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Biomass for dual-fuel syngas diesel power plants.

Part I: The effect of preheating on characteristics
of the syngas gasification of municipal solid waste
and wood pellets

Prayudi Suparmin, Roswati Nurhasanah, Hendri Hendri & Muhammad


To cite this article: Prayudi Suparmin, Roswati Nurhasanah, Hendri Hendri & Muhammad
Ridwan (2023) Biomass for dual-fuel syngas diesel power plants. Part I: The effect
of preheating on characteristics of the syngas gasification of municipal solid waste
and wood pellets, Arab Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 30:1, 378-392, DOI:

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2023, VOL. 30, NO. 1, 378–392

Biomass for dual-fuel syngas diesel power plants. Part I: The effect of
preheating on characteristics of the syngas gasification of municipal solid
waste and wood pellets
Prayudi Suparmin , Roswati Nurhasanah, Hendri Hendri and Muhammad Ridwan
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institut Teknologi PLN, Jakarta, Indonesia


Indonesia has the potential to develop biomass, such as MSW and wood pellets, as a source Received 14 November 2022
of energy. Syngas from biomass gasification can be used as fuel for dual-fuel diesel engines Revised 18 May 2023
in order to transition energy. We investigated the gasification of MSW and wood pellets Accepted 5 June 2023
using a downdraft reactor with a capacity of 130–144 kg in order to determine the proper-
ties of the produced syngas for use in dual-fuel syngas diesel engines. Four days are dedi- Biomass gasification; carbon
cated to the process of preheating biomass with sunlight. The experiment was designed conversion efficiency; cold
with an equivalent ratio of 0.22 and an oxidation zone temperature between 700 and 900 gas efficiency; MSW;
degrees Celsius. According to the experimental results, the average lower heating value of sunlight heated; wood
syngas produced by the air gasification of MSW biomass was 5.85 MJ/Nm3, the cold gas effi- pellets
ciency was 56.6%, and the carbon conversion efficiency was 94.77%. The average lower
heating value from wood pellet biomass air gasification was 5.95 MJ/Nm3, the cold gas effi-
ciency was 67.7%, and the carbon conversion efficiency was 94.28%. Solar heating of bio-
mass has been shown to increase the calorific value of biomass gasification to syngas.

1. Introduction technology and 5% is gasification (Primadita,

Kumara, & Ariastina, 2020). Biomass gasification gen-
Immediate energy requirements are satisfied by fossil
erates syngas, which can be utilized as a fuel for gas
fuels, particularly coal, petroleum, and natural gas.
turbines and combined cycles. Dual-fuel diesel
Increasing demand for fossil energy, diminishing fos-
engines can decrease diesel consumption by 44–
sil energy reserves, environmental concerns, and
60% (Sudarmanta, 2010). Consequently, further
reduction objectives for carbon emissions. The
exploration of the use of gasified syngas as a sec-
Indonesian government’s participation in the Paris
ondary fuel for diesel engines is warranted.
Agreement has facilitated the shift to new and
Gases such carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide
renewable energy (BPPT, 2021). Solar, wind, geother-
(CO2), hydrogen (H2), methane (CH4), unburned car-
mal, and biomass are some of the new and renew- bon (unburned C), and light hydrocarbons (LHC) are
able energy sources that are being developed produced during the thermal decomposition of solid
extensively for the energy transition (Situmorang, biomass in the process of biomass gasification (Puig-
Zhao, Yoshida, Abudula, & Guan, 2020). In Indonesia, Arnavat, Bruno, & Coronas, 2010). The syngas com-
the government encourages the use of a new position is highly sensitive to the kind of feedstock
renewable energy mix to reach 23% of total usage (biomass), gasification technology, and operating
by 2025 and 31% of primary energy requirements by parameters (Molino, Larocca, Chianese, & Musmarra,
2050 (DEN, 2019). According to Ariffin et al. (2017), 2018). Updraft gasifiers, downdraft gasifiers, and flu-
biomass is the only renewable energy source cap- idized bed gasifiers are the three most popular types
able of meeting about 9% of the world’s primary of gasification reactors (Susastriawan, Purwanto, &
energy demand (Sharma, Sharma, Pulla, & Sahoo, Purnomo, 2021). The commercial gasification process
2020). Oil palm kernel (33%), MSW (32%), agricultural utilizes 75% downdraft gasifiers, 20% fluidized beds,
waste (24%), and wood (11%) are examples of bio- 2.5% updraft, and 2.5% alternative variants (Ruiz,
mass that have the potential to be utilized as a Juarez, Morales, Mun ~oz, & Mendıvil, 2013). Because
source of electrical energy. In the meantime, 82% of of its low tar content and ease of operation, down-
the most widely utilized technology is co-firing draft gasifier reactor technology is frequently utilized

CONTACT Prayudi Suparmin Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institut Teknologi PLN Jakarta, 11750, Indonesia.
ß 2023 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group on behalf of the University of Bahrain.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The terms on which this article has been published allow
the posting of the Accepted Manuscript in a repository by the author(s) or with their consent.

