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After building our app we need to submit it to Shopify’s App Approval team and make sure it
meets all requirements given below .

1. Prohibited and restricted app configurations"

Some types of apps aren't permitted on the Shopify App Store and others must have their
visibility set to unlisted.

"Prohibited app types"

The following app types aren't permitted on the Shopify App Store:

Apps that are pieces of standalone software that need to be downloaded to a computer - Your app
must not require a desktop app to function.

Apps that mostly rely on merchant or Partner interaction to operate - Apps that rely on mainly
person-to-person interactions should consider listing as a service in our Partner Directory.

Apps that make little or no use of Shopify's APIs - Apps that do not make use of Shopify's APIs
are not permitted on the Shopify App Store. This is to make the merchant experience better by
using direct shop data and mitigate user error.

Apps that falsify data to deceive merchants or buyers - Apps must not violate our Partner
Program Agreement as well as our Acceptable Use Policy. Your app should only use factual
information in popups and notifications.

Apps that process payments outside of Shopify's checkout - Shopify can't guarantee the safety or
security of an order that has been placed through an offsite or third party checkout. Apps that
bypass checkout or payment processing, or register any transactions through the Shopify API in
connection with such activity, are prohibited.

Multiple apps with overlapping functionality created by the same Partner - App must not be
identical to other apps you've published to the Shopify App Store. Learn more about duplicate
apps in our Partner Program Agreement.

Apps that host marketplaces on Shopify - Apps that connect merchants to marketplaces or allow
them to turn their stores into marketplaces cannot be distributed through the Shopify App Store
Apps that offer or promote capital funding - Apps that provide capital funding (including but not
limited to loans, cash advances, and purchase of receivables) cannot be distributed through the
Shopify App Store. These types of services are difficult to monitor on an ongoing basis, and in a
manner that makes sure merchants are protected from unsound lending practices.

Apps with restricted beta API scopes enabled - If your app has been granted access to beta
testing API scopes, then you can't submit your app to the Shopify App Store. For announcements
about when betas become publicly available, visit the Shopify Community forums Shopify
Community forums.

Apps that primarily function to share or provide merchant data to third parties - Apps that
primarily function to share or provide merchant data to one or more third parties must have prior
written consent from Shopify and must comply with our API Terms. Otherwise, they aren't
eligible to be listed on the Shopify App Store. Each third party that receives merchant data using
the app must agree to Shopify’s API Terms.

Apps that connect merchants to external developers - Apps that connect merchants to agencies
and freelancers cannot be distributed through the Shopify App Store.

Apps that require a browser extension to function - Browser extensions are only permitted as an
optional feature.

Apps that provide refunds - Your app must not offer methods for processing refunds outside of
the original payment processor.

Apps that connect to an established payments gateway - Apps that connect to established
payments gateways to provide services that aren't related to processing payments aren't permitted
on the Shopify App Store.

Unauthorized payment apps - Payment Gateway apps must be authorized through an application
process. They must be built using the Payments API. Review the requirements for more

Apps that bypass Shopify's Theme Store - Your app must not allow merchants to download
themes. Themes can only be installed using the Shopify Theme

2. Installation and setup

These requirements make sure that merchants can quickly set up and start using your app. The
installation requirements describe the correct flows for authentication, app install charges, and
any sign-up steps (if required). These requirements make sure that you provide merchants with
the guidance they need when they start learning to use your app.
A. Authentication

Your app must immediately authorize using OAuth before any other steps occur, even if the
merchant has previously installed and then uninstalled your app.

Merchants shouldn't be able to interact with the user interface (UI) before OAuth.

B. Permissions

Permissions are the levels of access that your app has to a merchant's store through the API. The
permissions that you request are shown to the merchant on the OAuth grant page, where the
merchant can either grant or decline them.

Your app must redirect merchants to the user interface (UI) after they accept permissions access
on the OAuth grant page.

