacrifices intended for Gazomaug. Despite this, a sly smirk crossed his
face. The other goblins soon arrived, reporting that there were two humans - a male and a
female, who happened to be a girl - along with a female elf. The Goblin King remarked that
female elves were the finest, and he was certain Gazomaug would be pleased. One of the
goblins, having slain a rat, proceeded to devour it. Seated on his throne, the Goblin King
instructed his minions to seize the females, slay the males, and feast on them. With a chant
of "girl, torture, girl, tear him apart," the minions charged forward. Meanwhile, after the
skirmish had ended, Yukito and his companions opted to take a brief respite.
Charlotte inquired about Lumilia's well-being, while Yukito, deep in thought, expressed his
desire to search for items but acknowledged the need to hurry. Suddenly, Lumilia sensed an
approaching presence and swiftly stood up, alerting the others that danger was imminent.
Charlotte, gripping her sword tightly, assumed a defensive stance, prepared to strike at any
moment. The trio patiently awaited the unfolding events. In a sudden surge, hordes of
goblins appeared before them. Yukito quickly realized that the goblins had already become
aware of the destruction caused by the zombie knight. They had no choice but to fight their
way through. With a commanding tone, Yukito signaled Charlotte to charge forward. In
response, Charlotte unleashed devastating whirlwind attacks. The spike chain inflicted an
additional one damage, totaling two hundred and forty-one damage. This spike chain, crafted
by a skilled blacksmith, possessed exceptional quality and allowed for attacks from a greater
distance, approximately ten feet or three meters. Furthermore, if the wielder was proficient
with the weapon, they could utilize their skill instead of strength when making an attack.
Consequently, Charlotte effortlessly defeated the goblins, swiftly moving past them as they
continued their journey toward the goblin king.
As they arrived at a specific intersection, they encountered multiple entrances, which
confused them. Yukito then utilized the rogue skill Hide, allowing him to blend into the
shadows and evade detection by the enemy. To uncover the user, one needed to pass a
perception or spot check. Approaching a particular door cautiously, Yukito speculated that
there might be no guards present, but he was sure an ambush awaited them. Recalling the
location of the Goblin King, he remembered a small room deep inside. The bag of food
dropped by Yukito was taken to that room first, most likely to test for poison. This indicated
that the kidnapped women were held there, including the possibility of Sana's presence.
Yukito silently moved towards the door and cast the Detect Evil spell. By reciting this spell,
one could sense the hostility of evil entities, objects, or spells in the vicinity and determine
their approximate location. As he began to perceive, he realized that entering would stir up
trouble. By focusing the spell slightly to the right of the room's center, he aimed to resolve
the situation without endangering the hostages.
The Goblins strategically positioned themselves on the opposite side of the door, preparing to
ambush Yukito and his comrades. Engaging in hushed conversation, they whispered about
the impending arrival of their sacrifices. Seated upon his throne, the Goblin King scornfully
referred to Yukito and his companions as foolish adventurers. Suddenly, the Goblin King's
attention drew to a peculiar occurrence at the door. A hole began to form, causing the door's
material to crumble gradually. From the other side, a figure wearing a plague mask pierced
the hole, only to step back and reveal a scroll in hand. This scroll, referred to as the precious
level three scroll, was of great significance to the mysterious man. The Goblins observed in
awe as they armed themselves with sledgehammers. The Goblin King's fury became evident.
Unexpectedly, the man unleashed a spell known as the Poison Cloud. The Goblins coughed in
agony, realizing that they had fallen victim to the perils of poison magic.
The Goblin King, now furious, commanded his minions to march outside and eliminate the
invaders. The man wearing the plague mask then revealed a mystical key and secured the
door from the outside using the locking spell. To unlock the object, one needed to pass a
check based on the caster level used to lock it. The Goblins rushed to the door, attempting to
open it, but to no avail. The man in the plague mask clenched his fist and inserted it into the
hole. The Goblins tried to open it, only to be overwhelmed by a poisonous cloud. Despite this,
the man chose not to open the door yet, knowing that a deadly cloud would spread within a
thirty-foot square, likely killing the Goblins swiftly. Eventually, all the Goblins, except the
Goblin King, were incapacitated. The King, possibly a Goblin Shaman or a high-level
individual, displayed remarkable resilience. Yukito, the man in the plague mask, possessed an
hourglass. The Goblin King insulted Yukito from behind the door, labeling him a coward.
Despite the insults, Yukito remained resolute. Charlotte and Lumilia felt sympathy for Yukito,
knowing the harsh reality of the situation. Yukito challenged the Goblin King to curse him as
he pleased.
They successfully finished the Goblin King's quest, rescuing the imprisoned women. However,
Sana, her little sister, was not among them. Yukito, amidst the rescued women, searched for
clues in his book to locate his missing sister. Despite Sana's absence, Charlotte reassured him
not to lose hope. Yukito, maintaining a composed demeanor, expressed his well-being. As he
perused the book, he stumbled upon the Temple of Evil, suspecting it to be Sana's
whereabouts. The primary mission appeared to be somehow connected to Sana. This was
also the location where Serena had been abducted.
Upon successfully finishing the mission, they surpassed the four thousand experience
threshold. Consequently, they were able to achieve their objective of leveling up. The next
task involved launching attacks on the Temple of Evil and defeating the black dragon,
Gazomaug. Their current level was significantly inadequate for such an assault. However,
time was running out. They urgently needed to locate Sana and Serena before the sacrificial
ritual commenced. Following their liberation, they rescued the captives. Charlotte and Yukito
then inquired if they could proceed to escort the women out. Yukito assured them that she
would join them shortly. Charlotte agreed. Yukito, on the other hand, mentioned that he
couldn't allow them to witness his upcoming actions.
The primary mission appeared to be somehow connected to Sana. This was also the location
where Serena had been abducted. Upon successfully finishing the mission, they surpassed the
four thousand experience threshold. Consequently, they were able to achieve their objective
of leveling up. The next task involved launching attacks on the Temple of Evil and defeating
the black dragon, Gazomaug. Their current level was significantly inadequate for such an
assault. However, time was running out. They urgently needed to locate Sana and Serena
before the sacrificial ritual commenced.
After gaining enough experience to level up, they stopped at Ida village. The goblins had
kidnapped their daughters, but they managed to rescue them. The villagers were overjoyed
to have their loved ones back and expressed their gratitude to the adventurers. They insisted
that their appreciation couldn't be adequately expressed in words. As a token of their
gratitude, they offered a small sum of money, but Charlotte, being a paladin, declined. She
believed it was her duty to help those in need, and her family had a long history of serving as
paladins for the deity of mercy, Luria. However, she also mentioned that she had her reasons
for following a different deity at that time. Besides, they would be compensated by the
adventurers' guild, so accepting money from the villagers wouldn't be necessary. Suddenly,
Yukito cast a sleeping spell on Charlotte, causing her to fall into a deep slumber. Concerned,
one of the villagers asked what had happened to her, but Yukito assured them that she was
simply exhausted from their adventure and there was no cause for worry.
The villager's daughter informed her father that they were indebted to the adventurers for
saving their lives. The father acknowledged this, agreeing that it was indeed true. As a token
of gratitude, they decided to give Yukito more coins and filled up a bag with them. Presenting
the bag to Yukito, they expressed their thanks and asked him to accept it generously. Yukito,
taking the bag, expressed his full appreciation. In essence, a Munchkin did not have faith in
arbitrary numbers and did not resort to reliance on luck. However, when necessary, he only
trusted random numbers when under the influence of a buff.
Upon reaching Orbeda City, they discovered their location. Charlotte observed Yukito carrying
stolen goods from the Goblins' dungeons. Yukito assured her not to worry about money, as
they could sell the items for gold coins. Meanwhile, Rosinante was in tears. Charlotte was
relieved to see her friend doing well, although she noticed Rosinante's horns appeared smaller.
Yukito tried to divert attention by suggesting it was just Charlotte's imagination, which she
considered. Elsewhere, Lumilia watched as the octopus, Magnamar, constructed a puzzle
structure. Charlotte, amazed, observed from behind Lumilia. After completing the puzzle, the
octopus impressed Lumilia. Charlotte found it incredible. Yukito sat at a table, eager to learn
new skills. He filled in his level with a pen dipped in ink, replacing level two with level three. As
he waited for his status to update, he realized he had leveled up despite not being able to fill
Yukito faced a dilemma about what to do about the feats. Feats were unique abilities that could
be acquired upon leveling up instead of the usual increase in ability scores. The selection of
feats varied based on the user's class, training, and abilities, with each feat being a one-time
choice. Among the available feats were the crossbow expert and observant feats, along with
many other beneficial options. However, what Yukito truly desired at that moment were
toughness feats. This particular skill was not your typical ability, nor was it a conventional
method of boosting health, making it unrelated to the Deity's class. Nevertheless, Yukito was
determined to obtain it. The toughness feat allowed for a maximum increase of three hit points
while also granting immunity to certain conditions. Initially appearing unexciting, this feat was a
crucial lifeline for someone like Yukito, who only had one HP. It meant he could potentially
survive a hit from a magic missile, which dealt one to four damage. Yet, choosing this feat
recklessly could prove disastrous, especially when fighting the dragon's fiery breath.
However, their time was running out to level up, and he could only choose one skill. Yukito had
to be cautious in selecting a skill, especially since it had to be a valuable one. Yukito aimed to
become an experienced magic user. In the future, he will also consider becoming a magician in
the Arcane Tricksters class, which combines traits of both rogues and wizards. He then
examined Charlotte's and Rumelia's pages, contemplating what to do with each of them. One
option was to switch Rumelia's class to Druid in order to enhance her animal companion. On
the other hand, for Charlotte to enhance her attack power, they could choose either the
Barbarian or the Monk, both of which offered valuable skills. They believed that the Monk class
would be the most suitable choice. Charlotte, astonished by her abilities, exclaimed, "Fighter!"
with a wide-open mouth and eyes.
The Brownian family had a long history as honorable Paladins. Yukito, appearing excited,
mentioned that they had a similar conversation before. However, Charlotte, looking anxious,
whispered that she was a fighter. Paladins were known to evolve, so in the grand scheme of
things, it made sense to focus on increasing her Paladin level. Yet, this approach was too slow
for their current predicament. Yukito gestured widely in an attempt to convey his message to
Charlotte, hoping she would comprehend. Charlotte, with her hands clenched together,
responded sadly, acknowledging that she understood and that time was not on their side.
Yukito then remarked that while fighters might be considered less attractive compared to
Paladins, they possessed a plethora of combat skills. These combat skills were acquired at lower
levels, making them quite valuable. In Charlotte's hometown, fighters were known as HFO and
were held in high regard, just like Paladins.
Charlotte and Yukito were in the midst of their conversation when, out of nowhere, the stolen
mirror from the Goblin's dungeon started to emit a mysterious glow. They exchanged puzzled
glances as they observed it intently. Before long, Yukito's expression turned to one of shock and
confusion as a sinister voice resonated from the mirror, instructing Shamaiza to present his
While contemplating Shamaiza's identity, the mirror once again spoke, prompting Shamaiza to
provide a report. The group was astonished to discover that the mirror served as a
communication device linking the Goblin King and the Temple of Evil. Yukito expressed concern,
warning that if they were caught, it would not end well. In response, he cast the Disguise Self
level-one spell, altering his appearance to that of a goblin. Taking charge, Yukito approached
the mirror and announced his presence. Charlotte, noticing the bedsheets on the bed, had an
idea. She covered herself and Lumilia with the bedsheets, shielding them from the mirror's
view. Shortly after, a male figure emerged from the mirror, inquiring about the sacrifice for
Garzomaug-sama and the impending ritual of the Calamity Moon. Playing the role of the goblin
king, Yukito explained that the preparations had not been completed. The figure's expression
turned menacing, revealing a sinister grin.
Yukito pondered upon the significance of the Calamity Moon ritual, a crucial ceremony where
the deity Nephilia-sama chose her vessel. Upon hearing these words, Yukito felt a sense of
unease. The reflection in the mirror warned that if they failed to arrange the sacrifice before
the ritual, their blood would serve as compensation. Yielding ultimately, Yukito, now assuming
the role of the goblin king, obediently agreed. The mirror's apparition then urged them to make
the necessary preparations. After the ominous figure vanished, Yukito returned to his original
self, realizing that they had been deceived. He approached Charlotte and Lumilia, who were still
concealed behind the sheets, assuring them that it was now safe to emerge.
The reflection in the mirror revealed a cleric hailing from the Temple of Evil. Confirming Yukito's
suspicions, it appeared that the Goblin King had some connection to these clerics. Charlotte
sensed their evil presence, while it seemed that news of the goblin's defeat had not yet reached
them. Yukito believed that this information could be valuable, but there was still something
Charlotte and Lumilia were curious about the origins of the Calamity Moon and the Deityes
Medium, prompting them to inquire with Yukito. Lumilia's thoughts lingered on her sister
Serena. In an effort to find answers, Yukito turned to the World Book to understand the
meaning of a Medium. As he flipped through the pages, he unexpectedly came across her
younger sister, Sana, which filled him with sorrow. Suddenly, a noise from the door interrupted
their search. A voice politely requested entry, revealing himself as Mildixt, the head of the
Adventurer's Guild. Yukito and Charlotte wondered why the guild master sought their presence.
Mildixt explained that he had something important to discuss and inquired about their
availability. Curiosity piqued, Yukito asked what could be so significant. With a nod, he
Informed the master that he would open the door. As he glanced at Charlotte and Lumilia, he
decided to reveal what lay beyond. To his astonishment, the guild master was already peering
inside. With the door now fully open, the master greeted them with a smile, expressing his
desire to meet Yukito. Still taken aback, Yukito noticed the master's covetous gaze fixed upon
his World Book.
The master positioned himself in close proximity to Yukito, who stood anxiously, tightly gripping
his book. With a deliberate motion, the master gently caressed his staff. In an attempt to
establish a connection with Yukito, the master mentioned a cleric named Lang, who had
allegedly attempted to kill him in the past, inquiring about the truth behind this claim. Yukito,
initially unable to recall Lang, suddenly recollected his existence. Seizing the opportunity, the
master emphasized the danger posed by Lang, stressing the importance of preventing him from
causing further harm. As the individual responsible for overseeing the adventurous guild, the
master expressed his intention to apologize. Yukito, however, became suspicious of the timing
of this apology. At that moment, Charlotte interjected, extending a warm welcome to the
master, who chuckled and requested to be excused. Upon entering the room, Yukito glanced at
his book, pondering the guild master's true intentions. It appeared that he had stumbled upon a
significant realization. As the master approached Charlotte and Lumilia, Yukito accidentally
dropped his book and examined it once more, searching for any signs of wrongdoing.
Suddenly, Yukito shouted at the master, urging him to stay away from Charlotte and Lumilia.
Annoyed by this outburst, the master directed his gaze toward Yukito, who returned his stare
with anger. Yukito then demanded an explanation regarding the meaning behind the images
projected in the book. At that moment, Yukito couldn't help but wonder what kind of a
monstrous being the master indeed was. As the master examined the book, he came across the
mind flare technique, which was a technique he had anticipated using, and right there and
then, the guild master realized that he had been discovered. The master was a psionic. They
were also called illusives, human-like creatures, and the evilest and slyest creatures in the
Across countless realms, they wreaked havoc, utilizing the power of psionics to manipulate and
extract memories from their unfortunate victims. In a sudden twist, the master transformed,
assuming the form of an octopus-like creature, its head resembling that of the very creature it
