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Journal of African Earth Sciences 196 (2022) 104725

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Implementation of ASTER data for lithologic and alteration zones mapping:

Derhib area, South Eastern Desert, Egypt
M.M.M. Ewais a, M.A. El Zalaky b, A.Q. Selim a, A.S.A.A. Abu Sharib c, *
Faculty of Earth Sciences, Beni-Suef University, 62521, Beni-Suef, Egypt
Nuclear Materials Authority, P.O. Box 530, El-Maadi, Cairo, Egypt
Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Beni-Suef University, 62521, Beni-Suef, Egypt


Keywords: Derhib area is dissected by narrow E–W-trending shear zones that delineate the alteration zones accommodating
Fuzzy logic model the infamous structurally-controlled talc mineralization in the South Eastern Desert of Egypt. A multidisciplinary
ASTER remote sensing approach using ASTER images integrated with field data and petrographic investigations have
Selective principal component analysis
been used for mapping the alteration zones at the Derhib area. Band ratios composites, band ratio, selective
Hydrothermal alteration zones
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) have been used for discriminating rocks and mineralization zones. Iron
oxide/hydroxides-, phyllic and propyllitic-rich alteration zones were mapped using band ratios and selective
PCA. Fuzzy logic modeling was implemented to integrate the most informative thematic layers for generating
mineral prospectivity map. Based on eigenvector loadings, the map was produced by merging the selected PC
thematic layers using fuzzy AND operator. The present study is consistent with the recent literature and shows
the capability of fuzzy model as a valuable cost-effective tool to produce mineral potential maps, especially at the
reconnaissance stages of mineral exploration.

1. Introduction Imamalipour, 2021). The technique fundamentally relies on the fact that
certain bands of the ASTER are sensitive to specific oxides, hydroxides as
The last few decades witnessed a leap in the application of remote well as particular minerals. For example, iron oxide/hydroxides (e.g.
sensing technique. In the field of mineral exploration, it drastically hematite, limonite, jarosite, and goethite) and Al–OH, Fe, Mg–OH,
reduced the overall cost the mining companies had to spend on the Si–OH, CO3, can be detected in the visible and near-infrared (VNIR) and
preliminary exploration stages. Multispectral remote sensing data pro­ the shortwave infrared (SWIR), respectively (Hunt and Ashley, 1979;
vide a cost-efficient strategy and robust tool for the exploration of ore Abrams and Hook, 1995), whereas the thermal infrared (TIR) bands are
deposits and lithological discriminations in mountainous (Shayestehfar capable of detecting calcite and quartz minerals (Ninomiya et al., 2005).
et al., 2005; Rajendran et al., 2013; Gabr et al., 2015; Mamouch et al., Hence, mineral prospectivity map is generated through fuzzy logic
2022) and arid to semi-arid regions (Rajendran and Nasir, 2019; Zoheir modeling (Robinson,2000; Moradi et al., 2015; Pazand and Hezarkhani,
et al., 2019; ElGalladi et al., 2022). Advanced Spaceborne Thermal 2018; Kim et al., 2019; Sekandari et al., 2020; Shirmard et al., 2020;
Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) sensor resolutions are Traore et al., 2020; Wambo et al., 2020; Abdelkareem and Al-Arifi,
superlative in detection of mineral assemblages associating metasomatic 2021). Derhib area, South Eastern Desert, Egypt, is characterized by
alteration (Mars and Rowan, 2006; Gabr et al., 2010; Amer et al., 2016; structurally-controlled E–W-trending alteration zones accommodating
Mahanta and Maiti, 2018; Noori et al., 2019; Timkin et al., 2022). iron, magnesium, calcium and potassium-bearing minerals, of which
Moreover, in metallogenic provinces, analysis of ASTER data using band talc represents the appreciable constituent (e.g. Schandl et al., 2002).
ratio and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) processing techniques The essence of this research is to reinforce the application of GIS-
yields significant results in discriminating rock unit and delineating based techniques, through integrating field survey and remote sensing
alteration zones (Crosta et al., 2003; Abou El-Magd et al., 2015; Kumar data, for mapping prospective areas during the preliminary stage of
et al., 2015; Mohy et al., 2016; Liu et al., 2018; Yang et al., 2018; Ali-Bik mineral exploration. The presented method is a fast, accurate, time-
et al., 2018; Bolouki et al., 2020; Sadek et al., 2020; Mehdikhani and saving, and cost-effective tool in delineating highly prospective zones

