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A: Hello, let’s stalk about different places a group of school children can go and which
would be the best for them. Do you have any ideas?
B: I think going out on the ship is a bad idea because the group of students all got seasick
What about playing in the bar?
A: I’m not sure about that because in a group, some people who don’t like noisy place.
What do you think about going to a restaurant?
B: I think going out to the restaurant is not a good idea, neither is eating BBQ. Both are
A: So, What do you think about going to the movies?
B: That a good idea, because there’s a very hot new movie recently.
A: I totally agree with you.
TRANH 2 (GIỐNG Tranh 9)
A: Hi guy has won a competition learn a new skill,he is going to do a course for one week lets
talk about different courses he can take
B:hmm a music course is a good one isnt it
A: nice idea man music can keep him relax after competition
B:yeah and how about diving course
A: yeah good idea I also love seeing sea animal like houre fish and coral it so cute oh how about
horse riding course
B:that isnt a good idea riding horse is so dangerous if u choose a crazy horse u can get injured
A: maybe u are right it so dangerous and how about a ship driving course is a good one man
B: oh I don’t know about ship but next week there will have a rain and the wind so strong it can
be dangerous hmm how about program course
A: good idea man now many people use the program anywhere any time
B: and what about drawing course
A:nah draw is so bored hmm that enoungh which one do u think is the best idea
B:I think diving course is the best one to choose
A:ok let go for that
A: Hi a guy has won a competition learn a new skill,he is going to do a course for one
week lets talk about different courses he can take
B:hmm a music course is a good one isnt it
A: nice idea man music can keep him relax after competition
B:yeah and how about diving course
A: yeah good idea I also love seeing sea animal like houre fish and coral it so cute oh
how about horse riding course
B:that isnt a good idea riding horse is so dangerous if u choose a crazy horse u can get
A: maybe u are right it so dangerous and how about a ship driving course is a good one
B: oh I don’t know about ship but next week there will have a rain and the wind so strong
it can be dangerous hmm how about program course
A: good idea man now many people use the program anywhere any time
B: and what about drawing course
A:nah draw is so bored hmm that enoungh that which one do u think is the best idea
B:I think diving course is the best one to choose
A:ok let go for that

Present for her 70 birthday

A: My friend wants to give his grandmother a present for her seventieth birthday. Can
you give his some hints?
B: first. I think he can buy a bird.
A: Oh, that's a good idea. But his grandmother had no time for its care because has fed a
What about buying a pair of gloves?
B: No. The weather there is never cold. Why don’t buy a bouquet?
A: Sounds great. But his grandmother’s pollen allergy. What else?
B: Shall he buy a computer for his grandmother?
A: I don’t think that’s a good idea because his grandmother does not use it.
I think he can buy a book.
B: I'm not sure. His grandmother has a lot of books. Why don't buy a tape of music?
A: Disagree. It was too expensive. How do you feel about buying a painting tool?
B: I can't agree with that because his grandmother dislikes drawing.
I think he should give a gift of picture photos.
A: Oh, Yes. I agree. It makes a lot of sense. I think his grandmother will love this gift.

A: An English friend of mine has to go live in a very hot country for his work, but he
doesn't like hot weather. Can you give him some hints so he can keep cool?
B: Hmmm... I think he can go swimming.
A: I don’t think that’s a good idea because that's business hours. Why doesn't he take a
B: I'm not sure. It's a very lost time. I think he can eat cream.
A: That’s a good idea but he can't eat because he has a sore throat. What about wearing
short clothes?

A:Hi gyus a groups of friend are going to visit a large city and we want to talk about visit
a museum what do u think we need to go
B:I know nothing much about museum but I like dinasour maybe they should go watch
fossil museum it have dinasour skeleton it so great there
A:oh realy, there have fossil museum it a great idea man
B:or they can go to antique museum
A: nice it have many antique stuff like an old money from so long ago and they can learn
something about history hey what do u thing about picture museum
B oh it great it have many nice picture but and cant understand what it mean like vincent
van gogh s’ picture it so colorful and he give many meaning thing in a picture
A: u are right I think mabe if they cant understant it the meeting is so boring
B: if u want to know more about erope they can go to costume museum. Do you thing?
A:that good idea they can love costume their passion is fashion designer and love royal
costume noble, oh how about vehicle museum maybe a good decision
B: yeah u are right it have a lot of the way people move for a long time and they can learn
about history of human
A:hey. do theyy like rocket museum ?
B: yeah I like rocket in this time there have eron musk operating space x I like him very
much he is the richest in the word and before the government operating the space so I still
love to learn about some thing else about rocket
A: so what do u thing they should go man?
B I think they must go rocket museum
A: good idea let’s go for that

A: A family who lives near me moving to another part of the country. I want to give the
children in the family a present. Can you give me some hints?
B: Hmm…I think you should give the gift that is a book.
A: That’s a good idea but the children aren’t interested . What about a picture photo?
B: No. It’s too boring. Because picture can save on a cell phone. How about two hats?
A: I don’t agree with you. The children have a lot of hats. What esle?
B: I suggest you should buy a camera as a gift.
A: Sounds great. But it’s too expensive. Why don't buy the T-shirt?
B: I don’t think so. It’s too popular. Shall you buy school bags for the children?
A: Disagree. The children's mother has bought school bags. What about the gift a box of
B: Oh. Yes, I agree. The children are very like chocolate.

