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An annotated bibliography is an enhanced list of citations that briefly summarizes each article,
book, or other source of information and explains why it is important for your topic. It can be
divided into two distinct parts: the annotation and the bibliography.

 A bibliography is a list of articles, books, and or other sources of information that have been
used for researching a topic. This list is called “References” In APA format or “Works Cited” in
MLA format. All academic papers should have a bibliography that lists the sources used for its
 An annotation is a short paragraph that summarizes a source and describes how it is relevant to
your research. To annotate literally means “to make notes.

An annotated bibliography includes a list of sources that have found to use in your research paper
(books, websites, journal articles, etc.) along with a brief summary and analysis of those sources.
Writing an effective annotation requires to clearly describe and evaluate the overarching argument of
the source. An annotated bibliography is a valuable tool that prepares you to write a research paper by
forcing you to closely read a book or article. It is also a means to help others locate a body of
scholarship around a certain topic.


The following are the main components of an annotated bibliography. Not all these fields are used;
fields may vary depending on the type of annotated bibliography and instructions from the instructor if
it is part of a school assignment.

 Full bibliographic citation

 Author's background
 Purpose of the work
 Scope of the work
 Main argument
 Audience
 Methodology
 Sources

Sharma Suresh; Nursing Research and statistics; third edition; Elsevier publication; page no.9-10.


Suresh K. Sharma [2018], Scientific methods of research, Research and Statistics book. The author,
Suresh K. Sharma, outlines the definition characteristics, purposes, steps and limitation of scientific
methods. As Scientific methods are the controlled, systemic investigations that are rooted in objective
reality and that aim to develop general knowledge about natural phenomena and purpose of scientific
methods were description, exploration, explanation and prediction. The author also described the steps
of scientific methods as, firstly select the topic and identify the problem, define objective and review
literature, hypothesis and ethical implication, research design, analysis and interpretation. Also he
stated the limitation as it needs expertise to do and other such problems like measurement problem etc.

Sivabalan T. Vimala G; Textbook of Nursing Research and Statistics; Ist edition; CBS publishers and
distributors; page no.5-6.

T. Sivabalan,G. Vimala,Scientific method, Textbook of nursing research and statistics. The authors
describes the definition of scientific methods and also steps of scientific method. In this book the
authors describes the definition of scientific methods as controlled and systemic investigations that are
driven based on objectives to generate general knowledge of natural phenomena. Also the author
outlines the steps as Define, question, perform background research and review of literature ,then
formulate hypothesis and then the hypothesis by experiment, then analyse and draw the conclusion;
and the at last, report/disseminate the results. The author also enlists the purpose of scientific method’s
description, control, identification and assessment of facts or phenomena.

Pareek Bharat,Sharma Shivani;A textbook of Nursing Research and Statistics;3rd edition;pee vee
publication;page no.17-19.

Bharat Pareek,Shivani Sharma; Nursing research, scientific method. The author, describe the definition
,characteristics of scientific method and also outlines the steps of scientific the author
describe the definition as scientific method refers to general set of orderly, disciplined procedure used
to acquire information. In this the author also uses the deductive reasoning to generate predictions. The
author also enlists characteristics as, based on empirical evidence, objective observations, relevant
concepts, follows ethical norms, systematic, result in prediction, critical and logical analysis, The
author also describes the following steps as; identification of statement of problem, collection of facts
then classification and organisation of facts, formulation of hypothesis, deducing the consequences,
verification of hypothesis and the last step is drawing conclusions.
Polit Denies; Beck Tatano Cheryl; Nursing Research,11th edition;Wolters Kluwer
publishers;south Asian edition;page no.9-10.
Polit and Beck; Nursing Research, scientific methods. The authors described the scientific methods and
Quantitative Research. The author describes it as; the traditional scientific method refers to a set of
orderly, disciplined used to acquire information. Quantitative researchers use deductive reasoning to
generate prediction that are tested in a systematic fashion to test the real world. The authors describe
the particular words in it like control, empirical evidences, information that is gathered is quantitative,
formal measurement of data and it is analyzed statistically. Also the author also wrote, as the degree to
which research finding can be generalized to individuals to other than those who participated in a study
is called as generalization. The author described that scientific methods has enjoyed considerable
stature as a method of inquiry and has been used productively by nurse researchers.

