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UNIT-01 : SOME BASIC CONCEPT OF CHEMISTRY same temperature and pressure should contains equal number of

01) Write any three postulates of Dalton’s theory. 11) Define molar mass ? Ans: It is the mass of one mole of a
substance in grams ns :1) Matter is made up of indivisible atoms. 12) What is the value of Avogadro number?
2) Atoms are neither be created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction Ans: The value of Avogadro number is 6.022 X 1073

3) Compounds are formed when atoms of different elements combine in a 13) Define Mole. Ans: It is defined as amount of
substance that contains
fixed ratio Avogadro number of particles (6.022
X 10” ) 02) What is homogeneous mixtures? Give an example. 14) Define mass percenta
ns: The components are completely mix with each other and its composition Ans: It is defined as present in
100gof the solution.
is uniform throughout Ex: Sugar solution, air, Sea water. 15) Define s defined as the number of moles of solute

03) What is heterogencous mixtures? Give an example. present in Idm?of the solution.
Ans: The components are not completely mix with each other & its composition 6) Define molality. Ans: It is defined as the
number of moles of solute present
is not uniform throughout. Ex: Mixture of salt and sugar, Grains and pul in 1 Kg of solvent.
04) Calculate the molecular mass of a) CO: b) NH3 17) What is density ? Write its SI unit.

ns: a) Molecuar mass of NH3 =(1 x 14)+(3x1) = 17u

Ans : Density of a substance is defined as mass per unit
volume.SI unit is kgm™
b) Molecuar mass of CO2 = (1x 12) +(2x 12) = 4 18) The percentage composition of organic compound found to
Give the SI unit of a)Temperature b) ‘\ unt of substance 26.66% C, 2.22% H and the rest is O.If the molecular mass of
compound Ans : a) Kelvin b) Nm or Pascal c) is 90 gmol', Determine the molecular
formula of the compound.
06) How many significant figures are i 6005 b) 6.002 x 10% c)0.0025 | 4 45. % of Oxygen = 100 - (% C + % H) =
100 - (26.66+2.22) = 71.12
Ans:a)4 b)4 ¢)2 JEtement
. % composition}
_ At.mass
_ Molecula mas _
07) Express the following in scientific notation a) 0.00059 b) r
08) What is limiting reagent? Ans :The reactant which is
completely consumed
Ans: a)5.9x 107 b) 1.7x 10°
during the reaction is called limiting reagent. |
09) State the law of conservation of mass. c 26.66 | 12 | 26.6_ 5 99 | 222 19
| 1 | 1
2 2.22 |
H | 2.2 | 1 | 2.22 599272 -10 |
1 |
oO 71.12 71.12_ 4 | 444-20 |
> | Et
Ans : It states (mass) can neither be created nor Empirical formula = CHO, Empirical formula 12*1x2+16 =
that matter destroyed. masa(GHO2) = Given, Molecular mass,= 90 2n= _
s 45 45 2
10) State Ans: It states that equal volumesof Empirical formula mass 2
Avogadro law. all gases at the
Molecular formula = n(Empirical formula) = 2 (CHO>2) = CaH20,4
Abbee fae MAWHEpSeat out
UNIT-02 : STRUCTURE OF ATOM Ans: a) Most of the a- particles passed through the gold foil
without any deviatio 01) Write any three postulates of Bohr’s model of hydrogen atom. b) Someof the a- particles
were deflected by small angle.
Ans: 1) The electrons in an atom can move around the nucleus in a certain fixed c) A very few a particles
repelled (bounced) back.
closed circular paths called orbits. 07) State Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle & write
its mathematical form?
2) The energy of an electron in the orbit does not change with time Ans: It states that’It is impossible to
determine simultaneously, the exact position
3) The frequency of radiation emitted when . h
absorbed (or) transition occurs and exact momentum of an ‘on’. Mathematically, Ax xAp
between two stationary states in energy by AE. 4x
that differ
02) Explain the significance of four quantum numbers. 08) Give de-Broglie@quation. 2 A= a (or) A= n
mv p
Ans: 1) Principal quantum number: It specifies the size & energy of the orbital. 09) State Pa firs exci@foP
Azimuthal(orbital) quantum number: It indicates the three dimensional
2) Ans : Itstate o two electrons in an atom can have
same values for all the
shape of the orbital. fou ntum numbers’
3) Magnetic quantum number: It gives the ate Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity.
information about the s
ientati thi l. ‘ _ . :
onientatibs.of tthe arbita Ans : It states that ‘No electron pairing takes place in a
f of degeneratea orbitals

4) Spin. quantum number: It indicate the spin (directian ) Circ on. Its until each orbital is filled with at least one
electron with parallel spin’.
Own axis 11) For the element with atomic number (Z= 24): i) Write
electronic . to
03) What are isotopes ? Give an example.
) P P P different mass number Ex: 6C Cc , 6C4 are the isotopes of
Ans : Isotopes arc the atoms same element having the same Carbon. 04) What are isobars ? 6Give an example.
atomic number but SS
Ans : Isobars are the atoms of different elements having same
mass number .
configuration i) How many unpaired electrons are
but different atomic number are Ex: 6C!4, 7N'4
present in it? Ans: i) 1s”, 2s”, 2p®, 3s”,
i , , i 9
05) Mention any two properties of cathode 3p°,4s',3d°_ ii) Six (or) 6
rays? . .
Ans: 1) They starts from cathode and move towards anode. 2) 12) Using s,p,d notations,
. describe the orbital with the
They travels ina following quantum
straight line in the absence of electrical (or) magnetic numbers i) n=1,1=0 ii) n=3,1=1 iii) n=4, 1=2
Ans: i) 1s 11)3p_ tii) 4d
06) What are the observations made during Rutherford’s a-ray
scattering 13)The FM station of All India Radio, Hassan, broadcast on a
frequency of
1020kilohertz.Calculatethe wavelengthof the electromagnetic
. .
emitted by transmitter.

