Career Episode 1

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The basis of my first career episode was my project ‘Simulation Study of Well Test Analysis

Using Deconvolution Technique’. This was my graduation project. At the time I was undertaking

my studies of in Bachelor Engineering in Petroleum and Natural Gas from the Mehran

University Jamshoro. I conducted the project in 12 weeks with the project being based within the

University premises.


The use of deconvolution in well-test and analysis of production data is integral as it offers

equivalent constraints rate or even well reservoir systems pressure responses affected by the

changing pressure or rates. The significance of deconvolution has increased with the adoption of

permanent flow rate and pressure measurement systems as it is not possible processing well test

or production data in a simultaneous manner and getting the underlying well model (Maulik and

San, 2017).
There have emerged new approaches for analysis of well-test data in the nature of constant-rate

drawdown system responses as well as production data as constant-pressure rate system response

(Smith et al., 2016). The emergence has been linked to the establishment of robust pressure or

rate as well as rate/pressure deconvolution algorithms. This project focused on pressure/rate

deconvolution in the analysis of well-test data. Deconvolution tends to be an ill-posed inverse

challenge and will often exhibit unique solutions be it in cases there is no noise in the data

(Koestler et al., 2016).

Deconvolution tends to be quite sensitive to noise even in cases the solution presented is unique

and as such slight changes in the input would result in significant changes on the output. As

such, this ill-posed feature of deconvolution challenge in combination with errors which are

inherent in pressure as well as rate data introduces numerous challenges to the application of

deconvolution (Zhang et al., 2020). The objective of this project was to carry out in investigative

analysis of three deconvolution approaches and determine the limitations and benefits of each of

them (Dong et al., 2021)

I conducted the tasks and activities mentioned below in the completion of this project:
 Preparation of a work schedule to ensure timely completion of all the tasks

 Studies scholarly and peer reviewed journals, publications and articles geared towards

equipping me with the background knowledge and understanding of deconvolution

techniques and well-test data analysis

 Researching on electronic deconvolution books, watching online tutorial and getting aid

from the various professionals to aid in the reinforcement of my understanding ability of

the project topic

 Analyzing the various methods of deconvolution

 Conducting analysis on the use of deconvolution methods in the simulation of well-test


 Reporting on the merits of each of the three studies deconvolution methods in the

simulation of well-test data

 Reporting on the ways in which deconvolution methods are used in the simulation of

well-test data

 Reporting on the shortcomings of the three analyzed deconvolution methods in the

simulation of well-test data

 Presenting the final report as well as presentation of the amended versions based on the

feedback from the project coordinator and supervisor

Below is the project hierarchy

Personal Engineering Activity

Before the commencement of this project, I established an elaborate understanding of the scope

of the project. I conducted research through numerous journals, publications alongside research
articles aimed at strengthening my theoretical knowledge. Through the use of offline and online

data sources, I gained an understanding of deconvolution methods and how each of them works.

I as well generated a project schedule for use in conducting all the tasks and project activities in

an effective wat. I then organized a kick off meeting with my project supervisor and coordinator.

During the meeting we held discussions on my initial research besides sharing my project

schedule and background information already gathered. They in return gave feedback which I

considered for the purposes of improving the project. I worked as per the engineering

accountabilities standards for keeping the research requirements. I used the IEEE standard in

conducting my studies for the different aspects of the project.

During this project I conducted analysis into the pressure/rate deconvolution model. I established

the convolution integral that defines the pressure/rate deconvolution model. I found that caution

needs to be observed in this model especially when handling inconsistent sets of data.

Inconsistent data in this model is in reference to data which cannot be described using the

pressure/rate deconvolution model for instance the data obtained under conditions in which

wellbore-storage coefficient and skin change or even multiphase flow impacts take place close to

the wellbore during test sequence (El Faydy et al., 2018).

