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HRFB02-003357-2019 CS-2303-2019

Parveen Tyagi Vs. Hemant Kumar

Present: Shri Ashok Kaushik, Advocate for plaintiff.
Defendant Hemant Kumar in person with Shri Sandeep
Sharma, Advocate.

Written statement and reply to the application for temporary

injunction not filed by the defendant. The defendant has made a statement
before the court that the agreement to sell photocopy of which is on the
judicial file was entered into by him with the plaintiff and that the same
bears his signatures. He has stated that time up to the month of December
this year be given to him so that may reach at compromise with the
plaintiff. He has acknowledged his liability towards the plaintiff and he has
also admitted the receipts submitted by the plaintiff. The statement is read
over and explained to the defendant and he has put his signatures over the
same. The defendant is identified by Sh. Sandeep Sharma, Adv.
Heard. In view of the statement made before the court by the
defendant, adjourned to 12.12.2019 for compromise, if any, otherwise for
filing the written statement and reply to the application for temporary
The defendant is restrained from alienating the suit property in
favour of any person other than the plaintiff till the next date without
permission of the Court.

Date of Order: 10.10.2019 (Sunil Kumar-II)

Shilpa Civil Judge (Sr. Divn.)
Fbd./UID NO. HR0233

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