23-2 Feed Grains

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A publication of the
American Agricultural
The magazine of food, farm, and resource issues Economics Association

Feed Grains and Livestock: Impacts on

Meat Supplies and Prices
John D. Lawrence, James Mintert, John D. Anderson and David P. Anderson
JEL Classification: Q11

Agriculture in the United States is undergoing a signifi- In particular, rapid growth of ethanol production in the Unit-
cant change. Grain, oilseed, and land prices have increased ed States has been a key factor. Domestic feed usage has his-
significantly, creating a subsequent increase in the income torically
However, been
unlike the periods
most other largest usegrain
of rising forprices,
feed grains,
price increases but ethanol
have been

and wealth of many rural Americans—unless you are in production

driven primarily by is taking
strong demand, an ever–increasing
not supply shocks. In particular,amount ofethanol
rapid growth of corn in
animal agriculture. Feed is the largest single cost item for the United
production States
in the United (Figure
States has been a1). Corn
key factor. prices
Domestic feedhave increased
usage has dra-
historically been
livestock and poultry production, accounting for 60%– matically.
the largest use forFor
U.S. example,
feed grains, butOmaha cornisprices
ethanol production average $1.91/bu
taking an ever–increasing amount
70% of the total cost in most years. Although energy, labor, in January–March 2006 and were $4.92 for the same period
of corn in the United States (Figure 1). Corn prices have increased dramatically. For example,
and other inputs have increased, feed costs have increased in 2008, a $3/bu, or a 158% increase. Yet, on the last day of
Omaha corn prices average $1.91/bu in January–March 2006 and were $4.92 for the same period
anywhere from 40%–60% (depending on the species) in May corn in Omaha was priced at $5.45/bu and July 2009
in 2008, a $3/bu, or a 158% increase. Yet, on the last day of May corn in Omaha was priced at
the last two years. As price takers in competitive markets, corn futures topped $7/bu, so feed costs continue to rise.
$5.45/bu and July 2009 corn futures topped $7/bu, so feed costs continue to rise.
animal producers cannot simply pass their higher costs
on to consumers. To date, rising costs have largely been Corn Used for Ethanol Production & Feed Consumption
% of U.S. Corn Production
absorbed by livestock and poultry producers, often with 70%
62% Ethanol Usage Feed & Residual Usage
significant financial loss. However, higher costs of produc- 60%
tion will ultimately have to be reflected in higher prices io
t 50%
c 44%
for meat, milk, and eggs at retail counters in the United d
ro 40%
P 34%
States and elsewhere. This adjustment process is complex, n
r 30%
lengthy, painful, and not without unintended consequenc- f
o 20%
es. In this article we attempt to explain what is happen- 10%

ing to feed costs, including the likely consequences of the 0%

recent ethanol boom on these costs and how the different 02 03 04 05

Harvest Year
06 07 08

sectors—beef, dairy, pork, and poultry—are adjusting to Source: USDA, World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates, 2008 forecast as of 6.10.08.

higher costs. Importantly, speed of adjustment will vary We have had high grain prices before so it’s useful to examine how livestock producers

significantly as industries with shorter production cycles, We have had high grain prices before so it’s useful to ex-
responded in the past to a sharp increase in feed costs. Perhaps the best analogy to our current
such as poultry, are able to respond in a matter of months amine how livestock producers responded in the past to a
situation is the price shift that occurred in the 1970s. Corn prices increased from a season
whereas adjustments in industries with longer production sharp increase in feed costs. Perhaps the best analogy to our
average of $1.08/bu for the 1971–72 crop year to $3.02/bu for the 1974–75 crop year, a 179%
cycles, such as beef, can take a period of several years. current situation is the price shift that occurred in the 1970s.
increase. In response, the U.S. hog breeding herd decreased nearly 15% in two years and U.S.
Corn prices increased from a season average of $1.08/bu for
Rising Feed Costs the 1971–72 crop year to $3.02/bu 2
for the 1974–75 crop
When analyzing the impact of escalating feed costs on ani- year, a 179% increase. In response, the U.S. hog breeding
mal agriculture, it’s important to consider the causes of these herd decreased nearly 15% in two years and U.S. beef cow
increasing prices as well as overall solutions to the problems inventories decreased 19% between 1975 and 1979. Retail
resulting from higher feed costs. A variety of factors have con- prices for pork and beef increased 56 and 46%, respectively,
tributed to higher feed grain prices. However, unlike most during the same periods. Although the magnitude of the
other periods of rising grain prices, recent price increases have shifts may differ this time, smaller supplies and higher prices
been driven primarily by strong demand, not supply shocks. are expected.