imitated. Overwhelmed by fear, Lumilia clung tightly to her companion, Managamar, while
Yukito's eyes burned with unwavering determination. Charlotte, making a crucial decision,
raised her sword and unleashed the smite evil technique, determined to strike down the
master. Despite Yukito's efforts to intervene, Charlotte was already airborne, ready to launch
her attack upon the master with her blade. In retaliation, the master unleashed a devastating
mind blast, a psionic ability with a range of forty feet, capable of paralyzing those who were
unable to resist its effects. Charlotte, Yukito, and Lumilia fell to the ground, their bodies
weakened and vulnerable. Yukito, in particular, lost all sensation in his limbs. As the master
drew closer to Yukito, Charlotte desperately called out to him, urging him to flee. However, the
master callously stepped on Yukito's chest, fixating on a book of immense significance. To his
surprise, the world book emitted a radiant glow, causing the master's hands to be scorched and
burned upon contact. It became clear that the master had foreseen this outcome, fully aware
that he was unable even to touch the world book. With this realization, he resolved to take
action. Charlotte's eyes blazed with fury as she stared at the master, but both she and Lumilia
found themselves immobilized. The master advanced towards Yukito, ready to execute his
sinister plan. His mouth, peculiarly round in shape, revealed teeth arranged in a circular
pattern. Consumed by fear, Yukito pleaded with the master to halt his actions.
The master then told Yukito that in his race, men were civilized, and they solved issues through
conversations. They both sat at a small table and began their discussion. The master sought an
alliance with Yukito and his comrades against Nephilia. The Master proceeded to inquire about
Yukito's knowledge of the book. Yukito responded by stating that he understood the World
Book to contain all the information in the world. However, the Master disagreed, explaining
that the book was not just an encyclopedia but also a Rule Book capable of disrupting the logic
of the world created by the deities. This left Yukito perplexed as he tightly held onto the book.
The Master then revealed that everyone coveted the book due to its divine nature, but it
appeared that only Yukito, referred to as the usurper, could possess it. In response, Yukito
asked the Master if he intended to kill him, which would transfer the book's ownership to the
Master. The Master acknowledged that he had considered that possibility but couldn't ignore
the chance that killing Yukito would result in the book returning to its previous owner, Nephilia.
Despite Nephilia's loss of divinity over the past ten thousand years, the master believed that
this time around, they stood a chance. Yukito redirected the conversation to the United Front,
seeking clarification on its meaning and the Master's objective in mentioning it.
The Flyers, which was the Master’s race, expressed their objective as eliminating the Nephilias
curse and obliterating Nephilia's intellect. A display of anticipation followed this statement as
the Master contemplated the delectable taste of a deity's brain. Furthermore, the Master
envisioned the immense power and authority their species would acquire once they devoured
Nephilia's brain. After apologizing and wiping his mouth, the Master acknowledged the
rudeness of his previous remark.
While wiping his mouth, the Master reiterated the mightiness of their species, acknowledging
that despite their strength, they were unable to challenge a deity directly. Nevertheless, he
pointed out that Yukito had seized the world's logic, controlled by the world text, and this
would definitely give them an upper hand.
If Nephilia had lost her divinity, the situation would have been entirely different. He then
mentioned that Nephilia was descending to the world to retrieve her book. Yukito was taken
aback, exclaiming loudly with wide eyes and mouth agape. The Master continued, revealing
that she was frantically searching for the book.
Yukito was puzzled by the fact that he was merely a pawn in Nephilia's board game. The
Master elaborated, explaining that the deity whimsically summoned individuals from other
worlds and treated them as pieces in her game, manipulating their lives and destinies. Yukito
remembered the circumstances of the monster and his reincarnation. He felt angered. The
Master then disclosed that the demon's intervention was not a coincidence but rather a
deliberate act to ensure his and his sister's reincarnation. Feeling sorrowful, Yukito wondered
why he and Sana were only seen as tools for that purpose. However, the Master remained
composed, gazing at him steadily.
Upon awakening, determination was evident on his face. He then steered the conversation
back to their United Front and the expectations for him and his allies. The flyer, appearing
contemplative, expressed their desire to attract the Deity's attention. They planned to use the
Deity's desperate attempts to reclaim her world book to eliminate her and consume her brains.
Yukito then agreed, deeming the plan acceptable. The flyer remarked that they were merely
using each other. In response, Yukito inquired whether the flyers would assist in eradicating the
black dragon if they were to form a united front. He expressed his wish for the flyers to fight
alongside them. Unfortunately, the Master stated that it was not feasible. Direct action would
raise the deity's suspicions, leading to her escape to the realm of the deities. Additionally, there
were numerous hostile races observing them, making any interaction with Yukito risky.
Engaging in conspicuous acts like saving humans had to be avoided at all costs. Yukito pondered
the true nature of a united front in light of these circumstances.
Yukito took a momentary pause and made a decision. Meanwhile, Lumilia and Charlotte
awakened from their slumber. Yukito, appearing perplexed, opened the door and inquired
about their well-being. They responded, expressing relief that Yukito was unharmed. Yukito
then informed Charlotte and Rumilia that there was an important matter they needed to
discuss. Ultimately, he revealed his choice to align himself with the mind flyer. The news left
them incredulous. Charlotte questioned the significance of this decision. As their mentor bid
farewell, wishing Yukito success, Charlotte implored him to reconsider joining forces with the
Flyers. She emphasized that the Flyers were of a lawful evil nature, likely regarding human lives
as insignificant. However, their assistance was necessary to retaliate against the evil deity.
Yukito reiterated his stance, stating that they would merely be using each other, questioning
why he couldn't adopt that approach. As a Munchkin, he was willing to do whatever it took to
achieve his objective. As the mentor departed, Yukito assured Charlotte that there was no
cause for concern, as he remained steadfast in his goal. He would employ any means necessary
to save Sana.
Yukito decided to head to Oberda's shopping district. He searched for a store specializing in
magic weapons and items, knowing there was one in the area. After asking a villager for
directions, he was guided to the store with a beholder carved into the sign at an intersection.
The villager mentioned that the magical items available were of top quality, but the shopkeeper
was a bit peculiar. Yukito wandered through the streets until he finally located the shop and
went inside. The shop was filled with unfamiliar items like elixirs and more. However, there
were strange odors that made Yukito question the shop's legitimacy. Suddenly, he spotted the
shield sword, a unique weapon that combined offenses and defenses in one. It seemed helpful
but challenging to wield. He also noticed the chameleon clock, which provided a plus two bonus
to hiding and allowed for the use of invisibility once per day. This item also caught his interest.
As he examined a peculiar-looking sword, he accidentally activated its blender blades, startling
him. In a panic, he inquired on how to deactivate it.
After meeting the shop owner, he mentioned that he had arrived to purchase magical items.
The shopkeeper gazed at him thoughtfully, and he grinned mischievously. The shopkeeper
confirmed that it was indeed a shop for magical items, but there was nothing suitable for a
young boy to purchase. Yukito then smiled and emptied all the gold coins he possessed and
what he had planned to spend. The shopkeeper observed in awe as he eyed Yukito suspiciously,
adjusting the frame of his glasses. Yukito smirked at him slyly, almost winking.
The owner then permitted Yukito to browse. After selecting what he deemed necessary, Yukito
brought them to the counter, where he perused a book. He pondered if he was buying too
much. As they began chatting, the shopkeeper questioned if he was preparing for war. Yukito,
in an attempt to playfully taunt the shopkeeper, agreed although that was not the case. The
shopkeeper mentioned that he had been evaluating magical items for numerous years, and
generally, he could gauge the skill level of adventurers. Based on Yukito's appearance, he
appeared to be a magic user, but he couldn't cast a fireball.
A person could achieve the status of a proficient magic user only after committing the fireball
technique to memory.
Meanwhile, Yukito continued his task of gathering items and bringing them to the counter. The
shopkeeper, reminiscing about his past as an adventurer, shared that he, too, had ventured
into dungeons with companions. Although they had their fair share of tense moments, it paled
in comparison to Yukito's experiences. Together, they had managed to amass a significant
amount of treasure. Unfortunately, all of the master's companions had perished in the depths
of the dungeons. Reflecting on his journey, the master offered Yukito some friendly advice,
urging him to cease the reckless challenges.
The shopkeeper proceeded to explain that with a sufficient amount of paid treasure, an
ordinary individual could indulge in leisure activities for their entire life without the need to
seek out danger actively. He acknowledged that dying was indeed a frightening prospect, a
sentiment that Yukito shared. However, Yukito felt compelled to fulfill a specific task, which
made the shopkeeper ponder further. Observing the countless reckless adventurers and
daredevils who willingly abandoned peace and ventured into dangerous dungeons, the
shopkeeper perceived a distinct difference in Yukito. He could see Yukito's unwavering
determination to survive, regardless of his circumstances. Realizing the futility of trying to
dissuade him, the shopkeeper inquired about Yukito's name, to which he replied, "Kirihara
Yukito." Overwhelmed with panic, the shopkeeper stumbled and sat down abruptly. Yukito was
perplexed by this reaction, his astonishment leaving him at a loss for words. Struggling to regain
composure, the shopkeeper explained that he found Yukito's name to be quite rare, prompting
his initial reaction. Urging Yukito to approach a specific location, the shopkeeper generously
offered him healing potions, emphasizing the importance of having them. Skeptically, Yukito
questioned the shopkeeper's motives for bestowing such valuable items upon him. In response,
the shopkeeper reassured him that it was no trouble and insisted that he accept them.
Reflecting on his ability to indulge in whims after a decade, the shopkeeper acknowledged that
he was indeed an eccentric individual. Yukito wholeheartedly agreed with this assessment.
The shopkeeper escorted Yukito outside, his gaze still filled with suspicion. As he stood there,
he couldn't help but reflect on the decades that had passed since he last interacted with
someone from the other world, an outsider. It had been precisely thirty-nine years ago, a
memory etched deeply in his mind. He also recalled being summoned to that world, wholly
bewildered and desperately searching for a way to return to his world, to his beloved family.
The longing to be reunited with them weighed heavily on his heart, causing him to sob in
sorrow. However, as time went on, hope began to fade, and his willpower waned. He observed
Yukito's determination to fight, sensing his fear of death, yet it seemed as though he had
accepted and embraced that fear. With a heavy heart, the shopkeeper retreated into his shop.
As he glanced at his sword, a realization struck him - he had become nothing more than an NPC,
regardless of whether he had been reincarnated or not. Those who had given up on being the
protagonist and resigned themselves to a mundane existence became NPCs. He pondered why
he had surrendered and abandoned the fight.
Meanwhile, in the inn's rear garden, Charlotte and Lumilia diligently trained. Charlotte honed
her blade skills by effortlessly chopping off logs. She couldn't contain her excitement over her
new outfit, praising its perfect fit and ease of movement. Seeking guidance from her deity,
Luria-sama, she humbly prayed for forgiveness for transitioning into a fighter. Meanwhile,
Rumelia diligently trained her archery skills, mainly focusing on her precision shots. This
newfound skill allowed her to hit her targets consistently with remarkable accuracy. In a
moment of realization, she discovered that she had leveled up. Charlotte, approaching from
behind, marveled at the incredible shot Rumelia had just made. Just as they were engrossed in
their training, the inn's owner, who had been searching for them, finally located them and
inquired if they were companions of an adventurer named Yukito. Requesting their presence,
they obediently followed her. However, Yukito soon realized that they lacked the funds to
spend the night at the inn. They had exhausted all their money on equipment, and not a single
coin remained. The innkeeper, arms crossed, sternly declared that if they couldn't pay the hotel
fee, their only option was to leave. Shocked and desperate, they attempted to plead with her.
Yet, upon further reflection, Yukito realized that sleeping in the stable would suffice.
Charlotte and Rumelia found themselves perplexed. Yukito, however, consulted his world book
and proceeded to explain that sleeping in the stable would have little impact on their fatigue.
Still, it would undoubtedly replenish their spells and abilities. Essentially, if they were to utilize
the paladin's healing skill, known as laying on hands, they could achieve the same rejuvenating
effect as a whole night's rest at the inn. This theory caught Rumelia and Charlotte off guard.
Yukito further added that having Rosinante by their side would provide a sense of tranquility, as
she had been alone recently. If Rosinante had accompanied Charlotte, it would have brought
her happiness as well. Charlotte concurred with this notion. Subsequently, that night, they both
sought rest in the stables.
In Orbeda City, Charlotte appeared to be urging someone to take care of Rosinante. She then
asked about Yukito's safety as they prepared for a specific plan. Yukito dismissed the concern,
stating that it wasn't an issue because he intended to utilize the bag of holding. This bag had a
capacity of two hundred and thirty kilograms or five hundred and seven pounds and
approximately one thousand eight hundred liters or five gallons. Regardless of the amount of
items placed inside, the bag always weighed two kilograms. The bag could sustain creatures
that required oxygen for at least a minute, but after that time, they would begin to suffocate.
However, Yukito believed that they wouldn't reach the Temple of Evil in time if they traveled on
foot. Therefore, the only option was for Yukito to travel inside the bag while Charlotte and
Lumilia rode on the horse. As long as he didn't fully enter the bag, he could still breathe, so
there was no issue. Charlotte then concluded that if everything went well, the plan would
proceed because only two people could ride with Rosinante. Yukito still engrossed in his book,
mentioned that the world text didn't prohibit the use of this method. However, Charlotte
remained skeptical about the plan. They only had six days left until the ritual of Calamity Moon,
and if all went as planned, they would arrive the following day.
Yukito, displaying unwavering determination, rallied his companions to begin their journey
towards the Black Mist mountain range. They galloped on horse's back at a breakneck speed up
the mountains, through the forest, and down into the valley. Upon reaching a specific forest,
they chose to set up camp. Charlotte praised Rosinante for her efforts, offering her a carrot
before turning to Yukito to inquire about his well-being. Despite appearing unwell, Yukito
insisted that he was fine. Charlotte, however, remained doubtful, recognizing the signs of
illness. Yukito then attempted to conjure food and water using a level three spell with a one-
round casting time, a range of thirty feet, and an instantaneous effect. The spell produced
approximately twenty kg of food and ten liters of water, which would remain fresh for twenty-
four hours. Although Yukito found this somewhat satisfying, he desired something more
substantial and warm. Rumilia volunteered to hunt for food, prompting Yukito to offer his
assistance eagerly.
After enjoying their meal and engaging in pleasant conversation, they concluded their dining
experience and decided to convene for a strategic meeting. The Temple of Evil posed a
formidable challenge, with level six being the recommended level for success. Unfortunately,
their party was only at level three, which was considered average for them. Engaging in a direct
assault would be futile. Yukito, Charlotte, and Rosinante were all at level three, while Rumilia
lagged slightly behind at level two. Additionally, they had to contend with a formidable black
dragon at level six, belonging to the Chaotic Evil class. This dragon possessed a brilliant mind
capable of casting spells, a powerful Acid Breath causing sixteen to four damage, wings enabling
it to fly at an incredible speed, claws capable of cleaving boulders in a single swipe, feet
stronger than ten elephants, and scales as hard as four plates, impervious to acid. Yukito
acknowledged that despite its youth, the dragon was a formidable monster. If possible, he
wished to rescue Sana and Serena without encountering it, as he doubted their luck would be
sufficient for another successful escape. However, he remained hopeful that there must be
some solution. Suddenly, Rumilia noticed something in the bushes. She swiftly aimed her arrow,
prepared to launch it.