Your app should request only the permissions that are necessary for it to function

C. Setup and merchant workflows

Any connection that your app makes from its UI to either link to another shop or install other
apps must go through the Shopify App Store listing first.

Apps must be installed and initiated only on Shopify services. Your app must not request the
manual entry of a URL or a shop's domain during the installation or
configuration flow.

For merchant security, your app must not use pop-up windows for essential app functionality,
like running OAuth or approving app charges. Avoiding the use of pop-up windows also protects
your app from being compromised by pop-up blockers.

If your app adds secondary payments to orders because of post-purchase upsells or other order
edits, then you need to tell merchants that orders might have multiple payments associated with
them. Include a note in your Shopify App Store listing and the app setup instructions to tell
merchants that if they're capturing payments manually, then they might need to capture more
than one payment for a single order.
3. Functionality and quality

For your app to be successful, it should offer a consistent and positive experience for the
merchants who use it. The following functionality and quality requirements apply to the core
features of your app, such as its user interface, performance, and billing.

A. User interface

By offering a great user interface, you can make it easier for merchants to use your app to grow
their businesses. Your app's user interface must meet the following requirements:

Your app in the Shopify App Store must be operational through a UI regardless of how it is
launched. Operational errors (within an app's functionality) are acceptable, but web errors such
as 404's, 500's and 300's are not.

Your app must explicitly inform merchants if it adds secondary payments to their customers'
orders. Merchants must be aware that they may need to capture these secondary payments
separately when using the manual payment capture method. It is essential to include this note in
both your app's listing and within the app's user interface.

Your app doesn't use admin UI blocks or admin actions to display promotions, advertisements,
or solicit reviews.

B. Billing

Shopify has an API-based billing system that supports different types of app charges. It bills
merchants through the same system that's used for their Shopify subscription, and makes it easier
for them to keep track of their payments.

Apps that do not use the Shopify Billing API cannot be distributed through the Shopify App
store, unless you've been notified otherwise by Shopify.

Your app must allow merchants to upgrade and downgrade their pricing plan without having to
contact your support team or having to reinstall the app.

This includes ensuring that the charges are successfully processed in the application charge
history page in the merchant admin.
Enterprise-level pricing plans must be referenced in the Description of additional charges section
of the pricing section of the app's listing.

If your app has any charges, it must implement the Billing API so it can accept, decline, and
request approval for charges again on reinstall.

C. State of the app

Merchants are busy, and every minute matters when running their businesses. By making sure
that your app performs well, you can help merchants achieve their goals faster and spend more
time on the problems that need their attention the most.

Your app must be a stable, finished product when you submit it to the Shopify App Store. It
shouldn't be in an unfinished state. Your app should function and generally be free of bugs.

For example, an app might fail this requirement if buttons return errors when they’re clicked, or
the app returns a success state in the user interface when an action has failed.

Apps that no longer reflect the original core functionality submitted to the App Store will be re-
evaluated and will need to be resubmitted for a full App review.

4. App performance

For merchants to be successful, their online stores must have best-in-class speed and user
experience. Apps can easily slow down performance, and we require apps to keep performance
top-of-mind while helping merchants, to follow our performance requirements and best
practices, and to test that their products continue to meet our minimum requirements for speed.

A. Performance scoreAnchor link to section titled "A. Performance score"

To be published in the Shopify App Store, your app must not reduce Lighthouse performance
scores by more than 10 points. Submissions are evaluated based on this criteria, using the testing
methodology outlined in the section below.
Test your app's impact on Lighthouse performance scores using the steps outlined in Testing
storefront performance. The impact that you’ve calculated should be included in the App testing
information section of your submission form. Please provide a screenshot of your results. This
information must be provided to our App Review Specialist prior to the review process.

B. Testing methodologyAnchor link to section titled "B. Testing methodology"

For apps that affect storefronts directly, Shopify tests the app's effect on store performance by
measuring the Lighthouse score before and after the app is installed. We calculate a weighted
average of score from the following pages:

The difference in the score before and after the app is installed indicates whether the app
improves or worsens store performance. To meet Shopify App Store requirements, your app
must demonstrate low or no impact on store performance consistently across actual merchant
stores over time.