ns: Given v= 1020 x10? Hz, c=3.0x108ms"! A=2

_ 3.0x108
a v 1020 x 10 =
UNIT-03 : STATES OF MATTER 06) Write the expression for
01) Write any five postulates of Kinetic molecular theory of gases. i) ideal gas equation for ‘n’ moles ofa gas
|Ans: 1) Gases consist
f oa very large number tiny particles called molecules. ii) Vander Waal’s equation for ‘n’ moles of gas
2) The gas molecules are always in constant random motion. iii) Compressibility factor (z) for ‘n’ moles of gas
3) The particles of a gas move in direction in straight 2
w PV
all possible line. Ans: i) PV = nRT_ ii) v[p+
2 an [V-nb] = nRT —
iii) Z =
s nRT
4) The volume occupied by the gas is negligible as
molecule compared to
the total volume of the gas. 07) State Dalton’s law of i ure.Write its mathematical
5) There is no force of attraction between the gas molecule s. Ans: It states that thestota rted
by the mixture of non-reacting gases
02) Derive ideal gas equation using gas laws? is the s artial pressures of individual gases.
Ans: According to Boyle's law Vcc 1/P atconstant T and n. € ess Total = Py) + P2+P3.........+P, at constant T
and V.
According to Charles law VoT at constant P and n. DS)y>W rite th IT unit of the following

According to Avogadro’s lawVon atconstant P and T ) Universal constant b) Co-efficient of viscocity c) Surface
Ans: a)J K"! mol! b) poise c) Nm"!
By combining these equation. We get, T
09) Define viscosity. How does it vary with temperature ?

V=Rn - (or) PV =nRT Where: R hs constant Ans: It is a measure of resistance to flow which arises due
to the internal
friction between layers of fluid. It decreases as the
03) State Boyle’s law. Express it mathematically. temperature increases
Ans: It states that At a constant tempe! ssure of a fixed 10) What is the effect of increase in temperature on i) Vapour
mass of gas pressure
is inversely proportional to its volume? ii) Suface tension. Ans: 1) Increases 11) Decreases

Mathematicall:y po - at constant temperature. 11) What type of Vander Waal’s force exists between HCI
Ans: Dipole-Dipole force
04) State Charle’s law. Write its mathematical expression 12) Under what conditions of temperature and pressure real
Ans: It states that At a constant pressure, the volume of a fixed mass of gas is
gases approach ideal behavior Ans : Low
pressure and high temperature
proportional to its absolute temperature.
directly 13) Define Critical volume.
Mathematically: voT at constant pressure. Ans: It is the volume of one mole of a gas at critical

05) Name 2 types of forces which determine the physical state of substances. 14) What is Boyle temperature? Ans : It the
temperature at which a real gas Ans: 1) Thermal energy and ii) Inter molecular forces. obeys ideal gas law over an appreciable

range of pressure.

AbDNE fine MAEWpHriaEt oNut

UNIT - 04: THERMODYNAMICS : i) A balanced chemical equation in which heat change and
physical state of|
01) Define the following thermodynamic terms. reactants and products are indicated is called thermo
chemical equation.
i) Open system ii) Closed system iii) Isolated system. ii) It is the enthalpy change that occurs, when one mole
ofa compound is
Ans: formed from its elements in their standard state.
1) A system which can exchange both energy and matter with the surrounding iii) It is the enthalpy change that occurs, when one
mole of a substance is
1) A system which can exchange only energy but not matter with the surrounding completely burnt in air (O2) under standard
11)A system which cannot exchange both energy and matter with the surrounding/09) Derive the relationshi and Cy for ideal gas.
02) What is an extensive property? Give an example. Ans: We know that
Ans: A property which depends on the quantity of matter present in the system is At constant volu
called extensive property. Ex: Mass, Volume, Enthalpy, Entropy..etc mas Te, p= Cy, x AT =All
03) What is an intensive property? Give an example. Fo r ole of an ideal gas AH = AU + RAT
Ans: A property which does not depends on the quantity of matter th
is called intensive property. Ex: Temperature, pressu nsi
system Cy, = Cy+R (or) Ce-Cy=R
04) State first law of thermodynamics. Write its mathematic rm.
Where : Cp= molar heat capacity at constant pressure,
Ans: Energy can neither be created nor be
Cy= molar heat capacity at constant volume, R = consta
Universal gas nt.
Mathematically AU= q+W
10) State Hess’s law of constant heat summation
y i ° Giv
05)What are exothermic processes? @Ivean Ans: The enthalpy change that occurs remains same whether is
exQnple. Ans : It is a process in which heat the reaction carried out in one step (or) several
is evolved from the system steps
Ex: Cis) + Oxe) — COxg) AH =-393.5 KJ 11) What is a spontaneous Give example.
06) the relation between enthalpy change and internal process? Ans : It is a an its own under the given set
Write energy change. process which can takes place of
Ans 2BH = BURR) conditions. Ex: Rusting of iron (or)
Melting of ice 07) What is molar heat capacity ? Write the relation between Cp and Cy 12) What is entropy?
Give its SI unit
Ans: It is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one mole of Ans: It is a measureof degreea of disorder
(or) randomness of system

