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A new SysML Model for UAV swarm modeling:

Khalil Aloui Moncef Hammadi Amir Guizani
QUARTZ Lab EA7393 – ISAE- QUARTZ Lab EA7393 – ISAE- University of Sfax LA2MP, École
SUPMECA SUPMECA Natioanle d’Ingénieurs de Sfax
3 rue Fernand Hainaut 93400 3 rue Fernand Hainaut 93400 km 4 route de la Soukra, Sfax 3038,
Saint-Ouen, France Saint-Ouen, France Tunisia

Mohamed Haddar Thierry Soriano

University of Sfax LA2MP, École QUARTZ Lab EA7393 – ISAE-
Natioanle d’Ingénieurs de Sfax SUPMECA
km 4 route de la Soukra, Sfax 3038, 3 rue Fernand Hainaut 93400
Tunisia Saint-Ouen, France

Abstract—In recent years, autonomous or teleoperated in a swarm can be fitted with different basic first aid kits that
robots have played an increasingly important role in civilian can be rerouted and handed over to a person in need of medical
applications. In particular, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) assistance even before the medical team reaches them, thus
are autonomous aerial robots that come in a wide variety of greatly increasing the chances of saving a person's life [2].
basic frameworks and particular specifications. Thus, a swarm
of UAVs is a collection of aerial vehicles that work together to Vehicles that can be defined as autonomous must be able
achieve a specific goal. However, the design of UAVs swarms is to make decisions and react to events without direct human
a complex process. Therefore, in this paper we propose a intervention [3]. There are some basic aspects that are shared
continuous approach to the design a swarm of UAVs based on by all autonomous vehicles. These include the ability to
the model-based systems engineering (MBSE) method. This analyze sensed information, sense and perceive the
approach consists of three design levels; the swarm modelling environment, communicate, plan and make decisions, and act
level, the swarm simulation level and the swarm implementation using control algorithms and actuators.
level. Indeed, we have created a new Systems Modeling
Language (SysML) model using Domain Specific Language Generally, autonomy in UAV can be divided into five
(DSL) to model the swarm mission, the hardware specifications levels as follows: in the first level what is called Pilot
of the UAV swarms and the software implementation of the Assistance, the UAV operator always keeps control of the
swarm system. We called this model "UavSwarmML”. overall operation and safety of the UAV. In the second level
Subsequently, we used in the simulation phase Robot Operating which is called Partial Automation, the UAV is able to take
System (ROS) as a middleware to simulate and implement our control of altitude, heading and speed in certain limited
swarm system to validate the developed models. A case study of scenarios. In the third level which is called Conditional
an autonomous UAV swarm flight mission was chosen to Automation, the UAV can warn the operator using on-board
validate this design approach and illustrate its contributions to sensors if an intervention is required. In the fourth level what
the efficient design of UAV swarms. is called High Automation, the UAV is designed to operate
without the requirement of the controller in many
Keywords—Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), SysML model,
circumstances with the ability to detect and avoid obstacles
Domain Specific Language (DSL), Aerial swarm robots, ROS.
using several built-in features, rule sets or machine learning
I. INTRODUCTION based algorithms deployed on the computers embedded on the
UAV. In the last level (Full Automation), the UAV operates
Nowadays, multi-agent systems are the subject of a great completely autonomously without any operator intervention
deal of research into their various theoretical aspects. Aerial in any operating scenario [4].
swarms, which are a type of multi-agent robotic system, have
recently attracted much interest. In fact, unmanned aerial A hierarchical swarm of quadcopters in a leader
vehicles (UAVs) are attracting increasing interest in academic subordinate flying/operation model. It allows a single user to
research and industrial applications due to their increasing control the movement and formation of the whole swarm
sensing and computational capabilities and decreasing form through the leader drone, using an intuitive remote-control
factors and cost. In addition, the development of several interface. This swarm is a self-organizing structure having the
technologies such as embedded intelligence and autonomous behaviour of a multi-agent control system. Its formation
capabilities has increased the use of UAV systems in more flying principle is associated with a remote user/operator and
applications [1]. These applications include, for example, a wireless communication system between the operator and
reconnaissance, surveillance, remote sensing, target the swarm. In fact, there are many proficient techniques to
acquisition, infrastructure monitoring, border surveillance, control UAVs, e.g., adaptive control, Boltzmann-Hamel
aerial imaging, industrial inspection and emergency medical
equations of motion, Proportional Integral Derivative (PID)
aid. Indeed, a swarm of drones can cover/surveillance the area
control, localization and mapping methods [5], marker
much more effectively with minimal human effort,
automatically and quickly sending an alert to the base station recognition algorithms [6], wireless communication methods
when motion is detected. For example, the individual drones [7], vision based schemes [8], brain emotional learning based