Dey Mamita; A Guide to Nursing Research and Biostatistics; Jay Pee publications; first edition; page
no. 7-9.
Mamita Dey,A Guide to Nursing Research and Bio statistics, scientific methods. The author, Mamita
Dey in this book describes the definition of scientific method purposes, characteristics and steps of
scientific the author has described the scientific methods is the pursuit of truth as
determined by logical considerations. It attempts to achieve a systematic information of facts. The
main purposes of scientific methods are description, exploration and identification of relationship of
the facts. And author also enlists the characteristics as, factual, logical, objectives, systematic,
analyzable, propositions are hierarchical. And also described the steps as, state the problem, the gather
the information, then hypothesis, then test the hypothesis, after testing the hypothesis, state a
conclusion. The author also enlists the limitation of scientific method as, Moral or ethical problem,
Human complexity and measurement problems and external variable control problem.



Fitzpatrick, M.L. (2001). Historical Research: The Method. In P.L. Munhall (Ed.), Nursing Research:
A Qualitative Perspective (3rd ed., pp. 403-415). Boston: Jones and Bartlett.

In this chapter, Fitzpatrick provides a comprehensive overview of historical research methodology

within the context of nursing research. The author outlines the principles, processes, and techniques
involved in conducting historical research in the field of nursing. Fitzpatrick emphasizes the
importance of historical research as a means of understanding the evolution of nursing practice,
theories, and policies. The chapter discusses various methodological approaches, including archival
research, oral history, and content analysis, highlighting their strengths and limitations in the context of
nursing research. Furthermore, Fitzpatrick addresses key considerations such as the identification and
selection of historical sources, data analysis techniques, and strategies for ensuring the validity and
reliability of historical research findings. Overall, this chapter serves as a valuable resource for nursing
researchers seeking to integrate historical perspectives into their qualitative inquiry and contributes to
the broader understanding of nursing research methodologies.
Germain CP. Ethnography: The method. In P.L. Munhall (Ed.). Nursing Research: A qualitative
perspective. 3 rd ed. Boston: Johen and Bartlett, 2001:277-306

In this chapter, Germain offers an insightful exploration of ethnography as a qualitative research
method within the field of nursing. The author delves into the foundational principles, processes, and
techniques involved in conducting ethnographic research, emphasizing its value in gaining rich,
contextual understandings of healthcare phenomena from the perspectives of those directly involved.
Germain discusses the ethnographic approach's emphasis on cultural immersion, participant
observation, and the use of multiple data collection methods, such as interviews, field notes, and
document analysis. The chapter also addresses ethical considerations inherent in ethnographic
research, including issues of confidentiality, informed consent, and researcher reflexivity. Through
practical examples and case studies, Germain illustrates how ethnographic methods can be applied to
investigate various nursing-related topics, ranging from healthcare practices to patient experiences and
healthcare disparities. Overall, this chapter serves as a valuable guide for nursing researchers interested
in employing ethnography as a methodological approach to explore the complexities of healthcare
contexts and phenomena.
Neeraja KP. Textbook of nursing education.1st Ed. New Delhi: Jaypee brother’s medical publishers,
Neeraja's "Textbook of Nursing Education" provides a foundational resource for educators and
students in the field of nursing. The chapter referenced, spanning pages 158-160, likely delves into key
principles or methodologies pertinent to nursing education. While specific details of the content are not
provided, textbooks in nursing education typically cover a wide range of topics including curriculum
development, teaching strategies, assessment methods, and theories of learning. Neeraja's work likely
addresses these aspects within the context of nursing education, offering insights, strategies, and best
practices for both novice and experienced educators. The textbook is expected to serve as a
comprehensive guide to navigating the complexities of nursing education, equipping readers with the
knowledge and skills necessary to excel in their roles as nursing educators.
Munhall PL. Nursing Research: A qualitative perspective. 3 rd. Boston: Johen and Bartlett, 2001.
Munhall's "Nursing Research: A Qualitative Perspective" stands as a seminal resource in the field of
nursing research, particularly focusing on qualitative methodologies. The third edition, published in
2001, reflects the evolving landscape of qualitative research within nursing practice and scholarship.
Munhall's text likely covers a broad array of topics relevant to qualitative research in nursing,
including philosophical underpinnings, methodological approaches, data collection techniques, data
analysis methods, and ethical considerations.

Moreover, Munhall's work may explore the application of qualitative research in various nursing
contexts, ranging from clinical practice to healthcare policy and education. The text likely provides
practical guidance for researchers, educators, and practitioners interested in utilizing qualitative inquiry
to deepen their understanding of nursing phenomena and enhance patient care outcomes. Overall,
Munhall's book serves as a comprehensive and authoritative resource for those seeking to engage with
qualitative research within the field of nursing.
Kahn, C.R. (1994). Picking a research problem: The critical decision. The New England Journal of
Medicine, 330(21), 1530-1533.

