4 and 5 Intro and Statment Problem

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Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to create an alternative Soap that is made out of sea salt to be used for hand washing.
This study will also test the effectivity of the Sea Salt Soap compared to the commercialize product.

Specifically, the study answered the following questions:

1. Can the Sea Salt Soap be effective as an antibacterial soap for handwashing?
2. How effective does the Sea Salt Soap to clean bacteria compared to the commercialized product
in terms of.
2.1 Removal of bacteria
2.2 Sustainability
3. How much money spent?


Significance of the study

The purpose of this study of Sea Salt as an alternative antibacterial soap is to know how effective does it
do when it comes to removing bacteria, cleaning abilities, and how it will prove that it is much cheaper
and as good as top brands. If this study would be successful, then this will be beneficial to the following:

CONSUMERS: if the study was to succeed, they will get their hands a new product for handwashing
where it will be much cheaper than do as much good at cleaning bacteria as the other top brands. And
this study will also be used as a knowledge to help them to be aware about the benefits of sea salt for
the skin.

MANUFACTURERS: manufacturers can mass produce cheaper type of antibacterial soap, and sell it as
much cheaper than commercialized products where they cost twice the normal costs to create the Sea
Salt Soap.

Optional statements that give a positive value the need to conduct this study.

If this study is successful, the Sea Salt soap will not only be known for being cheap and effective, but it
will also be a guide on how to step-by-step create a DIY hand washing soap, where families who cannot
always afford to buy supplies such as sanitizers, bath soap, alcohol, and so on will be able to make their
own hand - body washing soaps. Not just that, but Sea salt soap can also be used for many things such
as facial skin care.

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