intelligent controllers [9], memory-based controllers and
learning-based control methods such as artificial neural
networks [10], iterative and reinforcement learning [11,12].
In the field of UAV design, there are several projects that
propose model-based approaches for the development of
UAV systems. For example, the OpenMETA project
provides a model- and component-based design tool chain for
complex Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) that handles the
integration of models, tools and design processes [13].
Similarly, the INTO-CPS project focuses on MBSE for CPS
[14]. It uses several tools to cover the entire modelling life
cycle. In addition to sensors and actuators, its CPS model
includes behaviour, which is modelled as an additional
"hardware" component. The CERBERO project [15]
followed a multi-layered model-based approach to describe,
optimize and analyze safe and energy-efficient CPSs,
focusing on adaptability. It uses data models that allow Fig. 1. The proposed approach for engineering swarm of UAVs
reconfiguration at runtime.
Our work applies the MBSE approach in modelling a A. Modeling Level
swarm of UAVs using a new SysML model developed with 1) Mission modeling
DSL named "UavSwarmML". We model not only the The mission of swarm agents is usually modelled by textual
hardware composition of a UAV, i.e., sensors, actuators and and mathematical formulations [16], [17] pseudo-code [18] or
controller, but also the composition of a swarm of UAVs. The diagrams [16]. The latter are very popular as diagrams can be
composition of the swarm describes the type and cardinality represented both visually for human reading and formally for
of the UAVs included in the swarm. In addition, a simulation automatic processing. In several researches, finite state
performed on the ROS middleware with GAZEBO machines (FSM) have been used to model the behaviour of
visualization to validate these developed models. The rest of individual robots [19], [20], multi-robot systems [21],
this paper is organised as follows: Section II describes the networked systems [22] and swarm robotic systems [23].
proposed approach to designing a drone swarm. Indeed, we Other approaches go further by defining a new language for
detail each level of this approach with the different diagrams specific purposes. For example, Modelica is a language for the
of our newly developed model. In this section also, we detail modelling and simulation of physical systems [24]. It has been
the simulation level on the ROS middleware to validate these applied to the simulation of CPS in [25]. However, SENDE et
developed models of our system. In section III, a case study al. [26] have proposed a modelling approach that is flexible
of a swarm of drones was presented to validate our proposed enough to present different complex scenarios using different
approach. In Section IV, an analysis has been presented to types of hardware. This approach builds on the well-
determine the strengths and weaknesses of our proposed established concepts of Unified Modelling Language (UML),
SysML and FSM to increase acceptance.
approach. Finally, Section V concludes this work.
In our design approach, we use a new SysML model
II. PROPOSED APPROACH FOR ENGINEERING SWARM OF developed using DSL to describe the mission performed by a
UAVS swarm of UAVs. We call this new model: Mission Diagram
Our approach to designing a UAV swarm is based on Model. With a UML-based metamodel, it is possible to
mission creation. That is, depending on the desired mission of customise the interface to change the formulation of the DSL
a swarm, the designer can identify the design approach.Thus, elements. This has the advantage of allowing a DSL to be
to design a swarm of UAVs, the swarm designer must follow internationalised. It is then possible, for technical purposes, to
a well-determined process to accomplish the desired mission. define its DSL (stereotypes and stereotype properties). When
This process consists of three main levels: modeling level, a stereotype is generated and implemented for a class, by
simulation level and deployment level. This design process is default, that class will be shown as a <<stereotype>> class.
shown in Fig. 1. In general, the swarm mission is a set of collective
In the modeling level, the designer starts by modeling the behaviours of robots to achieve a common goal. These
mission performed by the swarm. Then the structure of each collective behaviours are also made up of the functions
UAV and the structure of the whole swarm are modelled. performed by each individual robot. Each UAV follow a state
Subsequently, code generation is required to move to the machine represented with a new specific SysML diagram
second level of simulation. Once the models are developed, developed with DSL represented on Fig. 2. This diagram is a
the swarm developer implements these models on a simulator set of stereotypes each one has its objectives and its attributes
to validate them. If the mission desired by the swarm is (State, action, behavior, ...). These stereotypes are linked
observed, the designer moves on to the last level (deployment together with specific bindings created to represent the
of the system). If the mission desired by the swarm is not relationship between the states.
observed, the designer returns to the modelling level and
makes the necessary modifications.
UAV. Even if the engines are of the same make and model,
their speed may vary. In addition, the battery should be based
on the motors chosen for the UAV. Since batteries are the
heaviest component of a UAV, they are usually mounted at
the dead centre of the UAV to subject the motors to the same