My analysis led me to the realization that for the case of such inconsistent data, a deconvolution

algorithm needs to be developed based on the model through the use of pressure data from each

of the flow periods as well as by keeping the initial pressure and rates fixed in every run. The

algorithm generates reliable fundings for the pressure and hence test pressures data

deconvolution conducted a single flow period at a time offering consistency check when adopted

in this model
I also conducted studies into the various deconvolution methods. In this I evaluated three main

methods: Von Schroeter et al. Deconvolution method, Levitan Deconvolution method and Ilk et

al. Deconvolution method. I analyzed the advantages and disadvantage of each of the methods

based on the applicability in the simulation of well-test data (Cheng et al., 2018).

The Levitan Deconvolution method adopts the Deconvolution equation that eliminates the

restriction imposed by the assumption made by Schroeter et al. that the validity of the well-bore

storage unit slope remains to be valid only prior to the first node. The pressure/rate

deconvolution encoding makes an assumption that the correspondent time to the initial gride not

is adequately small for correct approximation.

I also conducted a validation of my developed algorithm depending on the Von Schroeter et al.

Deconvolution method and Levitan Deconvolution method. I caried out a comparative analysis

of the generated results from my implementation with the ones presented by Von Schroeter et al.

In conducting this I used the Simulated Example of Von Schroeter et al. for this comparison for

the case of pressure and rate data containing 10% and 5% errors (Wang et al., 2019). The

simulated model was for the vertical wall having wellbore-storage alongside skin effects close to

the sealing fault and all measurements in this illustration were treated to be dimensionless. I used

Von Schroeter et al. parameters in generating the results of the approximated rates as well as for

the approximated unit-rate responses.

I also conducted comparative analysis of the studied three methods with the simulated data. I

considered three synthetic or simulated test examples in testing the proposed deconvolution

methods. The following parameters defined the examples: a simulated well test illustration for

infinite-conductivity fracture wall lacking wellbore-storage impacts in a reservoir enclosed by

two parallel boundaries, a simulated well test illustration for which I have continuous flow rates
measurements and a simulated well test illustration in which modeling of a different wellbore-

storage coefficient has been done for the final buildup sequence for pressure. I used various

examples in illustrating the comparative analysis of the methods studied (Yao et al., 2020).

Another task I completed in this project was field example application. In this case I considered a

single field well-test illustration in demonstrating the use of the studied deconvolution methods.

This involved first processing the pressures for the whole test sequence in a single pass for

estimation of the initial pressures as well as rates in a joint manner with the unit-rate derivative

response functions. I used my logarithm based on the Von Schroeter et al. method for this

application (Finotello et al., 2019). I used the maximum pressure within the test sequence as an

estimate of the initial reservoir pressure.

The project subjected me to testing of my understanding of the technical aspects of simulation of

well-test data. I can confidently say that I was successful in my achievement of every task using

my prior petroleum and natural gas engineering background and knowledge. Using the guidance

from the various tutorials, web resources, books and journals I easily managed to go through the

project with minimal challenges. I always ensured I reached out to my project supervisor and

coordinator in cases of any challenges or difficulties noted. Good communication aided me in

coming up with an efficient and effective solution. Still, I attended different seminars and

conferences alongside exhibitions on petroleum and natural gas simulation during the project.

This came along in improving my skills in the simulation of the well-test data in this project.

I ensured all the activities of the project were conducted based on the existing research project

ethical considerations and procedures. I made sure I took every necessary step when handling the

various forms of data and accessing different data sources. In this project I simulated the well-

test data using three deconvolution methods. I as well deployed the Microsoft Office Program in
the recording of my findings, preparation of the report besides presentation. I completed all the

tasks all through the project. I ensured constant and continuous consultation with my project

supervisor and ensured close monitoring of the project to ensure everything proceeded

seamlessly. I organized weekly meetings with my coordinator for discussion of the different

matters of the project. The resolutions of each of the meetings and the progress of the project was

reported and agreed modifications made. I presented the project in the presence of all the other

course mates, project coordinator and project supervisor.