Rumilia sensed an impending threat and readied her bow and arrow. Yukito and the rest of the
group were prepared to engage when suddenly, a group of orcs appeared. Orcs were medium-
sized humanoid creatures of chaotic evil alignment. These savage marauders were notorious for
their bloodlust and love for violence. Despite their limited intelligence, they were skilled in
using weapons and armor, excelling in combat. Orcs harbored hostility towards humans, elves,
dwarves, and various other races, but their greatest pleasure came from attacking elves. The
orcs spotted Yukito and his companions, prompting Yukito to take cover behind a tree quickly.
The orcs advanced, demanding that Charlotte and Rumilia surrender their weapons. Rumilia
then unleashed her ranger skill, the rapid shot technique, which allowed her to make a ranged
attack against a target with a lower initiative score. The orcs launched a coordinated attack,
focusing on Yukito and his allies. One orc insulted Rumilia, while another directed fierce strikes
at Charlotte. Rumilia retaliated by using Managmar to counterattack.
Rumilia fired arrows at them as they cried out in agony. They began to chant, kill, kill, kill.
During the confrontation, Charlotte found herself fighting one of the orcs. Charlotte launched a
heavy blow with her sword, striking the orc’s head and causing it to cry out in agony. Then, with
a heavy blow, she struck its back. The other orcs attempted to attack Rosinante, who retaliated
with powerful kicks, leaving them wounded. The orcs realized the danger posed by the
warhorse. Standing side by side, Charlotte and Rosinante prepared to launch further attacks.
Yukito then cast the Light of Protection spell, protecting him from the arrows.
Charlotte deflected a blow, leaving the orcs bewildered by Yukito's mysterious magic. They
labeled him a magic user and charged towards him. Yukito, in response, activated the Clock of
the Chameleon, causing him to vanish instantly. The orcs were left confused, unsure of Yukito's
whereabouts. Rumilia, armed with her bow and arrow, stood with her octopus companion,
ready to confront the orcs. Yukito, still concealed by the Clock of the Chameleon, estimated
that there were four orcs remaining, a manageable number for their level three-party.
Charlotte and Rumilia pressed on, launching a barrage of attacks at the orcs. Suddenly, one of
the orcs brandished a spiked chain, prompting Yukito to warn his allies to be cautious. It
became evident that one of the orcs possessed the fighter class.
The proficient warrior from Uruud landed blows on Charlotte and Lumilia with his weapon. The
intense struggle against the skilled Uruud fighter persisted as they exchanged blows without
pause. The warriors from Uruud ordered the elimination of the elf. Yukito, the rogue, stepped
up, activating his unique skill of detecting vital points. With precision, he pinpointed their
adversary's most vulnerable spots. Seizing the moment, he exploited these weaknesses and
shifted the course of the battle in their favor.
Yukito executed a surprise attack on the skilled Uruud fighter from behind, using his rogue
abilities to strike a vital point. The attacks caused significant damage, showcasing Yukito's
precision and expertise. However, as the fighter turned around, he identified Yukito as a human
wizard and retaliated with his weapon. Yukito countered, ready to continue the fight despite
the setback. Calling out to his ally, Yukito and Lumilia persisted in their efforts to defeat the
Uruud fighter. In a strategic move, Yukito created a thick smoke screen, concealing their
whereabouts for a round. They then vanished.
Charlotte, experiencing the impact of her injuries, extended her hands towards her wounds and
activated her Paladin skill, Lay on Hands. The divine energy that emanated from her touch
initiated the mending process of her injuries, and she could feel the rejuvenating power
coursing through her body. Drawing her sword, Charlotte handed it to Yukito, explaining that
the javelin could be wielded like a lance and could also be thrown, making it a versatile weapon
used by the Saint Legudar-Sama. It held a traditional H four significance. With a concerned
expression, Charlotte commented that it didn't quite align with the image of a paladin,
reflecting on the disparity between her expectations and the historical context of the weapon.
Determined to face the fighters of Uruud, Charlotte prepared herself for combat.
As she advanced towards them, they appeared puzzled, searching for the wizard who had
seemingly disappeared. Emerging with Rosinante by her side, Charlotte exclaimed
triumphantly. Despite the fighters' attempts to attack her with arrows, Rosinante skillfully
evaded their shots, leaving them unsuccessful in their endeavors to harm her. Charging
forward, Charlotte decided to sacrifice some of her defense in order to increase her attack
potency, initiating a charge action. With a mighty strike, she delivered a decisive blow to the
Uruud fighter, causing a devastating impact. Witnessing the destructive aftermath of her
attacks, Charlotte declared triumphantly that it exploded, and the fighter collapsed to the
ground in excruciating pain.

