Mechanical Engineering Definition and Terminology 1 - 1-1

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Dundigal, Hyderabad - 500 043



Course Code AHSC15
Program B.Tech
Semester VIII
Course Type Open
Regulation IARE -
Theory Practical
Course Structure Lecture Tutorials Credits Laboratory Credits
3 0 3 - -
Course Coordinator Mr. Washim Sajjad , Assistant Professor

The students will try to learn:

I Communication skills effectively in both spoken and written languages.

II All-round personalities with a matured outlook to function effectively in different
formal and informal situations. .
III Self-confidence by mastering inter-personal skills, team management skills, and
leadership skills. .
IV Effective presentation skills which give an edge while interacting with people at all

After successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
CO 1 Apply soft skills in the development of personality and use them Apply
in their daily life.
CO 2 Relate how to listen actively and respond productively to others. Understand
CO 3 Classify the correct usage of English grammar in writing and Understand
CO 4 Demonstrate the significance of verbal and non-verbal Understand
communication in academic and non-academic platforms...
CO 5 Explain some of the strategies and challenges for effective speaking Understand
skills and make use of pre-reading skills to understand the content
of advanced level text books.
CO 6 Develop various written communication strategies of cover letter Apply
writing, resume writing, E-mail writing and report writing.


1 What are soft skills?
CO 1
Soft skills are character traits that determine a person’s relationships
with other people
2 Give examples for soft skills
CO 1
These skills can include social graces, communication abilities,
language skills, personal habits, cognitive or emotional empathy, time
management, team work and leadership traits.
3 What is the importance of soft skills?
CO 1
Soft skills refer to both character traits and interpersonal skills that
will influence how well a person can work or interact with others.
4 Define ‘ personality development?’
CO 1
Word “Personality” literally means “True nature of a Person. ...
extending one’s reach of knowledge, developing certain specialties or
skills, mastering .
5 What is personality development?
CO 1
Personality development is the development of the organized pattern
of behaviors and attitudes that makes a person distinctly.
6 What are the elements of personality development?
CO 1
Personality development is the relatively enduring pattern of the
thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that distinguish individuals from
each other.
7 How are soft skills helpful?
CO 1
Soft skills play a key role in understanding how a person interacts
with the people, performs work tasks and builds relationships around
8 What is goal setting?
CO 3
Goal setting involves the development of an action plan designed to
motivate and guide
9 Why is goal setting important?
CO 3
Goal setting is a powerful motivator.

Page 2
10 What is creativity?
CO 1
Creativity is making up ideas to solve problems in different ways.
11 What is positivity?
Positivity is the frequent experience of positive emotions such as joy,
hope, gratitude, interest, serenity or inspiration. It is the day-to-day
pleasant experiences that leave a person feeling happy and satisfied .
12 Benefits of Positivity? .
CO 1
Mental benefits, social benefits, psychological benefits and health
13 What is Motivation? Define
CO 1
Motivation is the complex set of forces starting and keeping a person
at work in an organization.
14 What is an optimistic attitude?
CO 1
An optimistic attitude is the practice of focusing on the good in any
given situation. It can have a big impact on your physical and
mental health
15 Define Decision-Making
CO 1
Decision-making is the process of selecting the best course of action
from various available alternatives based on careful consideration of
relevant information, goals, and potential outcomes.
16 What is Critical Thinking?
CO 1
Critical thinking is the ability to objectively analyze and evaluate
information, situations, or problems, considering multiple
perspectives and evidence, in order to make informed and reasoned
17 What is Problem-Solving?
CO 1
Problem-solving is the systematic process of identifying challenges,
analyzing their root causes, and devising effective strategies to reach
a solution or resolution.
18 What is Analytical Skills?
CO 1
Analytical skills involve the ability to methodically collect, evaluate,
and interpret information, enabling individuals to understand
complex issues and make well-informed decisions.
19 Define Networking Skills?
CO 1
Networking skills encompass the ability to build and maintain
meaningful professional relationships, fostering connections, and
effectively navigating social interactions to create opportunities for
collaboration and personal or career development.
20 What is Relationships Building?
CO 1
Relationship building is the intentional and ongoing process of
establishing, nurturing, and maintaining positive connections with
others, fostering trust, mutual understanding, and collaboration.

