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PHYSICS Time allowed: (3)hours

(Answer ALL questions)
I. Are the following statement True or False? (10 marks)
1. There is no acceleration for a body moving with uniform circular motion.
2. The direction of the tangential acceleration may be opposite to that of tangential
3. In uniform circular motion, the acceleration is centrifugal acceleration.
4. When whirling a ball with a string, the tension on the hand is the centrifugal
5. Viscosity depends on velocity gradient.
6. Capillary action helps bringing water up into the roots.
7. For a moving plane, the pressure below the wing is greater than the pressure
above the wing.
8. Heat can be transformed into sound.
9. Heat radiation cannot totally pass through an opaque surface.
10. Reflection of sound obeys the laws of reflection.

II. Fill in the blanks. (15marks)

1. The direction of the angular velocity vector is ………………….to the plane of
2. A………………….body does not deform on exerting a force.
3. The centripetal force changes the ………………….of the tangential velocity of a
rotating body.
4. ………………….is a device used to measure and regulate the speed of a machine.
5. ………………….is a hydraulic machine which converts mechanical energy into
hydraulic energy.
6. A spinning ball movers along a curved path because of the ……………..effect.
7. The internal resistance of fluid is called …………………. .
8. Viscosity arises when there is ………………….motion between layers of the fluid.
9. The unit of heat flux density in the SI units is …………………. .
10. The rate of heat flow per unit area is also known as …………………. .
11. The greater the intensity, the greater the ………………….of the sound is.
12. Doppler shift is the change in ………………….of a wave related to an observer.
13. Young’s modulus and the bulk modulus are ………………….properties of the
14. ………………….is energy derived from natural sources that are replenished at a
higher rate than they are consumed.
15. ………………….energy is obtained from the internal heat of the earth.

III. Choose the correct answer from the followings. (15marks)

1. For a disc slowing down, the tangential velocity and the tangential acceleration are
…………………. .
(A)in the same direction (B)in the opposite direction
(C) perpendicular to each other
2. The ………………….force changes the speed of tangential velocity.
(A)centripetal (B)tangential (C)neither of them
3. Centripetal force needed will be ………………….if the radius becomes larger.
(A)larger (B)smaller (C) the same
4. The limiting speed in a banked curved road will be ………………….if the
banking angle is larger.
(A)larger (B)smaller (C) the same
5. The emissivity of a black body is …………………. .
(A)less than 1 (B)greater than 1 (C) 1
6. If the object temperature is the same as the environment, net heat radiation is
…………………. .
(A)positive (B)negative (C) zero
7. Heat convection never occurs in …………………. .
(A)solid (B)liquid (C) gas
8. The range of ………………….a person can hear is known as the range of
audibility .
(A)amplitudes (B)intensities (C) frequencies
9. The sound having frequency less than 20Hz are known as …………………. .
(A)infra sound (B)ultrasound (C) audible sound
10. The one which hears ultrasound is …………………. .
(A)human (B)bat (C) elephant
11. An echo is repetition of sound due to the ………………….of sound.
(A)refraction (B)reflection (C)diffraction
12. Longitudinal sound waves travels the fastest in …………………. .
(A)solid (B)liquid (C) gas
13. Cohesion refers to the forces between molecules of …………………. .
(A)the same substance (B)different substances (C)any substance
14. During the intake stoke, the piston of the gasoline engine …………………. .
(A)moves down (B)moves up (C) does not move
15. If the sources and observer are receding relative to each other, the observed
frequency is …………………. .
(A)the same as the source(B)larger than the source (C) smaller than the source

(Answer ALL questions)
4. (a)Under what condition the angular acceleration of a rotating object is equal to
zero?A ball is whirled with constant angular acceleration. Starting from rest, it
attains an angular velocity of 25rads-1 after traversing an angular displacement
of 41rad. What is the angular acceleration of the ball? (7marks)
(b) Why are the walls and roof of an auditorium covered with sound absorbent
materials? A monorail approaches a platform at a speed of 50ms-1 blowing its
whistle. A man standing on the platform hears, the whistle with frequency
261Hz. There is no wind and temperature is chilly 0℃. What is the observed
frequency of the whistle when the train is at rest? (The speed of sound in air at
0℃ is 332ms-1) (8marks)
5. (a)Why does the river flow faster in passing the defile (narrow river passage)?
Derive expression for terminal velocity when a ball of radius r is dropped
through a liquid of viscosity η and density ρ. (7marks)
(b) Does the centripetal force and the centrifugal force constitute an action-
reaction pair? Explain.A 245g mass is on the end of a 35cm long string.
Determine the tension in the string at the top if the mass is spinning at 5.67ms-1.
6. (a)What are the main characteristics of fossil fuels? The band gap of GaAs is
1.4eV. Calculate the minimum wavelength of light for photo voltaic generation
in a GaAs solar cell. (7 marks)
(b) Mention the important condition for a process to be reversible in
thermodynamics. An engine takes in 9220J and does 1750J of work each cycle
while operating between 689℃ and 397℃. (i)What is its actual efficiency?
(ii)What is its maximum theoretical efficiency? (8 marks)
7. (a)One end of a poker is placed in fire. After some time, the other end becomes
hot. Explain how heat is transferred along the poker. Name the method of heat
transfer in this case. If the rate of energy radiation from a black body of area
100cm2 is 42W, find the temperature of that body. (7 marks)
(b) What are the main source of power of a hydroelectric power plant?A dam
which maximum head of 200 m produces to 2000 MW electrical power. What is
the rate of falling water on the turbines? The turbine generator efficiency is
50 %. (Density of water= 1000 kg m-3) (8 marks)
8. (a) Why is the speed of sound higher in solids than liquids and gases? Calculate
the velocity of sound in air at STP. The density of air at STP is 1.29kgm-3.
Assume air to be diatomic with γ = 1.4. Also calculate the velocity of sound in
air at 27℃. (7 marks)
(b) Is motor car brake oil compressible or non- compressible? On which factors
does the viscosity of a liquid depend?
Determine the radius of a rain drop falling through air with terminal velocity
9m s-1. Viscosity of air is 1.8× 10-5 Pa s, density of water is 1000 kg m-3, density
of air is 1.21 kgm-3. (8marks)

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