for heating and small to medium-scale thermal gen- by 23% (Patra & Sheth, 2015). Downdraft gasification
eration (Saleh, Sudarmanta, Fansuri, & Muraza, 2020). of walnut shells with HHV feedstock of 16.72 MJ/kg,
Low efficiency is a disadvantage of using a down- calorific value of syngas of 7.30 MJ/Nm3, maximum
draft reactor, and it is difficult to produce syngas diesel consumption of 58.18% with a 3.46 kW diesel
when the moisture and ash level are high (Patra & engine (Sharma & Kaushal, 2020). The calorific con-
Sheth, 2015). Adding heated air is a great technique tent of the producing gas effects the diesel power
to improve gasifier performance (Susastriawan, plant’s specific fuel consumption (SFC), according to
Saptoadi, & Purnomo, 2017), furthermore, a tar-clean- the review article above. Depending on the type of
ing reactor can advantage from integrated gasifica- biomass, diesel consumption can be reduced by 44–
tion, cooling, and cleaning operations (Heidenreich & 60% with an HHV feedstock value of 4–7.30 MJ/kg.
Foscolo, 2015). The reactor gasifier, cyclone, water Biomass is characterized by its low density and
scrubber (refinery and cooling unit), and dry filter calorific value, as well as its high proportions of fixed
can all be combined into a single gasification reactor carbon, volatile matter, and low ash content. Around
unit to accomplish this. Small and medium-sized 75–85% of the stuff produced by biomass is volatile,
thermal power plants can benefit from throatless whereas the rest consists of fixed carbon and ash. At
downdraft gasifier technology since it is simple in least 16% of the fixed carbon in biomass is utilized
concept, production, and evaluation (Susastriawan as an energy source (Basu, 2013). Carbon (C), oxygen
et al., 2017). (O), hydrogen (H), sulfur (S), nitrogen (N), and ash all
In accordance with the National Energy General influence the calorific value of feedstock. The greater
Plan (RUEN), one of the energy transition program the amounts of C, H, and S and the lower the levels
implementations in Indonesia is the conversion of of O and ash, the higher the calorific value of the
diesel power plants to dual-fuel diesel-syngas power feedstock (Channiwala & Parikh, 2002). Torrefaction,
plants. Some study indicates that diesel engines can carbonization, and densification are all ways to
use gasified syngas with a downdraft reactor as a increase the density and calorific value of feedstock.
dual-fuel fuel. Have demonstrated a downdraft High-quality biomass solid fuel can be made through
reactor gasification efficiency of around 80% and a densification and torrefaction at temperatures
gas producer calorific value of 4.5 MJ/kg. In addition, between 200 and 300  C. The process leads to a
syngas can lower fuel consumption by 75% and can decrease in moisture levels, an increase in O/C and a
be used to measure the program’s potential for suc- decrease in H/C ratios, and a rise in fixed carbon
cess (Susastriawan et al., 2017). According to the content. When carbon is present, the oxygen con-
results of reactor downdraft gasification, pine wood sumption drops, leading to higher rates of cold gas
pellets contain more carbon monoxide (CO), hydro- efficiency (CGE) and carbon conversion efficiency
gen (H2), and methane (CH4) than pine chips do. The (CCE) during gasification (Chen et al., 2018; Chen,
cold gas efficiency (CGE) of pine wood pellets was Peng, & Bi, 2015; Ding et al., 2018; Umeda,
90% at an ER of 0.27 at a temperature of 850-950  C. Nakamura, Lu, & Yoshikawa, 2019). Valuable gases
Pinecone gasification at an ER of 0.28 and tempera- with a CGE of 72–77% and a calorific value of 4.8–
ture of 900–950  C resulted in a CGE of 78% (Aydin, 5.8 MJ/kg are produced during the gasification and
Yucel, & Sadikoglu, 2019). Using various ER and hot torrefaction of wood pellets (Dudyn ski, Van Dyk,
air temperatures, the best parameters for the gasifi- Kwiatkowski, & Sosnowska, 2015).
cation of MSW pellets in downdraft gasifier reactors The majority of processed wood and municipal
were obtained by through experimentation. Thus, a solid waste (MSW) biomass still has a substantial
syngas with a lower heating value (LHV) of 5254 to amount of moisture. Thus, biomass must be dried
5976 MJ/kg was produced (Saleh, Sudarmanta, before being gasified (Nyakuma et al., 2023). By
Fansuri, & Muraza, 2019). decreasing the oxygen to carbon (O/C) and hydro-
Biomass gasification of switchgrass with a feed- gen to carbon (H/C) ratios and raising the calorific
stock LHV of 16.49 MJ/kg, ER of 0.2, and temperature value of feedstock through carbonization at temper-
of 800–900  C produced syngas with a high heating atures between 200 and 300  C, the HHV of syngas,
value (HHV) of 6.47 MJ/Nm3, with a maximum syngas CGE, and CCE are increased (Chen et al., 2015, 2018;
output of 5 kW from a 10-kW power plant (Indrawan, Ding et al., 2018; Dudyn  ski et al., 2015; Umeda et al.,
Thapa, Bhoi, Huhnke, & Kumar, 2017). The gasifica- 2019). Indonesia is not a suitable option for carbon-
tion of MSW feedstock pellets with an HHV of ization due to its tropical location, abundant sun-
13.84 MJ/kg at an ER of 0.20 can replace 44% of light, and vast number of rural areas. It is possible to
diesel consumption (Sudarmanta, Sampurno, boost the physical, chemical, thermal, and calorific
Dwiyantoro, Gemilang, & Putra, 2019). Wood pellet value of biomass by preheating it. Sunshine can be
gasification with a downdraft gasifier and a syngas used as a source of preheating. To reduce or elimin-
LHV of 4.76 MJ/Nm3 can reduce diesel consumption ate the moisture content of biomass, a pre-treatment

Figure 1. The manufacturing process of MSW pellets (a) MSW sorting, waste selection to the type of organic waste and non-
organic waste (b) bio-drying by utilizing microorganisms in the bio-activator, (c) chopping process with cutting machine, (d)
making MSW pellets.

method was developed (Nyakuma et al., 2023). and acacia are examples of hardwoods (Acacia auric-
According to the existing review literature, there is uliformis). The species of softwood used for sengon
no pretreatment process for drying biomass using (Paraserianthes falcataria). Teak sawdust (T. grandis)
sunlight. Using a solar shell, sunlight is commonly has a density of 0.72 to 0.82 (g/cm)3 and a calorific
utilized in the pyrolysis process (Rahman, Parvej, & value of 4,888.81 cal/g, while acacia wood (A. auricu-
Aziz, 2021; Rajendran et al., 2021). As an alternative liformis) has a density of 0.71 to 0.79 (g/cm)3, sengon
to carbonization, solar pretreatment can minimize wood (paraserianthes falcataria) density 0.58  0.66
moisture and volatile matter while enhancing fixed (g/cm)3 with calorific value (3726.08–4003.84) cal/g.
carbon. The raw material for MSW pellets was urban
This is the first of two research investigated the waste collected from the Institut Teknologi PLN cam-
use of biomass pellets made from wood and MSW pus. MSW pellets were made in four stages, as
to generate syngas for remote dual-fuel power shown in Figure 1. In Figure 1(a), the first stage of
plants. Here, we report the potential features of syn- waste selection, urban waste was separated accord-
gas produced by the gasification of wood and MSW ing to the type of organic waste (food waste, leaves,
pellets carbonized in sunlight for four days at tem- and wooden branches) and non-organic waste
peratures above 60  C in a 145-kg gasifier downdraft (paper and plastic). The second process is bio-drying
reactor. This reactor was created as a prototype for a by utilizing micro-organisms in the bio-activator.
program to convert diesel power plants to dual-fuel EM4 or eco enzyme is the bio-activator liquid used.
power plants with a capacity of 20 kW or more. The This concentrate is thawed at a 1:20 ratio. Organic
purpose of this section is to evaluate whether the matter decomposition will be carried out aerobically
produced syngas, CGE, and CCE have a calorific by microbes. After mixing bio-enzymes, the biomass
value that might be used to replace solar energy in is covered in plastic as part of the bio-drying proced-
diesel engines. ure. This activity generates heat, which reduces the
water content of the material. This process involved
2. Materials and methods pouring a bio-activator (bacterial) liquid that soft-
ened and shrunk the litter to 50%. All the organic
2.1. Characterization of biomass and inorganic garbage was put into an open-topped
The biomass materials used in this study were wood bamboo cage and dried using the bio-drying
pellets and MSW. One of the characteristics consid- method. The bio-drying method was performed by
ered when choosing pellets was their high density, placing the entire organic and inorganic waste into a
which can reduce health hazards for operators. bamboo cage whose top was exposed and flushed
Wood pellets are constructed from sawdust and with a bio-activator. After 5–10 days, the litter was
woodchips. Hardwood and softwood are the primary completely dry (Figure 1(b)). As a third step, we tal-
materials utilized to manufacture wood pellets. Teak lied all of the pieces by hand and with a cutting
(Tectona grandis), mahogany (Ssietenia mahagony), machine. The standard size according to SNI

Figure 2. This experimental biomass sample (a) wood pellets, (b) municipal solid waste (MSW).

