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An Easter Story

A Transfiguration

We all have our own stories to tell. Stories of success and

hardships, ups and downs, happy and sad.

My life is an open book. Most of you have seen the first 50 years of
my life at its full color and even at times when its gray.

You see my life in occassions where you hear from me first hand
stories or my kwento and chismis.

Some of you watch my life through my posts in social media. But

what you see is probably only half of it or even less.

There is still a very big part that is private… and one part is my
relationship with God.

My spiritual side has weaved all the chapters of my life together. It

ties the knot of some lose ends along the way and made it sturdy
to keep myself in balance.

I promised God that I will spread His word and how I have been a
living testimony and miracle of His power, grace and mercy.

Through my experience of success and harships, ups and downs,

happiness and sadness, God is my rock and cane.

The past 4 years was the most difficult trying times and i can say
the saddest era of my life

In 2021, I wrote “A Testimony of Faith - Rough days but God made

us Tough”. It was our family journey to Jooney’s Lung cancer scare.
One of my highlights Romans 12:12 “Rejoice in hope, be patient in
tribulation, be constant in prayer”

The same year Mommy was diagnosed with Stage 4 Colon cancer.

She was terminally ill and I never stopped praying.

In 2022, when we lost Mommy only 6 months after her diagnosis,

there is a big part of me she took with her. I guess it’s very true that
when someone dear to you is gone, the pain does not stop. You
just learn to go with the flow and cope with it. Losing mommy was
like losing the air i breathe and losing the sunshine in my days and
losing the stars in my nights. I cannot forget the traumatic
experience of Mom’s battle with cancer. It was the heaviest feeling
but also the time I needed to show everybody and her my highest
strength. At that time I knew that even when I was praying for God’s
healing and mercy over Mom, He has better plans for her in heaven.
A miracle can be in different forms and this is God’s way to show
His miracle. Mom’s miracle is to enjoy eternal life with no pain and


So no matter what I feel, no matter how painful it is, I must learn to

let go.

Moving on in life after a loss is the hardest part. But I have no


I cannot count the anxiety attacks I went thru and number of

occassions I was rushed to the ER for anxiety, depression, vertigo,
palpitations, you name it, my body made all the excuses just to get

to the hospital. It was a horrible experience.

2022 was a year of intense trial from health, family, relationship,

career, everything challenging all at the same time.

However, during these moments when I was alone, this was the
time I moved even closer to God thru His son our Lord Jesus Christ.
I have always been a prayerful person. I read the bible everyday. I
will never go to sleep without it and even on travels, my daily
reading and my bible is with me. It is thru the word of God that i find
the answers on why things are happening the way they are.
Whenever I ask God, why me, why do i have to go thru all these,
when is this going to stop… or even when there are times I have to

ask God for something a specific prayer… it is always thru His word
that I find the answers. I never stop asking God for strength,
because I know on earth our tribulations never stop or problems
never leave us. But i know in my heart God has overcome the world.
So His strength is what I always ask for.

I pray without ceasing. I pray when I experience success or

harships, I pray during ups and downs and I pray when I am happy
and sad. Prayer is my strong hold for strength. And when I
experienced uncontrollable anxieties, depression, it was thru
prayer that made me thru. There were times when i had to take

medication. But it was fleeting, the medicines were temporary

relief. What sustained me was praying and my faith in Jesus, that
everything will be ok. Believe, trust and surrender what Fr Orbos
would say. And I did. I believed, trusted and surrendered. All to
Jesus. I cannot carry my battles on my own, it was too heavy for me
so I have to surrender.
So in 2021 until 2023 when everything was upside down and
challenging. Grieving with my loss and people turned against me,
judged me and mocked me.

I never stopped praying and believing that everything will be ok.

With God’s grace and mercy, He made the rough seas calmer. My
close friends and family were all on my side, but Jesus was my
constant companion.

It was during these times when I felt hopeless and weak, God moved
things for me, controlled everything and did everything. It was not an
easy ride but God did all the work. I didn’t even have to lift a finger. He
just solved my problems. The people I prayed for, their heart changed
and realized their own mistakes.