Page 3
21 What is Professional Networking?
CO 1
Professional networking is the strategic and purposeful cultivation of
relationships within one’s industry or field, aimed at creating
opportunities for career growth, collaboration, and the exchange of
knowledge and resources.
22 What is Social Skills?
CO 1
Social skills refer to the ability to effectively and appropriately
communicate, interact, and relate with others in various social
situations, demonstrating empathy, adaptability, and positive
interpersonal behavior.
23 Define Interpersonal Skills?
CO 1
Interpersonal skills encompass the ability to communicate,
collaborate, and interact effectively with others, demonstrating
empathy, active listening, and the capacity to build positive
24 What is Empathy?
CO 1
Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of
another person, experiencing a sense of compassion and connection
with their emotional state.
25 Define Leadership Skills?
CO 1
Leadership skills encompass the ability to inspire, guide, and
influence others effectively to achieve common goals and foster a
positive and collaborative work environment.
26 What is the Role of Motivation in Context Leadership
CO 1
Motivation serves as the driving force that energizes individuals,
propelling them to initiate and sustain actions towards achieving
personal or organizational objectives.
27 Describe Emotional Intelligence?
CO 1
Emotional intelligence refers to the capacity to recognize, understand,
manage, and effectively use one’s own emotions as well as those of
others to navigate social interactions and make thoughtful decisions.
28 What is Self-awareness?
CO 1
Self-awareness is the conscious recognition and understanding of
one’s own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, leading to a deeper
understanding of oneself.
29 Discuss Positivity and Motivation?
CO 1
Positivity and motivation are attitudes characterized by a proactive
and optimistic mindset, driving individuals to approach challenges
with enthusiasm and perseverance.

Page 4
30 Can you mention the benefits of positive thinking?’
CO 1
Longer life span, lower chance of having a heart attack, better
physical health, greater resistance to illness such as the common cold,
lower blood pressure, better stress management & better pain
1 What are the two methods of learning soft skills?
CO 1
One method is formal training and the other is self-training.
2 Define Active Listening.
CO 1
Active listening is crucial as it demonstrates genuine engagement,
fosters understanding, and strengthens relationships by validating
the speaker’s perspective.
3 What is Listening Skills?
CO 1
The ability to actively receive and interpret verbal and non-verbal
messages during communication.
4 Who is non-listener?
CO 1
A non-listener is an individual who fails to actively engage in the
process of receiving and comprehending information during
communication, often exhibiting a lack of attention, interest, or
5 Who is an evaluative or judgmental listener?
CO 1
An evaluative or judgmental listener is someone who forms opinions,
critiques, or assesses the speaker’s message, often allowing
preconceived notions or biases to influence their understanding rather
than approaching the communication with an open mind.
6 What is a non-judgemental attitude in listening?
CO 1
A non-judgmental attitude in listening is characterized by an
open-minded and accepting approach, refraining from forming
critical opinions or biases, and allowing for a genuine understanding
of the speaker’s perspective.
7 What are the roles of empathy in listening?
CO 1
Empathy in listening serves to deeper understanding by connecting
emotionally with the speaker, fostering a supportive environment,
and enhancing the overall quality of communication.
8 Define Speaking skills.
CO 1
The ability to express thoughts, ideas, and information clearly and
effectively through verbal communication.
9 Define word choice?
CO 1
Word choice refers to the careful selection and use of words to
effectively convey meaning, tone, and intent in communication.

