Super Powers 5 Unit 6

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Uzupełnij zdania poprawną formą czasownika to be w czasie Past Simple (was,

were, wasn’t, weren’t), aby utworzyć spójne i logiczne zdania.

a) __________ you at school yesterday? No, I _________. I _________ on a school trip.

b) __________ they at the office? No, they ________. They __________ on holiday.
c) __________ you sick last week? No, we __________. We __________ healthy.
d) Where __________ your dog? It __________ in the garden. It slept under the tree.
e) Where __________ your parents born? They __________ born in Poland.
f) My first hobby __________ swimming. I hate water! It __________ horse riding.
g) Who __________ your best friend five years ago?
h) What __________ your first hobby?

2. Uzupełnij zdania poprawną formą czasownika to be w czasie Past Simple (was,

were, wasn’t, weren’t), a następnie połącz je, aby utworzyć poprawne pytania i

In what year __________ you It __________ reading

born? books.

Where __________ your Stefania Spodek

parents born? __________ my first

Who __________ your first No, I __________. My

teacher? parents __________ at
home with me.

What __________ your first I ________ born in 1996.


Who __________ your best She ________ at work.

friend two years ago?

__________ you home alone They __________ born in

last week? Poznań.

Where __________ your mum It __________ warm and

yesterday? sunny.

How old __________ your dad Janusz __________ my

when he met your mum? best friend two years ago.
And he still is!

What _________ the weather He __________ 33 years

like last weekend? old.
3. Przetłumacz wyrazy w tabeli, a następnie uzupełnij nimi pytania, aby utworzyć
spójne i logiczne zdania.

W __ __ __ CO, JAKI?

W __ __ KTO?

W __ __ __ __ GDZIE?

W __ __ __ KIEDY?

W __ __ __ T __ __ __ O KTÓREJ GODZINIE?

H __ __ JAK?

H __ __ L __ __ __ JAK DŁUGO?


a) ______________ did you wait for the bus? I waited 30 minutes.

b) ______________ weren’t you at school yesterday? I wasn’t at school, because I was sick.
c) ______________ old were you in 2020? I was 24 years old in 2020.
d) ______________ did the match start? The match started at 6 p.m.
e) ______________ was your favourite you when you were little? It was a teddy bear.
f) ______________ were you yesterday? I was at school.
g) ______________ was America discovered? It was in 1492.
h) ______________ was your first teacher? My first teacher was Genowefa Spodek.

4. Uzupełnij zdania twierdzące, przeczące i pytające, używając czasu Past Simple.

a) __________ your parents __________ (walk) to the park yesterday? No, they didn’t.
b) My grandma __________ (cook) delicious dinner for our family.
c) Andrzej __________ (play) tennis with his brother yesterday.
d) I ____________________ (smile) when my cat died. I was very sad.
e) __________ the mechanic __________ (repair) your car? Yes, he did.
f) My dad ____________________ (help) me with my homework. He was at work and didn't
have time for me.
g) I ____________________ (go) shopping yesterday. I studied for my English test.
h) I __________ (watch) TV last evening with my family. My dad chose the film and my mum
made some popcorn.
5. Przeczytaj dialog i zdecyduj, czy poniższe zdania są prawdziwe (true) czy fałszywe

- Hi, Adam. How are you?

- Hi, Grzesiu. I'm fine, thanks. Were you at Janusz's party yesterday?
- Yes, but it wasn't much fun.
- Really? Why? What happened?
- The music was terrible. I hate disco polo. It was very loud and I couldn't talk to anyone. I
didn't hear anything, but the music.
- What a pity! What about the food?
- Food? Janusz gave us only stale bread.
- Wasn't there any pizza or anything to drink?
- No pizza, unfortunately. When it comes to drinks, there was only water. No juice or cola.
- Oh, that's terrible. Weren't you hungry?
- Yes, I was! I didn't eat anything before the party, because I thought that Janusz would have
some delicious pizza and pasta. I was so disappointed!
- Were there any of your friends there?
- Grażynka and Kaziu were there. We decided to leave the party early, because we were so
hungry! We went to my grandma's and we organised a barbecue. We prepared sausages
and my grandma made refreshing lemonade. We had fun!

Grzesiu was at Janusz’s party.

Janusz’s party was great.

Grzesiu likes disco polo music.

There was a lot of food at Janusz’s party.

There wasn’t any juice or cola to drink at Janusz’s party.

Grażynka and Kaziu are Grzesiu’s friends.

Grzesiu and his friends were hungry at Janusz’s party.

Grażynka and Kaziu were at Grzesiu’s grandma’s barbecue.

There was a lot of food and drinks at Grzesiu’s grandma’s barbecue.

Grzesiu and his friends enjoyed the barbecue at his grandma’s.

6. Uzupełnij brakujące wyrazy, aby utworzyć spójne i logiczne dialogi.

- I’m sorry A __ __ __ __ the keys. I don’t know where I put them.

- That’s OK. Don’t W __ __ __ __ about it.

- I’m sorry, I’m L __ __ __.

- All right. Sit down. Do you have your homework?
- I’m sorry, I totally forgot.
- OK, but R __ __ __ __ __ __ __ next time.

- I called you 10 times. Why didn’t you answer the phone?

- I’m sorry, I was B __ __ __

- What did you say?

- Never M __ __ __. It wasn’t important.

7. Uzupełnij brakujące informacje w ogłoszeniu wyrażeniami z ramki.

write children playground have friendly

We are looking for a babysitter!

Do you like___________? Do you _________ experience with young kids? Can you

play with toys and take them to the playground? We are looking for a responsible

person to look after our 5-year-old child. Emma is a lovely kid. She is very ________

and enjoys playing with toys and going to the ________. We need a babysitter for

weekends. ________ to us at or call 143-234-987.

8. Uzupełnij tekst wyrazami z ramki.

child favourite waitress job IT worker

Hi, I'm Krysia and I'd like to tell you something about my mum's _______________. She is a
truck driver! That's very unusual because there are usually men doing this job. She is the
only woman where she works, but everybody likes her. She had many different jobs before
she became a truck driver. First, she was a ______________ at a restaurant. She liked her
job, but it wasn't what she wanted to do forever. Then, she was an _______________. She
worked with computers and technology. She was great at it, but she soon realized she
wanted something different. When she was a _____________, she wanted to be a truck
driver. She even had a small toy truck. It was her _____________ toy, and she played with it
every day. Finally, her dream came true! I'm very proud of my mum. She is an amazing

9. Uzupełnij tabelę odpowiednimi wyrazami.


C __ __ __ I work in a restaurant.
I c __ __ __ meals and prepare
drinks. I love my job.

S __ __ __ __ __ I w __ __ __ on the stage.
I s __ __ __ songs and interact
with people.

S __ __ __ I work at a
A __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ s __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ .
I stock shelves and help

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