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1.1. Electoral funding – concerns- huge expenditure on loksabha election,disrupts the level playing field(
deters small parties), increased cash transaction,corporate & political parties’ nexus. EBs are interest free
bearer bonds that can be purchased by companies & individuals in India from authorised branches of
SBI. It promotes transparency by ensuring that political parties receive donations through formal banking

1.1.1. Electoral literacy (EL)- features of MoU signed b/w ECI & education ministry on EL- it includes-
information on government,principal economic,social, political issues that nation is facing,value of
democracy, equal rights of women & men among others,designate one of the rooms in senior secondary
school as ‘democracy room’ displaying voter education material,NCERT also include it in textbook.

1.2. Role of governor- constitutional provision for governor- under A-200, assent of governor necessary
for a bill to become law, reserving the bill for president in various cases(like- opposed to DPSP,etc.),
under A-163, he is Bound by the advice of council of ministers. Recent judgements – in SR BOMMAI case-
governor power should be exercised in rare cases, STATE OF PUNJAB CASE- return to legislature for
reconsideration after withholding assent to a bill, T.N.GOVERNOR CASE- if assembly re-enacted the bill
after he withhold assent,then he can’t send it to president. Issues with Governor- pending decision,
political interferences.

1.3. special & local laws(SLL)- special laws apply to particular subject covering specific issues. Local laws
apply to particular part of India. Significance of SLL- 39% of offences registered under SLLs, enable law
enforcement agencies to focus on specific type of criminal activities, protection of vulnerable groups.
Need for reforms in SLL- unclear definition, applicability dilemma, clarity issue.

1.4. RTI – concern associated – poor record keeping,lack of infrastructure & staff, threat & violence. Key
provision in RTI act,2005- section 2(h) define ‘public authority’, section 4(1)(b) lays down information
which should be disclosed by public authorities on a proactive basis, section 6(1) describes the process
to obtain information, section 7 fixes the time limit for providing information, section 8 provide
exemption from disclosure of information.

1.5. special category status (SCS)- SCS was a classification granted by centre to assist the development of
states that faced geographical or socio- economic disadvantages. Benefits of this status- central
assistance, funding, unspent money doesn’t lapse & gets carried forward for next financial year.
Concerns- lack of consensus among states on SCS criteria,inter-state disparity,fiscal burden.

1.6.1. MoHUA launched Aaina dashboard for cities portal which will provide information on status &
progress of cities on 5 areas- pol.-adm.+fin.+planning+citizen cent.govt.+basic services delivery.1.6.2.
parliamentary standing committee submitted reports on these 3 bills – bhartiya nyaya sanhita (replace
IPC), bhartiya nagarik suraksha sanhita(replace crpc), bhartiya Sakshya Bill( replace Indian evidence
act). These bills aims at large pendency in courts,timely justice delivery. 1.6.3. Supreme court issues
guidelines to High courts to monitor early disposals of cases against MPs/MLAs. 1.6.4.
ENCORE(Enabling communications on real-time environment) is an end to end application for returning
officers to digitize the votes polled,tabulate the round wise data & then take out various reports of
counting. 1.6.5. To check film piracy, ministry of information & broadcasting made a mechanism where a
nodal officer have been appointed from CBFC(cent. board of film certification) & ministry to receive
complaints against it.

2. International relations –

2.1. INDIA-UK relationship – their friendly relations- assertive China in indo-pacific is a concern for both
countries hence they outlined india -uk 2030 roadmap on health,trade, climate. Bilateral trade stood at
36.3£ billion during 2022-23,both signed DISP(Defense & international security partnership)in 2015,for
climate India-UK green growth equity fund help Indian RE sector. Indian diaspora forms 3.1% of total
population of UK. Challenges- limited defense cooperation,UK’s lenient stance on terrorism by
Pakistan,complex visa & immigration policies especially for Indian students,trade Barriers.

2.2. Indo-pacific economic Framework for prosperity (IPEF)- Objective is to strengthen economic
engagement among partner countries with the goal of advancing growth,peace & prosperity in the
region. Members-14 partner countries including USA, Australia,Japan, Malaysia,India, Thailand etc.
together they represent 40% of world GDP. Challenge – unpredictablity of US domestic politics may
adversely impact IPEF,China is leading trading partner of all IPEF member countries so de-coupling China
is difficult. IPEF cover sensitive areas like- digital economy,clean energy.

2.3.1. indo -pacific regional dialogue of Indian Navy aims to review various maritime trends ,regional
opportunities & challenges in Indo-pacific region.2.3.2. 10th ASEAN defense ministers’ meeting -plus
(ADMM Plus) countries include- Australia,Japan,China,Russia,USA,s.korea, India,new Zealand. Objective
is to strengthen security & defense cooperation for peace & stability. 2.3.3. 2nd India-Australia 2+2
ministerial dialogue held in New Delhi co chaired by defense & foreign ministers of both countries
highlighted significance of strong defence partnership. 2.3.4. 5th India -US 2+2 ministerial dialogue by
defense & foreign ministers of both the countries discussed on strategic & security issues. 2.3.5. India
hosted 2nd voice of global south summit,focussed on ways to sustain the momentum generated toward
a more inclusive, progressive world order.

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