5. App listingAnchor link to section titled "5. App listing"

The app listing is your calling card - it helps merchants find your app and understand how it can
help them run their businesses. Your listing explains the features, user interface, and
functionality of your app. Your listing should clearly communicate functionality and pricing so
that merchants can quickly understand the benefits of your app.

Writing a Shopify App Store listingAnchor link to section titled "Writing a Shopify App Store

The app listing is your first point of contact with a merchant, and it's where they'll go to
determine whether your app is right for them. All approved public apps have a listing on the
Shopify App Store, regardless of whether you choose to make it listed or unlisted.

The listing is often your biggest marketing tool — an effective app listing encourages Shopify
merchants to try your app for themselves. Make sure that your app listing is clear, and that it
answers the questions that a potential user might have.

To create a Shopify App Store listing, you first need to select Shopify App Store as the
distribution method for your app.

The app listing submission form lets you do the following:

highlight app features so merchants can easily see what your app can do for them

provide clear pricing information

specify which merchants can install your app

Follow these requirements and guidelines when you're filling out the app submission form to
make sure that merchants can easily find your app, understand what they can use it for, and see
how much it costs.

A. Basic app information

1. App name
Your app name is an important part of how you brand yourself to merchants, and how they refer
to your app. Follow these requirements when deciding on an app name:

The app name can't include any Shopify trademarks, such as "Shopify", or confusingly similar
variations or misspellings of any Shopify trademarks.

The app name must be 30 characters or fewer.

The app name can't be a generic description of your app's functionality, such as "Banner Slider."
Your app name should be short and distinct.

Your app name needs to match, or be similar, in the App Name fields on the Configuration page
and the Submission form in the Partner Dashboard. "Similar" means that any variations of the
name contain common words.

2. App icon

You can add and update your app icon from the app submission form. When making your app
icon, follow these guidelines:

Use JPEG or PNG format for the image.

The app icon's dimensions should be 1200px by 1200px.

Don't include text in your app icon.

Don't include screenshots or photographs in your app icon.

Use padding around your app icon. Your logo shouldn't touch the edge of the image.

Keep the corners square. The image's corners are automatically rounded when it's displayed.

Use bold colors and recognizable patterns.

Make it simple and focus on one or two elements. Visual clutter can make an image less

Don't include seasonal promotions in the app icon. For example, you shouldn't promote BFCM
discounts in the app icon.

3. App categorization
When merchants visit the Shopify App Store, they can search for apps by using categories,
subcategories, and tags.

The tags impact your store's discoverability on the App Store. In this field, you must select a
primary tag that best describes your apps' core functionality. You can add an additional
secondary tag if your app has other core functionality that isn't described by the primary tag.

Changes to this field will trigger a review by the Shopify app review team.

If your app capabilities change and you want to change how your app is categorized, then you
can submit an appeal to change the app categorization by using the link in the app submission
form. After the Shopify app review team completes their review, they'll send a response, whether
it's approved or rejected.

4. App category details

Specific categories require additional structured details about your app. This makes it easier for
merchants to identify and compare relevant app features by category.

You can select up to 25 structured features per category field in the app submission form. These
details can be updated at any time and don't require an appeal for review.
We’ve curated the most common features that merchants might be looking for within each
category. If your app has more functionality than what's listed for each category, then consider
either using your features list to specify the functionality or let us know in this feedback form

5. Languages

In the Languages section of your app listing, you need to enter all the languages in which
merchants can use your app’s UI within the Shopify admin. The Shopify admin itself can be used
in any supported languages. To learn more about translating your app, refer to

If any languages listed under the Languages section of the app listing aren't available within your
app, then you'll be asked to remove them from the list.

B. App store listing content

Your app store listing content should describe your app's features at a high level. When creating
your app store listing content, don't reference your other apps and services in your app store
listing content.