the substance by 1°C (or) IK. Cp - Cv=R The SI unit of entropy is Jk'mol'!
08) Define : i) Thermochemical equation ii) Standard enthalpyof formation 13) Write i) Gibb’s free energy equation ii) Gibbs-Helmohltz
iii) Standard enthalpy of combustion Ans: i)G=H-TS ii) AG = AH-TAS

Abbee fat MAWH Eprt out

14) Calculate the enthalpy of formation of CH3OH \. If enthalpy of UNIT - 05 : EQUILIBRIUM
| combustion of methanol, carbon and hydrogen are -726kJmol"', 01)Mention three characteristics of chemical equilibrium?
-393kJmol" and -286kJmol"' respectively. Ans: |) Equilibrium is possible only ina closed system at a
constant temperature.
Ans :The required equation is : C + 2H, + to, —— CH;OH AfH=? 2) All measurable properties of the system
t constant. Daala: : 6 + 0, co, AH= 393.0kJi <""-"- (1) 3) Both the
opposing processes occur the same rate .
02) Write thr applicationsof equilibrium constants Ke or Kp
| Hp + 3 22 —_ 4,0 AH= 286.0 ------ any ee Pe —
3 A (2) _ dir
the reaction.
CH,-OH +20, ——» CO, + 2H,O kJ — ----- Ans: 1) predi
: 2~ 2 ; ction
To ct
o get required? equation : AH= 726.0kJ Si fbrium c
, © +
- (3) 2) predi .
; oncentrations
Retain eqn(1)
Eqn (2) multiplied by2: To ct us equilibrium? Give an example
2H, + O2 —* co, O27 AH = 3)
—* 21,0 AH = To
— 393,0
) Homo
kJ —
572.0kd 03) What
Reverse eqn(3) CO, + 2H,O —> CHy-OH +30, AH= + 726.0 $ It ¢: rh <a in which all the reactants and products are in
same phase.
| Add : C+ 2H, +10, —— Hyon = — 249.0% xt Hag) +14) = 2HIe)
15Calculate the enthalpy of combustion of benzene. 04) WhWhat
at is His
og “ e s equilibrium?
we Give
le a le.
(CoHe)given enthalpy Ans :) It is an equilibrium in which the reactantsanexamp
& products are
in different phase.
of formation of CQ2, H2O and CeHe are -393.5kJ, -286. Ex: H20u > H20@)

. e 05)) State Lechatlier’s principle. What is the effect of
Ans :The required equati
s on i: temperature on the

cute,S Data:
equilibrium when the forward reaction is exothermic?
Ans :It states that a change in any of the factors that
Cc + Oo, —— COz determines the equilibrium
Abbos fab angey jive tre St

07)Explain Lewis concept of acid and base with an example. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY
Ans: i) Acid ts a electron pair acceptor Ex : BF3,AICI3, H* ... etc UNIT-01 : CLASSIFICATION OF ELEMENTS AND PERIODICITY 11)
Base ts a electron pair donar Ex : NH3,H20, F ...etc IN
08) 01) State Modern periodic law. Ans : It states that the
What is Conjugte acid-base pair? Give one example.
physical and chemical properties of the
Ans: The pair of an acid and a base which differ by a proton is called conjugate
elements are the periodic functions of their atomic number.
02) Give the IUPAC of an element with atomic number
ac base pair. Ex: HCl and Cl~
id i 1
the relationship between Kp and Ke, Write Kp and
i)102 ii)104 iii)
09) K; for the
Ans: i) Unnilbium adium iii) Unununium
reaction PClsjg) ——> — PChyg) + Cla)
ii) Unniloctium iv)
period and
03) Define ionizatio ? How does it varies
along a
Precis dow, up?
10) Show that P! + POH = pkw=14 s: It the nt of energy required to remove an electron
from an isolated

=1071* Take —ve logarithm on gaseous atom in its ground

Ans :We know that [H+] state.
the decreases.
K, = - [OH7] - both sid [OH~]) =-log10-** Along a period increases group
logk,, log( [H { -log]OH7] } =-14 along a period and down
and down
= *] 04) Define electron gain varies
-logky= -log[H*] enthalpy. How
pkw = pH + po# =14 the group ?

11) What is common ion effect? Explain wit nex

Ans: It the amount of energy released when an
electron is added to a Ans: The degree of dissociation ofa w Sn e is suppressed by the addition neutral gaseous
of strong electrolyte having a oO ion Is called common ion effect. Along a period increases and down the group decreases. .
Ex : The degree of dissociation of acetic acid is suppressed by the addition 05) Define electronegativity. How does it varies
along a period and down the group?
of sodium acetate.

