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1 public of the Philippiage City of Cagayan de Ore OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL (Sancunitog Panlungeed) Un motion jointly rade and jointiy aenences by the bers present, it was RESOLVED, as the ty Gouneil (Bangguniang Panlungsed) hereby resolves, ta adeat, without secend reading, the following ORDINANCE NO. 5e39-95. FN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE RULES ND REGULATIONS SGVERNING THE ESTABLISHMENT, URERATION AND MATNTENANCS OF HUTELS, MOTELS AND ALL TOURISM-URIENTED SND TOURTSM— RELATEH BUSINESS IN CAGAYAN DE UA CITY, PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF 6Nb FOR OTHER PURPOSES WHEREAS, Section 17 ef Republic Art 7460, etherwise known as the Lecal Government Cede of 1994 Brovides that side from the regular powers and duties yeeted in them, said oral gevernment units shail ikewise discharge the functions and veaponsibilitics Sf Nationsi Anencise and Offices devolved te them Bertaining to basic services and Facilities: WHEREAS, euch basic services and facilities include, among others, the regulakory powers of the Separtment sf Tourism over the operation and Baintenance of touriss eriented and tourism-related establishment such as cafes, restaurants, beer houses, betel, inn, pension houses, Iadging houses and other similar establishments, including tourist guides and transports, (Section 488-4, Sbidis WHEREAS, to ensure the efficient and effective Speration ang maintenance of all tourisr-ariented and touriem-related estatdishments, it is imperative te srevice such rules. and regulations as maybe necessary for their governance: WHEREFURE, the Gity Council of Cagayan ge Ore hereby ordains that TITLE ONE CHAPTER 4 GENERA! PROVISTONS: é SECTION 4. TITLE.~ This Grdinance shall, be unown 88 the CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY TOURISM ESTALLISHMENTS Bape to of Ordinance Ns, $259-36, BECTION 2. SGORE.~ This Ordinance shali govern and regulate tourism develepaent and promation programs within the City, including the licensing, registration, regulation ‘and supervision of the operatians of touriee eriented/related establishments. SECTION 3, ape. rcerzon.— | thie Ordinance shall spely to ali tourism establishyents, such as resorts, hotels, travel agencies, toufist guides, tranaports that are tourism criented/refated, and other simiian establishments whether theiy’ eperation is domestic or international in scone. SECTION 4. CONSTRUCTION, ~ These rules and regulations shall be liberally construed in order to promote their ohjectives. CHAPTER © GUNERAL DEFINITIONS GF TERMS ND PHRASES SRETION 5. DEFINITIGNS.-~ Fer purpeses of this Ordinance, the terms snd phrases enumerated in thie section shall be construed or interpreted to mean to vefer to; as follows i a, APARTMENT-HOTEL (APARTEL) -— any building or edifice containing several and independent snd furnish or semi-furnish apartments, wepularly lease to tourist and traveliers for a period of not less than ane day. B. ASSOCIATION ~. oan organization oF Rersons/entities having the subject of touris as a common interest. © BAR, COCKTAILS, LOUNGE, BEER HOUSES, BARDENS/NIGHT OR DAY CLUBS, SUPRER CLUBS, Bar includes any place where intowicating ang fermented liquors or malt are seld, even without fead where services af hired hostesses and/or waitresses are employed and where cistomers way dance to susie rendered by the regular dance hall or night or day club. A cocktsil lounge or beer garden is eensideres & bar ‘even if there are no Page thes of Ordinznce Ne. 5233-35, hostesses or waitressee to entertain customers, Night or Day Club includes any place frequented at night-time or daytime, as the ease maybe, where patrons are served Food and drinks and are aliowed ta dance with their partners or with professional hostesses Furnished by the sanagement. Super Club includes any establishwent where Food and drinks are served ta ite patrons, to the accompaniment of wusic Furnished by such establishment, with wusicians under its employement | or by Jukebones. on record players installed within its premises, and where patrons are allowed fo dance only with partners who they bring along. CITY ~ Cagayan ce Gro City CODE =~ Lacal Government Code of 1591 hep. Act Fisa? OG ~ City Tourism Office DENR ~ Department of Environment and Natural Resources BFA ~ Departaent of Fereign Affairs DUT - Departaent of Tourise DEPARTMENT STORE - = tere which sells or sarries several lines ef serchandice in separate sections including one devoted to Filipiniana items. HOTEL ~ any building, edifice or premises or a completely independent part thereat, which te used. for the reguier reception, accommodations or lodging of travellers om tourists and the provisian of services incidental thereof for = fee. INBOUND TOUR - a tour to er of the Philippines or any place within the Philippines. Page Four of Ordinance Nie, 5-26, ms Re LICENSE - the privilege or any autherity Branted by the City Mayor's Office to own, eperate , manage and maintain = taurieh establichnent. ATFRB — Land Transportatien Franchising and Regulatory Boand. ura ~ Land Transportation Office QUTBOUND TOUR - a tour to or any place cutsige the Philippines. BENSION HOUSE ~ a private or fanily-operated tourist boarding howsé or tourist ladging house, eaploying non-prefessional domestic belpers, regularly catering ts tourists and or travellers, containing several indesendent jetteble rooms, providing common faciiities such as toilets, bathroon/showers, living and Gining reams sndfor kitchen and where a combination ef beard and lodging may be prevised. PTA - Philippine Tourism Autherity REGIGTRATION ~ the listing of tourism oriented and tourism—related establishments, including these offering training and prematicn programs, after such establishments and facilities shall have keen certified by the Capayan ce Ore City Government, through the CTO as having conformed with the sinisum standards/requiremunts in accordance with the Ordinance. RESORT - any place er places with pleasant environgent and atmosphere conducive to seufort and healthful relavation and rest. offering food, sleeping, accommodatians and weereational facilities te the public for a Fee or remuneration. RESTAURANT ~ any establishment offering te the public regular and special meals or menu, seoked foods and shert orders, beverages and drinks. SHOR = @ smali retail establishment Specializing in Filipiniana products. Page Five of Ordinance Ne. 5209-35, w AD. BR. pp. SFECIAL INTEREST RESORT - refers te resorts located at appropriate seaside, sea borne, Bountain, forest, lake or river sites, Providing facilities ahd equipment fer the condurt of special interest activities, wildlife sbservation and bird watching, cave exploration, backpacking, hiking, caesing, trail riding (either motorized or horseback). tribal visite and salanes, target shooting and hunting, theme parks, such as paring aquarium parks. SPORTS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITICg ~ ineluding Swimming pool bowling lanes, tennis courts, pelota squash courts,. goif pourses, . riding ranges, shooting ranges, archery ranges, aquatic water sports. arrangement, fishing, water skiing and similar fecilities forming part ef the resort. TENANT ~ any tourist or traveller who is registered as paying eccupants sf any apartment—netel. TOUR GUIDE ~ an individual whe is licensed by the City Mayor's Office and registered with ef0 te guide tourists, beth foreign and domestic, for a fee, commission or any other form of lawful remuneration. TOURTGH-CRIENTED = ESTABLISHMENT =~ pny establishment whith is vegistered and licensed by the appropriate offices of the sity guvernment which caters directly to tourists, whether domestic or Foreign. TOURISM TRAINING ERUGRAM - any training pregran that caters or invelved in the tourism industry. TOURIST INN - 8 lodging establishnent eatering te locsl and Fureign tauriets net weeting the minimum requirements of an economy hotel. TOURIST LAND TRANSPORT UNIT — any vehicle, carriage or eenveyance: moving on wheels oF runners ‘used on public reads and highways and eatering te tourists,

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