The project of Simulation Study of Well Test Analysis Using Deconvolution Technique was to a

great extent a success for me since it presented me with the opportunity of learning the different

techniques that can be used in simulating well test data. I managed to complete the project in a

timely manner which further added to the success of the project. The project presented me with

the environment for self-grooming in the field of petroleum and natural gas engineering. It as

well as enhanced my social interactions alongside dealing skills. My project supervisor

acknowledged me for the quality and exemplary performance besides efforts applied towards

achieving the objectives of this project.

Career Episode 2: Planning, designing and installing the machinery in sterile, hormone

section, powder section of Vetz Pharmaceutical Private Limited


My second career episode is on a project on planning designing and installing the machinery in

sterile, hormone section, powder section of the pharmaceutical facility. I undertook as an

engineering technologist at Vetz Pharmaceutical Private Limited when working in collaboration

with the plant engineer. I undertook this project when serving within the firm. At the time I

serving in Vetz Pharmaceutical Private Limited in the capacity of an engineering technologist.


The planning, design and installation for the manufacturing capacity within the pharmaceutical

industry has presented such a significant challenge for the industry. New possible blockbuster

compounds are noted which have been estimated to bear large and future even though might fail

at the last stage. Older and more conventional products generated from off-patent might get a

new lease unexpectedly of life and as such existing production capacity might need to be

enhanced. Many production facilities, as a result, are constructed as multiproduct or even

general-purpose manufacturing units for catering for the wide range of compounds, volumes and

processing characteristics needed.

In spite of the high-tech impression of pharmaceutical facilities, most of the manufacturing

plants used in these facilities are more than two decades old and have been developed in a

manner that is either unstructured or less structures. Vetz Pharmaceutical Private Limited is not

an exception and hence the decision by the management to conduct planning, design and

installation of machinery. Support services will ordinarily have been provided indecently based
on the nature of the project in which with a hindsight, more holistic strategy would have acted

more cost-effective. The pressures of time on new projects might have led to new facilities being

situated in most convenient position is comparison with the best and most ideal location for the

overall development of the site.

Many firms have consequently acknowledged the need for development of a relatively more

structure planning strategy to the developments of their site in the future, integrating:

 Minimization of the costs of operation in support services

 Existing site facilities rationalization’

 Upgrade of the good manufacturing practice, safety and environmental health

 Enhancing the departmental and flows relationships

Every pharmaceutical firm comprehends its own businesses better in comparison with any other

organization and with regard to the site master plan is ideally carried out by the individual

resources of the firm. An external service provider can, nevertheless, offer value addition


 Provision of industry benchmarking

 Provision of specialist skills in major technology areas

 Provision of census workshops, questionnaires and techniques

 Offering resources for enabling the study

 I carried the tasks and activities mentioned below during this project:

 Planning labor and simulation of the operating procedures aimed at ensuring satisfactory

 Optimization of layouts, elimination of cross contamination of the number of the required

intermediate containers

The project hierarchy is as discussed below

Personal Engineering Activity

Before the initiation of this project, I developed an elaborate understanding of the scope of the

task. Through consultation with the plant engineers and conducting background studies from

various publications, articles and research journals, I managed to enhance my theoretical

knowledge on planning, designing and installing the machinery in sterile, hormone section,

powder section of the firm. The plant engineer took me through the operations of the various

plants and machines and such acted to add to the knowledge researched. This knowledge aided

me in understanding the most ideal layout to use to yield optimal performance and maximum

safety of the workers within the facility.

My initial conceptual study of the planning, designing and installing the machinery in sterile,

hormone section, powder section of Vetz Pharmaceutical Private Limited focused on the

arrangements of the plant and aimed at providing a workable as well as efficient layout meeting

the needs of the intended users and offering adequate detail to allow the development of cost

estimation. I drafted all the documents containing high-tech philosophy at this stage for provision

of a strong foundation for the intended engineering efforts. I tabled all the new ideas alongside

cost saving options at the initial stage of the project.

This was done taking into consideration the cost saving ideas during the conceptual study at the

project initial stages that might result in major savings. In collaboration with the plant engineer,

we adopted an approach of opening up all the discussion avenues during the concept design
stage. I was alive to the fact that the opportunities for rethinking would minimize as the project

momentum picked up as soon as the project proceeded into front-ended engineering. As

illustrated in the figure below, I developed an early project stage in which the focus was on

opening up the project beyond the concept stage which closes down quite fast.