12) What is buffer solution? Give one example for acidic & basic buffer Ans: It is the capacity (or) ability of an atom in a
compound to attract the
Ans: The solutions which resist change in P4 value by the addition of small shared electrons towards itself.

amount of an acid or base are called buffer solutions. 06) What are isoelectronic species? Give an example.
Ex: Acidic buffer: CH3COOH + CH;3COONa & Basic buffer : NHsOH + NH3Cl Ans : Atoms and ions which contains same number of electrons are
13)Write IIenderson-Iasserbalcequation for acidic buffer. iso- electronic species. Ex: Na*, Mg?*, AP’*, F, O07, N?
pu = p*a + logic [Salt] 07) Name the most electronegative element in the periodic table
Ans :Fluorine [Acid]
AbDgS Hab MAB WHE pHs Sut
UNIT-2 : CHEMICAL BONDING AND MOLECULAR STRUCTURE corners of a regular tetrahedron with bond angle of 109.5° The four
01) Write any three postulates of molecular orbital theory. °
sp?- hybrid orbital of carbon atom overlaps axially with 1s orbital

Ans: 1) The atomic orbitals of comparable energies and proper symmetry of 4 H- atoms to form 4 C-H sigma 7
ue to sp?- hybridization G combine to form molecular orbitals e methane has a tetrahedral structure.
H 10
I 50

2) The number of molecular orbitals formed is equal to the number of atomic] 05) Explain sp? hybridization in BCl

orbitals combined. Ans: ° ;B- 1s? 2s? 2p,' 2P,° 2P.°

(Ground state EC) 3) When two atomic orbitals combine to form two types of molecular orbital *
sB-1s? 2s’ 2p xcited state EC)
namely Bonding molecular orbital (BMO) and Anti bonding molecular
orbital (ABMO). The three i
02) Write any three postulates of VSEPR theory. lie infon ith an angle of 120°. The three sp?-
hybrid orbital of B atom Ans : |) The shape ofa molecule depends upon the number of valence shell overlaps axially
with 3p- orbital of 3-chlorine atoms to form three B-Cl sigma
electron pairs around the central atom. ds.Due to sp?- hybridization BCl3 has a planar structure.
2) The pairs of electrons in the valence shell tend repel one al T SI ») Explain sp-hybridization by taking ethyne
(Acetylene) as example. their electron clouds are negatively charged. Ans: * gC- 1s? 2s*
2p,' 2P,' 2P,° (Ground state EC)
3) The pairs of electrons in the valence
t shell such positions in * «C-1s* 2s! 2p,' 2Py' 2P,,' (Excited
state EC)
space that minimize repulsion and thus max istance between them. sp hybridisation
03) Mention any three conditions ee nation of atomic orbitals. « The two sp-hybrid orbitals formed are directed linearly
with an angle of 180°!

Ans : a) The combining atomic orbitals must have the nearly same energy. + One sp- hybrid orbital of each carbon atom
overlaps axially to form one C-C b) The combining atomic orbitals must have the same symmetry about the sigma
bond.The other sp- hybrid orbital of cach carbon atom overlaps axially
molecular axis. with Is orbital of 2 H-atoms to form 2 C-H sigma bonds.
c) The combining atomic orbitals must overlap to the maximum extent. « The 2 unhybridised p- orbitals of each carbon atom
overlaps laterally to form

04) Explain sp* hybridization with methane molecule as an example. 2 C-C pi bonds. Due to SP- hybridization
acetylene molecule has a linear Ans: ¢ 6C-1s? 2s? 2p,’ 2P,’ 2P,° (Ground state EC) structure with
bond angle of 180°.
* @C-1s? 2s' 2p,' 2P,' 2P,' (Excited state EC)

sp® hybridisation

The four identical sp>-hybrid orbitals formed are directed towards the four

D fink HAE who
st pHiout
07) Explain the shape of ammonia molecule using VSEPR theory? O452,04,2, 052,08 p52; 1

O22 M2p2— Top3, a Toph

Ans :In NH; molecule nitrogen atom pair 3 bond N.-Ns 10-6
has I Jone and pairs of Bond order—-—2
= = =
; ;
electrons. Due to greater pair — —)
repulsion of lone
bond pair compared to bond pair-bond pair. Magnetic property : Duc to unpaired electrons, it is
N ye ° at e ‘ wad .
Thus bond angle is reduced to 107° from 109.5° A 13) Write
e the electronic configuration
t of Liz molecule
e and
calculate its

s 7070 bond order?

-» NH3 has Trigonal pyramidal shape. H

08) The dipole of BeF2 is zero. Give reason.

we . a ee Bond order =
moment Ans: Thi nt poi s in opposite directions and
two equal bondi d poles
is because the
ogen bond in the following compounds?
cancel the effect of each other. 14) Mentionghe typ
09)What is hydrogen bond? Mention the type i) Cy thysRitro phenol?
of hydrogen bonding involved in o-nitrophenol. ny) olecular hydrogen bond 11)Intra molecular hydrogen
Ans: It is defined as the attractive force which binds the hydrogen ato! ni 5) Write Lewis dot symbols for i) O ii) N iii) CHs
iv) CCla v) CO2- vi)CO2

molecule with the highly electronegative atom of another molec Ans: H . Cl: . 0:
a . . Intra molecular hydrogen bond

i) O2 li) Ne iii)H*C +H iv) ecre Cc: cls 2) Pe : 0 «| vi)O2+C#O

10) What is pi bond? Why sigma bond is ave H “Cl: ™ .
Ans: A covalent bond is formed by the sidewis ral overlapping of 16) Write any two differences bonding and
anti-bonding molecular orbital.

