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How to tackle unemployment

Class ideas

Companies shouldn't replace people with machines. Day by day, there are fewer
people doing common jobs as machines, computers and robots have taken over jobs
like cashiers or factory workers. I believe that if we gave back those jobs to people
we could solve to some extent the high unemployment rate.

Students should learn in high schools useful things such as how to look for a job,
how and where to find job ads, how to prepare and behave at job interviews or how
to write a formal and proper CV. It would be very useful for students to learn basic
things about the economy. So this way, the young graduates can be more prepared
to face the real world and be more independent.

Certain years of working experience or certain age or gender should not be a job
requirement, we think that companies should give the opportunity to inexperienced
people to demonstrate their abilities.

Companies and governments should facilitate the difficult process of setting up a

new business and help entrepreneurs by reducing the taxes they have to pay so
they can hire more people.

Shortening the workweek from 5 to 4 days could be one of the simplest ways to
create more jobs for young people.

Although we are not experts at this topic, we think that the government should assist
unemployed people and give them more opportunities and learning resources to
acquire new and better skills.

Schools or human resources organisations could help unemployed people find out
what their abilities and passions are.

Governments should help develop new areas within the economic system, and help
both small and large businesses, in order to create jobs especially to provide work
for people who are unemployed.

Schools and universities should design and create courses, especially hands-on
training courses, so they can produce better-prepared graduates or technicians so
that they can become specialists.

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