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: aabusharib@science.bsu.edu.eg (A.S.A.A. Abu Sharib).

Received 2 February 2022; Received in revised form 7 July 2022; Accepted 8 September 2022
Available online 12 September 2022
1464-343X/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.M.M. Ewais et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 196 (2022) 104725

Fig. 1. (a) Simplified geological map of the Northern and a part of Southern Eastern Desert (after Saleh et al., 2021). (b) Location map of the Derhib area (red
rectangle in (a)) shows the distribution of talc deposits.

Fig. 2. Geological map of the Derhib area modified after (El Bassiony, 1983; and Selim, 1994).

for mineral exploration, particularly during the reconnaissance phase. 2001; Greiling et al., 1994; Andresen et al., 2009) and are separated
Based on a multidisciplinary remote sensing approach integrated from a structurally overlying eugeoclinal succession of island arc
with petrographical investigation and field work, the main objectives of ophiolitic and ophiolitic mélange rocks (Ries et al., 1983; Habib et al.,
this research are to: (1) map the alteration zones using band ratios and 1985; El-Gaby et al., 1988; Fowler and Osman, 2001) by a major tectonic
selective principal component analysis; (2) discriminate the lithological contact (Ries et al., 1983; Sturchio et al., 1983; Greiling et al., 1994;
units using band ratios composites; (3) generate a mineral prospectivity Fritz et al., 1996, 2002; Loizenbauer et al., 2001). The structurally lower
map; and to (4) extrapolate the results in exploring new talc minerali­ and upper successions are intruded by syn-to post-orogenic intrusives
zation sites. (Hussein et al., 1982; Fritz and Puhl, 1997; Andresen et al., 2009;
Johnson et al., 2011; Abu Sharib et al., 2019). The Derhib area repre­
2. Geologic setting sents the southeastern termination of the Shadli-Abu Hammamid belt: a
dominantly island arc association that hosts the superb economic talc
The Egyptian basement complex represents the northwestern tip of and massive sulfides deposits in Egypt (Stern et al., 1991; Selim, 1994;
the Arabian–Nubian Shield (ANS), which constitutes the northern Schandl et al., 2002; Botros, 2003; Abd Allah, 2012). Fig. 1 shows the
continuation of the Neoproterozoic East African Orogen (EAO: Stern, distribution of the different mines in the belt. The origin of the economic
1994; Meert, 2001; Johnson et al., 2011; Abu Sharib et al., 2019). The talc deposits is beyond the scope of this research and for more details the
latter extends in a N–S direction, and portrays the suturing between East reader refers to (El Bassiony, 1983; Hussein, 1990; Selim, 1994; Schandl
and West Gondwana (Stern, 1994; Abdelsalam and Stern, 1996; Meert, et al., 2002).
2001; Stern, 2002; Johnson et al., 2011; Abu Sharib et al., 2019). In The Derhib area exposes Neoproterozoic rocks that comprise a tec­
Egypt, the manifestation of the EAO is a group of gneissic domes that tonic window of gniesses and migmatites separated from the structurally
represent tectonic windows (Sturchio et al., 1983; Fowler and Osman, overlying eugeoclinal succession of dismembered ophiolitic succession,

