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BS ISO 19828:2017

BSI Standards Publication

Welding for aerospace applications

— Visual inspection of welds

National foreword
This British Standard is the UK implementation of ISO 19828:2017.
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical
Committee WEE/-/1, Briefing committee for welding.
A list o f organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on
request to its secretary.
This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions
o f a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.
© The British Standards Institution 2017
Published by BSI Standards Limited 2017
ISBN 978 0 580 93350 9
ICS 25.160.01
Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from
legal obligations.
This British Standard was published under the authority o f the
Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 30 June 2017.

Amendments/corrigenda issued since publication

Date Text affected
BS ISO 19828:2017

First edition

Welding for aerospace applications —

Visual inspection of welds
Soudage pour applications aérospatiales — Inspection visuelle des

Reference number
ISO 19828:2017(E)

© ISO 2017
BS ISO 19828:2017
ISO 1 982 8: 2 01 7(E)


© ISO 2017, Published in Switzerland

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Contents Page
Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ iv
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 General ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
5 Documentation of visual weld inspection result ................................................................................................................ 2
6 Inspection conditions and equipment ........................................................................................................................................... 2
6.1 Post weld inspection condition................................................................................................................................................. 2
6.2 Lighting conditions .............................................................................................................................................................................. 3
6.3 Inspection equipment ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3
6.4 Direct inspection ................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
6.5 Indirect inspection ............................................................................................................................................................................... 3
6.6 Limitations of visual inspection ............................................................................................................................................... 3
7 Personnel qualification ................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
7.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
7.2 Eye sight requirements .................................................................................................................................................................... 4
7.3 Education and experience ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
8 Employer and examiner ................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
9 Training.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
10 Examination requirements ........................................................................................................................................................................ 5
11 Re-examination ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
12 Certification ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
13 Recertification ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
14 Loss o f certification ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
14.1 Expiration .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
14.2 Suspension .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
14.3 Revocation................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Annex A (informative) Content of recommended training for fusion welding ......................................................... 8
Annex B (informative) Content of recommended training for welding with pressure ................................. 10
Annex C (informative) Inspection report ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
Annex D (informative) Examples of inspection equipment ....................................................................................................... 13
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14

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Welding for aerospace applications — Visual inspection

of welds
1 Scope
T h i s do c u ment s p e c i fies the re qu i rements for vi s ua l i n s p e c tion o f weld s i n me ta l l ic materi a l s and

requirements fo r qualificatio n and certificatio n o f p ers o nnel fo r vis ual weld ins p ectio n.

This do cument is als o ap p licab le to the vis ual ins p ectio n o f the j o int p rio r to o r b etween welding

s e quence s , and o f bra z e d j oi nts . I n th i s c as e, the contents o f the ore tic a l and prac tic a l tra i n i ng wi l l ne e d

to b e adap te d accord i ngly.

2 Normative references
T he fol lowi ng do c u ments are re ferre d to i n the te xt i n s uch a way th at s ome or a l l o f thei r content

con s titute s re qui rements o f th i s do c u ment. For date d re ference s , on ly the e d ition c ite d appl ie s . For

undate d re ference s , the late s t e d ition o f the re ference d do c u ment (i nclud i ng any a mend ments) appl ie s .

ISO 18490, Non-destructive testing — Evaluation of vision acuity of NDT personnel

EN 4179 1) , Aerospace series — Qualification and approval of personnel for non-destructive testing
3 Terms and definitions
For the pu rp o s e s o f th i s do c u ment, the fol lowi ng term s and defi n ition s apply.

ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at http://www. iso. org/obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia. org/
written s tatement b y a n emp loyer that an i nd ividua l i s entitle d to p er form vi s ua l weld i n s p e c tion

within the organization

p ers on who i s de s ignate d b y the employer to cer ti fy and re cer ti fy vi s ua l weld i n s p e c tors

N o te 1 to entr y: T he e xa m i ner c a n b e at the emp lo yer ’s o r a n e x tern a l orga n i z ation .

organ i z ation employi ng or contrac ti ng the s er vice s o f one or more i nd ividua l s who p er form vi s ua l weld

i n s p e c tion, i nclud i ng s el f- employe d i nd ividua l s

1) Under a Memorandum of Understanding, this is identical to NAS 410 [10] .

