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Gaya Bahasa Sarkasme di Kalangan Netizen di Platform Media Sosial Instagram

Rini Damayantia,*, Kaswadib,*

Departement of language and science, Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya, Indonesia
Departement of language and science, Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya, Indonesia

Abstrak: Penelitian ini meneliti penggunaan sarkasme di kalangan netizen Indonesia di Instagram,
dengan fokus pada akun @Insertlive terkait perundungan daring. Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif
dan deskriptif, studi ini mengungkap berbagai bentuk dan fungsi sarkasme dengan menggunakan
teori fungsi sarkasme Keraf. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menjelaskan penggunaan bahasa yang
menyinggung dan dampaknya pada komunikasi dan norma sosial di media sosial. Temuan
menunjukkan berbagai fungsi sarkasme, termasuk penolakan, larangan, dan informasi. Dilakukan dari
September hingga Oktober 2022, penelitian ini menganalisis postingan dan komentar untuk
memahami lebih dalam gaya bahasa sarkasme. Penggunaan yang luas dari sarkasme, seringkali
disertai dengan bahasa kasar, menunjukkan sifat meresapnya di Instagram dan perannya dalam
interaksi online. Meskipun digunakan untuk humor, sisi kontroversialnya sebagai alat untuk
melecehkan juga diakui. Penelitian ini memberikan wawasan berharga tentang gaya bahasa di media
sosial, terutama dalam konteks perundungan daring.

Kata kunci: sarkasme, media sosial, Instagram, cyberbullying

Abstract: This study explores the widespread use of sarcasm among Indonesian netizens on
Instagram, focusing on the @Insertlive account associated with cyberbullying. Using a qualitative
approach and Keraf's sarcasm function theory, the research aims to uncover various sarcasm forms
and functions, shedding light on intentional offensive language and its impact on social media
communication and norms. The findings highlight distinct sarcasm functions, such as rejection,
prohibition, and information. Conducted from September to October 2022, the research analyzes
posts and comments, providing a nuanced understanding of sarcasm language styles. The extensive
use of sarcasm, often accompanied by coarse language, underscores its pervasive nature on Instagram,
revealing its multifaceted role in online interactions. While sarcasm is employed for humor, its
contentious side as an insulting tool is also acknowledged. This research offers valuable insights into
language styles on social media, especially in the context of cyberbullying.

Keywords: sarcasm, social media, Instagram, cyberbullying

INTRODUCTION positive advantages, such as easy

The rapid technological progress in access to information, and negative
Indonesia, particularly in social aspects, including the misuse of social
networking, has significantly enhanced media for misinformation (Lim, 2013).
remote communication and access to This progress permeates diverse areas
various features, aligning with the rise like business, education, health, and
of the internet. This evolution, telecommunications.
extending beyond adults to include Virtually every aspect of human
children and adolescents, brings both existence is profoundly impacted by
technology, particularly through the emphasized. The potential
popularity of social media platforms. transformation of personalities,
Social media, exemplified by the leading to rule-breaking and a lack of
staggering statistics from Hootsuite etiquette understanding, is highlighted
(We Are Social) Indonesian Digital as one of the adverse effects.
Report, 2021, with 274.9 million users Moreover, Sensoy & DiAngelo
in Indonesia, has become an integral (2017) provide a comprehensive
part of daily life (Nababan, 2023). perspective on the functions of sarcasm
Instagram, a prominent platform with in language style, encompassing
85 million active users as of January rejection, conveying prohibition,
2021, has captivated the attention of information, affirmation, expressing
Indonesian netizens. opinion, giving orders, asking
However, a notable concern arises questions, making comparisons,
as a portion of these social media users presenting equivalence, and address.
misuses the platform, leading to Recognizing the expanded scope of
cybercrimes, with cyberbullying being communication through social media,
a prevalent issue. This harmful especially platforms like Instagram,
phenomenon involves the use of digital where information is easily
technology to intimidate, humiliate, disseminated globally, underscores the
and threaten individuals (Henry & importance of understanding language
Powell, 2015). styles such as sarcasm. In this research,
In this context, the language style the sarcasm function theory by Keraf
of sarcasm emerges as a significant (in Sukarto & Fauziah, 2022) is
focus of this research. Sarcasm, a form adopted as a relevant theoretical
of harsh language used to criticize or framework, aligning with the research
ridicule, is explored within the objectives and questions. The analysis
Instagram account @insertlive. The aims to provide insights into the
study delves into the functions of intentional use of offensive language
sarcasm, particularly its role in within the realm of social media,
conveying a harsh tone and criticism, as shedding light on the impact of sarcasm
observed in the comments on the on communication and societal norms.