1. Feature media

You must add a feature image or video for the listing header. A feature image or video is a
required part of the app listing. It shows merchants more about your app in a highly visible part
of your listing.

A short video is the best way to showcase the impact of the app on the business and how
customers experience the app. If you don't have a video, then you can use a static image instead.

a) Feature video guidelines

A feature video should promote the core features and functionality of your app and how it
interacts with Shopify. Merchants want to understand what to expect from your app and how it
will help them run their businesses. An effective promotional video will encourage the merchant
to take a deeper look through your app listing to learn more about the features that were
introduced in the video.

Follow these guidelines when making your feature video:

The video should be no longer than 2-3 minutes.

Don't include long screencasts of someone using the application. Up to 25% of the video can use
screencasts for demoing features, but the video should be promotional, not instructional.

Be mindful of any third-party logos or elements that you include in the feature video to avoid
potential trademark issues.
Choose an eye-catching thumbnail that will make merchants want to watch the video to learn

b) Feature image guidelines

If you don't have a video, then use a static image to highlight your app. Your image should
convey the benefit, functionality, or unique value of your app. For example, the image might
show the customer experience on the storefront, or how the merchant's workflow or business
results are impacted.

Follow these guidelines when you're preparing your feature image:

Use JPEG or PNG format for the image.

The image's dimensions must be 1600px by 900px (16:9).

Leave a margin of 100px around the outside edges of the image.

Provide alt text for your image. This text appears if your image fails to load and can help people
who use assistive devices like screen readers. It also helps with search engine optimization.

If you're using text in your image:

Localize and translate text for every language that your app listing is available in.

Keep the text short, simple, and scannable for both desktop and mobile devices.

Don't repeat your app card subtitle in the image.

Don’t use the Shopify logo in your image.

Avoid using heavily patterned or textured background images. Instead, use one or two colors for
the background.

Ensure that there is enough contrast between the background and any text. A 4.5:1 contrast ratio
is recommended.

Make your image simple. An image should have a single point of focus, and use only a few
elements. Visual clutter can make an image less effective.

Avoid using screenshots of your application that contain many small elements or a lot of text.
Crop or simplify screenshots where possible.

2. Demo store URL

Provide a link to a demo store that showcases your app so merchants can see a live
demonstration of how the app works. This lets the merchant get a sense of how your app can
benefit them.

As a Shopify Partner, you can use a free development store as your demo store. If you use a
development store, then the store must be owned by the Partner account that you're submitting
your app with.

Follow these guidelines when providing a demo URL:

Use a Shopify store: Use a Shopify development store, or a live store that you own, rather than a
marketing page or video. Merchants want to be able to explore how an app functions in a store.

Thoughtfully design your demo store: If your demo store is poorly designed, then merchants
might negatively associate the design of the store with the quality or aesthetics of your app.

Link to the relevant part of the store: Consider linking to a page in your demo store that best
demonstrates your app's functionality. For example, if your app impacts only the product page of
a store, then link directly to a product page.

Provide contextual instructions: Make it easy for merchants to know exactly what your app is
impacting within the demo store. If your app is complex, then add text to the demo store to guide
merchants through the experience.
3. Screenshots

In the Screenshots section, you must provide screenshots to show what your user interface looks
like in action. Screenshots provide an opportunity to visually share what your app does in the
storefront or the Shopify admin.

Follow these guidelines when you're preparing screenshots:

a) General screenshot guidelines"

Provide alt text for all images for accessibility and to improve SEO.

Don’t use any personally identifiable information without consent. This includes information like
store names, phone numbers, and URLs.

Add annotations or highlighting to draw attention to important elements, such as any links that
your app inserts in the Shopify admin.

If you add text annotations, then localize and translate the text for every language that your app
listing is available in.

b) Desktop screenshot guidelines"

Each screenshot's dimensions should be 1600px by 900px (16:9) for desktop.

Include between 3-6 screenshots of your app on desktop.

Include at least one screenshot of your app's user interface.