Seizing the opportunity, Yukito demanded that the fighters hand over their weapon, stating
that they couldn't even keep track of their companions. Utilizing his skill, Yukito swiftly
disguised himself as an oak tree, taking advantage of the confusion caused by the smoke ball he
had previously deployed. Meanwhile, he tossed the bag of holding to Charlotte, ensuring she
could benefit from its protective properties. Amidst the chaos, Yukito carefully contemplated
their next moves, observing and assessing the situation. The fighters pleaded for Uruud's
mercy, but they seemed torn between their loyalties and the unfolding events.
Charlotte then recalled that the holy javelin exploded. Yukito mentioned that an explosive
potion was on the tip of it. Assured by Yukito that it was blessed at a temple, Charlotte found
comfort in the explanation.
Yukito had foreseen the attacks, and he claimed to have gathered information related to the
Temple of Evil in Orbeda. Mentioning Zoa Gu Hai, the evil dwarven deity of darkness
worshipped by orcs and goblins, Yukito removed a medallion with the symbol associated with
it. Yukito explained that the power of the black dragon was borrowed and that the Temple of
Evil took over the Temple of Zoa Gu Hai. The goblin shaman defeated earlier was originally a
cleric for that temple. According to Yukito, the temple of evil in the Black Mist Mountains
ranges only became the stronghold for believers two years ago. The goblins surrendered and
became associated with the temple of evil, while other disciples of Zoa Gu Hai ran and hid in
the underground forest. Yukito mentioned that their temple was unable to be taken back, so
they became lowly bandits attacking adventurers. Pointing a weapon at the face of the wooden
fighter who seemed to want to cause trouble, Yukito expressed his intent to leverage every
available resource, including the possibility of aligning with a mind flayer. The orc questioned if
Yukito thought he would talk, escalating the tension between them.
Yukito engaged the Uruud fighter, pressing for conversation while simultaneously maintaining
physical control over his opponent. Yukito grabbed his mouth and pushed him to the ground.
He then conjured the crate food spell from inside his mouth, choking him.
Elsewhere in the forest, Riverna-sama expressed disdain for the temple of evil, considering
them easily manageable. She conversed with an older man about the absence of the black
dragon and the potential fate of the captured adventurers. Riverna-sama contemplated selling
the captives for resources and inquired about the possibility of a ransom for the nobles. She
then ordered the captives to be brought before her for examination.