Page 5
10 What do you mean by barriers to communication?
CO 1
Barriers to communication refer to obstacles or factors that impede
the effective exchange of information between individuals or groups,
hindering the understanding of messages.
11 Define formal writing.
CO 1
Formal writing is a style of communication characterized by
adherence to established rules, conventions, and structured language,
commonly used in professional, academic, or official contexts.
12 What are the techniques of formal writing?
CO 13
Techniques of formal writing include maintaining a clear and concise
style, using formal language and tone, adhering to grammatical rules,
and organizing ideas in a structured and logical manner.
14 Define public speaking.
CO 1
Public speaking is the process of delivering a spoken message or
presentation to an audience, typically in a structured and organized
manner, with the goal of informing, persuading, or entertaining.
15 Discuss the strategies of public speaking.
CO 1
Effective strategies for public speaking involve thorough preparation,
clear organization of ideas, engaging delivery techniques, audience
awareness, and the ability to adapt to different communication
16 What is reading skills?
CO 1
The capacity to understand and interpret written text, often
involving comprehension and critical analysis.
17 What is reading between the lines?
CO 1
Reading between the lines is the skill of understanding implicit
meanings, nuances, or unexpressed thoughts in a text, going beyond
the literal interpretation of the words.
18 Which is the most used form of communication?
CO 2
18 How many major elements of communication are there?
CO 2
19 What type of listener doesn’t grasp what the speaker is
CO 2
Superficial listener
20 Name any one tool of communication
CO 5
Mail / Public speech
21 How many characteristics does an effective communication
CO 2
22 What is the first step of oral presentation preparation?
CO 5

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23 What type of listener doesn’t hear the speaker at all?
CO 2
24 What is the last step of communication?
CO 2
Feedback / Response
25 How do communication skills get impacted when soft skills
CO 2
are implemented?
Soft skills develop oral and written communication skills and hone a
person’s listening skills
26 Which barrier can be overcome by keeping calm during
CO 2
27 Which barrier is caused by deficiencies of an individual?
CO 2
Physiological barrier.
28 Which listener type focuses only on the verbal part and
CO 2
ignores the non-verbal aspect of the communication?
Logical listener
29 What is feedback?
CO 2
Feedback refers to the communication of information or reactions
given in response to a specific situation, action, or result.
30 Which type of dialogue do writers use to showcase the
CO 2
personality of the character?
Inner dialogue
1 What is Phoneme?
CO 3
A phoneme is the smallest distinct unit of sound in a language that
can distinguish words, such as the difference between the ’p’ and ’b’
sounds in ”pat” and ”bat.”
2 Define Vowel Sounds.
CO 3
Sounds produced with a partial or complete closure of the vocal tract.
3 Define Consonant Sounds.
CO 3
Sounds produced with a partial or complete closure of the vocal tract.
4 What is word accent?
CO 3
Word accent refers to the emphasis placed on a particular syllable
within a word, contributing to the overall pronunciation and meaning
of that word.

Page 7
5 Define word stress?
CO 3
Word stress is the emphasis placed on a particular syllable within a
word, affecting its pronunciation and contributing to the rhythm and
overall meaning of the word in a sentence.
6 Define primary stress.
CO 3
Primary stress refers to the highest level of emphasis or prominence
placed on a specific syllable within a word, contributing significantly
to the overall pronunciation and meaning of that word.
7 Discuss secondary stress?
CO 3
Secondary stress is a lower level of emphasis on certain syllables
within a word, typically occurring in multi-syllabic words alongside a
primary stressed syllable.”
8 What is connected speech?
CO 3
Connected speech is the continuous flow of spoken language, where
words and sounds are linked together, allowing for natural and fluent
9 Define question tags
CO 3
Question tags are short phrases added to the end of a declarative
statement to turn it into a question, seeking confirmation or
10 What is Contractions?
CO 3
Shortened forms of words, created by combining two words and
omitting one or more letters.
11 What is group discussion?
CO 3
A method for exchanging ideas and opinions among a group of
12 Define opening statement
CO 3
Beginning the discussion with a clear and concise introduction.
13 Define constructive criticism?
CO 3
Expressing disagreement in a positive and helpful manner.
14 Define note-making?
CO 3
Note-making is the process of summarizing and condensing
information from various sources into concise and organized notes for
effective studying and reference.
15 What is Abbreviations?
CO 3
Shortened forms of words to quickly jot down information.
16 What is keywords?
CO 3
Significant words that capture the main ideas.
17 What is mind mapping?
CO 3
Visual representation of information with main ideas and supporting