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ISO 19828:2017(E)

inspection plan
document providing an overview of the sequence of inspections and tests, including appropriate
re s ou rce s and pro ce du re s to b e re ference d b y the manu fac tu ri ng plan

[SOURCE: ISO 13880:1999, 3.7]

weld zone
zone containing the weld metal and the heat-affected zones
[SOURCE: ISO/TR 25901-1:2016,]
4 General
Weld z one s s ha l l me e t a l l s p e c i fie d re qui rements , as defi ne d i n the appl ic able engi ne eri ng do c u ments

and as detailed in an inspection plan.

As a minimum, the following aspects shall be included in the visual inspection process of weld zones:
a) pre s ence and lo c ation o f j oi nts a s s p e c i fie d i n d rawi ngs;

b) app e ara nce (e . g. colou ration, oxidation, conta m i nation) ;

c) vi s ible d i s conti nu itie s (e . g. s u r face c racks , lack o f fu s ion, overlap s , u nderc ut, s p atter) ;

d) j oi nt d i men s ion (e . g. fi l le t weld s i ze, weld rei n forcement, weld width) ;

e) j oi nt ge ome tr y (e . g. m i s match, conc avity) ;

f) weld s s ha l l b e corre c tly lo c ate d accord i ng to d rawi ng or engi ne eri ng defi n ition .

5 Documentation of visual weld inspection result

T he re s u lt o f vi s ua l weld i n s p e c tion sha l l b e do c u mente d . T h i s c a n b e done b y a p ers ona l i z e d i n s p e c tor

stamp and/or signature in the manufacturing documentation.

If a comprehensive inspection report is requested, the recommended minimum requirements are given
in Annex C.
6 Inspection conditions and equipment

6.1 Post weld inspection condition

Un le s s o ther wi s e s p e c i fie d, weld zone s s ha l l b e i n s p e c te d i n the a s-welde d cond ition .

In case of a mechanical weld zone rework (dressing) or re-welding, the weld zone shall be re-inspected
after rework or re-welding.
I f, as a n aid to ma nu fac ture, any attach ment th at i s temp orari ly welde d to the comp onent to faci l itate
pro duc tion or as s embly i s remove d , it s ha l l b e remove d i n a way that the comp onent i s no t damage d .

T he are a where the attach ment wa s fi xe d sh a l l b e i n s p e c te d for de fe c ts .

Where there i s doub t a s to the re s u lt o f vi s ua l i n s p e c tion, the engi ne eri ng/de s ign authority sh a l l b e


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6.2 Lighting conditions

T he l ighti ng cond ition s for i n s p e c tion are b e s t ach ieve d b y obl ique dom i nant i l lu m i nation combi ne d

with subdued background lighting. The minimum white light illumination of a 1 000 lx shall be available
within the inspection area.
6.3 Inspection equipment
Examples of equipment applicable to visual inspection are given in Annex D.
6.4 Direct inspection
For direct inspection, there shall be a direct line of sight to the surface being inspected.
D i re c t i n s p e c tion may b e p er forme d with the aid o f magn i fication up to ma xi mum 10 × .

For d i re c t i n s p e c tion, the acce s s s ha l l be s u fficient to view the s u r face to be i n s p e c te d with i n a

maximum of 400 mm. The angle of inspection should not be less than 30° (see Figure 1), unless required
by s p e ci fic l ighti ng a nd s ur ace te xtu re cond ition . I nd i re c t i n s p e c tion may b e u s e d to s upplement d i re c t

NOTE The optimum angle of inspection depends on surface textures and lighting conditions.

a Range of angles for direct inspection.

Figure 1 — Access for direct inspection

6.5 Indirect inspection

I nd i re c t i n s p e c tion u s i ng vi s ua l aid s (for e xample, m i rrors , b ore s cop e s , fibre op tics or c a mera s) s ha l l

be applied when the access for inspection in accordance with Figure 1 i s no t p o s s ible or as s p e c i fie d b y

the engi ne eri ng/de s ign authority.

Equipment used shall be suitable for inspecting all features to enable assessment of discontinuities
defi ne d with i n the relevant qua l ity accep ta nce s tanda rd s .

T he l ighti ng may b e adj u s te d to i mprove the contra s t b e twe en s u r face fe atu re s and b ackgrou nd .

Lighting conditions of 6.2 may no t apply to i nd i re c t i n s p e c tion .

6.6 Limitations of visual inspection

When a weld z one c a n no t b e comple tely vi s ua l ly i n s p e c te d, the engi ne eri ng/de s ign authority s ha l l b e


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7 P e r s o n n e l q u a l i fi c a ti o n

7.1 General
Visual inspection o f weld zones and the evaluation o f results for acceptance shall be per formed by
certified visual weld inspectors.