Observing the captives, Riverna-sama noted their beauty and learned about Uruud's plundering
expedition to a nearby village. She expressed approval for his actions and summoned him to
appear before her, acknowledging his prowess as a warrior. Yukito was presented to Riverna-
sama as a gift concealed beneath a cloth, which prompted laughter from the crowd. Riverna-
sama questioned Yukito about their equipment before a fierce battle erupted between them.
Charlotte and Lumilia also broke free from their chains. They attacked Riverna-sama’s minions
while Yukito seized control of the crowd and held Riverna-sama captive, threatening her with a
poisoned blade. During the confrontation, Yukito questioned Riverna-sama's loyalty and her
ability to cast spells without her jewelry. An old man interjected, indicating Riverna-sama's
contrary alignment to evil. Yukito proposed the idea of allying with Riverna-sama, which she
reluctantly agreed to, recognizing the necessity.
Charlotte expressed concern about an evil presence surrounding Yukito. Yukito defended his
actions, emphasizing their common enemy in the House of Evil and proposing the idea of
confronting it with a small team. Riverna-sama seemed swayed by their arguments, especially
after Yukito returned a protective ring to her as evidence of her royal lineage. She agreed to
listen to Yukito's proposal with caution as they descended the staircase together, surrounded
by tension.
Yukito, Riverna-sama, Charlotte, and Lumilia ventured into a chamber where Yukito proposed
that using Detect Evil would cause everything in the vicinity to glow. Charlotte felt a strong
presence of evil in the room. Riverna-sama then handed them a map of the Zoa Gu Hai temple.
They examined the map as they recalled that the world book could only aid them in the
goblins' quest since it did not provide a detailed structure of the dungeons. Riverna-sama
expressed skeptisism. She informed Yukito and his comrades that the map might not be as
helpful since the temple’s layout often changed. She pointed out that the House of Evil likely
modified the temple's layout, including relocating traps. They agreed that this added
complexity to navigation and hindered their understanding of the dungeon's design. They
were confident that the black dragon's lair might be situated there, with the dungeon's depth
probably leading to an underground lake.