Table 1. Proximate and ultimate biomass test results and reference.

Wood MSW Ref MSW Torrefaction Wood pellets Ref Wood pellets torrefaction
pellet MSW (Saleh et al., 2020) Ref (Chen et al., 2020) ski et al., 2015)
(Dudyn ski et al., 2015)
Ref (Dudyn
Proximate analysis (%wt)
Volatile matter (VM) 67.95 63.04 65.78 60.28 70 60
Fixed Carbon (FC) 24.54 18.81 20.19 8.50 19.5 34.5
Moisture 5.36 4.10 9.82 4.69 10 4.5
Ash 2.25 14.05 4.21 26.53 0.50 1.0
Ultimate analysis (% wt)
C 54.07 53.96 47.26 57.60 52.6 56.0
H 5.91 6.05 6.70 6.70 5.9 5.0
O 39.46 35.40 45.54 33.62 41.3 38.6
N 1.17 0.94 0.49 0.81 0.3 0.4
S 0.06 0.61 0.01 1.01 0.00 0.00
HHV (MJ/kg) 19.91 18.06 17.16 23.34 17.0 20.0

8961:2021 is 3–4 cm in length and 10 mm in diam- to those of wood pellets without initial treatment and
eter (Figure 1(c)). In the fourth stage, the waste was with torrefaction (Dudyn ski et al., 2015). Before bio-
mixed with an adhesive or aggregate and then mass was subjected to both proximate and ultimate
formed into pellets or briquettes. (Figure 1(d)). tests, it was sun-dried for 24 h or 4 days at 60  C to
Figure 2 shows a representative sample of wood reduce moisture and volatile matter and enhance lev-
pellets and MSW. The average length and diameter els of fixed carbon. Table 1 shows that the moisture
of wood pellets were 32 mm and 9 mm, but they content of MSW and wood pellets that have been pre-
were 35 mm and 10 mm for MSW. The biomass was heated is lower than that of MSW and wood pellets
sun-dried for 25 h prior to the proximal and ultimate that have not been preheated. In the meantime, the
testing. Using the ASTM D 5376-16 infrared and ther- ash content of MSW biomass reached above 10%,
mal conductivity detector method, the ASTM D.4239- which is one of MSW biomass’s downsides. The effect
14 sulfur content standard, and the D.3176-15 of sunshine on the levels of moisture and volatile mat-
oxygen content standard, the C, H, and N contents ter was greater than that of biomass that underwent
were examined. Proximate analysis helps detect torrefaction or carbonization, and the levels of fixed
moisture using ASTM D.3302-17, ash, volatile matter, carbon were lower, but the ash content rose.
and fixed carbon levels using ASTM D.7581-15 a
thermal gravimetric analyzer (TGA), sulfur analysis
2.2. Gasification unit set-up
with high-temperature combustion, and infrared
conversion analysis. Both proximal and ultimate anal- In this experiment, a downdraft gasifier was used as
yses were conducted in the laboratory of PT PLN the reactor. The downdraft reactor was selected for
Pusertif; the results are shown in Table 1. this gasification process due to its suitability for
The results of the proximate and ultimate tests, as small-scale plants, its simple design, high carbon
well as the calorific value of the biomass, are pre- conversion, low tar content, and comparatively low
sented in Table 1 alongside previously published bio- tar cleaning complexity requirements. Among the
mass test results. This study compared the biomass disadvantages that must be overcome during the
characteristics of proximate and final test results to gasification process are low efficiency and accept-
previously published research. The characteristics of able feedstock, the need for biomass with a low
MSW test results will be compared to those of MSW moisture content, a rather complicated starting pro-
that was not initially treated (Saleh et al., 2020) and cedure, and temperature control (Molino, Chianese,
MSW that was torrefied (Chen et al., 2020). The charac- & Musmarra, 2016). Figure 3 depicts the facilities of
teristics of wood pellets test results will be compared Institut Teknologi PLN of Technology’s Biomass and

Figure 3. Sketch of biomass gasification reactor facility at the gasification Laboratory and MSW Faculty of Energy Technology
and Business, Institut Teknologi PLN, Jakarta.

Table 2. Summary of gasification operating parameters. of charcoal was burned on the outskirts of the reactor.
Operating parameters After 15–30 min, coal containing charcoal was intro-
Air flow rate (Nm3/h) 180–220 duced to the reactor. As the oxidation zone tempera-
Temperature T1 ( C) 144–167
Temperature T2 ( C) 389–416 ture hit 300  C, the biomass was fed into the reactor
Temperature T3 ( C) 629–920 progressively until its volume reached the maximum
Temperature T4 ( C) 391–427
Hot syngas temperature ( C) 206–240 allowed above the drying zone’s observation point, or
Cold syngas temperature ( C) 51–52 about 134 kg. Compressed air was fed into the reactor
Duration of gasification process (h) 10–13
at a rate of 180–220 liters per minute to maintain a
constant combustion process in the oxidation zone.
Waste Gasification Laboratory, Faculty of Energy Table 2 summarizes the gasification process’s oper-
Technology and Business. ational parameters. At 700, 750, 800, 850, and 900  C,
Figure 3 is a schematic depicting the major com- we took samples of syngas at various pressures and
ponent of this research test equipment, which is a temperatures. The number of trials in this study was
downdraft reactor with visible dimensions. There is a one for each sample because it was difficult to repli-
diagram with four thermocouples of type K. The gas- cate the same temperature conditions. One of the
ifier was equipped with a cleaning aid for syngas major issues and problem combustion in gasification
consisting of a cyclone, water scrubber, filter, and research is that it is difficult to control the tempera-
storage reservoir for syngas. Moreover, thermocou- ture and produce the same conditions every time. The
ples were inserted after the reactor, cyclone, water temperature of gasification is highly dependent on
scrubber, and filter. In the water scrubber, water was the combustion process in the gasifier reactor. If the
utilized as the cooling medium, while activated car- temperature is stable, the sampling method is used,
bon and wood charcoal were used as the filter’s and data collection is completed without repetition.
media. The capacity of the reactor was 150 kg, which The gas analyzer’s performance was measured using a
was anticipated to burn out in 12 h. In the reactor, a time series of test data. We utilize the highest possible
1.5 kW, 230 VAC, 50 Hz, 6.5 A compressor with a cap- reading from the gas analyzer’s tests as our data. For
acity of 220 liters per minute was installed. The this analysis, we used a Cubic Ruiyi G-3100P Gas
water scrubber was supplied with a pump that Analyzer on the gas samples.
loaded water at a rate of 50 revolutions per minute. The gas analyzer tool outputs time series data
To suction the syngas in the reactor, a suction from syngas composition testing results. Six data
blower pump with 0.25 kW of suction pump power points are obtained from the gas analyzer output
and 1000 CMH of airflow was added. data at each sampling, and the average value and
standard deviation are calculated to display the opti-
mal generated gas. Validation of measurement data
2.3. Experimental methods
was performed at ER 0.22 under five distinct tem-
The biomass was dried and stored after the humidity perature conditions. The five measurement data
was measured using an Aory Moisture Meter of type points are used to determine the mean and standard
YBG LM15, following a four-day solar heating process deviation. The validation of the average results of
that brought the material to an internal temperature syngas composition measurements at a specific ER
of 60  C. In the second phase, we made sure that (ER ¼ 0.22) is compared to the results of previous
everything was running smoothly by double-checking published research with an ER close to 0.22. The
the temperature gauge, compressor, filter, water root mean squared error (RMSE) method is used to
scrubber, and pump. For preheating, as much as 10 kg validate measurement data.