©1999–2008 CHOICES. All rights reserved. Articles may be reproduced or electronically distributed as long as attribution to Choices and the American
Agricultural Economics Association is maintained. Choices subscriptions are free and can be obtained through http://www.choicesmagazine.org.

2nd Quarter 2008 • 23(2) CHOICES 11

Impact on Specific Sectors and an increase of more than 50% in just Although current exchange rates will
Individual Industry Solutions two years. The same KFMA data in- continue to boost U.S. beef exports
dicate that returns in the Kansas beef and discourage imports, the short–
The current financial losses in most of cow–calf sector still exceeded variable run change in domestic supplies re-
animal agriculture are not sustainable. production costs in 2007 by about sulting from an improving interna-
Ultimately, higher prices throughout $50 per cow, but the projected rise tional trade picture is not expected to
the marketing chain will be required in feed costs during 2008 will almost be large enough to offset the dramatic
to offset the large increase in produc- certainly push returns below variable increase in production costs.
tion costs. While increased domestic production costs, encouraging some
or export demand may help support If beef, especially export, demand
producers to either reduce their herd’s does not increase enough to yield beef
livestock and poultry prices, higher size or to exit the industry.
prices will also come about because and cattle prices that are high enough
quantities supplied to consumers will It’s important to note that the to offset the rise in production costs,
decline. We’ll offer insight into how losses experienced in the cattle sec- how will the industry respond? The
the major components of the live- tor were not associated with large short answer is that the industry will
stock sector have been impacted by cattle price declines. In fact, prices for shrink in size to the point where
rising feed prices and how each indus- slaughter weight cattle in Kansas were fewer pounds of beef are marketed
try is responding to increasing costs record high in 2007, averaging $93 to U.S. and international consum-
and declining profits. per cwt., 8% higher than in 2006. In- ers. This shift in the beef supply curve
creasing feed costs did push calf prices will yield higher prices throughout
Beef Industry down 1 to 2% in 2007 compared to the beef sector and, over a period of
a year earlier, but annual average calf several years, allow producers to cover
As in all of animal agriculture, pro-
prices were still the third highest on average total costs. The magnitude of
duction costs have risen sharply in
record. So the reduced profitabil- the supply shift that will be required
the cattle sector, primarily as a result
ity was directly attributable to rising will depend on whether feed grain
of rising feed costs. For example, in
costs, especially feed costs. prices continue to increase or stabilize
the cattle finishing sector a monthly
Higher beef prices in the next at their current level and how rapidly
survey of commercial cattle feedlots
few years from stronger domestic beef exports recover, especially to the
by Kansas State University indicates
demand seems unlikely as beef de- Pacific Rim countries. Modest herd
that the cost of gain increased from
mand has weakened moderately since liquidation is already underway as
an average of about $0.54 per pound
2004. Consumers’ disposable income the U.S. beef cow herd declined by
in 2006 to $0.74 in 2007 and prelim-
is a major determinant of consumer about 1% during 2007. Slaughter
inary estimates indicate feedlot costs
demand for beef and slow, or even data through May 2008 suggests that
of gain will average well over $0.80
negative, growth in the U.S. economy the liquidation is still underway and
per pound during 2008, an increase
during 2008 and 2009 means there might have accelerated somewhat
of 54% in just two years. Cattle feed-
will be little likelihood of an increase from the 2007 pace. Looking ahead,
ing returns estimated by Iowa State
in domestic beef demand in the short the U.S. beef industry could be facing
University indicate cattle feeders ex-
run. several more years of herd reduction
perienced the largest loss on record
before prices rise sufficiently to offset
($167 per head) during April since Export demand for beef is im- the new production cost regime.
the series began in the 1960s. proving and will help support beef
Production costs in the cow–calf and cattle prices. Since plummeting Pork Industry
sector have also skyrocketed over the in 2004, following the discovery of
last two years. Again, most notable Pork producers enjoyed a nearly un-
BSE in the U.S. herd, beef exports
has been the rise in feed costs. Kan- precedented string of positive returns
have increased significantly. However,
sas Farm Management Association between February 2004 and Septem-
U.S. beef exports in early 2008 were
(KFMA) data documents the shifting ber 2007. However, at least part of
still 36% below the same period in
cost structure as feed costs per cow in- the prolonged profitability was due to
2003. Based on the trend established
creased from $287 in 2006 to $346 in disease problems that increased farm
early this year, U.S. beef exports in
2007, an increase of 21%. Recent feed costs but also reduced the supply of
2008 could total 6 to 7% of beef
grain and protein supplement prices, market hogs during 2006 and early
production (still below the 10% of
along with a sharp increase in forage 2007. An effective vaccine was widely
production exported in 2003), which
production costs, indicate that total adopted last year which contributed
effectively reduces the supply of beef
feed costs will rise again during 2008, to a nearly 10% year–over–year in-
available in the domestic market and
possibly approaching $450 per cow, crease in pork supplies during the
hence supports beef and cattle prices.