bonding atomic orbitalsis atten) Bonding molecular orbital

Because the extent of overlappingus.greater
i n a sigma bond. They are more stable They are less stable
11) Write any two differences between sigma (oc) and pi (z) bond. They favours bond formation They donot favours bond
17) Define i) Bond length ii) Bond angle iii) Bond order
is formed by the axial overlapping | It is formed lateral overlapping of
It Ans: i) It is the equilibrium distance between
the of nuclei of two bonded atoms
of bonding atomic orbital. bonding atomic orbital in a molecule. ii) It is the angle between the orbitals
Sigma bond ts stronger. Pi bond is weaker.
containing bonding electron
pairs around the central atom in a molecule. iii) It is the number
12) Write the molecular orbital electronic configuration of oxygen molecule. of covalent bonds present between the two atoms in
a molecule.

Calculate the bond order and comment on magnetic property 18) State Octet rule. Ans:It states that atoms of
different elements combine with Ans: The electronic configuration of O2 molecule is : each other in
order to complete their octet.

AbDvE fab ARSE wih RM khan out

UNIT-03 : REDOX REACTIONS 03) Consider the element Na, F, and I:
01) Balance the following chemical equation by oxidation number method in i) Identify the element that exhibits only negative
oxidation states
ii) Identify the element that exhibits only positive oxidation
iii) Identify the element that exhibits both positive &negative
oxidation state
2+ y 3+ y
Ans: ii) Na_ iii)
Step-1: Crg0;2> ——> Fe** + i)F_
Fe2*+ 6+ Crt combination reaction, Give an example.
f h 3+ 04)What
Oxidation: 1x1 = 1unit Ans ; It is a redox reaction inywhi mical compounds are
formed by the
Step-2: Oxidation half reaction: combination ents, Ex: C
Fe?* —» Fe%* 1 unit
+ O2 —>CO2 Reduction half reaction : Cr,072> —» 2Cr* 6 unit 05)What is metal di t

reaction ? Give an example.

Ans: It is aredox r tion in which metal present in a chemical

Step-3 : Oxidation half 6 Fe*——> 6 Fe%* compound gets
reaction x 6:
Cr3072-> —> 2Cr°* displaced by another metal. Ex : CuSO, + Zn —> Cu+ ZnSOq
Reduction half
6Fe®*+ Cr,072>—> ‘hat is disproportionation reaction? Give an example.
reaction x 1:
6F Ans : It is a redox reaction in which an element in one oxidation
: state is

Step-4: 6 Fe2* +Cr,0y +14Ht —> 6 Fe3* +2 wu 7 simultaneously oxidised and reduced .Ex : 2 H202 —>2
120 + O2 02) Balance the following redox equation by oxidation hod in
07) Define oxidation number?
basic medium. MnO,” + Br~ ——> Mn Ans : It is the real or apparent charge on one atom of the |
element in a compound
Oxidation:1 +5
+7 Reduction:1x3 = 3unit
Step-1 MnO, + Br —+» MnO,
1037 -1
transfer. by any species is called Oxidation 09) Define
oxidation Ans : Loss oxidizing agent in terms oxidation number.
in terms
of of Ans: A reagent which can increases the oxidation number of an
electron electron(s) element ina
Step-2: Oxidation half reaction : Br —»BrO;° (6 unit)
given substance is called oxidizing agent.
Reduction half reaction: MnO,——> MnO, (3 unit) 10) What is the oxidation number of Mn in i) MnQz ii) KMnO,
Step-3 : Oxidation half reaction x3 : 3 Br —~3 BrO; Ans: i)+4 11) +7
Reductidn half reaction x 6 : 6MnO,z,——» 6MnOz 11) Calculate
the oxidation number of Cr in +3 B, Add
K2Cr2Ov. : 6MnO, + 3Br —* 6MnOrOs Ans :
Let the ON of Cr be ’x’ 24+2x +7(-2)=0
2x-12=0 «x=+6
Step-4: 6MnO, + 3Br + 3H,0 —— 6MnO, + 3 BrO3” + GOH

AbDSS fink HAE whe pHat out

UNIT-04 : HYDROGEN 1) Boiling it) By using lime (Clark’s method)
01) Mention the three uses of Dihydrogen. 08) What are the causes for permanent hardnessof water?
Ans : It is used a) In the preparation of ammonia by Haber’s process b) In the Ans : Permanent hardness is due to the
presence of chlorides and sulphates of preparation of hydrogen chloride c) As a reducing agent in metallurgy
calcium and magnesium .