Instagram account.
Sarcasm, described as bitter and METHOD
coarse ridicule that deviates from This research adopted a qualitative
language usage norms, is employed by and descriptive research approach,
netizens for criticism, often breaching aligning with Sugiyono's assertion that
language politeness norms. Various descriptive research served to
forms of sarcasm, such as label elucidate information about a
sarcasm, attribute sarcasm, lexical phenomenon, object, system, condition,
sarcasm, like-prefixed sarcasm, and thoughts, the status of a group of
illocutionary sarcasm, are identified people, or an event (Pahmi,
and analyzed within the context of Nurhasanah, Al-akmam, & Syafei,
Instagram comments. 2022). The objective of this descriptive
The prevalent use of sarcasm in research was to systematically and
Indonesian society, influenced by accurately describe, depict, or portray
limitations in language proficiency, is facts, characteristics, and relationships
acknowledged. While sarcasm is among the investigated phenomena.
accepted, its negative consequences, The nature of this research was
particularly for future generations, are descriptive, focusing on unraveling the
diction and various forms of the incorporated into the analysis to
sarcasm language style prevalent illustrate specific instances of sarcasm,
among Indonesian netizens on the ensuring the findings were anchored in
social media platform Instagram. real-world examples.
Specifically, the study zoomed in on the By adopting a qualitative and
@Insertlive Instagram account, which descriptive approach, this research
was closely associated with the aimed to contribute valuable insights
cyberbullying phenomenon. The into the language styles employed on
research endeavored to provide a social media, particularly focusing on
comprehensive and detailed sarcasm within the cyberbullying
explanation of the language styles used context. The meticulous data collection
by netizens through the examination of process ensured a comprehensive
visuals derived from posts and understanding of the phenomenon,
comment sections of the @Insertlive enabling the construction of a detailed
Instagram account. and nuanced portrayal of the language
To gather data for this research, a styles used by Indonesian netizens on
systematic and thorough analysis was Instagram.
conducted on the posts and comment
sections of the @Insertlive Instagram FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION
account. The data collection process Findings
spanned from September to October This section will discuss the results of the
2022, capturing a representative research and the analysis of the Instagram
timeframe of the language styles account @Insertlive as the data source.
prevalent during this period. This The analysis in this study utilizes a
timeframe allowed for the qualitative descriptive analysis approach.
identification and categorization of The data presented in this section will
sarcasm instances within the specified encompass diction and sarcasm language
duration. style. Based on the approach employed for
The posts on the @Insertlive analysis, it is expected to elucidate the
Instagram account, including captions research objectives in a detailed and clear
and visual content, were scrutinized to manner.
identify instances of sarcasm.
Additionally, comments made by Table 1
netizens in response to these posts Sarcasm functions found in the Instagram
were analyzed to capture the diversity account @Insertlive
of sarcasm language styles employed. Sarcasm
The analysis focused on the different Function Data
forms of sarcasm, including label (A1/31/06/S/
sarcasm, attribute sarcasm, lexical Sarcasm as a FGBSa)
sarcasm, like-prefixed sarcasm, and Form of Rejection (A1/32/21/S/
illocutionary sarcasm, providing a FGBSa)
nuanced understanding of the linguistic Sarcasm as a (A1/33/24/S/
expressions used. Form of FGBSb)
Furthermore, the research utilized Conveying (A1/34/02/O/
Prohibition FGBSb)
a qualitative approach, allowing for a
deeper exploration of the context and Sarcasm as a (A1/35/08/S/
Form of FGBSc)
nuances surrounding the use of 3
Conveying (A1/36/17/S/
sarcasm. Direct quotations from the
Information FGBSc)
@Insertlive Instagram account were
Sarcasm as a (A1/37/01/O/ asserting dominance or disagreement.
Form of FGBSd) Data points
Emphasizing a (A1/38/01/O/
Statement FGBSd) Naudzubilah......jauhkan hamba dri sifat
Sarcasm as a (A1/39/23/O/ tamak Hukum tabur tuai sih ini
Form of FGBSe) Naudzubilah... keep the servant away
Expressing an (A1/40/23/O/ from greed, the law of sowing and reaping,
Opinion FGBSe) indeed. A1/31/06/S/FGBSa
Sarcasm as a FGBSf)
6 Form of Giving and
Orders (A1/42/02/O/ Berita gak penting koq di up.
