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Red Zone Freeze response (energy saving processes)

Thinking Body sensations

Dizziness Feel numb
Feeling unreal, distant or “spaced out” Slow breathing
Changes to vision/ hearing Exhaustion
Disorientation/ confusion Muscles rigid/ stiff
No memory or awareness of actions Shaking
Blackout/ unresponsive Collapse/ fall

Behaviour Emotions
Sleeping a lot Feel numb
Inactive Low mood
Reduced/ slow movement Lack of motivation
Difficulty controlling movement
Amber Zone Fight/ flight response (energy consuming processes)
Body sensations Thinking
Heart rate speeds up Mental focus narrows
Fast/ shallow breathing Racing thoughts
Throat tightens Hypervigilance/ increased alertness
Muscle tension/ shaking Difficulty planning, problem-solving and
Butterflies in stomach remembering
Feeling hot
Nausea/ feeling sick Emotions
Constipation/ increased bowel movements Anxiety
Urination/ urinary retention Panic
Change in appetite Anger
Dry mouth Difficulty relaxing
Difficulty sleeping Frustration
Digestive problems Feel unsafe/ overwhelmed/ trapped
Pain Behaviour
Sweating Avoidance of: situations, places, activities…
Immune system becomes weaker/ over-active Stick to set routines/ familiar places

Green Zone Rest/ digest

Behaviour Emotions
Engage in valued activities More open and curious
More willing to try new things Better able to manage emotions
Able to engage and connect with other people
Thinking Can connect and empathise with others
Able to learn new information
Aware of the “here and now” Body sensations
Able to shift focus of attention Breathing rate slows
Muscles relax
Heart rate steady
In control of movements
*You may experience symptoms that affect your movement, senses or awareness that are
not listed
*You may experience symptoms that affect your movement, senses or awareness that are
not listed

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