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In Partial Fulfilment for the Requirement in Practical

Research in Daily Life 2

This thesis is presented to the Faculty of Ramon Torres

Sagasa National High School for School Year 2023-2024.

Jason M. Lebuna
Jean Rose B. Diergos
Rexie Alconga
Khylle Julia P. Elardo
Harry M. Cabando
Kiefer Jeff G. Panaguiton
Jane Hernal
Jerald B. Pasigado
Charlestine Hechanova
Divine T. Nolido
Jessica C. Ornillo
Kirby M. Abregana
Diana Dana
John Rey Roquerro
Angelo Tragico
Ferlo D. Amacio
Jovenita H. Callora
Eunice D. Sormela

MAY 2024
Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Just think of this scenario students are dropped off
by bus or car and see the main entrance of the Ramon
Torres Sagasa National High School Upon arrival students
notice a dreary, un-kept main entrance. How do you think
seeing this affects the students? But what if students
came in and saw a beautiful, clean, and well-kept
entrance? How would students feel then? Beautiful
landscaping and clean facilities push students in the
right direction by giving them a wonderful space to work
and grow in. Students come into school knowing that
they’re worth something because someone took the time to
take care of a place that call home for eight or more
hours of the day
Greening our Campus is intended to beautify and
enhanced the school environment to promote more pleasant
environment. Beautifying the school environment can
contribute to a more positive and productive learning
environment to students and staffs. Specifically, a key
necessity for greening a campus is the implementation of
sustainable landscaping and gardening practices, clean up
and maintenance and do a collaborative projects to
maintain or sustain the greening environment of our
school campus.
Reynolds et al., 2017 stated in his study about positive
climate that a well-maintained and aesthetically pleasing
school environment can contribute to a positive school
climate. When students, teachers, and staff feel
comfortable and proud of their school, it can foster a
sense of belonging and community.
According to John Wiley & Sons, 2017 the approach
considers the interconnectedness of environmental,
social, and economic aspects of sustainability. A
holistic approach to campus greening and beautification
ensures that ecological improvements also benefit the
well-being and quality of life of the campus community.
According to Kant, “A beauty of nature is a beautiful
thing; beauty of art is a beautiful representation of a
thing.” (Kant, 2017). In order to appreciate beauty of
nature, one does not need to know what the final look of
the object should be: the object with its form is
pleasing by itself.
The Importance of school beautification has been
recognized by educators, researcher. A well-designed and
aesthetically pleasing school environment can have a
significant impact on students’ overall experience,
academic performance, and well-being. This study is
conduct to create a more pleasant and welcoming
atmosphere for students, teachers, and visitors.
Moreover, to reduce environmental food print and to
reduce energy consumption, waste generation, and
greenhouse gas emissions on campus, contributing to a
more sustainable environment.
The purpose of taking action for school beautification is
to create a more attractive, welcoming, and inspiring
environment for students, teachers, and staff. It can
have several benefits, including positive learning
environment, pride and ownership, improved focus.
The researchers wanted to investigate the effects of
growing campus for a sustainable future of RTSNHS senior
high school students.

Theoretical Framework
Third edition of Theory on sustainability (Felix Ekardt,
2016). This theory emphasizes the long-term well-being of
the campus community by integrating social, economic, and
environmental sustainability. It involves initiatives
such as energy conservation, waste reduction, sustainable
transportation, and green building practices.
Felix Ekardt’s “Theory on Sustainability” provides a
comprehensive framework for understanding sustainability.
This theory is applicable to my study on greening the
campus. Also, it can serve as a valuable guide. Ekardt's
theory emphasizes the interconnectedness of
environmental, social, and economic aspects of
In the context of campus greening, this theory is
applicable to ensure a holistic approach. Consider how
sustainability efforts on your campus should not only
focus on environmental improvements, like green spaces
and energy efficiency, but also encompass social aspects
such as community engagement and equity, as well as
economic factors like cost-effectiveness and long-term
Ekardt’s theory encourages a systems thinking approach,
which can help us to analyze the complex interactions
between different elements of the campus greening
activities. By considering sustainability in a
multidimensional way, you can develop a more robust and
inclusive strategy that benefits both your campus and the
broader community.
Environmental Psychology Theory (Harold Proshansky and
William Ittelson,1960) This theory emphasizes the
interaction between individuals and their physical
environment. It suggests that aesthetically pleasing and
green school surroundings positively influence students’
behavior, attitudes, and academic performance.
Environmental Psychology Theory can be highly relevant to
this study on greening the campus because this theory
explores how the physical environment impacts human
behavior and well-being. In the context of campus
greening, this theory is applicable furthermore it
understand how changes in the campus environment, such as
adding green spaces, sustainable design, or eco-friendly
initiatives, can influence student and staff behavior.