FGBSf) The news is not important, why is it being
(A1/43/02/O/ uploaded? A1/32/21/S/FGBSa
Sarcasm as a FGBSg)
7 Form of Posing
Questions (A1/44/03/O/ exemplify instances where sarcasm is
FGBSg) employed to invalidate propositions or
(A1/45/23/O/ opinions, highlighting its role in expressing
FGBSh) disapproval or disdain.
(A1/46/23/O/ Sarcasm also functions as a means of
Sarcasm as a FGBSh)
8 Form of Making conveying prohibition, where individuals
Comparisons (A1/47/23/O/ use sarcastic language to communicate a
FGBSi) sense of disapproval or restriction. This is
(A1/48/03/O/ evident in examples such as
(A1/49/06/S/ Laaah kalau masih mau jd play boy sampai
Sarcasm as a FGBSj) metong jg gak papa kok.. itu pilihan, TAPI
Form of Address (A1/50/02/O/ gk usah menikah laah.. Menikah itu
FGBSj) KOMITMEN.. menjaga sampai ajal
memisahkan gak usah sok laku Pak.. Anak
Sarcasm, characterized by the use of irony orang kamu bawa hidup dibawah sumpah
and mocking tones, serves as a versatile agama.. Tuhan jd saksinya.. gak gampang
tool in human communication, reflecting janji sama Tuhan kalau masih mau
various social dynamics and underlying semaunya.
intentions. Through an analysis of different Well, if you still want to be a playboy until
data points, we can explore the diverse you're old, that's fine. It's your choice, BUT
functions of sarcasm in interpersonal don't get married. Marriage is a
interactions. From rejection to conveying COMMITMENT. To cherish until death do
information, emphasizing statements, us part, don't pretend to be righteous, Sir.
expressing opinions, giving orders, posing Your child will live under the oath of
questions, making comparisons, and religion. God is the witness. It's not easy to
serving as a form of address, sarcasm promise to God if you still want to act as
manifests in numerous forms to fulfill you wish. (A1/33/24/S/FGBSb)
different communicative purposes.
One of the prominent functions of sarcasm and
is its use as a form of rejection. In social Mending artis ini jangan di sorot lagi bikin
interactions, individuals may utilize kacau indonesia aja.cari makan kok sampai
sarcastic remarks to dismiss or belittle bikin prank kepolisan mending di penjara
others' ideas or statements, thereby aja.
It's better if this artist is not highlighted would be fine... netizens don't have a
again; causing chaos, just mess up problem... the problem arises when
Indonesia. Rather than making pranks on criticized and they don't accept being
the police, it's better to be in jail. called hurtful... when mistakes are
(A1/34/02/O/FGBSb) forgiven, they happen again, repeated
criticisms are not welcomed, hurt feelings
where sarcastic tones are employed to are blamed on netizens... even though the
discourage certain actions or behaviors. By voice is good, the songs are good, and the
employing irony and mockery, speakers child is also beautiful.
subtly discourage undesirable conduct, (A1/36/17/S/FGBSc)
illustrating sarcasm's role in shaping social
norms and behaviors. demonstrate instances where sarcastic
Another important function of sarcasm is remarks are used to convey information,
its use as a tool for conveying information showcasing sarcasm's ability to convey
in a non-literal manner. By stating the complex ideas in a concise and indirect
opposite of what is meant, individuals manner.
employ sarcasm to subtly impart Sarcasm serves as a means of emphasizing
knowledge or insights. Data points a statement, with individuals employing
sarcastic tones to underscore the
Aprilio gak operasi pria ke wanita atau absurdity or incredulity of a situation or
sebaliknya ya tapi dia punya "kelainan statement. This function is exemplified in
hipospadia", secara genetik dia bener2 examples such as
cowok tulen kok. Jadi bukan
transgender. Ingat apa yg ditabur itu yg di tuai, harus
Aprilio did not undergo gender terima,itulah karma...yg berjalan.
reassignment surgery, but he has Remember that what you sow is
"hypospadias", genetically he is a genuine what you reap, you must accept, that's
man. So, not transgender. karma... what goes around.