Fig. 3. New SysML diagram for UAV structure modeling “UAV Structure

• Swarm Architecture Diagram

Generally, a swarm of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)
is a collection of aerial robots that work together to achieve a
specific goal. A new SysML diagram extends the BDD to
model the swarm as a whole. We called this diagram “Swarm
Architecture Diagram”. It specifies the types and number of
UAVs used in the swarm. It also specifies how the mission
algorithms can interact with the world by defining the sensors,
actuators and communication interfaces. While sensors are
Fig. 2. New SysML diagram for mission modeling “Mission Diagram
inputs for collecting information about the environment and
Model.” actuators are outputs for interacting with the environment, a
communication interface can be both an input and an output
2) Hardware modeling for the swarm algorithms and allows coordination between
One of the main aspects of modelling a UAV swarm is to UAVs. This model is shown in Fig. 4.
specify its architecture in terms of hardware components and
their interactions. We build the hardware models using a new
SysML model developed using the DSL. This metamodel
includes two types of diagrams: UAV Structure Diagram and
Swarm Architecture Diagram.
• UAV Structure Diagram
Generally, building a custom UAV can be a difficult and
complex project. Therefore, modelling a well-defined
structure of a UAV is a very important task. In this study, a
new SysML diagram that extends the BDD to model the
individual hardware components of each UAV is created. We
called this diagram "UAV structure diagram". It specifies the
existing hardware component types and defines their
parameters such as inputs and outputs. Fig. 3 shows this new
SysML diagram.
The UAV consists essentially of a multi-rotor frame,
electric motors, batteries and a set of intelligent sensors.
Indeed, the frame of a UAV is an important part of the aircraft
as it must be light enough for the UAV to take off but strong
enough to provide support. In fact, UAVs have their own
flight dynamics and structural integrity that must be respected.
In aviation, the motors chosen will have a huge impact on the
flight time and load that the UAV can carry. It is strongly
recommended that the same type of engine is used for all Fig. 4. New SysML diagram for swarm architecture modeling “Swarm
Architecture Diagram”
rotors so that they all do the same amount of work for the
B. Simulation Level In the next section, we will apply our design approach to a
Simulation is the second level of this design approach, the case study of a swarm of aerial robots on a surveillance
transition from the modelling level to the simulation level is mission in order to illustrate that our approach is able to easily
done by an intermediate step noted code generation. Indeed, handle a large number of robots while ensuring the design
the code generator is responsible for transforming the models continuity process in terms of design traceability.
developed with the UavSwarmML model into code that can III. CASE STUDY: AN AERIAL ROBOTIC SWARM IN
be deployed and executed on the UAVs [27].
To implement the models developed in the ROS To apply this surveillance mission with a swarm of drones,
middleware, we create a new custom diagram with DSL called we follow the design approach proposed above.
"Software Structure Diagram". This diagram explains the
integration of software specifications to express the collective A. Modeling Level
swarm mission of the UAVs. Indeed, functions are assigned 1) Mission modeling
to hardware components. Thus, the system is broken down First, we start with the requirements specification of this
into logical components with different alternatives. We swarm of drones on a surveillance mission. To simplify this
therefore use the ROS platform as the operating system. ROS work, we use the SysML requirements diagram. In this case,
is a set of tools defined for writing software for robots. It is a the mission of a swarm of drones performing surveillance is
set of conventions and libraries for creating complex and defined as an autonomous flight of all drones. A mission is
robust robot behaviour on a variety of robotic platforms [28]. initiated when the user presses the mission start button and
In ROS, the node can correspond to a treatment algorithm, ends by itself or when the user presses the mission stop button.
a motor, a sensor or a monitoring robot. Information is shared Fig. 6 shows the SysML requirements diagram that defines the
either synchronously via a service exchanged between robots, needs of this mission.
or asynchronously via a topic. A topic is an information
transport system based on a (subscribe / publish) system. One
or more nodes of the robots will be able to publish information
on a topic and one or more nodes will be able to read
information on that topic [29]. Fig. 5 describes the ROS-based
software architecture of a swarm of UAVs.
With ROS, the developer can associate a node for each
UAV. So, the UAV can play in one time the role of a publisher
to publish data on the Topic (position, speed, information
captured by its sensors, ...) and can play in other time the role
of a subscriber to use the information that are already
published on the Topic by the other UAVs of the swarm [30].
In the case of communication by service, each node
(individual UAV) can request by message specific data from
another node (other UAVs) and the latter respond with a set
of information or data.

Fig. 5. New SysML diagram for modelling UAV swarm software

architecture “Software Structure Diagram”
Fig. 6. SysML requirements diagram defines mission needs.
C. Real implementation Level
Once the requirements are specified, we follow our
In this last level, the developer implements the system on proposed design approach to design the swarm of drones. We
real robots (e.g., Drones). As with the transition between the now model this mission using "Mission Diagram Model".
previous phases, the developer can modify the simulated
model or the descriptive model if certain assumptions are not Fig. 7 shows Mission Diagram Model which describes the
verified in order to keep all levels consistent. monitoring mission.
• Swarm Architecture Diagram
In this case study, a swarm of aerial robots is a set of three
drones that fly together to service the entire area. Fig. 9 shows
the architecture of this swarm of three drones using the
UavSwarmML model.