Conceptual Framework
This study based on the concept of the Campus Greening
that the independent variable has created changes on the
dependent variable which is the Factors of Sustainability
Future of Senior High Students.
The schematic diagram below shows the relationship of
the variable

Greening Factors of
Profile: Activities Sustainability:
A. Age Greening Social
B. Gender Activities:
C. Strand
Gardening and
Cleaning and

1: Greening our Campus: Senior High Students Leading the
Way to a Sustainable Future.
The independent variable shows the relationship of
Campus Greening Activities to the dependent variable
which is Greening our Campus: Senior High Students
Leading the way to a Sustainable Future.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to investigate the significant
relationship between greening the school campus and if
greening campus could lead to a sustainable future of
RTSNHS senior high students
1. What is the profile of Senior High Students in terms
a. Age
b. Sex
2. What are the level of perception of TVL 12 students on
campus greening Before and After the Intervention?
3. What are the factors involving sustainable future?
4. Is there significant difference between the campus
greening activity and the sustainable future of the
RTSNHS senior high school students?
There is no significant difference between the greening
campus activities and the sustainable future of RTSNHS
senior high school students.

Significance of the Study

The researchers strongly believe that the result of
this study will provide a vital information and would be
beneficial to the following:
School Campus – This study will benefit the school as
well because a well-maintained and beautiful school
creates a positive impression on students, parents, and
the community. This can attract prospective students,
improve the school’s reputation, and potentially increase
enrollment. Also, campus greening activities not only
improve the immediate environment but also contribute to
the long-term sustainability of a school campus by
reducing its environmental impact, enhancing its
resilience, and promoting sustainability education and
Teachers – The teachers will benefit from this study
because beautifying the school can foster stronger ties
between the school and the community. Also it will build
positive relationships with parents and local residents.
Campus greening activities can raise teachers’ awareness
of environmental issues, making them more conscious of
sustainability and ecological concerns.
Parents – Beautification efforts improving safety
measures and well maintained school can provide parents
with a peace of mind. Also, it would be benefit for
parents by providing them opportunities to engage in
sustainability efforts with their children, promoting
eco-friendly behaviors at home.
Students – The study will encourage the students that if
they will beautify and make their school campus clean it
will results to a sustainability. Also, it play a crucial
role in shaping students’ values, skills, and commitment
to a sustainable future..
Future Researchers – This would benefit the future
researchers by inspiring future researchers to explore
new and innovative research topics related to
sustainability, conservation, and urban development. This
study will serve as a basis for future researchers to
undergo the same studies concerning the greening of
campus or topic about beautification of school.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

Greening the campus activities like Gardening,
Landscaping, Cleaning, and Maintenance can provide a
sustainable future for senior high school students such
as sustainability knowledge, personal growth and eco –
friendly habits.
This study covers the Grade 12 TVL Senior High
Students of Ramon Torres Sagasa National High School, sy
2023 – 2024.