7.2 Eye sight requirements

Visual weld inspectors and visual weld inspector candidates shall fulfil the eye sight requirements o f
EN 4179 or ISO 18490.
Retesting o f near vision shall be per formed at a maximum period o f two years.
NOTE Maximum period for retesting the near vision is harmonized with vision test requirements for fusion
welding personnel.
Retesting o f colour perception shall be per formed at a maximum period o f five years. Any limitations
in colour perception shall be evaluated by the examiner prior to certification and shall be approved in
Eye sight tests shall be administered by competent personnel.
Eye sight test results (pass/fail), including any limitations (e.g. visual aids when required to pass the
eye sight test), shall be documented in a report.

7.3 Education and experience

The following requirements shall be fulfilled by each candidate for visual weld inspector.
a) A minimum o f one year o f experience in an occupational function that has direct relationship to
weldments being fabricated to written specifications or standards. This experience can be based
on the following activities:
— design: preparation o f plans and drawings for weldment construction;
— production: planning and control of welding operations such as procedures, equipment,
materials, or personnel involved in weldment fabrication, for example;
— fabrication: per formance as a welder, fitter, or other function in the fabrication or erection o f
— inspection: detection and measurement o f weld discontinuities or verification o f fabrication
— repair: weld repair of castings.
b) Capable of understanding applicable weld inspection instruction and documentation.
At the discretion o f the examiner, requirements under a) may be replaced in part or fully by relevant
welding education.
8 Employer and examiner
The employer is responsible for the authorization o f visual weld inspectors. The authorization shall be
based on training, testing and certification in accordance with this document.
The examiner shall be designated in writing by the quality organization or the responsible welding
coordinator o f the employer to certi fy and recerti fy visual weld inspectors.
The examiner is responsible for assuring that the training and qualification comply with this document.
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The examiner shall fulfil the same eye sight requirements as the candidates for visual weld inspectors
according to 7.2.
The examiner shall have the skills and knowledge to plan, organize, and present classroom training and
practical exercises in accordance with the documented training program.
9 Training
Candidates shall receive training to understand the principles of weld inspection applicable to the
inspection o f the product. Additional training may be necessary when inspection requirements change.
Training shall include applicable sa fety considerations and the proper care and use o f inspection tools
and equipment.
A documented training program shall detail contents and timeframe. A content of recommended
training is provided in Annex A and Annex B.
10 Examination requirements
An examination program for new candidates and recertification shall be established by the examiner
and approved by the employer. The examination program shall incorporate proficiency checks to veri fy
that the individual has the ability to per form specific inspection and interpret the results.
The examination shall consist of
a) an open-book section on industry standards or contracts applicable to the employer,
b) a closed-book section on welding fundamentals (including health and sa fety), and
c) a section on practical applications o f weld inspection on a minimum o f five components/test
pieces representative o f the material(s), joint type(s) and welding process(es) to be inspected in
production. At least two welds shall have nonconforming features.
Sections a) and b) shall consist o f a minimum o f 30 questions in total. Section c) may be per formed on
test pieces or actual production parts.
To pass the examination, the candidates shall
— achieve 80 % in sections a) and b),
— correctly assess and record 80 % o f all features (dimensional and non-dimensional) to the specified
visual weld inspection criteria, and
— detect all (100 %) unacceptable surface and geometric features (defects).
NOTE Visual weld inspection criteria are specified in either a visual weld inspection plan and/or a weld
specification/standard, subject to the organizational needs.
Examination results shall be documented as evidence that the candidate meets the requirements of
this document.
The maximum period o f validity o f the certification shall not exceed five years. The requirements on
eyesight testing shall be fulfilled according to 7.2.

11 Re-examination
A candidate who fails to obtain the pass grade for any examination section may be re-examined. Re-
examinations shall be considered as repeat examination o f the failed section(s). The candidate may
take one re-examination within six months of the original examination date without further training.
Any additional re-examinations will require documented re-training in accordance with Clause 9.

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The maximum number o f re-examinations taken in any three-year period is three.