Page 8
18 What Is Phoneme?
CO 3
A phoneme is the smallest distinct unit of sound in a language that
can distinguish words, such as the difference between the ’p’ and ’b’
sounds in ”pat” and ”bat.”
19 What Is Glottal?
CO 3
A glottal sound is one that you make in speaking when you partly or
completely stop air as it passes through the throat.
20 What Is Alveolar?
A consonant sound such as ‘l’, ‘d’, ‘n’, or ‘t’, made with the tongue
touching the skin behind your top front teeth.
21 What Is Fricative?
A speech sound that is made by pushing air out through a small
space between your teeth and your tongue or lips, or between your
tongue and palate (=the inside upper part of your mouth). ‘F’, ‘z’,
and ‘th’ are fricatives.
22 What Is Affricate?
A sound used in speech that is like the ‘ch’ sound in ‘church’ or the
‘j’ sound in ‘judge’.
23 Define Phonetics ?
Phonetics is the scientific study of speech sounds.
24 Why should one learn Phonetics ?
CO 3
The alphabet which we use to write English has 26 letters but in
English there are approximately 44 speech sounds.
25 Define a vowel ?
CO 3
Phonetically, a vowel is a sound produced without friction in the
vocal tract.
26 Define a consonant?
A consonant is a speech sound that is articulated with complete or
partial closure of the vocal tract.
27 Define Word stress?
CO 3
The additional breath force used in stressing a particular syllable is
28 What are contractual questions? CO 1
Contractual questions are used to confirm the positivity or the
negativity of the statement.
29 Mention an example for a word which can be used as a
CO 3
noun and a verb.
30 What is Note taking?
CO 3
Note taking is one of the skills to take down the notes during the
progression of a lecturer, talk or speech.

Page 9
1 Explain the various aspects of facial expressions.
CO 4
Happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, disgust, fear, confusion,
excitement, desire and contempt.
2 Define non-verbal communication.
CO 4
Non-verbal communication includes gestures, facial expressions,
cultural/traditional practices/unspoken understandings and body
positions( known collectively as “body language”)
3 Define verbal communication.
CO 4
A type of Oral communication where in the message / feelings /
thoughts / ideas and opinions are transmitted through the spoken
4 Mention the various elements of nonverbal communication.
CO 4
Gestures, facial expressions, cultural / traditional practices /
unspoken understandings and body positions.
5 Explain briefly the terms postures and gestures.
CO 4
Postures can reflect emotions, attitudes and intentions. Open, closed,
open/closed postures etc., Gestures are emblems, illustrators,
regulators and adaptors.
6 Name a form of non-verbal communication
CO 4
Gestures / Facial expressions
7 Name a few visual aids.
CO 4
Whiteboards and interactive whiteboards, flipchart, over-head
projector (OHP), slides video, powerpoint or other presentation
software, handouts
8 What is the difference between posture and gesture?
CO 4
Posture can reflect emotions, attitudes and intentions. Gesture is the
movement of any part of the body, especially a hand or the head,to
express a thought or an idea.
9 Explain briefly the preparation of power point presentation.
CO 4
Prepare the slides neatly without cluttering, sequence properly and
let the moot points appear on the slides.
10 Define presentation skills?
CO 4
Presentation skills are the skills we need in delivering effective and
engaging presentations to a variety of audiences.
10 Define nonverbal communication?
CO 4
Nonverbal communication is the transmission of messages and
information through gestures, facial expressions, body language, and
other non-linguistic means.