As they examined the map, Yukito presented a hypothetical situation, leading to questioning
about the possible location of the hostages. Riverna-sama then began to ponder Yulito’s
intentions, expressing a mixture of sorrow and worry. She disclosed that Yukito was actively
conspiring against the House of Evil, contemplating allying with him since the enemy of one's
enemy is a friend. She was, however, not sure if she could trust him. The thought of how
Yukito returned the ring swayed her, but she could not trust a violent man like him, especially
given her position as a princess of the oppressed. Yukito then inquired if the black dragon
unified the temple of evil. Riverna-sama, who was deep in thought, panicked and called him
an insolent man, much to everyone’s surprise.
She then revealed that an elf druid was the true leader, with the black dragon acting as their
guardian spirit. Lumilia interrupted, bringing up the name Jaraza and asking if that was the
person they were discussing. Lumilia disclosed that Jaraza was her elder brother, and he was
associated with the secret temple of the House of Evil.
Elsewhere in the House of evil, in the underground temple, a woman stood in front of an
altar. She held a magical staff, and candles were burning nearby. Beside her was a black bear
seemingly looking forward to the impending sacrifice. On the altar was a womanly figure
helplessly bound in chains.

Lumilia fondly remembered her brother Jaraza. She thought back to a time when they were
children, and she inquired about the book he was reading. Holding a bouquet, Lumilia
listened intently as Jaraza explained that to become a druid, one must learn magic. Intrigued,
Lumilia asked him about the possibilities of magic, but Serena interrupted, urging Lumilia not
to disturb Jaraza. With a chuckle, Jaraza decided to take a break and borrowed Lumilia's
flowers to perform a spell that left her sisters in awe.

The rest of the villagers were equally amazed. Some hailed him as an extraordinary child,
while others eagerly sought his assistance. Jaraza was a gentle and compassionate individual
who, at the age of twelve, delved into the study of magic. He soon earned the title of the
forest's prodigy, and everyone relied on his abilities. His magical prowess rapidly advanced,
enabling him to locate animals effortlessly, thus facilitating hunting. Additionally, he
possessed the uncanny ability to find medicinal herbs, making him a true lifesaver instantly.

One fateful day, a group of traveling merchants arrived in the village, showcasing their array
of goods. Among their wares was an unfamiliar book that caught Jaraza's attention. Lumilia,
his younger sister, observed his sudden fascination with the book as she continued her
narration. Being too young to decipher its contents, she could only watch as Jaraza read it
with a smile on his face. The merchants deemed the book too old and found no buyers for it.
Intrigued by Jaraza's keen interest, they decided to gift it to him. Little did they know that this
would mark a turning point in Jaraza's life. From that day forward, he secluded himself in his
room, avoiding all contact with others. And in the dead of night, he would venture into the
depths of the forest...

A villager spotted him deep in the woods, but he was too engrossed in his thoughts to notice.
Jarraza's eerie transformation had become a topic of discussion in the nearby villages,
especially as the animals in the forest began to vanish. Lumilia and her sister Serena, curious
about Jarraza's activities, decided to follow him discreetly. When they finally caught up with
him, they were met with a disturbing sight - blood smeared across his face. He proudly
revealed a monstrous creature he had created by merging different animals. Despite initial
failures, his latest creation seemed to be a success. With a gleam in his eyes, he praised the
mysterious book that had helped him enhance his magical abilities to new heights.