M.M.M. Ewais et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 196 (2022) 104725

fold of Um Heweikat (Fig. 2) and comprise alternating succession of

basic and acidic rocks displaying variable degrees of migmatization.
Metasedimentary rocks comprise a very heterogenous succession of
alternating calcareous, pelitic, and siliceous rocks that that have been
metamorphosed at the amphibolite facies condition. Volcanics are of
two main types: a highly sheared metamorphosed variety consisting of
basalt, andesite, and rhyodacite; and unmetamorphosed bimodal variety
comprising basalt, andesite and rhyolite. Granitoids comprise syn-
orogenic grey (older), and late-to post-orogenic pink (younger) gran­
ites. Gabbro comprises unmetamorphosed post-orogenic, and meta­
morphosed ophiolitic varieties (Fig. 2).

3. Materials and methods

To achieve the aims of the present study, a detailed remote sensing

study supplemented with field survey and a comprehensive petro­
graphic investigation have been applied. More than eighty samples were
collected from the alteration zones and rock units (Fig. 2) using global
positioning system (GPS). The samples were prepared for thin sectioning
for petrographic investigation using a Nikon transmitted polarizing
microscope with a built-in camera. A graphical representation of the
overall methods that have been applied for the ASTER images to produce
a reliable potential mineralization map is shown in Fig. 3. The following
is a brief description of the applied methods.

3.1. Image pre-processing

In this study, ASTER L1B scene (ASTL1B00305252004082432) was

acquired on May 25, 2004, and georeferenced using WGS-84 datum to
UTM zone 36 North projection. The Spatial, Spectral, and Radiometric
resolutions of the ASTER data are given in Table 1. For atmospheric
correction and radiometric calibration of ASTER (VNIR-SWIR) data, fast
line-of-sight atmospheric analysis of spectral hypercube (FLAASH) al­
gorithm was employed (Cooley et al., 2002), followed by layer-stacking
and resampling to 30 m spatial resolution.
Fig. 3. A flowchart shows the methodology used in the study area.
3.2. Image processing

3.2.1. Band ratios and combinations

Table 1
Band ratio is a transformation technique wherein the digital number
ASTER Data characterization modified after Fujisada (1995).
of one band is divided by another to highlight the spectral features of
Subsystem Band Spectral range Spatial Radiometric mineral groups (Sabins, 1999). It has the ability to reduce the topo­
no. (μm) resolution quantization levels
graphic effect caused by slope orientations and solar illumination angles
VNIR 1 0.52–0.60 15 m 8 bits (Colby, 1991), and hence is highly applicable for rugged terrains espe­
SWIR 2 0.63–0.69 30 m 8 bits
cially in arid to semi-arid regions. Moreover, it is considered a powerful
TIR 3N 0.78–0.86 90 m 12 bits
3B 0.78–0.86 technique for targeting hydrothermal alteration minerals and litholog­
4 1.600–1.700 ical mapping, and for spectral features enhancement (Abrams et al.,
5 2.145–2.185 1983; Pour et al., 2018; Eldosouky et al., 2020). Ratios of 4/2, 4/6, and
6 2.185–2.225 5/8 are used for mapping iron oxide/hydroxides(Gossan) (Volesky et al.,
7 2.235–2.285
8 2.295–2.365
2003), phyllic zone (Muscovite) (Sheikhrahimi et al., 2019), and pro­
9 2.360–2.430 pylitic zone (Fe, Mg–OH minerals) (Mars and Rowan, 2011; Bolouki
10 8.125–8.475 et al., 2020) respectively. For rock units’ discrimination, a combination
11 8.475–8.825 of different band ratios has been applied to produce color composites in
12 8.925–9.275
an RGB display.
13 10.25–10.95
14 10.95–11.65
3.2.2. Principal component analysis
*Note. Band number 3N refers to the nadir pointing view, whereas 3B designates
PCA is a multivariate statistical technique applied to reduce data
the backward pointing view.
dimensionality, and extract the components with the smaller variance
(Singh and Harrison, 1985). The technique is operating through selec­
and arc rocks by major thrust faults. The latter succession and the tion of the variables with uncorrelated linear combinations (Eigenvector
gneisses and migmatites are intruded by granitoids of variable compo­ loadings) (op. cit), and identifying the principal components through
sition as well as gabbroic intrusions (Fig. 2). E–W-trending shear zones computing the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix. The components
oriented parallel to strike slip faults that cut across the area, represent are arranged in a descending order based on their variance i.e. the first
most probably reactivated thrusts (Selim,1994) (Fig. 2). It is within PC has the highest variance followed by PCs with the lowest variances.
these shear zone, the Derhib, Abu Ghurdi and Kareem mines are located. The PCA technique is widely used to enhance minerals identification in
Gneisses and migmatites occupy the core of a major E–W-trending alteration zones (e.g. Honarmand et al., 2012; Nouri et al., 2012). In the