Definition of Terms
The term use in the study are defined as both
operationally and conceptually:
Beauty. It is defined as a feature of objects that makes
these objects pleasurable to perceive. Such objects
include landscapes, sunsets, humans and works of art.
Beautification. It is defined as the process of improving
the appearance of someone or something. (Cambridge
Sustainable. Defined as able to be maintained at a
certain rate or level. Also, it is often broken into
three core concepts: economic, environmental, and social.
Sustainability. Is the long-term viability of a
community, set of social institutions, or societal
practice. In general, sustainability is understood as a
form of intergenerational ethics in which the
environmental and economic actions taken by present
persons do not diminish the opportunities of future
persons to enjoy similar levels of wealth, utility, or
Green Campus. Defined as place where environmentally
responsible practice and education go hand in hand and
where environmentally responsible tenets are borne out by
example. (neiwpcc)
Senior High Students. Means any person who has completed
the 10th grade and enrolled in the 11th and 12th grade in a
public or private school. (Lawinsider)
Campus. It is defined as the grounds and buildings of a
university or college. (Cambridge Dictionary)
School. Defined as educational institution designed to
provide learning spaces and learning environments for the
teaching of students under the direction of teachers.
Chapter 2
Review of Related Literature and Studies

This section presents a review of relevant

literature that discusses the importance of involving
students in sustainability initiatives and highlights the
potential benefits of such engagement.

Importance of Student Involvement in Sustainability

Engaging students in sustainability efforts is
crucial for several reasons. Firstly, students represent
a significant proportion of the population and can play a
vital role in shaping the future. Their active
involvement in sustainability initiatives can contribute
to the development of a more environmentally conscious
society (Chawla, 2015). Secondly, students have the
ability to bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas
to the table, which can help address complex
sustainability challenges (Stevenson et al., 2013).

Benefits of Student-Led Sustainability Initiatives

Student-led sustainability initiatives have been
found to yield numerous benefits. By actively
participating in sustainability projects, students can
gain practical knowledge and skills related to
sustainable practices, which can empower them to become
change agents in their communities (Bengtsson & Nilsson,

Engaging Senior High Students in Campus Sustainability

The senior high school phase of education is an opportune
time to involve students in sustainability initiatives.
At this stage, students are more mature and capable of
understanding complex sustainability concepts (Stevenson
et al., 2013). Moreover, senior high students are often
preparing for higher education or entering the workforce,
making it crucial to equip them with the necessary
knowledge and skills to address sustainability challenges
in their future endeavors (Bengtsson & Nilsson, 2016).
There are range of studies have explored the impact of
greening activities on sustainability. For example,
Mohamed (2023) emphasizes the importance of low carbon
practice action plans in schools, while Rakhshandehroo
(2016) highlights the need for sustainable urban
planning, design, and management to improve urban
greening. Sousa (2014) discusses the challenges and
opportunities in greening post-industrial landscapes, and
the need to link greening with other forms of development
and broader urban sustainability initiatives. These
studies collectively underscore the potential of greening
activities in promoting sustainability, but also the need
for comprehensive planning and integration with other
sustainability initiatives. According to
(Tiyarattanachai, R.; Hollmann, N.M 2016) the green
campus, is a necessary way to solve this problem, has
become an important issue in the field of sustainable
A Sustainable Campus also represents the implementation
and integration of environmental science into all
managerial aspects and the best practices of sustainable
development (Puspadi N.A., Wimala M.I.A., Sururi M.R.,
Sipil J.T 2016).
Many universities worldwide have shown their commitments
to implement the Sustainable Campus concept. The
Sustainable Campus concept needs to be implemented
because various studies show that the stakeholders of
universities that implement the Sustainable Campus are
significantly more satisfied and have better perceived
life quality than those from non-implementing
universities (Tiyarattanachai R., Hollmann N.M 2016).
Besides, Sustainable Campus implementation also helps
energy conservation and efficiency.
Many country also implemented greening for
sustainability. For example, study in Malaysian
universities finds that Malaysian higher institution
educations currently implement green practices in their
campuses to support sustainability (Anthony Jnr B. 2019)
Further, Jordan University of Science and Technology also
initiates efforts to change its campus into a green,
energy-saving, and low-carbon campus by following an
action-oriented strategy (Abu Qdais H., Saadeh O., Al-
Widyan M., Al-tal R., Abu-Dalo M. 2018) According to
(Ghaus 2017) the impact of campus greening on the
sustainable future of students is a complex issue. Ghaus
found that while green universities may not significantly
influence students’ environmental attitudes and
behaviors, they do play a role in shaping students’
perceptions of sustainability. This is supported by
Katiliūtė (2017), who emphasized the importance of
integrating green campus initiatives into a broader
sustainable university vision. Filho (2015) highlighted
the potential of campus greening as a tool for
institutional sustainability, particularly in terms of
engagement. However, Dagiliūtė (2018) noted that while
green universities may provide more environmental
information and opportunities for student involvement,
these factors alone do not necessarily lead to greater
sustainability. Therefore, while campus greening is a
valuable component of a sustainable university, it is not
the sole determinant of students’ sustainable future.
Krasny (2015) emphasizes the role of nature-based
stewardship in enhancing students’ sense of place and
mental well-being, which can in turn foster conservation
behaviors. This is supported by Fachrudin (2021), who
identifies indicators of green behavior, such as
awareness and intention, that can contribute to the
realization of a green campus. Filho (2015) further
underscores the importance of campus greening in saving
resources and engaging the community, while Stafford
(2010) identifies factors such as size, wealth, and
stakeholder influence as significant drivers of
sustainability adoption in higher education institutions.
These studies collectively highlight the multifaceted
benefits of campus greening activities in promoting
A range of studies have explored the role of campus
greening activities in promoting sustainability.
Fachrudin (2019) emphasizes the importance of educational
activities in raising awareness and involvement in green
campus initiatives. Amaral (2020) highlights the need for
an integrated framework to monitor and disseminate the
impact of sustainability initiatives, with a focus on
energy, buildings, water, waste, transportation, grounds,
air, climate, and food. Zen (2016) provides a case study
of waste minimization governance, demonstrating the
potential of a Green Office in reducing waste and
promoting sustainable consumption. Katiliūtė (2017) takes
a systemic approach, integrating green campus initiatives
into the broader concept of a sustainable university, and
emphasizes the role of students in driving these
initiatives. These studies collectively underscore the
importance of education, monitoring, and integration in
campus greening activities for a sustainable future of
each students.
Therefore, the researchers found that there is a
significant relationship between greening campus
activities and sustainable future of the students based
on the findings of other researchers. For instance, Many
universities in each countries also implementing the
greening activities because they believe that if they
implement this kind of activity it will result to a
positive impact to the attitude, behavior, and
performances of each students.