Lumilia, filled with disgust, distanced herself from her brother, admonishing him for his
inhumane act of killing the forest animals, which went against the village's laws. Serena
agreed with her sister, and soon, the rest of the villagers joined in their condemnation.
Jarraza, infuriated by their rejection, insulted them, calling them thick-headed and claiming
they lacked understanding. Addressing the villagers, he promised to change the laws and
boasted that his growing magic would bring progress to the village, eliminating the need for
hunting and herb gathering. He urged them to listen to him for an easier life and boldly
declared himself their leader.

However, their confrontation was interrupted by the arrival of the elder, who promptly
imprisoned Jarraza. Despite his angry pleas, the villagers ignored his demands for release. The
elder explained that Jarraza had broken the law, and as punishment, he was to be exiled from
the village. Filled with rage, Jarraza vowed to wage war against the town, promising that they
would regret banishing him. Strangely, as time passed, the forest began to see the return of
its animals.

Inside her brother's room, Lumilia and the others discovered numerous books stained with
the blood of the animals. However, there was one book that remained elusive, never to be
found. As Lumilia recounted the events, Yukito and Charlotte listened intently, their faces
reflecting sorrow. Suddenly, Lumilia made a connection between this scenario and the attack
on their village by the followers of the House of Evil.

Yukito was profoundly thinking about their current situation, particularly concerning Lumilia's
older brother, Jaraza. Jaraza belonged to the druid class, known for harnessing the power of
nature in their magic. They had animal companions and could even transform into fierce
creatures like bears and wolves during battles. Yukito briefly considered acquiring the
toughness feat but decided to think about it later. Just then, Riverna-sama approached him,
curious about what he was reading. Yukito was taken aback, and his surprise was evident on
his face. Riverna-sama wielded the giant's bane, a legendary hammer known as the Dwarven
war hammer. Still puzzled, Yukito asked if this meant Riverna-sama was prepared to join
them in the fight.

Riverna-sama, looking bored, babbled as she said that she had figured out it was about time
for them to attack the Temple of Evil as well. And it seemed that Yukito's claim of defeating
the goblins panned out, so she wouldn't mind joining forces with them. Yukito was elated. He
was confident that returning the ring earned him more trust than he had anticipated. He then
offered his hand to Riverna-sama, signifying their alliance. Lumilia, now half dressed,
declared that she was going to save her sister, Serena, even if it meant his brother being the
enemy. As they looked at the map, they examined WinterHaven, which seemed like a
deserted town, but it was a front for the followers of the Temple of Evil. They decided to
infiltrate the city and search for information initially. Yukito, referring to Riverna-sama as
Riverna, inquired about the number of underlings she had in that fortress. Riverna had about
twenty orcs, but they were idiots and savages. However, Riverna was confident that they
would be helpful, too. She also had four elite duergar warriors who swore absolute loyalty to
her, the queen. Yukito then told Riverna-sama that he'd like the duergar to lead the orcs and
create a diversion. They were to attack the villages that the Temple of Evil had set up as
bases, and if the temple were attacked by the remnants of the Zoa Gu Hai Believers, then
they'd be able to split the temple's fighting power. Riverna, still unsure of the plan, inquired
of its workability. Yukito responded by saying that those were not opponents that they could
take head-on, and if one could win through a frontal assault, then wouldn't Riverna have
reclaimed the temple a while ago? If numbers were all it took, Yukito and his comrades could
have hired some adventurers. Riverna went to explain the plan to her team.
While engrossed in the book, Yukito realized that a lackluster attack force would not be
effective in sabotaging their enemies. Moreover, if the dragon were to intervene
unexpectedly, it would only grant the black dragon unnecessary experience points.
Consequently, Yukito proceeded to outline the plan. The duergar fighters were assigned to
lead two orc units, which would launch attacks on the villages under the protection of the
Temple of Evil. The objective was to plunder these villages repeatedly, and in the event that
the main temple retaliated, they would swiftly retreat. This strategy was akin to a hit-and-run
tactic. Although the resulting force would not pose a significant threat to the Temple of Evil,
Yukito remained confident that the believers would not simply overlook it. Consequently, the
main temple would have no alternative but to diminish its fighting force.

Riverna-sama playfully taunted them, suggesting that it was a twist of fate for an evil cleric
like herself to team up with a paladin. Charlotte's face contorted with anger. Lumilia
pondered on the idea of unlikely alliances, like duergars and elves working together.
However, she realized that saving Serena was the priority, and she couldn't afford to be picky
about her companions. Charlotte, too, believed that, despite the initial taboo, they had to
join forces with the forces of evil for the greater good. The temple of evil stood as their
common enemy. Urging them to set aside their differences, Charlotte encouraged everyone
to work together towards their shared objectives. Lumilia drew a parallel between their
situation and the epic War of the Rings. Just as she began to narrate, Riverna-sama
interrupted, offering to guide them to Winterhaven due to her familiarity with the area. In
the realm of RPGs, clerics were often portrayed as priests who stayed in the background,
casting healing spells. But in this world, clerics were like half-hearted gorillas, clumsily
swinging their weapons around.

While perusing the pages of the book, Yukito couldn't help but notice Riverna-sama's unique
qualities. It dawned on him that most spells required physical contact to be cast. However, as
the saying goes, you can't have it all. Riverna-sama possessed a few skills, but they were all
combat-oriented. As a level three cleric, it would greatly benefit the party if they had
someone who could provide healing. This led Yukito to consider placing Riverna-sama at the
forefront of their battles. But then, who would tend to their wounds when the need arose?

Just as Yukito pondered this, Riverna-sama seemed to catch wind of his thoughts and
interrupted, revealing that she did not possess any healing magic. In fact, she identified
herself as an evil cleric. Instead of restoration spells, she specialized in spells that caused pain
and were capable of harming any living being. Interestingly, these pain-inflicting spells also
doubled as healing spells when used on the undead. Yukito couldn't fathom why a cleric
wouldn't prioritize learning healing spells, but Riverna-sama had a different perspective.

This revelation left Yukito feeling a surge of anger, and he stared intently at Riverna-sama,
who appeared fearful under his gaze. At that moment, he implored her to convert to the faith
of Roan Doruss, a god known for virtue and order. By embracing this faith, Riverna-sama
would gain the ability to cast five healing spells each day, a significant increase from her
current repertoire. Additionally, she would acquire the valuable skill: ‘Detect Evil.’
Furthermore, as she advanced in level, she would even possess the extraordinary ability to
emit holy beams from her eyes. However, Riverna-sama firmly declined this proposition,
rejecting the idea outright.