M.M.M. Ewais et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 196 (2022) 104725

Fig. 4. Laboratory spectra of hematite, muscovite, limonite, illite, goethite, epidote, chlorite and calcite (a) resampled to ASTER VNIR and SWIR band passes (b).

Fig. 5. ASTER band ratios 4/2 (a), 5/8 (b), 4/6 (c) images showing distributions of iron oxides/hydroxides in red; epidote, chlorite and carbonate (propylitic
alteration) in green; and of muscovite (Phyllic alteration) in yellow pixels, respectively.

PC image, moderate to high oppositely-signed eigenvector loadings of

А = {(χ , μA (χ ))|χ ∈ Х}
specific bands indicative of particular minerals are crucial in enhancing
mineral identification. Accordingly, the pixels appear bright or dark
where μA (χ ) is the membership function or membership grade of x in A.
depending on whether the loading in the reflection band is positive or
μA (χ ) maps x to.
negative, respectively (Crosta and Moore, 1989; Loughlin, 1991). In the
The membership space (M), where M contains only the two points
present study, Selective PCA technique (Kwarteng and Chavez, 1989;
0 and 1. Such a set is characterized by membership function through
Siljeström et al., 1997) was applied for mapping alteration zones.
which, each feature is a member of a set if its membership ranging from
Accordingly, iron oxide/hydroxides (gossan) were targeted using bands
one (full membership) to zero (full non-membership). Fuzzy logic
1, 2, 3 and 4, whereas bands (1, 4, 6, and 7), and (1, 4, 5, and 8) were
modeling has been applied for mineral prospective mapping in metal­
used for identification of phyllic and propylitic zones, respectively. The
logenic provinces (Sekandari and Pour, 2021; Abdelkareem and Al-Arifi,
laboratory spectra of minerals are resampled to the spectral bands of
2021). It involves three main stages: (1) incorporating evidential data
ASTER (Fig. 4) (Clark et al., 2007).
fuzzification; (2) fuzzy evidential maps logical combination with the
assistance of an inference network and the convenient fuzzy set opera­
3.3. Fuzzy logic modeling tions; and (3) the output defuzzification of the fuzzy mineral prospective
as a mean to support the interpretation (Kim et al., 2019).
Fuzzy logic modeling follows the fuzzy set theory that was adopted According to (An, 1991; Nykänen et al., 2008), the fuzzy sets are
by (Zadeh, 1965). It is a multi-valued logic wherein the variables vary combined using five operators: fuzzy AND, fuzzy gamma, fuzzy OR,
over a scale of one, between zero and one, with true values that could be fuzzy algebraic sum, and fuzzy algebraic product. In this investigation, a
any number within that range (Novák et al., 1999). A fuzzy set A can be multiclass evidential image-map was reclassified into 10 classes of an
identified by the following formula: equal interval and fuzzified using linear membership function. Fuzzy

M.M.M. Ewais et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 196 (2022) 104725

Fig. 6. ASTER band ratios color composite images: (a) (bands 4/7, 3/4, 2/1 in RGB) of Abdeen et al. (2001). (b) (bands (2 + 4)/3, (5 + 7)/6, (7 + 9)/8 in RGB) of
Amer et al., 2010. (c) (bands 6/3, 1/3, 9/5 in RGB) of Gad and Raef,2012, and (d) (bands 4/6, 4/2, 5/8 in RGB), in the present study.

alteration zones, metavolcanics, metasediments, and gneisses (Fig. 5a).