(A1/35/08/S/FGBSc) (A1/37/01/O/FGBSd)

and and
Ajang sekelas idol Indonesia pasti sudah Bukan ikhlas bu tp emang udah
menempa anak didirikan dengan baik ..baik seharusnyaaaaaa !!! Malah seharusnya
vokal,teknik dan fisik serta mental....coba dr pas anda ditetapkan sbg tersangka.
dari awal dia main di part aman dan Heleeehhhhhhh....
nyadar kekurangannya pasti baik2 saja It's not sincere, but it's something
semuanya....nitezen gak permasalakan..yg that should have happened a long time
jadi masalah ketika di kritik justru gak ago! It should have happened since you
terima di bilang menyakiti..ketika were declared a suspect. Exaggerated....
kesalahan di maafkan terjadi lagi (A1/38/01/O/FGBSd)
berulang..ulang di kritik lagi gak berkenan
sakit hati sekarang di salahkan where sarcasm is used to highlight the
nitezen...padahal suara bagus ,lagu bagus significance or irony of a particular
anaknya juga cantik. assertion. By employing exaggerated tones
Idol competitions in Indonesia must have and ironic expressions, speakers draw
nurtured the children well... good vocals, attention to key points and evoke a
technique, physical, and mental... try stronger reaction from their audience.
starting in the safe part and realizing their Moreover, sarcasm serves as a vehicle for
flaws from the beginning, everything expressing opinions or attitudes indirectly,
allowing individuals to communicate their otak dipake om,...konten lu malah bikin
sentiments in a nuanced manner. Data orang" marah,apapun dijadikan konten,gk
points ada hati bnr
Use your brain, uncle... your content only
Ikut kesel ketika dia cabut laporan. Tapi makes people angry, everything turned
yaweslah ya. Hidup2 dia, rumah into content, there's no genuine empathy.
tangga dia hanya dia yg berhak mau (A1/41/02/O/FGBSf)
dibawa kemana. Semoga sehat selalu lesti
It's annoying when she withdraws and
the report. But well, it's her life, her Kawal Baim pake baju Oren gila sih ni
marriage, she alone has the right to decide orang
where it goes. May Lesti always be in good Escort Baim in orange attire, this
health. (A1/39/23/O/FGBSe) person is insane. (A1/42/02/O/FGBSf)

and where sarcastic remarks are employed to

BUAT LESLAR BIARKAN ANJING ANJING direct actions or behaviors. By employing
MENGONGOOOONG KRENA HNYA ironic expressions and exaggerated tones,
KMU YG TAU KONDISI RUMAH speakers assert authority while
TANGGAMU. MREKA HNYA ORANG LUAR maintaining a lighthearted tone in their
YG HNYA MELIHAT DR SOSMED & communication.
KOMEN SEENAK JIDATNYA.KRENA Furthermore, sarcasm serves as a form of
PRINSIP MREKA "TANGAN posing questions, where individuals use
BEKERJA LEBIH CEPAT DR PDA sarcastic language to inquire or challenge
OTAK" others' statements or beliefs. This function
FOR LESLAR, LET THE DOGS BARK is evident in examples such as
CONDITION OF YOUR HOUSEHOLD. THEY kok dibikin lelucon...sarafnya putus tuh
ARE JUST OUTSIDERS WHO ONLY SEE orang...apa pingin diaminin orang
THINGS FROM SOCIAL MEDIA AND seIndonesia raya merdeka biar beneran ada
COMMENT WITHOUT THINKING. KDRT dlm RT dia sihh?? Gilakk...
BECAUSE THEIR PRINCIPLE IS "HANDS Why make a joke... the nerves of
WORK FASTER THAN THE BRAIN." that person are severed... do they want the
(A1/40/23/O/FGBSe) whole nation of Indonesia to approve so
that there's really domestic violence in his
demonstrate instances where sarcastic neighborhood?? Absurd...
remarks are utilized to convey personal (A1/43/02/O/FGBSg)
viewpoints or perspectives. By employing
irony and mockery, individuals express and
their opinions in a subtle yet impactful @paula_verhoeven @baimwong helooooo
manner, influencing the perceptions of kalian !!!!! Ngerti ya sekarang!!! Ngerti
their audience. dong Yach..masak gak ngerti !!! Udah gede
In addition, sarcasm functions as a form of masih GOBLOK
giving orders, where individuals use @paula_verhoeven @baimwong
sarcastic language to command or instruct helllloooo you !!!!! Do you understand
others in a playful or mocking manner. now!!! Understand, right? How could you
This can be observed in examples such as not understand !!! You've grown up and
still stupid. (A1/44/03/O/FGBSg)
where sarcastic tones are employed to
provoke thought or stimulate discussion. demonstrate instances where sarcasm is
By using irony and mockery, speakers employed to draw comparisons,
encourage critical thinking and engage emphasizing the ridiculousness or
their audience in meaningful dialogue. inconsistency of certain comparisons. By
Moreover, sarcasm functions as a form of employing exaggerated tones and ironic
making comparisons, where individuals expressions, speakers highlight contrasts
use sarcastic language to highlight and challenge prevailing notions or beliefs.
disparities or absurdities between Finally, sarcasm serves as a form of
different entities or situations. Data points address, where individuals use sarcastic
language to engage or interact with others
Kurus banget badanya ,kaya orang susah in a playful or mocking manner. This can
aja,,, be observed in examples such as
Very skinny body, like someone in
distress,,, (A1/45/23/O/FGBSh) Real Nenek Gayung
, The Real Granny Broomstick.