12 CHOICES 2nd Quarter 2008 • 23(2)

fourth quarter of 2007. As a result, proaching 10%, could be required to Dairy Industry
hog prices fell to their lowest levels push prices back up over average total
The dairy industry has had its own
in four years at a time when feed cost.
unique market situation since this
costs reached nearly their highest lev-
Poultry Industry period of increasing feed prices be-
els in history, resulting in losses that
gan. Milk prices through this decade
mounted quickly. The poultry industry has viewed the can best be described as volatile, go-
According to Iowa State Universi- recent rapid expansion of the ethanol ing from record high to record low
ty’s Estimated Returns, farrow–to–fin- industry with considerable concern. prices and back to new record highs.
ish hog producer losses for the seven Having few good, commercially vi- Class III milk prices were low in 2005
months from October 2007 through able alternatives to corn as a primary ($10/cwt), but were already increas-
April 2008 exceeded the estimated energy feed, the poultry industry re- ing in late 2006 because of stronger
profits of the prior thirteen months. sponded to the initial surge in corn demand just as corn prices began to
Hog prices during that time did not prices beginning in late 2006 by mov- escalate. Milk prices peaked in July
cover variable costs for producers rais- ing fairly aggressively to rein in pro- 2007 at $21.38/cwt, but declined to
ing their own grain. Feed costs for far- duction; however, when corn prices $16.76/cwt by April 2008. Despite
row–to–finish producers selling hogs began to moderate during the 2007 the recent price decline, milk produc-
in April 2008 were $91.81 per head, growing season, poultry integrators tion is still increasing because, unlike
35% higher than April 2007 and ramped production back up. Strong the beef industry, output prices are
75% higher than April 2006. In late demand for poultry, supported largely still above production costs.
May, corn and soybean meal futures by export demand, helped the broiler From 2006 to 2008 milk produc-
projected an additional $30 per head industry to maintain fairly strong tion costs increased approximately
increase in feed cost by April 2009. If prices in the face of higher produc- $2.00/cwt according to the Agricul-
realized, total costs per head in spring tion. tural and Food Policy Center’s repre-
2009 will be nearly $185 per head, The quick response of the in- sentative dairy farms (Anderson, et al.
70% higher than in 2006. dustry to escalating feed prices in 2008). Feed costs make up approxi-
The pork industry is reacting to late 2006, along with fortuitous de- mately 53% of all production costs
higher costs by downsizing. Breeding mand strength, especially exports, on the representative dairies. His-
herd liquidation is underway in the has helped soften the blow of higher torically, a $2.00/cwt increase in costs
United States and Canada, and pork feed prices on the poultry industry. might set in motion a production
supplies are expected to show a year– However, that situation now appears decline of 2% or more. However, giv-
over–year decrease by the end of 2008 to be changing. Despite prices that en the current state of milk product
that will continue through 2009. appear high by historical standards, demand, milk production remained
However, small reductions in supply poultry producers have begun to feel profitable for most producers despite
are not likely sufficient to move farm the pressure of mounting feed costs the cost increase and expansion in the
level prices to a level that will sustain and significant cutbacks in poultry industry is continuing.
the U.S. pork industry. production are on the horizon, based
on the rise in production costs. Feed The strength in milk prices was
A simple comparison of prices largely driven by strong export and
accounts for about 65% of total live
from 2006 (corn $2/bu and SBM domestic demand for milk products
broiler production costs (Dozier,
$175/ton) with prices from the first which kept milk prices above pro-
Kidd and Corzo, 2008). The 35%
half of the 2007/08 crop marketing duction costs, despite the increase
increase in corn prices just since the
year (corn $5/bu and SBM $335/ton) in feed costs. U.S. milk product ex-
end of last year suggests a roughly
indicates total production costs in- ports have increased for a variety of
20% increase in farm–level produc-
creased 45%. An elasticity of demand reasons. Drought in Australia, and
tion costs. The single–sector disequi-
of –.4 suggests that supply will need reduced production in the EU as sub-
librium model described by Lusk and
to decrease by 18% from 2006 levels sidies decline strengthened the U.S.
Anderson (2004) can be used to il-
to offset the cost increase experienced position as an exporter. The combina-
lustrate the potential impact of these
to date. Demand growth, especially in tion of reduced competition in export
higher costs. In that model, a 20%
the export markets, will offset some channels and a weaker U.S. dollar is
increase in broiler production costs at
of this reduction. For example, pork largely responsible for the growth in
the farm level would result in a 2%
exports during January–April 2008 U.S. dairy product exports.
decline in the quantity of broilers of-
were up over 50% compared to a year
fered at the retail level and a 6.1% in- The dairy industry also continues
earlier. Still, a significant decrease in
crease in retail broiler prices. to undergo structural changes. More
U.S. pork production, possibly ap-
large dairies enter production or ex-