Table 2 The latter are represented by chlorite, epidote, and carbonate and
A. Eigenvectors loadings of the selected bands derived from principal compo­ muscovite minerals, respectively. Propylitic alterations appear as green
nent analysis of the ASTER data for mapping: gossans (a), and phyllic (b) and pixels accompanying mafic to ultramafic rocks together with talc zones,
propyllitic (c) alteration zones in the study area.
(Fig. 5b). Muscovite, a phyllic alteration mineral, appears as yellow
A. pixels associating metasediments, granodiorite, younger granite, and
Eigenvector Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Band 4 acidic gneisses (Fig. 5c).
PC1 0.387584 0.524087 0.536289 0.536195
PC2 0.317704 0.369566 0.246713 ¡0.837626 4.1.2. Band ratio composites
PC3 0.741577 0.028891 ¡0.662929 0.098763 In the present study, we adopted the band ratio composites proposed
PC4 ¡0.445989 0.766758 ¡0.460492 0.033507 by Abdeen et al. (2001), Amer et al. (2010) and Gad and Raef (2012)
(Fig. 6a–c). And propose ratios (4/6, 4/2, 5/8) to differentiate between
Eigenvector Band 1 Band 4 Band 6 Band 7
the different rock units. Following Abdeen et al. (2001) and Gad and
PC1 0.404799 0.581562 0.451107 0.542609 Raef (2012) band ratios, the granitoids appear in shades of blue, and in
PC2 0.911129
green following those of Amer et al. (2010). The metavolcanics appear in
¡0.206703 ¡0.267249 ¡0.236000
PC3 0.059349 ¡0.786764 0.396148 0.469624
PC4 ¡0.049591 0.007845 ¡0.753755 0.655235 shades of red following the composites of Abdeen et al. (2001) and Amer
C. et al. (2010), and in red-orange following those of Gad and Raef (2012).
Eigenvector Band 1 Band 4 Band 5 Band 8 The meta-gabbro and-ultramafic appear in green in applying the band
PC1 0.411393 0.591091 0.476407 0.504384 ratios of Abdeen et al. (2001) and shades of blue in applying those of
PC2 0.900306 ¡0.256022 ¡0.329939 ¡0.122648 (Amer et al., 2010; Gad and Raef, 2012). Olivine gabbro appears in
PC3 ¡0.083257 ¡0.563517 ¡0.093456 0.816568 orange, and bluish-cyan following the band ratio composites of Abdeen
PC4 ¡0.115212 0.517217 ¡0.809594 0.252528
et al. (2001) and Gad and Raef (2012), respectively. Amphibolite ap­
pears in dark green and light rose following the ratios of Abdeen et al.
AND operator is used for mapping prospective zones using the most (2001), and Gad and Raef (2012), respectively. Additionally, the met­
informative processed thematic layers. asediments appear in yellowish-green when applying band ratio com­
posites of Amer et al. (2010), and in bluish-purple using the composites
4. Results of Abdeen et al. (2001) and Gad and Raef (2012). In our proposed
composites, the meta-ultramafic and metavolcanics appear in purple
4.1. Remote sensing data and cyan colors, respectively, whereas meta-gabbro in cyan-blue. The
metasediments appear in greenish-yellow, and granitoids in green.
4.1.1. Band ratios Magenta and dark cyan colors characterize the amphibolite and olivine
Band ratios 4/2, 5/8, and 4/6 are used for mapping gossans and gabbro, respectively (Fig. 6d).
propylitic and phyllic alterations. The former, which is represented by
iron oxides/hydroxides, appear as red pixels associated with the

M.M.M. Ewais et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 196 (2022) 104725

Fig. 7. Eigenvector plotting of the selected principal component analysis applied on ASTER.