In this article published in The New England Journal of Medicine, Kahn delves into the crucial process
of selecting a research problem, highlighting its significance in the realm of medical research. Kahn
underscores the importance of choosing a research problem judiciously, as it lays the foundation for
the entire research endeavor and significantly influences its outcomes and contributions to medical
The author likely discusses various considerations and factors that researchers should weigh when
selecting a research problem, including the relevance of the topic to clinical practice, gaps in existing
knowledge, potential impact on patient care, feasibility of conducting the study, and alignment with
personal interests and expertise. Kahn may also address the role of interdisciplinary collaboration,
funding opportunities, and evolving trends in medical science in shaping the selection of research
This article likely provides valuable insights and guidance for aspiring researchers, clinicians, and
scholars navigating the complex landscape of medical research. By emphasizing the critical nature of
this decision-making process, Kahn contributes to advancing the quality, relevance, and impact of
research conducted within the medical community.

Sharma K. Suresh; Nursing Research and statistics, 3rd edition, Elsevier publications, page no.
101- 115.
Suresh K Sharma (2017); Research and statistics book, literature of review. The author Suresh k
Sharma outlines the definition, importance purposes, types, sources and steps of review literature. As
he describes, literature review is a body of text that aims to review the critical points of knowledge on
a particular topic of research. A review is a body of text that aims to review the critical points of
knowledge on a particular topic of research. A review of literature helps in identification of research
questions. The purpose of literature review conveys to the reader previous knowledge and facts
established on a topic and their

strength and weakness. It helps to develop research investigation tools and to improve research
investigation tools and to improve research review as dilogies. The main types described by authors
are, traditional, systematic. The steps described are understanding problem identifying the source
searching the literature analyzing the literature and writing the literature review.
Kour Sukhpal, Singh Amarjeet; Nursing Research 21 century; CBS publications; page no. 27.
Sukhpal Kour and Amarjeet Singh (2020), literature review, nursing research book. In this book the
author states that in historical research review of literature is extremely important and crucial
component of the design, to obtain understanding about the past. However in a grounded theory the
researchers’ needs to avoid the literature search before starting the study as in this case the literature
search may develop certain preconceived concepts, and philosophy about the concepts of study which
can contaminate the data. For quantitative research design that is actions research, case study, review
of relevant literature should be carried out to gain some amount of understanding a particular topic up
as a research study.
Polit F Denise, Beck Cheryl; Nursing Research; 11th edition; Wolters Kluwer publications; page no.
Polit and Beck; literature review, Nursing research book. The author states that, a literature review is a
written synthesis of evidence on a research problem. Major steps of preparing a written research
review includes formulations a question, devising a search strategy developing a plan to organize and
document review activities, conducting a research appraising study analyzing information for
important themes and writing a synthesis. A primary source is the description of study prepared by
researcher who conducted a secondary source is description written by someone else. Electronic
databases are very useful like PubMed
Google scholar is also a popular and free source. Access to many journal articles is becoming easier
through online resources especially for articles available in an open-access format. In preparing a
written review, it is important to organize material logically.
S. Muthu Venkatachalam, Venugopal M Ambili; Target high; 6th edition, CBS publications, page no.
S. Muthu Venkatachalam, Venugopal M Ambili, literature review, Target high book, Review
literature. In this book the author states that the review of literature is a systematic way of relevant
references along with brief findings in specific structure for the proposed study or research proposal.
The primary source provides direct data or firsthand evidence about any event, object or person or
work of art. Secondary source describes, discuss, interpret, comment upon, analyze, evaluate,
summarize, and process primary source example books or movie reviews. The different types of
sources of literature review are print source, Ovid

Medline, Ovid CNAHIL, PubMed, and Medline.