2.4. Data processing methods then recalculating it while taking into account the
correlation that Channiwala and Parikh (2002)
The ER value is defined as the ratio of the total
amount of oxygen used to the amount of stoichio-
metric oxygen (Basu, 2013): HHVf ¼ 0:3491mC þ 1:1783mH þ 0:1005mS
AFRact  0:1034mO  0:0151mN  0:0211mAC (6)
ER ¼ (1)
AFRstoich where mC, mH, mS, mO, mN, and mAC are the mass
where AFRact (kg/kg) is the actual amount of air percentages of carbon, hydrogen, sulfur, oxygen,
used in the gasification process and AFRstoich (kg/kg) nitrogen, and ash from the ultimate and proximate
is calculated by using Eq. (2) (Basu, 2013): analyses. The LHVf value of the feedstock was calcu-
AFRstoich ¼ 0:1153 C þ 0:3434ðH–0:125 OÞ þ 0:0434 S
lated using the following equation shown below
(Basu, 2013):
9mH mC
The percentages of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and LHVf ¼ HHVf  hg þ (7)
100 100
sulfur determined from the ultimate analysis are C, H,
O, and S, respectively. Using the method outlined by where hg is the steam’s latent heat (2.26 MJ/kg). The
Homdoung, Dussadee, Sasujit, Kiatsiriroat, and lower calorific value of LHV syngas was calculated
Tippayawong (2019), the gas producer rate (Nm3/h) using Equation for LHVg (MJ/Nm3) (8) (Kurkela,
can be estimated from the nitrogen balance. Kurkela, & Ilkka, 2014):

0:79  Qa LHVg ¼ 0:12622 CO þ 0:10788 H2 þ 0:35814CH4

Qg ¼ (3)
mf  N2 % þ 0:665Cn Hm
where Qg is the yield gas rate of the producer (8)
(Nm3/kg), Qa is the air flow rate (Nm3/h), mf is the CO, H2, CH4, and CnHm are the percentages of the
biomass flow rate (kg/h), and N2% is the volume volume fractions of hydrogen, carbon monoxide,
fraction of nitrogen in the dry gas products. Carbon methane, and light hydrocarbons, respectively.
conversion efficiency (gC) is computed as the total of
the percentage of carbon transformed into syngas
using the following formula (Erlich & Fransson, 3. Results and discussion
2011): 3.1. Effect of preheating on biomass
( 12 ) characteristics
m 28 CO% þ 12
44 CO2 % þ 16 CH4 %
gCCE ¼ 1  100% The type of biomass, particle size, moisture and ash
m_ f C%
contents, and the resulting syngas from biomass gas-
(4) ification are all factors. Pollutants like nitrogen oxide
where CO%, CO2%, and CH4% are the percentages and sulfur oxide are known to be produced from the
of gas volume in syngas and C% is the percentage sulfur and nitrogen levels in biomass (Molino et al.,
of carbon from the ultimate test. 2018). The chemical composition of the outline bio-
Cold gasification efficiency is defined as the ratio mass consists of 40–58% cellulose (C6H10O4), 10–40%
of the total amount of low calorific value of syngas hemicellulose (C5H8O5), and the rest is lignin–(27–
to the low calorific value of biomass feedstock. The 28%). Lignin consists of lignin-C (C15H14O4), lignin-O
efficiency of cold gaseous gasification (gCGE) was cal- (C20H22O10), and lignin-H (C22H28O9) (Lee, Alam, Han,
culated using the following formula Choi, & Park, 2020). Approximately four days of heat-
The efficiency of cold gasification is measured as ing influenced the properties of a sample of
the ratio of the total amount of low calorific value biomass.
syngas to the low calorific value of biomass fuel. The As can be seen in Figure 4, preheating results in
following formula was used to determine the effi- lower oxygen-to-carbon (O/C) and hydrogen-to-car-
ciency of cold gaseous gasification (gCGE ) (Umar bon (H/C) ratios than does not preheating. Low-tem-
et al., 2021): perature carbonization, as indicated, decreases the
O/C and H/C ratios, as reported by according Ding
Qg  LHVg
gCGE ¼  100 (5) et al. (2018), Dudyn ski et al. (2015), and Umeda et al.
(2019). As a result of solar preheating, the O/C and
where Qg represents the producer yield gas rate H/C ratios decreased, indicating a decrease in mois-
(Nm3/kg), LHVg represents the low calorific value of ture, oxygen, and hydrogen levels in the biomass of
the gas (MJ/Nm3), and LHVf represents the low calor- MSW and wood pellets while an increase in fixed
ific value of biomass (MJ/kg). Both the HHVf and the and molar carbon. The O/C and H/C ratios were
LHVf were determined by applying the formula and found to be in the middle ground between

Figure 4. Van Krevelen diagram of MSW, wood pellets, and reference biomass.