Provide alt text for all images for accessibility and to improve SEO.

Don't include desktop backgrounds and browser windows in your screenshots. Crop them so
your images aren't cluttered and don't distract merchants from your app.

If your app is embedded, then don't include sensitive information such as the store name or any
user information. You can include the left-hand navigation.

c) Mobile screenshot guidelines

Each screenshot's dimensions should be 1600px by 900px (16:9).

If your app is mobile responsive on the storefront, then include screenshots that show your app's
mobile functionality. This helps merchants visualize how your app will look to a customer on
their storefront.

Your mobile screenshots shouldn't be duplicates of your desktop screenshots. This means they
must display the responsiveness of your user interface when viewed on a mobile device.

d) Point of sale screenshot guidelines"

Each screenshot's dimensions should be 1600px by 900px (16:9).

If your app is for Shopify Point of Sale or has features that work with it, then you must include a
screenshot showing this. This helps merchants specifically looking for point of sale apps
understand that yours integrates with it.

4. App introduction"

The app introduction field gives you 100 characters to explain your app's purpose and main
benefit to merchants. The app introduction appears as prominently displayed text on your app
store listing.

Follow these guidelines when writing your app introduction:

Clearly highlight the benefits that merchants can expect from your app. For example, "[App
Name] makes personalized advertising campaigns simple, and helps you find new customers."

Don't add keywords to the app introduction with the intent of improving search performance.

Don't use personal merchant information without consent from the merchant.

Don't include data or statistics. You can feel free to share this information on your website and
landing pages.

5. App details

The app details field gives you 500 characters to expand on your app's main benefits. In this
field, you should let the merchant know what makes your app unique. The app details should be
concise, but informative.
Follow these guidelines when writing your app details:

Focus on functional elements of your app in your app details, and avoid excessive marketing

Don't only list features in the app details. Use the Feature list field for listing features instead.

Don't include support information such as emails and phone numbers in the app details. Use the
Support fields to enter your support information instead.

Don't include links and URLs in the app details. The submission form lets you provide links to
your website's homepage, your FAQ page, and your pricing information, where you can host
whatever additional information.
Don't include testimonials in the app details.

Don't add keywords to the app details with the intent of improving search performance.

Don't include any data or statistics in your app details. Feel free to share this information on your
website and landing pages.

6. Feature list

The feature list should include a list of the functional features of your app. The content for each
listed feature should be short so that merchants can easily scan the list to understand what your
app offers. You can use up to 80 characters per feature.

When writing your feature list, you should describe the functionality, not the mechanics behind
each feature.

7. Integrations"

The Integrations field lets you list a maximum of six integrations. If your app has more than six
integrations, then list the ones that merchants will be most interested in.

Don't include the following in your list of supported integrations:

other shopping carts, unless you provide synchronization or cross-platform compatibility

other apps in the Shopify App Store, unless your app directly integrates with them

C. Resources"

Privacy policy URL (Required)

Data and user privacy are extremely important to merchants, and they value Partners who take
security seriously. You need to include a privacy policy for your app.

Developer website URL (Optional)

Having a website that gives more information about your app can help merchants to decide if
they want to install it. This URL needs to be set to the landing page of your developer website. If
the URL goes to a special promotional page, then you'll be asked to change it.

5. Pricing : For pricing refer to this link :


6. Security and merchant risk

Security is a critical part of any web-based business because online apps can be exposed or
compromised in many different ways. Before you submit your app, you need to make sure that
it's secure so that the merchants who use it won't be at risk.

A.Security :

Your app must not collect Shopify user credentials. As explained in Shopify API Authentication,
public apps must use OAuth and public embedded apps must use session tokens and OAuth.

If your app stores its own credentials, then it must only store salted password hashes instead of
actual passwords, as described on the Open Web Application Security Project website.

Your app must be protected against common web security vulnerabilities.

Your app must have a valid TLS/SSL certificate without any errors.

Your app must protect iFrames and prevent domains other than the shop domain from using the
app in an iFrame.