Fig. 8. Selective PC images show the distribution of iron oxides/hydroxides minerals as red pixels, PC2 (a); epidote, chlorite and carbonate minerals (propyllitic
alteration, PC3b) as green pixels (b); and muscovite (phyllic alteration, PC3a) as yellow pixels (c).

4.1.3. Selective PCA alteration zones are seen as dark pixels, which were converted to bright
Eigenvector loadings of the selected bands are shown in Table 2(a-c). by negation to be displayed in green (Fig. 8b).
Correlating the loadings plotted in (Fig. 7) to the spectral characteristics
of the targeted minerals (Fig. 4) indicates that PC2 is characteristic for 4.1.4. Fuzzy logic model
gossans, whereas PC3a and PC3b are informative for mapping phyllic A mineral prospectivity map (Fig. 9) was produced by fusing PCs
and propylitic alterations, respectively. PC2 shows a high negative through utilizing fuzzy AND operator. The highest index values (0.9–1)
contribution in band 4, and moderate positive contribution in bands imply favorable and promising zones for talc mineralization. The talc
(1–3) (Table 2a). Iron oxides/hydroxides appear as dark pixels in PC2 occurrences in the produced map are consistent with the documented
image, therefore the PC2 values had to be negated to appear in bright shear zone-related talc deposits.
and displayed as red pixels (Fig. 8a). PC3a eigenvalue loadings
(Table 2b) show opposite signs in bands 4and 6 (Table 2b). The phyllic
alteration zones are seen in dark pixels, so the PC3a values had to be 4.2. Field work and petrography
negated and convert to bright pixels, and displayed as yellow pixels
(Fig. 8c). PC3b eigenvalue loadings (Table 2c) show a positive contri­ Remote sensing results were confirmed through field investigation of
bution in band 8 and negative contribution in band 5. The propylitic the exposed rocks within the area supplemented with a detailed petro­
graphic study of the collected samples. The purpose of the latter

M.M.M. Ewais et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 196 (2022) 104725

Fig. 9. Mineral prospectivity map (inset labelled Fig. 9 in Fig. 2) at district scale derived from ASTER selected thematic layers.

