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How can you create a nutrition plan

for clients with dietary restrictions?

Defensa del paciente

How can you explain the importance

of nutrition to your clients?


What are the most effective ways to

educate patients about nutrition and
James Krieger ( exercise?

De-Bunking the Insulin-Fat

Storage Hypothesis
Gestión empresarial

What role does a healthy diet play in

building your self-assurance?
Paul Stevenson
Physique Wise Personal Training Seguir
Fecha de publicación: 13 dic 2016 Bromatología

What are the most effective ways to

manage metabolic syndrome?
In a world where everything exists on a continuum, the health & fitness industry
appears to have a perverse need to create binaries: good/bad, healthy/unhealthy,
effective/ineffective, low-carb/low-fat etc. Unfortunately, simple binary divisions Bromatología

create overly-simplistic conclusions to extremely complex processes. This is What are the benefits and drawbacks
of low-carbohydrate diets?
particularly true of processes involving the human body. One particular example of
this is the seemingly never ending debate surrounding low-carb vs low-fat diets.
Arguing the merits of low-carb dieting versus low-fat dieting is completely Mostrar más
pointless as both methods have been shown to elicit fat loss in the research. As Lyle
McDonald pertinently states “In the long term of real world fat loss, adherence
trumps everything else and even if one diet or another has a slight advantage, it Otros usuarios han visto
doesn't matter if someone won’t stick to it”. Unlocking the Potential of
the Ketogenic Diet: A Path to
Proponents of low-carb
Recomendar diets often
Comentar point to what has been termed the ‘insulin
Health and Vitality
hypothesis’ to base their argument around. Before explaining what this hypothesis David Z. · 4 meses

is, it is probably wise to explain what insulin is, and what effects it has on the body.
Atkin Diet The Best Way To
Lose Weight
Insulin 101: Insulin is a storage hormone released by the pancreas in response to
Ron Naser · 2 años
eating. Carbohydrates have the largest impact on insulin secretion, followed by
protein with fat having very minimal impact. When you eat a meal containing some Why We Use a Ketogenic or
carbohydrate, the carbohydrate in the meal will be broken down into glucose. The LC/HF Diet For Weight Loss
Jesse Kidd · 5 años
glucose enters your blood. Your pancreas senses the rising blood glucose levels
and secretes insulin. Insulin acts like a gate-keeper, allowing the glucose to enter Diet Sodas Cause Weight
your liver, muscle tissue and fat cells from the blood. Once your blood glucose Gain?
Pablo Cortina · 6 años
levels start to drop, so too do insulin levels. This process occurs throughout the
day, each time you eat a meal. 𝕂𝔼𝕋𝕆 𝔻𝕀𝔼𝕋 ℝ𝔼𝕊𝕌𝕃𝕋𝕊 𝔽𝕆ℝ
The diagram at the top of this article illustrates this process occurring over the Rafal Kuglarz · 1 año
space of 24 hours (Krieger). One of the reasons people purport that insulin is
causing fat gain, is the fact that when insulin levels are elevated (such as after
eating a meal) it leads to the suppression of the enzyme Hormone Sensitive Lipase Suzanne Peck · 4 años
(HSL). In English, this means elevated insulin suppresses the body’s ability to burn
Mostrar más
body fat, instead turning it into ‘storage mode’.

So, the ‘Insulin Hypothesis’ suggests the following scenario: -

High Carbohydrate Diet —> High Insulin —> Increased Lipogenesis (Increased
fat storage)/Decreased Lipolysis (decreased fat burning) —> Increased Body
Fat —> Obesity

Using this same logic, proponents of the ‘Insulin Hypothesis’ argue that a low
carbohydrate diet is best for fat loss, because insulin levels are kept low. Their logic
chain goes something like this: -

Low Carbohydrate Diet —> Low Insulin —> Decreased Lipogenesis/Increased

Lipolysis —> Decreased Body Fat

However, this is a flawed argument for the following reasons: -

Protein increases insulin secretion too. In fact, some studies have shown that
protein is as potent at stimulating insulin as carbohydrate is. For example, a
study by Boelsma et al (2010) studied the effects of two different meals on
insulin. One meal 21g of protein and 125g of carbohydrate (HC). The other
meal contained 75g protein and 75g of carbohydrate (LC). Both meals contain
675 calories. The result of the study showed that the insulin response was
higher in the LC meal, highlighting the impact protein has on insulin secretion.