Even my anxiety and depression God healed me from it. I still have

my anxiety attacks but it was less and I dont have to take my

anxiety pills everyday. Whenever i have anxiety it was a signal that I
have to pray and turn to God again. They say God move mountains.
I experienced it several times in my life even in my younger years,
even at work I have seen God move mountains for me. For things
that I feel impossible, He made it possible. He did it for me because
He loves me. The countless blessings I receive everyday, all of it
came from Him because those are things I asked from Him and He
granted me as long as it is aligned with His purpose.

My favorite verse in the bible Psalms 37:4 “Delight yourself in the

Lord and He will give you the desires for your heart”. And He does

up to this very day of my life gives and provides what is in my heart.

For the Lord Jesus truly knows what I desire and long for. Another
verse I hold on to Matthew 7:7 “Ask and it will be given to you,
Seek and you will find, Knock and it will be opened unto you”. I just
sincerely ask what I want and He grants it all the time. If there are
times He otherwise provides another, there is a reason. And the
reason He explains to me thru His word and I understand and

However, God really knows how to continuously show His love for
us. He puts us to the test just like when He tested Abraham to offer
Isaac. I am entering another Leap of Faith chapter in my life.

In July 2023, my medical results showed I have to monitor closely

my breast because apart from the increasing number of cysts, solid
mass and nodules, there is one mass on the left breast that is a
candidate for cancer. In Oct to Dec 2023 right before my 50th
birthday I went thru Blood and Cell treatment coz I already knew I
may be entering a danger zone.
In Jan 2024, I was due for another breast ultrasound and the solid
mass found in July 2023 required Biopsy. At this point, things got
more serious. Jan 29 2024 we got results of biopsy and it was
malignant - Stage 2. This news turned my world upside down again.
I dont know if at some point I was already expecting it coz when I
saw what cancer and chemo did to mommy, I told myself I will

never do chemo. So when we got the news, Jooney and I were in

shock. We called Erik and Junjun, I was crying and told them I will
not do chemo. They said to fight, labanan mo yan Ai, look at your
family infront of you. Even my boss when I saw my team burst into
tears, she said labanan mo talaga yan Ai. It was like I am in a dream
people telling me to fight, when I myself still cannot believe this is
happening. I mean seriously, it must be a mistake. And when Kiefer
came home from school we had to break the news to him face to
face with my Dad Lolo Popong, he said crying Mom bakit ikaw why
of all people. That was my question too. People said kaya mo yan

Ai, strong ka.. kaya mo yan ang tapang mo sa dami ng pinagdaanan

mo… si Ate Ai pa ang tapang nun. Kaya mo yan Ai, andito lang kami,
andito lang ako. Well, I am only but human, I am not strong all the
time and its really hard to be strong.

I cried everyday since I heard the news, I wake up in the middle of

the night with nervous thoughts clouding me. Suddenly the fear of
dying hit me. What will happen to Kief? … I just turned 50, why so
early? We have a scheduled family vacation to Japan Feb 4-10, so
do we cancel? It will never be the same … I dont think i can smile
again … I dont think its going to be normal…. Can i just quit? My
family will have a hard time and I will be a burden…. These are the
negative thoughts circling my mind…

Everybody said for me to fight. I said to myself no this is not my

fight. This is God’s fight and battle. I cannot do this on my own. I
cannot control this, I will just offer my body and the rest is up to
Him. I cannot do anything about this. And so I prayed harder asking
for strength and miraculous healing. Isaiah 40:31 “But they who wait
for the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with
wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary they shall walk
and not faint”. But getting the strength was an entire process too. I
have heard the news and its time to face it, no way out but to go
through it.
The First Sign

One early morning around 4am PH time, I gave Aunt Tess and Aunt
Amy a call around 12nn Seattle time. I just needed a shoulder to cry
on. My anxiety attack is back and I am back to medication. I was

crying really hard when I called Aunt Tess, I am losing it and I just
can’t get thru this. She called Aunt Amy so we can pray together.

While Aunt Amy was praying, her background which was the dining
area that shows the bright sun over the window with curtain drapes,
suddenly turned to dark like nighttime. Then there was like a light
beam with shining silver stars whooshing like a falling star, except
that it was going in a horizontal direction… then around it was gold
shimmering light. I didn’t say a word as I didnt want to interrupt Aunt
Amy praying. It was there for a few seconds.