Your app must not expose network services unnecessarily.

Your app must subscribe to mandatory webhooks.

Your app must not expose its shared secret. If your secret is inadvertently exposed, then you
must rotate the secret immediately.

If your app uses offline tokens, then your app must not expose a shop's offline access token.

Your app must generate secure tokens, including expirations and search indexing protections,
where applicable.

Your app must not process payments or orders outside of Shopify's checkout.

Your app must not alter or modify Shopify's checkout, except through the APIs and components
that Shopify provides for that purpose.

Apps using the Admin APIs to capture payments must subscribe to the REST API orders/edited
webhook topic, or the GraphQL ORDERS_EDITED webhook topic, to be notified when an
order is edited and a secondary payment needs to be captured. When capturing payments using
the REST Admin API, your app must include either the parent_id or authorization properties.

If your app uses app proxies, then it must verify the authenticity of requests.
For more refer to the following url:

Review process

Your app must meet all requirements on the App Store review page before your app is reviewed.
During the review process your app changes status: Draft, Submitted, Reviewed, and Published.
You can learn about the status of your app on your App Store review page.

Preliminary steps"
When you create a public app, it starts with the Draft status. You must fix any issues that are
identified on the Shopify App Store review page before you can submit your app for review.
After you make the changes, you can click the Submit your app button to send your app for

App review"

After you submit your public app for review, it moves to the Submitted status and you receive an
email confirming that your submission was received. You can withdraw from the review process
at any time by clicking Withdraw in the status banner.

If your app doesn't meet core requirements that prevent a reviewer from reviewing your app, then
your app moves to the Paused status and then you’ll receive an email that outlines required
changes. After you make the required changes to your app, you can resubmit by click Submit
fixes in the status banner.

After your app meets the core requirements, Shopify assigns a reviewer to your submission, and
they begin to review your app. If your app requires additional fixes that need to be discussed
with your reviewer, then it moves to the Reviewed status. You'll receive an email that outlines
the next steps and you need to reply to continue the process.

After your app has been approved by the app review team, you'll receive an email confirming
that your app has moved to the Published status and now displays on the Shopify App Store.
Preparing your app for review

Before you submit your app to Shopify, you should do some final tests, validations, and
administrative tasks to ensure that it's ready for review, and ready for merchants to use the app in

The app review team will only review production-ready apps. If you submit an app that is
incomplete or has errors that prevent us from reviewing its features, then it won't be approved.

After you've tested your app and made sure that it meets all of our app requirements, you can
submit your app for approval. These instructions apply to all apps.

Ensure you agree to follow the terms outlined in the Partner Program Agreement and the Shopify
API License and Terms of Use. If at any point you don’t meet these terms, then Shopify restricts
your access to Partner services.

Install your app on a development store"

Development stores can be used to test apps to ensure they're free of bugs or otherwise
incomplete. If you don’t have a development store, then you can create one.

Log in to your Partner Dashboard.

In your Partner Dashboard, click Apps.

Click the name of your app to navigate to the App overview page.

On the app page, in the Test your app section, click Select store.

Select the development store you want to use.

Click Install app.

You should now be directed to the OAuth grant screen to install your app. If you don't see the
OAuth grant screen, then you might need to double check your app’s code, as well as the app
URLs and redirects. You can avoid this by using Shopify managed installation.

Check your OAuth installs for errors

Before submitting your app, make sure to test your app’s URLs and redirects. Before submitting
your app, make sure its App URL and allowed redirection URL redirect merchants to the OAuth
screen as expected. If they don't redirect merchants to the OAuth grant screen, then your app
won't be approved.

In your Partner Dashboard, click Apps.

Click the name of your app.

Click Configuration.

Find the URLs section.

Review and test the URLs that you provided.

For more information about using OAuth to communicate with Shopify, refer to Getting started
with OAuth.

Test your app’s billing system

All charges associated with apps submitted to the Shopify App Store must use the Shopify
Billing API.