12 Certification
At the discretion o f the examiner, an external agency may be engaged to provide training and
qualification services. In such instances, the examiner is responsible for assuring that training,
qualification, and certification are in accordance with this document.
The examiner is responsible for assuring that the external training and qualification services comply
with this document by conducting periodic reviews. The examiner shall maintain a written record o f
the review(s).
The certificate shall contain, as a minimum, the following:
a) name o f certified individual and employee identification number;
b) statement indicating experience and completion of training in accordance with the established
training program;
c) name o f the employer;
d) applicable welding process(es);
e) inspection methods (direct and/or indirect);
f ) date o f certification;
g) expiration date for period o f validity;
h) signature of examiner.
Certification records shall be maintained on file by the employer and shall contain qualification
records for the certified individuals. These records shall be maintained during the time the visual weld
inspectors are certified and according to applicable document retention rules.
These records shall contain, as a minimum, the following:
— certificate;
— visual acuity report;
— training records;
— examination records including actual results.
13 Recertification
Visual weld inspectors certified to this document shall be recertified at intervals not to exceed five years.

14 Loss o f certification

1 4.1 Expiration

Certification shall expire when the certification exceeds the validity period with no recertification
issued. Certification is considered to expire at the end o f the corresponding month in which the
certification had been issued.
Expired certification requires a new examination in accordance with Clause 10.

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14.2 Suspension
Certification shall be suspended when employment is terminated, the visual acuity examination is
overdue, the individual does not perform visual weld inspection for at least 12 consecutive months, or
when the individual’s per formance is found to be deficient in any manner.
A certification that has been suspended may be reinstated up to the original certification date when
the cause for the suspension has been corrected and the correction verified by the employer and/or the
individual’s proficiency is verified by the examiner.

14.3 Revocation
Certification shall be revoked when the individual does not per form visual weld inspection for more
than 24 consecutive months or when the individual’s conduct is found to be unethical or incompetent.
Revoked certification requires a new examination in accordance with Clause 10.

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Annex A
Content of recommended training for fusion welding2)

A.1 Scope

A.2 Training

A.2.1 Health and safety related to welding and inspection

A . 2 . 2 S ta n d a r d s / s p e c i fi c a ti o n s a n d p ro c e d u re s

a) Design, fabrication
b) Weld definitions and weld symbols
c) Welding Procedure Specification (WPS)
d) Visual inspection methods
e) Quality acceptance standards for visual inspection
f) Welding operator/welder requirements
A.2.3 Processes and materials

a) Welding processes
b) Materials, material groups
c) Metallurgy basics
d) Heat treatment
e) Weld de fects and de fect types (ISO 6520-1)

A.2.4 Testing, reporting and responsibilities

a) Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)

b) Destructive testing
c) Reports, duties, responsibilities
A.2.5 Limitations of visual inspection

a) Accessibility (direct/indirect)
b) Lighting conditions and effects
c) Choice and application of inspection tools
d) Practical demonstration
2) See ISO/TR 25901-3 for definition o f fusion welding and the related welding processes.
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A.2.6 Weld inspection

a) Joi nt typ e s

b) Dimensional and geometrical inspection

c) Weld imperfections and related inspection methods
d) D e fe c t and d i s conti nu ity typ e s relate d to materia l/pro ce s s

e) Practical inspection training on representative process specimen/parts

I n the prac tic a l p a r t o f the trai n i ng , ac tua l weld s s ha l l b e vi s ua l ly i n s p e c te d , i nclud i ng d i men s iona l a nd

ge ome tric a l i n s p e c tion . To ol s and device s as ava i l able i n pro duc tion s ha l l b e u s e d by the trai ne e s .

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Annex B
Content of recommended training for welding with pressure 3)

B.1 Scope

B.2 Training

B.2.1 Health and safety related to resistance welding and inspection

B . 2 . 2 S ta n d a r d s / s p e c i fi c a ti o n s a n d p ro c e d u re s

a) Design, fabrication
b) Weld definitions and weld symbols
c) Welding Procedure Specification (WPS)
d) Visual inspection methods
e) Quality acceptance standards for visual inspection
f) Welding operator/weld setter requirements
B.2.3 Processes and materials

a) Welding processes
b) Surface preparation
c) Materials, material groups
d) Thickness ratio
e) Test piece configuration
f ) Metallurgy basics
g) Heat treatment
h) Weld de fects and de fect types (ISO 6520-2)

B.2.4 Testing, reporting and responsibilities

a) Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)

b) Destructive testing
c) Reports, duties, responsibilities
B.2.5 Limitations of visual inspection

a) Accessibility (direct/indirect)