Fig. 7. Mission Diagram Model for monitoring mission.

Initially, the individual drone is at rest; all the user has to

do is press the mission start button; the drone takes off, it starts
to loiter to search for its nearest neighbor using its sensors.
And when it finds it, it follows it and forms a swarm with the
other drones. This mission ends on its own or when the user
presses the mission stop button.
2) Hardware modeling
In this step, we have to specify the hardware specifications
of each drone and the whole swarm of drones to implement
this mission in the real world.
• Drone Structure Diagram
In this case study, the UAV is a drone; the new diagram will
be named "Drone Structure Diagram" and is shown in Fig. 8.
The drone essentially consists of a multi-rotor chassis,
batteries, electric motors and a set of intelligent sensors. In
effect, the drone frame is a quadcopter. It is the most popular
model because it is easy to build and is also quite versatile. Fig. 9. Swarm Architecture Diagram of three Drones.

B. Simulation Level
In this simulation stage, the ROS middleware is used to
simulate and implement the UAV swarm system. To
implement the swarm system developed in the ROS
middleware, we apply the developed diagram that we called
"Software Structure Diagram" to build the ROS software
architecture of the UAV swarm. This diagram shown in Fig.
10 explains the integration of the ROS software specifications
to express the collective mission of the UAV swarm.

Fig. 8. Drone Structure Diagram.

Fig. 10. Software Structure Diagram of three Drones.

When the modelling phase is complete, the resulting models IV. ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION
are translated into XML files. These files contain all the To validate this design approach, illustrative validation
necessary information that the code developer needs to elements of the mission requirements are provided. A
implement the system on ROS. In particular, Unified Robot comparative study between the mission requirements, the
Description Format (URDF) and Simulation Description simulation actions performed in the ROS simulation
Format (SDF) files contain the detailed description of each environment and the SysML/UML information used for this
drone. In addition, a Word file contains the definition of the purpose has been carried out. This study shows that the
working interface. mission requirement is autonomous flight of all UAVs i.e. the
Firstly, XML files are created to describe the structure of mission is launched when the user presses the mission start
each drone. In ROS, the SDF format has been used to define button and terminates itself or when the user presses the
this structure using the UavSwarmML model developed mission stop button. From a modelling point of view with the
above. Fig. 11 shows a simulated version of a drone visualized new UavSwarmML model, this requirement has been met by
with GAZEBO with its different components. the various new SysML diagrams developed such as, the new
SysML diagram for mission modeling (Mission Diagram
Model), the new SysML diagram for UAV structure modeling
(UAV Structure Diagram), the new SysML diagram for
swarm architecture modeling (Swarm Architecture Diagram)
and the new SysML diagram for software architecture
modeling (Software Structure Diagram). From the point of
view of simulation on ROS, this requirement has been met by
visualizing with GAZEBO the different simulated versions of
the drone and the swarm of drones.
Each design method has its limitations. Although modelling
Fig. 11. Simulated version of a UAV visualized with GAZEBO swarming aerial robots is a difficult task, our approach does
facilitate the design of these types of robots. For example, the
Secondly, the developer describes the mission with Python spatial and temporal aspects of the system or the robot-robot
codes using the developed SysML diagrams which describes interaction are always difficult to capture in a model.
the mission of a swarm of drones. In fact, this mission is However, the simulation of the system can be complicated
defined as an autonomous flight of all drones. Fig. 12 shows depending on the complexity of the system to be developed
the gazebo launch with three drones ready to start the mission. and requires the ingenuity and expertise of the developer.
The developer can use the multi_takeoff.launch file to give a
simple takeoff and landing mission to the swarm of drones. V. CONCLUSION
With the launching of this file, the three drones will take off To date, most swarm robot design approaches require
and land. continuity and consistency between these different design
levels. In this paper, we have proposed a design approach to
ensure continuity between the three design levels; the
modelling level, the simulation level and the deployment
level. This method is based on the MBSE method using the
new SysML diagrams described with DSL and the ROS
architecture. In the first part, we presented the work done on
the design of unmanned aerial vehicles. In the second part, we
developed a new approach where we created new SysML
diagrams to describe the mission and structure of the UAV
In the future, we aspire to know the high-level and low-
Fig. 12. Simulated version of a UAV visualized with GAZEBO level ROS architecture of other collective behaviours of
UAVs such as pattern formation and surveillance.
Finally, once the desired swarm mission has been
observed, the designer validates the system and moves on to REFERENCES
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