Aunt Amy ended the prayer and I was a little calmer. Then both

Aunt Amy and Aunt Tess as Christians continued to lift my spirit and
to help me surrender to God. Aunt Amy said that she had a vision 2
days before I texted them about my condition.

Her exact account was based on Acts 3:6

Then Peter said, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I
give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.”
In her vision, two days before I texted them to pray for me, Aunt
Amy saw a young lady sitting in a recline position wearing a pink
dress. Then, a circle like a sun with rays of color silver, then another
in gold surrounding it.

She didn't know the meaning of it at the time until I texted them.
They were shocked about the news that I had breast cancer. Then,

she remembered her vision. The lady in pink dress was me.

The first revelation was the pink color. Pink is associated with
"breast cancer." Then Aunt Amy said — I didn't have the meaning of
the silver and gold colors yet.

Then I asked Aunt Amy if she changed her background to the silver
and gold whooshing stars. She didnt press anything and she said
no, then I told her what I saw and Aunt Tess saw it too.

The bright silver and gold that me and Aunt Tess saw on Aunt Amy

while she was praying was the presence of God. That is the second
revelation and like fireworks it was a sign of celebration.
“Whenever there's two or three are gathered in His name, He is in
the midst of them. Matthew 18:20” That's his promise. Also, when
we call upon him, he answers us.

God’s message to me is to stand up and be strong.

The Second Sign

I was in a virtual call with Brother Oliver and Sister Lara. Among the

many calls we regularly make, as always trying to process

everything that is happening. The 3 of us are God-fearing and we
always find time to encourage one another thru the word of God. It
has worked so many times for us whenever, one of us is down, we
support each other and find the goodness in a bad situation. One
afternoon we were in a call we again, we experienced God’s
presence. All of a sudden this time my virtual background changed
to black with fireworks silver, gold, green, pink and blue. Sis Lara
saw the same except she further saw a pink ribbon on top of me.
Bro saw a white backgroud with fireworks silver, gold, green, pink

and blue.

Each of us saw different elements but what was constant is the

colorful fireworks. Silver and Gold was again there.

Coincidence, we dont know. We checked the settings in iphone on

messenger if there is an automatic background filter. The first time
it happened was in Aunt Amy’s background. This time its in my
background. But we cant find the same filter we describe in what
we saw.
And because we have strong faith, we just knew that God was
telling me something. He wants me to trust in Him and be strong,
everything will be ok.

God’s message to me is trust Him. Be hopeful for the good news

and celebration.

Angels and the Holy Spirit

God continues to speak to me through His word. In one of His

messages to me He said “I need you to get excited again. I need
you to remember that you are not alone in this situation. I am
working on your challenges my child. I’ve already assigned Angels

to you. So let go of the stress and trust me. I’ve got a pretty
incredible ending in store for you. Infact, that’s why you need to get
excited again. So dont you even think about giving up. You’re going
to make it no matter what it looks like right now. Remember I am
always working in your favor. I will bless you today with peace,
healing and victory. But you can’t quit. I am going to bring
something beautiful out of this ugly situation. So let go my child.
Hand over all worries, fears and anxities over to me. Stay strong. I
am your strength. You deserve to smile again”
True enough He sent angels to watch over and support me.

I was feeling anxious about going to Japan for our trip, fearing
something might happen to me. But God knew it will calm me if I
have somebody with me who is a medical expert. Good thing we

were traveling with Ellie’s mom who is a family doctor.

Taking a leave from work was another thing in my worry list

especially with a lot of big projects lined up. But God gave me a
strong team whom I can rely on. Plus Brother Oliver joining the
agency side will make the load lighter for my team. Having an
understanding boss from the CMO to HR to the President help
strengthen the value of putting people first, health first.

In St Lukes BGC, Clea started her work as a registered nurse, the

same week I was confined. It felt somehow that I was home having
a family in the hospital.

I didnt know what will happen after the surgery, but God made Ate
Mavi available to take care of me. She is a Registered Nurse
practicing in Cavite for more than 6 years already. She is part of
family and she took care of Kief when he was a kid. She is God-sent
and His timing is perfect. When Ate Mavi resigned in Dec 2023 to
prepare for her assignment in Germany, start of the year, she was
just waiting for her visa and ticket. While waiting she committed to
take care of me. God gave me a personal private nurse who is

My prayer warriors are determined to storm heaven for me. They

were angels sent by God who trust His goodness, my family and
close friends.