3) See ISO/TR 25901-3 for definition o f welding with pressure and the related welding processes.
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b) Lighting conditions and effects

c) Choice and application of inspection tools
d) Practical demonstration
B.2.6 Production witness samples
a) Pre/intermediate/post production samples
b) Dimensional and geometrical inspection
c) Metallographic inspection (preparation of samples)
d) Mechanical testing (peel test, chisel test, shear test)
e) Documentation
B.2.7 Weld inspection
a) Joi nt con figu ration

b) Dimensional and geometrical inspection

c) Weld imperfections and related inspection methods
d) D e fe c t and d i s conti nu ity typ e s relate d to materia l/pro ce s s

e) Practical inspection training on representative process specimen/parts

I n the prac tic a l p ar t o f the trai n i ng , ac tua l weld s sh a l l b e vi s ua l ly i n s p e c te d i nclud i ng d i men s iona l and

ge ome tric a l i n s p e c tion . To ol s and device s as ava i l able i n pro duc tion s ha l l b e u s e d by the trai ne e s .

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Annex C
Inspection report

When an inspection report is requested, the following minimum information should be included:
a) name o f the comp onent manu fac tu rer;

b) name o f the i n s p e c tion organ i z ation, i f d i fferent from a) ;

c) identi fic ation o f the i n s p e c te d comp onent ( p a r t nu mb er/s eri a l nu mb er) ;

d) materi a l;

e) typ e o f j oi nt or j oi nt con figu ration;

f) materi a l th ickne s s(e s) ;

g) weld i ng pro ce s s;

h) accep tance c riteri a/s p e c i fic ation u s e d;

i) weld clas s i fic ation;

j) de fe c ts e xce e d i ng the accep tance c riteri a/s p e c i fic ation u s e d a nd thei r lo c ation;

k) i f appl ic able, l i m itation s o f i n s p e c tion;

l) i n s p e c tion e qu ipment u s e d;

m) re s u lt o f i n s p e c tion (accep table/rej e c t) with re ference to accep tance c riteria/s p e ci fic ation u s e d;

n) name o f vi s ua l weld i n s p e c tor;

o) date of inspection.
If a permanent visual record of an examined weld is required, photographs or accurate sketches or both
s hou ld b e made with any i mp er fe c tion s cle a rly i nd ic ate d .

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Annex D
Examples of inspection equipment

D.1 The fo llo wing is a lis t o f equip ment typ ically us ed fo r, b ut no t limited to , carrying o ut vis ual

ins p ectio n o f welded j o ints :

a) s traight e dge or me a s u ri ng tap e;

b) vern ier c a l l ip er, e . g. s e e I S O 1 3 3 8 5 -1 and I S O 1 3 3 8 5 -2 ;

c) s u itab le fe eler gauge;

d) rad iu s gauge;

e) magn i fyi ng len s with a s u itable magn i fic ation, up to ma x. 10 × ;

f) l ighti ng e qu ipment with a n avai labi l ity o f up to 1 0 0 0 l x at the place o f i n s p e c tion .

D.2 The fo llo wing equip ment may als o b e required:

a) pro fi le me a s uri ng device;

b) materi a l for i mpre s s ion o f weld s , e . g. cold s e tti ng plas tic or clay;

c) m i rrors , endo s cop e s , b oro s cop e s , fibre op tic s;

d) s p e ci fic a l ly de s igne d weld gauge s , height/dep th gauge s , ru lers or pro trac tors .

D.3 For examples of measuring devices, see ISO 17637.

NOTE These devices and gauges are included as examples of inspection equipment.
S ome o f the s e device s a nd gauge s may b e s ubj e c t to c a l ibration re qu i rements .

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[1] ISO 6520-1, Welding and allied processes — Classification of geometric imperfections in metallic
materials — Part 1: Fusion welding

[2] ISO 6520-2, Welding and allied processes — Classification of geometric imperfections in metallic
materials — Part 2: Welding with pressure

[3] ISO 13385-1, Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Dimensional measuring equipment —
Part 1: Callipers; Design and metrological characteristics

[4] ISO 13385-2, Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Dimensional measuring equipment —
Part 2: Calliper depth gauges; Design and metrological characteristics

[5] ISO 13880:1999, Petroleum and natural gas industries — Content and dra fting o f a technical

[6] ISO 14731, Welding coordination — Tasks and responsibilities

[7] ISO 17637, Non-destructive testing of welds — Visual testing of fusion-welded joints
[8] ISO/TR 25901-1:2016, Welding and allied processes — Vocabulary — Part 1: General terms
[9] ISO/TR 25901-3, Welding and allied processes — Vocabulary — Part 3: Welding processes
[10] NAS 410, Certification and qualification of non-destructive test personnel

14 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved

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