02) How is hydrogen gas prepared in the laboratory ? Write the equation 09) What are the causes for temporary hardness of
Ans: It is prepared in the laboratory by the reaction of zinc with dilute HCI. Ans:Temporary hardness is due to.the
presence of bi (hydrogen) carbonates Zn+2HCl —> ZnCl + H2 (or) Zn+2H+ —> Zn**+ + H2 of calcium and
03) Explain the preparation of 11202 from Barium peroxide 10) Complete the follow
Ans ; It is prepared by the action of dil. 12504 on barium peroxide.

i) BaO2+ H2SO0; —— H20O2 + BaSOs

04) What are hydrides ? Give one example for saline(ionic)hydride.
Ans: A binary compounds of hydrogen with other elements except noble gases
are called hydrides Ex : LiH (or) NaH
Ans: 1) H2 + Na2ZnO2 ii) PbSOs + 4H20
05) Write the composition of i) water gas(synthesis gas), ii)
ducer gas 111) CO2 + H2 Iv) NaOH + H2

Ans: i) Water gas : CO + IIb 10) Name the radioactive isotope of hydrogen.

li) Producer gas : CO + N2 Ans: Tritium

06) What is hard water? Mention nc of removing 11) What is the molecular formula for heavy water?
permanent Ans : D20
hardness of water? 12) What is the role of heavy water in nuclear reactor?
Ans: Water containing soluble salts of calcium and magnesium Ans : As moderator (or Slow down fast moving neutrons)
is called Hard
water. It can be removed by using
i) Sodium carbonate (Washing soda) 13) Name the isotope of Ilydrogen containing two
11) Sodium hexa meta phosphate (Calgon’s method) Ans : Tritium

07) What is soft water? Mention any two method of removing temporary 14) Give an example for electron precise hydride.
hardness of water?
Ans: Methane(CHy)

Ans: Water free from soluble salts of calcium and magnesium is called Soft 15)Write the reaction of
dihydrogen with halogen water. It can be removed by Ans: H2 +
X2——> 2HX


UNIT-05 : s-BLOCK ELEMENTS Ans: It is prepared by heating lime stone ina rotary kiln at
01) How is sodium hydroxide prepared commercially by Kastner-
Kellner CaCO = CaO + CO:
05) How is sodium bicarbonate prepared?
Ans: A Brine (NaCl) solution is electrolysed using a mercury cathode and a
Ans : It is prepared by passing CO? gas through a
carbon anode. Chlorine(Clz) gas is liberated at the anode. Sodium metal
saturated solution of Sodium Carbonate
NazCO3 + H20 + CO2 —— 2NaHCO3
at the cathode combines with mercury to form sodium-amalgum
discharged 06) Mention one biological im ce of each Na and K.
Reactions: At anode cl- — = Ch +e7 Ans: Nat ion transport ey acids in to cells.K* ion
participate in the
At oxidationof gl c to produce
cathode : Nat +e7 oes Na — amalgam(IIg)
ATP. 07) What
Sodium-amalgum is treated with water to get NaOl] and Ib gas.
happens w :

i) Water isa 0 Quicklime (CaO) ii) Potassium burns in

2 Na-amalgam(Hg) + 2 Hx30 ——> 2 NaOH +H2+ 2Hg
iit) Sod etal is dropped into water.
02) Give the chemical formula for
: 1) CaO reacts with water to form calcium
i) Plaster of paris ii) Lime stone iii) Washing soda iv) Quick li

hydroxide (Ca(OH): ) ii) K burns

y) Slaked lime vi) Soda ash vii) Baking soda viii) Caustic soda
vigorously to form super oxides
ns; i) CaSOs. > H0 (or) 2(CaSO4).H20 ii) CaCQs ii
2NH3+ H20 + CO2 — (NH3)2CO3
iv) CaO’ v) Ca(OH)2 vi) NazCO3_ vii) NaHC
03) Explain the manufacture of sodi rbonate by Solvay’s
Ans : The CQ) gas is passed through S: solution of NaCl
solution) saturated with ammonia to get ammonium
carbonate followed
by ammonium hydrogen carbonate and sodium hydrogen
iii) Na reacts with water to form NaOH with the elements. Ans: ns!?
liberation of Hz gas 11) How is ionization enthalpy varies in alkali metals? Ans:
08) Alkali metals are stored in kerosene, why? Decreases

Ans: Because of their high reactivity towards air and water.. 12) Name the alkali metal which is radioactive? Ans ;
09) Why are alkali metals are soft? Ans: Due to weak metallic
bonding 13) Which alkali metal gives golden yellow colour to the
flame ? Ans: Na
10) Give the general electronic configuration of s-block
+ H20 + CO2 — 2NHsHCO3
(NH3)2CO3 14) Why compounds of alkaline earth metals are more extensively
NHsHCO; + NaCl —> NaHCO; + NHsCl
hydrated than those of alkali metals ?
Sodium hydrogen carbonate on heating gives Sodium carbonate.
Ans : The hydration enthalpies of alkaline earth metal
—— 2NaHCO3 NaxCO3 + #20 + CO2 of alkali metal
ions are larger than those
04) How quicklime is commercially prepared ? 15) Name the alkali metal has maximum hydration enthalpy. Ans :


UNIT-06 : SOME p-BLOCK ELEMENTS 11) Write any three differences between graphite and diamond.
01) Write the composition of i) Borax ii) Orthoboric acid Graphite | —~—sdDiamond

n i No 1 i T )
)sB 0 iB
i) Concentrated nitric acid transferred in aluminium container. It is a bad conductor of electricity. It is a conductor of

ii) Graphite is soft and slippery 11) What is catenation? Give the example of element of
group-14 shows
iii) Diamond is covalent, yet it has high melting point maximum