Been whispering to the Holy Spirit wherever I go, “Come Holy Spirit
I need you. Come Holy Spirit I pray. Down with your strength and
your power, come in your own special way.”

Galatians 5:22 “But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, self-control and

A Happy Spirit

So we decided to push thru with our Japan trip with the condition
that we will not talk about the C-word and will just enjoy and have
fun. Aunt Amy said that the bad news is behind me know. Time to
move on, time to face it.

So i have 2 choices - 1 is to face it with flowing tears in my eyes

and a crushed spirit Or with a calm heart and a happy spirit.
I chose the later and told myself i will not cry too much for it will
just make me weaker. I will just take it one day at a time. Enjoy each
day as they come for there are treasures and blessings that God
provides me. There is always a silver lining. In my case its not only
silver but silver and gold. I asked for the Holy Spirit to be with me at
all times, so I am claiming my spirit is restored and not crushed.

Before leaving for Japan, I did all the medical tests needed for the
surgery scheduled Feb 19 — blood test, ECG, Xray and MRI. While
undergoing MRI, I was flat on my chest and holding the MRI bar in
both hands. For some reason, I felt Jesus was on my right side
holding my right hand. I felt it, I was not imagining it. I was calm and

Dra Gemma Uy, my Oncologist said enjoy Japan and we will talk
treatment after.

In Japan I enjoyed every single day as if nothing is about to come. I

brushed off all the medical information given to us.

I had fun in the snowfall, I had fun in Disneyland like a child and I
had fun most of all shopping.

When we arrived Manila Feb 10, reality hits back but I was
determined. This tumor is way smaller than God. God is greater
than everything so I will not be afraid. Maliit na bagay ang tumor sa
ating Dakilang Diyos Ama.

Days before Feb 19 was series of Doctor appointment to prepare

me for my confinement. Dra Gemma said if ever since its early
stage it can be oral chemo or with 1-2 infused chemo.

I repeated in my mind, the bad news is behind me and I am only

hearing good news moving forward. With the blood and stripes of
Jesus, I claimed I am healed.

All the tests results are ready and I am good to go for the surgery.

Before my confinement, I dont remember getting really nervous. I

just recall that I was anticipating to get anxiety attack so I was
prepared to take my medication. Which did not happen, no anxiety
attacks therefore no pills… My prayer calmed and strengthened me.
Plus I also knew my family and friends were praying for me… They

were all praying for me.

Deuteronomy 31:6

“Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them;
for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not
leave you nor forsake you.”
I knew that God was with me and I trust He was healing me and
already claimed He healed me.

I also knew that something will happen in the hospital. Deep inside
me I was excited to see what God will show me. I dont know why

and what it is, but I knew something will happen and I was looking
forward to it.

Feb 18 confinement day, I prepared all the stuff I need. My medical

documents check My hospital wardrobe which i recently bought in
preparation for the surgery check. My bible check.

Feb 19 surgery day, thank God for giving me a good night sleep.
Early morning I had to do another MRI before surgery. They had to
inject contrast to my breast thru my nipples. It was the most

exhilarating pain I experienced in my entire life. The worst

injection… I was sobbing and crying like a child and I did not care at
all what the doctor and nurses will say. But they all said sorry. It
took awhile for me to be brought to the OR but at exactly 9am
there I was.

I dont know what I was expecting but I just wanted to scan the
room and looked into the doctors’ and nurses’ eyes. They were all
in blue with masks and hairnet. There were about 11 of them and
they looked that they are just going to do their job on another
regular day. It was an ordinary day for them. It was a life changing
day for me.

When those who knew said, “Aileen andito lang kami, andito lang

ako, dadaanan natin yan together Aileen” this is not true. Because
not all of them or anyone of them was with me when I cannot sleep
at night, or when I cried myself to sleep or whenever I have to do
my medical tests like going inside an MRI machine. Moreso in the
operating room, no one in my family or close friends were there.
But their prayers volted like lightning into heaven. The Lord Jesus,
my constant companion, I felt and believe He was with me all the
time. He truly loves me.