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12 What are communication barriers?
CO 4
Communication barriers are something that prevents us from
correctly getting and accepting the messages others use to
communicate their information, thoughts and ideas.
13 What is a gesture?
CO 4
Gesture is movement of part of the body, especially a hand or the
head, to express an idea or meaning.
14 What is ‘effective non-verbal communication?
CO 4
Non-verbal communication is not only about moving our body but
also about our facial expressions.
15 Recall the meaning of body language’.
CO 4
Body language is the essential interpersonal skills that use non-verbal
aspects of communication.
16 Define coping mechanism.
CO 4
Coping mechanisms are adaptive behaviors or strategies individuals
employ to manage and navigate stress, challenges, or emotional
difficulties in their lives.
17 Discuss time mangement.
CO 4
Time management is the effective organization and prioritization of
one’s activities and tasks to optimize productivity and achieve goals
within a given time-frame.
18 Discuss mindfulness and meditation.
CO 4
Mindfulness and meditation involve cultivating present-moment
awareness and focused attention, promoting mental clarity, emotional
well-being, and overall mindfulness.
19 Define stress management.
CO 4
Stress assessment is the systematic evaluation of an individual’s
stress levels, encompassing physical, emotional, and cognitive aspects
to identify sources and inform appropriate management strategies.
20 What is teamwork?
CO 4
Teamwork is the collaborative effort of individuals working together
towards a common goal, leveraging their diverse skills and
perspectives to achieve collective success.
21 What is the importance of group discussion.
CO 4
Group discussions are vital for fostering diverse perspectives,
enhancing critical thinking, and promoting effective communication
skills among participants.
22 What is the role of analysis in group discussion?
CO 4
The role of analysis in group discussion is to systematically examine
and interpret information, facilitating a deeper understanding of the
topic and enabling participants to contribute thoughtfully to the
collective conversation.

Page 11
23 Discuss the The importance of trust in teamwork.
CO 4
The importance of trust in teamwork lies in its ability to foster open
communication, collaboration, and a positive work environment,
ultimately enhancing efficiency and achieving common goals.
24 Define cooparation.
CO 4
Cooperation is the collaborative and coordinated effort of individuals
working together to achieve common goals or objectives.
25 What is the importance active listening in group
CO 4
Active listening in group discussions is crucial as it fosters better
understanding, encourages diverse perspectives, promotes effective
communication, and enhances overall group cohesion and
problem-solving capabilities.
26 Define stess measurement.
CO 4
Stress measurement refers to the systematic evaluation of an
individual’s physiological, emotional, and cognitive responses to
stressors, aiming to quantify and assess the impact of stress on their
overall well-being.
27 Discuss paralinguistics.
CO 4
The tone, pitch, and speed of speech that convey additional meaning
beyond the words spoken.
28 Define visual communication.
CO 4
Visual communication involves conveying information, ideas, or
messages through visual elements such as images, charts, graphs, and
other non-textual means.
29 What is digital communication?
CO 4
Digital communication refers to the exchange of information, ideas,
and messages through electronic devices and online platforms,
encompassing various forms such as email, social media, and video
30 Define facial expressions.
CO 4
Facial expression refers to the nonverbal communication conveyed
through movements and configurations of the face, reflecting
emotions, intentions, or reactions.

