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Nagy Boglárka (JYO5S6) 2024.03.

CLIL resources

1. Do-Now-Activities (DNA) for CLIL (

CLIL Matters Materials is a series of PDFs written by Aleksandra Zaparucha. They cover a
number of topics related to teaching through CLIL. Each of them includes a number of
exercises along with useful tips and recommendations.
I highly recommend this free downloadable PDF file for those who like to have a really active
experience of learning English. The PDF includes an introduction, then 4 different exercises
with explanations. Then further literature recommendations on the subject. A short and
concise read.

2. Activating Prior Knowledge for CLIL (

According to studies, there is a direct link between what a student already knows about a
given concept and their later performance. This prior knowledge, especially if activated at the
beginning of the lesson, can boost your students’ learning. As with the previous PDF, this is
also a free download and is enriched with exercises after the introduction. This file contains 5
exercises with explanations, followed by further literature.

3. How to bring CLIL into your classroom. (

Teacher and Oxford Discover author Kathleen Kampa, explains how you can do this, and
what the benefits are of CLIL. The key points of the video are: Content and Language
Integrated Learning explanation, Using Critical Thinking Skills, CLIL lessons correct
language to real life.
4. Ana Halbach – Putting language at the centre: CLIL is more than teaching in a
foreign language. (
Starting from an analysis of the importance of language in learning, this talk will focus on the
consequences of changing the language in which this learning takes place in the context of
teaching programs adopting a Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach. A
very interesting presentation will be given by Ana Halbach, who will also list the benefits of
the CLIL method in her presentation. She talks about the implications of CLIL for teachers:
"Language needs to become part of planning and teaching". It gives a deeper insight to
understand this way of learning.
He also talks about the challenges of the method. This could be a very important video for
those who want to better understand what CLIL is and how it will impact on teachers' and
students' learning.
5. The WHAT and WHY of CLIL – Aleksandra Zaparucha – CLIL Matters.
Summary video based on a presentation by Aleksandra Zaparucha. I recommend this video
especially for students who like useful information that gets to the point, as it is based on a
long and extremely important presentation and explains the CLIL method in a very clear way.
6. What Is CLIL and What Is Not? Introduction to CLIL
This is the introductory video for CLIL. In this video, Professor Peeter Mehisto, an
internationally renowned authority in CLIL and author of books in the same topic, explains
what CLIL is and what is not. A common misconception is that CLIL is simply a matter of
changing the language of instruction. This video explains why this isn’t the case, and shows
examples of content and language outcomes according to CLIL methodology.
7. CLIL session „healthy food”. (
This video is about a CLIL session. Healthy food is the topic treated and it's carried out in a
primary school in Catalonia. Here is a CLIL lesson in a primary school. Here, the children
already have a basic knowledge of English, as we can see in the video that some students can
answer a question posed by the teacher with basic knowledge.
It is interesting to observe how the teacher adds to the children's English vocabulary by
rephrasing their answers to the question with other, more extended vocabulary.

8. How to bring CLIL into your kindergarten classroom: a CLIL activity.

Unfortunately the video gives a brief insight into the CLIL learning method in kindergarten,
but I still find it useful to watch. It shows the importance of language learning from an early
age and how it can be taught at a "simple" level. I would recommend this to parents and
prospective teachers who want to get a greater insight into what the process of teaching with
CLIL really means.

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