I was put to sleep and I just said Lord its up to you.

I woke up being slapped on my left cheek. Maam Aileen Maam

Aileen you are in recovery room.

I was still groggy and I tried to recall what happened but I dont
remember anything except just a white space like the sky with no

In the recovery room, I was looking around and nurses running here
and there. I was opening and closing my eyes trying to check if I am
really awake. In no time, they rolled me back to my room and that
was 430 pm.

In the room, Jooney, Daddy, Erik and Ate Mavie were there waiting
for me. I said “Tapos na boob job ko” with a smiling grin on my face.
From there I was mostly asleep until 10pm when they all left except
Ate Mavie.

Something Beautiful and Amazing

My body felt so tired and I cannot move. The anesthesia started to

wear off and I cannot move both my arms and hands.

My left arm and hand had pins and needles and unable to move and
close my fist. My right arm and hand had tubes and needles for the
dextrose and IV medication.

I was lying flat and about to cry, I was just so tired and exhausted.
Then I played a podcast on “Be Still and Know that I am God”. I
listened to it crying and told Ate Mavie, “ang hirap maging strong all
the time, hindi ko kaya”. Ate Mavie told me to close my eyes while
listening so I can rest too. I shut my eyes and the clock in front of
me was at 1020pm.

I didnt go to sleep, my eyes were just closed and I was listening to

the podcast. The message was being still and let Jesus in.
And so I did.

The moment I’ve been waiting for….

Lying down on hospital bed, flat on my back with both hands, palms
open facing up.

I remained still and suddenly I felt like there were nails pierced on
my wrist near the palm of my hands. It started to feel heavier and

heavier and then my feet also started to feel nailed and on top of
each other. Then I prayed, Lord if this is my way to experience your
suffering in the Cross, so be it. I offer you this sacrifice and give my
own contribution of suffering. Then after that I felt like a big sponge
was inside my body. A sponge that is trying to absorb something
inside my body. I felt the big sponge from my neck down to my
toes. Just squeezing some sort of liquid inside me.

I was feeling the moment because somehow it was making me feel


Then I felt like I was standing both my feet on a big palm of hands. I

was still lying down the hospital bed, no movement with my eyes
closed, listening to the podcast.

My palms are still open facing up. Suddenly, I felt huge hands
gripping and holding both my hands. I tried to feel it for a few
moment. Then, that was the time I opened my eyes and saw
myself sitting down facing a man with huge hands wearing a robe.
His grip looked strong because of the bigness of His hands. But He
held me gently. Gentle enough to feel the ultimate peace,
calmness and joy. It was a feeling of awe I have not felt before. His
hands did not clearly show His skin as it was luminous and there
was a certain glow of white light that is not too glaring and bright.
His robe was not white and not cream but somewhere in between.

It was not cotton and it was not silk, but something I have not seen
yet. It was flowing gently with no wrinkles and fold.

Then I asked “Lord?”. I can see Him neck down with just His robe
flowing, His hands on my palms gripping with a certain glow and
light. It was bright and luminous but not glaring in the eye.

I was feeling the comfort and peace I needed. I was happy, no

happy is an understatement. I was overjoyed and in so much awe. I
knew and in my heart I was infront of Jesus Christ.

Then my hands and arms moved. Jesus gripped both my arms and
my hand now holding both His arms.

His arms were big. He was not fat and was not masculine. His arms
just felt strong and powerful. The Almighty Jesus.

We were in that position for some time until He spoke to me with a

gentle whisper in tagalog “Bumitiw Ka”. At first I was confused
asking myself why will I let go. I was enjoying myself and loving the
feeling of this moment. I had the courage to tell Him “Ayoko po
bumitiw and saya po dito”.

Then the Lord replied, “Bumitiw ka, hindi kita bibitawan, andito lang

Then I slowly released the grip of my hands from His arms. But He
never let go of my arms, He was still holding on to me so tight but

gentle. I felt my tears about to fall as I can truly feel His love for me.
Then a breeze of cold wind or air brushed infront of me. I felt the
cold breeze touched my lips then moved around my body then to
my back like a gentle embrace.

I opened my eyes with tears rolling down my left cheek.

I am in the hospital room, the clock infront of me was at exactly


I looked at the air conditioning switch and it was off. So the cold
breeze was not coming from the aircon, I just confirmed.