Your body is able to store body fat, even when insulin is low. Insulin has the
effect of suppressing HSL, which means the body is unable to burn body fat.
However, fat will also suppress HSL, even when insulin levels are low (Evans et
al, 1999). So if you ate no carbohydrate, but 5,000 calories of fat, you would still
be unable to lose fat, even though insulin would not be elevated.

Insulin Suppresses Appetite. “Among its many well-known functions, insulin is

also a potent anorexigenic hormone” (Pliquett, et al, 2006). ‘Anorexigenic’ here
meaning appetite-suppressing. Insulin plays a key role in appetite regulation,
and it can be surmised that low-carb diets may be difficult to sustain in the
long-term for this reason.

If the ‘Insulin Hypothesis’ were true, then we would see that foods that are
particularly insulinemic would be uniquely fat promoting. For example, dairy
products have been shown to be extremely insulinemic, more so than most
carbohydrates. However, studies fails to show any relationship between dairy
intake and weight gain (Wennersberg et al, 2009).

“The bottom line is that insulin doesn't deserve the bad reputation it's been given. It's
one of the main reasons why protein helps reduce hunger. You will get insulin spikes
even on a low-carb, high-protein diet. Rather than worrying about insulin, you
should worry about whatever diet works the best for you in regards to satiety and
sustainability.” (James Krieger)

I think that last quote sums up everything in a nutshell. Providing you are a healthy
body fat level, your hormonal environment shouldn’t be of any great concern. If
your body fat levels are not yet considered within ‘healthy’ ranges, then most of
your energies should be spent on reducing these levels, which is usually done best
by improving nutritional practices, performing resistance training and optimising
sleep, stress levels and recovery. Fortunately these are all aspects of health, fitness
and lifestyle that I like to address with clients.

Insulin Resistance: Recent data suggest that 39% of overweight Americans have
either diabetes, impaired fasting glucose or elevated fasted insulin which are
clinical manifestations of insulin resistance. Insulin resistance can be defined here
as “resistance to insulin’s ability to stimulate glucose uptake in insulin sensitive
peripheral tissues and its ability to suppress hepatic glucose production” (Lawlor et al,
2006). In simpler terms, insulin resistance is a state where the body’s cells refuse to
allow any more glucose to enter. Because the cells aren't accepting insulin, there is
less glucose being transported into cells. This means that more glucose stays in
your blood.

Insulin resistance and obesity generally go hand-in-hand, but there are occasions
where lean individuals display insulin resistance and obese individuals display
insulin sensitivity. The good news is, one of the best ways to improve insulin
sensitivity is resistance training.

“An increase in abdominal fat accumulation and loss of muscle mass are highly
associated with the development of insulin resistance. Exercise training results in
preferential loss of fat from central regions of the body and should therefore
contribute significantly in preventing or alleviating insulin resistance” (Ivy, J, 1997)

Take home points: -

Insulin isn’t the ‘bad guy’ it is made out to be

Increases in fat storage can occur in conditions of low-insulin

Low Carb diets can be a very beneficial tool, but shouldn’t be prescribed on the
basis of keeping insulin low

If an individual is overweight and suffering from insulin resistance or metabolic

syndrome then focusing on creating a sustainable energy deficit and partaking
in resistance training should be the first things to focus on

If you want more FREE information sent direct to your inbox on all things health,
fitness, nutrition, sleep and lifestyle email or visit my

References: -

1. Lawlor, D, et al “Obesity and Vascular Disease”, British Medical Journal, 2006.

2. Boelsma, E, et al “Measures of Postprandial Wellness after Single Intake of Two

Protein-Carbohydrate Meals”, Appetite, 2010

3. Evans, K, et al “Effects of an Oral and Intravenous Fat Load on Adipose Tissue

and Forearm Lipid Metabolism”, American Journal of Physiology, 1999.

4. Pliquett, R, et al “The Effects of Insulin on the Central Nervous System - Focus

on Appetite Regulation”, Hormone and Metabolic Research, 2006.

5. Wennersberg, M, et al “Dairy Products and Metabolic Effects in Overweight Men

and Women: Results from a 6-Mo Intervention Study”, American Journal of
Clinical Nutrition, 2009

6. Ivy, J, “Role of Exercise Training in Prevention and Treatment of Insulin

Resistance and Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus”, Sports Medicine,

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