2nd Quarter 2008 • 23(2) CHOICES 13

pand from existing operations, small As corn prices have risen to historic What has been a boon to crop
dairies continue to exit the industry, levels, prices of substitutes for corn prices has had serious unintended
and production shifts regionally. Var- in livestock rations have increased consequences for livestock producers.
ious areas of the United States have sharply as well. Anderson, Ander- In fact, the livestock industry has ab-
experienced rapid growth, like New son, and Sawyer (2008) note that sorbed all of the costs of ethanol and
Mexico, Idaho, and, more recently, the price of major corn by–product the consequences of those costs are
the Texas Panhandle. So, dairy pro- feeds expressed as a percentage of still to be felt in the rest of the econ-
duction in some regions of the U.S. corn price trended lower over the last omy. For example, through mid–year
will decline, while other regions con- twenty–five years, suggesting that by– 2008, all major milk and meat supplies
tinue to experience growth. Looking products have gotten a little cheaper were still higher than during the same
ahead, it will take more time for in- relative to corn. However, with corn period in 2007. But as production of
creased milk production to push pric- prices at record levels by–products, animal proteins decline in response to
es below production costs, although in absolute terms, are more expensive higher costs, consumer prices will in-
any further increases in feed costs will than ever before. crease and rural communities where
accelerate that process. Still, strong If the market for by–products is livestock and poultry are produced
demand growth, especially in export efficient, by–products will be priced and processed will experience down-
markets, has so far enabled the dairy competitive with corn, based on their sizing and loss of economic activity
industry to avoid the large financial feeding value. In the long run, then, that these sectors created. The new
losses attributable to rising feed costs the advantage to feeding by–products equilibrium in agriculture will have
that have hit other livestock species. will be mostly for those producers of both livestock and renewable fuels.
ruminant animals that are situated The challenge for animal agriculture
Unintended Consequences of the is to survive the transition from the
close enough to an ethanol plant to
Ethanol Boom realize a transportation cost advan- old equilibrium based on grain prices
A few short years ago, most analysts tage. In the cattle industry, this sug- driven by the demand for domestic
and policy makers contemplating a gests a shift of comparative advantage livestock feed and exports to the new
four– or five–fold increase in ethanol towards Northern Plains and Corn equilibrium where demand for grain
use would probably have envisioned Belt feeders with better access to wet is driven by government policy and
an array of related external benefits: ethanol by–product feeds than South- energy prices, which is expected to re-
a reduction in harmful automobile ern Plains feeders. sult in an industry providing a smaller
emissions, a lessening of dependence supply of higher priced animal pro-
With respect to the competitive teins to consumers.
on foreign petroleum, a boost in corn position of various livestock species,