You need to test your app's billing system before you submit your app to the Shopify App Store.
To test your app without incurring a real charge, you can have your app create a test charge
before you install it on your development store. To have your app create a test charge, you can
change your app's charge requests to include "test": true. This will create a test charge when you
install the app so that you don't incur a real charge on your account.

Your Billing API integration must meet the Shopify App Store billing requirements.

When you have finished testing, you must change all of your app's charge requests to include
"test": false, or merchants who install your app won't be charged.

Request access to protected customer dataAnchor link to section titled "Request access to
protected customer data"
If your app uses customer data, then you need to meet the protected customer data requirements
and then apply for access to this data in the API Access > Protected customer data access section
of your Partner Dashboard.

Submitting your app for review:

Contact throughout the review process

The app submission email that you provided in the Contact information section of your listing
form is where Shopify will email you during review. To ensure that you receive all emails, add and to your allowed senders list in your
email service provider’s settings.

If you don’t have access to your Partner account email, then contact Partner support.

Shopify App Store review page

Start your app review journey on the Shopify App Store review page. You'll be guided to
complete mandatory fields and automated tests to prep your app for submission and reduce
common errors. Your progress is auto-saved as you complete each step. After this process is
complete, you can submit your app for review by the Shopify App Store Review team.

Configuration setup

The configuration section guides you to set up items such as URL(s) for your app, compliance
webhooks, the app icon, and API contact details.

URLs: When you set up domains for your application, make sure you don't include the words
"Shopify" or "Example". Avoid using misspelled or abbreviated versions of "Shopify", as this
isn't permitted according to our Partner Program Agreement.

Compliance webhooks: Apps that are distributed through the Shopify App Store must subscribe
to compliance webhooks. You can do this either in the app config TOML or in the Partner
App icon: The app icon must be 1200 x 1200 pixels in size and in either JPEG or PNG format.

App setting: The API contact email shouldn't contain the word "Shopify". Avoid any
misspellings or abbreviations of "Shopify", as they aren't permitted according to our Partner
Program Agreement.

Add an emergency contact for your account: You need to provide an email and phone number in
case critical technical issues with your app arise and we need to contact you. Your emergency
developer contact email will be used for providing technical updates, so that we can
communicate critical information about your app.

Create a listingAnchor link to section titled "Create a listing"

Every app submission must specify a primary language and create at least one Shopify App Store
listing. The app listing is a source of key information about your app. Ensure that all app listing
requirements are met.

Protected customer data

If your app requires the use of protected customer data, then you can access the request form
from this page. If the app doesn't require this data, then you can choose to opt out. Applying for
protected customer data isn't possible while the app is under review.

Automated checks for common errors

The Shopify App Store review page enables you to run automated checks for common errors to
ensure that your app is ready for submission. These checks must be run and completed
successfully to ensure functionality and reduce your app’s time spent in review. If you fail one or
more of these checks, address the issue(s) and then you can rerun the checks.

Temporary suspensions

Partners may be temporarily suspended from submitting their app if they do any of the following
Consecutively failing to address issues highlighted by the app reviewer after two or more

Repeatedly submitting the app for review with new and growing numbers of issues.

Failing to respond to our app review emails after repeated attempts.

Continually asking questions not within the scope of our app review team.

Refusing to accept the outcome of exemption requests.

If your app is suspended, then your app moves to the Suspended state and you can resubmit your
app for review on the date shown in the status banner. Suspensions affect only the app currently
being reviewed. There is no impact to other apps owned by the Partner, the Partner account
itself, or people from the Partner organization.

Repeatedly getting suspended will lead to longer suspensions.

App categories

App categories, subcategories, and tags allow merchants to find apps that meet their specific

You need to categorize your app on the app listing form. A primary tag is required, and should
represent your app’s main function. You can add a secondary tag if the primary doesn’t fully
describe your app’s function. For example, if your app manages email marketing and SMS
marketing, you should add tags for both of these functions. If your app is mainly for email
marketing and only has a small SMS marketing features, then you should add only the email
marketing tag.