I used Britest tools in this project in the design of the best processes besides manufacturing

strategy for each of the machines. The use of the Britest tools encouraged me in developing a

greater comprehension of the process in its entirety, leading to radically varied alternatives being

taken into consideration. These tools presented me with time-effective approaches to beginning

the development process and determination of all the possible and unfeasible process options.

In the duration of this project, another activity I undertook was analysis and refining the design

process. I used modeling and simulation that offered me invaluable assistance to the process of

making decision regrading the design, planning and installation of the machines. I used computer

model in developing various design alternatives. The use of computer modeling ensured easy and

faster modeling, allowing me to achieving minimization of the facility capital cost. I was also

able to determine the demand for resources as well as debottlenecking besides production rates

confirmation and manufacturing schedules illustration.

I also modeled and conducted analysis on the equipment-focused process modeling for utility

and debottlenecking analysis regarding the facility operational aspects. I used computer models
in this project in adding value to at all the design processes stages from the initial conceptual

design all through to the final operation of Vetz Pharmaceutical Private Limited. I deployed both

static and dynamic simulation packages including Pro Designer and Witness.

I ensured all the activities of the project were conducted based on the existing research project

ethical considerations and procedures. I made sure I took every necessary step when handling the

various forms of data and accessing different data sources. In this project I simulated the well-

test data using three deconvolution methods. I as well deployed the Microsoft Office Program in

the recording of my findings, preparation of the report besides presentation. I completed all the

tasks all through the project. I ensured constant and continuous consultation with the plant

engineer and ensured close monitoring of the project to ensure everything proceeded seamlessly.

I organized weekly meetings with my coordinator for discussion of the different matters of the

project. The resolutions of each of the meetings and the progress of the project was reported and

agreed modifications made.


The project of Planning, designing and installing the machinery in sterile, hormone section,

powder section of Vetz Pharmaceutical Private Limited was to a great extent a success for me

since it presented me with the opportunity of learning the different considerations in the ensuring

optimal performance of a pharmaceutical facility. I managed to complete the project in a timely

manner which further added to the success of the project. The project presented me with the

environment for self-grooming in the field of engineering technologist field especially with focus

on the operations of pharmaceutical facility. It as well as enhanced my social interactions

alongside dealing skills. My project supervisor and colleague who was the plant engineer
acknowledged me for the quality and exemplary performance besides efforts applied towards

achieving the objectives of this project.

Career Episode 3: Monitoring, testing, and maintenance of the ongoing processes in the

production of veterinary medicines


My second career episode is on a project on monitoring, testing, and maintenance of the ongoing

processes in the production of veterinary medicines. I undertook as an engineering technologist

at Vetz Pharmaceutical Private Limited when working in collaboration with the plant engineer. I

undertook this project when serving within the firm. At the time I was serving in Vetz

Pharmaceutical Private Limited in the capacity of an engineering technologist.


The manufacture of veterinary medicines integrates numerous and various processes that are

carried out in a systematic manner and within established standards to ensure they meet the

required health and safety standards as well as environmental conversation. As such, the

processes in the production of veterinary medicines are presented via a developed specification.

A specification refers to a list of references, tests to analytical processes alongside appropriate

acceptance criteria that include the numerical ranges, limits or any other criteria for the described

tests. It develops the set of criteria for which the process of manufacture of any medicinal

product or drug substances needs to conform to for consideration as admissible for the intended

use. Specifications tend to be critical to the quality standards that are suggested and justified by

the manufacturers besides being approved by the various regulatory authorities as approval


Among the tasks and activities, I conducted in this project are as listed below:

 Conducting quality assurance checks

 Documentation of the process of manufacturing and keeping of records

 Evaluating the production process

 Validation of the processes of production

 Conducting stability tests

 Conducting tests for illustration of efficacy and safety of the medicines

Below is the hierarchy of the project

Personal Engineering Activity

Before the initiation of this project, I developed an elaborate understanding of the scope of the

task. Through consultation with the plant engineers and conducting background studies from

various publications, articles and research journals, I managed to enhance my theoretical

knowledge on monitoring, testing, and maintenance of the ongoing processes in the production

of veterinary medicines.

