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John Patrick Valenzuela


Reflection # 1
1.Whar do you think “entrepreneur are born or made” Justify your answer.
Entrepreneurs are made. These are individuals who are positive and with powerful self-
confidence. They want to be admired as a self-made man or woman. Such individuals do not
grow overnight, but they grow with time. It could be a dream or a vision that they have always
wanted to achieve since their childhood. Over the years, they have successfully observed the
surrounding environment. Maneuvered through many obstacles and experiences in life which has
helped them to become an is their passion to create something new which makes
them an entrepreneur. It can also be said that an entrepreneur is created through education. The
knowledge that he or she receives through lessons helps the individual to be exposed to new
ideas. Education helps individuals discover the skills and the natural talents that they already
possess. It helps them to successfully use those skills in becoming an entrepreneur. However,
there is one thing that education cannot teach, and that is to take risks. A self-made entrepreneur
can bear risks and take up new challenges Rather it is achieved through experiences, knowledge
and passion. The same goes for business. Entrepreneurs are not marked from birth; they are
people who made a series of good decisions in their businesses and lives. Therefore,
entrepreneurs are not born; they are made.
2. Many people believe that entrepreneurs think differently. How can this be explained in terms
of entrepreneurial cognition?
Let me first define Entrepreneurship in the way I think about it, which is not how most laymen
might define it. Entrepreneurship is creating a business that does something new and different. It
is not starting a restaurant, launching a franchise, or a dry-cleaning business. And certainly not
selling your time as a freelancer. This is not to say these things are not valuable, or risky, they
are all noble professions when done well. However, they are not creating something new for a
society that creates new value, jobs, and hopefully even helps raise the standard of living for all
in time. True entrepreneurship is more scalable because it is more unique and differentiated.
Something that creates new possibilities and alternatives for ways of living.
3. Using the characteristics of entrepreneurs outlined in this module as a reference. How does
your own profile compare to these characteristics?
I compare myself in the characteristic of entrepreneur as a entrepreneur have a vision because in
my current status right now I set goals what I need to do for my future, because a vision that is
unshared and does not echo into other people is not a vision. A vision needs to be believed,
nurtured and followed in order to become the lighthouse that guides the endeavor.So, the vision
is the key element that not only helps the entrepreneur in the ups and downs of a venture, but
also funnels its passion, perseverance and tenacity to an end goal that needs to be shared with the

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