Figure 5. Effect of O/C ratio to higher heating value feedstock (HHVof MSW, wood pellets, and reference biomass.

untreated and treated biomass after heat treatment 2015; Saleh et al., 2020). The O/C ratio of wood pel-
with sunshine. After being heated, the oxygen to lets was more than that of MSW biomass; the calor-
carbon ratio in biomass wood pellets was 0.54:1, but ific value of HHV biomass from MSW was greater
in MSW biomass it was 0.5:1, indicating a significant than that of wood pellets and was greater than the
difference in the composition of the two biomasses. calorific value of biomass without preheating (Lee
Research from Trinh and Uemura (2019), demon- et al., 2020; Saleh et al., 2020; Sharma & Kaushal,
strates that this location of the O/C and H/C ratios 2020). This higher HHV value was confirmed by the
indicates that biomass includes a relatively high ratio results of previous studies (Dudyn  ski et al., 2015;
of cellulose and hemicellulose to lignite, and that Umeda et al., 2019). Preheating with sunlight has an
this ratio contributes to the efficient generation of effect on the low O/C ratio, which raises the HHV
syngas (Molino et al., 2018). After heating the two value of the biomass feedstock without significantly
biomasses with sunlight, the ratio of O/C ¼ 0.54, decreasing the quantities of cellulose and
H/C ¼ 1.32 for biomass wood pellets and O/C ¼ 0.50, hemicellulose.
H/C ¼ 1.35 for MSW biomass was determined. According to Eq. (6), solar preheating decreases the
However, the cellulose and hemicellulose to lignite mole fractions of oxygen and hydrogen, moisture con-
ratios were relatively high, indicating that the O/C tent, and volatile matter while increasing the carbon
and H/C ratios were still in the interval between the mole fraction and ash content, resulting in a rise in
cellulose and hemicellulose categories. As a result, the calorific value of the HHV feedstock. In this study,
heating with sunlight has no effect on the cellulose the O/C and H/C ratios were lower than those of
and hemicellulose content of MSW and wood Dudyn ski et al. (2015) and Saleh et al. (2020), in which
pellets. the biomass used in the gasification process was not
Figure 5 shows the effect of the O/C ratio to the preheated, but higher than those of Chen et al. (2020)
HHV of biomass feedstock; the higher the O/C per- and Dudyn ski et al. (2015), in which the preheating
centage is, the lower the HHV of the feedstock is, requirement for the used biomass was up to 300  C.
and vice versa (Chen et al., 2020; Dudyn ski et al., This study demonstrates that solar preheating is highly

Table 3. Reactions and their types in gasification processes (Basu, 2013).

Stage Reaction Type reaction DH (kJ/mol)
Oxidation C þ O2 ! CO2 Combustion þ394
Reduction C þ CO2 !2CO Boudouard þ172
C þ H2 O !CO þ H2 Water gas þ131
CO þ H2 O !CO2 þ H2 Water gas shift 41
CH4 þ CO2 !2CO þ 2H2 Methane dry reforming þ247
CH4 þ H2 O !CO þ 3H2 Methane steam formation þ206
C þ 2H2 !CH4 Methane formation 75

increases, the concentration of CO gas increases, the

concentration of CO2 tends to decrease, and H2 and
CH4 reach their maximum concentrations at a given
temperature (Atnaw, Sulaiman, & Yusup, 2013). As
indicated in Table 3, the gasification gas formation
complex can normally be characterized as a succes-
sion of processes (Chen et al., 2015; Saleh et al.,
2020). CO2 gas formation occurs in the combustion
and reduction zones of the water gas reaction shift,
which happens between 700 and 900  C, whereas
CO, H2, and CH4 formation occurs in the reduction
zone, when temperatures rise over 850  C.
According to Table 3, if the temperature in the
gasification reactor rises, the interaction between
carbon and oxygen in the oxidation zone, the reac-
tion between carbon and carbon dioxide gas, and
the interaction between carbon and water vapor in
the reduction process will increase hydrogen gas
and carbon monoxide production. In a similar man-
ner, in the reduction zone, the reactions between
Figure 6. The effect of reactor gasifier temperature on gas methane and carbon dioxide and methane and
composition results in air gasification with biomass from (a) water vapor create CO and H2 gases. At tempera-
MSW and (b) wood pellets at ER ¼ 0.22. tures above 850  C, hydrogen and carbon dioxide
gas formation predominated, whereas carbon diox-
ide formation predominated at lower temperatures.
effective at reducing the O/C and H/C ratios, moisture As the gasifier temperature grew between 700 and
content, volatile matter, and increasing the value of 950  C, the volume of carbon dioxide generation
fixed carbon. Biomass gasification has the ability to tended to decrease. At increasing temperatures,
raise the calorific value of syngas by increasing the cal- methane gas production reduces (Aydin et al., 2019).
orific value of the feedstock. This occurs as a result of These combustible gases are advantageous as dual
alterations in the composition of CO, CH4, and H2 fuels in diesel engines or engine gases (Chen et al.,
gases, those characteristics of biomass (Table 1) influ- 2020; Sudarmanta, 2010; Sudarmanta et al., 2019).
ence the calorific value and yield of syngas. These Figure 6 shows the characteristics of biomass gas-
results are relevant to the correlation founded by Chen ification gas consisting of CO, CO2, CH4, and H2
et al. (2020), Nimmanterdwong, Chalermsinsuwan, and gases without N2 content and water vapor at tem-
Piumsomboon (2020) and Subramanian, Sampathrajan, peratures of 700  C, 750  C, 800  C, 850  C, and
and Venkatachalam (2011). Finally, it has the potential 900  C at ER ¼ 0.22 using biomass as (a) MSW and
to be used as a diesel fuel substitute in dual-fuel syn- (b) wood pellets. The composition of gases resulting
gas diesel engines substitution. from air gasification was very different, and the char-
acteristics of the feedstock strongly influenced the
composition of H2 and CO2 gases. The gas compos-
3.2. Effect of temperature on the composition of ition obtained from the gasification of MSW biomass
gasification results
varied from 24.15–27.57%, 15.79–8.89%, 3.35–3.97%,
Gasifier temperature is a crucial variable in the air- and 9.98–13.10% for CO, CO2, CH4, and H2, respect-
based gasification process (Sidek, Abdul Samad, & ively. The gas composition obtained from wood pel-
Saleh, 2020). The temperature of the oxidation zone let biomass was 20.89–24.98%, 16.74–18.43%, 3.61–
has an effect on the concentrations of CO, CO2, CH4, 3.89%, and 14.30–16.91% for CO, CO2, CH4, and H2,
and H2 produced by gasification. If the temperature respectively. In the gases resulting from biomass