Page 12
1 Define written communication.
CO 6
Written communication is the process of conveying information,
ideas, or messages through written symbols, words, or text, allowing
for the exchange of thoughts and expressions with a clear and lasting
2 What is clarity in written communication?
CO 6
Clarity in written communication is the quality of expressing ideas in
a clear, straightforward manner, ensuring the message is easily
understood by the intended audience.
3 Define precission in the conext of writing.
CO 6
Precision in writing involves the use of exact and accurate language
to convey ideas, minimizing ambiguity and ensuring clarity for the
4 What is documentation?
CO 6
Documentation is the process of recording, detailing, and preserving
information in a systematic and organized manner for reference,
verification, or historical purposes.
5 Define the role of coherence in writing.
CO 6
Coherence in writing ensures that ideas are logically connected and
flow smoothly, enhancing the overall clarity and understanding of the
6 Discuss the organizing principles of paragraphs?
CO 6
The organizing principles of paragraphs involve maintaining unity,
coherence, and emphasis to create a clear and logically structured
flow of ideas within the written content.
7 What is report writing?
CO 6
Report writing is the systematic process of documenting information,
findings, or recommendations in a structured format for a specific
audience, often to communicate research or analysis results.
8 Discuss the essential steps of e-mail writing?
CO 6
Effective email writing involves crafting a concise and relevant
subject line, greeting the recipient appropriately, delivering a clear
and well-organized message in the body, ending with a polite closing,
and ensuring a thorough proofread before sending.
9 What is a formal letter?
CO 6
A formal letter is a written communication that follows a
standardized format, adheres to established conventions, and is
typically used for official or professional correspondence.

Page 13
10 What is informal letter?
CO 6
An informal letter is a personal or friendly communication that lacks
the rigid structure of formal letters and is often used for casual
correspondence between friends or acquaintances.
11 Discuss the structure of a letter.
CO 6
The structure of a letter typically includes a salutation, introduction,
body paragraphs with the main content, a closing, and the sender’s
signature and contact information.
12 Define the format of an introduction.
CO 6
The introduction in writing serves as the opening section, providing a
brief overview of the topic, engaging the reader’s interest, and
presenting the thesis or main idea of the piece.
13 Discuss the format of a conclusion?
CO 6
The conclusion typically summarizes key points, restates the thesis or
main argument, and provides a sense of closure, leaving a lasting
impression on the reader.
14 What technical writing?
CO 6
Technical writing involves presenting complex and specialized
information clearly and concisely for practical purposes, such as
manuals, reports, or documentation.
15 Define blog writing?
CO 6
Blog writing is a form of online content creation characterized by
informal, conversational style, and typically focuses on a specific
topic, providing information, opinions, or insights to engage and
inform readers.
16 Discuss the significance of writing?
CO 6
Writing skills are an important part of communication which allows
you to communicate the message with clarity and ease to a far larger
audience than through face-to-face or telephone conversations.
17 State any five keys for effective written communication? CO 6
1) concrete and specific, not vague, and abstract 2) concise, not
verbose 3) familiar, not obscure 4) precise and clear, not inaccurate
or ambiguous 5) constructive, not destructive.
18 List any four main characteristics of effective language ? CO 6
Predicting and analyzing the solution
19 List the elements of Paragraph.
CO 6
Proper length, unity, coherence.
20 Recall the developmental techniques and methods in
CO 6
writing a paragraph?
Inductive method, deductive method, chronological method and
spatial methods.

Page 14
21 Define“coherence”in paragraph writing.?
CO 6
Coherence is the logic of organizing the text in a logical and
chronological sequence.
22 What is the most appropriate salutation for formal letter?
CO 6
23 What is the complimentary close used while writing to a
CO 6
known person?
Yours sincerely
24 Classify the types of letters.
CO 6
Formal letters and informal letters.
25 List all four techniques of writing precisely.
CO 6
Use active voice, avoid vague nouns, use words not definitions, avoid
26 Discuss any three main points regarding descriptive
CO 6
1.Drafting 2. Revising 3. Editing
27 What is sensible writing?
CO 6
Sensible writing grabs hold of the readers and won’t let them go until
they read till the end.
28 List out the components of a formal letter.
CO 6
A formal letter comprises – Date, FROM and TO address, a subject,
salutation, body of letter and a leave taking with a complementary
29 State when can we use expository writing?
CO 6
We can use expository writing to present an idea or relevant
discussion that helps explain or analyze information.
30 Mention elements that we should avoid in writing a letter?
CO 6
Irrelevant information,being impolite in suggestions,even while
writing a complaint, lengthy sentences use of complicated English

Course Coordinator: HOD

Mr. Washim Sajjad, Assistant Professor

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