A: Hi(ten nguoi) , a city want to give best imformation to tourist who want to come and
visit, let talk about the different way the city can give information for the tourist
B:hmm what about imformation screen
A: yes it is a good idea it can help people get easy in imagine the way to move in strange
B:and how about imformation stadium there is a staff can guide u to move more easy
A:no I don’t think so that is so costly,a book of city guide is more compact and less
B:nah I don’t think so I think a map will be less costly
A:I agree with u it is less costly than and compact to put on person
B:and how about imfomation desk with a lot of guide in there like book and map
A:hmm that is a good idea man it can read when u go somewhere to play and how about
a bus for tourist
B: oh nice it is a very great idea tourist can go for a ride and enjoy the wind, they can
know more about the city
A:or maybe can check in the computer is the easy way to imagine
B: for sure agree with u so which one do u think what is the best
A:I think imformation screen is the best
B:I also think so

Something to do at retirement age.

Bên A Bên B
A: Hi. An old man is going to retire and he B: ok. So it would be great for him to go
wants to do something for relaxation. Let’s shopping and cook by himself after a
talk together about different things he busy time. Do you feel it?
could do.
A: I’m not sure that. Because it doesn’t B: yeah, I agree with you. He will have a
suit him and maybe he doesn’t know how great time with his family. But his
to cook. I think a family trip will be very family is very busy and it will be
suitable for him. Do you think so? difficult to travel together. Why don’t
take care of plant?
A: that is good. After taking care of the B: that’s true. It will bring relaxation to
tree, he could clean the house and read a his retirement life. Let’s advise him on
book, it sounds great. this.
A: Right, now I’m free. Let’s go.

Trip to London

Bên A Bên B
A: Hi B. So let’s give me some advice. I need B: Ok. Listen to me. The weather in London
you right now. I am going to have a trip to these day is really cold. So you need to bring
London next week. You’re been there before. So thick coats, wool hats, gloves, umberellas to
give me some suggestions on what to bring. keep your body warm.
B: I don’t think they are necessary. It’s quite
A: Wait me just few second. Let’s me make a
heavy and bulky. It’s also hard to bring them
note of what you just said. That all? How about a
on airplane. Beside of that, you can use your
digital camera? Do I need something to listen to
phone to take a pictures and up date
cassetle tapes too?
information though on the news paper.
A: Oh! I see. How about mini map? Is it B: Yes, yes you do. You can get one at the
necessary? This is my first time traveling here. It tourist information counter. Hmm. I think
might help me get around easier. that’s all
A: Haha. There are something important that you
B: OMG. What thing?
forgot to say.
A: It’s money. We can’t do anything without
money. That is the most important thing and you B: Yah, you’re right. Any question?
have forgot it.
A: That’s enough. Thank you.I will have a small B: I’m really looking forward to it. I have to
gift for you when I get back. go. See ya.
A: Byee

A: Hi, Let’s talk about different things a family could do while visiting a big city
And which would be most enjoyable

Tranh 13: Hobbies

Bên A Bên B
A: Hi. Lan want to take up hobby. Let’s
B: Ok. What do you think about playing
discuss and find what is the best suitable for
chess? It can help to train his intelligence.
B: I'm not sure about that. Table tennis is
A: I am not sure about that because once time very hard to play and he need to find a
I asked her to play with me and she said she friend to play with him. How about
didn’t like it. How about playing tennis? drawing? It is a strange hobby but very
B: No. Reading comic books cost a lot of
A: I don't think so. He had tried it once and he
money. He won't read one book, he will
recognized that he doesn't draw very well. Do
find many other series to read. I think he
you think reading comic books is a better
should play video games. It doesn't cost
too much but very fun
A: I don't agree with you. Playing video
games a lot is not good for his health,
B: That sound great. I absolutely agree
especially eyes. I think the best choice for
with you. Let's him go for that hobby.
him is playing toys. It's simple but unique. I
rarely see someone has that hobby
A: yes, that’s a good idea. Let’s go for that B: right, I a glad we’re agree.

Wedding present.