gasification for both feedstocks, when the tempera- deviation of gasification measurement resulted in
ture rose, the gas composition of CO and H2 rose, the highest MSW biomass in carbon dioxide gas
CO2 tended to decrease, and CH4 was relatively con- composition and the highest wood pellet biomass in
stant. This increase in the gas compositions of CO nitrogen gas. The average gasification gas produc-
and H2 jika temperature naik ini was consistent with tion composition for MSW syngas biomass is similar
the results of previous studies (Atnaw, Kueh, & to the research results of Saleh et al. (2020). The
Sulaiman, 2014; Calı et al., 2020; Ependi, Saleh, & average deviation is RMSE 4240, which is less than
Sudarmanta, 2019; Pio & Tarelho, 2020; Rupesh, 10%. When compared to the results of Dudyn ski
Muraleedharan, & Arun, 2015; Umar et al., 2021). The et al. (2015), gasification with wood pellet biomass
oxidation and reduction zone reactions explain the yields syngas that is close to biomass with pre-treat-
increase in CO and H2 gases and the reduction in ment. The average deviation error (RMSE 7053) is
CO2 concentrations owing to the temperature less than 10%.
increase. Based on an average of the gas composition, the
If the temperature rises, the volume of CO2 and MSW biomass gasification product contained more
CH4 gases will decrease, while the volume of CO and carbon monoxide gas than wood pellets. Wood pel-
H2 gases will increase. This statement can be justi- let biomass gasification produced significantly more
fied from the correlation developed by Pio and CO2, CH4, and H2 with a lower MSW gas percentage.
Tarelho (2020): MSW biomass had lower O/C and H/C ratios than
wood pellets. The effect of O/C and H/C on the
CO ¼ 6:7089 þ 0:0808T  47:7011 ER, R2 ¼ 0:79 increase in gas composition H2 can be justified from
(9) the correlation of Nimmanterdwong et al. (2020)
CH4 ¼ 5:6700  0:0056T  2:9181 ER, R ¼ 0:81
H2 ¼ 0:118 þ 0:117 FC þ 0:117 VM
 0:001 Ash  0:119 C  0:104 H
H2 ¼ 30:2562 þ 0:0082 T  49:5471 ER, R ¼ 0:93
(11)  0:12 N þ 0:009 þ 0:029
Another justification can be using developed cor-
relations by Rupesh et al. (2015): While the effect of H/C on the concentration of
CO and CO2 gas volumes can be justified using the
H2 ¼ 5:7990 þ 0:0163 T  39:1000 ER correlation of Buragohain, Mahanta, and Moholkar
þ 1:7577 SBR, R2 ¼ 0:86 (2012)
CO ¼ 0:5334 þ 0:0272 T  39:5014 ER CO ¼ 1:56  103 T 0:636 ðERÞ
ðH=CÞ0:611 (17)
 3:8870 SBR, R ¼ 0:91
2 6
CO2 ¼ 1:917  10 T þ 0:316ER þ 0:0137ðH=C Þ
CH4 ¼ 17:8320  0:0088 T  13:9551 ER (18)
 0:2912 SBR, R2 ¼ 0:79 According to Eq. (16), the H2 concentration of
CO2 ¼ 37:4687  0:0216 T þ 7:6406 ER wood pellets is greater than MSW because the ratio
þ 2:7377 SBR, R2 ¼ 0:87 of O/C and H/C of wood pellets biomass is greater
than MSW. Meanwhile, a high H/C ratio will increase
According to Eqs. (9)–(15), under constant T con- the concentration of lower CO volume and higher
ditions, as the amount of air injected into the reactor CO2 concentration, according to Eqs. (17) and (18).
increases, perfect combustion occurs. The volume of Results of MSW gasification at 700  C and 900  C
CO2 gas increases while the volume of H2, CO, and showed considerable differences from the norms for
CH4 gases decreases. If the ER is kept constant less CO, CO2, and CH4 gases, whereas variances for CH4
than one, there is no combustion of the sprinkle dur- gases were minimal. Gasification results using MSW
ing the gasification process. As the temperature biomass indicated only significant variations in CO
rises, the oxidation process produces a large amount gas, suggesting that this was the only gas that was
of carbon, resulting in more CO and H2 gas being significantly affected by the increase in gasification
formed during the reduction process than CO2 and temperature (Table 3). Understanding how syngas is
CH4 gases. created during biomass gasification relies heavily on
According to Figure 6 and the correlation of Eqs. this interaction. As CO and H2 gas generation are
(9)–(15), the ER temperature effects the composition more prominent at temperatures above 850  C, the
of the syngas yield in addition to the ER tempera- concentration of these gases tends to increase, while
ture. Table 4 compares the mean and standard devi- the concentration of CO2 tends to decrease. The
ation of measurement results at ER ¼ 0.22 to gases produced from biomass gasification are influ-
published results from the study. The standard enced by the gasifier’s temperature because of the

Table 4. Comparison of experimental (ER ¼ 0.22) and published (ER ¼ 0.20) results from other studies.
Biomass MSW Wood pellets MSW ref. Wood pellets ref.
standard standard Saleh Chen Dudyn ski Dudyn ski
Component average deviation average deviation et al. (2020) et al. (2020) et al. (2015) et al. (2015)
CO (%) 25.764 1.288 22.954 1.876 19.5 32 29.9 29
CO2 (%) 12.156 2.733 17.416 0.710 14.5 32.5 4.7 6.7
CH4 (%) 3.656 0.231 3.738 0.136 2.1 4 1.9 2.4
H2 (%) 11.982 1.302 15.910 1.034 11 23 7.8 10.8
N2 (%) 46.436 0.378 39.966 2.133 52.9 8.5 53.2 48.3
RMSE 4.240 20.067 9.531 7.053

3.3. Effect of temperature on LHV and

production rate of syngas
Biomass conversion is a significant parameter in the
gasification process; it is defined by the proportion of
feedstock converted to gas producer. The LHV and
yield of the gas production might be utilized as an
indicator. As volatile matter increases, volatile matter
and carbon are essential in producing gas output.
The gas yield increases according to the gasification
temperature (Umar et al., 2021). The calorific LHV of
syngas is determined by the concentration of gases
produced from biomass gasification, particularly CO,
H2, and CH4. The airflow rate simultaneously impacts
the yield rate of producing gases, the feedstock flow
rate, and the nitrogen mass balance. The value of the
yield gas is determined by the homogeneous, hetero-
geneous, exothermic, and endothermic chemical
reactions that occur in the gasification zone. Hence,
the rate of producer gas production is indirectly
Figure 7. Effect of reactor temperature on LHV and gas out- dependent on the gas concentration produced by
put (Qg) using biomass from (a) MSW and (b) wood pellets biomass gasification. Gasification cannot be central-
at ER ¼ 0.22. ized since gas output is dependent on various diffi-
cult-to-control characteristics, including as the ER,
carbon processes that take place in the oxidation temperature, pressure, reactor design, and gasifica-
and reduction zones. tion process duration.
This study’s results for CO, H2, and CH4 gas gen- Figure 7 shows the impact of gasifier temperature
eration were higher than those of prior research on syngas calorific LHV and producer gas yield rate
that did not involve preheating of biomass (Ependi for the gasification process with biomass from (a)
MSW and (b) wood pellets. The LHV of syngas gasi-
et al., 2019), but lower than those of Chen et al.
fied from MSW increased from 5.32 MJ/Nm3 at
(2020) due to the influence of preheating.
700  C to 6.18 MJ/Nm3 at 900  C, with an average of
Gasification of biomass wood pellets, however,
5.85 MJ/Nm3. It increased from 5.47 MJ/Nm3 at
yielded various outcomes. Research into gasification
700  C to 6.26 MJ/Nm3 at 900  C for wood pellets,
with wood pellets and torrefaction treatment
with an average of 5.95 MJ/Nm3. The LHV of syngas
reportedly did not yield noticeably different gas
from wood pellets increased significantly from
producers (Dudyn ski et al., 2015). While the H2 and
700  C to 850  C, which can be attributed to a
CH4 concentrations in the syngas were higher than decrease in CO2 concentration and an increase in
in Dudyn ski et al. (2015), the CO concentrations
CO and CH4 concentrations, whereas the efficacy of
were lower in this study due to preheating. These syngas from MSW was not significant. The tempera-
results suggest that preheating with sunlight is ture effect on LHV can be justified by the correlation
more efficient in increasing the composition of syn- of research results from Ariffin, Wan Mahmood,
gas when using MSW biomass as opposed to wood Mohamed, and Mohd Nor (2016), Pio and Tarelho
pellets. Previous research have shown that as tem- (2020) and Rupesh, Muraleedharan, and Arun (2020),
perature increases and the H/C ratio drops, CO gas are:
increases and CO2 declines (Erlich & Fransson, 2011;
Saleh et al., 2020), and this conclusion is supported
LHV ¼ 0:0014T þ 0:9495, R2 ¼ 0:9202 (19)
by these results.