Jijayy banget liat wajah nya..najiss tu bdn (A1/49/06/S/FGBSj)
kurus kering gitu kasian banget mkn
hati tu kyk nya and
Extremely repulsive to see her face... so Orgil
filthy, her thin and dry body, very pitiful, it Obstinate. (A1/50/02/O/FGBSj)
seems like she doesn't eat.
(A1/46/23/O/FGBSh) where sarcasm is used as a form of
communication or social bonding. By
kak,kakak dirumah aja ya kak,, biar adek employing ironic expressions and
yang banting tulang ,kakak jagain exaggerated tones, speakers foster
kontrakan aja,yang katanya rumah asli camaraderie and rapport with their
ternyata ngontrak, mobil yg ktnya beli hasil audience, enhancing social interactions
jerit payah eh ternyata hasil penjeman dri and relationships.
koh Rudy wkwkkw,,kau teropsesi sebagai
Raffy Ahmad tapi nyatanya semua Discussion
pinjaman From a psychological standpoint, sarcasm
Sister, stay at home, okay, sister... as a tool for rejection can be understood
let the younger ones work hard, sister just through various theoretical frameworks
takes care of the rented house, the related to social cognition, communication,
supposedly owned house turns out to be and interpersonal relationships. When
rented, the car that was supposedly individuals use sarcasm to dismiss or
bought from hard-earned money turns out belittle others' ideas or statements, they
to be a result of coercion from koh Rudy are engaging in a form of verbal behavior
wkwkkw... you're obsessed with being like that serves multiple psychological
Raffy Ahmad, but in reality, everything is a functions.
loan. (A1/47/23/O/FGBSi) Firstly, the Social Identity Theory offers
insights into how individuals use sarcasm
and to assert their social dominance and
Iyaa dulu cantik,skg pletat pletot tuh muka maintain group cohesion (Scott, 2016). By
si ngenez. invalidating propositions or opinions
Yeah, used to be pretty, now the through sarcastic remarks, individuals
face is all puffy and bloated. reinforce their own group identity while
(A1/48/03/O/FGBSi) simultaneously derogating the outgroup.
In the given examples, the sarcastic In conclusion, the use of sarcasm as a form
comments ("keep the servant away from of rejection in social interactions reflects
greed," "the news is not important") serve various psychological processes related to
to reject the ideas or actions of others, social identity, relational aggression, social
thereby reinforcing the speaker's sense of exchange, and impression management.
superiority within their social group. By employing sarcastic remarks to dismiss
Secondly, research on relational or belittle others' ideas or statements,
aggression suggests that sarcasm can be a individuals assert dominance, express
covert form of aggression used to disagreement, negotiate social exchanges,
undermine others' social status or self- and shape others' perceptions of
esteem (Krahé, 2020). By employing themselves.
sarcastic remarks to dismiss or belittle
others, individuals attempt to establish The use of sarcasm as a means of conveying
dominance and assert control over prohibition reflects underlying processes
interpersonal interactions. In the context related to social norms, moral judgment,
of the provided data points, the sarcastic and behavioral regulation. The examples
remarks convey a sense of disdain or provided ((1) "Well, if you still want to be a
disapproval towards the ideas or actions playboy until you're old, that's fine. It's
being criticized, thereby serving as a your choice, BUT don't get married..." and
means of rejecting or invalidating them. (2) "It's better if this artist is not
Moreover, according to Social Exchange highlighted again; causing chaos, just mess
Theory (Homans, 1958), sarcasm can be up Indonesia. Rather than making pranks
viewed as a communicative strategy used on the police, it's better to be in jail.")
to negotiate social exchanges and maintain demonstrate how sarcastic language is
power dynamics within relationships. employed to discourage specific actions or
When individuals use sarcasm to reject or behaviors by communicating a sense of
dismiss others' ideas, they are engaging in disapproval or restriction.