As part of the app review process, Shopify app review team will review and confirm that your
app is classified accurately.
We regularly review app classification as a part of our taxonomy governance. Ongoing
governance can also result in changes to the taxonomy. Both of these activities could result in
changes to the categories, subcategories, and tags applied to an app.

The Shopify App QA team will continue to be involved to ensure that apps are classified

If your app capabilities change and you want to change how your app is categorized, then you
can submit an appeal to change the app categorization by using the link in the app submission
form. After the Shopify app review team completes their review, they'll send a response, whether
it's approved or rejected.
List of app categories, subcategories, and tags"

Apps can be assigned to one of the following categories:

Finding products

Selling products

Orders and shipping

Store design

Marketing and conversion

Store management

Refer to this link for more info on this topic :

Prohibited actions on the Shopify App Store

We value our app partners and want to make the app experience the best possible for everyone
involved. App partners are expected to adhere to the Partner Program Agreement.
This page outlines some of the actions that could lead to you having your app removed from the
Shopify App Store, having your client ID suspended, or being removed from the Shopify Partner
program. While this page presents a series of important guidelines, it's not intended to be

If you violate any of the terms in the Partner Program Agreement, then the Merchant App
Experience Team will use their discretion to determine the appropriate disciplinary action. This
can include:

an email requiring your prompt attention to a situation with a set timeframe to take action
immediate unpublishing

deprecation of client IDs

removal from the Shopify Partners program

The terms can change at any time without notice. Any other behaviour the Merchant App
Experience team deems unacceptable, objectionable, or harmful can result in the app being
removed from the Shopify Apps Store.


For information specific to prohibited actions involving app reviews, refer to Prohibited actions
involving app reviews.

Merchant experience"

Continuous failure to respond to merchant support requests.

Selling or abusing merchant data (section C-2 of the Partner Program Agreement).

Failing to provide consistent service, app often experiences critical errors resulting in support

Failing to provide enough time to sunset your app.

Unsolicited marketing"

No spam, illegal, or invasive marketing tactics (A-2). Emails, and SMS or text messages, should
only be sent to merchants who have your app actively installed or have clearly opted-in to your
marketing communications.
No affiliate links in your app listing page.

Requirement violations"

Modifying your app or app listing after publication, which results in the app no longer meeting
the Shopify app requirements.

Fatal errors resulting in the app failing to install from the Shopify App Store.

"Reporting violations"

If you encounter an app that doesn't adhere to the Partner Program Agreement, then you can
report it directly by filling out the Report a Partner violation form.

We appreciate your collaboration in making the Shopify App Store the best commerce app
marketplace in the world.

For some common app review prolemns please refer :

The app audit process

Shopify uses an audit process to verify that all apps distributed through the Shopify App Store
meet the specified requirements.

The requirements for apps in the Shopify ecosystem can be updated without notice to ensure the
best possible merchant experience. Even if your app has previously gone through the Shopify
App Store review process, the ongoing app audit process verifies that your app continues to meet
the most recent requirements.

If your app is chosen to be audited, then you'll receive an email with further instructions.

Contact throughout the review process"

During the audit process, an App Review Specialist will contact you at the App submission
contact email set in Section D of the app listing. To ensure that you receive these emails, add and to your allowed senders list in your email
service provider’s settings.

If you have any questions or would like more information, respond directly to the audit email.
The App Review Specialist will stay in contact with you by email until the audit process is

If you don’t have access to your Partner account email, then contact Partner support.

App audit process"

When your app is audited, you receive an email notifying you that your app is in the audit
process. This email also includes, if applicable, a list of required changes that you need to make
to your app. The required changes are always based on the Shopify App Store requirements.

If the audit email has a list of changes that you need to make to your app, then you have 30 days
to make those changes. After you make the changes, respond to the audit email and describe the
changes that you've made. An App Review Specialist will review your app. If the changes you
made meet the current requirements, then the audit process ends.

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