LHV ¼ 0:006549T  12:4161ER þ 4:339622, reported by Sharma et al. (2020) at ER ¼ 0.2, but lower
(20) when gasified at ER ¼ 0.34. Thus, in addition to tem-
R2 ¼ 0:85
perature, the ER factor influences the amount of gas
LHV ¼ 5:09 þ 0:00574T  11:1ER  0:600 SBR,
yield. The influence of ER and temperature on character-
R2 ¼ 0:92 istics on gas yield can be justified by Pio & Tarelho,
(21) 2020):
According to Eqs. (19)–(21) with constant ER, if Qa ¼ 0:001246T þ 3:400375 ER þ 0:31634, R2 ¼ 0:62
the temperature increases, so LHV will also increase. (23)
LHV is affected by factors than temperature and ER.
At constant ER, the gas yield increases as the tem-
There are other correlations that can be explored;
examples from Buragohain et al. (2012) are: perature rises, according to Eq. (23). This is the case
with biomass wood pellet gasification (Figure 7(b)).
LHV ¼ 0:936T 0:114  ER0:796  ðH=CÞ0:142 (22) Such cases do not occur in MSW gasification. This is
The average LHV of syngas from wood pellets possible because of the particle size factor men-
was higher than that of MSW, which can be tioned by Kumari and Mohanty (2022).
explained by the wood pellets’ H2/CO ratio of 0.48, When comparing the influence of heating with sun-
which was higher than that of MSW at 0.46. shine, the LHV of syngas with MSW biomass without
According to the research results of Hu et al. (2019), pretreatment was 3.96–4.6 MJ/kg (Lee et al., 2020; Saleh
the effect of the H2/CO ratio can be justified because et al., 2020), but the LHV in this study was between
the higher the H2/CO ratio, the higher the LHV value. 5.32–6.18 MJ/Nm3 due to the impact of preheating with
The average concentration of CH4 is the second sunlight. Similarly, the LHV of syngas gasification from
influencing factor, as the gasification of wood pellets wood pellets biomass without torrefaction treatment
was greater than that of MSW. According to the obtained by Chen et al. (2020) was 5.60 MJ/Nm3, which
feedstock characteristics of the proximate test is lower than the 5.79 MJ/Nm3 obtained when using a
results, the percentage of volatile matter and fixed torrefaction treatment, whereas the LHV obtained in this
carbon in wood pellets was higher than in MSW, study ranged from 5.47 to 6.26 MJ/Nm3. The LHV of syn-
and the content of CH4 and H2 in wood pellets was gas increased as a result of the rise in gasifier tempera-
higher than in MSW. These two factors explain why ture and the initial computation of the warming of
syngas from wood pellets had a higher average LHV potential solar radiation. Solar heating improved the
than MSW. According to Eq. (22), the factor that LHV of syngas gasification relative to no preheating,
causes LHV wood pellets to be higher than MSW is a which is consistent with the findings of prior research
lower H/C ratio of wood pellets than MSW (Figure 4), by Lee et al. (2020) and Saleh et al. (2020). Hence, the
indicating that the impact of LHV is greater. In com- amount of LHV in syngas grew as a result of the
parison to previous studies, the average LHV of syn- increasing temperature of the gasifier and the early esti-
gas from MSW was higher than that reported by mation of the warming of the sun’s influencing rays.
Noma et al. (2012), and comparable to the results of Solar preheating of biomass has the potential to be
Saleh et al. (2019). At ER ¼ 0.3, the LHV of syngas used in Indonesia, particularly in the most distant,
from wood pellets was similar to that obtained by remote, and isolated regions of the gasification process.
Erlich and Fransson (2011), Dudyn ski et al. (2015), A possible increase in the LHV of syngas gasification
and Umeda et al. (2019) at 300  C. Furthermore, at may already be able to replace diesel fuel. Thus, we
ER 0.2, the average gas yield of MSW and wood pel- propose that this technique can be utilized to feed a
lets was similar to that reported by Lee et al. (2020). dual-fuel diesel engine that utilizes syngas. The lower
According to Figure 7, the gas yield from gasification average gas production of MSW biomass gasification
of MSW biomass increased from 1.91 Nm3/kg to producers compared to wood pellets can be explained
1.94 Nm3/kg before falling to 1.91 Nm3/kg at 900  C, by the lower sodium content of wood pellets (39.97%
with an average of 1.92 Nm3/kg. Yield gas gasification vol) compared to MSW gasification gas (46.44% vol) on
with wood pellet biomass increased from 1.92 Nm3/kg average (39.97% vol).
to 2.16 Nm3/kg, with an average of 2.05 Nm3/kg. LHV of
syngas was used for gasification with MSW feedstock
3.4. Effect of temperature on cold gas efficiency
and wood pellets as the temperature rose. Meanwhile,
and carbon conversion
at 750–800  C, gas yield producers have a maximum
MSW for gasification. As the temperature increased, so In addition to the LHV and gas yield, CGE and CCE
did the producer’s yield gas for gasification with wood are essential parameters for gasification. CGE refers
pellets. The average gas yield from biomass wood pellet to the first law of thermodynamics as the ratio of
gasification is higher than the average gas yield from energy output to input energy. The CGE can be cal-
MSW gasification. This gas yield is higher than that culated from the ratio of the mass rate of the syngas