a form of transactional communication One psychological framework relevant to
aimed at asserting their own preferences this behavior is Social Norms Theory,
or viewpoints. In the given examples, the which posits that individuals are
sarcastic remarks serve as a means of influenced by perceived social norms in
expressing disagreement or disapproval their behavior (Chung & Rimal, 2016).
while simultaneously establishing the Sarcasm, as a form of social
speaker's authority or dominance in the communication, can be a mechanism to
interaction. highlight deviations from socially accepted
Additionally, research on impression norms and discourage actions that go
management suggests that sarcasm can be against these norms. In the first example,
a strategic tool used to shape others' the speaker uses sarcasm to discourage
perceptions and impressions of oneself the idea of being a playboy and not
(Guerrero, Andersen, & Afifi, 2017). By committing to marriage, emphasizing the
employing sarcastic remarks to reject or societal expectation of commitment in
belittle others' ideas, individuals may seek relationships.
to portray themselves as knowledgeable, Additionally, the concept of Moral
assertive, or socially adept. In the provided Judgment is pertinent to understanding
data points, the use of sarcasm conveys a how sarcasm is employed to convey a
sense of confidence or superiority on the sense of disapproval (Ziegele & Jost,
part of the speaker, thereby influencing 2020). By using sarcastic tones to
how others perceive their social status or comment on certain behaviors, individuals
competence. are implicitly invoking moral
considerations, suggesting that the based on contextual cues and shared
behaviors being criticized are not only knowledge, highlighting the importance of
socially undesirable but also morally pragmatic inference in sarcasm
questionable. In the second example, the comprehension.
sarcastic remark implies a moral judgment Furthermore, research on Theory of Mind
on the artist's actions, highlighting the suggests that understanding sarcasm
speaker's disapproval and suggesting that requires individuals to attribute mental
being in jail would be a more appropriate states, such as intentions and beliefs, to the
consequence. speaker (O'Reilly, Peterson, & Wellman,
Moreover, research on Persuasion and 2014). By recognizing the speaker's
Compliance suggests that social influence intention to convey information indirectly
strategies often involve conveying through sarcasm, recipients demonstrate
disapproval or highlighting negative their ability to infer the speaker's
consequences to discourage certain underlying message and distinguish
behaviors (Pandey, 2022). Sarcasm, with between literal and intended meanings. In
its ironic and mocking tones, serves as a the provided data points, the recipients are
persuasive tool to discourage undesirable expected to infer the intended message
conduct by emphasizing the potential despite the literal meaning of the sarcastic
negative outcomes or social repercussions. remarks.
In both examples, the sarcastic remarks Additionally, research on irony
aim to dissuade individuals from pursuing comprehension suggests that individuals
specific actions by underlining the rely on contextual cues, linguistic markers,
perceived negative consequences or and pragmatic reasoning to interpret
societal disapproval associated with those sarcastic remarks (Banasik-Jemielniak, &
actions. Kałowski, 2022). Sarcasm often involves
exaggerated or incongruent expressions
From a psychological perspective, the use that signal the speaker's non-literal intent,
of sarcasm as a tool for conveying allowing recipients to discern the
information in a non-literal manner can be underlying message. In the given
understood through cognitive and examples, the sarcastic remarks ("Oh, sure,
linguistic frameworks. Sarcasm, that's a brilliant idea" and "Oh, fantastic, I
characterized by the expression of love it") convey skepticism or
meaning that is opposite to the intended disagreement despite the superficial
message, serves as a form of indirect expression of approval.
communication that relies on the
recipient's ability to recognize the From a psychological standpoint, the use of
discrepancy between literal and intended sarcasm as a means of emphasizing a
meanings. statement reflects underlying processes
Grice's Cooperative Principle suggests that related to cognitive processing, emotional
effective communication is based on arousal, and social interaction dynamics.
principles of cooperation and mutual Sarcasm, characterized by its exaggerated
understanding (Syafitri, Budiarti, tones and ironic expressions, serves as a
Simamora, & Aprilya, 2019). Sarcasm can powerful linguistic tool for drawing
be seen as a violation of the maxim of attention to key points and evoking strong
quality, where speakers deliberately reactions from the audience.