The first thing I told Ate Mavie “Magaling na ako, ok nako”. Then the

numbness and heavy feeling in my arms were gone. I can already

move them.

I told Mavie the entire story, my amazing encounter with Jesus.

Asked her if it can be related to the effects of Anesthesia.
Whatever it is, I believe it was a transfiguration with the Lord Jesus
Christ. There were too many extra ordinary details in the encounter
that I believe my strong faith led me to this. It was indeed
something beautiful that God promised to give me out of this ugly
situation. Peace, healing and victory.

Healing and Revelation

On the 3rd day, I was released from the hospital, Feb 21. Jooney,
Ate Mavie and I headed straight home, eager to start recovery in
full swing. It was not an easy journey. I had to go home with 2 tube
drains attached to my body in order to release blood and water
from my wound. Round the clock medication and monitoring was
done and thank you to my angels especially Ate Mavi, who became

my arms and legs when I cannot move. They served me with

healthy food so I can regain back my physical strength. I tried to
enjoy my 1st week of recovery at home taking pictures of my food
and taking memories of this ordeal. The silver and gold lining was
God provided all the necessary resources I needed in the comfort
of our home. He made the difficult healing process as comfortable
as possible for me. Thank you Lord for your provision.

My boys Jooney and Kiefer were in full support providing all what I
needed to comfort me in this difficult recovery. They showed
strength on their faces, but I know deep inside it was also difficult
and painful for them. I didnt tell them about my transfiguration
experience as I was not ready to share and I was not sure also if
they were ready to hear it. I only shared the story to Erik and Nina
with full spirit and claiming I am healed, magaling na ako.

I was expected to go back to the hospital a week after so the

Oncologist can discuss next steps for my treatment. I had a family

meeting with Jooney and Kiefer. I told them that whatever the
doctor will say on the treatment, I will not do chemotherapy. I saw
what it did to Mommy and we will just find other alternatives. We
were already listing options on treatment, like immunotherapy,
celation, etc and even going to Singapore to do the treatment

The day came when the resuts of the biopsy are ready and Dra

Gemma Uy explained to us what it is.

The final diagnosis is Stage 1. There are 2 tumors both small

enough to say it was early stage detection. It did not metastasis to
my lymph nodes which is a good thing.

We were able to catch it really early and my body is sensitive to

hormonal treatment. She gave me prescription for my oral
medication. Then I asked “Doc, what about Chemotherapy. She
said “Tapos na tayo. Hindi mo kailangan ng chemo kasi the
hormone therapy will serve as the therapy to prevent cancer from
spreading or coming out in other parts of the body.”

That moment, Jooney and I started crying. I knew God answered

my prayers and I knew when the Lord Jesus showed Himself to me,

He healed me. He knows I cannot bear going thru chemo, so He

gave me a different alternative. Dra Gemma’s news was indeed an
affirmation of Christ’s visit to me in the hospital. Repeating. It was
indeed something beautiful that God promised to give me out of
this ugly situation. Peace, healing and victory.

We left the doctor’s clinic crying and still surprised, I even texted
the secretary of Dra Gemma if I can say I am cancer-free. Dra
Gemma confirmed, Yes.

Now it all makes sense. Aunt Amy’s vision. The silver and gold. His
messages of strength, telling me to stand up and be strong. My
encounter with Bro Oli and Sis Lara. The fireworks. His message of
giving me a pretty incredible ending in store for me. The
transfiguration which is the ultimate experience with Jesus Christ
that up to this day, I am still recalling the way He was holding my
arm and not letting go. That is my visual of strength. That is my
visual of faith. That is my visual that God loves me. That is my visual
that I should not fear nor be anxious for everything will be ok.
I know it is not yet completely over, I still have to closely monitor
for the rest of my life what was initially diagnosed in me.

But this second chance of Miracle that God gave me, is a living
testimony of Faith, Hope, Love and Victory.

Proverbs 18:20-21

“From the fruit of a man’s mouth his stomach is satisfied. He is

satisfied by the yield of his lips. Death and Life are in the power of
the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruit”

Exodus 15:26

“….. I am the Lord, your healer.”

Aileen Dejillas-Magdaluyo

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