investigation is to provide a broad view on mineralization and wall rock is the formation of the infamous talc deposits that commonly coexist
alteration, and to trace the mineralogical changes accompanied the with iron oxides, copper, disseminated sulphides, in addition to, trem­
shearing process. olite and chlorite. The genesis of the talc is the subject of a parallel study
by the authors and will not be discussed any further as it is beyond the
4.2.1. Field study scope of this study. Surprisingly, the talcotization metasomatic process
Derhib area was intruded by different varieties of intrusive rocks is profound in the different rock varieties in the Derhib area (Fig. 12a, b
including older granitoid, younger granites and gabbros, and by dykes of and c). Other metasomatic alterations involve chloritization, silicifica­
different compositions (Fig. 10a and b). Influx of CO2-, SiO2, and H2O- tion, epidotization, sericitzation, muscovitzation, phlogopitization, and
bearing hydrothermal solutions that accompanied the different sassuaritization processes that might be attributed to the effect of vari­
magmatic activity accounts for the intensive metasomatic alterations of able physico-chemical conditions on different rock compositions. For
Derhib rocks. The area is dissected by narrow E–W-trending shear zones example, intense alteration (propylitic) has been indicated in meta­
that mostly decorate the contact between the metavolcanic and meta­ gabbros by replacement of orthopyroxene to epidote and chlorite, and
sedimentary units (Figs. 2 and 10c, d and e). Fewer unmappable shear plagioclase to calcite (Fig. 12d), in mafic metavolcanics by replacement
zones have been recorded within the metasedimentary unit. Fragments of actinolite by phlogopite flakes (Fig. 12e), in mafic-intermediate
within the shear zone include sheared serpentinitized ultramafics, metavolcanics by replacement of actinolite by chlorite crystals
marble (Fig. 10f and g), and metabasalt. The shear zones acted as con­ (Fig. 12f), plagioclase by sericite (Fig. 12g), and in quartz muscovite
duits for hydrothermal solutions that associated younger magmatic ac­ schists by recrystallization of sericite into coarse flakes of muscovite
tivities. Mineralizations of talc deposits together with tremolite, calcite, (Fig. 12h and i).
actinolite, chlorite, epidote, quartz (Fig. 10h), malachite (Fig. 10i), he­
matite, goethite, limonite, and Pd-, Zn-, Cu-sulphides are characteristi­ 5. Discussion
cally restricted to the shear zones.
Phyllic and propylitic alterations are the most common types Using multispectral remote sensing ASTER data, is effective in
recorded in the Derhib area, and evidenced by the distinctive formation mapping different rock units, alteration zones, and ore deposits in
of epidote, chlorite and calcite, in the former and sericite in the latter. metallogenic provinces. Different processing techniques have been
Moreover, gossans constitute a large cavernous bodies containing un­ applied for lithological and mineral mapping based on band ratio and
dissolved dark brown minerals and composed of hematite, quartz, and PCA. The idea of using band ratios composite depends on the fact that
goethite (Fig. 11). band ratio is a vigorous method for minimizing topographic effect and
discriminating mineral types. In the present study, for lithological
4.2.2. Petrography mapping, the applied band ratio composites have been evaluated visu­
Petrographic study of the host rocks and mineralization zones reveals ally. Band ratio combinations of Amer et al. (2010), Gad and Raef (2012)
that most of the rock units are partially to completely altered with and Abdeen et al. (2001) have been followed, and a new ratio (the
alteration intensity increases within the shear zones. present study) was introduced. Of these combinations, those of Abdeen
A diagnostic product of the metasomatic alteration in the Derhib area et al. (2001) and the present study gave the best results.

M.M.M. Ewais et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 196 (2022) 104725

Fig. 10. (a) Field photograph shows the metavolcanics (MV) intruded by older granitoids (OGR) exhibiting spheroidal weathering, SW of Umm Seliemat mine,
looking WNW. (b) Metabasic dykes cutting through the shear zone, Derhib shear zones, looking SE. (c) Field photograph of the E–W trending-trending Derhib shear
zone. (d) Field photograph showing wide (more than 30 m outcrop width) E–W-trending Derhib shear zone cutting through the metavolcanics. Younger gabbro (Gb)
appears in the foreground.(e) Close-up view of talcose rocks within the E–W-trending Abu Gurdi shear zone. Foliated talc schist, Keriem talc mine, looking SE.
Ultramafic (f) and marble (g) fragments enclosed in the talcose matrix, Derhib shear zone. (h) Wall rock alteration in Derhib shear zone shows talc stained with iron
oxides and malachite (MLC). (i) Close up view of a silicified fragment in talcose matrix, looking to north, Abu Gurdi mine.

M.M.M. Ewais et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 196 (2022) 104725

Fig. 10. (continued).

