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good afternoon, everyone.

welcome to Ecophoria, the annual department event of the Economics

Department at Kamala Nehru College. Today, we gather to celebrate the culmination of intellectual
inquiry and scholarly endeavour in the field of economics.

At the heart of Ecophoria lies the Paper Presentation Competition, a cornerstone event that
underscores the importance of rigorous research and thoughtful analysis in shaping our
understanding of economic phenomena. The Paper Presentation Competition serves as a crucible for
the exchange of ideas and the exploration of innovative solutions to contemporary economic
challenges. It is a platform where participants not only showcase their research prowess and
analytical skills but also contribute to the advancement of economic scholarship.

our distinguished judge for this event is Mr. Navneet Kumar Srivastava. With a distinguished career
spanning both research and academia, he currently serves as a Senior Research Fellow in Economics
at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), New Delhi. Furthermore, he is a Ph.D.
candidate at the Centre for the Study of Regional Development at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New
Delhi. His doctoral thesis aims to analyse contemporary agrarian relations from a regional
perspective, highlighting the multifaceted roles of caste and gender in shaping economic dynamics
across diverse regions. In addition to his research endeavours, he has served as an Ad-hoc Assistant
Professor in the Department of Economics at Delhi College of Arts and Commerce and Kamala Nehru
College, University of Delhi. We extend a warm welcome to you sir and deeply appreciate your
presence and expertise.

Now I would like to request our teacher coordinator ajay sir to present our esteemed judge with a
token of appreciation for gracing us with his presence today.

Thank u so much sir

now before we proceed let’s familiarize ourselves with the rules and regulations of the competition:
1. Each team has undergone a rigorous selection process, culminating in their presence here today.

2. Presentations are limited to 10 minutes, followed by a 5-minute question-and-answer session

3. Presentations will be evaluated based on the following criteria ie

. Content and Originality, Clarity and Organization, Presentation Skills, and Ability to Answer

The decision of the organizing committee, guided by our judge's expertise, will be final and binding.

so, with guidelines in place and without any further ado, let us commence with the Paper
Presentation competition. I would now like to invite our first participant Anshuman Das from
Shaheed Sukhdev college of business studies

That concludes our fantastic session with all the participants. A big thank u to each team for their
impactful contributions. Now we will tally the scores. Meanwhile I’d like to invite our judge Mr.
Navneet Kumar to share his thoughts. We would really love to hear your insights sir.

Thank u so much sir


With that As we draw to a close on the Paper Presentation segment of Ecophoria'24, I would like to
extend my heartfelt gratitude to all those who have made this event a resounding success.

let me first extend my heartfelt congratulations to all the participants. Each of you has demonstrated
exceptional talent, dedication, and intellect in presenting your research papers today.

I would like to express our sincere appreciation to our esteemed judge, Mr. Navneet Kumar
Srivastava, for his invaluable insights and meticulous evaluation throughout the competition. Your
expertise has indeed been instrumental in guiding us through this event

A special word of thanks goes to our teacher coordinator, Mr. Ajay [Last Name], for his unwavering
support and guidance in organizing the Paper Presentation segment.

I also want to extend our gratitude to all the faculty members, staff, and volunteers who have worked
tirelessly behind the scenes to make this event possible. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed, and
we appreciate your commitment to making Ecophoria'24 a memorable experience for all.

I now request all the participants to head towards the auditorium for the closing ceremony of
ecophoria’24 where the results for all the competitions will be announced post which you all are
more than welcome to enjoy and check out our various stalls and activites.

Once again thank u all. U all may kindly head towards the auditorium. Our volunteers will escort you.

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