This chapter presented and discussed the research

design, subject and respondents of the study, population
and sample sizes, sampling techniques, data gathering
instruments, validity and reliability of there research
instrument, data gathering procedures and data analysis.

Research Design
The study employed the descriptive research design
that endeavor to measure skills or abilities based on a
broad class of survey data. As viewed by Garcia (2002)..
descriptive method describes with emphasis what actually
exalts such as current conditions, practices, situation
or any phenomena base on the impression or reaction of
the respondent.

Subject and Respondents of the Study

The subject and respondents of the study were the
current batch of the senior high school students of Ramon
Torres Sagasa National High School Year 2022-2023. Its
purpose is to identify the students perception about
their school environment before and after the
intervention using Likert Scale.

Population and Sample Size

37 TVL Senior High School Students covered in this
study. They are the students of Ramon Torres Sagasa
National High School and 37 number of Respondents,

Sampling Technique
For the population, the data are taken from the
master list of class adviser of sections. Stratified
Random sampling is used in the study and to determine the
sample size
Slovin's formula is used.

The formula is:


n= sample size
N= population
E= margin of error at 5%

Data Gathering Instrument

The study will use a survey questionnaire. It is
divided into two parts: the first part contains the
personal information that includes age, and sex. The
second part will contains different questions about
students perception about their school environment.