At the initiation of this project, my initial step was to ensure the safety and efficiency of the

operation environment. I took the initial initiative of confirming if the facilities deployed in the

production of medicines being designed in a such a way that ensures protection of the medicine’s

purity all the process of production, to protect the health and safety of the personnel and offer

safe containment of any agents that can cause diseases.

I generated a comprehensive production plan for each of the production processes in which every

step in the process of production will take place. I presented the plan in documented detail

standard operating procedure. I unique identified every room within the facility and all the

performed functions alongside all the involved microorganisms in the facilities operation for

prevention of contamination or even errors during the process of production as well documented
During this project, I documented the process of manufacturing besides keeping the records. I

clearly and accurately documented the standards and criteria for acceptance for use of the various

source materials. I made reference from the various existing competent control authorities in the

generation of the guidelines for use in the generation of such documents for veterinary

medicines. This document was intended for defining the product and establishing the standards

and specifications.

I developed an elaborate record keeping system that was able to track the successive steps

performance in preparing each of the veterinary medicines. I kept the records to show the date of

each of the taken important steps, the name of the person who undertook the process as well as

identification and quantification of the added or removed ingredients at every step in the

production of veterinary medicines.

I also conducted process validation of the production of veterinary medicines processes. It is

recommended that ever facility develops three consecutive production batches with admissible

test results for evaluation of the production process consistency. This should be done before the

relevant regulatory approvals are obtained for each of the manufactured veterinary medicines. I

used the manufacturing procured in illustrating the field safety and efficacy as outlined in the

relevant documents. I conducted tests on each of the batches for safety, purity and potency as

given in the approved documentation.

During the progress of this project, I conducted stability tests by monitoring the stability of every

veterinary medicine via a program in the determination of the on-going stability. I considered the

storage conditions influencing the product quality in the relevant regulatory approval among

them temperature, light and absorptive features of the containers. I used different electronic

gadgets alongside heat-sensitive indicators in monitoring the cold chain temperatures.

I also conducted tests aimed at illustrating the efficacy and safety of the veterinary medicines

manufactured. I conducted the procured and tests in strict compliance with the existing and

global standards for instance Good Laboratory Practice. Among the tests I conducted in this

project included target animal safety tests, virulence increases tests, laboratory efficacy tests and

interference tests. I conducted overdose test for live vaccines illustrated to be retaining residual

pathogenicity through induction of lesions or signs that are specific to a disease. I equally

conducted veterinary medicines tests for non-revision to virulence using passage studies.

I ensured all the activities of the project were conducted based on the existing research project

ethical considerations and procedures. I made sure I took every necessary step when handling the

various forms of data and accessing different data sources. In this project I simulated the well-

test data using three deconvolution methods. I as well deployed the Microsoft Office Program in

the recording of my findings, preparation of the report besides presentation. I completed all the

tasks all through the project. I ensured constant and continuous consultation with the plant

engineer and ensured close monitoring of the project to ensure everything proceeded seamlessly.

I organized weekly meetings with my coordinator for discussion of the different matters of the

project. The resolutions of each of the meetings and the progress of the project was reported and

agreed modifications made.


The project of monitoring, testing, and maintenance of the ongoing processes in the production

of veterinary medicines in Vetz Pharmaceutical Private Limited was to a great extent a success

for me since it presented me with the opportunity of learning the different considerations in the

ensuring optimal performance of a pharmaceutical facility. I managed to complete the project in

a timely manner which further added to the success of the project. The project presented me with
the environment for self-grooming in the field of engineering technologist field especially with

focus on the operations of pharmaceutical facility. It as well as enhanced my social interactions

alongside dealing skills. My project supervisor and colleague who was the plant engineer

acknowledged me for the quality and exemplary performance besides efforts applied towards

achieving the objectives of this project.


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