provide information that is false or not One relevant psychological framework is
meant to be taken literally. However, the Elaboration Likelihood Model (Shahab,
recipients of sarcastic remarks are Ghazali, & Mohtar, 2021), which suggests
expected to infer the intended meaning that individuals engage in two distinct
routes of information processing: central cognition, emotion regulation, and
and peripheral. Sarcasm can be seen as a interpersonal communication. Sarcasm,
peripheral cue that enhances the salience characterized by its ironic and mocking
and memorability of a message by evoking tones, allows individuals to convey their
emotional arousal and cognitive sentiments in a nuanced manner,
elaboration. In the provided data points, influencing the perceptions of their
the use of sarcastic tones ("Oh, great idea, audience while maintaining a degree of
just fantastic" and "Yeah, because that's distance from the expressed opinion.
totally what we need") serves to One relevant psychological framework is
emphasize the absurdity or incredulity of Attribution Theory (Snead, Magal,
the assertions being made, prompting Christensen, & Ndede-Amadi, 2015),
recipients to critically evaluate the which suggests that individuals make
underlying message. inferences about the causes of others'
Furthermore, research on emotional behavior based on situational or
expression and communication (Farley, dispositional factors. Sarcasm can be seen
2021) suggests that sarcasm can elicit as a communicative strategy used to
strong emotional responses by signaling indirectly express personal viewpoints or
incongruity between the literal and attitudes while attributing them to
intended meanings of a statement. The use external circumstances or hypothetical
of exaggerated tones and ironic scenarios. In the provided data points, the
expressions in sarcasm serves to heighten use of sarcastic remarks ("Oh, brilliant, just
emotional arousal and capture the what we needed" and "Oh, that's genius,
audience's attention. In the given really") allows individuals to express their
examples, the sarcastic remarks ("just opinions subtly by framing them within
fantastic" and "totally what we need") the context of exaggerated or hypothetical
convey a sense of mockery or disbelief, situations.
evoking emotional responses from the Furthermore, research on emotion
audience and highlighting the absurdity of regulation (Sheppes, Suri, & Gross, 2015)
the assertions being made. suggests that sarcasm can be a coping
Moreover, from a social interaction mechanism used to express negative
perspective, sarcasm can be viewed as a emotions in a socially acceptable manner.
form of impression management (Bitterly By employing sarcasm to convey personal
& Schweitzer, 2019) aimed at influencing viewpoints or perspectives, individuals
others' perceptions and attitudes. By may mask the intensity of their emotions
employing sarcastic tones to emphasize while still expressing their underlying
key points or express incredulity, speakers sentiments. In the given examples, the use
assert their perspective while of sarcastic tones ("brilliant" and "genius")
simultaneously shaping the audience's conveys a sense of skepticism or
interpretation of the situation. In the disagreement without overtly expressing
provided data points, the use of sarcasm anger or frustration, thereby allowing
serves to highlight the significance or irony individuals to regulate their emotional
of the assertions being made, thereby expression in social interactions.
influencing how the audience perceives Moreover, from a social influence
the speaker's stance. perspective, sarcasm can be viewed as a
persuasive communication strategy aimed
From a psychological perspective, the use at influencing others' attitudes or
of sarcasm as a vehicle for expressing behaviors (Clyne, Fellers, & Richards,
opinions or attitudes indirectly reflects 2020). By employing irony and mockery to
underlying processes related to social convey personal viewpoints or
perspectives, individuals may seek to about content creation and attire choices,
persuade or sway the opinions of their prompting reflection on societal standards
audience. In the provided data points, the and values.
use of sarcastic remarks serves to highlight
the absurdity or impracticality of the ideas From a psychological view, sarcasm in
being criticized, thereby influencing how questioning involves complex cognitive
the audience perceives the speaker's processes related to language
stance. comprehension, perspective-taking, and
social cognition. By using sarcastic
From a psychological standpoint, using language to challenge statements or
sarcasm to give orders involves the beliefs, individuals aim to provoke
interplay of linguistic pragmatics, social thought, stimulate discussion, and
dynamics, and authority assertion. By encourage critical thinking.
employing sarcastic language to command Theory of Mind (Sodian, 2014) is a
or instruct in a playful or mocking manner, relevant concept, referring to the ability to
individuals aim to assert authority while attribute mental states to oneself and
maintaining a lighthearted tone, others. Sarcasm in questioning requires a
influencing behavior and communication sophisticated understanding of others'
uniquely. perspectives and intentions. In the
The Speech Act Theory (Oishi, 2016) examples ("Why make a joke..." and "Do
explores the performative aspect of you understand now!!!"), sarcastic
language, with sarcasm going beyond questions challenge logic, prompting
literal meaning to perform social actions recipients to consider alternative
like expressing emotions, asserting viewpoints and engage in critical
authority, or giving orders. The examples reflection.