Ans: i) Because Conc.HNO3 renders aluminium passive by forming a protective| Ans : Carbon atoms hav ityeto
bond with one another through covalent oxide layer on the surface bondto form | and rings.
Ex :Catbon(C).
ii) Due to weak vander waal's forces of attraction allows the layers to slide over |11) Whati
ice ? Write the basic structural unit of
silicates. one another. Hence graphite is soft and slippery. $3 Mis is called Dry ice. Basic
structural unit: Siog7
iii) Due to its hardness it has high melting point. at is the repeating unit in organo silicon polymer ?
Name the starting 03) Mention the type of hybridization of i) carbon atom prese (raw) material used in the
manufacture of organo silicon polyme r.
Ans: —{R,SiO}—, Aalkyl (or) aryl substituted silicon chlorides.
Diamond Graphite i 13) How diborane is prepared from Boron trifluoride?
SP? SP? Ans : It is prepared by the reaction of BF3 with sodium
hydride (NaH).
04) Name the gas which forms complex carboxy\hacmoglobin. 2BF3+6NaH —> BoHo + 6NaF
Ans : Carbon moxide (or) CO 14) Complete the following equat
> : H-
O O ion
on.H2S0 3K
C M Ans:CO+0 05) What is the shape of Buckminster Fullerene? Ans : Soccer ball 15)) What are Silicones? Mention any two
man made silicate.
06) Write the molecular formula of inorganic benzene. Ans : B3N3Hs Ans: Silicones are Organo silicon polymers
containing —¢R,SiO}-repeatingunits 07) What is zeolite? Ans: Hydrated sodium alumino silicates are called zeolites.
Man made silicates are Glass and cement
08) Give any three reasons for anoamalous behavior of Boran (or) carbon? |16) Explain the reactions taking place
when Hs3BOs is heated?
Ans: Due toi) Its small size ii) Its high electronegativity A
Ans: 13BO; —~> HBO. —— _— B20;
iii) Absence of d-orbital in its valence shell. A Lo, . . . i,
ic acid Boric anhydr
i de(Boric oxide)
09) Why Boron has high melting point? Ans : Due to strong . .
crystalline lattice 17) Write general
> electronic
. configurationof ‘P’ block
the 1 6
10) Name the neutral oxide of carbon. Ans : Carbon moxide (or) elements. gas] ns*, np”
CO Ans:


ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 03) Mention the name of any two methods of purification of
01) How can carbon and hydrogen be estimated in the organic , ,
compound ns: 1) Sublimation 2) Crystallisation
Co 3) Distillation (Any
by Liebig’s process?
04) What are carbocations? Mention the hybridisation state of
Ans ; Principle: A known mass of the organic compound is carbon and +
heated with — shape of CH; (methyl
. carbocation).
. .
Copper(II) oxide in presence of pure and dry oxygen.The Ans: A species
/ having a carbon atoms possessing sextext of
; . electrons and a
carbon and
_. r
hydrogen present in the organic compound are oxidized to positive charge are c ions.
CO2 & H20 Hybridisation pe : Trigonal planar
C+2Cu0 —> CO:t+2Cu, 2H + CuO —> H20+ Cu
The mass of H2O and CO: produced is determined by passing the mixture 05)How do you dete in sodium fusion extract?
gases through weighed U-tube c ontaining anhydrous CaClz and another] 4 ys- Cifusi
a extract Is acidified with acetic acid
and lead acetate is weighed U-tube containing KOH solution. These tubes are connected in ad t. A black

precipitate of lead sulphide indicates the presence of series. The increase in mass of CaCl2 and KOH gives the amounts
of H: ulphur.
and COp from which percentage of and hydrogen are calcula 6) Define functional group. Write the
structure of functional group of Calculation:s Let the mass of the organic compound be ’w’ &
COz produced be mi and m2 respectively Ans: An atom or group of atoms which determines the
properties of an organic
“> + Hed 2x ~ x 100 eit athon = 12x halogen is heated
m)x 100
«+ Pecen tage 0 rogen = —————|} = with fuming nitric acid in the presence of Silver nitrate
r S XW ns in a hard glass tube
02) rWi teth p e ple rinci
df o r m a l s an o
the estimation
known as Carius tube. The carbon and hydrogen present in
44xW the compound
are oxidized to CO2 andH20. The halogen present in the
halogens presentin an organic co nd by Carius method. compound forms the
Ans: Principle:A known mass of organic compound containing corresponding Silver halide (AgX). It is filtered, washed,
dried and weighed. compounds is called functional group. FG: -CHO
The percentage of halogen is calculated from the mass of 107) For the compound CH3 - CH = CH-CH3
Silver halide.
xX i) Write the IUPAC name of the compound ii)Write the bond
Percentage of Halogen =
mx x
formula for the compound Identify the number of pi-bond
Ans : i) 2-butene (But-2-ene) ii) JAS iii) 1 (one)
08) What type of isomerism the following pairs of compounds
i) Propanal and 2-propanone. Ans: Functional isomerism
ii) Propan-1l-ol and propan-2-ol Ans: Position isomerism
iii) Pentane and 2-methyl butane. Ans: Chain isomerism
09)What are free radical ? Ans : The neutral species which
contain single
(or) unpaired electrons are called freee radical