Pareek Bharat, Sharma Shivani; A textbook of Nursing research and statistics; 5th edition; Pee Vee
publishers and distributors; page no. 47-70.
Bharat Pareek, Shivani Sharma (2014), literature review, textbook of Nursing Statistics. In this book
the author describes, locating relevant, literature, key electronic data base for nurses’ researchers, the
CINHAL. Database, purpose of literature review, methods of literature review types of information to
seek, depth and breadth of literature is a summary of current, theoretical and scientific knowledge
about particular problem, which includes what is known and not known about the problem. There are
several approaches to locate evaluated literature. These include bibliography ancestry approach
decenary approach and grey literature. They also describe the common site for review of literature
includes abstract computer search book and electronic database.
Polit D.E. & Beck, CT. (2008). “Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing
practice” (8th edition). Philadelphia: Wolter Kluwer, LippincottWilliams & Wilkins.
Award-winning authors Denise Polit and Cheryl Beck present research essentials, steps of hypothesis,
and explore types and error in hypothesis and its testing by igniting student curiosity and encouraging
them to pursue a professional pathway that incorporates thoughtful appraisals of evidence. The only
thing is it is little bit hard to follow.
Talbot, L.A. (1995). Principles and practice of nursing research. USA: Mosby Year Book, Inc.
Dr. Laura A. Talbot RN C EdD PhD., has published few articles and books. In this book she has
explained about what is hypothesis, characteristics of good hypothesis, its types, how to put it into
testing. It is really helpful and as a student it is easy to follow and a little more example would have
been helpful.
Nieswiadomy, R.M. (2008). “Foundations of Nursing Research” (5th edition).Singapore: Pearson
Education South Asia Pt Ltd.
This book illuminates all steps of the nursing research process, helping readers understand the
importance of research to evidence-based nursing practice, evaluate and critique research, and
determine whether study findings are ready to apply in practice. Its conversational tone explain
hypothesis simply and clearly. A little additional information about the different types of hypothesis
would have been helpful.
Kothari C.R (2009). “Research Methodology-Methods and techniques” (2nd edition). Delhi: New Age
International publishers.
C.R. Kothari was Principal, University Commerce College, Jaipur, and Associate Professor in the
Department of Economic Administration and Financial Management (EAFM), University of
Rajasthan, Jaipur. Earlier, Dr Kothari had taught at Government College, Ajmer. He contributed
research papers/articles to several research journals of repute. Testing of hypothesis is explained in
detail with lot more concepts. It talks about the definition of hypothesis and basic concepts in testing of
hypothesis. Hypothesis testing for different statistical tests were also explained clearly. Overall it is
Sharma Suresh K. (2017) “Nursing Research and Statistics”, Elsevier Publication, India; Thomson
press, India.
Suresh K. Sharma's book "Nursing Research and Statistics" offers a comprehensive overview of
nursing research methodologies and statistical techniques. Published by Elsevier Publication in India
and Thomson Press, India, the book serves as a valuable resource for nursing students, educators, and
practitioners seeking to understand the principles and applications of research in nursing.
Pareek Bharat & Shivani Sharma (2019), “A Textbook of Introduction to Research”, S. Vikas &
Company Medical Publishers, India; Rahul Art Press, India.
Bharat Pareek and Shivani Sharma's "A Textbook of Introduction to Research" (2019) offers a
comprehensive overview of research methodologies, particularly in medical contexts. Published by S.
Vikas & Company Medical Publishers and Rahul Art Press in India, the book covers foundational
concepts, interdisciplinary approaches, and practical applications of research methods. It provides clear
explanations, illustrative examples, and likely incorporates recent developments in the field, making it
a valuable resource for students, researchers, and professionals aiming to grasp fundamental principles
of research.
Marie Rose Nieswiadomy & Catherine Bailey (2008), “Foundations of Nursing Research”, Person
Education Publication, US. Amerika.
Marie Rose Nieswiadomy and Catherine Bailey's "Foundations of Nursing Research" (2008) provides
a solid grounding in nursing research methodologies. Published by Pearson Education in the United
States, the book delves into essential concepts, methods, and applications pertinent to nursing research.
It offers clear explanations, practical examples, and likely integrates contemporary insights in the field.
Tailored for nursing students, educators, and practitioners, this text serves as a valuable resource for
building a strong foundation in nursing research methodologies.

Kumar Rajesh (2019), “Nursing Research & Statistics”, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, Sanat
Rajesh Kumar's "Nursing Research & Statistics" (2019) is a comprehensive resource published by
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers and Sanat Printers. The book equips nursing professionals with
essential knowledge in research methodologies and statistical analysis. Tailored for both students and
practitioners, it covers foundational concepts, practical applications, and likely incorporates recent
advancements in nursing research. With clear explanations and relevant examples, Kumar's work
serves as a valuable guide for navigating the complexities of nursing research and statistics.
Dash Bijyalakshmi (2017), “Essentials of Nursing Research & Biostatistics”, Jaypee Brothers Medical
Publishers, India.
Bijyalakshmi Dash's "Essentials of Nursing Research & Biostatistics" (2017) is a vital resource
published by Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers in India. The book caters to nursing professionals,
offering comprehensive coverage of research methodologies and biostatistics essential for evidence-
based practice. With clear explanations and practical examples, Dash equips readers with the
foundational knowledge needed to conduct nursing research effectively. Likely integrating
contemporary insights, this text serves as an invaluable guide for both students and practitioners in the
field of nursing research and biostatistics.

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