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Literacy Writing

As we wind down the year we will be focusing on a

new essential question: How do characters in We continue to focus on capitalization,
stories overcome obstacles? spacing, punctuation and wow
drawings. Most importantly we will focus
Unit High Frequency words: with, that, this, from, to, on being a brave speller, using our
no, so, said knowledge of letter sounds to help us write
Previous units: and, must, went, help, is, as, words.
his, has, of, all, can, not, big, up, on, the, at, it,
in, am, did, we, he, she, me, my We will be writing about each day of our
Phonics/Phonemic Awareness: Magic “e” (makes ABC countdown.
the vowel say its name)

Math Science- Weather, Plants, and Animals

We will continue to work on sorting data and We continue to observe our caterpillars as
graphing our sorts. We will also work on they make their chrysalis. We will discuss
estimation. We will also compare numbers using how weather make us feel.
greater or less.
Vocabulary: predict, sunlight, weather,
needs, shelter

Suggested homework: Practice high frequency words, identify known words in a story and writing.

ABC Countdown
Monday- Neon Day
Tuesday- Outdoor Fun Day
Wednesday- Pajama Day
Thursday- Queen and Kings Day
Friday- Rainbow Day

Kindergarten Graduation will take place at 1 pm on Friday, May 31st.

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