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In an ethical decision-making situation, Susanne, who works as an IT consultant, is facing a

dilemma concerning the security of a database management system (DBMS) she is developing for a
medium-sized company. The customer has opted for a less secure system due to budget constraints, but
Susanne strongly believes that the sensitive data to be stored in the DBMS requires a higher level of
protection. Consequently, Susanne's primary responsibility is to ensure the privacy and security of this
sensitive data. She should do her best to inform and persuade the client about the importance of
security. However, if the client insists on the less secure option, Susanne may find herself in a challenging
situation where she must choose between her contractual obligations and her ethical duties.


In this case, Mary's actions seem to breach several ethical principles related to privacy,
confidentiality, and the responsible management of resources. It's crucial for IT professionals to be
vigilant in upholding these values and to seek guidance or clarification when they encounter situations
involving sensitive data.


In this case, not delivering a high-quality product with a user-friendly interface could be seen as
a breach of ethical standards within the IT profession. To prevent similar issues in the future, it's
imperative to establish robust quality assurance systems, engage users in the development process, and
maintain open lines of communication within the development team and with management. Upholding
the highest standards of quality and usability is not only ethically responsible but also essential for the
success of IT projects.


The system designer bears an ethical responsibility to uphold principles of justice, non-
discrimination, and adherence to the law. Instead of blindly accepting discriminatory instructions, they
should initiate a dialogue with the client, educate them about the ethical and legal considerations, and, if
required, decline to proceed with implementing the system as requested in order to uphold their
professional integrity and ethical values.


The deliberate act of releasing a software package with known vulnerabilities while attempting
to absolve responsibility through a disclaimer is a violation of numerous ethical principles by the
software company president. This conduct had adverse consequences for consumers, highlighting the
importance of professionals prioritizing qualities such as quality, honesty, transparency, and the well-
being of users in their work.


James is confronted with an ethical dilemma where he must prioritize the well-being of the
client and their employees over contractual obligations and financial pressures. He should refrain from
approving software that he deems of subpar quality and should communicate his concerns to both his
employer and the client, ensuring that the highest ethical standards in software development are


Not disclosing a substantial stake in a recommended TCS software business is a clear breach of
ethical guidelines regarding conflicts of interest and honesty. IT professionals should prioritize their
clients' interests and openly disclose any personal interests that could potentially impact their
recommendations. In situations like these, complete transparency and impartial evaluation are essential
for upholding ethical standards.


Hugo's act of gaining unauthorized access to the master account represents a clear infringement
of ethical principles, including property rights, authorized access, and compliance with existing laws. It is
crucial for all individuals, particularly students and ACM members, to uphold ethical standards in their
computing-related activities, even when encountering challenges or limitations in their projects.

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