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Katie 0echslin

Septembei ,

Going to the movies has been a classic thing to do since the beginning oI time.
Whether it`s Iamily movie night, date night, or a night out with the girls. Movies are one
oI the number one ways we keep ourselves entertained. They come in all sorts oI genres;
Irom horror to drama to musicals to romance. One oI my personal Iavorite genres is
comedy. I enjoy going to a movie and being able to laugh a little bit and ease my mind.
Comedies always put you in a better mood and make you Ieel way better coming out then
you might going in. My all time Iavorite comedy movie is She`s The Man; a romantic
comedy about a girl`s determination to make the rivalry schools boy`s soccer team. The
movie is a girl named Viola Hastings, who pretends to be her twin brother so that she can
make the boys soccer team and prove to her Iriends and opposing soccer coach that girls
can be just as good as boys. Along the way, she Ialls madly in love with her roommate.
The only problem is; he thinks she`s a guy. This movie is Iull oI drama, love, lust, and a
little bit oI action.
The genre oI this movie is oI course comedy and Ior people that have seen it they
know immediately why. It is incredibly Iunny and witty. The basic characteristics when
we think oI how a comedy should be are Iunny, entertaining, happy, and upbeat. She`s
The Man has all oI these things. I literally know almost every line oI the movie and
granted that may be because it is my Iavorite movie, but some oI the things the
Comment |g1]: ut youi last name in youi
Comment |g2]: WBERE IS Y00R TITLE!.!.!.!
Comment |g3]: haha
Comment |g4]: "of a comeuy". In foimal papeis
make eveiy sentence sounu like you sinceiely
believe that statement.

actors/actresses say seem unIorgettable to me. For people that have seen this movie, they
most likely would agree with me and Ior people that haven`t seen it, well they need to.
Part oI the reason the movie Iollows the genre so well has to do with the main characters.
Amanda Bynes is a phenomenal actress and comedian; every show or movie I have ever
seen her in, she always plays her roles so well. In this movie, her skill stands out even
more than beIore with her smart comebacks and her hilarious jokes. She makes you Ieel
like you are laughing with her and you are actually there with her as well. With respect
to the main male character, played by Channing Tatum, he isn`t exactly comedian
material, but he pulls it oII pretty well in this particular movie. It`s almost like he`s
Iunny and he`s not trying to be. When I saw this movie, he reminded me immediately oI
my brother because my brother always has all oI this dry humor and he always makes
everyone laugh but he doesn`t even realize how Iunny he is. He says stuII not trying to
be Iunny, just because that`s his personality and he ends up making the whole room
smile. Which are what comedies should do; they should make you smile. They should
make you leave Ieeling ten times better than how you Ielt when you walked in.
One oI the best things about this Iilm is the Iact that it appeals to all audiences. It
isn`t some chick Ilick that guys will yawn over iI dragged by their demanding girlIriends.
It also isn`t some action packed movie reeking oI testosterone where guys go to get OUT
oI a night with their wiIe or girlIriend. It`s Iamily Iriendly and even will make adults
laugh. It has so many diIIerent types oI humor that it will leave everyone smiling and
laughing. Movies like this are the best movie by Iar because they share common ground
with all types. Unless oI course you hate comedies and don`t enjoy being happy, well
then you are one in a million.
Comment |gS]: Stay away fiom I's in mla
foimat. **anu gianteu that this is because it is my
favoiite movie*. I woulu say this sentence as "I
liteially know almost eveiy line in the movie
(gianteu it is my favoiite movie); some of the
lines will be unfoigettable.
Comment |g6]: Take that out (if it's a foimal
papei).. I uon't even know
Comment |g7]: Seen it. well, they neeu to
watch it.
Comment |g8]: "She plays hei ioles incieuibly
well in eveiy show oi movie I have seen hei in."
Again stay away fiom I's*.
Comment |g3]: |semicolon oi commaj as if you
weie actually theie with hei.

The overall purpose oI most movies is to teach some lesson to the audience.
She`s the Man`s purpose is to show that you can achieve anything you set your mind to.
This is a common purpose Ior a lot oI movies and this is probably because it`s so easy to
base a movie around. She`s the Man shows its purpose throughout its whole story plot.
It starts out with Violas girl`s soccer team getting cut and her Ieeling like there`s nothing
she can do. She then gets this brilliant idea to imitate her twin brother and go Ior what
she wants. That`s when the purpose is really conveyed. Throughout the rest oI the movie
she is striving to make this boys soccer team because that is what she really wants. In the
end, she does achieve this and it goes to show that iI you put your mind to something, it
is totally possible to achieve what you want.
The movie incorporates the genre and purpose very well
Comment |g10]: 00B stuff. I likeu it. Bope I
uiun't sounu like an ass. I'm just giving
Comment |g11]: Y0 TBERE ISN'T EvEN A

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