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Office Code : M1867 Date : 2023-10-18

MIC No. : 2854 Status : Published

Article Details
This is to certify that following paper has been published in IOSR Journals.

Article Title : A Base Nacional Comum Curricular (Bncc) Sob Uma Perspectiva
Critica Uma Analise Gramsciana

Author's Name : Armando Araujo Silvestre, Catia Cilene Diogo Goulart, Cicero
Jose da Silva, Patrick Ataliba, Ademar Alves dos Santos,
Jeronima Rodrigues da Silva, Eliedna Aparecida Rocha de
Oliveira, Rosidelma Pereira Fraga, Valtenir Soares de Abreu, Joel
Manga da Silva

Journal Name : IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science

ISSN : 2279-0837

Publisher Name : International Organization of Scientific Research

Journal Url :

Publishing Model : Open Access Publishing

Review Type : Blind Peer Review Process

Journal Type : Indexed Refereed Journal

Volume No. : 28

Issue No. : 10

Article DOI : 10.9790/0837-2810054550

Editorial Manager
IOSR Journals

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