AbbOS Fab ab whieh pHitt but

10) What are electrophile and nucleophile? Give one example of each. UNIT - 02 : HYDROCARBONS
Electrophile Nucleophiles (01) Explain the mechanism
o f chlorination of
methane. It is a reagent that takes away an It is a reagent that brings an electron |/Ans:
Mechanism: It involves the following three steps.
electron pair from the reactive site. pair to the reactive site. 1) Initiation:. cl—cl hy Cl
Ex : AlCl, BF3,H*, NOt
+ Cl (or) 2 Cl Ex : H2O, NH3,0H~,CN7 2)
Propagation: Chlorine F°™'YSS Chigrine free radicals
11) Write any 2 differences between inductive effect & mesomeric effect a) CH + Cl —__> CH; + HCl

Inductive effect Mesomeric(Resonance)effect b) 1 — CH;-Cl + Cl

It is a weak effect It is a strong effect Steps (a) an veral time and a chain reaction
It occurs in a It occurs ina conjugated system b) CS UU occurs
saturated system
3) — >» CH;-Cl
It involves in the
partial It involves in the completew
displacement ofo electrons ofx electrons Vu + cl > CIC! (or) Cl,
12) Write any 2 differences between inductive effect & electromeric effect CH; + CH, ——> CH;-CH,

Electromeric effect” 02)Explain the steps involved ino of benzene.

It isa permanent “\ | It iastemporary effec .
d mechanism
effect lia . f nitration Ans : It involves
Itis ast hi -
ffe | Itoccurs the following three steps 0, + 80 + H,0
e i a rreak
t e eff [aang PN t
aw 1) Generationof Electrophile
: HNO; + H,S0,—>
It occurs ine a ey
saturated system
13) What is meant by inductive effect?.Give an example ofa group 2) Formation of Carbocation::
causing -! effect? ~
|Ans : The polarity is produced in a molectile due to the partial displacement of & — Carbocation
a - bond pair of clectrons towards more electronegative Ex : -NOz, -CN, n 3) Removal of Proto: a” NO;
14) What is the functional isomerism? Explain with an example NO, + HS0, —_> + H
Ans : When two (or) more compounds having the same molecular formula but
Ex : Ethyl alcohol and Dimethyl ether are functional isomers. 03) Walte the geometrical isomers of But-2-ene,
15) Name the element estimimated by Kjeldahl's (or) Dumas mn: BS cl 7 ms Som cl
method Cis-But-2-ene H CHs
Ans : Nitrogen Trans-But-2-ene

Abb? 8 fi ak RAE WRN DETAhEt out

04)Describe the mechanism of addition of HBr to propene. 09)How phenol is converted to Benzene? Give equation
Ans: It involves the following three steps Ans: It is prepared by passing vapours of phenol over
o dust 1) Formation f electrophile H*
heated zinc HBr ——» H* + Br OH
2) The electrophile, which double bond to form carbocation. + Zn A C + ZnO
attacks the H,C-CH,-CH,
+ aH 1. Pri-carbocation ( Less stable) Phenol Benzene
Propene Electrophile H,C-CH-CH, 10) Explain Wurtz reaction with
y . le)
ocation. Thus 2° carbocatio
ble example.
Sec-carhotatin (More When alkyl ae sodium metal in dry ether to
The 2°- carbocation is more stable than 1°i- carb halide o give higher
etab Ans: is known
n is alkane.This rea as Wurtz reaction
formed. Ex: Dry
3) The Brion attacks stable sec- carbocation to es a + Br-CH,-CH, H,C-CH,-CH)-CH, +
the more form stable ether. 2NaBr
product — Gr m ct Brom eth
H3;C-CH-CH,; _ | (Ethybbromide) (Ethy!
o ha o ane
+ Br —W~—* H,C-CH-CH,
ate Markownikov’s rule.
Sec-carbocation 2-bromo propane Ans: It states that “ negative unsymmetrical molecule attached
05)Draw the staggered conformation ethane. part of the gets _ to
of H H .
the unsaturated carbon alkene or alkyne lesser
atom of the containing
H number of hydrogen atoms.
12) Name the products formed when ethyne is passed through
' H H
red hot iron tube? Ans : Benzene.
Staggered conformation of e H CaC, + 2H,0 ——* C,H, + Ca(OH),
06) How is ethyne prepared from calcium carbide? Give
. . .
i Ans: It
equation s prepared
. by treating
t calcium
carbide wi h water.
13) Explain the preparation of ethane by Kolbe’s Ans : Electolysis
H,C-COONa + 2H,0 eee H3;C-CH3+ 2CO, + 2NaOH +
electrolytic method?
H2 Sodium ethanoate Ethane
Calcium carbide Ethyne (Acetylene) 14) Give any two tests to distinguish between alkane and alkene.
Ans : i) Ba solution test 2)Bayer’s test
07) Name the catalyst used in Friedel-craft’s reaction. Ans : Anhy.AICl3 ) y
08) Write any three conditions for aromaticity. 15) Classify the following in to meta and ortho & para directing
ns:i) Planarity ii) Complete delocalization of the 1-electron - CHO, --OH, -CN-CH3
ili) Presence of (4n+2)m electrons in the ring. Ans: Meta: -CHO, -CN Ortho & Para: , -OH -CH3

AbDSS Hat as RAE LaF Sut

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