prices for farmers, and an abundance prior to the ethanol boom, conven- For More Information
of cheap by–product feeds for live- tional wisdom held that increased
stock producers. While increased eth- Anderson, D.P., J.L. Outlaw, H. Bry-
availability of by–products would
anol production has certainly yielded ant, J.W. Richardson, D.P. Ernstes,
favor cattle, since ruminants are well–
some benefits, it has also carried with J.M. Raulston, J.M. Welch, G.M.
adapted to using these feeds. Addi-
it a number of unintended conse- Knapek, B.K. Herbst, and M. Al-
tionally, the beef industry has the op-
quences, particularly for the livestock lison. “The Effects of Ethanol on
portunity to use more forages to feed
sector. Texas Food and Feed.” AFPC Re-
cattle and, while forage values are ris-
Growth in ethanol production search Report 05–08. Texas A&M
ing, the cost increase so far has been
has made carryover feed grain sup- University, Texas AgriLife Exten-
smaller than for grains and proteins.
plies very tight by historical standards sion, and Texas AgriLife Research.
Longer term, however, if by–prod-
exposing livestock producers to more April 2008.
uct feeds and forages are priced more
feed price risk than in the past. In turn, competitively with corn, the beef in- Anderson, D.A., J.D. Anderson, and
tight carryover supplies not only push dustry’s advantage could erode. With J. Sawyer. (2008). “Impact of the
average prices up, but also contribute higher feed prices across the board, Ethanol Boom on Livestock and
greatly to corn price variability. Thus, efficiency of gain again becomes the Dairy Industries: What Are They
increasing ethanol production means key determinant of comparative ad- Going to Eat?” Journal of Agri-
that livestock producers face far more vantage. Thus, it is possible that, in cultural and Applied Economics
feed cost risk than in the past. the long run, the ethanol boom may 40,forthcoming.
One of the more dramatic con- actually enhance the poultry indus- Dozier III, W.A., M.T. Kidd, A. Cor-
sequences of the ethanol boom has try’s comparative advantage derived zo. (2008). “Dietary amino acid
been its impact on by–product prices. from its greater feed efficiency. responses of broiler chickens: A

14 CHOICES 2nd Quarter 2008 • 23(2)

Review.” Journal of Applied Poul- John D. Lawrence is Professor (jdlaw@ The authors gratefully acknowledge
try Research 17,157–167. iastate.edu), Department of Economics, helpful comments from three anonymous
Lusk, J.L. and J.D. Anderson. (2004). Iowa State University. James Mintert is reviewers and from Jim Robb, Director
“Effects of Country–of–Ori- Professor (jmintert@ksu.edu), Depart- of the Livestock Marketing Information
gin–Labeling on Meat Producers ment of Agricultural Economics, Kan- Center, Lakewood, CO.
and Consumers.” Journal of Ag- sas State University. John D. Anderson
ricultural and Resource Economics is Associate Extension Professor (ander-
29,185–205. son@agecon.msstate.edu), Department
of Agricultural Economics, Mississippi
United States Department of Agricul- State University. David P. Anderson is
ture. “World Agricultural Supply Associate Professor (danderson@tamu.
and Demand Estimates.” Various edu), Department of Agricultural Eco-
issues, 2002–2008. nomics, Texas A&M University.

2nd Quarter 2008 • 23(2) CHOICES 15

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