As Charlotte and Lumelia journeyed on, they rode on horseback while Yukito and Riverna-
sama found themselves cramped inside the 'bag of holding.' Frustrated, Riverna-sama,
claiming her royal status as the princess of the underdark, expressed her discontent with
their treatment. Yukito, feeling the heat and sweating profusely, explained that they had no
choice as the horse could only carry two people. Lumilia, observing their predicament,
couldn't help but think that humans were quite feeble. Unaccustomed to such surroundings,
Riverna-sama, with her princess-like nature, felt that she shouldn't be subjected to such a
foul-smelling place. Yukito then inquired about their proximity to the entrance of the Doom
Mine. Leading the way, Riverna assured them that it was somewhere nearby, urging them to
remain vigilant. Suddenly, Charlotte noticed a thick fog rolling in. The Temple of Evil lay in the
Winter Haven village, nestled at the base of the Black Bloom Mountains. To reach it, they
would have to navigate through the fog-shrouded forest, a challenging and time-consuming
task that could potentially lead to unexpected encounters. Fortunately, Riverna had shared
knowledge of a secret entrance to an abandoned mine, offering a shortcut directly to Winter
Haven village. As they continued their journey, Yukito sensed something amiss with Riverna.
Upon inquiry, Riverna revealed that they had reached a dead end, leaving her frustrated. Just
then, Lumelia spotted something approaching and swiftly armed herself with her bow and
arrow. It was the fearsome chicken bears. Yukito was taken aback, questioning why the
forest's random encounter monsters were of such a high level. The chicken bears closed in on
them, intensifying the tension in the air.

The confrontation commenced shortly after. The chicken creatures made a swift charge
towards them. Suddenly, Charlotte lost her balance, but Lumilia, who had remained resolute,
swiftly fired arrows at the charging beasts. Some arrows appeared to pierce through their
bodies, while others seemed to pass right through, leaving them unharmed. In response,
Yukito unleashed a spider's web, trapping the chicken creatures and rendering them
immobile. Taking a firm stance, Yukito encouraged Charlotte and Lumelia to adopt the anti-
large magical beast formation. Charlotte then brandished an axe and fearlessly charged

Riverna watched in awe, holding her breath.

Yukito invoked his Enlarge spell, transforming Charlotte into a colossal figure. With steely
resolve, she thundered towards the chicken beasts, her axe cleaving through the air with
immense power.
At the same time, Lumilia deftly aimed her arrows at the chicken beast trapped in the web.
With precision born of years of training, she let loose an explosive arrow coated in
alchemist's fire. The projectile found its mark, detonating in a blaze of searing heat and
consuming the trapped creature in flames.

The chicken-beasts thrashed and squealed in agony, their feathers scorched and singed by the
fiery explosion. Charlotte's towering form loomed over them, her axe descending with
relentless determination. Together, the party fought with courage and skill, facing the
monstrous foes with unwavering resolve.

Yukito and his comrades were always prepared for encounters with monsters and equipped
with various tactics to handle any situation. They knew how to adapt and think on their feet.
The spider's web immobilized their enemies, allowing them to stay at a safe distance and
strike with long-handled weapons. The giant magical beasts had no choice but to engage in
close combat, unable to use any other strategies.

Together, they swiftly smote the chicken beasts, their blows landing with deadly precision.
Riverna watched in awe, unable to believe how effortlessly Yukito and his comrades
dispatched such formidable foes.

As Yukito and his companions stood before the mysterious entrance to Doom's Mine, a
shroud of uncertainty enveloped them. But Riverna, with unwavering confidence, assured
them that the entrance was indeed there, hidden from the eyes of the uninitiated. With a
determined expression, she proclaimed her rightful claim to the kingdom, and as if in
response to her declaration, the door began to creak open, revealing the ominous depths of
the Underdeep.

As they ventured forth into the darkness, Charlotte's keen eyes noticed a potential obstacle:
the entrance was too narrow for Rosinante, their trusty steed. Yukito's mind raced with
possibilities, considering the limitations of his magical arsenal. Could he employ the Reduce
spell to shrink Rosinante temporarily? The idea flickered in his mind, but he soon realized the
fleeting nature of the spell's effects and the scarcity of his scrolls.

Amidst the tension and uncertainty, the group faced a dilemma: how to overcome the
physical constraints of the narrow doorway without compromising their resources.

As they ventured deeper into the tunnel, Yukito's lamp cast flickering shadows on the rough
walls, illuminating their path. Riverna's reassuring words eased their tension, her Duergar
night vision guiding them through the darkness. Despite her assurances, Charlotte's struggle
was evident as she carried Rosinante on her back, her whispered complaints barely masking
her discomfort.
Yukito, feeling guilty for not considering the burden Charlotte bore, offered his apologies and
encouraged her to call for a break when needed. Riverna, seizing the opportunity to lighten
the mood, suggested they rest at the Doom's Mine underground lake, a place she fondly
remembered from her childhood. With its pristine waters and mineral-rich environment, it
seemed like the perfect spot to rejuvenate.

Yukito couldn't help but grin as he agreed to take a well-deserved break. Riverna's
enthusiasm was contagious, and he knew she was eagerly anticipating a dip in the water and
the opportunity to clean her armor, probably because of someone's naughty behavior. While
Yukito remained on guard duty, his companions reveled in the refreshing embrace of a chilly
bath. The water was invigorating and revitalizing, washing away the fatigue from their long
journey. Lumilia couldn't help but be captivated by Riverna's glowing complexion, enhanced
by a subtle fragrance that permeated the air.

Riverna, always known for her generosity, revealed a special soap all the way from the West,
piquing Lumilia's curiosity. With kindness, Riverna handed the soap to Lumilia, who, intrigued
by its similarity to the treats from her hometown, impulsively decided to take a bite. In a
sudden lapse of judgment, she tasted it, causing Riverna and Charlotte to panic as the flavor
turned out to be anything but pleasant.

Meanwhile, in another part of the camp, Managmar offered to help Yukito reorganize his
equipment during a short break.

While they were busy, Yukito's thoughts wandered back to Riverna's reassurances regarding
the safety of the tunnel they were about to enter. With that in mind, he concluded that rest
and enchanted bullets were unnecessary. Taking advantage of the moment, Yukito chose to
examine his scrolls, utilizing the valuable downtime.

Amid Yukito's careful arrangement of his scrolls, fate intervened with an unexpected
disturbance—a sudden noise coming from the nearby bathhouse. Hurrying to investigate the
source of the uproar, Yukito came across a sight that made his heart race and his cheeks

Amidst the swirling steam and frothy suds, a group of girls stood, their vulnerability exposed
in their nakedness. They were utterly taken aback by Riverna's sudden terror of a minuscule
insect. Lumilia, always the guardian, rushed to her friend's rescue, while Yukito, intrigued by
their distress, stumbled upon this intimate moment without realizing it.

As Riverna's anger surged, Yukito's embarrassment swelled to an unbearable crescendo. With

a heart laden with shame, he stammered out his apologies, but Riverna's fury knew no
bounds. In a torrent of rage, she flung her soap at Yukito, the insult echoing like a loud
thunderclap. The soap found its mark with precision, striking Yukito squarely and sending him
crashing to the ground. His life hung in the balance, a fragile thread threatening to snap
under the weight of his misstep. The stunned silence that followed was punctuated only by
the sharp gasps of his companions, their faces etched with horror and disbelief.

In that pivotal moment, Yukito's HP plummeted to zero, and the consequences of his
accidental intrusion were laid bare in the most dramatic of fashions. As he lay motionless on
the ground, the gravity of the situation sank in, casting a pall over the once-pleasant
atmosphere. Riverna's fury, unleashed in a single, fateful act, left a lingering sense of regret
and remorse in its wake. Yukito’s status was now unclear. Was he dead or alive?

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