Bên A Bên B
B: Hi A. So let's me give you some suggestions
A: Hi B. A couple is going to get married. We
about a wedding present for them. How about a
talks about things the friend want to give them a
tea set?
wedding present.
A:No, it's too bulky /b^lki/ and fragile that we
B: I don't think so. I think the wedding already
can't bring it to the wedding. How about a bunch
has flowers to decorate. What do you think
of flowers to decorate the wedding?
about a clock? It's a meaningful present
B: Oh, so I think they should give them a
A: It might be ok but they get married, they will
picture. They can use it to decorate the living
move to a new home. Do you have any idea?
room. What do you think about that?
A: It's fine but we don't know what type of
picture they like so it's hard to find a suitable
B: I completely agree with you. It's very
picture. I think kitchen toolstool good idea. It's
necessary, let choose it.
simple but useful for they themtart a new life

Something to do at weekends (3 cái: biển, núi, ...)

Bên A Bên B
A: Here's the thing I wanna tell you today.
Severus Snape will pay our city a visit next
week. He would like to travel some places and
B: What about mountain climbing?
experience some specialties, and I told him that
you and I would take him to some famous
spots. Do you have any ideas?
A: I don't think that's a good idea. In this
B: So how about going to the beach? You
season, the weather is unpredictable, it can rain
know beaches are our city's biggest feature.
anytime, and you know that's dangerous.
A: That sounds nice. But we just can't swim at
this moment because of big waves and strong
B: No, that's all I can think of. Do you have
wind. If he wants to go to the beach, we'd
any thing in mind?
better stand in the coastal area and see it from
distance. Anything else?
B: Sounds nice, we can show him our
A: I'm thinking about taking him to our famous
religion, and some activities we do here at Tet
temple, Tran temple.
or some special days.
A: I'll tell him. And I will inform you the date
B: Great, I'm so excited to meet him. See you
and time, it will be great that three of us have
memorable trips.
: Goodbye present

Bên A Bên B
A: Hi. So let’s talk about buying a goodbye
present for a girl in the tennis club. She is B: Ok. Let me see. What do you think
going to live in another city. So we want to about the picture?
give her a special gift.
A: I’m not sure about that because we don’t B: Perhaps, that’s not such a good idea
know what style she likes. How about an because it’s too expensive, we don’t have
apple watch? She wanted it for a long long enough money to buy it. Why don’t we
time. buy a bag for her?
A: You could be right but she has too many
bags. I have seen 5-6 items in her room. It B: That’s a good idea. Oh, I know where
would be better if we give her a CD or a T- we can get it. Shall we go right now?
shirt about her idol group.
A: Right, now I’m free. Let’s go. B: Ok, follow me.
Where to study.

Bên A Bên B
A: Hi. So let's talk about the place to study B: Ok. What do you think about if we go to
for the exam at school the park, he will sit under the tree to study.
A: I am not sure about that because it's been
raining these days, he can't go to the park.
B: that's a good idea. Oh, but people will
Why doesn't he study in the living room,
watch TV. It's very noisy
everyone will be there and he can ask them
questions he doesn't know
B: perhaps, that's not such a good idea.
There's not enough documentation there
A: oh, you are right. Ok, How about studying
and it's annoying sometimes. He can study
in his room?
in a restaurant. He can eat fried chicken
and study
A: I don't think so. Because there are many
people. It is difficult to concentrate on
studying. I think he should study at the B: Yes, that's a good idea. Let's go for that.
library. It's very quiet and has a lot of
A: Right. I’m glad we' re agree

Something to do at weekends (6 cái )

Bên A Bên B
A: Hi B, our coastal city are planning to build B: I think they could a new car parking slot
something new for the city, what do you because we don't have any car parking slot
think they will going to build? yet
A: I don't think they're going to build a new B: So no new car parking slot. Oh, how
car parking slot because it's rarely any cars about a new cinema, I think they might
around build that.
A: I think they're not going to build that,
B: yeah you're right that gonna be a waste
because people can watch they favorite
of money. How about the new stadium, do
movies at home with Netflix on their phone
you think that they're going to build it?
or on tv.
A: No the stadium take too much space and B: Are they going tobuild a new museum?
cost a lot of money, they're not going to build I think the old museum need to be replaced
that soon
A: Maybe they're going to build it but I think B: Yeah I agreed with you, I think the zoo
a new zoo was the best thing because we was the best one to be build, we should
don't have any yet and it'll attract more visitor wait and see what they're going to build
to our city next

A:Hi, a class is going to have a picnic on the beach they want to do some activities
there let give them some advise

B:hmm go to beach dispensable for surfing

A: yes I like ur idea that is a adventure sport most young boy are loving it

B:volley ball is also a good one

A: yeah it can trasfer energy in a positive way and having a good time with ur
friend how about swimming beach board

B: and how did it work

A:put wooden planks on the water surface then get a broad in the top and their
could jump in the board

B: I don’t think that a good idea man it so dangerous can be injured I think go
restaurant in evening good one

A:oh good idea we can eating so much and they can organize a campfire and make
some good memmory with your friend so with one u think is the best decision

B: I think eatting in restaurant is best decision

A:yes I also think like that

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