("Use your brain, uncle..." and "Escort Baim Research on linguistic pragmatics (Lee &
in orange attire, this person is insane") Lee, 2022) suggests sarcasm relies on
illustrate sarcasm's performative nature, shared contextual knowledge for
influencing behavior and attitudes. interpretation. Sarcasm involves
Research on linguistic politeness (Watts, exaggerated expressions to signal non-
2019) suggests language choice in literal intent, inviting recipients to
communication is influenced by social reconsider their perspectives. In the
dynamics and power relations. Sarcasm as examples, sarcastic tones convey irony or
a form of giving orders lets individuals disbelief, encouraging meaningful dialogue
assert authority while mitigating potential or debate.
conflict through a humorous or mocking From a social interaction perspective,
tone. In the examples, sarcastic tones ("Use sarcasm in posing questions signals social
your brain, uncle..." and "this person is norms or values (Hutcheon, 2023). By
insane") combine directive force with challenging statements or beliefs, speakers
humor, allowing authority assertion communicate views on what is considered
without causing outright offense. appropriate. The examples challenge
From a social interaction perspective, norms about humor, understanding, and
sarcasm signals social norms or social responsibility, prompting reflection
expectations (Banasik-Jemielniak & on societal standards and values.
Kałowski, 2022). Using sarcastic language
to direct actions implicitly communicates From a psychological standpoint, sarcasm
views on what's considered appropriate, in making comparisons involves processes
shaping social dynamics. In the examples, related to social cognition, humor
sarcastic commands challenge norms appreciation, and perspective-taking. It
serves as a linguistic tool for highlighting Broomstick) and "Orgil" (Obstinate)
disparities or absurdities between entities fosters camaraderie and rapport by
or situations, challenging prevailing beliefs engaging recipients in playful banter or
while eliciting amusement or critical teasing, thereby reinforcing social bonds
reflection. and group identity.
Theory of Mind (Sodian, 2014) is relevant, Moreover, from a social interaction
as sarcasm in comparisons requires perspective, sarcasm can be viewed as a
perspective-taking. It involves presenting a form of conversational turn-taking (Park,
statement contradicting the literal Lim, Choi, & Sung, 2021), where speakers
meaning, expecting the audience to grasp use linguistic cues to signal their intention
the intended sarcastic meaning. Examples to initiate or continue a conversation. By
like ("like someone in distress," "so filthy," employing sarcastic language as a form of
"supposedly owned house," and "now the address, individuals assert their
face is all puffy and bloated") challenge conversational agency and contribute to
conventional perceptions, prompting the dynamic flow of discourse, fostering
alternative interpretations. camaraderie and rapport in social
From a social cognition perspective, interactions. In the provided data points,
sarcasm in making comparisons signals the use of sarcastic remarks conveys a
social norms or values (Banasik- sense of engagement and interaction,
Jemielniak & Kałowski, 2022). By prompting recipients to respond or react
highlighting disparities through sarcastic in a playful or mocking manner, thereby
comparisons, speakers implicitly enhancing social interactions and
communicate views on what is considered relationships.
appropriate. Examples challenge norms
about beauty, wealth, and authenticity, CONCLUSION
prompting reflection on societal standards The extensive use of sarcasm in the
and values. language style on Instagram accounts
underscores the pervasive nature of this
From a psychological perspective, the use rhetorical device within the platform's
of sarcasm as a form of address reflects communication landscape. It signifies that
underlying processes related to social a significant portion of comments and
interaction, emotion regulation, and expressions of annoyance by Instagram
rapport-building. Sarcasm, characterized users are frequently interwoven with
by its ironic and exaggerated tones, serves elements of sarcasm, often accompanied
as a playful yet assertive means of by the use of coarse language found in the
engaging or interacting with others, comment section. This is indicative of the
fostering camaraderie and rapport while diverse ways in which individuals employ
also managing interpersonal dynamics. sarcasm as a means of expressing their
One relevant psychological framework is feelings and opinions.
Social Identity Theory (Hogg, 2016), which Moreover, it is crucial to recognize
suggests that individuals derive their that while sarcasm is indeed harnessed to
sense of self from their membership in convey annoyance, there are instances
social groups. Sarcasm can be seen as a where its purpose extends beyond mere
communicative strategy used to signal irritation. Sarcasm, in certain cases, is
belongingness and reinforce group wielded as a tool to insult or deride others,
cohesion through shared linguistic norms showcasing the more contentious side of
and practices. In the provided data points, social media interactions. Nevertheless, it's
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