Both composites have the ability to highlight the shear zones-related zones that highlight the leached capping, and indicate highly oxidized
hydrothermal alteration with the magenta color reflecting the mixing zones well-exhibited in the metavolcanics, metasediments and gneisses.
composition, being of Fe, Mg–OH-bearing minerals such as serpentine, PCA is a statistical technique that is used for feature extraction, and
talc, chlorite, muscovite, iron oxides and carbonate bearing minerals, removal of correlated data.
calcite, malachite and dolomite. Characteristically, the Fe, Mg–OH, Therefore, to produce mineral potential map, fuzzy logic model was
CO3, and AL-OH, Fe3+-bearing minerals have diagnostic absorption at applied by fusing the thematic layers derived from the selective PCA,
2.30–2.35 μm coinciding with bands 7 and 8, at 2.20 μm coinciding with based on the spectral characteristics of their alteration minerals. Veri­
band 6, and at 0.48 μm close to band 1 of ASTER (Hunt and Ashley, fication of the remote sensing results with the fieldwork and petrog­
1979; Clark, 1999; Mars and Rowan, 2010). Although Abdeen et al. raphy indicate that the processed ASTER data successes in alteration
(2001) composites proved to be successful to discriminate meta-gabbro zones delineation and coincides with the old talc mines.in addition, new
and -ultramafic with green color from volcanic/metavolcanic rocks, prospective zone for talc occurrence was discovered. The results suggest
they were unsatisfying to discriminate between meta-mafites and that our approach is a promising alternative to be used in mapping
ultramafite. In the present study, (4/6, 4/2, 5/8) composite has the alteration zones and discovering metallogenic provinces.
advantage for differentiating between the latter two rocks. Composite of
Amer et al. (2010) is unable to discriminate between amphibolite and 6. Conclusion
metavolcanics, younger and hybrid granites, and between metagabbro
and olivine gabbro. Similarly, disadvantage of using that of Gad and This investigation demonstrates the application of ASTER multi-
Raef (2012) is the blurred vision, and the obscure boundary between the spectral sensor for delineation of alteration zones and lithological
different rock units. mapping in arid regions. Band ratios combination showed a good reli­
Processing of ASTER data using band ratio and PCA gave reliable ability in discriminating different rock units in the area. Iron oxide/
results for mapping alteration zone-related minerals. For example, iron hydroxides, phyllic and propyllitic zones were identified by imple­
oxide/hydroxide minerals have absorption features in band 2, and menting Selective PCA and band ratio (b4/b2, b4/b6, b5/b8). Producing
reflectance in band 4 (Pour and Hashim, 2011), whereas Fe, mineral potential map was accomplished by selection and fusion of the
Mg–OH-bearing minerals such as, serpentine, talc, actinolite, epidote, most informative thematic layers derived from Selective PCA. The pro­
chlorite, and carbonate have distinctive absorption features in band 8 duced prospective map shows a consistency with the location of the
(Inzana et al., 2003; Zoheir et al., 2019). Muscovite/illite, on the other known shear zone-related old talc mines, and shed light on a few new
hand, have significant absorption in band 6, and reflectance in band 4 prospective zones that might be of economic value in the near future.
(Sheikhrahimi et al., 2019). Based on the spectral signature of these The space-borne multispectral data are significant in producing
minerals, b4/b2 and PC2 were used for mapping iron oxides/hydroxides mineral prospectivity map. The results show that the approach applied
(gossans), whereas b4/b6 and PC3a, and b5/b8 and PC3b were used for in the present study could be considered as a cost-effective method for
mapping phyllic and propylitic alteration zones, respectively. The gos­ mining companies during the preliminary stages of mineral exploration.
sans are commonly spatially associated with hydrothermal alteration

M.M.M. Ewais et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 196 (2022) 104725

Fig. 11. General (a) and close-up (b) views of gossans developed in the metavolcanics. (c, d) Close-up views of gossans spatially associated with talc mineralization,
(e) XRD analysis of the gossan.

M.M.M. Ewais et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 196 (2022) 104725

Fig. 12. Photomicrographs in XPL showing the different types of alterations.

Chlorite (a) and serpentine (b) replaced by talc in meta ultramafic rock. (c) Tremolite in calc-silicate rock retrogressed into talc (c). (d) Chloritization and epido­
tization of orthopyroxene, and calcitization of plagioclase in metagabbro. Phlogopitization of actinolite (e) and chloritization of actinolite (f) in mafic-intermediate
metavolcanic, and intense sericitization of plagioclase in intermediate metavolcanics (g). (h, i) Recrystallization of sericite into coarse-grained muscovite in quartz
muscovite schist.

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