product and the lower heating value of the gas to

the feedstock’s mass rate and lower heating value,
as shown in Equation (5). Therefore, CGE is deter-
mined by the energy conversion performance during
the gasification process. The CCE is also one of the
measuring tools for the success of the mass conver-
sion process in biomass gasification, which converts
solid fuels into fuel-capable gases, as shown in
Equation (4). The CCE measures and identifies the
amount of unburned carbon and tar as part of
the gasification product. It can be determined from
the amount of carbon in the feedstock that can be
converted into a gas scanned from carbon monox-
ide, carbon dioxide, and methane gas volume.
According to the research results of Lee et al. (2020),
CGE is greater than 80% and CCE ranges from 60-
84%. According to the research results of Atnaw
et al. (2013), when ER rises, CGE decreases and CCE
rises. The following correlations show the effect of
temperature and ER on CGE and CCE: Ariffin et al. Figure 8. The effect of reactor temperature on cold gas effi-
(2016), Pio and Tarelho (2020), and Nemmour, Inayat, ciency (CGE) and carbon conversion efficiency (CCE) with
Janajreh, and Ghenai (2022), each of them is: biomass from (a) municipal solid waste (MSW), (b) wood pel-
lets at ER ¼ 0.22.
CGE ¼ 0:1214T  28:566, R2 ¼ 0:8856 (24)
CGE ¼ 0:12096T  59:3921 ER þ 0:916735, R ¼ 0:71
pellets, the oxidation zone should be controlled to
(25) keep the temperature below 1000  C.
CCE ¼ 0:093148T þ 52:28168 ER þ 5:5825185, R2 This result with MSW biomass is confirmed by the
results of Ariffin et al. (2016) and Pio and Tarelho
¼ 0:70
(2020), which indicate that as the temperature rises,
(26) CCE and CGE similarly increase. The results of CCE gas-
CCE ¼ 89:33 þ 9:62T þ 15:75ER  8:62 T  ER ification with biomass wood pellets differ from those
 7:55T 2  8:09ðERÞ2 (27) presented by Pio and Tarelho (2020), but CCE wood
pellets can be justified by research results from
Figure 8 shows the impact of gasifier reactor oxi- (Nemmour et al., 2022). T ¼ 838  C, ER ¼ 0.45 is the
dation zone temperature on CGE and CCE with bio- optimization point of Eq. (27). If the temperature rises
mass from (a) MSW and (b) wood pellets at an ER of above 838  C at constant conditions ER ¼ 0.22, the CCE
0.22. Figure 8(a) shows that as the temperature tends to fall. The average CGE of MSW was 56.6%, and
increased, the CGE gasification for MSW biomass the CGE of wood pellets was 67.9%, yielding results
increased from 51.15% at 700  C to 59.23% at 900  C, that were similar to those of Atnaw et al. (2013); Erlich
yielding an average CGE of 56.60%. Meanwhile, the and Fransson (2011) at ER ¼ 0.36. The CGE results of
CCE dropped from 94.78% at 700  C to 94.68% at this study are also similar to those of Lee et al. (2020),
750  C, then increased to 84.87% at 900  C, with the specifically at ER ¼ 0.2. This study’s CGE will be higher
average CCE remaining at 94.77%. Figure 8(b) shows than that of (Ding et al., 2018; Umeda et al., 2019), but
that the CGE and CCE of wood pellets increased lower than that of Aydin et al. (2019); Calı et al. (2020),
with increasing temperature, from 58.05% at 700  C where CGE reached 80%. When compared to published
to 75.00% at 900  C. Wood pellets, on the other research results, the results of this study were relatively
hand, had an average CGE of 67.90%. At 900  C, the similar to the results of Atnaw et al. (2013); Dudyn ski
CCE of wood pellet gasification decreased from et al. (2015) at ER ¼ 0.36, where the carbon conversion
94.88% to 93.77%, while the average CCE was was above 90.0%.
94.27%. This demonstrates that as the temperature The pre-gasification heating of biomass with sun-
of the gasification process with MSW biomass light affects the gasification efficiency, specifically CGE
increased, the amount of feedstock converted into and CCE. Compared to the results of this research, the
combustion-capable gas increased. In contrast, when CGE gasification of MSW without initial treatment per-
wood pellets were used, the amount of feedstock formed significantly better than the CCE, and the CCE
converted to gas decreased. Based on this phenom- performed significantly better than the early treat-
enon, whenever the gasification process uses wood ment (Ependi et al., 2019; Saleh et al., 2020). It

significantly increased CGE and decreased CCE com- Acknowledgments

pared to torrefaction pretreatment of MSW (Umeda
We would like to express our gratitude to the Director
et al., 2019). Compared to prior research by Chen et al. General of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education
(2020), the effect of preheating with sunshine on and Culture, the LL3 Coordinator of the Ministry of
wood pellet gasification resulted in decreased CGE Education and Culture, and Institut Teknologi PLN for the
without initial behavior, but was greater than torrefac- trust given so that this research was conducted properly.
tion as the initial treatment. However, the CCE in this
investigation was greater than that of pellets treated Author contributions
with torrefaction prior to gasification and less than
All authors contributed substantially to the manuscript.
that of pellets gasified with tapa pretreatment. Conceptualization, P.S. and H.H; methodology, P.S and
Consequently, even though the CCE was lower than R.N.; data curation, P.S, H.H., and M.R.; writing—original
that of untreated biomass, the CGE was higher after draft preparation, P.S. and H.H; writing—review and edit-
the initial heating with sun energy. ing, P.S., R.N., and H.H.; software, P.S.; validation, P.S., H.H,
and M.R.; formal analysis, P.S., R.N., and H.H.; supervision,
R.N. and M.R. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
4. Conclusions
Preheating in the sun for four days can reduce the Funding
oxygen, hydrogen, moisture, and volatile matter con-
This work was supported by Institut Teknologi PLN and
tent, increase the molar and fixed carbon contents,
the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and
and raise the HHV value of the feedstock. The gasifi- Technology (Kemendikbudristek) in the 2022 fiscal year
cation process utilises a downdraft reactor with a with the PDUPT scheme (parent contract number:
biomass capacity of 135–144 kg and an air rate of 155/ES/PG.02.00/PT/2022 and derivative contract No:
180–220 L/min at an equivalent ratio of 0.22 at tem- 385/LL3/Ak.04/2022).
peratures ranging from 700 to 900  C. The gasifica-
tion process with MSW biomass yielded gas ORCID
concentrations of 25.76% CO, 12.16% CO2, 3.66%
Prayudi Suparmin
CH4, and 11.98% H2 at a feedstock mass rate of
11.67 kg/h. Syngas had an LHV of 5.85 MJ/Nm3, a
cold gas efficiency of 56.5%, and a carbon conver- Data availability statement
sion efficiency of 94.77%. The gasification process Data are not publicly available; the data may be made
using biomass wood pellets with a feedstock mass available upon request from the corresponding author.
rate of 12.73 kg/h resulted in gas concentrations of
22.96% CO, 17.42% CO2, 3.74% CH4, and 15.91% H2. References
Syngas had an LHV of 5.95 MJ/Nm3, a cold gas effi-
Ariffin, M. A., Wan Mahmood, W. M. F., Mohamed, R., &
ciency of 67.90%, and a carbon conversion efficiency
Mohd Nor, M. T. (2016). Performance of oil palm kernel
of 94.27%. According to the findings of this study,
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