Validity and Reliability of the Research Instrument

Chapter presented, analyzed and interpreted the data
gathered. The data were arranged comprehensively to
answer the statement of the problem. It was used in the
current study. Therefore, the validity and reliability
testing is no longer employed. Researchers choice to use
the modified standardized instrument made by the previous
researchers. In the study of Edward Edgerton, Jim
McKechnie & Sharon McEwen the students were asked to rate
their school on these items using a five-point Likert
Scale ranging from 1(very poor) through to 5 (very high).
Data Gathering Procedures
For the accomplishment of the study the following
procedures will be used:
The researcher will send a formal communication
letter to the principal asking her permission to conduct
the study students in the school using the Senior High
School Students. Upon the approval of the principal,
students will be informed that they will be the
respondents of the study.
In the implementation phase, the researcher sees to
it that the instruments were clearly understood by the
respondents. Clear instructions were given to them to
solicit reliable data.
In the post implementation phase, the researcher
tallied the results from the gathered data using survey

Data Analysis
To analyze the collected data, the appropriate
statistical test will be used are as follows:
To determine the students personal information such
as name, age and sex, frequency count and percentage
distribution were used.
The formula for percentage is:
P = f x 100
P = Percentage
F= Frequency
N = Total number of response
This chapter presented, analyzed and interpreted the
data gathered. The data were arranged comprehensively to
answer the statement of the problem.

Profile of the Respondents

Table 1 presented the frequency and percentage
distribution of the respondents in terms of their profile
which includes Age and Sex.

Table 1: The profile of TVL Grade 12 in Terms of Age and


Profile Frequency Percentage

Male 18 49.00
Female 19 51.00

TOTAL: 37 100.00

17 5 13.00
18 24 65.00
19 4 11.00
20 4 11.00

TOTAL: 37 100.00

Based on the Table presented above in terms of sex,

49 Percent of the Respondents were Male and 51 Percent
were Female of the total 37 Populations. In terms of age,
majority of the students were 18 years old.

The Level of Perception of TVL 12 Students on Campus

The Table below revealed the level of perception of
TVL 12 Students in Campus greening using the mean

Category Mean Interpretation

Before 2.79 Poor

After 4.83 High

The table Presented above revealed the level of

perception of TVL 12 students in Campus Greening before
the project Greenspiration if 2.79 which is Interpreted
as Poor and 4.83 After which is interpreted as High.

The level of Significant Difference Before and After the

The table below revealed the significant difference
on the level of perception of TVL 12 Students in The
Campus Greening the t statistic.

Category Mean P value SD T Interpretation

Before 2.79 0.05 4.87 0.05 Reject Ho
After 4.83 5.36 Reject Ho

Therefore, this means that the Level of Perception

of TVL Grade 12 Students on their school Before the
Intervention was Very Poor and After the Implementation
to their school it becomes High which is Parallel in the
study of Edward Edgerton, Jim McKechnie & Sharon McEwen.

Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations

This chapter presented the summary of the findings

resulting from the data gathered from the findings,
conclusions were drawn and recommendations were offered.

Summary of Findings

The following salient findings are summarized in

accordance with the sequence of the statements of the
problem which this study attempts to address.


The respondents are equal in number according to sex

and age were at the range of 17 to 20 years old.

The Greening Activities in School is very crucial to

contribute to a more positive and productive learning
environment to each students and staffs.

There is a significant difference between Before and

After the Greenspiration Intervention.

In the light of prior findings of the study and

formulated conclusions, the following conclusions are
hereby forwarded:

1. The profile of the respondents was normally

distributed therefore it is concluded the age and
sex were treated fairly.
2. Therefore, it is concluded that each schools will
indulged students to do Greening Activities to
promote a safe placed to learn and environmental
friendly to each students and staffs.
3. Therefore, Greening activities is very important to
provide and to promote a more sustainable future to
each senior high school students in Ramon Torres
Sagasa National High School by engaging to it.


Based on the findings of the study and the formulated

conclusions, The following recommendations are hereby

1. The parents should support their students in

engaging in any Greening Activities to support and
enhance of their appearance of their school .

2. Based on the findings the school will indulged

students to engaged in any Greening Activities to
promote a more sustainable future.

3. Students involvement in Greening Activities will not

only benefits the environment but also enhances
their education, personal development and sense of
responsibility in their community. Also it is
advisable to indulged each students in any Greening
Activities because it will provide to them a hands
on learning experiences that they can use to their
everyday life.

4. To the future researchers, who would be able to use

this conducted research as basis for their future
studies to extend the study using variables.

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